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X: You think, sometimes, that you're all alone.

But wherever you are, whoever you are… you're wrong.

It's Girl In Space.



X, voice played back over a tinny-sounding tape recorder, earnestly: You said, on the last day I ever saw you, not to worry. That I'd see you again.

Part of me wants to forgive you for lying to me. I mean, you couldn't have known.

But part of me… to be honest, part of me is still kind of bitter, even after all these years. Not because you left. But because you left me alone.

[[SFX: Tape click]]


[[SFX: Center Dash]]

X: [[Takes a sip of something, with a verbal eye-roll.]] Wow. You'd think I would know better than to go through my old diaries. Nothing there but teenage heartache and angst. And a lot of truly terrible poetry.

Though they're a lot more interesting than my current diaries. Speaking of which… [turns to dash] according to the dash, it's day 10,303, hour 0837. Whatever that means.

I mean, I guess I get the meaning of time, insofar as is possible for a human mind, and there's a fairly distinct linear progression to my life. I just haven't ever witnessed the apparatus by which they're measured.

Days... hours... when there is no rising sun or planetary rotation, these measurements feel kind of arbitrary. Outside of the info here on the dash, they don't mean anything. It's always just me, out here, on the Cavatica. Alone.

... Despite how that sounds, please note that I am super not-bitter about it. In fact, I don't really mind being alone. Turns out, I like the quiet. It helps me think -- and I get a ton of work done.

Speaking of which, I think you'd be proud of me. I finally got that old stereomicroscope working, and I'm going to use it today to get a better look at those weird little insects that are attempting a hostile takeover of my potato plants.

[Frowns] Oh, and I found something while I was going through some of Mom's old stuff. It's weird -- I've never seen anything like it before. It's about the size of a button, and... Well, I think it actually is a button. Not like the kind you would sew onto a jacket... It's the kind you press to open a door or commit a command -- but it's not attached to anything... And I don't think it was ever intended to be.

So I'm going to take it apart, and I figured hey, might as well do so using the stereomicroscope.

I know... Buttons and microscopes and potato-destroying insects... All before lunch? What can I say. I'm a sucker for cheap thrills.

Honestly, I would climb mountains or lead revolutions if there were any mountains to climb or revolutions to lead out here. But there aren't. There aren't any tombs to excavate, or counterfeiting rings to bust, or even any decent movies to see. [Rueful tone] … Well, okay, that was me being bitter.

And to be fair, there is one movie that came pre-loaded on the dash. It's called “Jurassic Park”, and I can't believe I didn't discover it until after you were gone, because you would have totally loved it. It's all about the reintroduction of an extinct species that, in my opinion, was clearly dominant in the first place. I like it because it's full of heroic action and science, and because it reminds me that even the humans back on Earth have difficulty re-engineering gene expression in certain species.

I used to watch it as a treat once every dozen days or so, but the Cavatica's been having some issues lately -- Well, okay, more issues -- and the movie playback is kind of stilted and jerky and stalls sometimes, which, to be honest, reintroduces a dash of the unexpected into a movie I can otherwise recite by heart. Nothing like a peaceful jungle landscape that pans the same scene 20 times before suddenly erupting into Dr. Sattler screaming bloody murder.

... If you were here right now, you'd ignore everything I just said about the movie and hone in on the word “issues”. And yeah, I suppose I should log these here, too, for posterity or whatever.

[Deep breath] So... The good news is that the Cavatica still works. Technically. Like, it has structural integrity (for the most part), and so far I haven't been sucked out into the icy black expanse of space to die. Yay!

The bad news is that the ship can't actually move. Which is due to its engines being dead. But! Before you panic, I'm alive, and I had plenty of heat and water and oxygen in the life support reserves to last while I worked out an alternative. It was actually a really interesting project, rerouting life support through the hydroponic systems into the glasshouse. I had to shut down all but three of the pods, but they're the three most integral to my work, so that's a win.

Let's just hope I don't need to use the infirmary... like, ever.

Basically, the only ship-related thing that still functions properly is Charlotte, and I'm not even sure anymore that she's tied to the ship. I mean, she should be, and logically, she has to be, because there is literally nothing else that she can be tied to. I certainly didn't wire her into the glasshouse system -- and yet she remains operational.

This might sound vaguely... insane, but part of me suspects that she's saved up some sort of energy reserved for herself. Which, honestly, wouldn't surprise me -- for an A.I. that's supposed to be dedicated to serving and enhancing human life, she is incredibly selfish.

[[SFX: Sets down mug, chair creaks]]

X: All right. Time to get back to work, whatever “time” might actually be. I'll be taking radiation measurements from Ra, checking out those insects under the stereomicroscope, and taking apart that button thing I found. [To self] Oooh… And maybe my cheese will be coagulated in time for lunch.

[[SFX: Scene transition]]


[[SFX: Glasshouse lab]]

So okay, I'm curious. I have the stereomicroscope all set up, and for the first time, I noticed a name etched into the side of the arm. Your name. It's faint, but it's there. My question is: why is it there? I don't really see there being an imminent danger of theft aboard a ship with a crew of three and no means of escape. Or is carving one's name into one's possessions a thing that people do? A habit? A compulsion? A simple act of boredom, or defiance?

I'm -- I know I'm way over-thinking this. It just... threw me for a loop, and I can't say I'm entirely sure why. I mean, I guess that names have power. We name things for a reason -- to identify and clarify them, to call and claim them, to bestow and to take away power.

Maybe that's what really happens to us after we die. Maybe our names are our ghosts, infused with the sum total of our accomplishments and unrealized dreams. Maybe you're haunting me through this stereomicroscope.

Or maybe that cheese wasn't quite ready to eat after all.

At least I have the distinct honor of being haunted by Doctor Arvin Singh. [Verbal eye-roll] Way to be king of the nerds by including a proper title in your graffiti, Dad.

Anyway. Speaking of the microscope, I found a couple of things that might be Of Interest, with a capital O and a capital I.

First, the insects that are waging their tiny, cruel war against my defenseless potatoes -- I can positively say that I have never seen anything like them before.

I think that normally, that might not sound weird. There are almost a million unique documented species of insect, and there's no way I could ever memorize them all. However, I have been aboard the Cavatica for more than 9,000 days, studying every living thing on the ship... in isolation... in the massive vacuum of space. So if I haven't seen a particular species of insect before, then... Well, let's just say it's significant.

Current hypotheses include some kind of rapid onset mutation, or -- more improbably -- recent introduction.

I've isolated a few of them in a terrarium for further study, along with cuttings from a variety of other plant species. I don't know whether I prefer they devour everything in sight, or simply remain hell-bent on destroying my potatoes.

Okay. Next up, the button. This thing... It's so simple, it's kind of hard to describe. It's smooth and flat and round, made of some type of dense plastic, or maybe glass. There is a slight fingertip-sized indentation on the top to indicate what you're supposed to do. When you press it, it clicks.

[[SFX: Demonstrates by clicking once, twice, then about 1,000 times.]]

Oddly satisfying.

Anyway. [Voice becomes muffled as she ducks behind the microscope] I am now taking a look at it under the stereomicroscope, and.... There is a tiny seam all around the side. Let's just see if.... Okay. I'm going to see if I can find a scalpel or something to fit in there.

[[SFX: Clattering, whirring, muffled background conversation]]

Oh, no no no no no, Charlotte. I'm working. Out you go.

Charlotte: Pardon me. Are you attempting to [[brief pause, as if selecting from a menu of responses]] repair sensitive technical equipment?

X: No. Go away.

Charlotte: It appears you are attempting to repair sensitive technical equipment. Would you like my assistance with that?

X: No. No, I would not.

Charlotte: Thank you. I am glad you have opted into letting me help you repair sensitive technical equipment.

X: Charlotte, no, I'm -- I've got this. Just... Please go away. Remember the incident with the distress beacon?

Charlotte: My data banks remember everything.

X: Okay. Just... Stay right there. [Returns, sits] Okay. I have a scalpel, which looks like it'll fit nicely in the crack...

Charlotte: Your attempts to repair sensitive technical equipment would be more successful with my suite of tools.

X: [Talks over Charlotte] All right. I've got it open. Split right down the middle like a walnut shell. Inside… Hmm. Just a bunch of wires and circuits. ...Oh. That's weird. There's a little burn mark right where… Oh my gosh. Charlotte. Back up. Yeah, no -- I need to use both of the eyepieces on this thing. That's what makes it stereo.

Charlotte: It appears that one of the microprocessors has burned out. My onboard tools can easily --

X: [Irritated] Yes. I can see that. Thank you, Charlotte. I can take it from here.

Charlotte: ...

X: What?

Charlotte: My onboard tools can --

X: Oh my gosh. Fine. Just fix the microprocessor already.

Charlotte: [Pleasantly] If you insist.

[[SFX: Slight sparking, buzzing. Clicks.]]

X: [Still irritated] Thank you. [pause] Okay. It's back together now, and it's still not... Oh. That's weird. Looks like there's a little switch right along the -- [[SFX: soft click]] Huh. Okay. the object has begun to emanate a soft and steady blue glow from within. Now, let's see what happens when I push --

[[SFX: High-pitched noise with low pulsing bass and static moan, X's voice cuts off.]]


[[SFX: Glasshouse lab]]

X: Oh gosh. Okay. That was unexpected and terrible. I ran a quick inspection of the three functional pods and the dash core, and... Nothing was different. Nothing had changed. Nothing was glowing or sparking or unexpectedly functional. Nothing had blown up. I'm relatively sure I am alive, and Charlotte's as normal as she's ever been. I even ran the opening scene of “Jurassic Park”, and it was as jerky and stilted as ever.

In short, I have no idea what I might have just activated-slash-done. I have no idea why Mom would have stashed this thing in one of her lockers, why or how it was broken, or why I even felt compelled to fix it. If there were anyone else on board, I might feel embarrassed.

But there is no one else on board, so I can be comfortably and perfectly honest about how I probably shouldn't have tried to fix that button, and how badly it could have gone if it were some sort of weapon or self-destruct device.

Hey, while I'm being perfectly honest, I hate zucchini, turnips are the hellspawn of root vegetables, and I'm terrified of the fish in the hydroponic tanks. But I eat all of them anyway because they're nutritious.

[Deep breath] Okay. Everything is okay. And we even learned a lesson -- don't push buttons if you're not 100% sure what they are. As they say (whoever “they” are), no harm, no foul.

I'm going to get back to my calibrations and conveniently forget this ever happened.

[[SFX: Scene transition]]


[[SFX: Glasshouse labs]]

X: Mmm. Dinner tonight was one of the Oncorhynchus mykiss from the tanks, grilled with lemon and oregano, and quinoa that I tossed with tomatoes and spinach.

