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E-Books (english-e-reader), The Sharcks Were Hungry

The Sharcks Were Hungry

Doctor John Perry decided it was time to go home. It had been a perfect day, a day alone, the first such day in many years. He had filled his bag with all sorts of sea-shells - enough to study for months.

He picked up his bag of shells and walked toward the edge of the island. He came to the sand reef that connected the island and the shore of the mainland. He stopped for a moment to enjoy the sunset on the ocean water. Then he began to walk along the sand reef toward the shore.

The gray colors of evening were beginning to spread across the ocean and the sand. He hurried on. Then, suddenly, he stepped into the water. Before he knew what had happened he dropped down and down. The water was covering his head. He rose to the top of the water struggling to get back on to the dry sand. He felt the water rushing about him. Somehow, he got on to the sand and sat down, wet and surprised at his sudden drop.

He heard the water still rushing about. Then he saw a long gray shark. He stood up and looked around. He saw the shark swim toward the shore and then he saw other sharks. Five - six - seven of them. But where was the sand reef? What had happened to it?

He began to walk back toward the island. While he had searched for shells on the island the strong ocean waves had washed a large part of the sand reef away. There was nothing between him and the shore but water... and sharks.

He did not know much about sharks but he was a good swimmer. He looked at the shore which was now almost black against the red sky. He could swim, but what about the sharks? Do they attack in the night? He tried to remember what he had read about sharks. Did sharks find their food by smelling it? If they did it meant they looked for food at all times, even during the night.

He decided not to swim to shore; it was too dark and he wanted to see the enemy if he was to fight it. He looked around for his bag of shells and found it a few meters away. He pulled the bag on to some dry sand, then sat down next to it.

The wind was warm. The stars began to show. The moon rose. The water looked peaceful and quiet and yellow in the moonlight.

The gentle noises of night soon made him sleep but not for long. Host of the night he lay down and looked. up at the stars, thinking. He thought of wood for a fire, wood to signal for help. But there was no wood. He thought of the sharks. Would they go away during the night? At last, he thought of sleep. It came at last. He slept until the sun rose.

He felt stiff when he got up. He moved about, then looked at the water before him. It was clear and green. Far off, he could hear the noise of splashing water made by the sharks. He saw red areas on the water. He knew the sharks were killing and eating the fish. The sharks were there because the fish were there. The same waves that had washed the sand reef away had somehow pushed large schools of fish into the area.

He watched the sharks kill. They swam after the schools of fish, played with them and killed them even though they were not hungry. They would not let the fish swim out into the open sea.

He looked at the sea. If he swam to shore he would be in the water five... six minutes. A lot could happen in that time.

He looked at the sharks now near the shore. They were still feeding. It was hard to think of himself being attacked by a shark. A man when he is healthy feels good, but the pain - a torn belly, a missing leg, a badly crushed head by those powerful teeth. No, no! He wanted to live.

To swim now might mean sudden death, but the sharks might stay here for days, a week, or more.

He decided to swim. He took off all his clothes. He kept only his belt and his small knife. The sharks were far off. He silently slipped into the water. He went deep down and looked around. He was about to rise to the top and start swimming when he saw a long gray body below him. Small dots of sunlight danced on the shark's body down through the clear water. He kicked himself up to the top and struggled on to the sand. If he had not looked down he would be half way across now, with the shark chasing after him. He did not think of the rest.

He stood up and looked around again. How could he make the sharks move out to sea? If they swam out to sea he could swim to shore before they saw him. He saw the sharks rolling and playing. Their hunger was now gone, they were killing for fun. How could he make them move?

He pulled his knife from his belt. Sharks can smell blood, he thought. He put the knife against his leg and cut deep into the flesh. The blood ran out. He caught it on his white shirt. When the shirt was red and wet he tied some cloth around his leg to stop the flow of blood. He tied a long piece of cloth to the shirt, then walked to the edge of the sand. He threw the shirt into the water and pulled it with the piece of cloth. The sharks smelled the blood. They came racing toward the shirt. He ran down the sand reef pulling the shirt. The sharks raced after it. He was leading them away from shore.

