Düşenin halinden anlamak için illa damdan atlamak mı lazım? | Arif Aygündüz | TEDxIstanbul
the one who falls|from his state|to understand|in order to|must|from the roof|to jump|question particle|necessary|Arif|Aygündüz|TEDxIstanbul
Müssen wir vom Dach springen, um die Situation der Gefallenen zu verstehen? | Arif Aygündüz | TEDxIstanbul
Le monde est en train de s'effondrer, il faut sauter du toit pour comprendre ce qui s'est passé... | Arif Aygündüz | TEDxIstanbul
Moet je van het dak springen om de gevallenen te begrijpen? | Arif Aygündüz | TEDxIstanbul
Нужно ли прыгать с крыши, чтобы понять, что упало?| Ариф Айгюндюз | TEDxIstanbul
Do you have to fall from the roof to understand the state of someone who has fallen? | Arif Aygündüz | TEDxIstanbul
Transcriber: Ezgisu Karakaya Gözden geçirme: Can Boysan
transcriber|Ezgisu|Karakaya|review|to pass|Can|Boysan
Transcriber: Ezgisu Karakaya Review: Can Boysan
Damdan düşenin halinden, damdan düşen anlar demiş atalarımız.
from the roof|the one who falls|from his state|from the roof|the one who falls|he understands|they said|our ancestors
Our ancestors said, 'Only the one who falls from the roof understands the state of the one who has fallen.'
Hiç katılmadığım bir laf.
لا|لم أشارك||
never|I did not agree with|a|word
I have never agreed with that saying.
Düşenin halinden anlamak için illa damdan atlamak mı lazım?
the one who falls|from his state|to understand|in order to|necessarily|from the roof|to jump|question particle|necessary
Do you have to fall from the roof to understand the state of someone who has fallen?
Elimdeki bastonu görüp de, benim de damdan düştüğümü falan zannetmeyin.
the one in my hand|the cane|seeing|also|my|also|from the roof|that I fell|etc|don't think
Don't think that I fell from the roof just because you see the cane in my hand.
Yıllar önce bir hastanenin ıslak zemininde kayıp, bacağımı kırmıştım.
years|ago|a|hospital's|wet|on the floor|I slipped|my leg|I had broken
Years ago, I slipped on a wet floor in a hospital and broke my leg.
46 yıllık eşimden sonra en uzun birlikteliğimi bastonumla yaşıyorum
year|from my wife|after|the most|long|my companionship|with my cane|I am living
I am living my longest relationship with my cane after my 46-year marriage.
ama Allah'tan eşim hiç kıskanmıyor.
but|thank God|my wife|never|she is jealous
But thank God my spouse never gets jealous.
1998 yılında ODTÜ Mezunlar Derneği Başkanlığı yaparken,
in the year|METU|alumni|association|presidency|while I was doing
In 1998, while I was serving as the President of the METU Alumni Association,
damdan düşmemiş iki kişi olarak, bir sınıf arkadaşımla birlikte
from the roof|not fallen|two|people|as|a|class|with my classmate|together
as two people who had not fallen from the roof, together with a classmate.
dünyanın en iyi 85 üniversitesinden biri olan ODTÜ'yü kazanma başarısı göstermiş
the world's|the|best|universities|one|that is|METU|winning|success|shown
achieved the success of winning METU, one of the best 85 universities in the world.
ama maalesef ailelerin ekonomik sorunları nedeniyle
but|unfortunately|families'|economic|problems|due to
but unfortunately due to the economic problems of families,
eğitimlerine devam edememe tehlikesiyle
تعليمهم|استمرار|عدم القدرة على|خطر
their education|continuation|inability to continue|with the danger of
they are facing the danger of not being able to continue their education.
karşı karşıya gelen gençlerin hayatına dokunmak istemiştik.
against|facing|coming|young people's|their lives|to touch|we wanted
We wanted to touch the lives of young people who are facing this situation.
Bir hareket başlatıyorduk 1998 yılında
a|movement|we were starting|in year
We were starting a movement in 1998.
ama bu dokunma sadece maddi destek dokunması değildi.
but|this|touch|only|material|support|touch|it was not
But this touch was not just a material support touch.
Maddi destekle bir öğrenciyi üniversiteden mezun edebilirsiniz
material|support with|a|student|from university|graduate|you can
You can graduate a student from university with material support.
ama mezun ettikten sonra onun işsiz kalmasını engelleyemezsiniz.
but|graduate|after graduating|then|his|unemployed|remaining|you cannot prevent
||||ه (ضمير ملكية)|عاطل||لا يمكنك منع
But after graduation, you cannot prevent them from being unemployed.
Çünkü artık iş aslanın ağzında.
because|now|work|lion's|in the mouth
||عمل||فم الأسد
Because now the job is in the lion's mouth.
