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E-Books (english-e-reader), Two Sisters (1)

Two Sisters (1)

Life is not much fun if you work as a typist in an office, and you earn so little that you can't even buy yourself a nice pair of shoes. A girl needs shoes. A girl needs a boyfriend with a nice fast car, and a nice fat wallet.

So Mercy finds a boyfriend who suits her needs. The trouble is, her big sister - sensible, married Connie - won't like it at all...

As Mercy puts the cover on her typewriter, the thought of the bus ride home goes through her like a pain. It is her luck, she thinks. Everything is just her luck. If she had one of those university boys for a boyfriend, wouldn't he come and take her home every evening? Certainly, Joe would love to do exactly that - with his taxi. And he is as handsome as anything, and a good man, but you know... A taxi is a taxi. The possibility of the other man actually coming to fetch her - oh well. She knows it will take some time before she'll be brave enough to ask for things like that from him. But it's hard not to think about it. Would it really be so dangerous? Doesn't one government car look like another - the hugeness of it, the dark glass, the driver in uniform? She can already see herself stepping out of the car to greet the other girls, who look at her with eyes like knives. To begin with, she will be a little more careful. The driver can drop her under the neem trees in the morning and pick her up from there in the evening... anyway, she will have to wait a little while for that and it is just her bad luck.

So for the meantime it is going to be the local bus with its dirty seats, unpleasant passengers, and rude conductors... Jesus! She doesn't wish herself dead or anything as stupidly final as that. Oh no. She just wishes she could sleep deep and only wake up on the day of her first car ride to work.

The new pair of black shoes are more sensible than their owner, though. As she walks out of the office, they sing: Count, count, count your blessings.

Count, Mercy, count your blessings Count, Mercy, count your blessings Count, count, count your blessings.

They sing out of the office, along the road, and into the bus. And they start singing again along the path as she opens the front gate and walks to the door.

'Sissie!' Mercy called.

'Hei Mercy.' And the door opened to show the face of Connie, her big sister, six years older, and now heavy with her second child. Mercy dropped into the nearest chair. 'Welcome home. How was the office today?'

'Sister, don't ask. Look at my hands. My fingers are dead with typing. Oh God, I don't know what to do.'

'Why, what is wrong?' asked Connie.

'You tell me what is right. Why should I be a typist?' 'What else would you be?'

'What a strange question. Is typing the only job there is in this world? You are a teacher, are you not?' said Mercy.

'But... but...'

'But what? It's my fault - is that what you're saying? I didn't do well enough in the exams, so I can't be a teacher. Or even a secretary.'

'Mercy, what is the matter?' said Connie. 'What have I done? Why have you come home so angry?'

Mercy broke into tears.

'Oh, I'm sorry, Sissie. It's just that I am sick of everything. The office, living with you and your husband. I want a husband of my own, children. I want... I want...'

'But you are young and beautiful. And marriage - well, it's you who are delaying it. Look at all these people who are running after you,' said Connie.

'Sissie, I don't like what you are doing. So stop it.'

'Okay, okay, okay.'

And there was a silence.

'Which of them could I marry?' said Mercy. 'Joe is - mm, fine - but, but I just don't like him.'

'Little sister, you and I can be truthful with one another. I am not that old or wise, but I can advise you a little. Joe drives someone else's car now. Well, you never know. Lots of taxi drivers own their taxis in the end, sometimes more than one.'

'Of course. But what a pity that you are married already. Or I could make a date for you - with Joe!'

And they both burst out laughing. It was when Mercy got up to go to the bedroom that Connie noticed the new shoes.

'Ei, those are beautiful shoes. Are they new?'

From the other room, Mercy's voice came and went as she undressed and then dressed again. But that was not the reason for the uncertainty in her voice.

'Oh, I forgot to tell you about them. In fact, I was going to show them to you. I think it was on Tuesday I bought them. Or was it Wednesday? When I came home from the office, you and James had taken Akosua out. And later I forgot all about them.'

'I see. But they are very pretty. Were they expensive?'

'No, not really.' Mercy's answer came too quickly.

And she said only last week that she didn't have a penny on her, thought Connie. And I believed her because I know what they pay her is just not enough to live on. I've been thinking she manages very well. But these shoes... And she is not the type who would borrow money just to buy a pair of shoes; she would just wear her old pairs till things got better. Oh, I wish I knew what to do. I mean, I'm not her mother. And I wonder how James will see these problems.