Suddenly, he dropped the cloth, turned toward shore and ran as fast as he could. He jumped into the water and swam. He was half way across when he turned to look back. A high bony fin was cutting through the water toward him. He put his face in the water and kicked and pulled himself forward as fast as he could. The shore was nearer now. But he thought of his belly under the water. How defenseless it was! He thought of the flat nose of the shark hitting from below. He lifted his head again to breathe. He saw the shore very near.

From behind he felt the water rush toward him, almost pushing him, helping him. He kicked and shouted as loud as he could. Then a great gray body hit him. It almost rolled him over in the water. He touched the shore with his fingers and pulled himself up the stones. The shark excited by the smell of blood and the chase went after him. Its great body crashed against the stones. It rolled and turned as it dropped back into the water. The other sharks jumped on it. The end came quickly as the shark's blood turned the water red. The injured shark was eaten alive as it tried to escape.


The Sharcks Were Hungry |Rechinii erau flămânzi.|| Die Scharcks waren hungrig Los Sharcks tenían hambre 샤크 가족은 배고팠다 Sharcks byli głodni Os tubarões estavam com fome Шарки були голодні

Doctor John Perry decided it was time to go home. It had been a perfect day, a day alone, the first such day in many years. それは完璧な日、一人の日、何年にもわたって初めてのそのような日でした。 He had filled his bag with all sorts of sea-shells - enough to study for months. ||||||||||scoici de mare||||| 彼はあらゆる種類の貝殻でバッグをいっぱいにしました - 何ヶ月も勉強するのに十分です。

He picked up his bag of shells and walked toward the edge of the island. 彼は貝殻の入ったバッグを手に取り、島の端に向かって歩きました。 He came to the sand reef that connected the island and the shore of the mainland. |||||recif de nisip|||||||malul continentului|||continentului Il arrive sur le récif de sable qui relie l'île au rivage du continent. 彼は島と本土の海岸を結ぶ砂礁に来ました。 He stopped for a moment to enjoy the sunset on the ocean water. 彼は海の水に沈む夕日を楽しむために少し立ち止まりました。 Then he began to walk along the sand reef toward the shore. Puis il se mit à marcher le long du récif de sable en direction du rivage. それから彼は砂礁に沿って海岸に向かって歩き始めました。

The gray colors of evening were beginning to spread across the ocean and the sand. ||||||||se răspândească|||||| Les couleurs grises du soir commencent à se répandre sur l'océan et le sable. 夕方の灰色が海と砂の上に広がり始めていました。 He hurried on. Il se dépêche de continuer. Then, suddenly, he stepped into the water. Puis, soudain, il s'est jeté à l'eau. すると突然、水の中に足を踏み入れた。 Before he knew what had happened he dropped down and down. |||||||a căzut||| Avant qu'il ne se rende compte de ce qui s'est passé, il a chuté de plus en plus bas. 何が起こったのかを理解する前に、彼はぐるりと転がり落ちました。 The water was covering his head. L'eau lui couvre la tête. 水が彼の頭を覆っていた。 He rose to the top of the water struggling to get back on to the dry sand. ||||||||luptându-se|||||||| Il s'est hissé à la surface de l'eau en luttant pour revenir sur le sable sec. He felt the water rushing about him. ||||năvălind|| Il sent l'eau se précipiter autour de lui. 彼は水が彼の周りを急いでいるのを感じました。 Czuł, jak woda pędzi wokół niego. Somehow, he got on to the sand and sat down, wet and surprised at his sudden drop. Cumva|||||||||||||||| Tant bien que mal, il a atteint le sable et s'est assis, mouillé et surpris de sa chute soudaine.

He heard the water still rushing about. |||||năvălind| Il entend le bruit de l'eau qui s'écoule encore. 彼は水がまだ急いでいるのを聞いた。 Then he saw a long gray shark. それから彼は長い灰色のサメを見ました。 He stood up and looked around. He saw the shark swim toward the shore and then he saw other sharks. 彼はサメが岸に向かって泳いでいるのを見た後、他のサメを見ました。 Five - six - seven of them. But where was the sand reef? しかし、砂礁はどこにありましたか? What had happened to it?

