Coronaviruset sprids fortfarande mycket
The coronavirus|spreads|still|a lot
The coronavirus is still spreading a lot.
2020-12-10 16:00:00
2020-12-10 16:00:00
Coronaviruset sprids fortfarande mycket i Sverige.
The coronavirus|spreads|still|a lot|in|Sweden
The coronavirus is still spreading a lot in Sweden.
Situationen är allvarlig, säger Karin Tegmark Wisell på Folkhälsomyndigheten.
The situation|is|serious|says|Karin|Tegmark|Wisell|at|the Public Health Agency
The situation is serious, says Karin Tegmark Wisell at the Public Health Agency.
De senaste veckorna har viruset inte ökat lika snabbt som tidigare.
The|recent|weeks|has|the virus|not|increased|as|quickly|as|earlier
In recent weeks, the virus has not increased as quickly as before.
Folkhälsomyndigheten säger att smittan kan vara på en platå nu.
The Public Health Agency|says|that|infection|can|be|on|a|plateau|now
The Public Health Agency says that the infection may be at a plateau now.
Det betyder att antalet nya smittade per vecka inte ökar.
It|means|that|the number|new|infected|per|week|not|increases
This means that the number of new infections per week is not increasing.
Men det är inte säkert att det är så.
But it is not certain that this is the case.
Och läget är fortfarande väldigt allvarligt, eftersom många blir smittade och sjuka.
And the situation is still very serious, as many are getting infected and sick.
Det har inte minskat.
It has not decreased.
Det säger Karin Tegmark Wisell på Folkhälsomyndigheten.
It|says|Karin|Tegmark|Wisell|at|the Public Health Agency
This is stated by Karin Tegmark Wisell at the Public Health Agency.
– De senaste veckorna har uppgången varit något lägre.
– In recent weeks, the increase has been somewhat lower.
Men vi har fortsatt ett mycket stort antal fall i landet.
But|we|have|still|a|very|large|number|cases|in|the country
But we still have a very large number of cases in the country.
Så en mycket allvarlig situation.
So a very serious situation.
Ett stort antal fall i landet, och det fortsätter att se ut på det sättet, säger Karin Tegmark Wisell.
A|large|number|cases|in|the country|and|it|continues|to|look|like|in|that|way|says|Karin|Tegmark|Wisell
A large number of cases in the country, and it continues to look that way, says Karin Tegmark Wisell.
Förra veckan testades drygt 261 000 personer för coronaviruset i Sverige.
Last|week|were tested|just over|people|for|the coronavirus|in|Sweden
Last week, just over 261,000 people were tested for the coronavirus in Sweden.
14 procent av dem var smittade.
14 percent of them were infected.
Det är en lite större del än veckan innan.
That is a slightly larger share than the week before.
Då var drygt 13 procent av dem som testades smittade.
Then|was|just over|percent|of|them|who|were tested|infected
At that time, just over 13 percent of those tested were infected.
Fler blir också allvarligt sjuka.
More are also becoming seriously ill.
Just nu är det 258 patienter med covid-19 som vårdas med intensivvård.
Right|now|are|there|patients|with|covid-19|who|are treated|with|intensive care
Right now, there are 258 patients with covid-19 receiving intensive care.
Och nästan 2000 personer med covid-19 vårdas på andra platser på sjukhus.
And|almost|people|with|covid-19|are treated|in|other|locations|in|hospitals
And nearly 2000 people with covid-19 are being treated in other areas of the hospital.
Antalet personer med covid-19 som dör har ökat de senaste 6 veckorna.
The number|people|with|covid-19|who|die|has|increased|the|last|weeks
The number of people with covid-19 who are dying has increased over the past 6 weeks.
Totalt har nu 7354 personer med covid-19 dött i Sverige.
In total|have|now|people|with|covid-19|died|in|Sweden
A total of 7354 people with covid-19 have now died in Sweden.
Det finns fortfarande platser kvar för patienter i intensivvården, men sjukhusen i flera regioner har det tungt nu.
There|are|still|places|available|for|patients|in|intensive care|but|the hospitals|in|several|regions|have|it|hard|now
There are still places available for patients in intensive care, but hospitals in several regions are struggling right now.
Igår sa Region Stockholm att platserna för intensivvård är på väg att ta slut där.
Yesterday|said|Region|Stockholm|that|the places|for|intensive care|are|about|way|to|take|end|there
Yesterday, Region Stockholm said that the places for intensive care are about to run out there.
Men sjukvården kan öppna fler platser, om det behövs.
But|healthcare|can|open|more|spaces|if|it|is needed
But the healthcare system can open more places if needed.
I våras ordnade sjukvården många fler platser i intensivvården än vad som brukar finnas.
In|spring|arranged|healthcare|many|more|beds|in|intensive care|than|what|that|usually|be available
Last spring, the healthcare system arranged many more places in intensive care than are usually available.
Det kan de göra igen.
They can do that again.
Karin Tegmark Wisell på Folkhälsomyndigheten säger att alla måste hjälpa till för att färre ska bli smittade.
Karin|Tegmark|Wisell|at|the Public Health Agency|says|that|everyone|must|help|out|so that|that|fewer|will|become|infected
Karin Tegmark Wisell at the Public Health Agency says that everyone must help to reduce the number of infections.
Vi ska inte träffa många andra personer nu.
We should not meet many other people now.
Bara dem vi bor med, eller några få andra som vi träffar hela tiden.
Only|those|we|live|with|or|a few|few|others|that|we|meet|all|time
Only those we live with, or a few others that we meet all the time.
Vi ska inte gå till köpcentrum eller andra platser med många människor.
We|shall|not|go|to|shopping mall|or|other|places|with|many|people
We should not go to shopping malls or other places with many people.
Vi ska hålla avstånd till andra, tvätta händerna noga och stanna hemma om vi känner oss lite sjuka.
We|shall|keep|distance|from|others|wash|hands|thoroughly|and|stay|home|if|we|feel|us|a little|sick
We should keep our distance from others, wash our hands thoroughly, and stay home if we feel a little sick.
– Antalet nya fall blir ju en konsekvens av att vi träffas och möts i samhället.
The number|new|cases|becomes|as|a|consequence|of|that|we|meet|and|interact|in|society
– The number of new cases is a consequence of us meeting and gathering in society.
Och det vi kan göra nu, var och en, är ju att bidra till att minska den utveckling som vi har i landet, säger Karin Tegmark Wisell.
And|it|we|can|do|now|each|and|one|is|of course|to|contribute|to|to|reduce|the|development|that|we|have|in|the country|says|Karin|Tegmark|Wisell
And what we can do now, each and every one of us, is to contribute to reducing the development we have in the country, says Karin Tegmark Wisell.
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