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Robinson Crusoe (Graded Reader), Chapter Four. "Savages"

Chapter Four. "Savages"

After many years on the island, I needed new clothes. I only had some shirts from the ship. There were also some coats, but it was hot to wear them. I made new clothes from my goats. I made a big hat and an umbrella because the sun was hot on my head. The umbrella was very difficult to make. When I was in Brazil, I knew some men near my plantation. They made umbrellas. I thought for a long time until I remembered how to make one. It wasn't a beautiful umbrella but I liked it. It could open and close… clever eh? It was good for both the sun and the rain. Then I made trousers and shoes. They weren't very nice but I had clothes again.

Now, life on the island was hard but good. I was never bored because I had a lot of work to do every day. I made a boat, a small boat this time. My old boat, the big one, was there on the beach where it was before. I couldn't do long voyages with the new boat because it was small; but I could go to the other part of the island with it by sea. I made a sail for my boat too, from one of the ship's sails. I put boxes at each end of the boat and put food and water in them. I took my gun with me too and my new umbrella. At first I did some short voyages but always stayed near the beach. Then, I was ready to visit all the island from the open sea. For this long voyage, I took a lot of bread, water and other food for some weeks. I also took two big coats for a bed.

I started my voyage on the 6th November. I travelled for many days and nights. Sometimes I went out to the open sea, and sometimes I travelled near the beach where possible. I stopped on a new beach. There was a hill behind it. I went up the hill and looked about.

From the hill, I could see the next part of the sea. It was different; it wasn't safe. The wind and the waves took everything out to sea. I stayed on this part of the island for two days because there was a lot of wind. Then, I started my voyage again. The beach was far from me now, and I felt the waves under the boat. The boat went up and down and the waves took it out to sea. I couldn't see the beach now. There wasn't any wind and it was difficult to get back to my island. I had a turtle to eat and some water… food for four or five days… but then what? There were no other islands near here and I couldn't get back to the beach.

I was happy on my island. I had everything I needed on my island. Why did I take my boat out and leave all that was good? It was the same old problem all the time. I never knew when I had a good life. I always wanted to change. Why? Why? Now I was at sea and I couldn't see my island.

Then, there was a little wind and it began to catch the sail. I worked hard with the sail to get back to my beautiful island. In the evening I was on the beach again. I sat down on the sand. I was tired but very happy. I found a little cave near the beach and slept there that night.

Next morning, I left my boat in this cave. I didn't want to go back home by sea. I took my gun, my hat and my umbrella and started walking back to my garden house. It was nice to be home again and I slept there that night. I woke up next morning to the words: ‘Robin! Robin Crusoe!' For a second, I thought there was a person in my garden house. Then, I looked up… it was Poll my parrot. These were some of the words that he knew. Every evening, I taught him new words. He wasn't a person but I was happy to see him. Poll came to me and sat on my hand. I talked to him and told him about my days at sea. He said: ‘Poor Robin Crusoe! How did you come here?' Then, I carried him home to my farm house.

The 30th September came again. Fifteen years before, when I first came to this island, I couldn't see any good here. Now I loved my life. I had forty goats and they gave me milk. With this milk I made butter and cheese. I had Poll to talk to. My dog was old and always sat at my feet, under the table. The two cats sat near me as well and waited for some food from my table.

These weren't the cats from the ship, but their children. The only thing I didn't have near me was my boat. It was in the cave on the other part of the island. I didn't know how to get it here. I didn't want to go out to sea again with those waves and the wind. But I wanted to go back to that part of the island. One day, I put on my hat, got my umbrella and walked to the hill above the beach where my boat was.

I went down to the beach and took out my boat, but I stayed near the beach. At night, I slept in my garden house. I did this a lot. I liked going out in my boat.

