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Ted Talks, I See Dead People: Dreams and Visions of the Dying | Dr. Christopher Kerr | TEDxBuffalo (1)

I See Dead People: Dreams and Visions of the Dying | Dr. Christopher Kerr | TEDxBuffalo (1)

Translator: Hélène Vernet Reviewer: Denise RQ

I read a recent survey, and the title was, "Survey on American Fears,"

and what Americans fear most is public speaking and dying.

In other words, my TEDx talk.


If that weren't tough enough, tonight's topic is illumination,

and the question is really: can dying be illuminating?

What we know of dying is based on what we have observed as witnesses.

We have all seen grim, physiological decline and suffering,

and we've all felt profound loss.

So, if there is light within the darkness of dying,

it's in the experience not in the observing.

So tonight, I'm going to share with you

the words and experience of dying patients.

And my hope is that you hear what I have heard:

the dying often describing their end of life

in ways that are actually life-affirming,

and rich with meaning, love, and even grace.

Before I go any further, I need to give a few disclaimers.

If it looks like I cannot stand still and I'm pacing, it's because it's true.


The second is that, aside from my mother,

nobody has ever described me

as particularly spiritual or for that matter, enlightened.

And trust me, this talk has nothing to do with the paranormal.

A much harder truth for me is that I have a deep aversion

to the non-physical, spiritual aspects of dying

that goes back to my childhood.

On August 6, 1974, I was 12 years old,

and I was standing over the bed of my dying father, who was 42.

As he lay in there,

he reached out and started playing with my buttons on my shirt,

and he said we had to hurry; we had to catch a plane.

We were going to go up north and fish like we had before.

And that was the last time I saw him.

My point here is I didn't choose this topic of dying;

I feel it has chosen or followed me throughout my life,

personally and professionally.

Like my father, I became a doctor.

This may sound strange, but if you have an aversion to dying,

medical schools are a pretty safe place to be.

They never mention dying, let alone the experiencing of it.

Medical training is learning how to defy death,

and when you can't defy it, you deny it, in whole or in part.

This approach to medicine worked for me

when I was doing things like working in emergency rooms.

But in 1999, through a series of unusual events,

I ended up at this place called hospice.

At hospice, the curative science

has not only failed the patient but has abandoned the doctor

who is, eventually, compelled to be present.

And when I was present at the bedside of the dying,

I was confronted by what I had seen

and tried so hard to forget from my childhood.

I saw dying patients reaching and calling out

to mothers, and to fathers, and to children,

many of whom hadn't been seen for many years.

But what was remarkable was that so many of them looked at peace.

In April of 1999,

I was in the room of a patient I was particularly fond of.

Her name was Mary.

She was nearing the end of her life, and her four children were also present.

One day, Mary starts cradling a baby that nobody can see.

She refers to him as Danny - a reference nobody understands.

The next day, Mary's sister arrives from out of town,

and explains that Danny was, actually, Mary's first child, who was stillborn.

The loss was so deep

that Mary was unable to speak of it during her life.

Yet, while dying, this indescribable loss returns to her

in some manner of tangible warmth and tangible love.

Mary, like so many dying patients,

had physical wounds that could not be cured,

yet her spiritual wounds were [being] tended to.

A few weeks later, I went and saw a young man named Tom.

I came out to the nurse's station, and I said, "I think Tom has more time

if we just give him some IV antibiotics and some IV fluids."

Without so much as looking up,

a nurse named Nancy says, "Nope, he's dying."

I say, "Why?"

She says, "Because he's seeing his deceased mother."

I say, "I don't remember that class from medical school!"

She says, "Son, you missed a lot of classes!"



Tom ends up dying.

What Nancy knew that I did not know

was that Tom's end-of-life experiences had meaning.

They were significant, and not just to him,

but to those of us entrusted with his care.

So, if I were to have any worth,

I needed to understand, I needed to learn.

I learned that end-of-life experiences are the subjective experiences of the dying

and often refer to pre-death dreams and visions.

Such experiences have been reported throughout history and across cultures.

They are mentioned in the Bible, Plato's "Republic", Shakespeare.

In our culture, the richest and most thoughtful discussions

have always come from the humanities and never medicine

but from poets, playwrights, and philosophers.

These observers have commented

that end-of-life experiences are so frequent

they are essentially intrinsic to the process of dying.

They're characterized as real, intense, meaningful;

provide comfort, insight, and in so doing, help alleviate the fear of dying.

So why does medicine has so little to say

about something that's so meaningful, and actually, potentially therapeutic,

not just for the patient but for the patient's loved ones?

In part,

it's because end-of-life experiences can easily be dismissed as confusion.

And it's true;

many dying patients experience confusion as they go through the process.


in contrast to patients' experience with end-of-life dreams and visions,

confused patients are detached.

They have disorganized thinking.

They're unable to figure out their surroundings,

and they are more often than not terribly agitated and anxious.

The distinction is best [understood] by listening to a patient.

The patient you are about to see in this video - her name is Jeanne -

was nearing the end of her life; and she has since passed.

(Video starts)

Jeanne: I was lying in bed,

and people were walking, very slowly, by me.

The right hand side, I didn't know, but they were all very friendly,

and they touched my arm or my hand when they went by.

But the other side,

were people that I knew.

My mom and dad were there, my uncle;

Everybody I knew that was dead was there.

And they passed and did the same thing.

I thought it was a good dream,

but boy, I remember seeing every piece of their face.

I mean, I know that was my mom and dad, and uncle, and my brother-in-law.

I have seen my mother, recently, more.

Interviewer: How do you feel when you see her?

Jeanne: Oh...! Wonderful!

I can't say that my mother and I got along all those years,

but we made up for it, at the end.

(Video ends)

Christopher Kerr: Jeanne isn't confused,

and it would be dehumanizing her to label her as such.

But she shows us so much more.

She shows us that dying is this paradox:

she is physically declining,

yet, emotionally and spiritually,

she's vivid; she's alive, and she's present.

End-of-life experiences are not only tied to our personal meanings

but they are tied to some of our greatest needs:

the need to love, to be loved, nurtured, forgiven.

End-of-life experiences also represent a rich inter-connectivity

between body and soul,

between the realities we know, and those we don't,

between our past and our present.

But most importantly,

end-of-life experiences represent continuity

between and across lives, both living and dead,

so that mothers like Mary can hold their long-deceased children,

and children like Jeanne

can be reunited and comforted by their long-deceased mothers.

So, again, the question:

why are the words of the dying not worthier of our consideration?

I don't have all of the answer,

but it's true we live in a time where seeing is believing,

and where data and evidence are requisites for both understanding and acceptance.

Unfortunately, when it comes to end-of-life experiences,

most of the reports were based on anecdotal reporting.

In other words, nobody had asked patients directly

or attempted to quantify or measure.

So that's what we've done,

and to date, we have over 1,400 interviews with dying patients.

In our first study,

we spoke with 66 patients every day, until their death,

and gathered 450 interviews.

What we found was a vast majority, over 80%,

reported at least one pre-death dream and vision,

described as more real than real, and distinct from normal dreaming.

The next question is: what were they dreaming of?

We found out that 72% dreamed of the deceased:

family, relatives, or pets,

59% of this theme of going or preparing to go [somewhere],

29% of the living, and 28% of past meaningful experiences.

So the next question was this:

did different dream content provide different levels of comfort?

Here's comfort on a zero to five scale, with five being the highest.

And of all the dream types,

seeing the deceased was associated with the greatest degree of comfort.