I was going to have potatoes instead of the quinoa, but decided to forego them until I learned more about those insects.

Strawberries and tea for dessert, then some final radiation tests before bed. [Slight pause] While I was eating, I kept thinking about those diaries I found. About how I used to feel about being alone, and how I feel about it now. I was bitter then, and angry, and hopeless, and a whole lot of other things.

But now -- I know they say people don't really change (again, whoever “they” are) -- but... I think I'm kind of okay with it. I wake up, eat, do science, eat, do more science, eat, and relax before I sleep. Then I rinse and repeat, just like it says on the side of my vat of Caldwell Enterprises shampoo. And between all of the eating and science-ing, I can dance and sing and tinker with broken things and invent new things and watch “Jurassic Park” or even just stare out into the infinite vastness of space.

...I think what I'm trying to say is that I don't really mind being alone as much as I think I'm supposed to. Humans are inherently social creatures, but... For whatever reason, I am... not.

No one tells me what to do out here. My work is important and my research is challenging and fascinating. Sometimes I wish I had someone to talk to, but that's what you and Charlotte are for. I have clean water and fresh food and access to top-notch scientific equipment. No one tells me to put on shoes or sit still or wear cosmetics. And the view is fantastic.

So why... [pauses] this is going to sound incredibly ungrateful, but -- hey, we're being honest here. If everything in my life is so incredibly amazing, why don't I feel happy?

[[SFX: Scene transition]]


[[SFX: Dash core]]

X: Addendum, Day 10,303, Hour 1745. This probably isn't really worth noting, but during my final radiation tests of the day, I saw a blip out in the opposite direction of Ra. It's a bright light, with the pinpoint clarity of a star, but obviously, it's not a star, since it wasn't there yesterday. Or even a few hours ago.

Also, it's moving.

I would say it's a comet or asteroid, but at this point, I don't have enough data to make that assumption. And we all know what happens when we assume.

For whatever reason, Charlotte's taking this new development with all the grace of a garbage fire. She barged in on her hydraulic arm while I was checking Ra's radiation emissions earlier and started reciting the entire Caldwell Enterprises Emergency Preparedness Manual to me from start to finish. I took that to mean she thinks the incoming light is a matter of some concern.

I told her to be more optimistic -- that it might not be coming directly toward us, that it could simply be a mirage, that she technically doesn't have a death to fear. But she just started reciting the manual all over again from the beginning, so I wedged a fallen tree branch up into the hydraulic tracks to block her from exiting the glasshouse.

[Slight pause] I don't know. I don't think I'm afraid of death, necessarily, at least not right now. Things live and die in cycles, and I'm not enough of a narcissist to think I'm exempt from the laws of nature.

I'm weirdly... I don't know how to describe it. Interested? Excited, even? I mean, I'm not excited about death -- or even really about whatever this approaching thing is -- a comet, an asteroid, a projectile, a ship, an event, a fact, a phenomenon, an anomaly... I think I'm just intrigued by the idea that there is possibility out there, you know? That space holds things other than the stars and planets and nothingness I've seen all around me every day of my life.

In all of its mystery, this thing coming toward the Cavatica signifies everything.

[[SFX: Far-off clunk]] Sounds like Charlotte found a way out. I bet she's on her way here right now to tell me that escape pods --

Charlotte: Escape pods at the ready. [This sound clip will be interspersed at regular intervals through the next 4 paragraphs.]

X: Thank you, Charlotte. But I'm pretty sure they're just about as dead and incapable of movement as the Cavatica.

You know, it's interesting, the things that happened despite or because of our intentions. Feeble control that we have over this massive universe, and the thin threads of chance that tie it all together.

The Cavatica was never intended to be out here this long. And from what you've told me, the Ra Initiative was expected to (if not explicitly intended to) fail. Or at least, it wasn't intended to be as long-term as it's become, or else they'd have given it better engines and a larger supply of fuel. And a bigger crew. You know, an actual chance to return and make a difference. (Not that I'm bitter.)

And yet despite all of that here I am, a girl in space, harnessed to one of the universe's most bizarre science fair projects, riding out my thin thread of chance regardless of whether anyone out there ever intended me to do so.

Charlotte: Anomaly gaining speed.

X: [turns] What?

Charlotte: Anomaly gaining speed.

X: That's weird… [[turns back]] Charlotte says the anomaly appears to be gaining speed. I don't -- Hold on. I'm on my way to the galley, where I have the best view of it.

[[SFX: Door whoosh]]

Maybe I'll sleep there tonight, just to keep an eye on it. For whatever good that'll do.

[[SFX: Quiet, distant door whoosh]]

[[SFX: Galley]]

Note to self: Create list of measures, countermeasures, and worst-case scenarios for eventual approach of disastrous phenomena or unfriendly ship.

Charlotte: Escape pods at the --


[[SFX: Galley]]

X: [Deep breath, sounds rattled] Okay. So. Day 10,304, hour 0553... Radiation levels normal, blah blah blah, all of that good stuff.

The thing moving toward us -- it's not a meteor or an asteroid or an event or an anomaly or a ship or any of those other things I said it might be.

[[SFX: Begin transition to outtro]]

Dad. It's an entire fleet.



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X: You think, sometimes, that you're all alone. |||иногда|||| you|you|think|sometimes|that|you are|all|alone ||pensas|às vezes|que||tão sozinho| |||||||một mình |너||가끔||||혼자 ||||hogy|egyetlen|teljesen|egyetlen |||||jesteś||sam |tú|piensas|a veces||estás|todo|solo X: You think, sometimes, that you're all alone. X: A veces piensas que estás completamente solo. X: Você pensa, às vezes, que está sozinho. X: Bazen yapayalnız olduğunu düşünüyorsun.

But wherever you are, whoever you are… you're wrong. но|где бы|ты||кто бы вы ни были||||не прав |wherever|||no matter who|||you are|wrong |ondequer|||quem||||errado |ovunque||||||| ||||bárki|te|vagy||hibás لكن||||||||مخطئ |де б|||хто б ви не були|||| |どこにいても|||誰が|あなた||| pero|dondequiera que|||quienquiera|||| But wherever you are, whoever you are… you're wrong. Pero dondequiera que estés, quienquiera que seas... estás equivocado. Mas onde quer que você esteja, quem quer que você seja... você está errado. Но где бы вы ни были, кем бы вы ни были… вы ошибаетесь. Ama her neredeysen, her kimsen... yanılıyorsun.

It's Girl In Space. это|девочка||космосе ||trong| |||Raum |||Űr |||فضاء Es||en|Espacio Es Chica En El Espacio. É a garota no espaço. Uzaydaki Kız.



X, voice played back over a tinny-sounding tape recorder, earnestly: You said, on the last day I ever saw you, not to worry. |voice|||on|||sounding||recorder|seriously||||||||ever|saw|you||| |voz|||||||||sinceramente|||||||||||||preocupar |||||||||录音机|||||||||||||| ||||||squillante||nastro|registratore|seriamente||||||||||||| ||||||||||komolyan||||||||||||| |صوت||عادت||||||||||||آخر|||رأيت|||||تقلق ||||||||||серйозно||||||||||||| |hlas|přehrál||||plechovém|zvukovém|||vážně||||||||||||| |||||||音のする|||||||||||||||| |voz||reproducida|sobre||metálico|sonando|grabadora|grabadora|seriamente||dijiste||||||nunca|vi|||a|preocuparse X, Stimme über ein blechern klingendes Tonbandgerät wiedergegeben, ernsthaft: Du hast am letzten Tag, an dem ich dich gesehen habe, gesagt, ich solle mir keine Sorgen machen. X, voz reproducida por una grabadora de sonido metálico, con sinceridad: Dijiste, el último día que te vi, que no me preocupara. X, voz reproduzida em um gravador de som metálico, sinceramente: Você disse, no último dia em que te vi, para não se preocupar. X, sesi teneke gibi bir teypten geliyor, ciddiyetle: Seni son gördüğüm gün endişelenmememi söylemiştin. That I'd see you again. |I would||| ||||مرة أخرى |I'd||| que|vería|vería|tú|de nuevo Dass ich dich wiedersehen würde. Que te volvería a ver. Que eu veria você de novo. Seni tekrar göreceğimi.

Part of me wants to forgive you for lying to me. part||me|wants|to|forgive|||lying|to|me جزء|||||أن أسامح|||||لي Parte(1)|||||||||| parte|de||||||por|mintiendo||me ||||||||mentire|| Ein Teil von mir möchte dir verzeihen, dass du mich belogen hast. Una parte de mí quiere perdonarte por mentirme. Parte de mim quer te perdoar por mentir para mim. Bir yanım bana yalan söylediğin için seni affetmek istiyor. I mean, you couldn't have known. |||podías||sabido |||konnte|haben| |||||عرفت ||tu|potevi||sapere |quero dizer||poderia||sabido Ich meine, das konntest du nicht wissen. Quiero decir, no podías haberlo sabido. Quero dizer, você não poderia saber. Yani, bilemezdin.

But part of me… to be honest, part of me is still kind of bitter, even after all these years. ||||||честным||||||||||||| ||||||honest|||||||||even|after||| ||||||||||||||amarga||||| ||||||||||||||kırgın||||| ||||||||||||||amaro||||| |||||كون|||||||||مرير|||||السنوات ||||||чесно||||||||||після||| pero|parte|||||honesto|||||aún|||amarga|incluso|después||estos|años Aber ein Teil von mir... um ehrlich zu sein, ein Teil von mir ist immer noch etwas verbittert, selbst nach all diesen Jahren. Mas parte de mim... para ser honesto, parte de mim ainda é meio amarga, mesmo depois de todos esses anos. Ama bir yanım... dürüst olmak gerekirse, bir yanım bunca yıl sonra bile hala biraz buruk. Not because you left. |||تركت |||gittin |porque||saliste |||left Nicht, weil Sie gegangen sind. No porque te fueras. Não porque você foi embora. But because you left me alone. |because|you||| |||تركت|| Aber weil du mich allein gelassen hast. Sino porque me dejaste solo. Mas porque você me deixou em paz.