O çocuklara sosyal ve kültürel destek de vermezseniz,
O(1)||||ثقافي|دعم||إذا لم تعطوهم
that|to the children|social|and|cultural|support|also|if you don't give
If you do not provide those children with social and cultural support,
o çocuklar sadece bankamatik bursiyeri olarak karşınıza gelecek
هذا|||صراف آلي|صرافة||أمامكم|
those|children|only|ATM|scholarship recipient|as|in front of you|will come
those children will only come to you as ATM scholarship recipients
ve 18 yıldan beri hiçbir bankamatik bursiyerinden hoşlanmam.
and|years|for|no|ATM|from a scholarship recipient|I don't like
|سنة|منذ||صراف آلي|من المودع|أحب
and I have not liked any ATM scholarship recipient for 18 years.
Bu çocuklara, bugüne kadar yaklaşık 7 bin öğrenciyle burs mülakatı yaptım.
these|children|until today|up to|approximately|thousand|with students|scholarship|interview|I did
I have conducted scholarship interviews with approximately 7 thousand students for these children.
Türkiye'nin çeşitli şehirlerinde ve üniversitelerinde.
In various cities and universities across Turkey.
Eğitim sadece bakanlığın tabelasında kalmış.
||الوزارة|لوحة الإعلانات|
Education has only remained on the ministry's sign.
2000'li yıllarda bir mülakatta öğrenciye "Orhan Pamuk kimdir?" diye sordum.
2000s|years|a|in an interview|to the student|Orhan|Pamuk|who is|that|I asked
In a 2000s interview, I asked a student, "Who is Orhan Pamuk?"
Aldığım yanıt ''Galatasaray'ın futbolcusu hocam,'' dedi.
I received|answer|Galatasaray's|player|my teacher|he said
The answer I received was, 'He is a football player of Galatasaray, my teacher,' he said.
O tarihte Galatasaray'da Orhan Ak isminde bir futbolcu oynuyordu.
that|time|at Galatasaray|Orhan|Ak|named|a|player|he was playing
At that time, a football player named Orhan Ak was playing for Galatasaray.
Çocuk ak ile pamuğu beyaza benzedikleri için karıştırdı herhalde.
child|cotton|with|cotton|white|they resemble|because|he mixed|probably
The child probably confused the cotton with the white because they looked alike.
Bir başka gence: Türk sanat müziği dinler misin,
another|other|young man|Turkish|art|music|you listen|do you
To another young man: Do you listen to Turkish classical music?
bana bir icracı söyler misin, diye sorduğumda,
to me|a|performer|he/she tells|you|that|I asked
When I asked, "Can you tell me a performer?"
''Gayet tabii hocam. Her gün yurtta Hakkı Bulut dinliyorum,'' dedi.
quite|of course|my teacher|every|day|in the dorm|Hakkı|Bulut|I am listening|he said
he said, "Of course, teacher. I listen to Hakkı Bulut every day in the dormitory."
İstanbul'da yerleşik üniversitelerin birinde çevre mühendisliği
في إسطنبول|مستقرة||أحدها||
|established|universities|in one|environmental|engineering
I asked a third-year environmental engineering student at a university based in Istanbul, "Who is Hayrettin Karaca?"
3\. sınıf olan bir gence ''Hayrettin Karaca kimdir?'' dedim.
year|who is|a|young man|Hayrettin|Karaca|who is|I said
Boş bakışlar saniyeler sürdü.
The vacant stares lasted for seconds.
"Bir ipucu vereyim mi sana?" dedim.
a|clue|I give|question particle|to you|I said
"Shall I give you a hint?" I said.
"Evet hocam," dedi.
yes|my teacher|he said
"Yes, teacher," he said.
"Cem Karaca'nın abisi mi, babası mı?" dedim.
Cem|Karaca's|brother|question particle|father|question particle|I said
"Is it Cem Karaca's brother or father?" I asked.
"Babası hocam," dedi.
his father|my teacher|he said
"His father is my teacher," he said.
Korkarım Kaptan Cousteau'yu sorsaydım,
I fear|Captain|Cousteau|if I had asked
I'm afraid if I asked about Captain Cousteau,
Üsküdar-Kabataş arası çalışan
he would say he is one of the captains of the
dolmuş motorlarının kaptanlarından biri diyecekti.
shared taxi|of the engines|of the captains|one|he would say
ferry boats operating between Üsküdar and Kabataş.
İnanın eğitimimiz yerlerde sürünüyor.
|our education|on the ground|is crawling
Believe me, our education is in a terrible state.
Biz ise, bense
we|however|but I
As for us, I,
araştıran, sorgulayan ve paylaşmasını bilen gençlere destek olmak istiyorduk.
