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Smash Boom Best, Moon vs Sun (3)

Moon vs Sun (3)

At the tide, the moon pulls

Sweet and constant, nightlight in the sky

Bright and bold lifegiving sun

Center of the solar system

Without you we wouldn't be alive

Molly: All right, Katie and Jed, are you ready?

Katie: Absolutely.

Jed: Yes, I am.

Molly: Fantastic. This time, we're going to trade back and forth. Jed went first the last time so, Katie, we'll start with you. Let's hear your first slogan for Team Moon.

Katie: The moon, guiding ships since before you even knew about us.


Molly: Very nice. Jed, let's hear your first slogan for sun.

Jed: Number one. It grows your crops because sun's the tops.

Molly: Love a rhyme. All right, Katie, let's hear slogan number two for Team Moon.

Katie: The moon. Your angsty poems couldn't function without us.


Molly: All right, Jed. Let's hear your second slogan for Team Sun.

Jed: This one I decided to go a little negative attack at.

Katie: Oh, my gosh.

Jed: Love the moon? You simple buffoon.

Molly: [laughs] I love it. Another rhyme. All right, Katie, let's hear your third and final slogan for Team Moon.

Katie: The moon, for when 1,000 craters are just not enough.


Molly: All right, Jed, let's hear your final slogan for Team Sun.

Jed: Shine on, you hot glorious gaseous orb.


Molly: That was motivational too. I love it. All right. Lilian, it's time for you to award a point. Which team slogans won you over? Again, the criteria is completely up to you. Have you decided?

Lilian: Yeah.

Molly: Excellent. Was this a tough one?

Lilian: Yes, they were all so funny.

Molly: Excellent. Now, the very last chance to score. Debaters, get ready for The Final Six. Jed, you have six final words to celebrate the sun. Let's hear them.

Jed: Vote sun. It's not a rock.

Molly: (chuckles) Katie, your turn. Wow us with your six words for the moon.

Katie: The moon, for when your po-- Oh, wait. No, that's eight words.

Jed: Uh-oh.

Katie: Oh no. The moon follows no man's rules, which is six words so I'm going to go with that. I got so thrown off by Jed's negative bupkiss but I stand by what I said. The moon follows snowman's rules.

Jed: Snowman's rules. She said snowman's rules.

Katie: Snowman rules.

Molly: (laughter)This has been a legendary battle between two beautiful celestial bodies but now it's time to make some big decisions. Everything revolves around you, Lilian, so please award your final point for that last round. Then once you've awarded your Final Six points, tally up your points for both sides. Have you awarded your final point there, Lilian?

Lilian: Yeah.

Molly: Are you ready to crown our winner?

Lilian: Yes.

Molly: Okay. The Smash Boom Best is. (drum roll)

Lilian: The moon.

Katie: An upset.

Molly: Lilian, walk us through your decision-making process. What led you to choose Team Moon as the winner?

Lilian: Yes. After the slogans, it was a tie. The sun had two and the moon had two so then it really came down to the final six and I just thought I really love the moon's slogan that they follow no man's rules.

Molly: You're a rebel at heart.

Jed: Wow. Pulled it out at the end.

Katie: The moon follows no man's rules.

Jed: What are snowman's rules? I do not know what that means.

Katie: It's complicated.

Molly: This was a very close debate and you did an excellent job.

Katie: Absolutely. I learned so much about the sun and Jed's presentation and his vampire-centric poetry was inspiring-

Jed: Oh, thank you.

Katie: -beautiful, and will stay with me for the rest of my life.

Jed: I was going to tell you that your sonnet, it actually brought me to tears while I was sitting in my weird booth in my basement.


Molly: They probably very beautiful sonnets. Well, that is it for today's poetic debate battle. Lillian crowned, the moon, Smash Boom Best today, but what do you think?

Lillian: I thought the moon won, but maybe you'll feel differently. Let us know. Just head to our website smashboom.org and cast your vote.

Molly: Smash Boom Best is brought to you by Brains On! and American Public Media.

Jed: It's produced by Molly Bloom, Rosie Dupont, Jennifer Lai, Marc Sanchez, and Sanden Totten.

Katie: With engineering help from Veronica Rodriguez and Cameron Wiley.

Jed: We had production help from Elyssa Dudley, Kristina Lopez, and Menaka Wilhelm.

Molly: Anna Weggel is the voice of our hold music and our announcer is Marley Feuerwerker-Otto. We want to give a special thanks to Austin Cross, Taylor Coffman, and David Zha. Jed, is there anyone you want to give a shout-out to today?

Jed: So many people. First off, Sarah Gibson, who was my awesome sun scientist. Then I had Aaron Scott and his secret acting partner of mystery. Leo Deran, Alice Kim, Elliot Eloise, and Kevin Thompson. Meghan Hezel, Jack Stewart who read my sonnet, and Kate Micucci, the actress, and comedian who you might know as the voice of Webby Vanderquack on DuckTales.