[[SFX: Tape click]] SFX|tape|click ||نقر ||clic SFX(1)|плівка|клацання [[SFX: Band klicken]] [[SFX: Clic de cinta]] [[SFX: clique na fita]]

SCENE 1 المشهد CENA 1

[[SFX: Center Dash]] |Center|Dash |المركز| [[SFX: traço central]]

X: [[Takes a sip of something, with a verbal eye-roll.]] |takes|||||||verbal|eye|roll |||um gole|||||||revirar ||||||||verbal|| |||sorso||||||| |||пийок||||||| |toma||sorbo|||||||ojos X: [[Nimmt einen Schluck von etwas, mit einem verbalen Augenrollen.]] X: [[Toma um gole de alguma coisa, revirando os olhos verbalmente.]] X:[[喝了一口,翻了個白眼。]] Wow. Wow Wow. Uau. You'd think I would know better than to go through my old diaries. you would|would|||||||||||diaries ||||||||||||日记 ||||||||||||Tagebücher |||||||||gözden geçirmek|||günlüklerimi |||||||||sfogliare|||diari |gondolnád||||||||||| habrías|||||mejor|que||ir|||| Pensarías que debería saber más que revisar mis viejos diarios. Você pensaria que eu saberia melhor do que revisar meus antigos diários. Можно подумать, я лучше знаю, чем копаться в своих старых дневниках. 你可能認為我比翻閱我的舊日記更清楚。 Nothing there but teenage heartache and angst. ||||||anxiety ||||dor||angústia ||||Herzschmerz|| ||||kalp kırıklığı||kaygı ||||cuore spezzato|| Nada||||desamor||angustia No hay nada ahí más que desamor y angustia adolescente. Nada além de angústia e angústia adolescente. 除了青少年的心痛和焦慮,什麼都沒有。 And a lot of truly terrible poetry. ||||||poesia ||mucho||||poesía Y mucha poesía verdaderamente terrible. E muita poesia verdadeiramente terrível. 還有很多真正可怕的詩。

Though they're a lot more interesting than my current diaries. bien||||||||| ||||أكثر||||الحالية| rağmen||||||||| ||||||||actuales| |||||||||diaries Embora sejam muito mais interessantes do que meus diários atuais. 雖然它們比我現在的日記有趣得多。 Speaking of which… [turns to dash] according to the dash, it's day 10,303, hour 0837. |||||Dash||||||| |||||||||trilho||| |||||||||süreç çizgisi||| ||||||a|||||| |||||||إلى|||||ساعة ||якому|||||||||| |||||||||guion||| Falando nisso... [vira para o traço] de acordo com o traço, é dia 10.303, hora 0837. 說到這裡…[轉向破折號]根據破折號,現在是 10,303 天,0837 點。 Whatever that means. ||significa O que quer que isso signifique.

I mean, I guess I get the meaning of time, insofar as is possible for a human mind, and there's a fairly distinct linear progression to my life. I||I|suppose|||||||as far as|||||||||there is|||||||| ||||||||||na medida em que|||||||||||relativamente|||||| ||||||||||soweit||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||mümkün olduğu sürece||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||per quanto|||||||||||||lineare|||| أنا|||أخمن|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||наскільки||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||en la medida|||||||||||||lineal|||| Quero dizer, acho que entendi o significado do tempo, na medida do possível para uma mente humana, e há uma progressão linear bastante distinta em minha vida. 我的意思是,我想我已經理解了時間的意義,就人類思維而言,而且我的生活有一個相當明顯的線性過程。 I just haven't ever witnessed the apparatus by which they're measured. |||||||по||| ||||seen||apparatus|||| ||||testemunhado|||||| ||||görmedim||aparatı|||| ||||||apparato|||| |||أبداً||||||| ||||testificado||aparato|||| Eu só nunca testemunhei o aparelho pelo qual eles são medidos. Я просто никогда не видел аппарат, которым они измеряются. 我只是還沒有親眼見過測量它們的儀器。

Days... hours... when there is no rising sun or planetary rotation, these measurements feel kind of arbitrary. ||||||nascer||||||||||arbitrárias |||||||||gezegenin|||||||rastgele ||||è||rising||||||misurazioni||tipo|| ||||||sol naciente||||||||||arbitrarias Dias... horas... quando não há sol nascente ou rotação planetária, essas medidas parecem meio arbitrárias. Дни... часы... когда нет восхода солнца или вращения планет, эти измерения кажутся произвольными. 天……小時……當沒有升起的太陽或行星自轉時,這些測量感覺有點隨意。 Outside of the info here on the dash, they don't mean anything. |||Infos|||||||| |||||||gösterge paneli|||| fuera||||||||||| Fora as informações aqui no painel, elas não significam nada. Кроме информации на приборной панели, они ничего не значат. 除了儀表板上的資訊之外,它們沒有任何意義。 It's always just me, out here, on the Cavatica. ||||||||卡瓦提卡 ||||||||Cavatica ||||||||Cavatica Sou sempre só eu, aqui fora, no Cavatica. Здесь всегда только я, на Каватике. 這裡總是只有我一個人,在卡瓦蒂卡上。 Alone. Sozinho.

... Despite how that sounds, please note that I am super not-bitter about it. ||||||||||super|bitter|| |||||||||||amargo|| A pesar de||||||||||||| ... Despite how that sounds, please note that I am super not-bitter about it. ... Apesar de como isso soa, por favor, note que não estou muito amargo sobre isso. ... Как бы это ни звучало, пожалуйста, обратите внимание, что я совершенно не ожесточаюсь по этому поводу. ……不管聽起來如何,請注意,我對此並不感到不滿。 In fact, I don't really mind being alone. ||||||essere| Na verdade, eu realmente não me importo de ficar sozinho. Turns out, I like the quiet. turna||||| |verifica-se|||| Acontece que eu gosto do silêncio. Оказывается, я люблю тишину. It helps me think -- and I get a ton of work done. ||||||||tonnellate||| ||||||||un montón||| Isso me ajuda a pensar - e eu faço uma tonelada de trabalho. Это помогает мне думать, и я делаю массу работы.

Speaking of which, I think you'd be proud of me. ||el cual||||||| Falando nisso, acho que você ficaria orgulhoso de mim. Кстати говоря, я думаю, ты бы мной гордился. I finally got that old stereomicroscope working, and I'm going to use it today to get a better look at those weird little insects that are attempting a hostile takeover of my potato plants. |||||立体显微镜|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||attempting|||takeover|||| |||||stereomikroskop||||||||||||||||||böcekler|||girişimde bulunan||||||| |||||stereomicroscopio||||||||||||||||||||||||||mia|| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||intentan||hostil|toma de control|||| Finalmente consegui fazer aquele velho estereomicroscópio funcionar e vou usá-lo hoje para dar uma olhada melhor naqueles pequenos insetos esquisitos que estão tentando se apoderar hostilmente das minhas plantas de batata. 我終於讓那台舊的立體顯微鏡開始工作了,今天我將用它來更好地觀察那些試圖惡意接管我的馬鈴薯植株的奇怪的小昆蟲。

[Frowns] Oh, and I found something while I was going through some of Mom's old stuff. 皱眉||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||Moms|| şeyler||||||||||||||| [Carrancas] Ah, e eu encontrei algo enquanto revisava algumas das coisas antigas da mamãe. [Frowns] О, и я нашла кое-что, пока копалась в старых маминых вещах. [皺眉]哦,我在翻閱媽媽的一些舊東西時發現了一些東西。 It's weird -- I've never seen anything like it before. É estranho - nunca vi nada parecido antes. Это странно - я никогда не видел ничего подобного раньше. 這很奇怪——我以前從未見過這樣的事情。 It's about the size of a button, and... Well, I think it actually is a button. ||||||pulsante||||||||| É mais ou menos do tamanho de um botão, e... Bem, acho que na verdade é um botão. 它大約有一個按鈕的大小,而且……嗯,我認為它實際上是一個按鈕。 Not like the kind you would sew onto a jacket... It's the kind you press to open a door or commit a command -- but it's not attached to anything... And I don't think it was ever intended to be. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||amaçlanmış|| ||||||cucire||||||||||||||||||||attaccato||||||||||destinato|| ||||||coser|sobre|||||||presionar||||||cometer||comando||||||||||||||intencionado|| Não é do tipo que você costuraria em uma jaqueta... É do tipo que você pressiona para abrir uma porta ou executar um comando -- mas não está ligado a nada... E eu acho que nunca teve a intenção de estar. Не то, что пришивают к куртке... Это то, на что нажимаешь, чтобы открыть дверь или выполнить команду - но оно ни к чему не прикреплено... И я не думаю, что оно когда-либо предназначалось для этого. 不像你縫在夾克上的那種......這是你按下來打開門或發出命令的那種- 但它不附加到任何東西......而且我不認為它是有意的。

So I'm going to take it apart, and I figured hey, might as well do so using the stereomicroscope. |||||||||düşündüm|hey|||||||| |||||||||ho pensato||||||||| |||||||||pensé|||||||||estereomicroscopio Por isso, vou desmontá-lo e pensei que mais valia fazê-lo com o estereomicroscópio. Так что я собираюсь разобрать его, и я подумал, эй, может с тем же успехом сделать это с помощью стереомикроскопа. 所以我要把它拆開,我想,嘿,不妨使用立體顯微鏡來做。

I know... Buttons and microscopes and potato-destroying insects... All before lunch? ||||Mikroskope||||||| Eu sei... Botões e microscópios e insectos destruidores de batatas... Tudo antes do almoço? Я знаю... Пуговицы, микроскопы и насекомые, уничтожающие картошку... Все до обеда? 我知道...按鈕、顯微鏡和破壞馬鈴薯的昆蟲...都是在午餐前嗎? What can I say. O que é que eu posso dizer. I'm a sucker for cheap thrills. |||||thrills ||傻瓜||| |||||Freuden ||aşık|||heyecanlar ||succhione||economici|brividi ||aficionado|||emociones I'm a sucker for cheap thrills. Sou um otário por emoções baratas. Я любитель дешевых острых ощущений. 我是一個貪圖廉價刺激的人。

Honestly, I would climb mountains or lead revolutions if there were any mountains to climb or revolutions to lead out here. ||||||dirigir|||||||||||||| Honestamente, eu escalaria montanhas ou lideraria revoluções se houvesse montanhas para escalar ou revoluções para liderar aqui. Честно говоря, я бы взобрался на горы или возглавил революцию, если бы здесь были какие-то горы, на которые нужно взобраться, или революции, которые нужно возглавить. 老實說,如果這裡有什麼山可以爬或是可以領導革命的話,我會去爬山或領導革命。 But there aren't. Mas não há. There aren't any tombs to excavate, or counterfeiting rings to bust, or even any decent movies to see. |||||||伪造|||||||||| |||tombs||excavate||counterfeiting|||bust||||||| |||mezarlar||kazmak||sahtecilik|yüzükler||çökmek||||||| |||||eseguire scavi||contraffazione|||||||||| |||tumbas||||falsificación|||desmantelar||||||| Il n'y a pas de tombes à fouiller, ni de bagues contrefaites à démanteler, ni même de films décents à voir. Não há túmulos para escavar, nem redes de contrafação para prender, nem sequer filmes decentes para ver. Здесь нет ни гробниц, которые нужно раскопать, ни поддельных колец, которые нужно разбить, ни даже приличных фильмов, которые можно посмотреть. 沒有任何墳墓可供挖掘,也沒有任何偽造戒指可供破獲,甚至沒有任何像樣的電影可供觀看。 [Rueful tone] … Well, okay, that was me being bitter. Rueful|||||||| ağlamaklı|||||||| |||||era||| ||||||||amarga [Bem, está bem, isso era eu a ser amarga. [悔恨的語氣]…好吧,好吧,那是我的痛苦。

