你 微笑 时 很 美 EP24 (2)
You are beautiful when you smile EP24 (2)
Eres bella cuando sonríes EP24 (2)
就 像 一个 小混蛋 一样
like a little bastard
不服 管教
I wasn't listening to anyone.
任性 肆意妄为
I was willful and arrogant.
放弃 学业
I gave up on my study.
And I ran away from my home.
你 不是 要 走 吗
Didn't you want to leave?
你 走
Leave then!
反正 你 长大 了
You're a grown-up, right?
翅膀 硬 了
You can fend for yourself now!
妈 说 什么 你 也 不会 听 的
You'll never listen to what I say!
一天到晚 就 知道 打游戏
Gaming is the only thing you know!
Playing games all day long!
我 都 说 过 你 多少次 了
How many times have I told you the same thing?
你 有 听 过 吗
Have you ever listened to me?
你 说
Tell me,
打游戏 能 有 什么 前途
will you be able to be successful just by playing games alone?
对 这个 社会 能 有 什么 贡献
What can you contribute to society?
这 是 我 喜欢 的 事
This is my passion.
我 一定 不会 放弃 的
I will never give up on it.
你 就 不能 理解 我 一下 吗
can't you try to understand me for once?
我 理解 你
You want me to understand you?
我 理解 你 什么 呀
Why should I try to understand you?
我 一个 人民 教师
I'm a teacher.
我能 教好 那么 多 孩子
I've raised so many great students out there.
我 怎么 就 教 不好 你 呢
But why can't I raise you well?
我 最后 再 问 你 一次
This is the last time I'm asking you this.
你 还 打 不 打游戏 了
Do you still want to play video games?
你 给 我 滚
你 走 了 以后
Once you leave this house,
就 再也 不要 回来
never come back!
从 我 以此 为 职业 的 那天
ever since I became a pro gamer,
我 就 告诉 自己
I told myself
不 出 成绩
that I won't return home
绝不 回家
before I make a name for myself.
我要 让 所有人 知道
I want everyone to know
并 不是 所有 违背 常规 的 都 是 错 的
that not everything is wrong if you go against the rules.
我 可以 为 我 自己 的 选择 负责
I can be responsible for my own choices.
我 知道
I know.
现实生活 中
In reality,
很多 人 不 理解 我们 的 职业
many people don't understand our occupation at all.
觉得 电 竞圈 就是 混 混日子
They think being a pro gamer is just a way for us to kill time
打打 游戏
and play video games.
和 在 网吧 没什么 区别
They think it's the same as if you're playing in a cybercafe.
大家 可能 都 只是 看到 了 直播 打赏
I guess everyone only saw the gifts they received during their live streams,
粉丝 的 疯狂
their crazy fans,
还有 那些 千万 的 年薪 奖金
and the tens of millions of bonuses they had received.
可是 我 想 问 一下
But I want to ask you this.
这 都 是 真的 吗
Are all of these actually true?
和 所有 体育项目 一样
Just like every type of sport out there,
是 所有 顶尖 选手 之间 的 对抗
is a contest of all top pro gamers in the world.
而 这些 顶尖 选手
The pressure and training
经历 的 训练 磨合 以及 抗压 能力
they endure
绝对 不比 任何 一个 体育项目 简单
are just as harsh as the other sports.
不比 他们 差
It isn't easy at all.
有 前辈 曾经 说 过
One of my seniors said this before.
我们 的 世界
He said our world
和 其它 体育项目 一样 残酷
is just as cruel as the other sports.
因为 失败 的 案例 太多太多 了
Because there are too many people who have failed.
有 天赋 的 不 一定 能够 打 得 出来
People who have talent might not be able to perform well.
打 出来 的
Those who perform well
不 一定 能够 被 人 记住
might not be remembered.
被 人 记住 了
Even if they're remembered,
不 一定 能够 有 好 的 成绩
they might not procure great results.
那些 打出 成绩 的 职业 选手
the pro gamers who had made a name for themselves
都 付出 了 比 其他人 更 多 的 努力
have put in more effort than anyone else.
他们 的 努力 决定 了 他们 的 上限
Their limit is determined by the amount of effort they put in.
就 像 各位
Just like everyone here.
做 题 背单词
You have to do mock exam questions, memorize the vocabulary,
备考 雅思 一样
and prepare yourself for the exam.