One morning, I came down to the beach and there was a man's footprint in the sand. ‘Eh?' I hear you ask. Think how I felt! I sat and looked at it for a long time. I listened. I looked about. I could hear nothing. I couldn't see anybody. I went back up the hill and looked… nobody. I went up and down the beach… nobody. I came back to the footprint. There it was. I could see it well in the sand, only one. After a long time, I went home to my garden house. I looked behind me when I walked home. I wasn't happy. I didn't want anybody on my island. I thought there was somebody behind every tree, waiting for me. I didn't sleep that night. I could hear all kinds of noises. Were they the noises I usually heard on the island? How did this person come to my island? There was no other boat near the beach. I thought of the two islands out at sea. You could only see them on a good day, because they weren't near. Did savages live there and come to my island sometimes? Did they know I was here? I thought about that footprint for days. After three days, I went back to the beach. Was it my footprint? But no, it wasn't. This foot was very big. My foot was small. After fifteen years, for the first time, I didn't feel safe on my island. I made a new wall for my house. Nobody could see it from the outside with this second wall.

Then, I put guns on the wall in different places, ready for anything or anybody. I had seven guns. I made this second wall in a month. There were also trees outside the wall so nobody could see my house. I wanted my goats to be safe too. I put them in two groups. I took them to different parts of the island. There was grass for them and lots of trees so nobody could find them.

Now, I didn't feel free to walk about my island. I only went to my garden house or to my goats. I didn't go back to my boat in the cave on the beach. I didn't use my gun because I didn't want to make a noise. I often went up the hill to see if there was anybody on the beach below. I found a small cave on this hill and put some guns there too.

After a year, I thought it was safe to go and get my boat. I didn't want to leave it near the ‘footprint beach' (my name for it). I carried it to my part of the island and put it in a cave. I stopped making things. I was sad. I only worked for my food now. Ten years came and went again, but I didn't feel free. It was December and I was busy with my grain and rice. I went out early one morning, with my hat and umbrella and my gun. It was hot. I went up the hill to look down at the beach. Eh? This time there wasn't a footprint in the sand. There were five boats on the beach! They were on the sand near the water. Whose boats were they? Were there savages about? How many were there? I sat in the cave on the hill and waited.

There was no noise. Then, hush! I could hear something. Some savages came out from behind the trees near the beach. There were a lot of them. I don't know how many. They went to their boats and went away. Phew! I came down to the beach and looked about. From up on the hill I could only see the boats. Now down here I could see everything! The beach was long and at one end I saw their fire and near it some of their food. Oh! It can't be! A man's head! A hand! A foot! I ran back to my house behind my two walls and stayed there for days and days. I couldn't sleep at night. I could see the savages' picnic every time I closed my eyes. I didn't want to be their next dinner!

Then, I had to go out again; for my goats, my grain, my grapes. I went up the hill every morning and looked for their boats but there weren't any. The months came and went. I began to forget the savages.

One night, there was a storm. I couldn't sleep. I was on my hammock in my farm house. Then, I heard the noise of a gun… and again… It couldn't be savages; they didn't have guns. I ran out of my house and up the hill. From there, I could see a ship at sea. It was difficult to see because it was far from my island. It went up and down with the wind and the waves. I made a big fire on the hill to help them see the island. I stayed there until morning. The storm stopped. The weather was nice again.

I looked out to sea. I could see a part of the ship above the water. The other part was at the bottom of the sea.

I took my boat and went to the ship. It was a Spanish ship. These ships usually went from South America to Spain. Was there anybody on the ship? A friend for me? There were people on the ship, but they were all dead at the bottom of the sea. I found a dog. It was hungry. I gave it food and water and took it back to my island. I also found some clothes and some money. I took the money, but I didn't need it on my island. I was sad. I wanted a friend not all this money!

After this, I felt bad for a long time. I remembered when I had friends. Now I only had Poll to talk to. I began to think about leaving my island after twenty-five years! It was March. The weather was bad. I stayed inside on my hammock and thought and slept. I didn't want to leave the island and go to the savages' country. I needed someone to tell me where to go. Someone who knew these places that I could sometimes see on a good day.

The next day, I went up the hill and looked down at the beach. The savages were back! They had three men with them. Three men they wanted to eat! One of them looked about. He was a young man. He didn't want to die. He saw the trees and started to run to them. The savages had the other two men. They couldn't catch this young man. He was fast. I watched from the hill. Then, I went down to help him. I found him behind a tree. I took him to my house. He thought he was my dinner! I gave him some food and water. He understood he was safe from the savages now. At last, I had a friend!

