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TED, attie Maes + Pranav Mistry: Meet the SixthSense interaction

attie Maes + Pranav Mistry: Meet the SixthSense interaction

00:11I've been intrigued by this question of whether we could evolve or develop a sixth sense -- a sense that would give us seamless access and easy access to meta-information or information that may exist somewhere that may be relevant to help us make the right decision about whatever it is that we're coming across. And some of you may argue, "Well, don't today's cell phones do that already?" But I would say no. When you meet someone here at TED -- and this is the top networking place, of course, of the year -- you don't shake somebody's hand and then say, "Can you hold on for a moment while I take out my phone and Google you?" Or when you go to the supermarket and you're standing there in that huge aisle of different types of toilet papers, you don't take out your cell phone, and open a browser, and go to a website to try to decide which of these different toilet papers is the most ecologically responsible purchase to make. 01:16So we don't really have easy access to all this relevant information that can just help us make optimal decisions about what to do next and what actions to take. And so my research group at the Media Labhas been developing a series of inventions to give us access to this information in a sort of easy way,without requiring that the user changes any of their behavior. And I'm here to unveil our latest effort, and most successful effort so far, which is still very much a work in process. I'm actually wearing the device right now and we've sort of cobbled it together with components that are off the shelf -- and that, by the way, only cost 350 dollars at this point in time. 02:07I'm wearing a camera, just a simple web cam, a portable, battery-powered projection system with a little mirror. These components communicate to my cell phone in my pocket which acts as the communication and computation device. And in the video here we see my student Pranav Mistry, who's really the genius who's been implementing and designing this whole system. And we see how this system lets him walk up to any surface and start using his hands to interact with the information that is projected in front of him.The system tracks the four significant fingers. In this case, he's wearing simple marker caps that you may recognize. But if you want a more stylish version, you could also paint your nails in different colors.

03:02And the camera basically tracks these four fingers and recognizes any gestures that he's making so he can just go to, for example, a map of Long Beach, zoom in and out, etc. The system also recognizes iconic gestures such as the "take a picture" gesture, and then takes a picture of whatever is in front of you. And when he then walks back to the Media Lab, he can just go up to any wall and project all the pictures that he's taken, sort through them and organize them, and re-size them, etc., again using all natural gestures. 03:41So, some of you most likely were here two years ago and saw the demo by Jeff Han, or some of you may think, "Well, doesn't this look like the Microsoft Surface Table?" And yes, you also interact using natural gestures, both hands, etc. But the difference here is that you can use any surface, you can walk up to any surface, including your hand, if nothing else is available, and interact with this projected data. The device is completely portable, and can be --


04:22(Applause ends)

04:24So, one important difference is that it's totally mobile. Another even more important difference is that in mass production, this would not cost more tomorrow than today's cell phones and would actually not sort of be a bigger packaging -- could look a lot more stylish than this version that I'm wearing around my neck. But other than letting some of you live out your fantasy of looking as cool as Tom Cruise in "Minority Report," the reason why we're really excited about this device is that it really can act as one of these sixth-sense devices that gives you relevant information about whatever is in front of you. So we see Pranav here going into the supermarket and he's shopping for some paper towels. And, as he picks up a product, the system can recognize the product that he's picking up, using either image recognition or marker technology, and give him the green light or an orange light. He can ask for additional information.So this particular choice here is a particularly good choice, given his personal criteria. Some of you may want the toilet paper with the most bleach in it rather than the most ecologically responsible choice.


05:51If he picks up a book in the bookstore, he can get an Amazon rating -- it gets projected right on the cover of the book. This is Juan's book, our previous speaker, which gets a great rating, by the way, at Amazon.And so, Pranav turns the page of the book and can then see additional information about the book --reader comments, maybe sort of information by his favorite critic, etc. If he turns to a particular page, he finds an annotation by maybe an expert or a friend of ours that gives him a little bit of additional information about whatever is on that particular page. Reading the newspaper -- it never has to be outdated.


06:36You can get video annotations of the events that you're reading about. You can get the latest sports scores, etc. This is a more controversial one.


06:48As you interact with someone at TED, maybe you can see a word cloud of the tags, the words that are associated with that person in their blog and personal web pages. In this case, the student is interested in cameras, etc. On your way to the airport, if you pick up your boarding pass, it can tell you that your flight is delayed, that the gate has changed, etc. And, if you need to know what the current time is, it's as simple as drawing a watch -- 07:21(Laughter)


07:23on your arm.