The next question was:

were there changes over time

in either the content or frequency of dreaming as patients approached death?

Essentially, the Nancy question;

could you almost predict death based on changes of these variables?

Of course, again, Nancy's right.

Frequency is on the y-axis, weeks before death are on the x-axis.

As patients approach death,

they've a dramatic increase in the frequency of their dreaming.

They are dreaming, specifically, of the deceased,

which is associated with the greatest comfort.

So, the next question we wanted to ask in our next study

was what did these mean to the dreamer?

Were there common themes? Were there common meanings?

The most common theme was that of a comforting presence.

Seeing the dead or seeing the living was overwhelmingly positive

provided a sense of reunion, and the feeling that one was not alone.

Maggie, for example, was in her 80s.

She had been harmed greatly by a childhood friend, later in life.

And before she dies,

she dreams of this friend, who comes back to her and says,

"Sorry, you are a good person. If you need help, just call my name."

Kenny was 88 years old.

He lost his mother as a child.

And before he dies, he dreams he's a child again.

He is in his mother's kitchen, and he says, "I smell her perfume,"

and hears her soothing voice say, "I love you!"

Sandy was raised by her sister Emily.

And before she passes, Emily returns to her in a dream and says,

"Remember what I taught you."

Many patients reported seeing the presence of others,

and they're described as simply being there, watching.

Little is said, but much is understood.

This next video is Paul.

Paul has a terminal illness.

In fact, he dies three weeks after this video.

But he's talking about his deceased wife.

(Video starts)

Paul: I dream in color, most times.

And she always wears a beautiful light blue.

It could be a suit. It could be a gown. It could be a dress.

But it's always light blue.

A couple of times, she's giving me the little beauty pageant wave.

And a couple of times, she, sort of, greets... always with a smile.

Only once or twice have I ever heard her voice.

She always lets me know that she's fine.

I get that feeling after a dream like that.

(Video ends)

CK: As I said, 60% dreamed of this theme of travel.

Jimmy sees many deceased friends and relatives and says,

"I haven't seen some of these people in years.

I know we are going somewhere, but I don't know where."

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I See Dead People: Dreams and Visions of the Dying | Dr. Christopher Kerr | TEDxBuffalo (1) |||||||||||||TEDxBuffalo Ich sehe tote Menschen: Träume und Visionen von Sterbenden | Dr. Christopher Kerr | TEDxBuffalo (1) Veo muertos: Sueños y visiones de los moribundos | Dr. Christopher Kerr | TEDxBuffalo (1) Eu vejo pessoas mortas: Sonhos e Visões dos Moribundos | Dr. Christopher Kerr | TEDxBuffalo (1) Ölü İnsanlar Görüyorum: Ölmekte Olanların Rüyaları ve Vizyonları | Dr. Christopher Kerr | TEDxBuffalo (1)

Translator: Hélène Vernet Reviewer: Denise RQ |||||RQ(1) Traducteur: Anne-Sophie Matichard Relecteur: Claire Ghyselen מתרגם: Shlomo Adam מבקר: Sigal Tifferet Traducător: Oana Micheten Corector: Mirel-Gabriel Alexa

I read a recent survey, and the title was, "Survey on American Fears," J'ai lu une étude récente dont le titre était : ראיתי לאחרונה סקר שכותרתו: Am citit recent studiul cu titlul „Studiul asupra fricilor americane”,

and what Americans fear most is public speaking and dying. « Étude sur les peurs des Américains », et ce dont les Américains ont le plus peur, c'est prendre la parole en public et mourir. "מה הכי מפחיד אמריקנים," מסתבר שאלה דיבור בציבור ומוות. și americanilor le e cel mai frică de vorbitul în public și de moarte.

In other words, my TEDx talk. En d'autres termes, mon TEDx talk. במלים אחרות, הרצאת TEDx שלי. Cu alte cuvinte, discursul meu TEDx.

(Laughter) (Rires) (צחוק) (Râsete)

If that weren't tough enough, tonight's topic is illumination, Comme si ça n'était déjà pas assez dur, le thème de ce soir est l'illumination, ואם זה לא קשה מספיק, הנושא הערב הוא "הארה", Ca și cum acestea nu ar fi suficient de dure, subiectul de azi e iluminarea,

and the question is really: can dying be illuminating? et la question qui se pose est : mourir peut-il nous éclairer ? כשהשאלה היא, האם המוות יכול להעניק הארה? și adevărata întrebare e: poate fi moartea iluminatoare?

What we know of dying is based on what we have observed as witnesses. Ce que nous savons de la mort est basé sur ce que nous avons observé en tant que témoins. מה שידוע לנו על המוות מבוסס על הדברים להם היינו עדים. O que sabemos sobre morrer é baseado no que observamos como testemunhas. Tot ce știm despre moarte e bazat pe ce am observat ca și martori.

We have all seen grim, physiological decline and suffering, ||||grave|||| Nous connaissons tous ce triste déclin psychologique et la souffrance, כולנו ראינו סבל והידרדרות גופנית עגומים, Todos nós já vimos um declínio fisiológico sombrio e sofrimento, Cu toții am văzut morbiditatea, declinul fiziologic și suferința,

and we've all felt profound loss. et nous avons tous ressenti une perte profonde. וכולנו חווינו אובדן עמוק. e todos nós já sentimos uma perda profunda. și noi toți am simțit pierderea profundă.

So, if there is light within the darkness of dying, Donc, s'il y a de la lumière dans la noirceur de la mort, אז אם יש אור באפילת המוות, Dacă există lumină în întunecimea morții,

it's in the experience not in the observing. elle se trouve dans son expérience, non dans son observation. הוא איננו בחוויית המתבונן. e în experiență, nu în observație.

So tonight, I'm going to share with you Ce soir, je vais partager avec vous אז הערב אשתף אתכם Astă-seară vă voi împărtăși

the words and experience of dying patients. les mots et expériences de patients mourants. במילותיהם וחוויותיהם של חולים גוססים. vorbele și experiențele pacienților muribunzi.

And my hope is that you hear what I have heard: Et j'espère que vous entendrez ce que j'ai entendu : ואני מקווה שגם אתם תשמעו את מה ששמעתי אני: Sper că veți auzi, ce am auzit și eu:

the dying often describing their end of life les mourants décrivent souvent leur fin de vie שלעתים קרובות, המוות מתאר את סוף החיים muribunzii descriu adesea sfârșitul vieții lor

in ways that are actually life-affirming, d'une manière qui est en fait une affirmation de la vie, בדרכים שדווקא מעודדות לחיות, în moduri ce prețuiesc viața,

and rich with meaning, love, and even grace. riche de sens, d'amour et même de grâce. בדרכים עשירות במשמעות, אהבה ואף חסד. și pline de înțelesuri, iubire, și chiar grație.

Before I go any further, I need to give a few disclaimers. |||||||||||advertencias Avant que je n'aille plus loin, je dois donner quelques avertissements. בטרם אמשיך, עלי להשמיע מספר אזהרות. Înainte să continui, trebuie să fac câteva declarații.

If it looks like I cannot stand still and I'm pacing, it's because it's true. Si je vous donne l'impression de ne pas tenir en place, c'est bien vrai. אם נראה שאינני מסוגל לעמוד בשקט, זה משום שזה נכון. Se parece que não consigo ficar parado e estou andando de um lado para o outro, é porque é verdade. Dacă pare că nu pot sta locului și că bat un ritm, e adevărat.