And to be fair, there is one movie that came pre-loaded on the dash. ||||||||||||||Armaturenbrett ||||||||||||||araç paneli |||||||film||||preinstallato||| |||||||||||pre-cargada|||pantalla ||||||||||||||dashboard Et pour être juste, il y a un film qui est préchargé sur le tableau de bord. E, para ser justo, há um filme que vem pré-carregado no painel de instrumentos. И, честно говоря, есть один фильм, который был предварительно загружен на приборную панель. 公平地說,儀表板上預先安裝了一部電影。 It's called “Jurassic Park”, and I can't believe I didn't discover it until after you were gone, because you would have totally loved it. Chama-se "Parque Jurássico", e não acredito que só o tenha descoberto depois de teres partido, porque terias adorado. Он называется «Парк Юрского периода», и я не могу поверить, что не открыл его, пока ты не ушел, потому что тебе бы он очень понравился. 它叫做“侏羅紀公園”,我不敢相信直到你離開後我才發現它,因為你會非常喜歡它。 It's all about the reintroduction of an extinct species that, in my opinion, was clearly dominant in the first place. ||||重新引入||||||||||||||| ||||yeniden tanıtımı||||||||||||||| ||||reintroduzione|||estinta|||||||||||| O que está em causa é a reintrodução de uma espécie extinta que, na minha opinião, era claramente dominante no início. Все дело в реинтродукции вымершего вида, который, на мой взгляд, изначально явно доминировал. 這一切都是為了重新引入一種已滅絕的物種,在我看來,這種物種一開始就明顯占主導地位。 I like it because it's full of heroic action and science, and because it reminds me that even the humans back on Earth have difficulty re-engineering gene expression in certain species. |||||||kahramanlık dolu|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||ingegnerizzare|gene||||specie |||||||heroica|||||||me recuerda||||||||||||||||ciertas| Je l'aime parce qu'il est plein d'action héroïque et de science, et parce qu'il me rappelle que même les humains de retour sur Terre ont du mal à réorganiser l'expression des gènes chez certaines espèces. Gosto do filme porque está cheio de ação heróica e ciência, e porque me lembra que até os humanos na Terra têm dificuldade em fazer a reengenharia da expressão genética em certas espécies. Мне он нравится, потому что он полон героического действия и науки, а также потому, что он напоминает мне, что даже люди на Земле с трудом реконструируют экспрессию генов у определенных видов. 我喜歡它,因為它充滿了英雄行為和科學,也因為它提醒我,即使是地球上的人類也很難重新設計某些物種的基因表現。

I used to watch it as a treat once every dozen days or so, but the Cavatica's been having some issues lately -- Well, okay, more issues -- and the movie playback is kind of stilted and jerky and stalls sometimes, which, to be honest, reintroduces a dash of the unexpected into a movie I can otherwise recite by heart. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||est|||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||stilted||||stalls|||||||||||||||||otherwise|recite|| ||||||||||||||||卡瓦提卡|||||||||||||播放||||生硬||卡顿||||||||重新引入|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||Cavatica|||||||||||die|Film|Wiedergabe||||||||||||||||||||in||||||rezitieren||Herz |||||||hediye||||||||||||||||||||||||||sakat||sarsıntılı||kesiliyor||||||||||||||||||okumak|| |||||||piacere||ogni|dozzina||||||||||problemi|||||||||||||a scatti|||||||||||||||imprevisto|||||||recita|| |||||||un regalo|||docena|||||||||||||||||||||||forzado||entrecortada||se detiene|||||||||||inesperado|||||||recitar|| J'avais l'habitude de le regarder comme un régal une fois tous les douze jours environ, mais le Cavatica a eu quelques problèmes ces derniers temps - Eh bien, d'accord, plus de problèmes - et la lecture du film est un peu guindée et saccadée et s'arrête parfois, ce qui, pour être honnête, réintroduit une touche d'inattendu dans un film que je peux autrement réciter par cœur. Costumava vê-lo uma vez a cada doze dias, mais ou menos, mas o Cavatica tem tido alguns problemas ultimamente - bem, está bem, mais problemas - e a reprodução do filme é um pouco hesitante e irregular e, por vezes, bloqueia, o que, para ser honesto, reintroduz uma pitada de inesperado num filme que, de outra forma, posso recitar de cor. Раньше я смотрел его как удовольствие раз в дюжину дней или около того, но в последнее время у Cavatica были некоторые проблемы — ну, ладно, еще больше проблем — и воспроизведение фильма было каким-то неестественным, прерывистым и иногда зависало, что, быть честным, вновь вводит черту неожиданности в фильм, который я иначе мог бы прочитать наизусть. 我以前每隔十幾天左右就會看一次它,但卡瓦蒂卡最近遇到了一些問題——好吧,問題更多——而且電影播放有時有點生硬、生澀和停頓,這,老實說,在一部我可以背誦的電影中重新引入了一些意想不到的東西。 Nothing like a peaceful jungle landscape that pans the same scene 20 times before suddenly erupting into Dr. Sattler screaming bloody murder. |||||||拍摄|||||||爆发|||萨特勒||| |||||||gösteren|||||||patlaması|||||| ||||||||||||||eruttare|||||| |||||paisaje||cambia|||||||||||gritando|sangrienta|asesinato Rien de tel qu'un paysage de jungle paisible qui parcourt la même scène 20 fois avant d'éclater soudainement dans le Dr Sattler criant un meurtre sanglant. Não há nada como uma paisagem pacífica na selva que se passa 20 vezes pela mesma cena antes de, de repente, irromper no Dr. Sattler a gritar assassínio sangrento. Ничто не сравнится с мирным пейзажем джунглей, в котором одна и та же сцена прокручивается 20 раз, прежде чем внезапно взорваться доктором Сэттлером, кричащим кровавое убийство. 沒有什麼比寧靜的叢林景觀更好的了,在同一場景中平移 20 次,然後突然爆發出薩特勒博士尖叫著血腥謀殺。

... If you were here right now, you'd ignore everything I just said about the movie and hone in on the word “issues”. ||||||||||||||||专注||||| ||||||||||||||||focus||||| ||||||||||||||||odaklanmak||||| ||||||||||||||||enfocar|||||temas |||||||||||||||||||||problémák ... Si vous étiez ici en ce moment, vous ignoreriez tout ce que je viens de dire sur le film et vous vous concentreriez sur le mot "problèmes". ... Se estivesses aqui agora, ignorarias tudo o que acabei de dizer sobre o filme e concentrar-te-ias na palavra "problemas". ... Если бы вы были здесь прямо сейчас, вы бы проигнорировали все, что я только что сказал о фильме, и сосредоточились на слове «проблемы». ……如果你現在在這裡,你會忽略我剛才所說的關於這部電影的所有內容,而專注於「問題」這個詞。 And yeah, I suppose I should log these here, too, for posterity or whatever. |||||||||||posterity|| |||||||||||gelecek nesil|| ||||||registrare(1)||||||| ||||||registrar|||||la posteridad|| |||gondolom|||||||||| 是的,我想我也應該把這些記錄在這裡,為了後代或其他什麼。

[Deep breath] So... The good news is that the Cavatica still works. |||||||||Cavatica|| [Então... A boa notícia é que a Cavatica ainda funciona. [深呼吸] 所以...好消息是 Cavatica 仍然有效。 Technically. Tecnicamente. Like, it has structural integrity (for the most part), and so far I haven't been sucked out into the icy black expanse of space to die. |||||||||||||||||||||expanse|||| |||yapısal|bütünlüğü|||||||||||sürüklenmek||||buzlu||açıklık|||| |||||||||||||||||nella|||||||| |||||||||||||||succionado||||helada||extensión||||la |||szerkezeti|integritása|||||||eddig||||sodródott||||||kiterjedés|||| Por exemplo, tem integridade estrutural (na sua maior parte) e, até agora, ainda não fui sugado para o espaço negro e gelado para morrer. 就像,它具有結構完整性(大部分),到目前為止我還沒有被吸到冰冷的黑色廣闊的空間中死去。 Yay! ¡Yay! Boa!

The bad news is that the ship can't actually move. A má notícia é que o navio não se pode mover. Плохая новость заключается в том, что корабль на самом деле не может двигаться. 壞消息是這艘船實際上無法移動。 Which is due to its engines being dead. ||debido|||motores|| O que se deve ao facto de os seus motores estarem mortos. Это связано с тем, что его двигатели мертвы. 這是因為它的引擎壞了。 But! Mas! Before you panic, I'm alive, and I had plenty of heat and water and oxygen in the life support reserves to last while I worked out an alternative. ||||||||bolca||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||suficiente||calor||||||||||||||||| Antes que entrem em pânico, estou vivo e tinha bastante calor, água e oxigénio nas reservas de suporte de vida para durar enquanto arranjava uma alternativa. Прежде чем вы начнете паниковать, я жив, и у меня было много тепла, воды и кислорода в резервах жизнеобеспечения, чтобы продержаться, пока я работал над альтернативой. 在你驚慌之前,我還活著,在我制定替代方案時,我的生命維持儲備中有足夠的熱量、水和氧氣來維持。 It was actually a really interesting project, rerouting life support through the hydroponic systems into the glasshouse. |||||||||||||systèmes||| it||||||||||||hydroponic||||greenhouse |||||||重新规划|||||水培||||温室 ||||||||||||||||Gewächshaus |||||||yönlendirme||||||||| ||||||||||||||||serra |||||||redirigiendo|||||hidropónica||||invernadero Na verdade, foi um projeto muito interessante, reencaminhar o suporte de vida através dos sistemas hidropónicos para a estufa. 這實際上是一個非常有趣的項目,透過水耕系統將生命維持系統重新引入溫室。 I had to shut down all but three of the pods, but they're the three most integral to my work, so that's a win. ||||||sauf||||conteneurs||ce sont||||||||||| ||||||||||pods||||||||||||| ||||||||||舱||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||das ist|| ||||||||||kapsayıcılar||||||hayati||||||| ||||||||||pod||||||||||||| ||||||||||pods||||||||||||| Tive de desligar todos os pods, exceto três, mas são os três mais importantes para o meu trabalho, por isso é uma vitória. Мне пришлось отключить все капсулы, кроме трех, но они являются наиболее важными для моей работы, так что это победа. 我不得不關閉三個之外的所有 Pod,但它們是我工作中最重要的三個 Pod,所以這是一場勝利。

