Interview with Korea's FIRST Female League Pro, DangMoo
인터뷰|와|한국의|첫 번째|여성|리그|프로|당무
Interview with Korea's FIRST Female League Pro, DangMoo
많은 사람들 앞에서 잘하는 모습을 보여주고 싶어요
many|people|in front of|doing well|appearance|show|I want to
I want to show a good performance in front of many people.
지금은 제가 보여준 게 없으니까 다들 약간 긴가민가 하잖아요
now|I|showed|thing|because there is no|everyone|slightly|uncertain|right
Since I haven't shown anything yet, everyone is a bit uncertain.
'이 사람이 잘 할 수 있을까? 잘 할 수 있을까?'
"Can this person do well? Can they do well?"
응원하는데 약간 의문이 들죠
There are some doubts while cheering.
'잘할 수 있다'를 보여주고 싶어요 저는
do well|possibility||show|I want|
I want to show that 'I can do well'.
저는 이번에 LSB 프로게이머로 합류하게 된
I|this time|LSB|as a professional gamer|joining|became
I am this time joining as a pro gamer for LSB.
DangMoo 전수진입니다
DangMoo|is Jeon Su-jin
I am DangMoo Jeon Su-jin.
- 반갑습니다 - 반갑습니다
nice to meet you|
- Nice to meet you - Nice to meet you.
그렇지 않아도 최근에 DangMoo 선수가
that|even if|recently|DangMoo|player
Recently, it seems that player DangMoo has joined LSB in the LCK CL.
LSB LCK CL 쪽으로 입단하셨다는 게
LSB|LCK|CL|towards|you joined|fact
This has become quite a hot topic.
많은 화제가 되었던 거 같아요
The news came out yesterday.
뉴스가 어제 나왔는데
the news|yesterday|came out
Since then, I wonder if he has had a schedule so packed that it was overwhelming.
그 이후로 '정신없을 만큼 스케줄이 많으셨지 않았을까'
that|after|hectic|to the extent|schedule|was busy|wouldn't be
I can only imagine,
라는 생각이 드네요
that|thought|comes to mind
I think so.
일단 최근 근황은 어떠셨나요? 잘 지내셨나요?
for now|recent|current situation|how have you been|well|have you been living
First of all, how have you been recently? Have you been doing well?
일단은 스크림 같은 거 하면서 지내기도 하고
for now|scream|like|thing|while|living|and
For now, I've been spending time doing things like scrims.
바텀 구도(연구)하면서 많이 보냈던 거 같아요
bottom||||a lot|spent|thing|seems
I think I've spent a lot of time researching the bottom lane.
프로 스크림 테스트 보고 나서부터요
pro|scrim|test|after seeing|from
Since after the pro scrim test.
스크림도 하시고 이렇게 인터뷰 일정도 소화하시고
scrim|you do|like this|interview|schedule|you manage
You are doing scrims and also managing interview schedules.
다양한 일들을 하시는 거 같은데
various|tasks|you are doing|thing|it seems
It seems like you are doing a variety of things.
어제 거의 24시간 전에 입단 영상하고 발표가 됐잖아요
yesterday|almost|24 hours|before|joining|video|announcement|was made
Yesterday, the signing video and announcement were made almost 24 hours ago.
주위 반응은 어땠는지 그리고 DangMoo 선수는
What was the reaction around you, and I'm curious about how player DangMoo received these reactions.
이런 반응들을 어떻게 받아들이셨는지도 궁금하네요
this|reactions|how|you accepted|I am curious
I'm also interested in how you took these reactions.
주위 반응은 일단 많이 응원을 하더라고요
surrounding|reaction|for now|a lot|support|is giving
The reactions around me were mostly supportive.
응원 많이 하고 칭찬해주고
support|a lot|and|praise
They cheered a lot and gave compliments.
'도전이 대단하다'고 하시는 분도 있었고
the challenge||saying|person|was
Some people said, 'The challenge is amazing.'
그리고 가족들도 많이 응원해줬어요 일단은
and|family also|a lot|supported|for now
And my family also supported me a lot, at least.
- 근데 제가 어제는 인터넷을 안 봤거든요 - 아 진짜요?
but|I|yesterday|internet|not|was looking at|ah|really
- But I didn't check the internet yesterday - Oh really?
네 관심이 너무 무서워가지고
your|interest|too|is scary
Your interest is so scary.
뉴스 안 들어가고 유튜브도 안 들어가고
news|not|going in|YouTube also|not|going in
I don't go into the news or YouTube.
뭔가 제가 나오는 영상을 못 보겠어가지고
something|I|appearing|video|not|able to see
I can't bring myself to watch videos that I appear in.
근데 엄마가 '댓글에 응원 밖에 없다 봐도 될 거 같다, 괜찮다'
but|my mom|in the comments|support|only|doesn't|seeing|be|thing|seems|okay
But my mom said, 'There are only supportive comments, so it should be fine to watch.'
이래 가지고 봤는데
like this|having|I saw
So I ended up watching.
딱 처음 본 댓글이 그거였어요
exactly|first|seen|comment|that was
The very first comment I saw was that.
저한테 큰오빠(스트리머 과로사)가 있거든요
to me|||||exists
I have an older brother (the streamer who passed away from overwork).