الباحثين|الذي يستجوب|||||||
researching|questioning|and|sharing|knowing|to young people|support|to be|we wanted
we wanted to support young people who research, question, and know how to share.
Bu tür gençleri yetiştirmek istiyorduk,
this|type|young people|to raise|we wanted
We wanted to raise such young people,
hayat kılavuzunda 5N1K'yi kullanan gençleri yetiştirmek,
الحياة|في دليل الحياة|||||
life|in the guide|||using|young people|to raise
to raise young people who use the 5W1H in life guidance,
bu bireyleri yetiştirmek istiyorduk.
this|individuals|to raise|we wanted
we wanted to raise these individuals.
Bunun için projemiz sosyal, kültürel ve ekonomik destek projesiydi.
for this|for|our project|social|cultural|and|economic|support|it was a project
For this, our project was a social, cultural, and economic support project.
1998'de sadece on öğrencinin hayatına dokunmuştuk.
in 1998|only|ten|students'|life|we had touched
In 1998, we had only touched the lives of ten students.
2003'te 553 öğrenciye çıkmıştık.
in 2003|students|we had reached
By 2003, we had reached 553 students.
2003 yılında Mezunlar Derneği Başkanlığından ayrılmıştım
in the year|Alumni|Association|from the presidency|I had left
In 2003, I had stepped down from the presidency of the Alumni Association
ama proje benim bir çocuğumdu, izlemeye devam ediyordum.
but|project|my|a|it was my child|to follow||
but the project was like my child, I continued to monitor it.
2008'de dünya ekonomik krizle sallandı.
in 2008|world|economic|crisis with|shook
In 2008, the world was shaken by an economic crisis.
Bizim proje de bu sarsıntıdan nasibini aldı.
our|project|also|this|from the shock|share|took
Our project was also affected by this turmoil.
Bağışçılarımız ya işsiz kaldı ya da gelirleri azaldı.
our donors|either|unemployed|remained|or|also|their incomes|decreased
Our donors either became unemployed or their incomes decreased.
Böyle durumlarda tasarruf sosyal yardımlardan başlar.
such|situations|saving|social|from assistance|starts
In such situations, savings start with social assistance.
Bağışlarını kesmişlerdi.
their donations|they had cut
They had cut off the donations.
Bağışlar kesilince burslar da kesildi
donations|when they were cut|scholarships|also|they were cut
When the donations were cut, the scholarships were also cut.
ve yüzlerce öğrenci maalesef çok zor durumda kaldı.
and|hundreds of|students|unfortunately|very|difficult|situation|they found themselves
And unfortunately, hundreds of students found themselves in a very difficult situation.
Bu sonuç beni ülkemizdeki yardım kurumlarını,
this|result|me|in our country|aid|organizations
This result made me think about the aid organizations in our country,
hayır kurumlarını incelemeye itti.
charity|institutions|to examine|it made
it prompted me to examine charitable organizations.
İncelemem sonunda gördüm ki,
|in the end|I saw|that
At the end of my examination, I saw that,
bu kurumların hemen hepsi topladıkları bağışları fonlara yatırıyorlar.
these|institutions|immediately|all|they collected|donations|to funds|they invest
almost all of these organizations invest the donations they collect into funds.
Fonların gelirleri ile destek verecekleri kişilere bu desteği sağlıyorlardı.
funds'|revenues|with|support|they will give|to people|this|support|they were providing
الصناديق|||||||الدعم|كانوا يوفرون
They were providing support to the individuals they would assist with the income from the funds.
Bu sektörün lideri, en önde geleni
The leader of this sector, the foremost one
1967 yılında ilk patronum Vehbi Koç tarafından kurulan
in the year|first|my boss|Vehbi|Koç|by|founded
was the Turkish Education Foundation, founded in 1967 by my first boss Vehbi Koç
ve bugüne kadar 220 bin öğrenciye karşılıksız destek veren
and|until today|up to|thousand|students|unconditional|support|giving
and has provided unconditional support to 220 thousand students to this day.
Türk Eğitim Vakfı'ydı.
Turkish|Education|it was
Vakfın o günkü genel müdürü, üniversiteden bir kardeşim, arkadaşım,
the foundation's|that|day's|general|manager|from the university|a|my brother|my friend
The general manager of the foundation that day, a brother of mine from university, my friend,
kendisinden randevu aldım ve kafamdaki projeyi anlattım.
منه||||في ذهني||
from him|appointment|I got|and|in my mind|the project|I explained
I made an appointment with him and explained the project I had in mind.
