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Aren't mp3s amazing? Maybe young people today don't think so. They are part of the “digital generation” and think mp3s are normal. But I was born long before digital music started. When I was a teenager, I had a record collection. You had to go to a store and buy your music. I had hundreds of records. The first time I came across mp3s I laughed. I was totally amazed. I still find it hard to believe I can keep 10,000 songs in my pocket and take them anywhere in the world. I also love the idea of mp3 downloads. It's much easier than going to a record store. I'm wondering what happens after mp3s. What's next? I'm sure one day people will laugh at how “old technology” mp3s are.


Aren't mp3s amazing? mp3は驚くべきものではありませんか? Maybe young people today don't think so. They are part of the “digital generation” and think mp3s are normal. 彼らは「デジタル世代」の一部であり、mp3は普通だと思います。 But I was born long before digital music started. しかし、私はデジタル音楽が始まるずっと前に生まれました。 When I was a teenager, I had a record collection. 10代の頃、レコードコレクションがありました。 You had to go to a store and buy your music. 店に行って音楽を買う必要がありました。 I had hundreds of records. The first time I came across mp3s I laughed. 初めてmp3に出会ったとき、私は笑った。 I was totally amazed. びっくりしました。 I still find it hard to believe I can keep 10,000 songs in my pocket and take them anywhere in the world. 10,000曲をポケットに入れて、世界中のどこにでも持っていくことができるとは信じられません。 I also love the idea of mp3 downloads. mp3ダウンロードのアイデアも大好きです。 It's much easier than going to a record store. I'm wondering what happens after mp3s. 私はmp3の後に何が起こるのだろうと思っています。 What's next? I'm sure one day people will laugh at how “old technology” mp3s are. いつか人々は、「古い技術」のmp3がどのように笑うのかと確信しています。