'스트리머 과로사 얼굴이랑 똑같이 생겼네' 이래가지고
streamer|death from overwork|face|exactly|looks like|like this
They said, 'He looks just like the streamer who passed away from overwork.'
- 아 이게 남매 입장에서는 이게 좀 많이 상처거든요 - 네 화날 수 있죠 남매 입장에서는 상처죠
ah|this|siblings|from the perspective|this|a bit|very|is hurtful|yes|angry|possibility|is|||
- From a sibling's perspective, that can be quite hurtful - Yes, it can be upsetting from a sibling's perspective.
응원이 되게 많긴 하더라고요
cheering|very|many|there is
There is a lot of support, though.
다 '응원한다, 멋있다' 이런 게 많아가지고 기억에 많이 남아요
all|support|cool|like this|things|there are many|in memory|a lot|remain
There are many things like 'I support you, you are cool', so it stays in my memory.
맨 처음 LSB에 입단했던 계기부터 여쭤보고 싶어요
the|first|to LSB|joined|from the reason|I would like to ask|I want
I would like to ask about the reason you first joined LSB.
DangMoo 선수가 '순당무'라는 이름으로
DangMoo|player|named 'Sundangmu'|by name
Player DangMoo has been active as a streamer under the name 'Sundangmu' for a long time.
스트리머로 오랫동안 활동을 하셨잖아요
as a streamer|for a long time|activity|you have been
And now you are challenging yourself again as a professional.
그리고 프로로서 다시 도전을 하시게 되셨는데
and|as a professional|again|challenge|you will|have
프로를 처음 생각하게 된 계기는 무엇이었을까요?
professional|first|to think|became|reason|was
What was the reason you first thought about becoming a pro?
작년에 제가 챌린저를 처음 찍었을 때
last year|I|Challenger|first|took|when
Last year when I first reached Challenger.
그때가 원래는 제 롤 인생 목표 중 하나가
that time|originally|my|League of Legends|life|goal|among|one
At that time, it was originally one of my life goals in League.
챌린저를 찍는 거였거든요
the challenger|taking|was
To reach Challenger.
근데 이제 그게 달성되니까
but|now|that|is achieved
But now that I've achieved that,
뭔가 처음에는 엄청 벅차고 감동인데
something|at first|very|overwhelming|is moving
At first, it was really overwhelming and moving.
그 뒤에는 좀 더 욕심을 내보고 싶다는
that|behind|a little|more|ambition|trying to have|wanting
But then I think I had a greater desire to be more ambitious.
마음이 컸던 거 같아요
heart|was big|thing|seems
So I think I started to have the thought that 'I want to try more and also want to go pro -
그래서 '나도 이제 좀 더 해봐서 프로도 해보고 싶고-
so|I also|now|a little|more|try|as a pro|trying|want to
I want to take on challenges'.
도전해 보고 싶다'라는 생각을 가지게 된 거 같아요
I think that's how I felt.
프로를 도전해야겠다는 결심이 들었을 때
the professional|to challenge|determination|arose|when
When I made the decision to challenge myself to become a pro.
맨 처음에는 어떤 생각을 하셨고
the|at first|what|thought|did you have
What were your initial thoughts?
어떤 식으로 프로 입단을 접근하려고 하셨나요?
what|way|professional|joining|trying to approach|did you
How did you plan to approach joining the professional ranks?
저는 처음에는 그 생각이 많았어요
I|at first|that|thought|was many/much
At first, I had a lot of thoughts.
'프로들은 테스트를 어떻게 볼까? 입단을 어떻게 할까?'
How do pros take tests? How do they join?
많이 궁금했었는데
very|I was curious
I was very curious.
기회가 된 게 저번에 BRO 공개 지원이 있어가지고
the opportunity|became|that|last time|BRO|public|support|was
The opportunity came because there was a public support for BRO last time.
'어? 해볼 만하다'하고
I thought, 'Oh? This is worth a try.'
방송에서 떡밥 그냥 썰 풀이 방송을 하고 있었거든요
on the broadcast|bait|just|story|explanation|broadcast|was doing|was
I was doing a broadcast where I was just talking about the hints.
어떤 사람이 '공개 지원 있었는데 혹시 그거 봤냐?'해서
which|person|public|support|was|perhaps|that|did you see|
Someone asked, 'There was public support, did you see that?'
'어 저 그거 넣었음'이랬는데
oh|that|that thing|
'Oh, I put that in,' they said.
그게 제가 말한 작은 게 엄청 부풀려져서
What I mentioned as small got really exaggerated.
엄청 크게 돼가지고 화제가 된 거예요 그게 또
It became a huge topic.
프로 지원했다고
They even said they applied for the program.
정말 저는 '테스트가 궁금했을 뿐인데..' 라는 생각이었는데
really|I|test|was curious|only||
Honestly, I was just curious about the 'test...'
그 이후 한참 뒤에 LSB에서 연락이 온 거예요
that|after|quite a while|later|from LSB|contact|came|was
A long time later, I received a contact from LSB.
테스트 볼 생각 있냐고 해서
test|see|thought|if you have|I asked
They asked if I was interested in taking a test.
'어 진짜 테스트 보는 건가?' 해가지고 궁금해서
oh|really|test|taking|is it|so|I was curious
I thought, 'Oh, are we really going to take a test?' and I was curious.