Oturduk, bir ODTÜ fonu kuralım
we sat|a|METU|fund|let's establish
We sat down and decided to establish an ODTÜ fund,
fonun getirisiyle ODTÜ'deki öğrencilere destek verelim kararını çıkardık.
the fund's|with its returns|at METU|to students|support|let's give|the decision|we made
to support students at ODTÜ with the returns of the fund.
Sadece yöntemim farklıydı.
only|my method|was different
My method was just different.
Hayır kurumları ülkemizde felaketlerden sonra
charity|organizations|in our country|disasters|after
Charities in our country organize donation campaigns after disasters
veya periyodik olarak bağış kampanyaları düzenlerler.
or|periodic|as|donation|campaigns|they organize
or periodically.
Bu kampanyaları kamu spotlarıyla halka duyururlar,
these|campaigns|public|service announcements|to the public|they announce
|الحملات|القطاع العام|بإعلانات||
They announce these campaigns to the public with public service announcements,
duyarlı insanlarımız gider bağışlarını yaparlar
sensitive|our people|they go|their donations|they make
our sensitive people go and make their donations
ya da bağış yapmaya karar veren kişi
or|also|donation|to make|decision|giving|person
or the person who decides to donate
belirlediği kurumun kapısını çalar,
he/she determined|institution's|door|he/she knocks
knocks on the door of the institution they have chosen,
malını, mülkünü, parasını hibe eder, devreder
his/her property|his/her assets|his/her money|donation|he/she gives|he/she transfers
donates, transfers their property, wealth, or money
ama ben çok daha farklı ve meşakkatli bir yöntem gönderiyordum onlara.
but|I|very|more|different|and|arduous|a|method|I was sending|to them
||||||||طريقة|كنت أرسل|
but I was sending them a much different and more laborious method.
Potansiyel bağışçıları araştıralım, randevu alalım, projeyi anlatalım,
potential|donors|let's research|appointment|let's get|the project|let's explain
Let's research potential donors, schedule appointments, explain the project,
hayatına dokunacağımız gençleri tanıtalım, bağışlarını toplayalım.
to their life|we will touch|the youth|let's introduce|their donations|let's collect
introduce the young people whose lives we will touch, and collect their donations.
Genel müdür, yönetim kuruluna sundu, onayını aldı.
general|manager|management|to the board|he presented|his approval|he received
The general manager presented it to the board of directors and received their approval.
O günkü yönetim kurulu başkanımız Ömer Koç, Rektör Ahmet Acar'la birlikte
that|day|management|board|our president|Ömer|Koç|rector|Ahmet|with Acar|together
Our board chairman that day, Ömer Koç, along with Rector Ahmet Acar,
ODTÜ Geleceğimiz Fonu Protokolünü imzaladı.
METU|our future|fund|protocol|he signed
signed the ODTÜ Future Fund Protocol.
Projeyi anlatmaya gittiğim üniversitenin üst yöneticilerinden biri,
the project|to explain|I went to|the university's|upper|from the executives|one
||||العلوي|من مديريها|
One of the senior executives of the university I went to explain the project,
bana bağışları nasıl toplayacağımı sormuştu.
to me|donations|how|I would collect|he had asked
had asked me how I would collect donations.
Ben de; kapı kapı dolaşarak, dedim
I|too|door|door|going around|I said
I also said, going door to door.
Bastonumu göstererek "Bununla mı?" dedi.
my cane|showing|with this|question particle|he said
He pointed at my cane and said, "With this?"
"İyi bir profesör mü tanıyorsun bunsuz dolaştıracak?" dedim.
|a|professor|question particle|you know|without this|he will make me go around|I said
I asked, "Do you know a good professor who can take me around without this?"
"Hayır, onar bin dolar verecek yüz civarında ODTÜ mezunu tanıyorum.
no|ten|thousand|dollars|he will give|hundred|around|METU|graduate|I know
He replied, "No, I know about a hundred METU graduates who will pay ten thousand dollars."
Ziyaret eder bir milyon dolar toplarsın." teklifinde bulundu.
visit|you will do|a|million|dollars|you will collect|in your offer|he/she/it made
"You visit and you can raise a million dollars," he offered.
Evet, çok kolay bir olay ama projenin geleceği olmaz.
yes|very|easy|a|event|but|the project's|future|it will not be
Yes, it's a very easy thing, but the project won't have a future.
Bir daha o insanlara gidemezsiniz, projeniz de bir yerden sonra durur.
one|more|those|people|you cannot go|your project|also|a|place|after|it stops
You can't go back to those people again, and your project will stop at some point.
Mütevelli heyetindeki bazı arkadaşlarım ise
board of trustees|in the board|some|my friends|as for
المتولي|في هيئة المتولي|||
Some of my friends on the board of trustees,
bağış toplama yöntemime dudak bükmüşler,
donation|collecting|my method|lip|they have curled
they scoffed at my fundraising method,
Türk Eğitim Vakfı'na yakıştıramamışlardı.