'Sissie, you look worried,' said Mercy.

'Hmm, when don't I? With the baby coming in a couple of months and the government's new controls on pay. On top of everything, I have dependable information that James is running after a new girl.'

Mercy laughed. 'Oh, Sissie. You always get dependable information on these things. But men are like that.'

'They are selfish.'

'No, it's just that women allow them to behave the way they do instead of taking some freedom themselves.'

'Well, if I had the chance to behave the same way,' said Connie, 'I wouldn't make use of it.'

'But why not?'

'Because I love James. I love James and I am not interested in any other man.' Her voice was full of tears.

But Mercy was amused. 'Oh God. Now listen to that. It's women like you who keep all of us down.'

'Well, I'm sorry but it's how the good God made me.' 'Mm. I'm sure I can love several men at the same time.' 'Mercy!'

They burst out laughing again. And yet they are sad. But laughter is always best.

Mercy complained that she was hungry and so they went to the kitchen to heat up some food and eat. The two sisters alone. It is no use waiting for James.

'Sissie, I am going to see a film.' This from Mercy. 'Where?'

'The Globe.'

'Are you going with Joe?'


'Are you going alone?'


Careful, Connie.

'Who are you going with?'

Careful, Connie, please. Your little sister's eyes are looking angry. Look at the sudden lines around her mouth. Connie, a sister is a good thing. Even a younger sister. Particularly when you have no mother or father.

'Mercy, who are you going out with?'

'Well, I had food in my mouth. And I had to finish it before I could answer you, no?'

'I am sorry.' Connie's voice is soft.

'And anyway, do I have to tell you everything?'

'Oh no. It's just that I didn't think it was a question I was not allowed to ask.'

There was more silence. Connie cleared her throat and waited, afraid.

'I am going out with Mensar-Arthur,' Mercy said.

As Connie asked the next question, she wondered if the words were leaving her lips. 'Mensar-Arthur?'


'Which one?'

'How many do you know?'

Something jumped in Connie's chest and she wondered what it was. Perhaps it was the baby.

'Do you mean that politician?' she said.


'But, Mercy...'

Little sister only sits and chews her food.

'But, Mercy...'

Chew, chew, chew.

'But, Mercy...'

'What?' said Mercy.

'He is so old.'

Chew, chew, chew.

'Perhaps, I mean, perhaps that really doesn't matter, does it? But they say he has so many wives and girlfriends.'

Please, little sister. Your private life is not my business, but you just said yourself that you wanted a man of your own. That man belongs to so many women already...

That silence again. Then there was only Mercy's footsteps as she went to wash her plate, and then left the kitchen. Tears ran down Connie's face. She heard Mercy having a bath, then getting ready to leave the house. The shoes. Then she was gone. Connie hadn't meant to start an argument. What use is a sister, if you can't have a talk with her? And what would their parents say if they were alive? They were good church-goers. They feared God. Running around with an old and evil politician would horrify them.

A big car arrived outside the house, a huge machine from the white man's land. The sound of its super-smooth engine was soft and gentle, unlike the hard banging of the girl's high-heeled shoes. When Mensar-Arthur saw Mercy, he reached across and opened the door to the passenger seat. She sat down and the door closed with a smooth little sound as the car slid away.

After they had gone a mile or so from the house, the man started a conversation.

'And how is my darling today?'

'I am well.' But everything about her said bad news.

'You look serious today, why?'

She remained silent and still.

'My dear, what is the matter?'


'Oh.' He cleared his throat. 'Eh, and how were the shoes?'

'Very nice. In fact, I am wearing them now. They feel a little small, but then all new shoes are like that.'

'And the handbag?' he asked.

'I like it very much, too... My sister noticed them. I mean the shoes.' Now the bad news was out.

'Did she ask you where you got them from?'


He cleared his throat again. 'Where did we agree to go tonight?'

'The Globe, but I don't want to see a film.'

'Is that so? Mm, I am glad because people always notice things.'

'But they won't be too surprised.'

'What are you saying, my dear?'


'Okay, so what shall we do? Shall I drive to the Seaway?'

'Oh yes.'

