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English Conversations with Beth #1 LMA007, DEJAN w BETH #6.1


Hi it was nice to speak to you this evening and to hear about your experience singing ‘we are the champions' in front of your graduation class.

I was trying to think of what my ‘go to' karaoke song would be and I think if I had to choose something it would maybe have to be …. yeah…. there's a song called Robbie Williams angels and it is a very bad song but everybody knows it and when British people are drunk they all sing along and even though the song itself is a bit weird and maybe not my normal taste of music it gets everybody up and singing most of the time so it's really nice but yes I will see you tomorrow


Hi it was nice to speak to you this evening and to hear about your experience singing ‘we are the champions' in front of your graduation class. Živjo, lepo mi je bilo govoriti z vami ta večer in slišati o vaši izkušnji s petjem 'we are the champions' pred vašim maturantskim razredom.

I was trying to think of what my ‘go to' karaoke song would be and I think if I had to choose something it would maybe have to be …. Poskušal sem razmišljati, kakšna bi bila moja pesem za karaoke 'go to' in mislim, da če bi moral nekaj izbrati, bi to morda moralo biti …. yeah…. ja…. there's a song called Robbie Williams angels and it is a very bad song but everybody knows it and when British people are drunk they all sing along and even though the song itself is a bit weird and maybe not my normal taste of music it gets everybody up and singing most of the time so it's really nice but yes I will see you tomorrow obstaja pesem, ki se imenuje Robbie Williams angels in je zelo slaba pesem, vendar jo vsi vedo in ko so Britanci pijani, vsi pojejo zraven in čeprav je pesem sama po sebi nekoliko čudna in morda ni moj običajen okus po glasbi, vse vzbudi in večino časa poje, tako da je res lepo, ampak ja, se vidimo jutri