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Chapter Four. "Savages" ||野蛮人 Viertes Kapitel. "Die Wilden" Capítulo cuatro. "Salvajes" Chapitre quatre. "Les sauvages 第4章"野蛮人" 4장. "야만인" Rozdział czwarty. "Dzikusy" Capítulo Quatro. "Selvagens" Глава 4. "Дикари" Dördüncü Bölüm. "Vahşiler" Розділ четвертий. "Дикуни" 第四回。 “野人” 第四回。 “野蠻人”

After many years on the island, I needed new clothes. I only had some shirts from the ship. There were also some coats, but it was hot to wear them. Havia também alguns casacos, mas estava calor para os usar. 還有一些外套,但是穿起來很熱。 I made new clothes from my goats. 我用山羊做了新衣服。 I made a big hat and an umbrella because the sun was hot on my head. |||||||伞|||||||| 我做了一頂大帽子和一把雨傘,因為太陽曬在我頭上很熱。 The umbrella was very difficult to make. ||||很难|| 這把傘的製作非常困難。 When I was in Brazil, I knew some men near my plantation. ||||巴西|||||||种植园 They made umbrellas. ||雨伞 他們做了雨傘。 I thought for a long time until I remembered how to make one. 我想了很久才想起怎麼做。 It wasn't a beautiful umbrella but I liked it. ||||伞|||| 這不是一把漂亮的雨傘,但我喜歡它。 It could open and close… clever eh? |||||聪明吧| Podia abrir e fechar... inteligente, não? 它可以打開和關閉……聰明吧? It was good for both the sun and the rain. 這對陽光和雨水都有好處。 Then I made trousers and shoes. |||裤子||鞋子 Depois fiz calças e sapatos. 然後我做了褲子和鞋子。 They weren't very nice but I had clothes again. 它們不太好,但我又有了衣服。

Now, life on the island was hard but good. 現在,島上的生活雖然艱苦,但也很美好。 I was never bored because I had a lot of work to do every day. |||无聊||||||||||| 我從不感到無聊,因為我每天都有很多工作要做。 I made a boat, a small boat this time. 我做了一艘船,這次是一艘小船。 My old boat, the big one, was there on the beach where it was before. |||||||在那里||||||| 我的舊船,那艘大船,就停在海灘上原來的地方。 I couldn't do long voyages with the new boat because it was small; but I could go to the other part of the island with it by sea. ||||长途航行||||||||||||||||||||||| 我不能用這艘新船進行長途航行,因為它太小了;但我可以帶著它走海路去島的其他地方。 I made a sail for my boat too, from one of the ship's sails. |||帆|||||||||| 我也用船上的一張帆為我的船做了一張帆。 I put boxes at each end of the boat and put food and water in them. 我在船的兩端各放了一些盒子,裡面放了食物和水。 I took my gun with me too and my new umbrella. |||枪|||||||伞 我也帶著我的槍和我的新雨傘。 At first I did some short voyages but always stayed near the beach. 起初我進行了一些短途航行,但總是待在海灘附近。 Then, I was ready to visit all the island from the open sea. そして、外洋からすべての島を訪れる準備が整った。 然後,我準備從公海遊覽整座島嶼。 For this long voyage, I took a lot of bread, water and other food for some weeks. |||航行||||||||||||| 為了這趟長途航行,我帶了幾週的大量麵包、水和其他食物。 I also took two big coats for a bed. 我還帶了兩件大衣當床。

I started my voyage on the 6th November. |||旅程||||十一月 我於11月6日開始了我的航行。 I travelled for many days and nights. |旅行||||| 我旅行了很多日日夜夜。 Sometimes I went out to the open sea, and sometimes I travelled near the beach where possible. |||||||||||靠近海滩|靠近|||尽可能|可能的 有時我會去公海,有時我會盡可能靠近海灘。 I stopped on a new beach. 我停在一個新海灘。 There was a hill behind it. 它的後面有一座小山。 I went up the hill and looked about. 我爬上山,四處張望。