Let's just hope I don't need to use the infirmary... like, ever. ||||ne||||||| |||||need||||infirmary||ever |||||||||Krankenstation|wie| |||||||||hemşirelik odası|| |||||||||infermeria|| |||||||||enfermería|| Esperemos que eu não precise de usar a enfermaria... tipo, nunca. Будем надеяться, что мне не понадобится пользоваться лазаретом... как никогда. 我們只是希望我不需要使用醫務室……就像以前一樣。

Basically, the only ship-related thing that still functions properly is Charlotte, and I'm not even sure anymore that she's tied to the ship. |||||||||doğru şekilde|||||||||||bağlı||| |||nave||||||correctamente|||||||||||atada||| Basicamente, a única coisa relacionada com o navio que ainda funciona corretamente é a Charlotte, e já nem sequer tenho a certeza de que ela esteja ligada ao navio. По сути, единственная вещь, связанная с кораблем, которая все еще работает должным образом, — это Шарлотта, и я даже не уверен, что она привязана к кораблю. 基本上,唯一與船有關的仍然正常運作的東西是夏洛特,我甚至不再確定她是否與船綁在一起。 I mean, she should be, and logically, she has to be, because there is literally nothing else that she can be tied to. ||||||mantıken|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||nada más|||||| Quer dizer, ela devia estar, e logicamente, tem de estar, porque não há literalmente mais nada a que ela possa estar ligada. Я имею в виду, что она должна быть, и по логике вещей она должна быть, потому что буквально ни с чем другим она не может быть связана. 我的意思是,她應該是,從邏輯上講,她必須是,因為實際上沒有任何其他東西可以與她聯繫在一起。 I certainly didn't wire her into the glasshouse system -- and yet she remains operational. ||||||||||||bleibt| |||bağlamak|||||||||| |||cable|||||||||permanece| De certeza que não a liguei ao sistema de estufa - e, no entanto, continua operacional. Я, конечно, не подключал ее к системе оранжереи, и тем не менее она остается в рабочем состоянии. 我當然沒有將她連接到溫室系統——但她仍然可以運行。

This might sound vaguely... insane, but part of me suspects that she's saved up some sort of energy reserved for herself. |||somewhat||||||||||||||||| |||belirsizce||||||||||||||||| |||vagamente|insano||||||||ahorrado||||||||ella Isto pode parecer vagamente... louco, mas parte de mim suspeita que ela está a guardar algum tipo de energia reservada para si própria. Это может звучать неопределенно... безумно, но часть меня подозревает, что она накопила какую-то энергию для себя. 這聽起來可能有點……瘋狂,但我懷疑她已經為自己節省了某種能量。 Which, honestly, wouldn't surprise me -- for an A.I. O que, honestamente, não me surpreenderia - para uma I.A. Что, честно говоря, меня не удивило бы — для ИИ 老實說,對於人工智慧來說,這不會讓我感到驚訝 that's supposed to be dedicated to serving and enhancing human life, she is incredibly selfish. ||||||||améliorer|||||| ||||||Dienen||||Leben|||| ||||||||geliştirmeye|||||| ||||||||mejorando||||||egoísta ||||||||||||||selfish que é suposto dedicar-se a servir e a melhorar a vida humana, ela é incrivelmente egoísta. это должно быть посвящено служению и улучшению человеческой жизни, она невероятно эгоистична. 她本應該致力於服務和改善人類生活,但她卻非常自私。

[[SFX: Sets down mug, chair creaks]] |||||吱吱作响 |||||grince |||||creaks |||kupa|| |||taza||chirría [A caneca pousa, a cadeira range [[SFX: Ставит кружку, стул скрипит]] [[SFX:放下杯子,椅子吱吱作響]]

X: All right. X: Muito bem. Time to get back to work, whatever “time” might actually be. É altura de voltar ao trabalho, seja qual for a "altura". Пора вернуться к работе, каким бы «время» ни было на самом деле. I'll be taking radiation measurements from Ra, checking out those insects under the stereomicroscope, and taking apart that button thing I found. ||||||铷||||||||||||||| |||radyasyon|ölçümleri||||||||||||||||| ||||||Ra(1)||||||||||||||| Vou fazer medições de radiação de Ra, verificar os insectos ao estereomicroscópio e desmontar aquele botão que encontrei. 我將測量 Ra 的輻射,在立體顯微鏡下檢查那些昆蟲,並拆開我發現的按鈕。 [To self] Oooh… And maybe my cheese will be coagulated in time for lunch. |||||||||凝固|||| ||Oooh||||||||||| |||||||||coagulated|||| |||||||||coagulada|||| |||||||||kesilmiş|||| [Oooh... E talvez o meu queijo esteja coagulado a tempo do almoço.

[[SFX: Scene transition]] [[SFX: Transição de cena]]


[[SFX: Glasshouse lab]] |serası| |invernadero| [[SFX: Glasshouse lab]]

So okay, I'm curious. Por isso, estou curioso. I have the stereomicroscope all set up, and for the first time, I noticed a name etched into the side of the arm. ||||||||||||||||oyulmuş|||||| |||||bereit|eingestellt|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||etched|||||| ||||||||||||||||grabada|||lado||| Tenho o estereomicroscópio preparado e, pela primeira vez, reparei num nome gravado na parte lateral do braço. 我已經把立體顯微鏡設定好了,我第一次注意到手臂側面刻著一個名字。 Your name. O seu nome. It's faint, but it's there. |faint||| |zayıf||| |débil||| É ténue, mas está lá. 它很微弱,但它就在那裡。 My question is: why is it there? A minha pergunta é: porque é que está lá? I don't really see there being an imminent danger of theft aboard a ship with a crew of three and no means of escape. |||||||imminent|||||||||||||||| |||||||yakın|||||||||||||||| |||||||inminente|||robo|a bordo|||||||||||| Não me parece que haja um perigo iminente de roubo a bordo de um navio com uma tripulação de três pessoas e sem meios de fuga. Я действительно не вижу неминуемой опасности кражи на борту корабля с экипажем из трех человек и без возможности спастись. 我真的不認為一艘載有三名船員且沒有逃生途徑的船上存在迫在眉睫的盜竊危險。 Or is carving one's name into one's possessions a thing that people do? ||carving|||||||||| ||oyma|||||mülkleri||||| ||tallando|||||||||| Ou gravar o seu nome nos seus bens é uma coisa que as pessoas fazem? Или люди вырезают свое имя на своих вещах? 或者將自己的名字刻在自己的財產上是人們所做的事情嗎? A habit? Um hábito? A compulsion? |zorunluluk |compulsión Uma compulsão? A simple act of boredom, or defiance? ||||Langeweile|| ||||sıkılma||isyankarlık ||||aburrimiento||desafío ||||||defiance Um simples ato de tédio ou de desafio? Простой акт скуки или неповиновение? 一個簡單的無聊行為,還是反抗?

I'm -- I know I'm way over-thinking this. Eu sei que estou a pensar demais nisto. Я... я знаю, что слишком много думаю об этом. 我——我知道我想太多了。 It just... threw me for a loop, and I can't say I'm entirely sure why. ||||||şok etti|||||||| ||me lanzó||||confusión|||||||| Só que... fiquei confuso, e não sei bem porquê. Это просто... сбило меня с толку, и я не могу точно сказать, почему. 它只是……讓我感到困惑,我不能說我完全確定為什麼。 I mean, I guess that names have power. Quero dizer, acho que os nomes têm poder. We name things for a reason -- to identify and clarify them, to call and claim them, to bestow and to take away power. |||||||||||||||||verleihen||||| |||||||||||||||||vermek||||| |||||||||aclarar||||||||otorgar||||| |||||||||||||||||bestow||||| Damos nomes às coisas por uma razão - para as identificar e clarificar, para as chamar e reclamar, para lhes dar e retirar poder. Мы называем вещи по какой-то причине — чтобы идентифицировать и прояснить их, призывать и требовать их, даровать и отнимать силу. 我們為事物命名是有原因的──辨識和澄清它們,呼喚和索取它們,賦予和奪走權力。

Maybe that's what really happens to us after we die. Talvez seja isso que realmente nos acontece depois de morrermos. Maybe our names are our ghosts, infused with the sum total of our accomplishments and unrealized dreams. |||||||||||||||未实现| |||||||||||||accomplishments||| ||||||bulaşmış|||||||başarılar||| |||||||||suma||||||no realizadas| Talvez os nossos nomes sejam os nossos fantasmas, infundidos com a soma total das nossas realizações e sonhos não concretizados. 也許我們的名字是我們的幽靈,充滿了我們的成就和未實現的夢想的總和。 Maybe you're haunting me through this stereomicroscope. ||persiguiendo|||| Talvez me esteja a assombrar através deste estereomicroscópio. 也許你透過這個立體顯微鏡困擾著我。

Or maybe that cheese wasn't quite ready to eat after all. Ou talvez o queijo não estivesse pronto para ser comido.

At least I have the distinct honor of being haunted by Doctor Arvin Singh. ||||||||||||阿尔文|辛格 |||||belirgin|||||||| Pelo menos eu tenho a honra de ser assombrado pelo Dr. Arvin Singh. 至少我有幸被阿文辛格醫生困擾。 [Verbal eye-roll] Way to be king of the nerds by including a proper title in your graffiti, Dad. |||||||||nerd||||||||| [口頭翻白眼]爸爸,在你的塗鴉中加入適當的標題,成為書呆子之王。

Anyway. De qualquer forma. Speaking of the microscope, I found a couple of things that might be Of Interest, with a capital O and a capital I. Por falar em microscópio, encontrei um par de coisas que podem ser de interesse, com O maiúsculo e I maiúsculo. 說到顯微鏡,我發現了一些可能感興趣的東西,其中有大寫的 O 和大寫的 I。

First, the insects that are waging their tiny, cruel war against my defenseless potatoes -- I can positively say that I have never seen anything like them before. |||||waging||||||||||||||||||||| |||||yürüten|||zorba|||||||||||||||||| |||||librando|||||||desprotegidas|||||||||||||| Em primeiro lugar, os insectos que estão a travar a sua guerra minúscula e cruel contra as minhas batatas indefesas - posso dizer com toda a certeza que nunca vi nada assim antes.