He began to walk back toward the island. While he had searched for shells on the island the strong ocean waves had washed a large part of the sand reef away. 彼が島で貝殻を探している間に、強い海の波が砂礁の大部分を洗い流してしまった. There was nothing between him and the shore but water... and sharks. 彼と岸との間には水とサメしかなかった。

He did not know much about sharks but he was a good swimmer. 彼はサメについてあまり知りませんでしたが、泳ぎが得意でした。 He looked at the shore which was now almost black against the red sky. 彼は赤い空を背景に今やほとんど黒くなった海岸を見た。 He could swim, but what about the sharks? 彼は泳ぐことができましたが、サメはどうですか? Do they attack in the night? He tried to remember what he had read about sharks. 彼はサメについて読んだことを思い出そうとしました。 Did sharks find their food by smelling it? サメは匂いを嗅いで食べ物を見つけましたか? If they did it meant they looked for food at all times, even during the night. Si c'est le cas, cela signifie qu'ils cherchent de la nourriture à tout moment, même pendant la nuit. もしそうなら、彼らは夜中でも常に食べ物を探していたことになります。

He decided not to swim to shore; it was too dark and he wanted to see the enemy if he was to fight it. Il décide de ne pas nager jusqu'au rivage ; il fait trop sombre et il veut voir l'ennemi s'il veut le combattre. 彼は岸まで泳がないことに決めました。暗すぎて、戦うなら敵を見たかった。 Postanowił nie dopływać do brzegu; było zbyt ciemno i chciał zobaczyć wroga, jeśli miał z nim walczyć. He looked around for his bag of shells and found it a few meters away. Il cherche son sac de coquillages et le trouve à quelques mètres de là. He pulled the bag on to some dry sand, then sat down next to it. Il tire le sac sur le sable sec et s'assoit à côté.

The wind was warm. The stars began to show. The moon rose. The water looked peaceful and quiet and yellow in the moonlight. L'eau avait l'air paisible, calme et jaune au clair de lune.

The gentle noises of night soon made him sleep but not for long. Les doux bruits de la nuit le firent bientôt dormir, mais pas pour longtemps. 夜の穏やかな音ですぐに彼は眠りについたが、長くは続かなかった。 Host of the night he lay down and looked. Hôte de la nuit, il s'est allongé et a regardé. 彼が横になって見た夜のホスト。 up at the stars, thinking. en regardant les étoiles, en pensant. 星を見ながら考えます。 He thought of wood for a fire, wood to signal for help. But there was no wood. He thought of the sharks. Would they go away during the night? Czy znikną w nocy? At last, he thought of sleep. 最後に、彼は睡眠について考えました。 It came at last. とうとう来ました。 He slept until the sun rose.

He felt stiff when he got up. ||înțepenit|||| 彼は起き上がったとき、こわばった感じがした。 He moved about, then looked at the water before him. 彼は動き回り、目の前の水を見た。 It was clear and green. Far off, he could hear the noise of splashing water made by the sharks. ||||||||stropi de apă||||| 遠くでサメの水しぶきの音が聞こえた。 He saw red areas on the water. He knew the sharks were killing and eating the fish. The sharks were there because the fish were there. The same waves that had washed the sand reef away had somehow pushed large schools of fish into the area. 砂礁を洗い流したのと同じ波が、どういうわけか大きな魚の群れをその地域に押し込んだ.