미팅하고 테스트 보고 그랬던 것 같아요
having a meeting|test|report|was|thing|seems
I think I had a meeting and took the test.
테스트를 시작했을 때 처음 인상은 어땠을까요?
the test|started|when|first|impression|was like
What was your first impression when you started the test?
사실 제가 그날에 걱정을 많이 했던
actually|I|that day|worry|a lot|had
In fact, I was very worried that day.
낯선 환경에서 게임을 한다는 거 자체가
unfamiliar|in the environment|game|playing|thing|itself
The very act of playing a game in an unfamiliar environment.
제 실력을 끌어올리기가 많이 힘들더라고요
my|skill|improving|very|is difficult
It was really hard to improve my skills.
그래서 저는 그 생각이 많이 들었어요
so|I|that|thought|a lot|had
So I had a lot of those thoughts.
'내가 봐도 내가 못 해서 이거는 떨어지겠군' 생각했는데
I|even if I see|I|not|able to|this|will fail|I thought
I thought to myself, 'Even I can see that I'm not doing well, so I'm going to fail.'
코치님들이 정말 좋게 봐주셨더라고요
the coaches|really|positively|looked upon
The coaches really looked at it positively.
콜을 좀 많이 했어요
call|a bit|a lot|I made
I made a lot of calls.
제 상황이 돼서 '미드 상황 괜찮아? 이거 미드 로밍 가줄까?'
my|situation|being|mid|situation|is okay|this|mid|roaming|should I go
In my situation, I would say, 'Is the mid situation okay? Should I roam to mid?'
아니면 '이거 스킬 쿨 몇 촌데 해볼까?'
or|this|skill|cooldown|how many|is|should I try
Or I would ask, 'How many seconds until this skill is off cooldown?'
이런 걸로 콜 많이 했던 거 같아요
I think I made a lot of calls like that.
입단이 확정되었을 때는 어떤 기분이셨나요?
joining|was confirmed|when|what|was your feeling
How did you feel when your joining was confirmed?
확정되었을 땐 '내가 꿈을 꾸고 있는 건가?'
when it is confirmed|at|I|dream|am dreaming|am|is
When it was confirmed, I thought, 'Am I dreaming?'
약간 현실감이 없었어요
slightly|sense of reality|was not
It felt a bit unreal.
- 원래 LCK를 많이 보시는 편이셨나요? - 네 많이 보는 편이었어요
originally|LCK|a lot|watching|were you|yes|a lot|watching|was
- Did you usually watch a lot of LCK? - Yes, I watched it quite a bit.
얼마나 자주 보시고 어떤 면에서 LCK를 자주 보시는 편인가요?
how often|often|do you watch|in what|aspect|LCK|often|watching|do you
How often do you watch it and in what ways do you usually watch LCK?
저는 직관하러 가기도 하고
I|to the intuition|also go|and
I also go to intuit.
그리고 LCK 외에도 LPL이나 해외리그도 많이 챙겨 보고
and|LCK|besides|LPL|overseas leagues|a lot|I watch|I watch
And I watch a lot of LPL and overseas leagues in addition to LCK.
그리고 LCK CL도 많이 챙겨보거든요
and|LCK|CL too|a lot|I watch
And I also keep an eye on LCK CL.
롤 경기가 굉장히 재밌어가지고 뭔가
League of Legends|match|very|interesting|something
League of Legends matches are really fun, so there's something.
그리고 하는 거 보면은 배울 게 많거든요
and|doing|thing|if you see|learn|thing|there is a lot
And when I watch them, there's a lot to learn.
'이런 불리한 상황에서 역전할 수 있나?' 했는데
this|disadvantageous|in situation|turn around|possibility|is there|I asked
'Can we really turn this unfavorable situation around?' I thought.
역전하는 경우에는 '와 진짜 대박이다 대단하다 멋있다'
reversing|in case|and|really|is amazing|is great|is cool
In cases where a comeback happens, it's like 'Wow, this is really amazing, incredible, cool!'
그런 판들이 많이 나와가지고
such|boards|many|are coming out
There have been many matches like that.
LCK에서 특히 기억에 남게 봤던 경기는 있으실까요?
in the LCK|especially|memorable|remaining|watched|match|is there
Are there any matches in the LCK that particularly stand out to you?
저는 미드 리븐이랑 미드 올라프가
For me, it's the mid Riven and mid Olaf.
많이 기억에 남아서 그것도 있고
a lot|in memory|remaining|that too|is
It left a strong impression on me, and that's one reason.
Cornsalad의 미드 마스터 이도 기억에 많이 남았었고요
Cornsalad|drama|master|this|in memory|very|remained
I also remember the mid-master Yi from Cornsalad very well.
- 근데 이건 너무 완전 옛날이니까.. - 아니에요 괜찮아요
but|this|too|completely|is old|no|it's okay
- But this is really from a long time ago... - No, it's okay.
한 중학생 때 T1이 경기했을 때
one|middle school student|when|||played|
When I was in middle school, T1 played a match.
그때 아리가 나왔던 경기가 있었거든요
that time|Ahri|appeared|match|was
There was a match where Ahri appeared back then.
3월 25일이었나? 그때 제가 직관가서 봤거든요
March|was the 25th|at that time|I|going to the game|I watched
Was it March 25th? I went to see it at the venue back then.