如果 你 失败 了 的话
If you fail in your career,
你 会 后悔 当初 打游戏 吗
will you regret your decision?
电子竞技 虽然 是 游戏
Although e-sports is related to gaming,
但是 它 成功 的 过程 却 不是 游戏
it isn't a game during the process where you try to prove yourself.
我 努力 过
I've tried my best.
就算 失败 了 我 也 不 后悔
I won't regret it even if I fail in my career.
青春 并 不是 用来 掩盖 错误 的 借口
Youth isn't an excuse for you to cover up for your mistake.
但是 青春 确实 只有 一次
But we only have one youth.
决定 去 做 了
If you decide to go for it,
就要 有 永不 回头 的 决心
you should never turn back.
好 同学们
Alright, everyone.
今年 的 冠军 争夺 赛 已经 开始 了
The finals will start soon.
总决赛 将 在 上海 举办
It will be held in Shanghai.
这是 一次 很大 的 荣耀
This is a glorious occasion for our university.
请 大家 一定 为 师哥 师姐 们 加油
Please remember to cheer for our seniors.
为 中国 电竞 加油
Let's cheer for our nation's e-sports scene.
加油 加油 加油
We can do it!
今阳 呢
Where's Jin Yang?
她 还 在 忙 呢
She's still busy.
那 我们 先 走 吧
Let's leave first.
你 急 什么 呀
Why are you in a hurry?
阿姨 你 太 客气 了
Auntie, you're too courteous.
林 老师 好
Hello, Ms. Lin.
毕业 的 时候
You said you didn't know
你 还 说 不 知道 什么 适合 自己
what to do after your graduation.
这 一年 时间 不到
But you've become such a great woman
你 都 这么 优秀 了
within one year.
都 被 请 回来 演讲 了
You were even invited to give a speech here.
Not at all.
这 不 都 是因为 今阳 和 艾佳 嘛
It's all because of Jin Yang and Ai Jia.
Ai Jia.
我 没想到 过 你 会 来
I didn't expect you to come here.
是 今阳 叫 我 来 的
Jin Yang was the one who asked me to come.
她 和 我 聊 了 很 久
I had a long chat with her.
关于 你
We talked about you,
关于 电竞
关于 你们 这份 事业
and your career.
我 也 以为 我 不会 来 的
I also thought that I wouldn't be here today.
是 今阳 说服 了 我
But Jin Yang persuaded me to come.
其实 直到现在
Actually, even until now,
我 还是 不 懂
I still don't understand
你们 说 的 什么 电竞 啊
the e-sports
俱乐部 啊
and club you guys are referring to.
但 有 一点 我 懂 了
But I do know something.
我 的 儿子 长大 了
I know that my son has grown up.
他 也 可以
He can
为 自己 的 人生
make the correct decision
做出 正确 的 选择 了
for his life.
我 相信
I believe
他 在 成长
that he's still growing.
他会 成功
I know he'll be successful.
我 还有 课 先 走 了
I have a lesson to attend. I'll leave now.
我 也 好久没 回 学校 了
I haven't been back to school for a long time.
要 不
Why don't you
我 陪您 转转
let me accompany you?
好 啊 好 啊
你们 去 吧 你们 去 吧
You guys can go.
我 在 这 等 你们
I'll wait here.
明天 有空 的话
If you're free tomorrow,
能 不能 回来 看 一下 你 爸
can you come and visit your father?
带上 今阳 一起
Remember to bring Jin Yang with you.
咱们 一家人 哪
Let's have a meal
一起 吃个 饭
as a family.
再说 吧
We'll see about that.
你 就 这么 忙 嘛
Are you that busy?
得 赚钱 哪 对 吧
I need to earn money, am I right?
如果 有 一天
(It would be great)
我 的 照片 也 挂 在 上面 就 美好 了
(if they hang my picture up here one day.)
(Don't rush.)
你 想要 的 都 会 有
(You'll get what you want in due time.)
爆炸 了
This is shocking!
出大 新闻 了
This is huge!
咋 了 快快 快
-What's wrong? -Hurry.
ZGDX 的 双 C 是不是 已经 好 上 了
Are the carries of Team ZGDX a couple now?
之前 就 觉得 不太对
I knew something was wrong.