تركية||مؤسسة|لم يستطيعوا أن يليقوا
Turkish|Education|to the Foundation|they could not find suitable
they couldn't believe it was fitting for the Turkish Education Foundation.
1150 fondan biri olarak kurulmuştu fon, TEB'in bünyesinde.
from the fund|one|as|it was established|fund|TEB's|within
||||||في إطار
The fund was established as one of 1150 funds, within TEB.
Yedi yıl boyunca üç bine yakın ODTÜ mezunu ve ODTÜ dostunu araştırıp,
For seven years, I researched nearly three thousand METU graduates and friends of METU,
randevu alıp, proje anlatıp %90'ına yakınından bağışları toplayarak
appointment|having|project|explaining|about 90%|from near|donations|collecting
making an appointment, explaining the project, and collecting donations from nearly 90% of them
TEB'in bünyesindeki en büyük on fon arasına soktuk.
TEB|في هيكلها|||||بين|
TEB's|within its|the|largest|ten|funds|among|we placed
We placed it among the top ten funds within TEB.
Gerek bursiyer sayısı açısından, gerek bağışların toplamı olarak
both|scholarship recipient|number|in terms of|both|donations|total|in terms of
|المنح الدراسية||||||
In terms of the number of scholarship recipients and the total amount of donations
en büyük on fondan biriydi artık.
the|biggest|ten|funds|it was one of|now
It was now one of the top ten funds.
Geçen iki sene önce bir Soma faciası yaşadık.
last|two|years|ago|a|Soma|disaster|we experienced
Two years ago, we experienced a Soma disaster.
Soma faciasında Türkiye'nin en önde gelen üç sivil toplum kurumunun
Soma|in the disaster|Turkey's|the|front|leading|three|civil|society|institution's
|في كارثة سومي||||||||
Do you know how much was raised by Turkey's three leading civil society organizations in the Soma disaster?
topladığı bağış miktarı neydi, biliyor musunuz?
it collected|donation|amount|what was|I know|do you
Sadece üç milyon liraydı.
only|three|million|it was in lira
It was only three million lira.
Tüm Türkiye'den.
all|from Turkey
From all over Turkey.
Bizim hareketimiz sadece 2500 ODTÜ'lüden bir milyon lira para toplamıştı.
our|movement|only|from ODTÜ students|one|million|lira|money|had collected
Our movement had only collected one million lira from 2500 METU graduates.
Çünkü ülkemizde, her ortamda olduğu gibi,
لأن||في كل||كما|
because|in our country|every|environment|it is|like
Because in our country, just like in every environment,
bağış toplamada da güvensizlik ortamı var.
donation|in collecting|also|distrust|environment|there is
there is an atmosphere of distrust in fundraising.
Birkaç tane kötü örnek yüzünden, hiç kimse
a few|pieces|bad|examples|because of|no|nobody
Because of a few bad examples, no one
kime, nereye, hangi projeye destek verdiğini bilmeden bağış yapmak istemiyor.
to whom|to where|which|project|support|that he/she gave|without knowing|donation|to make|he/she doesn't want
wants to donate without knowing who, where, or which project they are supporting.
Bağış yapanın bağış alma hakkı vardır prensibinden yola çıkarak
donation|the one who makes|donation|receiving|right|there is|principle|road|by taking
Based on the principle that the donor has the right to receive donations,
ziyaret ettiğim her kişiye Ocak ve Temmuz aylarında iki proje raporu gönderirim.
visit|I visited|every|person|January|and|July|in the months|two|project|report|I send
I send two project reports to every person I visit in January and July.
Elektronik postayla gönderirim
electronic|by mail|I send
I send them via email,
ama tek tek kişiye özel yazarak gönderirim.
but|single|single|person|private|by writing|I send
but I write to each person individually.
Toplu mesajları hiç okumam,
group|messages|never|I read
I never read group messages,
sizlerden de okumanızı beklemediğim için tek tek yazıp gönderirim.
from you|also|you reading|I don't expect|for|single|single|writing|I send
and since I don't expect you to read them either, I write and send them one by one.
Bursiyerlerimiz, öğrencilerimiz projenin ikinci ayağıdır.
our scholarship holders|our students|the project's|second|part
المنح الدراسية لدينا|طلابنا|||جزء
Our scholarship recipients are the second phase of the project.
Projeden yararlanmak isteyen öğrenciler
from the project|to benefit|wanting|students
Students who want to benefit from the project
gerekli bilgi ve belgeleri vakfa gönderirler.
necessary|information|and|documents|to the foundation|they send
They send the necessary information and documents to the foundation.