그래서 기억에 되게 많이 남아요
so|in memory|very|a lot|remains
So it really sticks in my memory.
그럼 이번 롤드컵(Worlds)도 이번에 시청하셨겠네요?
then|this||||this time|you must have watched
Then you must have watched this year's Worlds as well?
- 다 봤죠 - 어땠어요?
all|did you see|how was it
- I watched all of it - How was it?
롤드컵 때마다 이렇게 긴장했던 적이 없는데
World Championship|every time|like this|was nervous|experience|not
I've never been this nervous during the Worlds before.
'이 불리한 판을 역전할 수 있을까?'했는데 '오 진짜 역전했네!'
this|unfavorable|game|turn around|possibility|is there|I wondered|oh|really|turned around
'Can we turn this unfavorable game around?' and then 'Oh wow, we really turned it around!'
- DRX가요? - 네 맞아요
is it DRX|yes|that's right
- Is it DRX? - Yes, that's right.
그리고 그게 있었어요
And that happened.
저희 어머니께서 T1을 응원하셔서
our|mother|||is cheering for
My mother supports T1.
그렇지 않아도 입단 영상에서
that|even if|joining|in the video
That was already mentioned in the joining video.
- '어머니랑 같이 롤을 시작했다'이런 얘기도 있거든요 - 네 맞아요
with my mother|together|League of Legends||story|exists|yes|that's right
- 'I started playing League of Legends with my mother' is something I've heard - Yes, that's right.
그래서 사람들이 많이 신기해해서 여쭤보고 싶었어요
so|people|very|are curious|asking|wanted to
So I wanted to ask because people find it very interesting.
왜냐하면 많은 롤을 좋아하는 사람들한테 어머니는
because|many|League of Legends|liking|to people|my mother
Because for many people who like League of Legends, their mothers are
- '게임 좀 그만해!' 라고 하시는 분들이거든요 - 네
game|a little|stop|that|saying|people|yes
- the ones who say 'Stop playing games!' - Yes.
근데 오히려 어머니와 같이 롤을 즐기신다고 하시니까
but|rather|with my mother|together|League of Legends|enjoy playing|you say
But on the contrary, you say you enjoy playing League of Legends with your mother.
이 부분도 많은 사람들이 신기해 할 것 같아요
I think many people will find this part interesting.
그래서 여쭤볼 수 있을까요?
so|I can ask|possibility|
So can I ask you?
처음에는 엄마가 롤 알게 된 계기가
at first|my mom|League of Legends|became acquainted|with|opportunity
At first, my mom got to know about League of Legends because
오빠들이 롤을 했는데 그걸 뒤에서 보는데 너무 재밌었대요
the older brothers|League of Legends|were playing|that|from behind|watching|very|was fun
her brothers were playing it, and she said it looked really fun to watch from behind.
그래서 프로 경기도 찾아보다가 오빠들 하는 것도 보고
so|professional|gaming matches|while looking for|older brothers|doing|also|watching
So she started looking for professional matches and also watched her brothers play.
그래서 저도 이제 막 시작해볼까 고민하던 차에
so|I also|now|just|should I start|was thinking about|at the time
So I was just thinking about starting it now.
엄마가 같이 해보자고 해서 같이 시작하게 됐거든요
my mom|together|suggested|so|together|starting|happened
My mom suggested that we do it together, so we started together.
근데 엄마가 '뭔가 익숙하지 않아서 난 잘 못하겠고-
but|my mom|something|familiar|not|I|well|can't do
But my mom said, 'I'm not used to this, so I can't do it well -
너 하는 거나 관전해야겠다' 하시고
you|doing|or|should watch|
I think I'll just watch you do it.'
저 혼자 남아서 그렇게 하다가
I|alone|remaining|like that|while doing
So I ended up doing it alone.
엄마는 근데 프로 경기를 보고
my mom|but|professional|match|watching
But my mom was watching professional matches.
제가 그때 브론즈였거든요
I|at that time|was bronze
At that time, I was a bronze.
근데 (엄마가)프로 경기를 보다가 브론즈의 그 플레이를 보니까
but|(my mom)|professional|match|while watching|bronze|that|play|I saw
But while watching the professional match, my mom saw the play of a bronze player and said,
'넌 그게 문제다' 이래가지고 '아 그렇구나' 하면서 고치다가
you|that|is the problem|like this|ah|I see|while|fixing
'That's your problem,' and I thought, 'Oh, I see,' and started to fix it.
첫 티어가 그래서 골드였어요 시즌 마무리가 골드요
first|tier|so|was gold|season|ending|is gold
So my first tier was gold; I finished the season as gold.
롤을 처음 시작하셨을 때가 몇 년도였을까요?
League of Legends|first|you started|when|what|year was
What year did you start playing League of Legends?
저는 초등학교 5학년 때요 시즌3요
I|elementary school|5th grade|at the time||
I started in 5th grade, during Season 3.
딱 '판다 애니'(스킨) 나왔을 때요
exactly|panda|anime|(skin)|came out|time
It was right when the 'Panda Annie' skin came out.
어떤 면에서 롤을 매력적으로 느껴서 꾸준히 하게 되셨을까요?
which|aspect|League of Legends|attractively|feeling|consistently|to do|did you
In what way did you find League of Legends attractive enough to keep playing?