(Laughter) (Rires) (צחוק) (Risos) (Râsete)

The second is that, aside from my mother, Le second avertissement, c'est qu'en dehors de ma mère, האזהרה השניה היא, שפרט לאימי, O segundo é que, além da minha mãe, Al doilea fapt, e că în afară de mama,

nobody has ever described me personne ne m'a jamais décrit איש לא תיאר אותי מעולם niciodată nu m-a descris cineva

as particularly spiritual or for that matter, enlightened. comme une personne particulièrement spirituelle ou éclairée. כאדם רוחני במיוחד, או אף מואר. ca fiind spiritual sau iluminat.

And trust me, this talk has nothing to do with the paranormal. |||||||||||paranormal Et croyez-moi, cette discussion n'a rien à voir avec le paranormal. והאמינו לי, להרצאה זו אין כל נגיעה לעל-טבעי. Și credeți-mă, acest discurs nu are nimic de-a face cu paranormalul.

A much harder truth for me is that I have a deep aversion Une vérité bien plus dure pour moi est que j'ai une aversion profonde אמת מוצקה בהרבה בנוגע אלי היא שאני חש סלידה עמוקה Un adevăr crud pentru mine e că am o aversiune puternică

to the non-physical, spiritual aspects of dying pour les aspects non physiques et spirituels de la mort, מההיבטים הלא-גופניים והרוחניים של המיתה față de aspectele non-fizice, spirituale ale morții

that goes back to my childhood. et cela remonte à mon enfance. וזה עוד מימי ילדותי. ce provine din copilărie.

On August 6, 1974, I was 12 years old, Le 6 août 1974, j'avais 12 ans, ב-6 לאוגוסט 1974 הייתי בן 12, Pe 6 august, 1974, aveam 12 ani,

and I was standing over the bed of my dying father, who was 42. et je me tenais debout devant mon père mourant, qui avait 42 ans. ועמדתי ליד ערש הדווי של אבי בן ה-42. și stăteam la căpătâiul tatălui meu aflat pe patul de moarte la 42 de ani.

As he lay in there, Tandis qu'il gisait là, בשוכבו שם, Cum stătea el acolo,

he reached out and started playing with my buttons on my shirt, il a tendu la main et a commencé à jouer avec les boutons de ma chemise, הוא הושיט את ידו, החל להשתעשע בכפתורי חולצתי a întins mâna și a început să se joace cu nasturii cămășii mele,

and he said we had to hurry; we had to catch a plane. me disant de me dépêcher ; nous devions prendre l'avion. ואמר שעלינו למהר לטיסה. mi-a zis că trebuie să ne grăbim să prindem un avion.

We were going to go up north and fish like we had before. Nous devions aller au nord et pêcher comme nous en avions l'habitude. נטוס צפונה ונלך לדוג, כמו פעם. Mergeam sus în nord, să pescuim așa cum nu am mai făcut-o vreodată.

And that was the last time I saw him. Et c'est la dernière fois que je l'ai vu. וזו היתה הפעם האחרונה בה ראיתי אותו. Atunci l-am văzut pentru ultima dată.

My point here is I didn't choose this topic of dying; Ce que je veux dire, c'est que je n'ai pas choisi ce sujet de la mort ; הנקודה היא שלא בחרתי את תחום המוות: Vreau să spun că nu am ales acest subiect al morții;

I feel it has chosen or followed me throughout my life, j'ai l'impression qu'il m'a choisi ou suivi toute ma vie, אני מרגיש שהוא בחר בי וליווה אותי לאורך כל חיי, simt că el m-a ales sau m-a urmat de-a lungul vieții mele,

personally and professionally. personnellement et professionnellement. אישית ומקצועית. personal și profesional.

Like my father, I became a doctor. Comme mon père, je suis devenu médecin. כאבי לפני, גם אני נעשיתי רופא. Ca și tatăl meu, am devenit doctor.

This may sound strange, but if you have an aversion to dying, Ça peut sembler étrange, mais si vous avez une aversion de la mort, זה נשמע משונה, אבל למי שסולד מהמוות, Ar putea suna ciudat dar dacă ai o aversiune față de moarte,

medical schools are a pretty safe place to be. les écoles de médecine sont un endroit assez sûr. בתי ספר לרפואה הם מקום בטוח למדי. școlile medicale sunt cel mai bun loc în care ai putea să te afli.

They never mention dying, let alone the experiencing of it. Elles ne parlent jamais de la mort, et encore moins d'en faire l'expérience. לא מזכירים שם את המוות, וודאי לא את ההתנסות בו. Nu pomenesc de moarte niciodată, mai ales de trăirea ei.

Medical training is learning how to defy death, La formation médicale, c'est apprendre à défier la mort, ההכשרה הרפואית מלמדת להתנגד למוות, Pregătirea medicală te învață cum să sfidezi moartea,

and when you can't defy it, you deny it, in whole or in part. et lorsque vous n'y parvenez pas, vous la niez, en totalité ou en partie. וכשלא מצליחים להתנגד לו, להתכחש לו, לגמרי או חלקית. iar când nu o poți sfida, o negi, parțial sau total.

This approach to medicine worked for me Cette approche de la médecine me convenait הגישה הזאת לרפואה התאימה לי Această abordare a medicinei mi-a priit

when I was doing things like working in emergency rooms. lorsque je faisais des choses comme travailler aux urgences. כשעשיתי דברים כמו עבודה בחדרי מיון. când am muncit la camera de urgențe.

But in 1999, through a series of unusual events, Mais en 1999, à travers une série d'événements inhabituels, אבל ב-1999, עקב סדרת אירועים יוצאי-דופן, Dar în 1999, datorită unor circumstanțe neobișnuite,

I ended up at this place called hospice. |||||||hospicio j'ai atterri dans cet endroit appelé un hospice. הגעתי למקום הקרוי "הוספיס". am ajuns într-un loc denumit azil pentru muribunzi.

At hospice, the curative science |hospicio||| Dans cet hospice, la science curative בהוספיס, מדע הרפואה, La azilul pentru muribunzi, știința curativă

has not only failed the patient but has abandoned the doctor avait abandonné le patient mais aussi abandonné le médecin לא רק מכזיב את החולה אלא גם נוטש את הרופא, não apenas falhou com o paciente, mas abandonou o médico nu doar că a dezamăgit pacientul și a abandonat doctorul,

who is, eventually, compelled to be present. qui est, finalement, obligé d'être présent. שנוכחותו נדרשת, מתישהו. que, eventualmente, é obrigado a estar presente. care e forțat să fie de față.

And when I was present at the bedside of the dying, Et lorsque j'étais présent au chevet d'un mourant, וכשנכחתי ליד מיטותיהם של גוססים, E quando eu estava presente ao lado da cama do moribundo, Și când am fost de față la patul muribunzilor,

I was confronted by what I had seen je me confrontais à ce que j'avais vu התייצבתי מול מה שראיתי בילדותי והשתדלתי כל-כך לשכוח מאז. am fost confruntat cu ceea ce am văzut,

and tried so hard to forget from my childhood. et j'essayais réellement d'oublier mon enfance. și am încercat atât de mult să uit, în copilăria mea.

I saw dying patients reaching and calling out J'ai vu des patients mourants chercher à appeler ראיתי חולים גוססים שמתאמצים לקרוא לאמהות, אבות וילדים, Vi pacientes moribundos se estendendo e chamando Am văzut pacienți muribunzi strigându-și

to mothers, and to fathers, and to children, leur mère, leur père et leurs enfants, para mães, e pais, e crianças, mamele, tații, copiii,

many of whom hadn't been seen for many years. qu'ils n'avaient pas vus, pour certains, depuis plusieurs années. שאת רבים מהם לא ראו כבר שנים רבות. muitos dos quais não eram vistos há muitos anos. dintre care pe mulți nu îi mai văzuseră de mulți ani.