Bunların doğrulukları araştırılıp teyit edildikten sonra mülakatlara geçeriz.
these|accuracies|researched and|confirmed|after|then|to the interviews|we proceed
After their accuracy is investigated and confirmed, we proceed to the interviews.
Mülakatlardaki kriterlerden en önemlisi
in the interviews|from the criteria|the most|important
في المقابلات|من المعايير||
The most important criterion in the interviews is
evrensel değerlerle örtüşen ODTÜ ve TEV değerleridir.
universal|values|overlapping|METU|and|TEV|they are values
the values of METU and TEV that align with universal values.
Atatürk ilke ve devrimleri, Cumhuriyet, demokrasi,
Atatürk's principles and reforms, the Republic, democracy,
insan hakları, kadın erkek eşitliği gibi.
human rights, gender equality, and so on.
Bu kriterlerden asla taviz vermedim, vermeye de hiçbir niyetim yok.
this|criteria|never|concession|I did not give|to give|also|no|intention|there is not
|من المعايير||تنازل||||||
I have never compromised on these criteria, and I have no intention of doing so.
Bu aşamalardan geçen öğrenciler artık bursiyer olmuşlar,
this|stages|passing|students|now|scholarship holder|they have become
|من المراحل|||||
Students who have gone through these stages have now become scholarship recipients,
maddi desteğin yanında hepsi gönüllü olan mentor mezunlarla tanıştırırım.
financial|support|alongside|all|volunteer|being|mentor|graduates|I introduce
and in addition to financial support, I introduce them to volunteer mentors who are graduates.
Mentorlerimiz öğrencilerimizin kariyer planlamalarından,
our mentors|our students'|career|planning
Our mentors help our students with career planning,
staj sorunlarına, mezun olduktan sonra iş bulmalarına kadar yardımcı olurlar.
internship|problems|graduate|after|then|job|finding|until|helpful|they are
internship issues, and finding jobs after graduation.
Daha da önemlisi birkaç yıl sonra gerçek yaşamla tanışacak olan bu gençleri,
more|also|importantly|a few|years|later|real|life with|will meet|who|these|young people
More importantly, these young people who will meet real life a few years later,
evlerinde ve iş yerlerinde misafir ederek
at their homes|and|work|at their workplaces|guest|by hosting
host them in their homes and workplaces
bugünkü gerçek yaşamlarından kesitler sunarlar.
today's|real|from their lives|excerpts|they present
and present excerpts from their current real lives.
Yılda dördü Ankara'da, biri İstanbul'da olmak üzere
per year|four of them|in Ankara|one||to be|in total
Four times a year in Ankara and once in Istanbul,
beş kez bağışçılarla bursiyerleri bir araya getiririm.
five|times|with the donors|the scholarship recipients|one|together|I bring
||مع المتبرعين||||
I bring donors and scholarship recipients together five times.
Maksadım bağışçılarımızın kimin hayatına dokunduklarını öğrenmeleridir.
my aim|our donors|whose|life|they touched|to learn
My aim is for our donors to learn whose lives they have touched.
Bu toplantılarda bilgi ve birikimlerini ve deneyimlerini
these|in meetings|knowledge|and|their experiences|and|their experiences
In these meetings, they share their knowledge, experience,
öğrencilerle paylaşırlarken onların sorularına da yanıt verirler.
مع الطلاب||||||
with the students|while sharing|their|questions|also|answer|they give
and also answer the students' questions.
Her toplantıdan sonra bağış miktarı biraz daha artar.
every|after the meeting|after|donation|amount|a little|more|increases
The donation amount increases a little more after each meeting.
Bütün ziyaret ettiğim kişilerle yılda en az üç kere
all|visit|I visited|with people|per year|at least|least|three|times
|||مع الأشخاص|||||
I contact all the people I visit at least three times a year,
elektronik posta, telefon veya yüz yüze iletişime geçer,
electronic|mail|phone|or|face|to face|communication|I contact
via email, phone, or face-to-face.
ilişkilerimizi sıcak ve taze tutmaya çalışırım.
our relationships|warm|and|fresh|to keep|I try
I try to keep our relationships warm and fresh.
Cenaze, düğün ve doğum gibi acı tatlı anlarında
In bittersweet moments like funerals, weddings, and births,
onların yanlarında olmaya çalışırım.
أكون بجانبهم|بجانبهم||
their|by their side|to be|I try
I try to be there for them.
Yedi yılda yüz kırka yakın doğum tebriği yapmışım.
seven|in years|hundred|forty|close to|birth|congratulations|I have done
I have sent nearly one hundred and forty birth congratulations in seven years.
Geçen hafta biri İstanbul dışında iki düğündeydim.
last|week|one||outside|two|I was at weddings
Last week I was at two weddings outside of Istanbul.