He drove to the Seaway, to a part of the beach they knew very well. She loves it here, with the wide sandy beach and the old sea. She has often wished to drive very near to the end of the sands until the tyres of the car touched the water. A very foolish idea, as he said sharply to her the first time she mentioned it. It was in his 'I-am-old-enough-to-be-your-father' voice. There are always disadvantages. Things could be different. If she had a younger lover... Handsome, maybe not rich like this man here, but with enough money to afford a fast car. A car like the ones she has seen in films, with tyres that can do everything... and they would drive to exactly where the sea and the sand meet.

'We are here,' he said.

'Don't let's get out. Let's just sit inside and talk.'

'Okay. But what is it, my darling?'

'I have told my sister about you,' said Mercy.

'Good God. Why?'

'I couldn't keep it to myself any longer.'

'Childish. It was not necessary at all. She is not your mother,' he said.

Two Sisters (1) Zwei Schwestern (1) Dos hermanas (1) 二人の姉妹 (1) Duas Irmãs (1) Дві сестри (1)

Life is not much fun if you work as a typist in an office, and you earn so little that you can't even buy yourself a nice pair of shoes. あなたがオフィスでタイピストとして働いているなら、人生はそれほど楽しいものではありません、そしてあなたはあなた自身に素敵な靴を買うことさえできないほど収入が少ないです。 A girl needs shoes. A girl needs a boyfriend with a nice fast car, and a nice fat wallet.

So Mercy finds a boyfriend who suits her needs. それで、マーシーは彼女のニーズに合ったボーイフレンドを見つけます。 Тож Мерсі знаходить хлопця, який відповідає її потребам. The trouble is, her big sister - sensible, married Connie - won't like it at all... Le problème, c'est que sa grande sœur - Connie, raisonnable et mariée - n'appréciera pas du tout... 問題は、彼女の姉(賢明な、結婚したコニー)はそれをまったく好きではないということです... Проблема в тому, що її старшій сестрі - розсудливій, заміжній Конні - це зовсім не сподобається...

As Mercy puts the cover on her typewriter, the thought of the bus ride home goes through her like a pain. Alors que Mercy met la couverture sur sa machine à écrire, la pensée du trajet en bus pour rentrer chez elle la traverse comme une douleur. マーシーがタイプライターにカバーをかぶせると、バスに乗って家に帰るという考えが彼女を苦痛のように通り抜けます。 Коли Мерсі кладе обкладинку на друкарську машинку, думка про поїздку на автобусі додому пронизує її, як біль. It is her luck, she thinks. C'est sa chance, pense-t-elle. それは彼女の運だと彼女は思います。 Вона вважає, що їй пощастило. Everything is just her luck. Tout se passe au petit bonheur la chance. すべては彼女の運です。 У всьому їй просто щастить. If she had one of those university boys for a boyfriend, wouldn't he come and take her home every evening? Si elle avait un petit ami universitaire, celui-ci ne viendrait-il pas la raccompagner tous les soirs ? もし彼女に彼氏のためにそれらの大学生の一人がいたら、彼は毎晩彼女を家に連れて帰りませんか? Якби у неї був хлопець з університету, хіба він не приходив би щовечора забирати її додому? Certainly, Joe would love to do exactly that - with his taxi. C'est exactement ce que Joe aimerait faire avec son taxi. 確かに、ジョーはタクシーでまさにそれをしたいと思っています。 Звичайно, Джо хотів би зробити саме це - зі своїм таксі. And he is as handsome as anything, and a good man, but you know... A taxi is a taxi. Et il est beau comme tout, et c'est un homme bien, mais vous savez... Un taxi est un taxi. そして彼は何よりもハンサムでいい人ですが、あなたは知っています...タクシーはタクシーです。 І він гарний, і хороший чоловік, але знаєте... Таксі є таксі. The possibility of the other man actually coming to fetch her - oh well. La possibilité que l'autre homme vienne effectivement la chercher - oh bien sûr. 他の男が実際に彼女を連れてくる可能性-まあ。 Імовірність того, що інший чоловік насправді прийде за нею - ну що ж. She knows it will take some time before she'll be brave enough to ask for things like that from him. Elle sait qu'il lui faudra du temps avant d'être assez courageuse pour lui demander ce genre de choses. 彼女は、彼にそのようなことを求めるのに十分勇敢になるまでには、しばらく時間がかかることを知っています。 Вона знає, що пройде якийсь час, перш ніж вона набереться сміливості попросити його про такі речі. But it's hard not to think about it. Ale je těžké na to nemyslet. Mais il est difficile de ne pas y penser. しかし、それについて考えないのは難しいです。 Але важко не думати про це. Would it really be so dangerous? Bylo by to opravdu tak nebezpečné? Serait-ce vraiment si dangereux ? 本当に危険なのでしょうか? Чи справді це так небезпечно? Doesn't one government car look like another - the hugeness of it, the dark glass, the driver in uniform? Nevypadá jedno vládní auto jako druhé - jeho mohutnost, tmavá skla, řidič v uniformě? Une voiture gouvernementale ne ressemble-t-elle pas à une autre - sa taille, ses vitres sombres, son conducteur en uniforme ? ある政府の車は別の車のように見えませんか?その巨大さ、暗いガラス、制服を着たドライバー? Чи не схожа одна урядова машина на іншу - величезні розміри, темне скло, водій у формі? She can already see herself stepping out of the car to greet the other girls, who look at her with eyes like knives. Už se vidí, jak vystupuje z auta, aby pozdravila ostatní dívky, které na ni hledí očima jako nože. Elle se voit déjà sortir de la voiture pour saluer les autres filles, qui la regardent avec des yeux comme des couteaux. 彼女はすでに自分が車から降りて、ナイフのように彼女を見ている他の女の子に挨拶するのを見ることができます。 Вона вже бачить, як виходить з машини, щоб привітатися з іншими дівчатами, які дивляться на неї очима, схожими на ножі. To begin with, she will be a little more careful. Pro začátek bude o něco opatrnější. まず、彼女はもう少し注意深くなります。 Для початку вона буде трохи обережнішою. The driver can drop her under the neem trees in the morning and pick her up from there in the evening... anyway, she will have to wait a little while for that and it is just her bad luck. Řidič ji může ráno vysadit pod neemovými stromy a večer ji odtamtud vyzvednout... každopádně si na to bude muset chvíli počkat a má prostě smůlu. Le chauffeur peut la déposer sous les margousiers le matin et la reprendre le soir... de toute façon, elle devra attendre un peu pour cela et ce n'est pas de chance. 運転手は朝にニームの木の下に彼女を落とし、夕方にそこから彼女を迎えに行くことができます...とにかく、彼女はそれを少し待つ必要があります、そしてそれは彼女の不運です。 Водій може висадити її вранці під деревами німу, а ввечері забрати звідти... в будь-якому випадку, їй доведеться трохи почекати, і це просто її нещастя.