He watched the sharks kill. They swam after the schools of fish, played with them and killed them even though they were not hungry. |înotau după|||bancuri de pești|||||||||||||| 彼らは魚の群れを追いかけて泳ぎ、一緒に遊んで、お腹が空いていなくても殺しました。 They would not let the fish swim out into the open sea. 彼らは魚を外海に泳がせませんでした。

He looked at the sea. If he swam to shore he would be in the water five... six minutes. 彼が岸まで泳いだ場合、彼は 5 ~ 6 分で水中にいることになります。 A lot could happen in that time. Beaucoup de choses peuvent se passer dans ce laps de temps. その間に多くのことが起こる可能性があります。

He looked at the sharks now near the shore. 彼は今海岸近くにいるサメを見た。 They were still feeding. 彼らはまだ餌を食べていました。 Wciąż żerowały. It was hard to think of himself being attacked by a shark. 自分がサメに襲われるなんて考えられませんでした。 A man when he is healthy feels good, but the pain - a torn belly, a missing leg, a badly crushed head by those powerful teeth. ||||||||||||sfâșiat|burtă sfâșiată|||||grav zdrobit|zdrobită grav||||| Un homme en bonne santé se sent bien, mais la douleur - un ventre déchiré, une jambe manquante, une tête mal écrasée par ces dents puissantes. 健康な人は気分が良いですが、痛みがあります - 引き裂かれた腹、失われた足、それらの強力な歯によってひどく押しつぶされた頭。 No, no! He wanted to live.

To swim now might mean sudden death, but the sharks might stay here for days, a week, or more. 今泳ぐことは突然死を意味するかもしれませんが、サメはここに数日、1 週間、またはそれ以上とどまる可能性があります。

He decided to swim. He took off all his clothes. He kept only his belt and his small knife. The sharks were far off. サメは遠くにいました。 Rekiny były daleko. He silently slipped into the water. Il se glisse silencieusement dans l'eau. Po cichu wślizgnął się do wody. He went deep down and looked around. Il s'est enfoncé dans le sol et a regardé autour de lui. He was about to rise to the top and start swimming when he saw a long gray body below him. Il s'apprêtait à monter au sommet et à commencer à nager lorsqu'il aperçut un long corps gris en dessous de lui. 彼が頭上に上がって泳ぎ始めようとしたとき、彼の下に長い灰色の体が見えました. Small dots of sunlight danced on the shark's body down through the clear water. |puncte mici|||||||||||| De petits points de soleil dansaient sur le corps du requin à travers l'eau claire. 透き通った水の中を、サメの体の上で小さな太陽の光が踊りました。 He kicked himself up to the top and struggled on to the sand. ||||||||s-a chinuit|||| Il se hisse au sommet et se débat sur le sable. 彼は体を蹴り上げて砂の上にもがきました。 If he had not looked down he would be half way across now, with the shark chasing after him. 彼が下を向いていなかったら、サメが彼を追いかけていて、彼は今、途中まで来ていたでしょう。 He did not think of the rest. Il n'a pas pensé au reste. 彼は残りのことを考えていませんでした。

He stood up and looked around again. How could he make the sharks move out to sea? どうすればサメを海に出すことができるでしょうか。 If they swam out to sea he could swim to shore before they saw him. 彼らが海に泳いで出れば、彼は彼らが彼を見る前に岸に泳ぐことができた. He saw the sharks rolling and playing. 彼はサメが転がって遊んでいるのを見ました。 Their hunger was now gone, they were killing for fun. How could he make them move?

He pulled his knife from his belt. Sharks can smell blood, he thought. He put the knife against his leg and cut deep into the flesh. ||||||||||||carne Il a appuyé le couteau sur sa jambe et a entaillé profondément la chair. 彼はナイフを足に当て、肉に深く切り込みました。 The blood ran out. He caught it on his white shirt. Il l'a attrapé sur sa chemise blanche. 彼はそれを白いシャツに引っ掛けた。 When the shirt was red and wet he tied some cloth around his leg to stop the flow of blood. |||||||||||||||||fluxul de sânge|| Lorsque la chemise fut rouge et mouillée, il noua un tissu autour de sa jambe pour arrêter l'écoulement du sang. シャツが赤く濡れたとき、彼は血の流れを止めるために足の周りに布を結びました. He tied a long piece of cloth to the shirt, then walked to the edge of the sand. Il attache un long morceau de tissu à la chemise, puis marche jusqu'au bord du sable. 彼はシャツに長い布を結び、砂の端まで歩いた。 He threw the shirt into the water and pulled it with the piece of cloth. Il a jeté la chemise dans l'eau et l'a tirée avec le morceau de tissu. 彼はシャツを水の中に投げ込み、布切れで引っ張った。 The sharks smelled the blood. サメは血のにおいをかぎました。 They came racing toward the shirt. Ils se sont précipités vers la chemise. He ran down the sand reef pulling the shirt. Il a couru sur le récif de sable en tirant sur la chemise. 彼はシャツを引っ張って砂礁を駆け下りた。 The sharks raced after it. ||au înotat repede|| サメはそれを追いかけました。 He was leading them away from shore. ||îi conducea|||| Il les éloignait du rivage. 彼は彼らを岸から遠ざけていました。