But what was remarkable was that so many of them looked at peace. Mais ce qui était remarquable, c'est que la plupart d'entre eux semblaient en paix. אבל הראוי לציון היה שרבים מהם חיפשו שלווה. Dar era remarcabil faptul că mulți arătau împăcați.

In April of 1999, En avril 1999, באפריל 1999 În aprilie 1999,

I was in the room of a patient I was particularly fond of. j'étais dans la chambre d'une patiente que j'aimais tout particulièrement. הייתי בחדרה של מטופלת שחיבבתי במיוחד, eram în camera unui pacient ce-mi era foarte drag.

Her name was Mary. Elle s'appelait Mary. בשם מרי. Se numea Mary.

She was nearing the end of her life, and her four children were also present. ||acercándose|||||||||||| Elle approchait la fin de sa vie et ses quatre enfants étaient aussi présents. חייה קרבו אל קיצם, וארבעת ילדיה נכחו גם הם. Era aproape de sfârșitul vieții sale, și toți cei patru copii ai ei erau de față

One day, Mary starts cradling a baby that nobody can see. ||||mece|||||| Un jour, Mary a commencé à bercer un bébé que personne ne pouvait voir. יום אחד החלה מרי לערסל בזרועותיה תינוק שאיש זולתה לא ראה. Într-o zi Mary a început să legene un copil pe care nimeni nu-l putea vedea.

She refers to him as Danny - a reference nobody understands. Elle l'appelait Danny - un nom que personne ne connaissait. היא קוראת לו דני, ואיש לא מבין מדוע. Îi spune Danny o referință pe care nimeni nu o înțelege.

The next day, Mary's sister arrives from out of town, Le jour suivant, la sœur de Mary est revenue en ville למחרת מגיעה העירה אחותה של מרי, În ziua următoare, sora Mariei se întoarce din oraș,

and explains that Danny was, actually, Mary's first child, who was stillborn. |||||||||||nacido muerto et a expliqué que Danny était en fait le premier enfant de Mary, qui était mort-né. ומסבירה שדני היה בנה הראשון של מרי, שמת בלידה. și explică faptul că Danny, a fost primul copil al Mariei, născut mort.

The loss was so deep La perte était si profonde האובדן היה כה עמוק, Pierderea a fost atât de dureroasă

that Mary was unable to speak of it during her life. que Mary n'avait pas été capable d'en parler durant toute sa vie. שמרי לא היתה מסוגלת לדבר עליו כל חייה. încât Mary nu a putut să vorbească despre asta niciodată.

Yet, while dying, this indescribable loss returns to her Pourtant, en mourant, cette perte indescriptible lui était revenue אבל כשגססה, חזר אליה האובדן העצום Dar pe patul de moarte această pierdere i-a revenit în minte

in some manner of tangible warmth and tangible love. sous la forme d'une chaleur et d'un amour tangibles. בצורה כלשהי של חום ואהבה מוחשיים. printr-un fel de iubire și de căldură palpabilă.

Mary, like so many dying patients, Mary, comme la plupart des patients mourants, מרי, כחולים גוססים כה רבים, Mary, ca și mulți alți pacienți muribunzi,

had physical wounds that could not be cured, avait des blessures physiques qui ne pouvaient pas être soignées, סבלה מפצעים פיזיים חשוכי-מרפא, a avut răni fizice incurabile,

yet her spiritual wounds were [being] tended to. mais ses blessures spirituelles étaient en train de guérir. אבל פצעיה הרוחניים זכו לריפוי. dar cele spirituale se vindecau.

A few weeks later, I went and saw a young man named Tom. Quelques semaines plus tard, j'ai vu un jeune homme appelé Tom. כעבור מספר שבועות בדקתי צעיר בשם טום. Câteva săptămâni mai târziu, am mers să văd un tânăr pe nume Tom.

I came out to the nurse's station, and I said, "I think Tom has more time |||||enfermera|||||||||| Je suis sorti du poste des infirmières et j'ai dit : « Je crois que Tom aura plus de temps יצאתי אל עמדת האחיות ואמרתי, "אני חושב שטום יוכל לחיות עוד קצת Am ieșit din camera asistentelor, și am zis: „Tom va rezista mai mult

if we just give him some IV antibiotics and some IV fluids." |||||||||||líquidos si on lui donne des antibiotiques et des fluides en IV. » "אם ניתן לו עירוי של אנטיביוטיקה ונוזלים." dacă îi vom administra antibiotice și fluide intravenos.”

Without so much as looking up, Et sans lever les yeux, מבלי להרים אפילו את מבטה, Fără să verifice,

a nurse named Nancy says, "Nope, he's dying." une infirmière, Nancy, a dit : « Non, il est mourant. » אחות בשם ננסי אומרת, "לא, הוא גוסס." o asistentă pe nume Nancy a zis: „Nu, e pe moarte.”

I say, "Why?" J'ai répondu : « Pourquoi ? אני שואל, "מדוע?" Am zis: „De ce?”

She says, "Because he's seeing his deceased mother." - Parce qu'il voit sa mère qui est décédée. היא עונה, "כי הוא רואה את אימו המנוחה." Ea a zis: „Fiindcă își vede mama moartă.”

I say, "I don't remember that class from medical school!" - Je ne me rappelle pas avoir vu ça à l'école de médecine. אני אומר, "אני לא זוכר את השיעור הזה בביה"ס לרפואה!" Am zis, „ Nu-mi amintesc lecția asta din școala medicală!”

She says, "Son, you missed a lot of classes!" - Fils, tu as manqué beaucoup de cours ! » היא אומרת, "בני, החמצת המון שיעורים!" Ea a zis, „Fiule ai ratat multe lecții!”

Anyways... Bref... בכל אופן... Oricum,

(Laughter) (Rires) (צחוק) (Râsete)

Tom ends up dying. Tom est finalement décédé. טום נפטר בסופו של דבר. Tom moare.

What Nancy knew that I did not know Ce que Nancy savait et que j'ignorais, מה שננסי ידעה, ואני לא, Ceea ce știa Nancy și nu știam eu

was that Tom's end-of-life experiences had meaning. ||de Tom|||||| c'est que l'expérience de fin de vie de Tom avait un sens. היה שלחווייות קץ החיים של טום היתה משמעות. era faptul că experiențele finale ale lui Tom aveau sens.

They were significant, and not just to him, Elles étaient importantes, non seulement pour lui, הן היו משמעותיות, ולא רק לו, Erau importante, nu doar pentru el,

but to those of us entrusted with his care. |||||confiados||| mais aussi pour ceux qu'il chargeait de prendre soin de lui. אלא גם לנו, שהופקדנו על הטיפול בו. dar și pentru noi, cei care-l îngrijeam.

So, if I were to have any worth, Donc, si je voulais apporter de la valeur, אז אם רציתי להועיל במשהו, Dacă voiam să ajut,

I needed to understand, I needed to learn. je devais comprendre, je devais apprendre. היה עלי להבין, היה עלי ללמוד. trebuia să înțeleg, să învăț.

