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I don't understand how anyone can like medicine.

I've never liked it. I used to refuse to take it as a kid because the taste was so disgusting. I'm not sure whether or not medicine is a good thing. I'm sure that most of the time our body will recover naturally, without medicine. I actually think medicine can be bad for us. It makes the body weaker because we rely on medicines too much. I also worry about the safety of medicines. I read too many times about side effects. How can doctors be sure that the medicines we take one day won't make us ill later in life. A lot of what goes into medicine isn't natural. I'm a big believer in natural medicine. That seems to make much more sense. The Chinese seem to have it right.


I don’t understand how anyone can like medicine. 誰がどのように薬を好きになるのか分かりません。 Não entendo como alguém pode gostar de remédios.

I’ve never liked it. 好きじゃなかった。 Eu nunca gostei disso. I used to refuse to take it as a kid because the taste was so disgusting. I’m not sure whether or not medicine is a good thing. 薬が良いものかどうかわかりません。 I’m sure that most of the time our body will recover naturally, without medicine. I actually think medicine can be bad for us. 私は実際に薬は私たちにとって悪いことができると思います。 It makes the body weaker because we rely on medicines too much. 薬に頼りすぎているため、体が弱くなっています。 I also worry about the safety of medicines. I read too many times about side effects. How can doctors be sure that the medicines we take one day won’t make us ill later in life. 医師は、私たちが1日服用した薬が、後の人生で病気にならないことをどのように確信できますか。 A lot of what goes into medicine isn’t natural. 薬に入るものの多くは自然ではありません。 I’m a big believer in natural medicine. 私は自然医学を大いに信じています。 That seems to make much more sense. それははるかに理にかなっているようです。 Isso parece fazer muito mais sentido. The Chinese seem to have it right. 中国人は正しいようです。 Os chineses parecem ter razão.