I think that normally, that might not sound weird. Penso que, normalmente, isso pode não parecer estranho. There are almost a million unique documented species of insect, and there's no way I could ever memorize them all. Há quase um milhão de espécies únicas de insectos documentadas e não há maneira de eu conseguir memorizá-las todas. Существует почти миллион уникальных задокументированных видов насекомых, и я никак не мог запомнить их все. However, I have been aboard the Cavatica for more than 9,000 days, studying every living thing on the ship... in isolation... in the massive vacuum of space. |||||||||||||||||||isolation|||||| No entanto, estou a bordo da Cavatica há mais de 9.000 dias, estudando todos os seres vivos da nave... em isolamento... no enorme vácuo do espaço. Тем не менее, я провел на борту "Каватики" более 9000 дней, изучая каждое живое существо на корабле... в изоляции... в огромном космическом вакууме. So if I haven't seen a particular species of insect before, then... Well, let's just say it's significant. Portanto, se nunca vi uma determinada espécie de inseto antes, então... Bem, digamos que é significativo. Так что, если я раньше не видел определенный вид насекомых, то... Ну, скажем так, это важно.

Current hypotheses include some kind of rapid onset mutation, or -- more improbably -- recent introduction. |||||||onset|||||| |||||||başlangıç||||oldukça düşük bir ihtimalle||girişi |||||||inicio|||||| As hipóteses actuais incluem algum tipo de mutação de início rápido ou - o que é mais improvável - uma introdução recente. Текущие гипотезы включают какую-то быстро начавшуюся мутацию или, что более невероятно, недавнее появление.

I've isolated a few of them in a terrarium for further study, along with cuttings from a variety of other plant species. ||||||||玻璃箱||||||插枝||||||| ||||||||Terrarium||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||kesimler||||||| Isolei algumas delas num terrário para estudo posterior, juntamente com estacas de uma variedade de outras espécies de plantas. Я изолировал несколько из них в террариуме для дальнейшего изучения вместе с черенками других видов растений. I don't know whether I prefer they devour everything in sight, or simply remain hell-bent on destroying my potatoes. |||||||devour|||||||||||| |||||||yiyip bitirirler|||||||||||| Não sei se prefiro que devorem tudo o que vêem ou que continuem simplesmente a destruir as minhas batatas. Я не знаю, предпочитаю ли я, чтобы они сожрали все, что попадается на глаза, или просто одержимы уничтожением моей картошки.

Okay. Está bem. Next up, the button. |kommt||Knopf A seguir, o botão. This thing... It's so simple, it's kind of hard to describe. Esta coisa... É tão simples que é difícil de descrever. It's smooth and flat and round, made of some type of dense plastic, or maybe glass. |||||||||||yoğun|||| É liso, plano e redondo, feito de algum tipo de plástico denso, ou talvez de vidro. There is a slight fingertip-sized indentation on the top to indicate what you're supposed to do. ||||指尖||凹痕|||||||||| ||||||indentation|||||||||| Existe uma ligeira indentação do tamanho da ponta de um dedo na parte superior para indicar o que é suposto fazer. Вверху есть небольшое углубление размером с кончик пальца, чтобы указать, что вы должны делать. When you press it, it clicks. Quando se pressiona, faz um clique.

[[SFX: Demonstrates by clicking once, twice, then about 1,000 times.]] [Demonstra clicando uma vez, duas vezes e depois cerca de 1000 vezes.

Oddly satisfying. garip bir şekilde| extrañamente| Estranhamente satisfatório.

Anyway. De qualquer forma. [Voice becomes muffled as she ducks behind the microscope] I am now taking a look at it under the stereomicroscope, and.... There is a tiny seam all around the side. |||||||||||||||||||||||||缝隙|||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||kleine|Naht||||Seite ||muffled|||ducks||||||||||||||||||||seam|||| ||kısık|||eğilir|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||apagada|||se agacha|||||||||||||||||||||||| [A voz torna-se abafada quando ela se esconde atrás do microscópio] Estou agora a olhar para ele com o estereomicroscópio, e.... Há uma pequena costura a toda a volta do lado. [Голос становится приглушенным, когда она прячется за микроскопом] Сейчас я смотрю на это под стереомикроскопом, и... По всему боку крошечный шов. Let's just see if.... Okay. Vamos ver se.... Está bem. Давайте просто посмотрим, если.... Хорошо. I'm going to see if I can find a scalpel or something to fit in there. |||||||||手术刀|||||| |||||||||scalpel|||||| |||||||||bıçak|||||| Vou ver se encontro um bisturi ou algo do género que caiba lá dentro. Я собираюсь посмотреть, смогу ли я найти скальпель или что-то, что можно туда поместить.

[[SFX: Clattering, whirring, muffled background conversation]] ||嗡嗡声||| |Clattering|whirring||| [[SFX: Clattering, whirring, abffled background conversation]]

Oh, no no no no no, Charlotte. Oh, não, não, não, não, Charlotte. I'm working. Estou a trabalhar. Out you go. Lá vai. Вы уходите.

Charlotte: Pardon me. Charlotte: Com licença. Are you attempting to [[brief pause, as if selecting from a menu of responses]] repair sensitive technical equipment? ||||kısa bir||||||||||||| Está a tentar [[breve pausa, como se estivesse a selecionar de um menu de respostas]] reparar equipamento técnico sensível? Вы пытаетесь [[короткая пауза, как будто выбираете из меню ответов]] починить чувствительное техническое оборудование?

X: No. Go away. Vai embora.

Charlotte: It appears you are attempting to repair sensitive technical equipment. |||du||||||| Charlotte: Parece que estão a tentar reparar equipamento técnico sensível. Шарлотта: Похоже, вы пытаетесь починить чувствительное техническое оборудование. Would you like my assistance with that? Queres a minha ajuda para isso?

X: No. X: Não. No, I would not. Não, não o faria.

Charlotte: Thank you. I am glad you have opted into letting me help you repair sensitive technical equipment. |||||选择||||||||| |||||optaste||||||||| Fico contente por ter optado por me deixar ajudá-lo a reparar equipamento técnico sensível. Я рад, что вы разрешили мне помочь вам починить чувствительное техническое оборудование.

X: Charlotte, no, I'm -- I've got this. X: Charlotte, não, eu tenho isto controlado. X: Шарлотта, нет, я... у меня есть это. Just... Please go away. Apenas... Por favor, vai-te embora. Remember the incident with the distress beacon? ||||||işareti |||||Notsignal| |||||distress| |||||señal de socorro|baliza Lembram-se do incidente com o sinal de socorro?

Charlotte: My data banks remember everything. |||veritabanları|| Charlotte: Os meus bancos de dados lembram-se de tudo.

X: Okay. X: Está bem. Just... Stay right there. Apenas... Fica aí mesmo. [Returns, sits] Okay. [Volta, senta-se] Está bem. I have a scalpel, which looks like it'll fit nicely in the crack... |||bıçak||||||||| Tenho um bisturi, que parece que vai encaixar bem na fenda...

Charlotte: Your attempts to repair sensitive technical equipment would be more successful with my suite of tools. ||||||||||||||takım|| Charlotte: As vossas tentativas de reparar equipamento técnico sensível seriam mais bem sucedidas com o meu conjunto de ferramentas.

X: [Talks over Charlotte] All right. X: [Fala por cima da Charlotte] Muito bem. X: [Переговоры с Шарлоттой] Хорошо. I've got it open. Tenho-o aberto. Split right down the middle like a walnut shell. |||||||walnut| ||||||||kabuk |||||||nuez|cáscara Dividido ao meio como uma casca de noz. Разрезается посередине, как скорлупа грецкого ореха. Inside… Hmm. Dentro... Hmm. Just a bunch of wires and circuits. ||||||devreler Apenas um monte de fios e circuitos. ...Oh. ...Oh. That's weird. Isso é estranho. There's a little burn mark right where… Oh my gosh. |||yanık|işareti||||| Há uma pequena marca de queimadura mesmo onde... Oh meu Deus. Прямо там, где есть небольшой след от ожога… Боже мой. Charlotte. Charlotte. Back up. Zurück| Para trás. Yeah, no -- I need to use both of the eyepieces on this thing. |||||||||目镜||| |||||||||Okulare||| |||||||||okülerleri||| |||||||||oculares||| Sim, não, preciso de usar os dois oculares desta coisa. Да, нет, мне нужно использовать оба окуляра на этой штуке. That's what makes it stereo. ||||Stereo ||||stereo É isso que o torna estéreo.

Charlotte: It appears that one of the microprocessors has burned out. |||||||微处理器||| Charlotte: Parece que um dos microprocessadores se queimou. My onboard tools can easily -- |onboard||| |a bordo||| As minhas ferramentas de bordo podem facilmente -- Мои встроенные инструменты могут легко...

X: [Irritated] Yes. |rahatsız| X: [Irritado] Sim. I can see that. Estou a ver que sim. Thank you, Charlotte. Obrigado, Charlotte. I can take it from here. Eu trato disto a partir daqui. Я могу взять это отсюда.

Charlotte: ...

X: What? X: O quê?

Charlotte: My onboard tools can -- Charlotte: As minhas ferramentas de bordo podem...

X: Oh my gosh. X: Oh, meu Deus. Fine. Ótimo. Just fix the microprocessor already. |||微处理器| Arranjem já o microprocessador.

Charlotte: [Pleasantly] If you insist. Carlota: [agradavelmente] Se insistes.

[[SFX: Slight sparking, buzzing. ||sparking|buzzing ||kıvılcım saçma|vızıltı [[SFX: Ligeiras faíscas, zumbidos. [[SFX: Слабое искрообразование, жужжание. Clicks.]]

X: [Still irritated] Thank you. X: [ainda irritado] Obrigado. [pause] Okay. It's back together now, and it's still not... Oh. Agora está de volta, e ainda não está... Oh. That's weird. Isso é estranho. Looks like there's a little switch right along the -- [[SFX: soft click]] Huh. Parece que há um pequeno interrutor mesmo ao longo do -- [[SFX: soft click]] Huh. Okay. Está bem. the object has begun to emanate a soft and steady blue glow from within. ||||||||||blaues||| |||||emanate||||||glow|| |||||yayılmak||||||||içinden |||||emanar||||constante||brillo|| o objeto começou a emanar um brilho azul suave e constante do seu interior. объект начал излучать мягкое и устойчивое голубое свечение изнутри. Now, let's see what happens when I push -- Agora, vamos ver o que acontece quando carrego no botão --

[[SFX: High-pitched noise with low pulsing bass and static moan, X's voice cuts off.]] |||||||||||X的||| ||pitched|||||||||||| ||yüksek frekanslı||||darbe eden|||statik|inleme|||| [[SFX: Ruído agudo com baixo pulsante e gemido estático, a voz de X é cortada]]. [[SFX: Высокий шум с низким пульсирующим басом и статическим стоном, голос X обрывается.]]


