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E-Books (english-e-reader), The Haunted Dolls' House (2)

The Haunted Dolls' House (2)

The hours of night passed very slowly, thought Mr Dillet. He slowly moved from sitting to lying in his bed, but he didn't close an eye. Early next morning he sent for the doctor.

The doctor found him uneasy and nervous, and said that sea air was the answer. So Mr Dillet was driven slowly to a quiet place on the east coast.

One of the first people he met as he walked along by the sea was Mr Chittenden, who had also been told to take his wife away for a change of air.

'I'm a little upset with you,' said Mr Dillet.

'I'm not surprised, sir. My wife and I went through a lot ourselves. But what could I do? I couldn't throw the thing away - it was a really nice piece. And I couldn't really tell a buyer, "I'm selling you a haunted doll's house which will always come to life at one o'clock in the morning." I didn't want people to think me and my wife were crazy.'

'Will you buy it back from me?'

'No thanks! I'll tell you what, though. I'll pay you back what you gave for it, except the ten pounds I paid, of course. And you can do what you want with it.'

Later in the day the two men had another whispered conversation in the smokers' room at their hotel.

'Tell me, how much do you know about that thing, and where it came from?'

'Honestly, Mr Dillet, I don't know the house. Of course it came out of an old country house, that's clear. I've got a feeling it was from somewhere not far from this place. The man I bought it from isn't one who usually sells to me, and I haven't seen him since then. But this was his part of the country. And that's all I can say about it.

'But, Mr Dillet, I've got a question. The old man who drives up to the door - you've seen him, haven't you? Ah yes, I thought so. Do you think he was the doctor or the lawyer? My wife says the doctor, but I say the lawyer because of all the papers in his bag, and the one he took out last but didn't open.'

'I agree,' said Mr Dillet. 'I think that was the old man's will, ready for him to write his name at the bottom.'

'I thought the same,' replied Mr Chittenden. 'Probably a will that didn't leave any of the old man's money to the younger ones. But it's taught me something. I won't buy any doll's houses again, or spend time and money at the cinema. And about the idea of poisoning grandad, well, I couldn't do it. I prefer to live happily with my relatives - always have done, always will do.'

The next day Mr Dillet went to the town museum. He wanted to try and find the house at the heart of the mystery. He looked at lots of old pictures of houses on the walls, but couldn't see his house among them. He looked through lots of old church records but again he had no luck. Then, in an almost empty room, he saw an old model of a church which made his heart grow suddenly cold. It looked like more work by the same man who had made his doll's house. He read the small notice in front of it carefully.

This model of Saint Stephen's Church, Coxham, was given to the museum by Mr J Merewether of Ilbridge House in 1877.

It is the work of his ancestor, James Merewether, 1786.

He went back to look at a map of the country nearby that he'd noticed earlier on the wall. There he saw that Ilbridge house was in the village of Coxham. Then he went back to the old church records and soon found the funeral of Roger Milford, aged 76, on the 11th of September 1757, and of Roger and Elizabeth Merewether, aged 9 and 7, on the 19th of the same month. Although he wasn't sure this was the family, it seemed worth visiting Coxham, and so he drove there that afternoon.

In the north of the church there was a Milford chapel. In it there was a stone to the memory of Roger Milford:

'Father, and successful lawyer'. 'This stone was put here by his loving daughter Elizabeth, who died soon after losing her caring father and her dear children,' it said.

The last words had obviously been added later.

In the chapel too, a later stone spoke of,

'James Merewether, husband of Elizabeth, who - when a young man - was a promising architect, but who stopped this work on the death of his wife and children, and who ended his days in a comfortable retirement home.'

The children had smaller, less grandly-worded stones. They'd both died on the night of the 12th of September.

Mr Dillet felt sure that in Ilbridge House he'd found the place where it had all happened. In some old picture some day perhaps he'll find he's right. But the Ilbridge House of today is not the house he was looking for. It's a newer red-stone house which was built in the 1840s.

Not far from the new house, in a lower part of the garden, near some old trees, is a terraced platform covered with grass. That, someone told Mr Dillet, was the place where the old house had once stood.

As he drove out of the village, the church clock sounded four, and Mr Dillet put his hands over his ears. It was not the first time that he'd heard that bell.

These days, waiting for an American buyer, the doll's house rests, carefully covered, in the upstairs room over Mr Dillet's stables. It was taken there by his butler on the day that he left for the seaside.