From the hill, I could see the next part of the sea. 從山上,我可以看到大海的下一部分。 It was different; it wasn't safe. ||不同||| 這是不同的;這不安全。 The wind and the waves took everything out to sea. ||||海浪||||| 風と波がすべてを海へと連れ去った。 風和浪把一切都捲入了大海。 I stayed on this part of the island for two days because there was a lot of wind. 我在島上的這個地方待了兩天,因為風很大。 Then, I started my voyage again. ||||旅程| 然後,我又開始了我的航行。 The beach was far from me now, and I felt the waves under the boat. |||||||||||波浪||| 海灘現在離我很遠了,我感覺到船下的波浪。 The boat went up and down and the waves took it out to sea. 船起起落落,海浪把它沖向大海。 I couldn't see the beach now. |看不见|||| 我現在看不到海灘了。 There wasn't any wind and it was difficult to get back to my island. 沒有風,很難回到我的島。 I had a turtle to eat and some water… food for four or five days… but then what? |||乌龟||||||||||||||然后呢 我吃了一隻烏龜和一些水……四、五天的食物……但然後呢? There were no other islands near here and I couldn't get back to the beach. 這附近沒有其他島嶼,我無法回到海灘。

I was happy on my island. 我在我的島上很開心。 I had everything I needed on my island. 我在島上擁有我需要的一切。 Why did I take my boat out and leave all that was good? 為什麼我要把我的船開出去,留下所有美好的事物? It was the same old problem all the time. いつも同じことの繰り返しだった。 一直都是同樣的老問題。 I never knew when I had a good life. 私は自分がいつ良い人生を送っているのか知らなかった。 我從來不知道什麼時候我過了美好的生活。 I always wanted to change. 私はいつも変わりたいと思っていた。 我一直想改變。 Why? Why? Now I was at sea and I couldn't see my island.

Then, there was a little wind and it began to catch the sail. その後、少し風が吹いて帆をとらえ始めた。 然後,有一點風,開始揚帆。 I worked hard with the sail to get back to my beautiful island. 我奮力揚帆,回到了我美麗的小島。 In the evening I was on the beach again. 晚上我又來到了海灘。 I sat down on the sand. |||||沙子 我坐在沙上。 I was tired but very happy. ||累||| 我很累但是很開心。 I found a little cave near the beach and slept there that night. |||||||||睡觉||| 我在海灘附近發現了一個小山洞,那天晚上就睡在那裡。

Next morning, I left my boat in this cave. 第二天早上,我把船留在了這個山洞裡。 I didn't want to go back home by sea. 我不想走海路回家。 I took my gun, my hat and my umbrella and started walking back to my garden house. |拿了||枪|||||伞|||||||| 我拿起槍、帽子和雨傘,開始走回我的花園別墅。 It was nice to be home again and I slept there that night. ||||在|||||睡觉||| 很高興再次回到家,那天晚上我就睡在那裡。 I woke up next morning to the words: ‘Robin! 翌朝、『ロビン』という言葉で目が覚めた! Acordei na manhã seguinte com as palavras: "Robin! 隔天早上我醒來時聽到一句話:『羅賓! Robin Crusoe!' 鲁滨逊|鲁滨逊 羅賓·克魯索! For a second, I thought there was a person in my garden house. ||一秒钟|||||||||| 有那麼一瞬間,我以為我的花園洋房裡有一個人。 Then, I looked up… it was Poll my parrot. ||||||波尔||鹦鹉 These were some of the words that he knew. |||||单词||| 這是他認識的一些單字。 Every evening, I taught him new words. |||教||| 每天晚上,我都教他新單字。 He wasn't a person but I was happy to see him. 他不是一個人,但我很高興見到他。 Poll came to me and sat on my hand. 小鸟||||||||手上 波爾來到我身邊,坐在我的手上。 I talked to him and told him about my days at sea. |||他|||||||| 我和他交談並告訴他我在海上的日子。 He said: ‘Poor Robin Crusoe! |||罗宾|鲁滨逊·克 他說:「可憐的羅賓克魯索! How did you come here?' 怎么|||| 你怎麼到這裡來了? Then, I carried him home to my farm house. ||把他带回|||||| Depois, levei-o para a minha casa de campo. 然後,我把他抱回了我的農舍。