Yaklaşık ders yılının 20 günü
About 20 days of the academic year.
ODTÜ kampüsünde bursiyerlerimle birlikte yaşarım.
METU|on campus|with my scholarship students|together|I live
|في حرم الجامعة|مع طلاب المنحة||
I live on the ODTÜ campus with my scholarship students.
Diploma törenlerinde onların yanındayımdır.
دبلوم|في حفلات الشهادات||
diploma|at ceremonies|their|I am by their side
I am with them at the graduation ceremonies.
Kutlamaları birlikte yaparız.
celebrations|together|we will do
We will celebrate together.
İstanbul'a geldiklerinde eşimle birlikte evimizde ağırlarız.
|when they arrive|with my wife|together|in our house|we will host
||مع زوجتي||في منزلنا|نبقى
When they come to Istanbul, we will host them at our home with my spouse.
Her türlü sorunlarında yanındayız.
every|kind of|in their problems|we are by their side
We are by their side in all their troubles.
Bağışçılarımız yaşlarına göre abi veya amca diye hitap ederler bana.
our donors|according to their ages|according to|older brother|or|uncle|as|address|they do|
Our donors address me as brother or uncle according to their age.
Bursiyerlerimizle ilişkilerim dede torun ilişkisidir.
with our scholarship students|my relationships|grandfather|grandchild|is a relationship
My relationship with my scholarship students is like that of a grandfather and grandson.
Geçen yıl ikiz torunlarımdan biri cep telefonumu alıp yanıma gelerek
last|year|twin|from my grandchildren|one|cell|my phone|taking|to me|coming
Last year, one of my twin grandchildren took my cell phone and came to me,
bana, “Dedeciğim, sizin kaç torununuz var?” sorusunu yöneltti.
to me|my dear grandfather|your|how many|your grandchildren|there are|question|he asked
and asked me, "Grandpa, how many grandchildren do you have?"
Ben de: “Sen, Zeynep ve Defnesu, üç,” diye cevap verdim.
I|also|you|Zeynep|and|Defnesu|three|that|answer|I gave
I replied, "You, Zeynep, and Defnesu, three."
Telefonumdaki mesajlardan bursiyer torunlarımla
in my phone|from the messages|scholarship|with my grandchildren
Showing my messages on my phone to my scholarship grandchildren
yazışmalarımı göstererek: “Peki, bunlar kim o zaman?” dedi.
my correspondences|showing|well|these|who|that|time|he said
I said: "Well, who are these then?"
Paylaşamama duygusu ortaya çıkmıştı.
inability to share|feeling|out|it had emerged
عدم القدرة على المشاركة|شعور||
The feeling of inability to share had emerged.
Bu kötü bir duygu.
This is a bad feeling.
Hemen bir iki hafta içerisinde torunlarımı alıp
immediately|a|two|week|within|my grandchildren|taking
I immediately took my grandchildren in a week or two.
Ankara'daki bursiyer torunlarımla tanıştırmaya götürdüm.
in Ankara|scholarship|with my grandchildren|to introduce|I took
||مع أحفادي|التعريف|أخذت
I took them to meet my scholarship grandchildren in Ankara.
Şimdi bazılarıyla sosyal medyada arkadaş bile oldular.
now|with some of them|social|on social media|friend|even|they became
Now some of them have even become friends on social media.
Amacım sadece bağış alan, bağış dağıtan bir kişi olarak anımsanmak değil.
my aim|only|donation|receiving|donation|distributing|a|person|as|to be remembered|not
My goal is not just to be remembered as a person who receives and distributes donations.
Amacım geniş bir aile yaratmak.
my aim|wide|a|family|to create
My goal is to create a large family.
Aile, aidiyet duygusunu peşinden getirir.
Family brings a sense of belonging.
Aidiyet duygusu çok önemli bir duygudur.
The sense of belonging is a very important feeling.
Soruyorum sizlere: Türk insanının aidiyet duyduğu birinci olgu nedir?
I am asking|to you|Turkish|person's|belonging|that he/she feels|first|phenomenon|what is
I ask you: What is the primary entity that Turkish people feel a sense of belonging to?
Fenerbahçe, Galatasaraylılık.
Fenerbahçe|being a Galatasaray fan
Fenerbahçe, being a Galatasaray fan.
Şaşırdınız değil mi?
you are surprised|not|question particle
You were surprised, weren't you?
Din, milliyet, hemşehrilik çok gerilerde kalmış.
religion|nationality|hometown affiliation|very|behind|has remained
Religion, nationality, and local ties are far behind.
Ama okuduğunuz okul, destek aldığınız kurum akıllarına bile gelmiyor insanların.
but|the school you attended||support|the support you received||to their minds|even|does not come|
But the school you attended, the institution you received support from doesn't even come to people's minds.