So for the meantime it is going to be the local bus with its dirty seats, unpleasant passengers, and rude conductors... Jesus! というわけで、当分の間は、汚れた座席、不快な乗客、無礼な車掌のいる路線バスになる予定です... イエス! She doesn't wish herself dead or anything as stupidly final as that. Nepřeje si smrt ani nic tak hloupě konečného. 彼女は自分自身が死ぬことを望んでおらず、それと同じくらい愚かな最終的なことも望んでいません。 Вона не бажає собі смерті чи чогось такого безглуздо остаточного. Oh no. She just wishes she could sleep deep and only wake up on the day of her first car ride to work. Přála by si jen, aby mohla spát hlubokým spánkem a probudit se až v den první cesty autem do práce. Elle aimerait juste pouvoir dormir profondément et ne se réveiller que le jour de son premier trajet en voiture pour se rendre au travail. 彼女はただ、深く眠り、初めて車に乗って仕事に行く日にしか起きられないことを願っています。 Вона просто мріє про те, щоб спати міцно і прокидатися лише в день своєї першої поїздки на роботу.

The new pair of black shoes are more sensible than their owner, though. Nový pár černých bot je však rozumnější než jejich majitel. La nouvelle paire de chaussures noires est cependant plus raisonnable que son propriétaire. ただし、新しい黒い靴は、所有者よりも賢明です。 Однак нова пара чорних туфель більш розсудлива, ніж їхня власниця. As she walks out of the office, they sing: Count, count, count your blessings. Když odchází z kanceláře, zpívají si: Počítej, počítej, počítej svá požehnání. Alors qu'elle sort du bureau, ils chantent : Comptez, comptez, comptez vos bénédictions. 彼女がオフィスを出るとき、彼らは歌います:数えて、数えて、あなたの祝福を数えてください。 Коли вона виходить з офісу, вони співають: Порахуй, порахуй, порахуй свої благословення.