07:26So that's where we're at so far in developing this sixth sense that would give us seamless access to all this relevant information about the things that we may come across. My student Pranav, who's really, like I said, the genius behind this. 07:45(Applause and cheering)

08:05(Applause ends)

08:07He does deserve a lot of applause, because I don't think he's slept much in the last three months, actually. And his girlfriend is probably not very happy about him either. But it's not perfect yet, it's very much a work in progress. And who knows, maybe in another 10 years we'll be here with the ultimate sixth sense brain implant. 08:30Thank you.


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attie Maes + Pranav Mistry: Meet the SixthSense interaction attie Maes + Pranav Mistry: Conoce la interacción SixthSense attie Maes + Pranav Mistry : Rencontre avec l'interaction SixthSense アティ・マエス+プラナフ・ミストリーシックスセンスとの交流 Атти Маес + Пранав Мистри: знакомство с взаимодействием SixthSense attie Maes + Pranav Mistry:与第六感互动

00:11I've been intrigued by this question of whether we could evolve or develop a sixth sense -- a sense that would give us seamless access and easy access to meta-information or information that may exist somewhere that may be relevant to help us make the right decision about whatever it is that we're coming across. ||fascinated by this||||||||||||||||||||smooth and continuous|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||affascinato da||||||||||||||||||||senza soluzione di continuità||||||informazioni meta|||||||||||||||||||||||||| 00: 11 Me ha intrigado esta pregunta de si podríamos evolucionar o desarrollar un sexto sentido, un sentido que nos daría un acceso sin problemas y un acceso fácil a la metainformación o información que pueda existir en algún lugar que pueda ser relevante para ayudarnos. tomar la decisión correcta sobre lo que sea que nos encontremos. 00:11Меня заинтриговал этот вопрос о том, можем ли мы развить или развить шестое чувство — чувство, которое дало бы нам беспрепятственный доступ и легкий доступ к метаинформации или информации, которая может существовать где-то и которая может помочь нам. принять правильное решение о том, с чем мы сталкиваемся. And some of you may argue, "Well, don't today's cell phones do that already?" |||||||||cellulare|||| Y algunos de ustedes pueden argumentar: "Bueno, ¿los teléfonos celulares de hoy ya no hacen eso?" But I would say no. When you meet someone here at TED -- and this is the top networking place, of course, of the year -- you don't shake somebody's hand and then say, "Can you hold on for a moment while I take out my phone and Google you?" ||||||||||||rete di contatti|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Cuando te encuentras con alguien aquí en TED, y este es el mejor sitio de redes, por supuesto, del año, no le das la mano a nadie y luego dices: "¿Puedes esperar un momento mientras saco mi teléfono?" y Google te? " Or when you go to the supermarket and you're standing there in that huge aisle of different types of toilet papers, you don't take out your cell phone, and open a browser, and go to a website to try to decide which of these different toilet papers is the most ecologically responsible purchase to make. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||environmentally friendly|||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||navigatore web|||||||||||||||||||ecologicamente responsabile|||| 01:16So we don't really have easy access to all this relevant information that can just help us make optimal decisions about what to do next and what actions to take. ||||||||||||||||||best possible||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||ottimali||||||||||| And so my research group at the Media Labhas been developing a series of inventions to give us access to this information in a sort of easy way,without requiring that the user changes any of their behavior. ||||||||||||||invenzioni||||||||||||||||||||||| And I'm here to unveil our latest effort, and most successful effort so far, which is still very much a work in process. ||||reveal|||||||||||||||||| ||||svelare|||||||||||||||||| И я здесь, чтобы представить нашу последнюю работу и самую успешную на данный момент работу, которая все еще находится в стадии разработки. I'm actually wearing the device right now and we've sort of cobbled it together with components that are off the shelf -- and that, by the way, only cost 350 dollars at this point in time. |||||||||||assembled hastily|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||assemblato rapidamente|||||||||||||||||||||| En realidad estoy usando el dispositivo ahora mismo y lo hemos combinado con componentes que están disponibles, y que, por cierto, solo cuestan 350 dólares en este momento. На самом деле я ношу это устройство прямо сейчас, и мы как бы собрали его вместе с компонентами, которые есть в наличии — и это, кстати, стоит всего 350 долларов на данный момент. 02:07I'm wearing a camera, just a simple web cam, a portable, battery-powered projection system with a little mirror. ||||||||webcam|||||||||| These components communicate to my cell phone in my pocket which acts as the communication and computation device. ||||||||||||||||dispositivo di calcolo| And in the video here we see my student Pranav Mistry, who's really the genius who's been implementing and designing this whole system. |||||||||||||||||implementando||||| And we see how this system lets him walk up to any surface and start using his hands to interact with the information that is projected in front of him.The system tracks the four significant fingers. ||||||permette di|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Y vemos cómo este sistema le permite caminar hacia cualquier superficie y comenzar a usar sus manos para interactuar con la información que se proyecta frente a él. El sistema rastrea los cuatro dedos significativos. In this case, he's wearing simple marker caps that you may recognize. |||||||tappi dei pennarelli|||| En este caso, él está usando simples gorras de marcador que puedes reconocer. В данном случае на нем простые кепки, которые вы можете узнать. But if you want a more stylish version, you could also paint your nails in different colors. |||||||||||||unghie|||colori diversi Pero si quieres una versión más elegante, también puedes pintar tus uñas en diferentes colores.