身为 妹子
As a girl,
我 觉得 眼神 骗 不了 人
I knew her eyes wouldn't lie to me.
我 我 我 看 一下 看 一下
Let me take a look.
Look at this.
第一次 在 最佳 选手 采访 中
He mentioned Tong Yao for the first time
提到 童谣
during the MVP interview.
陆思诚 称赞 她 很 强
Lu Si Cheng praised her for being strong.
She's strong.
垂 着眼 眼角 柔和
With his gentle eyes
唇 边带 着 淡淡 笑意
and his calming smile.
童谣 鞋 被 小胖 踩坏
Fatty stepped on Tong Yao's shoes before.
被 陆思诚 抱 起来 的
You guys should never miss out
那张 经典 动图 必不可少
on the GIF when he carried her on their way back.
你 看 这个 还有 这个
Look at this.
你 看
两个 人 第一次 去 看 电影
They were caught by their fans when they went for
被 粉丝 抓 到
their first movie together.
童谣 仰头 看 着陆 思诚
Tong Yao was looking at Lu Si Cheng with affection.
粉丝 迅速 扒出 两人 恋情 实锤
Fans are posting evidence of their relationship.
绝 了
This is awesome.
你们 看 什么 呢
What are you guys looking at?
嘉年华 的 事 上 热 搜 了
Did the carnival make it to the top search?
不 不 不
给 你 看 照片
Let me show you the pictures.
刺激 吧
It's exciting, right?
我 我 的 妈呀
My goodness.
嘉年华 这么 好 的 事 都 不 上 热 搜
Why did this make it to the top search
这 怎么 上 了
instead of the carnival?
我们 战队 双 C 什么 时候 在 一起 了
When did the carries of our team become a couple?
本 战队 经理 表示 没 人 通知 我 啊
No one told me about it.
童谣 咋 回事 啊
Tong Yao, what's going on?
为什么 我们 战队 的 人 知道 的
Why do your teammates get to
比 竞圈 养殖场 上 的 网友 都 晚
know about this fact much later than the fans?
你们 是从 什么 时候 开始
When did you guys
偷偷摸摸 这些 小动作 的
do all of these together?
蛛丝马迹 可以 掩藏
You may be able to hide your actions,
但是 看人 的 眼神 骗 不了 人
but you cannot lie to others with your eyes.
骗 不了 人
You can't lie to us.
什么 眼神
What eyes?
网友 真的 堪比 福尔摩斯 啊
The netizens are as good as Sherlock.
下楼 要么 就是 两个 人 呢
-Come down. -So it's either
绝对 在 一起 了
they're a couple,
要么 就是 诚哥 单恋 童谣
or Brother Cheng is having a crush on Tong Yao.
Tong Yao,
我们 不敢 问诚哥
we don't dare to ask Brother Cheng.
你 快点 说
You better tell us.
已经 有 网友 打赌 要 倒立 吃翔 了 都
Some of them are making a silly bet over your relationship.
你 看 这个
Look at this.
这 是 啥
What is this?
这 只 眼睛 里面 都 快 拧 出水 来 了
Look at the watery eyes.
我 的 天 哪
My goodness.
这是 修过 吧
This must have been edited.
我 看 得 我 要 吐 了
I'm going to puke.
我要 发给 我妈 观赏 一下
I need to send it to my mom.
夏天 到 了
Summer is coming.
又 到 了 你 大儿子
It's time for your eldest son
一年一度 发春 的 季节
to yearn for companionship.
往年 他 隐藏 得 很 好
He did great at hiding his emotions all these years.
今年 大概 是 没 捂住
I guess he couldn't bear it this year...
大半夜 你们 在 吵 什么
Why are you guys making a ruckus in the middle of the night?
不让 人 睡觉 啊
I can't sleep because of you guys.
竞圈 养殖场 有人 说 你 暗恋 童谣
People in the E-Sports Farm are saying that you have a crush on Tong Yao.
明明 是 说 我们 苟合 了
They're saying that we're a couple.
不 啊
Not at all.
楼主 妹子 说 了
The netizen who posted this
从 你 的 眼神 能 看 出来 你 暗恋 童谣
said she could tell that you have a crush on Tong Yao from your eyes.
童谣 在 看 比赛
When Tong Yao was competing,
你 在 偷看 她
you were taking a peek at her.
对 啊 我 暗恋 她
Yeah, I do have a crush on her.