Count, Mercy, count your blessings Count, Mercy, count your blessings Count, count, count your blessings. Comptez, Mercy, comptez vos bénédictions Comptez, Mercy, comptez vos bénédictions Comptez, comptez, comptez vos bénédictions.

They sing out of the office, along the road, and into the bus. 彼らはオフィスの外、道路沿い、バスの中で歌います。 Вони співають на виході з офісу, вздовж дороги і в автобусі. And they start singing again along the path as she opens the front gate and walks to the door. І вони знову починають співати вздовж стежки, коли вона відчиняє хвіртку і йде до дверей.

'Sissie!' "Сіссі! Mercy called. Mercy volala.

'Hei Mercy.' And the door opened to show the face of Connie, her big sister, six years older, and now heavy with her second child. І двері відчинилися, щоб показати обличчя Конні, її старшої сестри, на шість років старшої, і тепер обтяженої другою дитиною. Mercy dropped into the nearest chair. Mercy padla na nejbližší židli. マーシーは近くの椅子に腰を下ろした。 Мерсі опустилася на найближчий стілець. 'Welcome home. How was the office today?'

'Sister, don't ask. "Сестро, не питай. Look at my hands. My fingers are dead with typing. Мої пальці затерпли від набору тексту. Oh God, I don't know what to do.' Боже, я не знаю, що робити".

'Why, what is wrong?' asked Connie.

'You tell me what is right. 「何が正しいか教えてください。 "Ти скажи мені, що правильно. Why should I be a typist?' Чому я маю бути друкаркою? 'What else would you be?' "Ким ще ти можеш бути?

'What a strange question. Is typing the only job there is in this world? Чи є набір тексту єдиною роботою, яка існує в цьому світі? You are a teacher, are you not?' Ви ж вчитель, чи не так? said Mercy.

'But... but...'

'But what? It's my fault - is that what you're saying? Це моя провина - ти це хочеш сказати? I didn't do well enough in the exams, so I can't be a teacher. Я недостатньо добре склав іспити, тому не можу бути вчителем. Or even a secretary.'

'Mercy, what is the matter?' "Мерсі, в чому справа? said Connie. 'What have I done? "Co jsem to udělal? "Що я зробив? Why have you come home so angry?'

Mercy broke into tears. Mercy se rozplakala. Мерсі розплакалася.

'Oh, I'm sorry, Sissie. 「ああ、ごめんなさい、シシィ。 It's just that I am sick of everything. Prostě už mám všeho plné zuby. Просто мені все набридло. The office, living with you and your husband. Офіс, життя з тобою і твоїм чоловіком. I want a husband of my own, children. I want... I want...'

'But you are young and beautiful. And marriage - well, it's you who are delaying it. A manželství - no, jste to vy, kdo ho oddaluje. そして結婚 - まあ、それを遅らせているのはあなたです。 А шлюб - що ж, це ви його відкладаєте. Look at all these people who are running after you,' said Connie. Поглянь на всіх цих людей, які біжать за тобою, - сказала Конні.

'Sissie, I don't like what you are doing. "Сіссі, мені не подобається те, що ти робиш. So stop it.'

'Okay, okay, okay.'

And there was a silence. A nastalo ticho. І настала тиша.

'Which of them could I marry?' "З ким із них я можу одружитися? said Mercy. 'Joe is - mm, fine - but, but I just don't like him.' "Joe je - hmm, fajn - ale, ale já ho prostě nemám ráda. "Джо - це - мм, добре - але, але він мені просто не подобається".

'Little sister, you and I can be truthful with one another. "Sestřičko, my dva k sobě můžeme být upřímní. "Сестричко, ми з тобою можемо бути чесними одна з одною. I am not that old or wise, but I can advise you a little. 私はそれほど古くも賢くもありませんが、少しアドバイスできます。 Я не такий вже й старий і мудрий, але можу дещо порадити. Joe drives someone else's car now. Joe teď jezdí cizím autem. Джо тепер їздить на чужій машині. Well, you never know. Ну, ніколи не знаєш. Lots of taxi drivers own their taxis in the end, sometimes more than one.' Spousta taxikářů nakonec vlastní své taxíky, někdy i více než jeden. Зрештою, багато таксистів є власниками своїх таксі, іноді більше одного".

'Of course. But what a pity that you are married already. Ale jaká škoda, že už jsi vdaná. しかし、あなたがすでに結婚していることはなんと残念なことでしょう。 Але як шкода, що ви вже одружені. Or I could make a date for you - with Joe!' Або я можу влаштувати тобі побачення - з Джо!