The 30th September came again. ||九月|| O dia 30 de setembro chegou novamente. 9月30日又到了。 Fifteen years before, when I first came to this island, I couldn't see any good here. 十五|||||||||||看不到|||| 十五年前,當我第一次來到這個島的時候,我看不到這裡有什麼好的。 Now I loved my life. I had forty goats and they gave me milk. ||四十|山羊|||||奶 我有四十隻山羊,他們給我牛奶。 With this milk I made butter and cheese. |||||黄油|| 我用這些牛奶做了奶油和起司。 I had Poll to talk to. 我有民調要談話。 My dog was old and always sat at my feet, under the table. 我的狗很老了,總是坐在我腳邊、桌子底下。 The two cats sat near me as well and waited for some food from my table. 兩隻貓也坐在我附近,等待我桌上的食物。

These weren't the cats from the ship, but their children. |不是|||||||| これは船から来た猫たちではなく、彼らの子供たちだった。 這些不是船上的貓,而是它們的孩子。 The only thing I didn't have near me was my boat. 我身邊唯一沒有的東西就是我的船。 It was in the cave on the other part of the island. 它在島上另一部分的洞穴裡。 I didn't know how to get it here. 我不知道如何把它拿到這裡。 I didn't want to go out to sea again with those waves and the wind. ||||||||||那些|海浪||| 我不想再和那些海浪和風一起出海了。 But I wanted to go back to that part of the island. 但我想回到島上的那個地方。 One day, I put on my hat, got my umbrella and walked to the hill above the beach where my boat was. |||||||拿上||雨伞|||||||||我船的地方||| ある日、私は帽子をかぶり、傘を差して、自分のボートがあるビーチの上の丘まで歩いた。 有一天,我戴上帽子,拿起雨傘,走到海灘上方的小山上,那裡就是我的船。

I went down to the beach and took out my boat, but I stayed near the beach. 我走到海灘並拿出我的船,但我留在海灘附近。 At night, I slept in my garden house. |||睡觉|||| I did this a lot. ||||很多 我做了很多次這樣的事。 I liked going out in my boat. ボートで出かけるのが好きだった。 我喜歡乘船出去。

One morning, I came down to the beach and there was a man's footprint in the sand. |||||||||||||脚印|||沙子 Uma manhã, desci à praia e havia uma pegada de homem na areia. 有一天早上,我來到海灘,沙灘上有一個男人的腳印。 ‘Eh?' I hear you ask. 我聽到你問。 Think how I felt! |想想|| 想想我的感受吧! I sat and looked at it for a long time. 我坐著看了很久。 I listened. 我聽了。 I looked about. 我環顧四周。 I could hear nothing. 我什麼也聽不見。 I couldn't see anybody. |看见|| 我沒有看到任何人。 I went back up the hill and looked… nobody. 我回到山上,看了看……沒有人。 I went up and down the beach… nobody. 我在海灘上走來走去……沒有人。 I came back to the footprint. 我又回到了足跡。 There it was. 那里|| 就在那裡。 I could see it well in the sand, only one. |||||||沙子|只有| 我在沙裡看得很清楚,只有一個。 After a long time, I went home to my garden house. 過了很久,我回到了我的花園洋房。 I looked behind me when I walked home. |||我|当||| 當我走回家的時候,我回頭看了看身後。 I wasn't happy. |不| 我不高興。 I didn't want anybody on my island. 我不想讓任何人出現在我的島上。 I thought there was somebody behind every tree, waiting for me. |以为|那里|||||||| 我以為每棵樹後面都有人在等我。 I didn't sleep that night. 那天晚上我沒有睡覺。 I could hear all kinds of noises. ||||||声音 Ouvia todo o tipo de ruídos. 我聽到各種各樣的聲音。 Were they the noises I usually heard on the island? |它们|||||||| Eram os ruídos que eu normalmente ouvia na ilha? 這是我在島上常聽到的聲音嗎? How did this person come to my island? 這個人是怎麼來到我的島上的? There was no other boat near the beach. 海灘附近沒有其他船。 I thought of the two islands out at sea. 我|想到了||||||| 私は海に浮かぶ2つの島を思い浮かべた。 我想到了海上的兩個島嶼。 You could only see them on a good day, because they weren't near. 近くにいなかったから、天気のいい日にしか見ることができなかった。 你只能在天氣好的時候才能看到它們,因為它們不在附近。 Did savages live there and come to my island sometimes? |野蛮人||那里|||||| 野蠻人住在那裡,有時會來到我的島上嗎? Did they know I was here? 他們知道我在這裡嗎? I thought about that footprint for days. 我想了好幾天那個腳印。 After three days, I went back to the beach. 三天后,我又回到了海灘。 Was it my footprint? 是我的腳印嗎? But no, it wasn't. 但不,事實並非如此。 This foot was very big. 這腳很大。 My foot was small. |脚|| 私の足は小さかった。 After fifteen years, for the first time, I didn't feel safe on my island. |十五|||||||||||| 15年経って、初めて自分の島が安全だと思えなくなった。 十五年後,我第一次在自己的島上感到不安全。 I made a new wall for my house. 我為我的房子做了一堵新牆。 Nobody could see it from the outside with this second wall. 有了第二面牆,沒有人可以從外面看到它。