[[SFX: Glasshouse lab]] ||laboratuvar [[SFX: Glasshouse lab]]

X: Oh gosh. X: Oh, meu Deus. Okay. That was unexpected and terrible. Isso foi inesperado e terrível. I ran a quick inspection of the three functional pods and the dash core, and... Nothing was different. |||||||||modül|||dash||||| |||||||||pods|||guía||||| Fiz uma inspeção rápida das três cápsulas funcionais e do núcleo do painel de instrumentos e... Nada estava diferente. Nothing had changed. Nada tinha mudado. Nothing was glowing or sparking or unexpectedly functional. ||glowing||||| Nada brilhava, fazia faíscas ou funcionava de forma inesperada. Ничего не светилось, не искрило и не функционировало неожиданно. Nothing had blown up. Nada tinha explodido. I'm relatively sure I am alive, and Charlotte's as normal as she's ever been. |||||||夏洛特|||||| |||||||Charlotte|||||| Tenho a certeza de que estou vivo e a Charlotte está tão normal como sempre esteve. Я относительно уверен, что жив, а Шарлотта такая же нормальная, как и всегда. I even ran the opening scene of “Jurassic Park”, and it was as jerky and stilted as ever. |||||||||||||||artificial|| Até passei a cena de abertura do filme "Parque Jurássico", e estava mais trémula e hesitante do que nunca.

In short, I have no idea what I might have just activated-slash-done. Resumindo, não faço ideia do que posso ter ativado-feito. Короче говоря, я понятия не имею, что я мог только что активировать-слэш-сделано. I have no idea why Mom would have stashed this thing in one of her lockers, why or how it was broken, or why I even felt compelled to fix it. ||||||||藏起来|||||||储物柜||||||||||||||| ||||||||hidden|||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||guardado|||||||||||||||||||||| Não faço ideia porque é que a mãe escondeu esta coisa num dos seus cacifos, porque é que estava partida ou porque é que eu me senti compelido a arranjá-la. If there were anyone else on board, I might feel embarrassed. Se houvesse mais alguém a bordo, sentir-me-ia envergonhado. Если бы на борту был кто-то еще, мне было бы неловко.

But there is no one else on board, so I can be comfortably and perfectly honest about how I probably shouldn't have tried to fix that button, and how badly it could have gone if it were some sort of weapon or self-destruct device. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||mal||||||||||||||| Mas não há mais ninguém a bordo, por isso posso ser confortável e perfeitamente honesto sobre o facto de que provavelmente não devia ter tentado reparar aquele botão, e como poderia ter corrido mal se fosse algum tipo de arma ou dispositivo de auto-destruição. Но на борту больше никого нет, поэтому я могу спокойно и совершенно честно сказать, что мне, вероятно, не стоило пытаться починить эту кнопку, и как бы плохо все могло кончиться, если бы это было какое-то оружие или устройство самоуничтожения. .

Hey, while I'm being perfectly honest, I hate zucchini, turnips are the hellspawn of root vegetables, and I'm terrified of the fish in the hydroponic tanks. |||||||||||||||Gemüse|||||||||| |||||||||turnips|||hellspawn||||||||||||| Já que estou a ser sincero, detesto courgettes, os nabos são a raça infernal dos vegetais de raiz e tenho pavor dos peixes dos tanques hidropónicos. But I eat all of them anyway because they're nutritious. Mas como-os todos na mesma porque são nutritivos.

[Deep breath] Okay. [Está bem. Everything is okay. Está tudo bem. And we even learned a lesson -- don't push buttons if you're not 100% sure what they are. E até aprendemos uma lição: não carregar em botões se não tivermos a certeza absoluta de quais são. As they say (whoever “they” are), no harm, no foul. |||||||||falta Como se costuma dizer (sejam eles quem forem), não há mal nem mal. Как говорится (кто бы они ни были), ни вреда, ни фола.

I'm going to get back to my calibrations and conveniently forget this ever happened. |||||||Kalibrierungen|||||| Vou voltar às minhas calibrações e esquecer convenientemente que isto aconteceu. Я собираюсь вернуться к своим калибровкам и удобно забыть, что это когда-либо случалось.

[[SFX: Scene transition]] [[SFX: Transição de cena]]


[[SFX: Glasshouse labs]] SFX(1)||

X: Mmm. X: Mmm. Dinner tonight was one of the Oncorhynchus mykiss from the tanks, grilled with lemon and oregano, and quinoa that I tossed with tomatoes and spinach. |||||||||||||Zitrone|||||die|ich||||| ||||||||||||||||||||tossed|||| la cena||||||Oncorhynchus|trucha||||||||||||||||| O jantar desta noite foi um dos Oncorhynchus mykiss dos tanques, grelhado com limão e orégãos, e quinoa que misturei com tomates e espinafres. На ужин сегодня был микиж Oncorhynchus из аквариума, приготовленный на гриле с лимоном и орегано, и киноа, которую я смешала с помидорами и шпинатом.

I was going to have potatoes instead of the quinoa, but decided to forego them until I learned more about those insects. |||||||||||||forego|||||||| Ia comer batatas em vez de quinoa, mas decidi renunciar a elas até saber mais sobre esses insectos. Я собирался есть картофель вместо лебеды, но решил воздержаться от него, пока не узнаю больше об этих насекомых.

Strawberries and tea for dessert, then some final radiation tests before bed. ||||||||radiación||| Morangos e chá para a sobremesa, depois alguns testes finais de radiação antes de me deitar. Клубника и чай на десерт, а потом несколько заключительных тестов на радиацию перед сном. [Slight pause] While I was eating, I kept thinking about those diaries I found. [Enquanto comia, não parava de pensar nos diários que encontrei. About how I used to feel about being alone, and how I feel about it now. Sobre como me sentia quando estava sozinho e como me sinto agora. О том, как я раньше относился к одиночеству и как я отношусь к этому сейчас. I was bitter then, and angry, and hopeless, and a whole lot of other things. ||amargo|||||||||||| Nessa altura, eu era amarga, estava zangada, sem esperança e muitas outras coisas. Я был тогда огорчен, и зол, и безнадежен, и много чего еще.

But now -- I know they say people don't really change (again, whoever “they” are) -- but... I think I'm kind of okay with it. Mas agora - eu sei que dizem que as pessoas não mudam realmente (mais uma vez, quem quer que "eles" sejam) - mas... Acho que não me importo com isso. Но теперь — я знаю, они говорят, что люди на самом деле не меняются (опять же, кем бы они ни были) — но… я думаю, что меня это вполне устраивает. I wake up, eat, do science, eat, do more science, eat, and relax before I sleep. Acordo, como, faço ciência, como, faço mais ciência, como e relaxo antes de dormir. Then I rinse and repeat, just like it says on the side of my vat of Caldwell Enterprises shampoo. ||spüle|||||||||||||||| ||rinse||||||||||||vat|||| ||enjuago|||||||||||||||| Depois, enxaguo e repito, tal como está escrito na parte lateral do meu champô da Caldwell Enterprises. Затем я смываю и повторяю, как написано на боку моей емкости с шампунем Caldwell Enterprises. And between all of the eating and science-ing, I can dance and sing and tinker with broken things and invent new things and watch “Jurassic Park” or even just stare out into the infinite vastness of space. |||||||||||||||tinker|||||||||||||||stare|||||vastness|| |||||||||||||||trastear||||||||||||||||||||infinita vastedad|| E entre toda a comida e ciência, posso dançar e cantar e mexer em coisas avariadas e inventar coisas novas e ver o "Parque Jurássico" ou mesmo apenas olhar para a vastidão infinita do espaço.

...I think what I'm trying to say is that I don't really mind being alone as much as I think I'm supposed to. ... Acho que o que estou a tentar dizer é que não me importo tanto de estar sozinho como acho que é suposto. ...Я думаю, что я пытаюсь сказать, что на самом деле я не против одиночества настолько, насколько я думаю, что должен. Humans are inherently social creatures, but... For whatever reason, I am... not. ||||Wesen||||||| ||inherently||||||||| Os humanos são inerentemente criaturas sociais, mas... Por alguma razão, eu... não sou.

No one tells me what to do out here. Ninguém me diz o que fazer aqui. My work is important and my research is challenging and fascinating. Sometimes I wish I had someone to talk to, but that's what you and Charlotte are for. Às vezes gostava de ter alguém com quem falar, mas é para isso que tu e a Charlotte servem. Иногда мне хочется, чтобы мне было с кем поговорить, но для этого вы с Шарлоттой и нужны. I have clean water and fresh food and access to top-notch scientific equipment. |||||||||||notch|| |||||||||||de primera categoría|| Tenho água potável, alimentos frescos e acesso a equipamento científico de topo. No one tells me to put on shoes or sit still or wear cosmetics. Ninguém me diz para calçar sapatos, ficar quieta ou usar cosméticos. Никто не говорит мне обуваться, сидеть смирно или пользоваться косметикой. And the view is fantastic.

So why... [pauses] this is going to sound incredibly ungrateful, but -- hey, we're being honest here. |||||||||ungrateful|||||| Então porquê... [pausa] isto vai parecer incrivelmente ingrato, mas -- ei, estamos a ser honestos. Так почему... [пауза] это прозвучит невероятно неблагодарно, но -- эй, мы здесь честны. If everything in my life is so incredibly amazing, why don't I feel happy? Se tudo na minha vida é tão incrivelmente fantástico, porque é que não me sinto feliz?

[[SFX: Scene transition]]


[[SFX: Dash core]] [[SFX: Dash core]]

X: Addendum, Day 10,303, Hour 1745. |Addendum|| |Adenda|| X: Adenda, dia 10.303, hora 1745. X: Приложение, день 10303, час 1745. This probably isn't really worth noting, but during my final radiation tests of the day, I saw a blip out in the opposite direction of Ra. ||||||||||||||||||blip||||||| ||||||||||||||||||punto||||||| Provavelmente não vale a pena referir isto, mas durante os meus últimos testes de radiação do dia, vi um sinal na direção oposta de Ra. Это, вероятно, не стоит замечать, но во время моих последних тестов на радиацию я увидел вспышку в направлении, противоположном Ра. It's a bright light, with the pinpoint clarity of a star, but obviously, it's not a star, since it wasn't there yesterday. É uma luz brilhante, com a nitidez de uma estrela, mas, obviamente, não é uma estrela, uma vez que não estava lá ontem. Это яркий свет с предельной ясностью звезды, но очевидно, что это не звезда, поскольку вчера ее там не было. Or even a few hours ago. Ou mesmo há algumas horas atrás.

Also, it's moving. Além disso, está a mexer-se.

I would say it's a comet or asteroid, but at this point, I don't have enough data to make that assumption. ||||||||||||||||||||assumption ||||||||||||||||||||suposición And we all know what happens when we assume. E todos sabemos o que acontece quando partimos do princípio.