The Haunted Dolls' House (2) Das Spukhaus der Puppen (2) La casa de muñecas encantada (2) La maison de poupées hantée (2) 유령의 인형의 집 (2) Nawiedzony domek dla lalek (2)

The hours of night passed very slowly, thought Mr Dillet. He slowly moved from sitting to lying in his bed, but he didn't close an eye. Early next morning he sent for the doctor.

The doctor found him uneasy and nervous, and said that sea air was the answer. So Mr Dillet was driven slowly to a quiet place on the east coast.

One of the first people he met as he walked along by the sea was Mr Chittenden, who had also been told to take his wife away for a change of air.

'I'm a little upset with you,' said Mr Dillet.

'I'm not surprised, sir. My wife and I went through a lot ourselves. Ми з дружиною самі через багато чого пройшли. But what could I do? Але що я міг зробити? I couldn't throw the thing away - it was a really nice piece. And I couldn't really tell a buyer, "I'm selling you a haunted doll's house which will always come to life at one o'clock in the morning." I didn't want people to think me and my wife were crazy.'

'Will you buy it back from me?'

'No thanks! I'll tell you what, though. I'll pay you back what you gave for it, except the ten pounds I paid, of course. And you can do what you want with it.'

Later in the day the two men had another whispered conversation in the smokers' room at their hotel.

'Tell me, how much do you know about that thing, and where it came from?' Dites-moi, que savez-vous de cette chose et d'où elle vient ?

'Honestly, Mr Dillet, I don't know the house. Of course it came out of an old country house, that's clear. I've got a feeling it was from somewhere not far from this place. The man I bought it from isn't one who usually sells to me, and I haven't seen him since then. But this was his part of the country. And that's all I can say about it. І це все, що я можу сказати про нього.

'But, Mr Dillet, I've got a question. The old man who drives up to the door - you've seen him, haven't you? Старий, який під'їжджає до дверей - ви бачили його, чи не так? Ah yes, I thought so. Do you think he was the doctor or the lawyer? My wife says the doctor, but I say the lawyer because of all the papers in his bag, and the one he took out last but didn't open.' Ma femme dit que c'est le médecin, mais moi je dis que c'est l'avocat à cause de tous les papiers qu'il a dans son sac, et de celui qu'il a sorti en dernier mais qu'il n'a pas ouvert".

'I agree,' said Mr Dillet. 'I think that was the old man's will, ready for him to write his name at the bottom.' "Я думаю, що це була воля старого, він був готовий написати своє ім'я внизу".

'I thought the same,' replied Mr Chittenden. 'Probably a will that didn't leave any of the old man's money to the younger ones. Wahrscheinlich ein Testament, das den Jüngeren nichts von dem Geld des alten Mannes vererbt hat. "Напевно, це був заповіт, який не залишив нічого з грошей старого молодим. But it's taught me something. Aber ich habe daraus etwas gelernt. I won't buy any doll's houses again, or spend time and money at the cinema. Ich werde nie wieder ein Puppenhaus kaufen oder Zeit und Geld im Kino verbringen. Я більше не буду купувати лялькові будиночки, витрачати час і гроші в кінотеатрі. And about the idea of poisoning grandad, well, I couldn't do it. Und was die Idee angeht, Großvater zu vergiften, so könnte ich das nicht tun. I prefer to live happily with my relatives - always have done, always will do.' Je préfère vivre heureux avec mes proches - je l'ai toujours fait et je le ferai toujours".

The next day Mr Dillet went to the town museum. He wanted to try and find the house at the heart of the mystery. He looked at lots of old pictures of houses on the walls, but couldn't see his house among them. He looked through lots of old church records but again he had no luck. Then, in an almost empty room, he saw an old model of a church which made his heart grow suddenly cold. Потім, у майже порожній кімнаті, він побачив старий макет церкви, від якого його серце раптово похололо. It looked like more work by the same man who had made his doll's house. Це виглядало як ще одна робота того самого чоловіка, який зробив свій ляльковий будиночок. He read the small notice in front of it carefully.

This model of Saint Stephen's Church, Coxham, was given to the museum by Mr J Merewether of Ilbridge House in 1877.

It is the work of his ancestor, James Merewether, 1786.