처음에는 봇전만 하고 있었는데
at first|only the bot battle|was doing|was
At first, I was only playing against bots.
아직도 기억나는 게 뭔가 긁는 애들이 많았어요
still|memorable|thing|something|scratching|kids|were many
I still remember that there were a lot of kids who scratched.
오기가 생긴다 해야 되나
I guess you could say I got stubborn.
그리고 오빠들이 게임을 되게 잘 했거든요
and|the older brothers|game|very|well|played
And the older brothers were really good at games.
저보고.. 오빠들이랑 같이 세 명이서 게임을 하는데
to me|with the older brothers|together|three|people|game|playing
They asked me... we were playing a game together with the older brothers, three of us.
그때 큰 오빠랑 바텀 듀오를 갔는데
at that time|older|with my brother|bottom|duo|I went
At that time, I went bottom duo with the older brother.
저보고 못한다고 탈주를 해버린 거예요
to me|that I can't|escape|did|it was
They said I couldn't do it and just quit.
같이 못 하겠대요 일반 게임에서
together|cannot|play|normal|in the game
They said they couldn't play with me in normal games.
상처받아서 '그래 내가 언젠간 너보다 잘나서 복수할 거다'
hurt|yeah|I|someday|than you|being better|will take revenge|will
I was hurt and thought, 'Yeah, one day I'll be better than you and get my revenge.'
이런 마인드로 계속 게임 열심히 했거든요
this|mindset|continuously|game|diligently|was playing
With that mindset, I kept playing the game hard.
사실 많은 유저들이 티어를 올리고 싶어 하잖아요
actually|many|users|tier|raising|want to|do
In fact, many users want to rank up.
실버는 골드에 가고 싶어하고
silver|to gold|going|wants
Silver wants to go to Gold,
다이아몬드는 마스터에 가고 싶어 하고
the diamond|to the master|going|wants|and
Diamond wants to go to Master,
챌린저라는 벽이 진짜 뚫기 어렵다고 생각을 하거든요
the challenger|wall|really|breaking through|difficult|thought|I think
and they think that breaking through the wall of Challenger is really difficult.
어떤 계기로 챌린저까지 계속 도전하게 되셨고
what|opportunity|to the challenger|continuously|challenge|did you
What motivated you to keep challenging yourself to reach Challenger?
챌린저를 찍는데 어떤 비결이 있었다고 생각하세요?
the challenger|taking|what|secret|was|do you think
What do you think was the secret to achieving Challenger?
저는 관전을 많이 봤던 거 같아요
I|the match|a lot|watched|thing|seems
I think I've watched a lot of matches.
전적 검색 사이트에 들어가면은
previous record|search|to the site|if you enter
If you go to a match history search site,
최상위 플레이어들 '관전하기'가 뜨거든요
top|players||is hot
the top players have a 'Watch' option.
그러면 제가 궁금한 매치업 관전하기 하고
Then I can watch the matchups I'm curious about,
'아 이렇게 하는구나 저렇게 하는 거구나'
ah|like this|you do|like that|doing|is
and think, 'Oh, that's how it's done, that's how they do it.'
'아 여기서는 이때 이렇게 하네' 하면서 습득하고
ah|here|at this time|like this|I see|while|I am acquiring
'Oh, so this is how it's done at this time' and I learn it.
제가 하는 챔프가 룰루이다 보니까
I|playing|champion|is Lulu|because
The champion I play is Lulu.
룰루로 '이때 이렇게 들어오겠구나' 해가지고
with Lulu|at this time|like this|will come in|
With Lulu, I think, 'I can come in like this at this time'.
(불리한)싸움 안 걸고 제가 유리한 쪽으로만 하다 보니까
(disadvantageous)|fight|not|engaging|I|advantageous|only in the direction of|do|seeing
(Avoiding) unfavorable fights and only engaging in favorable ones.
이게 은근 점수가 잘 올라가더라고요
this|subtly|score|well|is rising
It turns out my score goes up quite well.
그래서 몇 십 연승을 하다 보니까
so|several|ten|consecutive wins|having|I see
So after winning dozens of games,
그렇게 한 번에 확 뚫고 올라갔어요
like that|one|at a time|suddenly|through|went up
I suddenly broke through and rose up.
그리고 전 프로들 방송을 보면은
and|I|professionals|broadcast|if I watch
And when I watch the broadcasts of professional players,
얘기 해주는 게 조금 있거든요
talk|giving|thing|a little|is
they share a little bit of advice.
그거 보면서 배우기도 하고
that|while watching|I learn|and
I learn from watching that.
그리고 LCK도 보면서 배우기도 해요
and|LCK also|while watching|I learn|I do
And I also learn by watching LCK.
전 프로 방송인 중에 특히 감명 깊게 봤거나
Is there a particular professional broadcaster that you were especially impressed by or found very helpful?
도움이 많이 됐다고 생각하시는 분이 있으실까요?
help|a lot|was|thinking|person|is there
- It's Ambition.
- Ambition 님이요 - 아 Ambition 님이요?
Oh, it's Ambition?
조금 다른 주제이긴 한데
a little|different|topic|though
It's a slightly different topic, though.
Ambition 님과 약간 라이벌 관계가 있다고..
Ambition|with you|slightly|rival|relationship|exists
I heard that there is a bit of a rivalry with Ambition.