For whatever reason, Charlotte's taking this new development with all the grace of a garbage fire. |||||||||||gracia|||| Per qualche motivo, Charlotte sta affrontando questo nuovo sviluppo con la grazia di un incendio di rifiuti. Por alguma razão, a Charlotte está a aceitar este novo desenvolvimento com a graça de um incêndio no lixo. По какой-то причине Шарлотта воспринимает это новое развитие со всей грацией мусорного пожара. She barged in on her hydraulic arm while I was checking Ra's radiation emissions earlier and started reciting the entire Caldwell Enterprises Emergency Preparedness Manual to me from start to finish. |||||||pendant||||||||||||||||||||||| |barged||||||||||||||||||||||Preparedness||||||| |||||||während||||||||||||||||||||||| Ela apareceu com o seu braço hidráulico enquanto eu estava a verificar as emissões de radiação de Ra e começou a recitar-me o Manual de Preparação para Emergências da Caldwell Enterprises do princípio ao fim. Она ворвалась на своей гидравлической руке, когда я ранее проверял радиационные выбросы Ра, и начала декламировать мне все руководство по подготовке к чрезвычайным ситуациям от Колдуэлл Энтерпрайзис от начала до конца. I took that to mean she thinks the incoming light is a matter of some concern. ||||||||incoming||||||| Entendi isso como um sinal de que ela acha que a luz que chega é um assunto preocupante. Я понял, что она думает, что падающий свет вызывает некоторое беспокойство.

I told her to be more optimistic -- that it might not be coming directly toward us, that it could simply be a mirage, that she technically doesn't have a death to fear. ||||||||||||||||||||||espejismo||||||||| Disse-lhe para ser mais otimista - que talvez não estivesse a vir diretamente na nossa direção, que podia ser apenas uma miragem, que tecnicamente ela não tinha uma morte a temer. Я сказал ей, чтобы она была более оптимистичной, что, возможно, она не приближается прямо к нам, что это может быть просто мираж, что технически ей нечего бояться смерти. But she just started reciting the manual all over again from the beginning, so I wedged a fallen tree branch up into the hydraulic tracks to block her from exiting the glasshouse. |||||||||||||||wedged|||||||||||||||| Mas ela começou a recitar o manual desde o início, por isso enfiei um ramo de árvore caído nos carris hidráulicos para a impedir de sair da estufa. Но она только что начала повторять руководство с самого начала, поэтому я втиснул упавшую ветку дерева в гидравлические гусеницы, чтобы не дать ей выйти из теплицы.

[Slight pause] I don't know. [Ligeira pausa] Não sei. I don't think I'm afraid of death, necessarily, at least not right now. Acho que não tenho necessariamente medo da morte, pelo menos neste momento. Things live and die in cycles, and I'm not enough of a narcissist to think I'm exempt from the laws of nature. ||||||||||||||||exempt||||| ||||||||||||||||exento||||| As coisas vivem e morrem em ciclos, e eu não sou narcisista o suficiente para pensar que estou isento das leis da natureza.

I'm weirdly... I don't know how to describe it. |bizarrement||||||| Estou estranhamente... Não sei como o descrever. Я странно... Я не знаю, как это описать. Interested? Interessado? Excited, even? I mean, I'm not excited about death -- or even really about whatever this approaching thing is -- a comet, an asteroid, a projectile, a ship, an event, a fact, a phenomenon, an anomaly... I think I'm just intrigued by the idea that there is possibility out there, you know? ||||||||||à propos de||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||projectile|||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||que se acerca|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Quero dizer, não estou entusiasmado com a morte - ou mesmo com o que quer que seja esta coisa que se aproxima - um cometa, um asteroide, um projétil, uma nave, um acontecimento, um facto, um fenómeno, uma anomalia... Acho que estou apenas intrigado com a ideia de que existe uma possibilidade lá fora, sabes? Я имею в виду, что меня не волнует смерть — или даже то, что это за приближающееся существо — комета, астероид, снаряд, корабль, событие, факт, явление, аномалия… думаю, я просто заинтригован идеей, что есть возможность, понимаете? That space holds things other than the stars and planets and nothingness I've seen all around me every day of my life. |||||||||||emptiness|||||||||| |||||||||||nada|||||||||| Esse espaço contém outras coisas para além das estrelas, dos planetas e do nada que vi à minha volta todos os dias da minha vida. В этом пространстве есть вещи, отличные от звезд, планет и небытия, которые я видел вокруг себя каждый день своей жизни.

In all of its mystery, this thing coming toward the Cavatica signifies everything. Em todo o seu mistério, esta coisa que vem em direção à Cavatica significa tudo. Во всей своей таинственности эта вещь, приближающаяся к Каватике, означает все.

[[SFX: Far-off clunk]] Sounds like Charlotte found a way out. |||clunk||||||| [O que é que se passa? Parece que a Charlotte encontrou uma saída. I bet she's on her way here right now to tell me that escape pods -- Aposto que ela está a vir para cá agora para me dizer que as cápsulas de fuga... Бьюсь об заклад, она едет сюда прямо сейчас, чтобы сказать мне, что спасательные капсулы...

Charlotte: Escape pods at the ready. Charlotte: Cápsulas de fuga prontas. [This sound clip will be interspersed at regular intervals through the next 4 paragraphs.] |||||inserted||||||| [Этот аудиоклип будет через равные промежутки времени вставляться в следующие 4 абзаца.]

X: Thank you, Charlotte. X: Obrigado, Charlotte. But I'm pretty sure they're just about as dead and incapable of movement as the Cavatica. Mas tenho quase a certeza de que estão tão mortos e incapazes de se mover como os Cavatica. Но я почти уверен, что они так же мертвы и неспособны двигаться, как Каватика.

You know, it's interesting, the things that happened despite or because of our intentions. É interessante ver as coisas que aconteceram apesar ou por causa das nossas intenções. Feeble control that we have over this massive universe, and the thin threads of chance that tie it all together. feeble||||||||||||||||||| débil|||||||||||||||||||

The Cavatica was never intended to be out here this long. A Cavatica nunca foi planeada para estar aqui tanto tempo. Каватика никогда не предназначалась для того, чтобы находиться здесь так долго. And from what you've told me, the Ra Initiative was expected to (if not explicitly intended to) fail. and||||||||||||||||| E, pelo que me disse, esperava-se que a Iniciativa Ra falhasse (se não fosse explicitamente planeada). И судя по тому, что вы мне рассказали, ожидалось, что Инициатива Ра потерпит неудачу (если не предполагалось явно). Or at least, it wasn't intended to be as long-term as it's become, or else they'd have given it better engines and a larger supply of fuel. Ou, pelo menos, não foi concebido para ser tão duradouro como se tornou, ou então teriam-lhe dado melhores motores e um maior abastecimento de combustível. Или, по крайней мере, он не был рассчитан на долгий срок службы, иначе они бы снабдили его лучшими двигателями и большим запасом топлива. And a bigger crew. You know, an actual chance to return and make a difference. you|||||||||| Знаете, реальный шанс вернуться и изменить ситуацию. (Not that I'm bitter.) (Não que eu seja amargo.) (Не то, чтобы я ожесточился.)

And yet despite all of that here I am, a girl in space, harnessed to one of the universe's most bizarre science fair projects, riding out my thin thread of chance regardless of whether anyone out there ever intended me to do so. ||||||||||||||||||||||||reite|||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||harnessed|||||||bizarre|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||sujeta||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| E, no entanto, apesar de tudo isso, aqui estou eu, uma rapariga no espaço, ligada a um dos projectos de feira de ciências mais bizarros do universo, a aproveitar o meu ténue fio de sorte, independentemente de alguém lá fora ter pretendido que eu o fizesse. И все же, несмотря на все это, я здесь, девушка в космосе, запряженная в один из самых причудливых проектов научной ярмарки во вселенной, вытягивающая свою тонкую нить случайности, независимо от того, намеревался ли кто-то там сделать это.

Charlotte: Anomaly gaining speed. Charlotte: Anomalia a ganhar velocidade. Шарлотта: Аномалия набирает скорость.

X: [turns] What? X: [vira-se] O quê?

Charlotte: Anomaly gaining speed. Charlotte: Anomalia a ganhar velocidade.

X: That's weird… [[turns back]] Charlotte says the anomaly appears to be gaining speed. X: Isso é estranho... [[vira-se para trás]] A Charlotte diz que a anomalia parece estar a ganhar velocidade. I don't -- Hold on. Eu não -- Espera aí. I'm on my way to the galley, where I have the best view of it. ||||||Küche|||||||| ||||||kitchen|||||||| ||||||cocina|||||||| Estou a caminho da cozinha, de onde tenho a melhor vista.

[[SFX: Door whoosh]] [[SFX: Door whoosh]]

Maybe I'll sleep there tonight, just to keep an eye on it. ||||||||ein||| Se calhar, vou dormir lá esta noite, só para ficar de olho nela. For whatever good that'll do. für||||nützen Para o bem que isso possa fazer. Для любой пользы, что это будет делать.

[[SFX: Quiet, distant door whoosh]] [[SFX: Quiet, distant door whoosh]]

[[SFX: Galley]] [[SFX: Galley]]

Note to self: Create list of measures, countermeasures, and worst-case scenarios for eventual approach of disastrous phenomena or unfriendly ship. Nota para mim próprio: Criar uma lista de medidas, contramedidas e piores cenários para a eventual aproximação de fenómenos desastrosos ou de uma nave hostil. Примечание для себя: составьте список мер, контрмер и наихудших сценариев возможного приближения катастрофического явления или недружественного корабля.

Charlotte: Escape pods at the -- Charlotte: Cápsulas de fuga no --


[[SFX: Galley]]

X: [Deep breath, sounds rattled] Okay. ||||rattled| X: [Respira fundo, parece agitado] Está bem. So. Então. Day 10,304, hour 0553... Radiation levels normal, blah blah blah, all of that good stuff. Dia 10.304, hora 0553... Níveis de radiação normais, blá blá blá, todas essas coisas boas. День 10304, час 0553... Уровень радиации в норме, бла-бла-бла, все такое хорошее.

The thing moving toward us -- it's not a meteor or an asteroid or an event or an anomaly or a ship or any of those other things I said it might be. ||||||||Meteor||||||||||||||||||||||| A coisa que se move na nossa direção - não é um meteoro ou um asteroide ou um evento ou uma anomalia ou uma nave ou qualquer outra coisa que eu disse que poderia ser. То, что движется к нам — это не метеор, или астероид, или событие, или аномалия, или корабль, или что-то из того, что, как я сказал, может быть.

[[SFX: Begin transition to outtro]] ||||outro [Começar a transição para o outtro]] [[SFX: Начать переход к финалу]]

Dad. Pai. It's an entire fleet. |||fleet |||flota É uma frota inteira. Это целый флот.


-Fin- -Fin-