I learned that end-of-life experiences are the subjective experiences of the dying J'ai appris que les expériences de fin de vie sont des expériences subjectives vécues par les mourants למדתי שחוויות קץ החיים הן החוויות האישיות של הגוססים Am învățat că experiențele finale sunt experiențele subiective ale muribunzilor

and often refer to pre-death dreams and visions. et font souvent référence à des rêves et des visions pré-décès. שלעתים קרובות מתייחסות לחלומות וחזיונות שלפני המוות. ce constau adesea în vise dinaintea morții și în viziuni.

Such experiences have been reported throughout history and across cultures. De telles expériences ont été rapportées tout au long de l'Histoire et dans toutes les cultures. יש דיווחים על חוויות כאלה בכל ההיסטוריה ובתרבויות שונות. Astfel de experiențe au fost raportate în istorie și în multe culturi.

They are mentioned in the Bible, Plato's "Republic", Shakespeare. Elles sont mentionnées dans la Bible, dans la « République » de Platon, chez Shakespeare. הן מוזכרות בתנ"ך, ב"רפובליקה" של אפלטון ואצל שייקספיר. Sunt menționate în Biblie, „Republica” de Platon, Shakespeare.

In our culture, the richest and most thoughtful discussions Dans notre culture, les discussions les plus riches et significatives בתרבות שלנו, הדיונים הכי עשירים ומעמיקים În cultura noastră, cele mai profunde și mai detaliate discuții

have always come from the humanities and never medicine sont toujours venues des sciences humaines et non de la médecine, באו תמיד ממדעי הרוח ומעולם לא מתחום הרפואה, au fost menționate de umaniști niciodată de medicină,

but from poets, playwrights, and philosophers. |||dramaturgos|| des poètes, des auteurs dramatiques et des philosophes. אלא ממשוררים, מחזאים ופילוסופים. de poeți, scriitori și filosofi.

These observers have commented Ces observateurs ont commenté הצופים האלה ציינו Acești observatori au explicat

that end-of-life experiences are so frequent que les expériences de fin de vie sont si fréquentes שחוויות קץ החיים הן כה תדירות, că experiențele finale sunt atât de frecvente

they are essentially intrinsic to the process of dying. qu'elles sont essentiellement intrinsèques au processus de la mort. עד כי הן מרכיב בלתי-נפרד מתהליך המוות. încât sunt intrinsece procesului morții.

They're characterized as real, intense, meaningful; Elles sont décrites comme réelles, intenses et pleines de sens ; הן מתאפיינות כממשיות, רבות-עוצמה ומלאות-משמעות; Sunt caracterizare ca fiind intense, reale și pline de sens,

provide comfort, insight, and in so doing, help alleviate the fear of dying. donnant du confort, une vision, et se faisant, aident à alléger la peur de mourir. הן מעניקות נחמה ותובנה, ובכך עוזרות בשיכוך הפחד מהמוות. dau confort, înțelegere, și prin asta diminuează frica de moarte.

So why does medicine has so little to say Alors pourquoi la médecine a-t-elle si peu à dire אז מדוע יש לרפואה כל-כך מעט להציע De ce spune medicina atât de puține

about something that's so meaningful, and actually, potentially therapeutic, sur une chose aussi pleine de sens, et de fait, avec un tel potentiel thérapeutique, בנושא כה משמעותי ובעצם, בעל אופי כה מרפא, despre ceva care e atât de semnificativ, și de fapt, oarecum terapeutic,

not just for the patient but for the patient's loved ones? pas seulement pour le patient mais aussi pour les proches du patient ? לא רק עבור החולה אלא גם עבור אהובי נפשו? atât pentru pacient, cât și pentru familia lui?

In part, C'est en partie parce que חלקית, În parte,

it's because end-of-life experiences can easily be dismissed as confusion. ces expériences peuvent facilement être prises pour de la confusion. זה משום שקל לפטור את חוויות קץ החיים כבלבול. e fiindcă experiențele finale pot fi ușor catalogate ca fiind confuzii.

And it's true; Et c'est vrai ; וזה נכון; Și e adevărat,

many dying patients experience confusion as they go through the process. beaucoup de patients mourants font l'expérience de confusion à travers tout ce processus. גוססים רבים חווים בלבול כשהם עוברים תהליך זה. mulți pacienți muribunzi experimentează confuzie pe durata acestui proces.

However, Cependant, אולם, Oricum,

in contrast to patients' experience with end-of-life dreams and visions, contrairement aux patients qui vivent ces expériences à travers des rêves et des visions, בניגוד לגוססים שחווים בסוף חייהם חלומות וחזיונות, în contrast cu experiențele finale ale pacienților și cu viziunile lor,

confused patients are detached. les patients désorientés sont détachés. החולים המבולבלים הם מנותקים. pacienții confuzi sunt detașați.

They have disorganized thinking. Ils ont une pensée désorientée. החשיבה שלהם לא מאורגנת, Au o gândire dezorganizată.

They're unable to figure out their surroundings, Ils sont incapables de reconnaître ce qui les entoure, הם לא מבינים איפה הם נמצאים, Nu sunt în stare să recunoască mediul înconjurător,

and they are more often than not terribly agitated and anxious. ||||||||agitados|| et ils sont plus souvent très agités et angoissés. ולעתים קרובות מאד הם מודאגים וחרדים עד מאד. și sunt adesea extrem de agitați și de anxioși.

The distinction is best [understood] by listening to a patient. La distinction est mieux comprise en écoutant le patient. את ההבדל הזה אפשר להבין הכי טוב כשמקשיבים למטופל. Distincția e cel mai bine văzută când asculți pacientul.

The patient you are about to see in this video - her name is Jeanne - |||||||||||||Jeanne La patiente que vous allez voir dans cette vidéo, Jeanne, המטופלת שתראו -- שמה ג'יני, Pacientul pe care îl veți vedea în acest clip, se numește Jeanne,

was nearing the end of her life; and she has since passed. était à la fin de sa vie ; et elle est décédée depuis. בסרטון היא בסוף חייה, ומאז היא נפטרה. se apropia de sfârșitul vieții ei, și a murit între timp.

(Video starts) (Lancement de la vidéo) (סרטון) (Începe clipul)

Jeanne: I was lying in bed, Jeanne : J'étais couchée sur mon lit, ג'יני: שכבתי במיטה, Jeanne: Stăteam întinsă pe pat,

and people were walking, very slowly, by me. et des gens marchaient, lentement, autour de moi. ואנשים התהלכו לאט מאד, לידי. și oameni mergeau încet pe lângă mine.

The right hand side, I didn't know, but they were all very friendly, À ma droite, je ne les connaissais pas mais ils étaient tous très sympathiques, את אלה שבצד ימין לא הכרתי, אבל כולם היו מאד ידידותיים, Pe cei din partea mea dreaptă nu-i știam, dar erau foarte prietenoși,

and they touched my arm or my hand when they went by. et ils touchaient mon bras ou ma main en passant près de moi. הם נגעו בזרועי או בכף ידי כשחלפו שם. și îmi atingeau brațul sau mâna când treceau pe lângă mine.

But the other side, Mais de l'autre côté, אבל בצד השני, Dar de cealaltă parte,

were people that I knew. se trouvaient les gens que je connaissais. היו אנשים שאני מכירה. erau oameni cunoscuți.

My mom and dad were there, my uncle; Ma mère et mon père étaient là, mon oncle ; אימי ואבי היו שם, דודי; Erau mama, tata, unchiul meu.

Everybody I knew that was dead was there. tous ceux que je connaissais et qui étaient décédés étaient là. כל האנשים שהכרתי ושנפטרו היו שם. Toți cunoscuții care muriseră erau acolo.