Çünkü aidiyet duygusunu yerleştirmemişiz.
because|belonging|feeling|we have not established
Because we have not instilled a sense of belonging.
Aidiyet duygusunu yerleştirmediğimiz hiçbir proje uzun soluklu olmaz.
belonging|feeling|we have not established|no|project|long|lasting|it will not be
No project in which we have not instilled a sense of belonging will be long-lasting.
Çünkü bugün destek verdiğimiz, bugün hayatına dokunduğumuz gençler,
because|today|support|we give||to his/her life|we touch|young people
Because the young people we support today, whom we touch their lives today,
yarın birkaç yıl sonra mezun olduktan sonra,
tomorrow|a few|years|later|graduate|after|after
after a few years when they graduate tomorrow,
kendinden sonra gelen nesillere dokunmayacaklarsa, geçmiş olsun.
from oneself|after|coming|to generations|if they will not touch|past|let it be
If they will not touch the generations that come after them, good luck.
Bu kadar emek boşa gitti.
this|so much|effort|in vain|went
All this effort has gone to waste.
Bu aidiyet duygusunu vermek için inanılmaz çaba sarf ediyorum
this|belonging|feeling|to give|for|incredible|effort|to expend|I am doing
|||||لا يصدق|جهد||
I am making an incredible effort to instill this sense of belonging.
ve karşılığını da alıyorum.
and|the return|also|I am receiving
And I am also receiving a response.
Bu aktivitelerin hepsini yedi yıldan beri tek başıma gönüllü olarak yürütüyorum.
this|activities|all of them|seven|years|since|alone|to myself|volunteer|as|I have been carrying out
I have been carrying out all of these activities voluntarily on my own for seven years.
Muhasebe işlemleri ve bursiyer seçimleri dışındaki bütün işlemler
accounting|transactions|and|scholarship|selections|outside of|all|transactions
All operations except for accounting processes and scholarship selections
ve bütün engellere rağmen.
and despite all obstacles.
Bürokrasi, ilişkide olduğunuz kurumların kural ve alışkanlıkları, İstanbul trafiği,
البيروقراطية|في العلاقة|||||عادات||
bureaucracy|in relation|you are|institutions|rule|and|habits||traffic
Bureaucracy, the rules and habits of the institutions you are in contact with, Istanbul traffic,
bazılarımızın iş yoğunluğu ve benim sağlığım.
some of us|work|intensity|and|my|health
the workload of some of us, and my health.
Bütün bunları aşarak artık dünyada bile ses getiren bir proje haline geldi.
كل||تجاوز||في العالم|||||||
all|these|overcoming|now|in the world|even|sound|getting|a|project|into|it became
Overcoming all of this, it has now become a project that is making waves even in the world.
Dünyada bilişimin bir numaralı firması Amerika'dan
في العالم|التكنولوجيا||||
in the world|computing|the|number one|company|from America
The number one company in information technology in the world is from America.
ODTÜ Geleceğimiz Fonu Projesini
Middle East Technical University|Our Future|Fund|Project
METU Future Fund Project
dünyada desteklediği sosyal sorumluluk projeleri içine almaya hazırlanıyor.
in the world|it supports|social|responsibility|projects|into|to include|is preparing
is preparing to include it among the social responsibility projects it supports worldwide.
Evet, bütün bu engelleri aşarak bugünlere geldim.
yes|all|these|obstacles|by overcoming|to these days|I came
Yes, I have come this far by overcoming all these obstacles.
İtimat edin, büyük bir mutluluk duydum.
|make|big|a|happiness|I felt
Trust me, I felt a great happiness.
Büyük keyif aldım.
big|pleasure|I took
I enjoyed it a lot.
Eğer aranızda hâlâ bu hazzı tatmayanlar varsa hemen şimdi harekete geçin.
if|among you|still|this|pleasure|those who have not tasted|if there are|immediately|now|action|you go
If there are still those among you who have not tasted this pleasure, take action right now.
Hemen şimdi harekete geçin ve bir kişinin hayatına dokunun.
immediately|now|action|you go|and|a|person's|life|you touch
Take action right now and touch the life of one person.
Ama kan bağınız olmayan, soyadı birliğiniz olmayan birisini seçin ki
but|blood|your bond|not having|surname|your unity|not having|someone|choose|that
But choose someone who is not related to you by blood, someone with whom you do not share a surname,
o genç de sizin desteğinizle, sizin dokunuşunuzla ivme kazansın.
that|young person|also|your|with your support|your|with your touch|momentum|may gain
so that young person can gain momentum with your support, with your touch.
with my thanks
With my thanks.
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