He went back to look at a map of the country nearby that he'd noticed earlier on the wall. Він повернувся, щоб подивитися на карту країни, яку раніше помітив на стіні. There he saw that Ilbridge house was in the village of Coxham. Then he went back to the old church records and soon found the funeral of Roger Milford, aged 76, on the 11th of September 1757, and of Roger and Elizabeth Merewether, aged 9 and 7, on the 19th of the same month. Although he wasn't sure this was the family, it seemed worth visiting Coxham, and so he drove there that afternoon. Хоча він не був упевнений, що це та сама сім'я, йому здалося, що варто відвідати Коксхем, і він поїхав туди того ж дня.

In the north of the church there was a Milford chapel. In it there was a stone to the memory of Roger Milford:

'Father, and successful lawyer'. 'This stone was put here by his loving daughter Elizabeth, who died soon after losing her caring father and her dear children,' it said. Dieser Stein wurde von seiner liebevollen Tochter Elizabeth gesetzt, die kurz nach dem Verlust ihres fürsorglichen Vaters und ihrer lieben Kinder starb", heißt es dort. "Цей камінь поклала сюди його любляча дочка Єлизавета, яка померла незабаром після того, як втратила свого турботливого батька і своїх дорогих дітей", - сказано в ньому.

The last words had obviously been added later. Die letzten Worte waren offensichtlich später hinzugefügt worden.

In the chapel too, a later stone spoke of,

'James Merewether, husband of Elizabeth, who - when a young man - was a promising architect, but who stopped this work on the death of his wife and children, and who ended his days in a comfortable retirement home.' James Merewether, Ehemann von Elizabeth, der als junger Mann ein vielversprechender Architekt war, diese Arbeit aber nach dem Tod seiner Frau und seiner Kinder einstellte und seinen Lebensabend in einem komfortablen Altersheim verbrachte.

The children had smaller, less grandly-worded stones. Die Kinder hatten kleinere, weniger großartig formulierte Steine. They'd both died on the night of the 12th of September.

Mr Dillet felt sure that in Ilbridge House he'd found the place where it had all happened. Herr Dillet war sich sicher, dass er in Ilbridge House den Ort gefunden hatte, an dem sich alles zugetragen hatte. Пан Діллет був упевнений, що в Ілбрідж-хаусі він знайшов місце, де все це сталося. In some old picture some day perhaps he'll find he's right. In einem alten Bild wird er vielleicht eines Tages feststellen, dass er Recht hat. But the Ilbridge House of today is not the house he was looking for. Doch das heutige Ilbridge House ist nicht das Haus, das er suchte. It's a newer red-stone house which was built in the 1840s. Es ist ein neueres Haus aus rotem Stein, das in den 1840er Jahren gebaut wurde.

Not far from the new house, in a lower part of the garden, near some old trees, is a terraced platform covered with grass. Nicht weit vom neuen Haus entfernt, in einem tiefer gelegenen Teil des Gartens, in der Nähe einiger alter Bäume, befindet sich eine mit Gras bewachsene Terrassenplattform. That, someone told Mr Dillet, was the place where the old house had once stood. Jemand sagte Herrn Dillet, dass dies der Ort sei, an dem das alte Haus einst gestanden habe.

As he drove out of the village, the church clock sounded four, and Mr Dillet put his hands over his ears. Als er aus dem Dorf fuhr, schlug die Kirchenuhr vier, und Herr Dillet hielt sich die Hände über die Ohren. It was not the first time that he'd heard that bell. Es war nicht das erste Mal, dass er diese Glocke hörte.

These days, waiting for an American buyer, the doll's house rests, carefully covered, in the upstairs room over Mr Dillet's stables. Heute ruht das Puppenhaus, das auf einen amerikanischen Käufer wartet, sorgfältig abgedeckt im oberen Raum über den Stallungen von Herrn Dillet. Aujourd'hui, dans l'attente d'un acheteur américain, la maison de poupée repose, soigneusement recouverte, dans la pièce située à l'étage au-dessus des écuries de M. Dillet. Сьогодні, в очікуванні американського покупця, ляльковий будиночок спочиває, дбайливо накритий, у кімнаті нагорі над стайнею пана Ділле. It was taken there by his butler on the day that he left for the seaside. Sie wurde von seinem Butler an dem Tag, an dem er ans Meer fuhr, dorthin gebracht. Elle y a été apportée par son majordome le jour de son départ pour la mer. Його приніс туди дворецький в день, коли він поїхав на море.