And they passed and did the same thing. Et ils passaient et faisaient la même chose. והם חלפו לידי ועשו גם הם כך. Și au trecut pe lângă mine făcând același gest.

I thought it was a good dream, Je pensais que c'était un bon rêve, חשבתי שזה חלום טוב, Am crezut că a fost un vis bun,

but boy, I remember seeing every piece of their face. mais oh, je me souviens de chaque partie de leur visage. אבל בחיי, אני זוכרת שראיתי כל פרט ופרט בפניהם. dar, îmi amintesc că am văzut cu acuratețe fețele lor.

I mean, I know that was my mom and dad, and uncle, and my brother-in-law. Je savais que c'était ma mère et mon père, mon oncle et mon beau-frère. ידעתי בבירור שאלה אימי ואבי, ודודי, וגיסי. Știu sigur că erau mama, tata, unchiul meu și cumnatul meu.

I have seen my mother, recently, more. Je vois ma mère plus souvent ces derniers temps. לאחרונה ראיתי יותר את אימי. Mi-am văzut mama mai des, în ultimul timp.

Interviewer: How do you feel when you see her? Interlocuteur : Comment vous sentez-vous quand vous la voyez ? מראיין: איך את מרגישה כשאת רואה אותה? Reporterul: Ce simțiți când o vedeți?

Jeanne: Oh...! Wonderful! Jeanne : Oh ! Merveilleusement bien ! ג'יני: הו!... נהדר! Jeanne: Oh! Mă simt minunat!

I can't say that my mother and I got along all those years, Je ne peux pas dire que ma mère et moi étions très proches, אינני יכולה לומר שאימי ואני הסתדרנו במשך כל השנים האלה, Nu pot spune că ne-am înțeles perfect în toți acei ani,

but we made up for it, at the end. mais à la fin, on s'entendait bien. אבל פיצינו על זה, לקראת הסוף. dar am recuperat, la final.

(Video ends) (Fin de la vidéo) (סוף הסרטון) (Se sfârșește clipul)

Christopher Kerr: Jeanne isn't confused, Christopher Kerr : Jeanne n'est pas désorientée, כריסטופר קר: ג'יני אינה מבולבלת, Christopher Kerr: Jeanne nu e confuză,

and it would be dehumanizing her to label her as such. ||||deshumanizante|||||| et ce serait la déshumaniser que de la décrire ainsi. ולתייג אותה ככזו יהיה לשלול ממנה צלם אנוש, ar însemna să o dezumanizăm dacă am spune asta.

But she shows us so much more. Mais elle nous montre tellement plus. אבל היא מראה לנו הרבה מאד. Dar ne arată mult mai multe.

She shows us that dying is this paradox: Elle nous montre que mourir est ce paradoxe : היא מראה לנו שהמיתה היא פרדוקס: Ne arată că moartea e acest paradox:

she is physically declining, elle décline physiquement, היא מידרדרת מבחינה גופנית, e în declin fizic,

yet, emotionally and spiritually, et pourtant, émotionnellement et spirituellement, אבל מבחינה רגשית ורוחנית dar emoțional și spiritual,

she's vivid; she's alive, and she's present. elle est vive ; elle est vivante et elle est présente. היא מלאת חיים; היא חיונית והיא נוכחת. e vie și e prezentă.

End-of-life experiences are not only tied to our personal meanings Les expériences de fin de vie ne sont pas seulement liées à nos visions personnelles חוויות קץ החיים אינן רק קשורות למשמעויות האישיות שלנו, Experiențele finale nu sunt conectate doar de semnificațiile noastre personale

but they are tied to some of our greatest needs: mais elles sont liées à certains de nos plus grands besoins : אלא לכמה מצרכינו הגדולים ביותר: dar sunt conectate la nevoile noastre majore:

the need to love, to be loved, nurtured, forgiven. le besoin d'aimer, d'être aimé d'être veillé, d'être pardonné. אנו זקוקים לאהבה, להיות נאהבים, לזכות בדאגה ובסליחה. nevoia de iubire, de a fi iubit, îngrijit, iertat.

End-of-life experiences also represent a rich inter-connectivity Les expériences de fin de vie représentent aussi une interconnectivité riche חוויות קץ החיים מייצגות גם קשר פנימי ועשיר Experiențele finale reprezintă o interconectivitate profundă

between body and soul, entre le corps et l'esprit, בין גוף לנפש, dintre trup și suflet,

between the realities we know, and those we don't, entre les réalités que nous connaissons, et celles que nous ignorons, בין המציאות שאנו מכירים לבין אלה שלא, dintre realități cunoscute și necunoscute,

between our past and our present. entre notre passé et notre présent. בין עברנו לבין ההווה שלנו. dintre prezentul și trecutul nostru

But most importantly, Mais plus important, אבל חשוב מכל, Dar cel mai important,

end-of-life experiences represent continuity les expériences de fin de vie représentent la continuité חוויות קץ החיים מייצגות המשכיות experiențele finale reprezintă continuitatea

between and across lives, both living and dead, entre et à travers nos vies, vivant et mort, בין חייהם של אנשים, החיים והמתים גם יחד, dintre vieți, atât cei vii cât și cei morți,

so that mothers like Mary can hold their long-deceased children, pour que des mères comme Mary puissent serrer dans leurs bras leurs enfants disparus, כדי שאמהות כמו מרי תוכלנה לחבק את ילדיהן המנוחים מכבר, astfel mamele precum Mary își pot ține în brațe copiii morți acum multă vreme,

and children like Jeanne et pour que des enfants comme Jeanne וילדות כמו ג'יני și copiii ca Jeanne

can be reunited and comforted by their long-deceased mothers. ||||consolados||||| puissent être réunis et réconfortés par leur mère disparue. תוכלנה להתאחד מחדש ולזכות בנחמה מצד אמהותיהן שמתו מכבר. se pot reuni și pot simți confortul mamelor moarte de mult.

So, again, the question: Donc, à nouveau, la question est : ושוב נשאלת השאלה: Iar, avem întrebarea:

why are the words of the dying not worthier of our consideration? ||||||||más dignas||| pourquoi ne prenons-nous pas plus en considération les mots des mourants ? מדוע מילותיהם של הגוססים אינן ראויות יותר להתייחסות מצידנו? de ce cuvintele muribunzilor nu sunt demne de considerația noastră?

I don't have all of the answer, Je n'ai pas toutes les réponses, אין לי התשובה המלאה, Nu am toate răspunsurile,

but it's true we live in a time where seeing is believing, mais nous vivons à une époque où on ne croit que ce qu'on voit, אבל נכון שאנו חיים בתקופה שבה מאמינים במה שרואים, dar trăim într-o lume în care trebuie să vezi ca să crezi,

and where data and evidence are requisites for both understanding and acceptance. ||||||requisitos||||| où les données et les preuves sont nécessaires pour comprendre et accepter. שבה הנתונים וההוכחה נחוצים להבנה ולקבלה גם יחד. și unde dovezile și comentariile sunt necesare pentru a accepta și înțelege.

Unfortunately, when it comes to end-of-life experiences, Malheureusement, lorsqu'on parle d'expériences de fin de vie, למרבה הצער, בכל האמור לחוויות קץ החיים, Din nefericire, când vorbim de experiențe finale,

most of the reports were based on anecdotal reporting. |||||||anecdótica| la plupart des études se basent sur des anecdotes. רוב הדיווחים מבוססים על אנקדוטות. majoritatea rapoartelor erau bazate pe rapoarte anecdotice.