03:02And the camera basically tracks these four fingers and recognizes any gestures that he's making so he can just go to, for example, a map of Long Beach, zoom in and out, etc. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ingrandire e ridurre|||| 03: 02Y la cámara básicamente rastrea estos cuatro dedos y reconoce los gestos que está haciendo para que pueda ir, por ejemplo, a un mapa de Long Beach, acercar y alejar, etc. The system also recognizes iconic gestures such as the "take a picture" gesture, and then takes a picture of whatever is in front of you. And when he then walks back to the Media Lab, he can just go up to any wall and project all the pictures that he's taken, sort through them and organize them, and re-size them, etc., again using all natural gestures. Y cuando luego regresa al Laboratorio de Medios, puede subir a cualquier pared y proyectar todas las fotografías que ha tomado, clasificarlas y organizarlas, y redimensionarlas, etc., nuevamente utilizando todos los gestos naturales. 03:41So, some of you most likely were here two years ago and saw the demo by Jeff Han, or some of you may think, "Well, doesn't this look like the Microsoft Surface Table?" ||||||||||||||dimostrazione di Jeff|||||||||||||||||| 03: 41 Entonces, algunos de ustedes probablemente estuvieron aquí hace dos años y vieron la demostración de Jeff Han, o algunos de ustedes pueden pensar: "Bueno, ¿no se parece a la mesa de superficie de Microsoft?" And yes, you also interact using natural gestures, both hands, etc. But the difference here is that you can use any surface, you can walk up to any surface, including your hand, if nothing else is available, and interact with this projected data. Pero la diferencia aquí es que puede usar cualquier superficie, puede caminar hasta cualquier superficie, incluyendo su mano, si no hay nada más disponible, e interactuar con esta información proyectada. The device is completely portable, and can be --


04:22(Applause ends)

04:24So, one important difference is that it's totally mobile. Another even more important difference is that in mass production, this would not cost more tomorrow than today's cell phones and would actually not sort of be a bigger packaging -- could look a lot more stylish than this version that I'm wearing around my neck. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||collo Otra diferencia aún más importante es que en la producción en serie, esto no costaría más mañana que los teléfonos celulares de hoy y en realidad no sería un paquete más grande, podría parecer mucho más elegante que esta versión que estoy usando alrededor de mi cuello . But other than letting some of you live out your fantasy of looking as cool as Tom Cruise in "Minority Report," the reason why we're really excited about this device is that it really can act as one of these sixth-sense devices that gives you relevant information about whatever is in front of you. ||||||||||fantasia|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Pero aparte de dejar que algunos de ustedes vivan su fantasía de verse tan genial como Tom Cruise en "Minority Report", la razón por la que estamos realmente entusiasmados con este dispositivo es que realmente puede actuar como uno de estos dispositivos de sexto sentido que te da información relevante sobre lo que está frente a ti. So we see Pranav here going into the supermarket and he's shopping for some paper towels. |||||||||||||||asciugatutto di carta And, as he picks up a product, the system can recognize the product that he's picking up, using either image recognition or marker technology, and give him the green light or an orange light. |||raccoglie|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Y, al recoger un producto, el sistema puede reconocer el producto que está recogiendo, ya sea mediante el reconocimiento de imágenes o la tecnología de marcadores, y darle la luz verde o una luz naranja. И когда он берет продукт, система может распознать продукт, который он берет, используя либо распознавание изображений, либо технологию маркеров, и дать ему зеленый свет или оранжевый свет. He can ask for additional information.So this particular choice here is a particularly good choice, given his personal criteria. |||||||||||||||||||criteri personali Puede solicitar información adicional. Por lo tanto, esta elección en particular aquí es particularmente buena, dado su criterio personal. Он может запросить дополнительную информацию. Так что этот конкретный выбор здесь особенно хорош, учитывая его личные критерии. Some of you may want the toilet paper with the most bleach in it rather than the most ecologically responsible choice. ||||||||||||||||||environmentally friendly|| |||||||||||candeggina||||||||| Некоторые из вас могут предпочесть туалетную бумагу с наибольшим содержанием отбеливателя, а не наиболее экологически ответственный выбор.


