
The word baan បាន which we can use as the word ‘can’ we can also add another word – aaj អាច. These words can be used in combination, surrounding the verb, to either make a statement or a question involving the word can:

Subj + aaj អាច + Verb + baan បាន ...

Laten we enkele voorbeelden bekijken:

Could you buy me some things – meeng aaj diny awai aaoy knyom klah baan day? មីង អាច ទិញ អ្វី អោយ ខ្ញុំ ខ្លះ បាន ទេ?
I can't go today – tngai neeh knyom ot aaj dauh baan day. ថ្ងៃ នេះ ខ្ញុំ អត់ អាច ទៅ បាន ទេ។

I can see him – knyom aaj kerny go-ad baan. ខ្ញុំ អាច ឃើញ គាត់ បាន

To see – kerny ឃើញ