You guys are too free.
不 就 开个 玩笑 吗
It's just a joke.
又 没人 真 说 你们 在 一起 了
No one said that you two are a couple.
我 的 猫猫 已经 无药 可救 了
Lao Mao is hopeless.
(Don't worry.)
有 我 在
(I'm around.)
你 脑子 出去 换 一换 吧
There must be something wrong with your brain.
越过 万千 距离
[OPL 2020] ♪A thousand miles♪
好 的
现场 及 屏幕 前 的 各位 观众 朋友 们
Ladies and gentlemen,
大家 好
good evening.
这里 是 决战 平安 京
(This is the live stage of)
二零二零 全国 联赛 的 比赛 现场
(2020 OPL National Championship.)
我 是 肚兜
I'm Do Dou.
我 是 今天 的 解说 小球
I'm your commentator, Little Ball.
今天 是 CK 对战 红箭
(Today, Team CK will face Team Red Arrow)
强强 对话
(on our live stage.)
又 是 刺激 的 一场 比赛
(It's another exciting match.)
又 可以 期待 阳神 的 花式 操作 了
(We can expect great things from God Yang today.)
漩涡 中间 能否 用 你 的 解药
♪In this battle, you're the reason♪
解救 我 的 心跳
♪Only you can save me♪
时间 的 沙海
♪The sands of time♪
快 看 是 诚哥 和 童谣
Look, it's Brother Cheng and Smiling.
电竞 白蛇传 又 有 续集 了 吗
Don't tell me this is the second season of the Legend of White Snake?
为 你 复燃 的 告白
♪That spark♪
这 这个
最 怕 空气 突然 安静
♪The air is silent for a moment♪
你 这 一 唱歌
我 都 忘 了 刚才 要说 什么 了
what I wanted to say after your singing.
不过 这些 人 真的 很能 搞 事情 啊
But these people are good at creating issues.
好 尴尬 呀
This is so awkward.
你 尴尬 什么
Why do you feel awkward?
你 不是 说 你 不刷 竞圈 养殖场 的 吗
Didn't you say you don't read the posts on E-Sports Farm?
我 那
I just...
就 就是
It's just...
就是 平时 这个 解 说完 比赛 吧
(I mean I won't read the posts)
我 肯定 也 是 不会 看
(after I'm done commentating.)
就 好像 很多 选手 打输 了 比赛
(Just like how pro gamers)
也 会 把 那个 手机软件
卸载掉 一样 啊
(once they lose the match.)
怕 被 骂
(They want to avoid scorn.)
对 对 对
(You're right.)
但是 啊
如果 有 一些 不得了 的 大 新闻
(if there is huge news,)
我 还是 会 去 关注 一下 的 啊
I will read it once in a while.
毕竟 作为 一个 解说员
After all, as a commentator,
消息 也 不能 太 落后 是 吧
I mustn't be too outdated, am I right?
那 我 还 真的 是 小瞧 您 了
Seems like I've underestimated you.
关注 赛事 的 同时 啊
(At the same time...)
坐 这里 太 尴尬 了 吧
It's awkward when we're sitting over here.
以后 还 怎么 比赛 啊
How do we compete together in the future?
再忍 一忍
Just bear with it.
马上 就 开始 了
The match will begin soon.
开始 就 没人 说 了
No one will talk about us once it begins.
看来 你 还是 竞圈 养殖场
(Seems like you're a veteran)
资深 潜水 官
(of the E-Sports Farm.)
那 不是 陆思诚 吗
Isn't that Lu Si Cheng?
今天 ZGDX 也 过来 观摩 啊
Team ZGDX is here to spectate our match as well?
春季 赛 那 一幕
God Yang,
到 现在 可 都 记忆犹新 啊
what you did during the Spring Playoffs.
God Yang,
我 今天 可 得 着重 提醒 你 一下
I need to give you a reminder.
你 今天 可 得 稳住 哦
You need to hold it in today.
导播 又 是 在 搞 事情 啊
Is the cameraman trying to stir up the issue again?
最近 童谣 和 陆思诚 的 关系
Smiling's relationship with Chessman
真的 是 倍受 关注 啊
is quite the hot topic lately.
是 的
That's right.
这么 一看 两个 人颜值 还是 蛮 般配
When you look at them, they do match each other.