Molly: How about you Katie, anyone you want to thank today?

Katie: I would like to thank Forrest Myers for putting an art museum on the moon. What a great idea. (chuckles)

Molly: Lillian, is there anyone you want to give a shout-out to?

Lillian: I would like to give a shout-out to the stars. They're beautiful.


Molly: We can't let them get overshadowed by today's sun moon competition. Well, before we sign off, let's hear from Sophie. She suggested a match-up between a hot chocolate and apple cider, here's who she thinks would win.

Sophie: I think hot chocolate would win because whipped cream tastes better on hot chocolate than it does in apple cider.

Molly: Fair point Sophie, and if you've dreamed up the best debate idea ever, we want to hear about it. You can share your ideas but just say hi at smashboom.org. We love hearing from you. We'll be back soon with another debate battle. Bye!


Jed: Man, I can't believe I'm the guy who let the sun lose.


Lillian: Hey, it was close.

Jed: I had the sun, it's so clearly superior.


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Moon vs Sun (3) Mond gegen Sonne (3) Luna contra Sol (3) 月対太陽 (3) Lua vs Sol (3) Місяць проти Сонця (3) 月亮與太陽 (3)

At the tide, the moon pulls ||marea|||atrae Na maré, a lua puxa

Sweet and constant, nightlight in the sky |||luz nocturna|||

Bright and bold lifegiving sun brillante||brillante y audaz|que da vida| Sol vivificante brilhante e ousado

Center of the solar system

Without you we wouldn't be alive |||||vivos

**Molly:** All right, Katie and Jed, are you ready?

**Katie:** Absolutely.

**Jed:** Yes, I am.

**Molly:** Fantastic. This time, we're going to trade back and forth. |||||intercambiar||| Jed went first the last time so, Katie, we'll start with you. Let's hear your first slogan for Team Moon. ||||slogan|||

**Katie:** The moon, guiding ships since before you even knew about us. |||guiando|naves||||||sobre| Katie: La luna, guiando naves desde antes de que supieras de nosotros. Katie: A lua, guiando navios desde antes mesmo de você saber sobre nós.


**Molly:** Very nice. Jed, let's hear your first slogan for sun.

**Jed:** Number one. It grows your crops because sun's the tops. |crece||cultivos||||lo mejor Hace crecer tus cultivos porque el sol está en lo alto. Cresce suas colheitas porque o sol está no topo.

**Molly:** Love a rhyme. |||una rima Molly: Me encanta una rima. All right, Katie, let's hear slogan number two for Team Moon. Está bien, Katie, escuchemos el eslogan número dos del Equipo Luna.

**Katie:** The moon. Your angsty poems** **couldn't function without us. |angustiosas||||| Tus poemas angustiosos no podrían funcionar sin nosotros. Seus poemas angustiados não funcionariam sem nós.


**Molly:** All right, Jed. Let's hear your second slogan for Team Sun.

**Jed:** This one I decided to go a little negative attack at.

**Katie:** Oh, my gosh.

**Jed:** Love the moon? You simple buffoon. ||bufón Seu simples palhaço.

**Molly:** [laughs] I love it. Another rhyme. All right, Katie, let's hear your third and final slogan for Team Moon.

**Katie:** The moon, for when 1,000 craters are just not enough. ||||||||no| Katie: La Luna, para cuando 1.000 cráteres no son suficientes. Katie: A lua, para quando 1.000 crateras não são suficientes.


**Molly:** All right, Jed, let's hear your final slogan for Team Sun.

**Jed:** Shine on, you hot glorious gaseous orb. |brilla|||||gaseoso|orbe gaseosa Brilla, glorioso y caliente orbe gaseoso.


**Molly:** That was motivational too. I love it. All right. Lilian, it's time for you to award a point. Which team slogans won you over? Again, the criteria is completely up to you. Have you decided?

**Lilian:** Yeah.

**Molly:** Excellent. Was this a tough one?

**Lilian:** Yes, they were all so funny.

**Molly:** Excellent. Now, the very last chance to score. Debaters, get ready for The Final Six. Jed, you have six final words to celebrate the sun. Let's hear them.

**Jed:** Vote sun. It's not a rock.

**Molly:** (chuckles) Katie, your turn. Wow us with your six words for the moon.

**Katie:** The moon, for when your po-- Oh, wait. Katie: A lua, para quando você po-- Oh, espere. No, that's eight words.