이걸 해외 시청자들을 위해서도
It would be nice if you could explain this in detail for the overseas viewers.
자세하게 설명해 주시면 좋을 거 같아요
in detail|explain|if you give|good|thing|seems
I think it would be good.
저는 처음에 Ambition 님이 저를 라이벌로 찍었다길래
I|at first|Ambition|you|me|as a rival|thought
At first, I heard that Ambition saw me as a rival,
저는 '뭔 소리지?' 했거든요
I|what|is the sound|was saying
and I was like, 'What does that even mean?'.
챌린저를 딱 찍고 제가 들은 얘기로는
the challenger|exactly|taking|I|heard|
After hitting Challenger, what I heard was
챌린저를 찍은 걸 (Ambition이) 보고
the challenger|taken|thing|(Ambition)|seeing
(Ambition) saw that I hit Challenger
'집에서 솔랭을 돌렸는데 연패를 했다' 이런 얘기를 듣고
at home|solo rank|I played|losing streak|I had|this|story|after hearing
and heard that 'I was playing solo queue at home and I was on a losing streak'
'이제 순당무는 내 라이벌이다 나도 이제 챌 찍기 위해서..'
now|Sundangmu|my|rival|I also|now|challenge|taking|in order to
and said 'Now Soondungmu is my rival, I also need to hit Challenger..'
이런 얘기를 하시더라고요
this|conversation|you were having
that's what he was saying.
그래서 '장난이시겠지' 했는데
so|'you must be joking'|I thought
So I thought, 'This must be a joke.'
저번에 그 솔랭에서 만났을 때 진심이시더라고요
last time|that|in solo rank|we met|when|you were sincere
But when I met them in solo queue last time, they were serious.
그때 '순당무 컷!' 이러시길래 이게 '승부욕인가?' 해가지고
at that time|'sundangmu|cut|he said|this is|'is it competitive spirit'|so
At that time, they said, 'Sundae cut!' and I thought, 'Is this competitive spirit?'
그러다가 부캐에서 좀 자주 만나가지고
then|in the alternate character|a bit|often|we meet
Then we started meeting more often in our alternate accounts.
결국에는 제가 3대2로 지금은 앞서나가고 있어요
in the end|I|||currently|am ahead|am
In the end, I'm currently leading 3 to 2.
Ambition 님하고 적으로 걸릴 때가 많으세요?
Ambition|with you|as an enemy|caught|times|are many
Do you often find yourself on the opposite side of Ambition?
아군으로 걸릴 때가 많으세요?
as an ally|caught|times|are many
Do you often find yourself on the same side?
적으로 걸릴 때가 진짜 많은 거 같아요
in terms of|taking|time|really|many|thing|seems
I feel like I often find myself as an enemy.
- 아군으로는 거의 없어요 - 아 진짜 라이벌 관계네요
as allies|almost|there are none|ah|really|rival|relationship
- I hardly ever find myself as an ally - Ah, so it's a real rivalry.
- 방송은 어떻게 시작하시게 된 거예요? - 아 방송이요?
the broadcast|how|did you start|became|is|ah|the broadcast
- How did you start broadcasting? - Oh, broadcasting?
처음에 제가 초등학교 때는 활발해가지고
at first|I|elementary school|when|was lively
At first, when I was in elementary school, I was very active.
게임하면서 막 소리 지르면서 게임했거든요
while playing the game|loudly|sound|shouting|I was playing
I used to shout while playing games.
약간 좀 지금 말하면 잼민이죠
a little|somewhat|now|if I speak|it would be childish
You could say I was a bit of a 'jammin' kid'.
잼민이처럼 게임하는데 같이 하는 사람들마다 재밌대요
like a kid|playing games|together|with|people|say it's fun
I played games like a 'jammin' kid', and everyone I played with said it was fun.
'방송 해보는 게 어떻냐?' 라길래
broadcasting'|trying'|thing'|how about'|they said
They asked me, 'How about trying to stream?'
'내가 뭔 방송이야 컴퓨터도 안 좋은데' 이러고 그냥 넘겼는데
I|what|broadcast|computer|not|good|like this|just|let it go
'What kind of broadcast am I doing? My computer isn't even good.' I just brushed it off.
중학교 때는 컴퓨터를 오빠가 쓰던 걸 물려받아가지고 괜찮아져서
middle school|when|computer|my older brother|was using|thing|inherited|became okay
In middle school, I inherited my older brother's computer, so it got better.
그때가 큰 오빠가 소소하게 방송하고 있었는데
at that time|older|brother|casually|broadcasting|was
At that time, my older brother was casually broadcasting.
'나도 할만한가? 롤 방송이나 해볼까? 심심한데'해가지고
I also|capable of doing it|League of Legends|broadcast|should I try|
'Can I do it too? Should I try broadcasting League of Legends? I'm bored.' So I thought.
그때 처음 켜게 된 게 다음팟tv였거든요
at that time|first|turned on|that was|thing|was Daum Pot TV
That was when I first turned on Daum Pot TV.
거기서 방송을 켰는데 그땐 제가 여중생이어서
there|broadcast|I turned on|at that time|I|was a middle school girl
I started streaming there, and at that time I was a middle school girl.