我 掐指一算
Let me calculate this.
今天 有 大事 发生
Something huge will happen today.
小心 一会儿 下去 的 时候 被 粉丝 打
You'll receive a beating from the fans when you leave.
摄影 大哥
你 也 跟 我 过不去 是不是
(you're trying to create trouble for me as well?)
看来 我 今天 就 不该 来
(Seems like I shouldn't have come today.)
什么 摄影 大哥 搞事 吧
What? The cameraman must be trying to create trouble.
这 导播 大哥 他 搞 什么 名 场面
What is the director up to?
但 今天 有点 特殊 啊
(But today is a special day.)
是 两位 选手
(Two of them came together.)
不 知道 他们 会 有 什么 行动
(I wonder what they will do?)
你们 在 期待 啥 呀
Why are you guys so excited?
你 笨 哪
Are you dumb?
You're so dumb.
接吻 接吻 接吻
Kiss her!
这 这 这 这 什么 情况 啊
What's going on?
你们 也 没 跟 俱乐部 报备 啊
You guys didn't tell the club beforehand.
妈 你 快 看
Mom, look!
这份 热爱 意味着
(His love for me)
我 是 被 绿 了 吗
Did he just cheat on me?
(means sacrificing everything.)
God Yang.
不至于 阳神 简阳
-God Yang. -Jian Yang.
好 了 别生气 别生气
Alright, calm down.
别气 了 别气 了 别气 了
Calm down.
在 今天 比赛 开始 之前
(Before our match began,)
我们 发现 摄影机 已经 捕捉到 了
(we realized our cameras)
ZGDX 战队 的 射手 陆思诚
(have their sights on Team ZGDX's AD, Lu Si Cheng,)
以及 中单 童谣
(and their Mid, Tong Yao.)
他们 俩 竟然 在
(They actually)
众目睽睽 之下 坦然 接吻
(kissed each other in public.)
已经 公开 了 恋情
(They've announced their relationship.)
这 一幕 令 在场 的 人 无不 惊讶 万分
[Lovely family] [What's going on?] (Everyone was shocked.)
而 坐在 比赛 台上 的 CK 打野 简阳
(And Jian Yang, Team CK's Jungler,)
更是 被 这 一幕 气到 摔 了 鼠标
(was so furious that he threw away his mouse.)
厉害 了 我 的 姐妹
My sis, you're amazing.
今天 要是 我 啊
If I were you,
我 肯定 吹 到 孙子辈 儿
I will tell this to my grandchildren.
Back then,
你 爷爷 和 你 奶奶 我
your grandfather and I
可是 在 众目睽睽 之下
kissed each other
接吻 了
in public.
被 轰炸 了
Were you attacked?
我 估计 我 爸妈
I guess
很快 就要 杀到 别墅 来 了
my parents will rush to the base camp with their bloodlust.
他们 怎么 说
What did they say?
能 怎么 说
What else can they say?
我妈 都 蒙 了
My mom was dumbfounded.
问 我 到底 是 来 打 职业 的
She asked me if I'm here to be a pro gamer
还是 出道 演 偶像剧 的
or to act in an idol drama.
还有 我 大学 四年 的 室友
And my university roommate for four years.
说 要 跟 我 绝交
She said she's going to sever her ties with me.
谁 让 你 打着 打着 游戏
Who told you to be in a relationship with the male deity
突然 跟 电 竞男神 谈上 恋爱 了
when you're here to be a pro gamer?
也 没 跟 大家 说 一声
You didn't tell anyone about it.
当然 友情 容易 出现 裂痕 啦
Of course they'll sever their ties with you.
你 还 笑
How could you laugh at me?
我该 怎么办 啊
What should I do?
什么 怎么办 啊
What should you do?
等 着 嫁入 豪门 呗
Just wait for your turn to become a rich man's wife.
或者 啊
等 着陆 太太 砸 五百万 到 你 脑门 上
wait for Mrs. Lu to give you five million yuan
让 你 离开 她 儿子
so that you'll leave her son.
我 也 不想 公布 的
I didn't want to announce it.
我 就 知道 会 被 喷成 狗
I knew I would be targeted.
万一 以后
比赛 出 了 什么 问题 怎么办 啊
What should I do
万一 我 又 被 人 打爆 了 怎么办
What if someone else defeats me?