In other words, nobody had asked patients directly Autrement dit, personne ne parle directement aux patients במלים אחרות, איש לא שאל ישירות את החולה Altfel spus, nimeni nu a vorbit direct cu pacienții,

or attempted to quantify or measure. ou n'essaye de les quantifier ou les mesurer. או ניסה לכמת או למדוד. nu a încercat să cuantifice sau să măsoare.

So that's what we've done, Alors c'est ce que nous avons fait, אז זה מה שעשינו, Asta am făcut eu.

and to date, we have over 1,400 interviews with dying patients. et à ce jour, nous avons interrogé plus de 1 400 patients mourants. וכיום יש בידינו מעל 1,400 ראיונות עם מטופלים גוססים. Acum avem peste 1.400 de interviuri cu pacienți muribunzi.

In our first study, Dans notre première étude, במחקר הראשון שלנו, În primul nostru studiu,

we spoke with 66 patients every day, until their death, nous avons parlé avec 66 patients, chaque jour, jusqu'à leur décès, שוחחנו עם 66 מטופלים מידי יום, עד מותם, am vorbit cu 66 de pacienți zilnic, până au murit,

and gathered 450 interviews. et rassemblé 450 interviews. ואספנו 450 ראינוות. am adunat 450 de interviuri.

What we found was a vast majority, over 80%, Nous avons découvert qu'une grande majorité, plus de 80 %, מצאנו שהרוב הגדול, מעל 80%, Am descoperit că peste 80%,

reported at least one pre-death dream and vision, a rapporté au moins un rêve ou une vision pré-décès, דיווחו לפחות על חלום או חזיון אחד לפני המוות, au raportat măcar un vis și viziuni înainte de moarte,

described as more real than real, and distinct from normal dreaming. le décrivant comme plus réel que la réalité et distinct d'une rêve normal. שתוארו כאמיתיים יותר מהמציאות ושונים מחלימה רגילה. descrise ca fiind foarte reale, și diferite de visele normale.

The next question is: what were they dreaming of? La prochaine question, c'est : de quoi ont-ils rêvé ? השאלה הבאה היא: על מה הם חולמים? Următoarea întrebare e: ce visau?

We found out that 72% dreamed of the deceased: Nous avons découvert que 72 % ont rêvé de proches disparus : מצאנו ש-72% מהם חולמים על מנוחים; Am descoperit că 72% și-au visat morții:

family, relatives, or pets, familles, amis ou animaux de compagnie, בני משפחה, קרובים, חיות מחמד, familie, rude sau animale,

59% of this theme of going or preparing to go [somewhere], 59 % ont rêvé d'aller ou de se préparer à aller quelque part, 59% חולמים על הכנות לדרך, 59% această temă a plecării sau a pregătirii pentru o plecare,

29% of the living, and 28% of past meaningful experiences. 29 % ont rêvé des vivants et 28 % d'expériences passées importantes. 29% חולמים על אנשים חיים ו-28% - על חוויות עבר משמעותיות. 29% a celor vii și 28% experiențe semnificative din trecut.

So the next question was this: La prochaine question était donc : אז השאלה הבאה היתה זו: Următoarea întrebare e:

did different dream content provide different levels of comfort? des rêves différents fournissent-ils différents niveaux de réconfort ? האם תוכן שונה של חלום נתן מידה שונה של נחמה? conținutul diferitelor viselor au dat niveluri diferite de confort?

Here's comfort on a zero to five scale, with five being the highest. Voici le réconfort sur une échelle de un à cinq, cinq était le plus haut. הנה הנחמה בסולם של 0 עד 5, כש-5 הוא הכי גבוה. Iată un confort pe o scară de la zero la cinci, cinci fiind cea mai mare.

And of all the dream types, De tous les types de rêves, ומכל סוגי החלומות, Și din toate tipurile de vise,

seeing the deceased was associated with the greatest degree of comfort. voir les personnes disparues était associé avec un grand degré de réconfort. המפגש עם הנפטרים התקשר לרמת הנחמה הגבוהה ביותר. vederea morților a fost asociată ca fiind cea mai confortabilă.

The next question was: La question suivante était : השאלה הבאה היתה: Următoarea întrebare e:

were there changes over time y avait-il des changements האם במשך הזמן היו שינויים au fost schimbări pe parcurs

in either the content or frequency of dreaming as patients approached death? de sujets ou de fréquence des rêves quand les patients se rapprochaient de la mort ? בתוכן או בתדירות החלומות ככל שהמטופלים נטו למות? fie în conținutul sau frecvența viselor când pacienții se apropiau de moarte?

Essentially, the Nancy question; Autrement dit, le cas de Nancy ; עקרונית, השאלה של ננסי; Esențial, întrebarea Nancy:

could you almost predict death based on changes of these variables? pourrions-nous prédire la mort en nous basant sur ces variables ? האם אפשר כמעט לחזות את רגע המוות על סמך השינויים במשתנים אלה? poți prevedea moartea bazându-te pe schimbarea acestor variabile?

Of course, again, Nancy's right. |||de Nancy| Bien sûr, à nouveau, Nancy avait raison. וכמובן שננסי צדקה שוב. Iar Nancy are dreptate.

Frequency is on the y-axis, weeks before death are on the x-axis. La fréquence est sur l'axe y, des semaines avant la mort sur l'axe des x, התדירות מיוצגת בציר ה-Y, מספר שבועות לפני המוות בציר ה-X. Frecvența e pe axa y, cu săptămâni dinaintea morții pe axa x.

As patients approach death, Alors que les patients se rapprochent de la mort, כשהמטופלים מתקרבים לרגע המוות, Când pacienții se apropie de moarte,

they've a dramatic increase in the frequency of their dreaming. la fréquence de ces rêves augmente de façon impressionnante. יש להם עליה דרמטית בתדירות החלימה. are loc o creștere intensă în frecvența viselor acestora.

They are dreaming, specifically, of the deceased, Ils rêvent notamment des personnes disparues, הם חולמים במיוחד על אנשים שעברו מהעולם, Visează, în mod particular morții,

which is associated with the greatest comfort. et ces rêves sont associés au plus grand niveau de confort. מה שמתקשר לנחמה הרבה ביותר. care e asociat cu cel mai mare confort.

So, the next question we wanted to ask in our next study Donc, la question suivante que nous voulions poser dans notre recherche, את השאלה הבאה רצינו לבחון במחקר הבא שלנו: Următoarea întrebare pe care am pus-o în cercetarea noastră

was what did these mean to the dreamer? c'était : qu'est-ce que cela signifie pour la personne qui rêve ? מהי המשמעות עבור החולמים? a fost ce au însemnat ele pentru visător?

Were there common themes? Were there common meanings? Y avait-il des thèmes communs ? Des significations communes ? האם יש נושאים נפוצים? האם יש משמעויות נפוצות? Erau teme comune? Erau semnificații comune?

The most common theme was that of a comforting presence. Le thème le plus commun était la présence réconfortante. הנושא הנפוץ ביותר היה של נוכחות מנחמת Cea mai comună temă a fost aceea a unei prezențe confortabile.

Seeing the dead or seeing the living was overwhelmingly positive Voir les disparus ou voir les vivants était extrêmement positif, המפגש עם המתים או עם החיים היה חיובי בצורה מכרעת, Vederea morților sau a celor vii a fost un lucru pozitiv

provided a sense of reunion, and the feeling that one was not alone. donnait un sentiment de retrouvailles et le sentiment de ne pas être seul. הוא סיפק תחושת איחוד מחדש, והמטופל חש שאיננו בודד. a produs senzația unei reuniuni, și a unei lipse de singurătate.