미드 원딜로 하다 보니까
mid|as a marksman|to play|
Since I was playing as a mid ADC,
사람들이 그래도 많이 보는 거예요 한 40명 정도 보다가
people|still|a lot|watching|are|about|40 people|approximately|watching
a lot of people were watching, about 40 people.
학교 때문에 방송을 접고
school|because of|broadcasting|quitting
But I had to stop streaming because of school.
그다음에 고등학생 때 오빠가 한 번에 뜨고
next|high school student|when|my older brother|one|at a time|became popular
Then, in high school, my brother became popular all at once.
그다음에 '나 다시 방송 해볼까?'
next|I|again|broadcast|should I try
Then I thought, 'Should I try broadcasting again?'
합방을 몇 번 했었는데
the joint meeting|how many|times|we had
I had a few joint broadcasts.
오빠가 너무 재밌대요
my older brother|very|is fun
He said it was really fun.
제가 막 텐션도 좋고 너무 웃기다고 해가지고
I was really energetic and he said I was so funny.
방송해 보는 게 어떻냐고 해가지고
broadcasting|watching|thing|how about|I asked
So I asked what he thought about trying to broadcast.
'알았어 방송해볼게' 이러고 방송을 시작했었거든요
I understand|I will try to broadcast|like this|the broadcast|I started
'Okay, I'll try broadcasting' and then I started the broadcast.
어떤 면에서 방송이 매력적이라고 느끼셨을까요?
which|aspect|broadcasting|attractive|did you feel
In what way did you find broadcasting attractive?
약간 제가 게임하는 걸 중계해 줄 수 있다는 게 저는 재밌었어요
a little|I|playing the game|thing|broadcasting|to|possibility|that|thing|I|was fun
I found it fun that I could commentate while playing games.
왜냐하면 항상 솔랭을 하면서 재밌는 상황이 많은데
because|always|solo queue|while|fun|situations|many
Because there are many fun situations while playing solo rank.
'이거를 나만 보기에는 너무 아쉽다'이런 느낌이었는데
this|only me|to see|too||was feeling
I felt like 'It's too disappointing to keep this to myself.'
방송을 켜면은 이제 다 같이 보니까
the broadcast|when it is turned on|now|all|together|we watch
When the broadcast is on, everyone can watch together.
다 같이 웃긴 상황을 즐길 수 있고
We can all enjoy funny situations together.
그리고 사람들이랑 소통하는 것도 좀 재미있었던 것 같아요
and|with people|communicating|also|a little|was fun|thing|seems
And I think it was quite fun to communicate with people.
그래서 만족감이 되게 높은 직업이었어요
so|satisfaction|very|high|was a job
So it was a job that brought a lot of satisfaction.
- 단기적인 목표는 무엇일까요? - 단기적인 목표요?
short-term|goal|what is|short-term|goal
- What is your short-term goal? - Short-term goal?
- 제 자신이 성장하는 거요 - 어떤 면에서요?
my|self|growing|is|in what|aspect
- It's about my own growth - In what way?
실력적인 부분이요
In terms of skill.
제일 크게 연습해야 될 부분이
the most|loudly|should practice|be|part
The area I need to practice the most is
라인전을 처음부터 이제 약간
the line battle|from the beginning|now|slightly
the laning phase from the very beginning.
제가 하면은 완벽하게 해내고 싶거든요
I|if I do|perfectly|accomplish|want to
I want to do it perfectly when I do it.
그래서 라인전 부분부터 아주 기초부터 돌아가서
so|laning|from the part|very|from the basics|going back
So let's go back to the very basics starting from the laning phase.
거기서부터 바로잡고
from there|correcting
Let's correct things from there.
그다음에 팀과 합을 맞춰가는 연습하고
next|with the team|harmony|adjusting|practicing
Then we practice coordinating with the team.
그리고 부가적인 것도 있죠
And there are additional things as well.
챔피언 풀을 넓힌다거나
Like expanding the champion pool.
아니면 콜을 좀 더 적극적으로 한다
or|call|a bit|more|actively|does
Or maybe be more proactive in making calls.
이런 거 정도 있을 것 같아요
this|thing|about|will be|thing|seems
I think there might be something like this.
단기적인 목표가 발전하는 거라고 말씀을 해주셨잖아요
short-term|goal|developing|that|you said|to me
You mentioned that the short-term goal is to develop.
그렇다면은 DangMoo 선수의 장기적인 목표는 무엇일까요?
then|DangMoo|player's|long-term|goal|what is
Then, what is DangMoo's long-term goal?
큰 목표는 일단은 CL을 출전하는 것이고요
big|goal|for now|to the Champions League|participating|is
The big goal is to participate in the CL first.
최종 목표는 우승입니다
final|goal|is winning
The ultimate goal is to win.
- CL 우승이요? - 네 일단 어떤 대회든 간에 우승이 목표입니다
Champions League|winning|yes|for now|any|tournament|in|winning|is the goal
- Winning the Champions League? - Yes, for now, winning is the goal regardless of the tournament.
많은 사람들 앞에서 잘하는 모습을 보여 주고 싶어요
many|people|in front of|doing well|appearance|show|to|want
I want to show a good performance in front of many people.
지금은 제가 보여준 게 없으니까 다들 약간 긴가민가 하잖아요
now|I|showed|thing|because there is not|everyone|slightly|uncertain|right
Since I haven't shown anything yet, everyone is a bit uncertain.