万一 陆思诚 的 粉丝 跳楼 了 怎么办
What if the fans of Lu Si Cheng try to commit suicide?
你 谈 你 的 恋爱
Just focus on your relationship.
你 担心 别人 干吗
Forget about the others.
诚哥 爱 你 就 好 啦
As long as Brother Cheng loves you.
姐妹 也 爱 你 呦
I love you as well.
你 看 你 有 好多好多 爱
You have a lot of love.
我 被 他们 说 得 也 像 中 了 邪 一样
I am deeply influenced by them.
我 也 开始 有 一点 怀疑
I start suspecting
是不是 电 竞选 手
that pro gamers will be affected
谈恋爱 就是 影响 不好
when they're in a relationship with each other.
你们 又 不是
You guys
从 今天 才 开始 谈恋爱 的 呀
didn't fall in love with each other by today.
你们 一 开始 谈恋爱 的 时候
When you guys first were in a relationship,
也 没什么 影响 啊
it didn't affect your performance.
不 都 好好 的 吗
You guys still did great, right?
怎么 这么 好 的 男人
What? You want to let someone else steal your
让 出去
perfect boyfriend?
点 它
Attack it.
你 闭嘴
Shut up.
专心 一点
Focus on your match.
吵死 了
You're so noisy.
你 最近 是 吃 迷魂药 了 吧
You must have been bewitched lately.
Wake up!
烦死 了
You're so annoying.
我 刚刚 在 打 比赛
I was playing just now.
我 没 看到
I didn't see it.
我 说 过 不是
I told you it wasn't...
你 自己 在 那 瞎猜
You made the wrong guess on your own.
猜错 了 你 还 怪 我 啊
Why are you blaming me?
那 小姑娘
That little girl?
对 啊
那个 姑娘 就是 童谣 啊
That girl is Tong Yao.
是 是 是
人家 看着 挺 小
I know she looks young,
但是 已经 满 十八岁 成人 了
but she's over 18 years old.
不 犯法
I'm not committing a crime.
什么 刚才 什么 声音 啊
What do you mean by that sound?
我亲 了 她 啊
I just kissed her.
你 要 来 深圳
You're coming to Shenzhen?
你 来 深圳 干什么
Why are you coming to Shenzhen?
你别 吓 着 人家
Don't scare her.
什么 人家 家里 是 干什么 的
Why do you want to know what her family does for a living?
你 能 不能不要 像 个
七大姑八大姨 那样
acting like a nosey woman?
你 再 这么 无理取闹 我 挂 电话 了
If you continue this, I'll hang up on you.
是 妈 吧
that's Mom, right?
爸 也 看见 了
Dad saw it as well.
说 打 你 电话 一直 打 不通
He said you didn't pick up his call.
我哥 都 打 半天 电话 了
My brother has been on the phone for a while.
肯定 口渴 我 也 是
I'm sure he's thirsty. I'm thirsty too.
赶紧 给 我俩 一人 倒 一杯 蜂蜜水
Get both of us some honey water.
You wish!
我 可是 你 未来 小叔子
I'm your future brother-in-law.
你 现在 不 讨好 我
If you don't please me now,
将来 进门 可 不好受 哦
I'll make life difficult for you in the future.
Brother Rui,
你 干吗 呢
what are you doing?
给 童谣 看 房子 呢
I'm searching for an apartment for Tong Yao.
让 她 赶紧 搬出去
I want her to move out as soon as possible.
那 你 估计 以后 就 看不到 我哥 了
Then I guess you won't be able to see my brother in the future.
那 我 就 给 她 换个 防盗门
I'll change her door to a security door then.
你 装 一百 道门 也 没用
It's useless even if you install 100 doors for her.
那 小姑娘 会 给 我哥 开门 的
She'll still open the door for my brother.
她 会 吗
Will she?
知道 了
怎么 了
What's wrong?
我妈 非 说 要 来 深圳
My mother insists on coming to Shenzhen.
Mrs. Lu?
Here are five million yuan.
离开 我 的 儿子
Leave my son.
(Here are five million yuan.)
离开 我 的 儿子
(Leave my son.)
(What a slut.)
内涵 谁 呢
(Who are you referring to?)
臭 不要脸
打 职业 还是 找 男朋友 啊
楼上 的 嫉妒心 可真 可怕
(You're jealous.)