And they both burst out laughing. A oba vyprskli smíchy. It was when Mercy got up to go to the bedroom that Connie noticed the new shoes. Teprve když Mercy vstala a šla do ložnice, všimla si Connie nových bot. Коли Мерсі встала, щоб піти до спальні, Конні помітила нові туфлі.

'Ei, those are beautiful shoes. Are they new?'

From the other room, Mercy's voice came and went as she undressed and then dressed again. Z vedlejšího pokoje se ozýval Mercyin hlas, když se svlékala a zase oblékala. З іншої кімнати доносився голос Мерсі, яка то роздягалася, то знову одягалася. But that was not the reason for the uncertainty in her voice. Ale to nebyl důvod nejistoty v jejím hlase. Але не це було причиною невпевненості в її голосі.

'Oh, I forgot to tell you about them. In fact, I was going to show them to you. Власне, я збирався показати їх вам. I think it was on Tuesday I bought them. Or was it Wednesday? When I came home from the office, you and James had taken Akosua out. Když jsem se vrátila z kanceláře, vzali jste si s Jamesem Akosuu ven. Коли я повернувся з офісу, ви з Джеймсом вивели Акосуа на вулицю. And later I forgot all about them.'

'I see. "Aha. But they are very pretty. Were they expensive?'

'No, not really.' "Ні, не зовсім. Mercy's answer came too quickly.

And she said only last week that she didn't have a penny on her, thought Connie. A to ještě minulý týden říkala, že u sebe nemá ani halíř, pomyslela si Connie. І тільки минулого тижня вона сказала, що не має ні копійки, подумала Конні. And I believed her because I know what they pay her is just not enough to live on. A já jsem jí věřil, protože vím, že to, co jí platí, prostě nestačí k životu. І я повірила їй, бо знаю, що того, що вони їй платять, просто не вистачає на життя. I've been thinking she manages very well. Myslím, že to zvládá velmi dobře. Я думаю, що вона дуже добре справляється. But these shoes... And she is not the type who would borrow money just to buy a pair of shoes; she would just wear her old pairs till things got better. Ale tyto boty... A ona není ten typ, který by si půjčoval peníze jen proto, aby si koupil pár bot; prostě by nosila své staré páry, dokud by se situace nezlepšila. Але ці туфлі... І вона не з тих, хто позичає гроші, щоб купити пару взуття; вона просто носитиме свої старі пари, поки справи не стануть кращими. Oh, I wish I knew what to do. Ох, якби я знав, що робити. I mean, I'm not her mother. Я маю на увазі, що я не її мати. And I wonder how James will see these problems. A zajímalo by mě, jak se na tyto problémy dívá James. І мені цікаво, як Джеймс подивиться на ці проблеми.

'Sissie, you look worried,' said Mercy.

'Hmm, when don't I? "Хм, а коли я цього не роблю? With the baby coming in a couple of months and the government's new controls on pay. Vzhledem k tomu, že se za pár měsíců narodí dítě a vláda zavedla nové kontroly platů. Mit dem Baby, das in ein paar Monaten kommt, und den neuen Lohnkontrollen der Regierung. Через кілька місяців має народитися дитина, а уряд запровадив новий контроль над оплатою праці. On top of everything, I have dependable information that James is running after a new girl.' Ke všemu mám spolehlivé informace, že James běhá za novou dívkou. Außerdem habe ich verlässliche Informationen, dass James hinter einer neuen Frau her ist. Крім того, у мене є достовірна інформація, що Джеймс залицяється до нової дівчини".

Mercy laughed. Mercy hat gelacht. 'Oh, Sissie. You always get dependable information on these things. O těchto věcech vždy získáte spolehlivé informace. Ви завжди отримуєте достовірну інформацію про ці речі. But men are like that.' Але чоловіки такі".

'They are selfish.'

'No, it's just that women allow them to behave the way they do instead of taking some freedom themselves.' Nein, es ist nur so, dass die Frauen ihnen erlauben, sich so zu verhalten, wie sie es tun, anstatt sich selbst etwas Freiheit zu nehmen. «Ні, просто жінки дозволяють собі поводитись так, як вони ведуть, замість того, щоб самі брати певну свободу».