Maggie, for example, was in her 80s. Maggie|||||| Maggie par exemple avait 80 ans. מגי, למשל, היתה בשנות ה-80 שלה. De exemplu, Maggie, avea 80 de ani.

She had been harmed greatly by a childhood friend, later in life. Elle avait été grandement blessée par un ami d'enfance plus tard dans sa vie. היא נפגעה קשות בידי חבר ילדות, בשלב מאוחר בחייה, A fost rănită grav în ultima parte a vieții de un prieten din copilărie.

And before she dies, Avant de mourir, ולפני שהיא מתה, Și înainte să moară

she dreams of this friend, who comes back to her and says, elle a rêvé de cet ami, qui est revenu vers elle pour lui dire : היא חולמת על אותו חבר, שחוזר אליה ואומר, și-a visat acest prieten ce a venit și i-a spus:

"Sorry, you are a good person. If you need help, just call my name." « Pardon, tu es une bonne personne. Si tu as besoin d'aide, appelle-moi. » "מצטער, את אדם טוב, אם תזדקקי לעזרתי, קראי בשמי." „Îmi pare rău, ești un om bun. De ai nevoie de ajutor, spune-mi numele.”

Kenny was 88 years old. Kenny avait 88 ans. קני היה בן 88. Kenny avea 88 de ani.

He lost his mother as a child. Il avait perdu sa mère lorsqu'il était encore enfant. הוא איבד את אימו בילדותו. Când era copil, i-a murit mama.

And before he dies, he dreams he's a child again. Et avant de mourir, il a rêvé d'être enfant à nouveau. ולפני שמת, הוא חולם שהוא שוב ילד. Înainte ca el să moară, s-a visat copil.

He is in his mother's kitchen, and he says, "I smell her perfume," Il était dans la cuisine de sa mère et a dit : « Je sens son parfum, הוא נמצא במטבחה של אימו, ואומר, "אני מריח את הבושם שלה, Era în bucătăria mamei sale, și a spus: „Îi simt parfumul,”

and hears her soothing voice say, "I love you!" et j'entends sa voix douce qui me dit 'Je t'aime !' » "שומע את קולה המרגיע אומר, 'אני אוהבת אותך'." și îi aude vocea suavă spunând: „Te iubesc!”

Sandy was raised by her sister Emily. Sandy a été élevée par sa sœur Emily. את סנדי גידלה אחותה, אמילי. Sandy a fost crescută de sora sa, Emily.

And before she passes, Emily returns to her in a dream and says, Et avant de mourir, Emily est retournée vers elle dans un rêve et lui a dit : ולפני שהיא מתה, אמילי חוזרת אליה בחלום ואומרת, Înainte să moară, Emily s-a întors într-un vis de-al ei și i-a spus:

"Remember what I taught you." « Souviens-toi de ce que je t'ai appris. » "זכרי את מה שלימדתי אותך." „Amintește-ți ce te-am învățat.”

Many patients reported seeing the presence of others, Beaucoup de patients rapportent sentir la présence des autres, מטופלים רבים דיווחו שראו את נוכחותם של אחרים, Mulți pacienți au reportat că au văzut prezența unora,

and they're described as simply being there, watching. qu'ils décrivent comme étant juste là, présents. ואלה מתוארים כמי שפשוט נמצאים שם ומתבוננים. i-au descris ca fiind acolo, privindu-i.

Little is said, but much is understood. Peu de choses sont dites, mais beaucoup de choses sont comprises. מעט מאד נאמר, אבל יש הרבה הבנה. Puțin spus, dar se înțelege mult.

This next video is Paul. La prochaine vidéo est celle de Paul. בסרטון הבא נראה את פול. În următorul clip e Paul.

Paul has a terminal illness. Paul a une maladie incurable. פול חולה במחלה סופנית. Paul are o boală terminală.

In fact, he dies three weeks after this video. En fait, il est mort trois semaines après cette vidéo. למעשה הוא נפטר שלושה שבועות אחרי צילום הסרטון. De fapt a murit la trei săptămâni după clip.

But he's talking about his deceased wife. Mais il parle de sa femme décédée. אבל הוא מדבר על אשתו המנוחה. Dar vorbește despre soția lui decedată.

(Video starts) (Lancement de la vidéo) (סרטון) (Începe clipul)

Paul: I dream in color, most times. Paul : je rêve en couleurs la plupart du temps. פול: אני חולם בצבעים, בדרך כלל. Paul: De obicei visez în culori.

And she always wears a beautiful light blue. Et elle porte toujours quelque chose d'un joli bleu clair. והיא תמיד לבושה בכחול בהיר ויפה: Ea poartă mereu ceva albastru deschis.

It could be a suit. It could be a gown. It could be a dress. Ça peut être un tailleur. Ça peut être une blouse, une robe. חליפה, גלימה או שמלה, Ar putea fi un costum. O rochie de seară. Sau o rochie.

But it's always light blue. Mais c'est toujours bleu clair. אבל תמיד בכחול בהיר. Dar e mereu albastru deschis.

A couple of times, she's giving me the little beauty pageant wave. ||||||||||certamen| Quelques fois, elle me salue avec distinction. היו פעמים שהיא נופפה אלי קלות בסגנון מלכות יופי. De câteva ori mi-a făcut cu mâna într-un mod suav.

And a couple of times, she, sort of, greets... always with a smile. ||||||||saluda|||| Quelques fois, elle semble m'accueillir toujours avec un sourire. והיו פעמים שהיא כאילו מברכת... ותמיד עם חיוך. De câteva ori, mă salută cu un zâmbet.

Only once or twice have I ever heard her voice. Je n'ai entendu sa voix qu'une ou deux fois. שמעתי את קולה רק פעם או פעמיים. Doar o dată sau de două ori i-am auzit vocea.

She always lets me know that she's fine. Elle me laisse toujours savoir qu'elle va bien. היא תמיד מודיעה לי שהיא בסדר. Mereu îmi zice că e bine.

I get that feeling after a dream like that. C'est le sentiment que j'ai après ce genre de rêve. יש לי מין הרגשה כזאת אחרי שחלום כזה נגמר. Simt asta după un astfel de vis.

(Video ends) (Fin de la vidéo) (סוף הסרטון) (Se sfârșește clipul)

CK: As I said, 60% dreamed of this theme of travel. CK||||||||| CK : Comme je l'ai dit, 60 % rêvent de ce thème du voyage. כ"ק: כפי שאמרתי, 60% חולמים על נסיעות. CK: După cum am spus, 60% visează despre o plecare.

Jimmy sees many deceased friends and relatives and says, Jimmy voyait beaucoup d'amis et proches disparus et disait : ג'ימי פוגש המון חברים וקרובים מנוחים ואומר, Jimmy vede mulți prieteni și rude moarte și spune,

"I haven't seen some of these people in years. « Je n'ai pas vu certaines de ces personnes depuis des années. "לא ראיתי כמה מהם כבר שנים. „Pe unii dintre ei nu i-am văzut de ani buni.

I know we are going somewhere, but I don't know where." Je sais que nous allons quelque part, mais je ne sais pas où. » "ידעתי שאנו נוסעים לאנשהו, אבל לא ידעתי להיכן." Știu că mergem undeva, dar nu știu unde.”