**Jed:** Uh-oh.

**Katie:** Oh no. The moon follows no man's rules, which is six words so I'm going to go with that. A lua não segue as regras de ninguém, que são seis palavras, então eu vou com isso. I got so thrown off by Jed's negative bupkiss but I stand by what I said. |||desconcertado|||||nada negativa||||||| Fiquei tão desconcertado com o bupkiss negativo de Jed, mas mantenho o que disse. The moon follows snowman's rules. |||del muñeco de nieve|

**Jed:** Snowman's rules. She said snowman's rules.

**Katie:** Snowman rules.

**Molly:** (laughter)This has been a legendary battle between two beautiful celestial bodies but now it's time to make some big decisions. Everything revolves around you, Lilian, so please award your final point for that last round. |gira||||||||||||| Then once you've awarded your Final Six points, tally up your points for both sides. ||||||||suma||||||lados Have you awarded your final point there, Lilian? ||otorgado|||||

**Lilian:** Yeah.

**Molly:** Are you ready to crown our winner? |||||coronar||

**Lilian:** Yes.

**Molly:** Okay. The Smash Boom Best is. (drum roll)

**Lilian:** The moon.

**Katie:** An upset. ||resultado inesperado Katie: Uma chateação.

**Molly:** Lilian, walk us through your decision-making process. Molly: Lilian, conte-nos sobre seu processo de tomada de decisão. What led you to choose Team Moon as the winner?

**Lilian:** Yes. After the slogans, it was a tie. ||||||empate Após os slogans, foi um empate. The sun had two and the moon had two so then it really came down to the final six and I just thought I really love the moon's slogan that they follow no man's rules.

**Molly:** You're a rebel at heart. |||rebelde||

**Jed:** Wow. Pulled it out at the end. sacó|||||

**Katie:** The moon follows no man's rules.

**Jed:** What are snowman's rules? I do not know what that means.

**Katie:** It's complicated.

**Molly:** This was a very close debate and you did an excellent job.

**Katie:** Absolutely. I learned so much about the sun and Jed's presentation and his vampire-centric poetry was inspiring- |||||||||||||centrada en vampiros||| Eu aprendi muito sobre o sol e a apresentação de Jed e sua poesia centrada em vampiros foi inspiradora.

**Jed:** Oh, thank you.

**Katie:** -beautiful, and will stay with me for the rest of my life.

**Jed:** I was going to tell you that your sonnet, it actually brought me to tears while I was sitting in my weird booth in my basement. |||||||||||||||lágrimas||||||||cabina|||sótano


**Molly:** They probably very beautiful sonnets. |||||sonetos Well, that is it for today's poetic debate battle. Lillian crowned, the moon, Smash Boom Best today, but what do you think?

**Lillian:** I thought the moon won, but maybe you'll feel differently. Let us know. Just head to our website smashboom.org and cast your vote.

**Molly:** Smash Boom Best is brought to you by Brains On! and American Public Media.

**Jed:** It's produced by Molly Bloom, Rosie Dupont, Jennifer Lai, Marc Sanchez, and Sanden Totten.

**Katie:** With engineering help from Veronica Rodriguez and Cameron Wiley.

**Jed:** We had production help from Elyssa Dudley, Kristina Lopez, and Menaka Wilhelm.

**Molly:** Anna Weggel is the voice of our hold music and our announcer is Marley Feuerwerker-Otto. We want to give a special thanks to Austin Cross, Taylor Coffman, and David Zha. Jed, is there anyone you want to give a shout-out to today?

**Jed:** So many people. First off, Sarah Gibson, who was my awesome sun scientist. Then I had Aaron Scott and his secret acting partner of mystery. |||Aaron Scott|||||||| Leo Deran, Alice Kim, Elliot Eloise, and Kevin Thompson. Leo|Deran|||Elliot|Eloise||| Meghan Hezel, Jack Stewart** **who read my sonnet, and Kate Micucci, the actress, and comedian who you might know as the voice of Webby Vanderquack on __DuckTales__. Meghan Hezel|Hezel|||||||||Micucci||actriz|||||||||||Webby Vanderquack|Vanderquack||DuckTales

**Molly:** How about you Katie, anyone you want to thank today?

**Katie:** I would like to thank Forrest Myers for putting an art museum on the moon. What a great idea. (chuckles)

**Molly:** Lillian, is there anyone you want to give a shout-out to?

**Lillian:** I would like to give a shout-out to the stars. They're beautiful.


**Molly:** We can't let them get overshadowed by today's sun moon competition. ||||||opacados|||||competencia Well, before we sign off, let's hear from Sophie. She suggested a match-up between a hot chocolate and apple cider, here's who she thinks would win.

**Sophie:** I think hot chocolate would win because whipped cream tastes better on hot chocolate than it does in apple cider. ||||||||crema batida||||||||||||

**Molly:** Fair point Sophie, and if you've dreamed up the best debate idea ever, we want to hear about it. |punto justo|||||||||||||||||| Molly: Tienes razón, Sophie, y si se te ha ocurrido la mejor idea de debate de la historia, queremos que nos la cuentes. You can share your ideas but just say hi at smashboom.org. We love hearing from you. We'll be back soon with another debate battle. Bye!


**Jed:** Man, I can't believe I'm the guy who let the sun lose. |||no puedo|no puedo creer|||||||| Jed: Hombre, no puedo creer que yo soy el tipo que dejó perder el sol.


**Lillian:** Hey, it was close.

**Jed:** I had the sun, it's so clearly superior.