'이 사람이 잘 할 수 있을까? 잘 할 수 있을까?'
'Can this person do well? Can they do well?'
응원하는데 약간 의문이 들죠
I have some doubts while cheering.
'잘할 수 있다'를 보여주고 싶어요 저는
do well|possibility||show|I want|
I want to show that 'I can do well'.
- 개인적으로 롤 모델로 삼고 있는 선수는 있으실까요? - 네 있습니다
personally|League of Legends|as a model|regard|having|player|is there|yes|there is
- Do you have any players you personally look up to as role models? - Yes, I do.
서포터 두 분인데 BeryL 님이랑 Keria 님이요
There are two support players, BeryL and Keria.
일단 BeryL 선수는 한타나 판을 보는 게
first|BeryL|player|team fight|game|seeing|thing
First of all, BeryL is good at team fights and reading the game.
너무 정말 정교하게 잘 보시거든요
very|really|intricately|well|you see
You really observe things very intricately.
이때 그리고 콜도 되게 잘 하고
at this time|and|call|very|well|doing
At this time, the calls were also very well made.
약간 좀 유명한 거 있죠
a little|somewhat|famous|thing|is
There are some that are somewhat famous.
- 그 DRX 바론 콜이랑 '이거 밀자' 콜이 나왔는데 - '미드 밀어야 돼 끝낼 수 있어'
that|DRX|Baron|call|this|push|call|came out|mid|we need to push|can|finish|possibility|is
- The DRX Baron call and the 'let's push this' call came out - 'We need to push mid, we can finish this.'
그런 콜 보고 진짜 감명받았고
that|call|seeing|really|was impressed
I was really impressed by those calls.
그리고 Keria 선수는 라인전을
And player Keria really plays the laning phase
되게 정말 정교하게 잘 하시더라고요
very|really|intricately|well|you do
very, very skillfully.
그래서 Keria 님은 제가 방송을 많이 챙겨 봐요
so|Keria|you|I|broadcast|a lot|take care of|watch
So I often watch Keria's streams.
라인전을 너무 잘 해가지고
the laning phase|very|well|I do
He plays the laning phase so well.
트위치에서 방송했을 때 켜져있으면 거의 맨날 봤거든요
on Twitch|when I was streaming|at the time|if it was on|almost|every day|I watched
Whenever he was streaming on Twitch, I almost always watched.
거의 웬만한 바텀 듀오는 다 때리고 시작하고
Almost every decent bot duo starts off strong.
뭔가 불리해도 결국에는 승리로 이끄는 게 정말 대단해 보여서
something|even if it's disadvantageous|in the end|to victory|leading|thing|really|impressive|seems
Even when things look unfavorable, it's really impressive how you ultimately lead to victory.
두 분을 롤 모델로 삼고 있어요
I consider both of you as role models.
저희가 시간이 다 돼서 슬슬 인터뷰를 끝마쳐야 될 것 같아요
we|time|all|is|slowly|interview|should finish|be|thing|seems
I think it's about time for us to wrap up the interview.
그래서 마지막으로 인사 두 개만 하고 마치려고 하거든요
so|lastly|greeting|two|only|and|I plan to finish|I am
So, I just want to finish with two final greetings.
첫 번째로 DangMoo 선수의 아카데미
First of all, DangMoo's academy.
그리고 CL에서의 도전을 많은 사람들이
and|in CL|challenge|many|people
And I think many people will continue to watch his challenge in CL.
계속 관심 있게 지켜볼 거 같아요
There are already people who are enjoying watching CL.
이미 CL를 재밌게 보고 계시는 분들도 계실 거고
And there will be fans supporting him as a streamer.
순당무라는 스트리머의 팬으로서 응원해 주는 사람들도 있을 거고
Sun-dang-mu-ra|streamer's|as a fan|supporting|giving|people|there are|also
There will also be people cheering for him as a fan of Sundangmu.
새로운 팬들도 있을 것 같아요
new|fans|will be|thing|seem
I think there will be new fans.
그렇다면 앞으로 만나게 될
then|in the future|will meet|will be
If so, I would like to ask you to greet the many fans you will meet in the future.
수많은 팬들한테 인사 한번 부탁드리겠습니다
many|to fans|greeting|once|I would like to ask
I will show you my best side.
저 잘하는 모습 많이 보여드리겠습니다
I|good at|appearance|a lot|will show you
I will work hard, but
열심히 노력도 하겠지만
diligently|effort|will do
잘하는 모습 보여드리려고 할게요 감사합니다
doing well|appearance|to show|I will|thank you
I will try to show you my best. Thank you.
- 마지막으로 외국 팬들한테 한마디해 주시면 될 것 같습니다 - 아 네
lastly|foreign|to the fans|say a word|if you|be|thing|seems|ah|yes
- Lastly, could you say a word to the foreign fans? - Ah, yes.
영어로 해도 괜찮고 한국어로 해도 괜찮아요 상관없어요
in English|do|it's okay|in Korean|do|it's okay|it doesn't matter
It's fine to speak in English or Korean, it doesn't matter.
땡큐!! 땡큐땡큫ㅎ흫ㅎ
thank you|
Thank you!! Thank you, thank you!! Haha.
수고하셨습니다 감사합니다
you worked hard|thank you
Good job, thank you.
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