'Well, if I had the chance to behave the same way,' said Connie, 'I wouldn't make use of it.' Nun, wenn ich die Möglichkeit hätte, mich genauso zu verhalten", sagte Connie, "würde ich sie nicht nutzen". «Ну, якби я мав можливість поводитися так само, — сказала Конні, — я б не скористався нею».

'But why not?'

'Because I love James. I love James and I am not interested in any other man.' Her voice was full of tears.

But Mercy was amused. Ale Mercy to pobavilo. 'Oh God. Now listen to that. Teď si to poslechněte. It's women like you who keep all of us down.' Ženy jako ty nás všechny drží při zemi.

'Well, I'm sorry but it's how the good God made me.' "Je mi to líto, ale tak mě dobrý Bůh stvořil. 'Mm. I'm sure I can love several men at the same time.' 'Mercy!'

They burst out laughing again. And yet they are sad. A přesto jsou smutné. But laughter is always best.

Mercy complained that she was hungry and so they went to the kitchen to heat up some food and eat. The two sisters alone. It is no use waiting for James. Nemá smysl čekat na Jamese.

'Sissie, I am going to see a film.' This from Mercy. 'Where?'

'The Globe.'

'Are you going with Joe?' "Jdeš s Joem?


'Are you going alone?'


Careful, Connie.

'Who are you going with?'

Careful, Connie, please. Your little sister's eyes are looking angry. Oči tvé mladší sestry se tváří rozzlobeně. Look at the sudden lines around her mouth. Podívejte se na náhlé vrásky kolem jejích úst. Connie, a sister is a good thing. Even a younger sister. Particularly when you have no mother or father. Zvláště když nemáte matku ani otce.

'Mercy, who are you going out with?'

'Well, I had food in my mouth. "No, měl jsem v puse jídlo. And I had to finish it before I could answer you, no?'

'I am sorry.' Connie's voice is soft.

'And anyway, do I have to tell you everything?'

'Oh no. It's just that I didn't think it was a question I was not allowed to ask.' Jen jsem si nemyslel, že je to otázka, na kterou se nesmím ptát.

There was more silence. Connie cleared her throat and waited, afraid. Connie si odkašlala a s obavami čekala.

'I am going out with Mensar-Arthur,' Mercy said. Je sors avec Mensar-Arthur", dit Mercy.

As Connie asked the next question, she wondered if the words were leaving her lips. 'Mensar-Arthur?'


'Which one?'

'How many do you know?'

Something jumped in Connie's chest and she wondered what it was. Connii něco poskočilo v hrudi a přemýšlela, co to je. Perhaps it was the baby.

'Do you mean that politician?' she said.


'But, Mercy...'

Little sister only sits and chews her food.

'But, Mercy...'

Chew, chew, chew. Žvýkat, žvýkat, žvýkat.

'But, Mercy...'

'What?' said Mercy.

'He is so old.'

Chew, chew, chew.

'Perhaps, I mean, perhaps that really doesn't matter, does it? But they say he has so many wives and girlfriends.'

Please, little sister. Your private life is not my business, but you just said yourself that you wanted a man of your own. That man belongs to so many women already...

That silence again. Then there was only Mercy's footsteps as she went to wash her plate, and then left the kitchen. Tears ran down Connie's face. Connie stékaly po tváři slzy. She heard Mercy having a bath, then getting ready to leave the house. Slyšela, jak se Mercy koupe a pak se chystá odejít z domu. The shoes. Then she was gone. Connie hadn't meant to start an argument. Connie se nechtěla začít hádat. What use is a sister, if you can't have a talk with her? K čemu je ti sestra, když si s ní nemůžeš promluvit? And what would their parents say if they were alive? They were good church-goers. They feared God. Báli se Boha. Running around with an old and evil politician would horrify them. Pobíhání se starým a zlým politikem by je vyděsilo.

A big car arrived outside the house, a huge machine from the white man's land. Před dům přijelo velké auto, obrovský stroj ze země bílého muže. Vor dem Haus fuhr ein großes Auto vor, eine riesige Maschine aus dem Land des weißen Mannes. The sound of its super-smooth engine was soft and gentle, unlike the hard banging of the girl's high-heeled shoes. Das Geräusch des superglatten Motors war weich und sanft, ganz im Gegensatz zu dem harten Knallen der hochhackigen Schuhe des Mädchens. When Mensar-Arthur saw Mercy, he reached across and opened the door to the passenger seat. Když Mensar-Arthur uviděl Mercy, natáhl se napříč a otevřel dveře na sedadlo spolujezdce. Als Mensar-Arthur Mercy sah, griff er hinüber und öffnete die Tür zum Beifahrersitz. She sat down and the door closed with a smooth little sound as the car slid away. Posadila se a dveře se s tichým zvukem zavřely, jak se auto vzdalovalo. Sie setzte sich, und die Tür schloss sich mit einem leisen Geräusch, als das Auto wegglitt.