Suddenly, he dropped the cloth, turned toward shore and ran as fast as he could. Soudain, il laisse tomber le tissu, se tourne vers le rivage et court aussi vite qu'il le peut. 突然、彼は布を落とし、岸の方を向き、全速力で走りました。 He jumped into the water and swam. Il s'est jeté à l'eau et a nagé. He was half way across when he turned to look back. Il était à mi-chemin quand il s'est retourné pour regarder en arrière. A high bony fin was cutting through the water toward him. |||înotătoare osoasă înaltă||||||| Une haute nageoire osseuse fendait l'eau dans sa direction. 高い骨ばったひれが彼に向かって水を切り裂いていた。 He put his face in the water and kicked and pulled himself forward as fast as he could. 彼は顔を水に浸し、足を蹴り、できるだけ速く体を前に引っ張った。 The shore was nearer now. 岸が近づいてきました。 But he thought of his belly under the water. ||s-a gândit|||||| しかし、彼は水の下にある自分の腹のことを考えました。 How defenseless it was! |Cât de neajutorat era!|| なんと無防備でした! He thought of the flat nose of the shark hitting from below. 彼は、サメの平らな鼻が下からぶつかるのを考えました。 He lifted his head again to breathe. 彼は息をしようと再び頭を上げた。 He saw the shore very near.

From behind he felt the water rush toward him, almost pushing him, helping him. Par derrière, il sentit l'eau se précipiter vers lui, le poussant presque, l'aidant. 後ろから、彼は水が彼に向かって押し寄せるのを感じ、彼を助けようとしました。 He kicked and shouted as loud as he could. Il donne des coups de pied et crie aussi fort qu'il le peut. 彼はできるだけ大きな声で蹴り、叫びました。 Then a great gray body hit him. C'est alors qu'un grand corps gris l'a frappé. すると、大きな灰色の体が彼を襲った。 It almost rolled him over in the water. Il a failli être renversé dans l'eau. それは彼を水の中でほとんど転がしました。 Prawie przewrócił go w wodzie. He touched the shore with his fingers and pulled himself up the stones. Il toucha la rive avec ses doigts et se hissa sur les pierres. 彼は指で岸に触れ、石を引き上げました。 The shark excited by the smell of blood and the chase went after him. ||||||||||urmărire||| Le requin excité par l'odeur du sang et de la chasse s'est lancé à sa poursuite. 血のにおいに興奮したサメは、彼を追いかけました。 Its great body crashed against the stones. Son grand corps s'est écrasé contre les pierres. その巨体が石に激突した。 It rolled and turned as it dropped back into the water. Il a roulé et tourné en retombant dans l'eau. それは転がり、水に落ちたときに向きを変えました。 The other sharks jumped on it. Les autres requins ont sauté dessus. The end came quickly as the shark's blood turned the water red. La fin survient rapidement, le sang du requin rougissant l'eau. サメの血が水を赤くしたので、終わりはすぐに来ました。 The injured shark was eaten alive as it tried to escape. |rechinul rănit||||||||| Le requin blessé a été dévoré vivant alors qu'il tentait de s'échapper. 負傷したサメは逃げようとして生きたまま食べられました。