05:51If he picks up a book in the bookstore, he can get an Amazon rating -- it gets projected right on the cover of the book. ||||||||libreria||||||valutazione Amazon|||||||||| 05: 51Si él recoge un libro en la librería, puede obtener una calificación de Amazon - se proyecta directamente en la portada del libro. This is Juan's book, our previous speaker, which gets a great rating, by the way, at Amazon.And so, Pranav turns the page of the book and can then see additional information about the book --reader comments, maybe sort of information by his favorite critic, etc. Это книга Хуана, нашего предыдущего докладчика, которая, кстати, получает отличный рейтинг на Amazon. Итак, Пранав переворачивает страницу книги и затем может увидеть дополнительную информацию о книге — комментарии читателей, может быть, какую-то информацию. его любимым критиком и т. д. If he turns to a particular page, he finds an annotation by maybe an expert or a friend of ours that gives him a little bit of additional information about whatever is on that particular page. ||||||||||note or comment||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||annotazione||||||||||||||||||||||||| Si pasa a una página en particular, encuentra una anotación de un experto o un amigo nuestro que le brinda un poco de información adicional sobre lo que se encuentra en esa página en particular. Если он открывает определенную страницу, он находит аннотацию, возможно, эксперта или нашего друга, которая дает ему немного дополнительной информации о том, что находится на этой конкретной странице. Reading the newspaper -- it never has to be outdated. ||||||||obsoleto Leyendo el periódico - nunca debe estar desactualizado. Читая газету, она никогда не должна быть устаревшей.


06:36You can get video annotations of the events that you're reading about. ||||event highlights||||||| ||||annotazioni video||||||| 06: 36Puedes obtener anotaciones en video de los eventos sobre los que estás leyendo. You can get the latest sports scores, etc. This is a more controversial one. Esta es una más controvertida. Это более спорный вопрос.


06:48As you interact with someone at TED, maybe you can see a word cloud of the tags, the words that are associated with that person in their blog and personal web pages. |||||||||||||nuvola di parole||||||||||||||blog personale|||| 06: 48A medida que interactúa con alguien en TED, tal vez pueda ver una nube de palabras de las etiquetas, las palabras que están asociadas con esa persona en su blog y páginas web personales. In this case, the student is interested in cameras, etc. On your way to the airport, if you pick up your boarding pass, it can tell you that your flight is delayed, that the gate has changed, etc. |||||||||||carta d'imbarco|||||||||||||||| De camino al aeropuerto, si recoge su tarjeta de embarque, puede indicarle que su vuelo está retrasado, que la puerta ha cambiado, etc. По пути в аэропорт, если вы получите посадочный талон, он может сказать вам, что ваш рейс задерживается, что гейт изменился и т. д. And, if you need to know what the current time is, it's as simple as drawing a watch -- |||||||||||||||disegnare un orologio|| Y, si necesita saber cuál es la hora actual, es tan simple como dibujar un reloj: 07:21(Laughter)


07:23on your arm.

07:26So that's where we're at so far in developing this sixth sense that would give us seamless access to all this relevant information about the things that we may come across. ||||||||||||||||Effortless, smooth, uninterrupted|||||||||||||| 07: 26 Por lo tanto, es ahí donde nos encontramos en el desarrollo de este sexto sentido que nos dará acceso sin problemas a toda esta información relevante sobre las cosas que podemos encontrar. 07:26 Вот где мы сейчас находимся в развитии этого шестого чувства, которое даст нам беспрепятственный доступ ко всей важной информации о вещах, с которыми мы можем столкнуться. My student Pranav, who's really, like I said, the genius behind this. Mi estudiante Pranav, que es realmente, como dije, el genio detrás de esto. 07:45(Applause and cheering) ||acclamazioni

08:05(Applause ends)

08:07He does deserve a lot of applause, because I don't think he's slept much in the last three months, actually. ||merita||||||||||||||||| 08:07Он заслуживает аплодисментов, потому что я не думаю, что он много спал последние три месяца. And his girlfriend is probably not very happy about him either. But it's not perfect yet, it's very much a work in progress. And who knows, maybe in another 10 years we'll be here with the ultimate sixth sense brain implant. ||||||||||||||||impianto cerebrale 08:30Thank you.