After they had gone a mile or so from the house, the man started a conversation. Nachdem sie sich etwa eine Meile vom Haus entfernt hatten, begann der Mann ein Gespräch.

'And how is my darling today?' "Und wie geht es meinem Schatz heute?

'I am well.' But everything about her said bad news. Aber alles an ihr sprach für schlechte Nachrichten.

'You look serious today, why?' Du siehst heute ernst aus, warum?

She remained silent and still. Mlčela a nehýbala se. Sie blieb still und ruhig.

'My dear, what is the matter?' Meine Liebe, was ist denn los?


'Oh.' He cleared his throat. Odkašlal si. 'Eh, and how were the shoes?' "A jaké byly boty?

'Very nice. In fact, I am wearing them now. Vlastně je nosím i teď. They feel a little small, but then all new shoes are like that.' Jsou mi trochu malé, ale takové jsou všechny nové boty.

'And the handbag?' he asked.

'I like it very much, too... My sister noticed them. I mean the shoes.' Now the bad news was out.

'Did she ask you where you got them from?'


He cleared his throat again. 'Where did we agree to go tonight?' "Kam jsme se dohodli, že dnes večer půjdeme?

'The Globe, but I don't want to see a film.'

'Is that so? "Je to tak? Mm, I am glad because people always notice things.' Jsem rád, protože lidé si vždycky něčeho všimnou. Ich bin froh darüber, denn die Leute merken immer etwas.

'But they won't be too surprised.' Aber sie werden nicht allzu überrascht sein.

'What are you saying, my dear?' Was sagst du da, meine Liebe?


'Okay, so what shall we do? Shall I drive to the Seaway?' Mám jet do Seaway? Soll ich zum Seaway fahren?

'Oh yes.'

He drove to the Seaway, to a part of the beach they knew very well. Er fuhr zum Seaway, zu einem Teil des Strandes, den sie sehr gut kannten. She loves it here, with the wide sandy beach and the old sea. Sie liebt es hier, mit dem breiten Sandstrand und dem alten Meer. She has often wished to drive very near to the end of the sands until the tyres of the car touched the water. Často si přála jet až na konec písku, dokud se pneumatiky auta nedotkly vody. Sie hat sich oft gewünscht, ganz nah an das Ende des Sandes zu fahren, bis die Reifen des Autos das Wasser berührten. A very foolish idea, as he said sharply to her the first time she mentioned it. Velmi hloupý nápad, jak jí ostře řekl, když se o tom zmínila poprvé. Eine sehr törichte Idee, wie er ihr bei ihrer ersten Erwähnung scharf entgegenhielt. It was in his 'I-am-old-enough-to-be-your-father' voice. Bylo to jeho hlasem "jsem dost starý na to, abych byl tvůj otec". Es war in seiner 'Ich-bin-alt-genug-um-dein-Vater-zu-sein'-Stimme. There are always disadvantages. Nachteile gibt es immer. Things could be different. Věci by mohly být jinak. Die Dinge könnten anders sein. If she had a younger lover... Handsome, maybe not rich like this man here, but with enough money to afford a fast car. Kdyby měla mladšího milence... Pohledného, možná ne tak bohatého jako tenhle muž, ale s dostatkem peněz, aby si mohl dovolit rychlé auto. A car like the ones she has seen in films, with tyres that can do everything... and they would drive to exactly where the sea and the sand meet. Auto, jaké vídala ve filmech, s pneumatikami, které zvládnou všechno... a dojeli by přesně tam, kde se stýká moře a písek.

'We are here,' he said.

'Don't let's get out. "Nedovolte nám vystoupit. Let's just sit inside and talk.'

'Okay. But what is it, my darling?'

'I have told my sister about you,' said Mercy.

'Good God. Why?'

'I couldn't keep it to myself any longer.'

'Childish. "Dětské. It was not necessary at all. She is not your mother,' he said.