Then, I put guns on the wall in different places, ready for anything or anybody. |||枪||||||||||| Depois, coloquei armas na parede em diferentes sítios, prontas para tudo e para todos. 然後,我把槍放在牆上不同的地方,準備好對付任何東西或任何人。 I had seven guns. ||七把| 我有七把槍。 I made this second wall in a month. |||||||一个月 我在一個月內做了第二堵牆。 There were also trees outside the wall so nobody could see my house. 牆外還有樹,所以沒人看得到我的房子。 I wanted my goats to be safe too. 我也希望我的山羊安全。 I put them in two groups. 我把他們分成兩組。 I took them to different parts of the island. 我帶他們去了島上的不同地方。 There was grass for them and lots of trees so nobody could find them. 他們有草地和很多樹,所以沒有人能找到他們。

Now, I didn't feel free to walk about my island. 現在,我無法自由地在我的島上散步。 I only went to my garden house or to my goats. 我只去了我的花園別墅或我的山羊。 I didn't go back to my boat in the cave on the beach. 我沒有回到海灘上洞穴裡的船上。 I didn't use my gun because I didn't want to make a noise. 我沒有使用槍,因為我不想發出聲音。 I often went up the hill to see if there was anybody on the beach below. 我常常爬上山看看下面的海灘上有沒有人。 I found a small cave on this hill and put some guns there too. |||||||||||枪|| 我在這座山上發現了一個小山洞,並在那裡放了一些槍。

After a year, I thought it was safe to go and get my boat. 一年後,我認為可以安全地去拿我的船了。 I didn't want to leave it near the ‘footprint beach' (my name for it). 我不想把它留在“足跡海灘”(我的名字)附近。 I carried it to my part of the island and put it in a cave. 我把它帶到島上我住的地方,把它放在一個山洞裡。 I stopped making things. 我不再做東西了。 I was sad. I only worked for my food now. 我現在只為我的食物而工作。 Ten years came and went again, but I didn't feel free. 十|||||||||| 十年一晃而過,我卻沒有感到自由。 It was December and I was busy with my grain and rice. ||十二月||||||||| 那是十二月,我正忙著種糧食和米。 I went out early one morning, with my hat and umbrella and my gun. ||||||||||雨伞||| 一天一早,我帶著帽子、雨傘和槍出門了。 It was hot. 它是熱的。 I went up the hill to look down at the beach. Subi a colina para ver a praia lá em baixo. Eh? This time there wasn't a footprint in the sand. |||||脚印|||沙子 這次,沙上沒有腳印了。 There were five boats on the beach! |||船||| 海灘上竟然有五艘船! They were on the sand near the water. Estavam na areia, perto da água. 他們在靠近水邊的沙灘上。 Whose boats were they? 谁的||| 它們是誰的船? Were there savages about? ||野蛮人|在附近 周圍有野蠻人嗎? How many were there? 有多少人? I sat in the cave on the hill and waited. 我坐在山上的山洞裡等待。

There was no noise. 沒有任何噪音。 Then, hush! |安静 Então, silêncio! I could hear something. 我能聽到一些聲音。 Some savages came out from behind the trees near the beach. |野蛮人||||||||| 一些野蠻人從海灘附近的樹林後面走了出來。 There were a lot of them. 那里||||| 他們有很多。 I don't know how many. 我不知道有多少。 They went to their boats and went away. 他們上了船就走了。 Phew! 唷! I came down to the beach and looked about. 我來到海灘,環顧四周。 From up on the hill I could only see the boats. 從山上我只能看到船隻。 Now down here I could see everything! 現在在這裡我可以看到一切! The beach was long and at one end I saw their fire and near it some of their food. A praia era longa e, numa das extremidades, vi a fogueira deles e, perto dela, alguns dos seus alimentos. 海灘很長,在一端我看到了他們的火和附近的一些食物。 Oh! It can't be! ||是 不可能! A man's head! 一個男人的頭! A hand! 一隻手! A foot! 一腳! I ran back to my house behind my two walls and stayed there for days and days. 我跑回兩面牆後面的家,在那裡待了好幾天。 I couldn't sleep at night. 我晚上無法入睡。 I could see the savages' picnic every time I closed my eyes. ||||野蛮人|野餐|||||| Conseguia ver o piquenique dos selvagens sempre que fechava os olhos. 每次閉上眼睛都能看到野人的野餐。 I didn't want to be their next dinner! 我不想成為他們的下一頓晚餐!

Then, I had to go out again; for my goats, my grain, my grapes. |||||||||||||葡萄 I went up the hill every morning and looked for their boats but there weren't any. 我每天早上都會上山尋找他們的船,但沒有。 The months came and went. |月份||| 幾個月來了又過去了。 I began to forget the savages. 我開始忘記野蠻人。

One night, there was a storm. 一天晚上,下了一場暴風雨。 I couldn't sleep. 我無法入睡。 I was on my hammock in my farm house. ||||吊床|||| Estava na minha cama de rede na minha casa de campo. 我在農舍的吊床上。 Then, I heard the noise of a gun… and again… It couldn't be savages; they didn't have guns. 然後,我聽到槍聲……又……這不可能是野蠻人;這不可能是野蠻人。他們沒有槍。 I ran out of my house and up the hill. 我跑出家門,跑上山。 From there, I could see a ship at sea. 從那裡,我可以看到海上有一艘船。 It was difficult to see because it was far from my island. 很難看到,因為它離我的島嶼很遠。 It went up and down with the wind and the waves. ||||||||||波浪 它隨著風和浪起起落落。 I made a big fire on the hill to help them see the island. 彼らが島を見やすいように、私は丘の上で大きな火を焚いた。 我在山上生了一堆火,幫助他們看到這個島。 I stayed there until morning. 我在那裡待到早上。 The storm stopped. The weather was nice again. |天气||| 天氣又好起來了。

I looked out to sea. 我眺望大海。 I could see a part of the ship above the water. ||||||||在水面上|| 我可以看到船的一部分露出水面。 The other part was at the bottom of the sea. 另一部分則在海底。

I took my boat and went to the ship. 我拿著我的船,走向船上。 It was a Spanish ship. |||西班牙的| 那是一艘西班牙船。 These ships usually went from South America to Spain. |||||南美洲|||西班牙 Estes navios iam normalmente da América do Sul para Espanha. 這些船隻通常從南美洲前往西班牙。 Was there anybody on the ship? ||任何人||| A friend for me? 給我一個朋友嗎? There were people on the ship, but they were all dead at the bottom of the sea. Havia pessoas no navio, mas estavam todas mortas no fundo do mar. 船上還有人,但都死在海底了。 I found a dog. 我發現了一隻狗。 It was hungry. 它很餓。 I gave it food and water and took it back to my island. 我給了它食物和水,然後把它帶回了我的島嶼。 I also found some clothes and some money. |||||||一些钱 我還找到了一些衣服和一些錢。 I took the money, but I didn't need it on my island. 我拿了錢,但我在島上不需要它。 I was sad. I wanted a friend not all this money!

After this, I felt bad for a long time. ||||难过|||| 這件事發生後,我有很長一段時間心情不好。 I remembered when I had friends. 我記得我有朋友的時候。 Now I only had Poll to talk to. ||||波尔||| 現在我只有 Poll 可以交談。 I began to think about leaving my island after twenty-five years! |||||||||二十五|| 二十五年後我開始考慮離開我的島嶼! It was March. ||三月 The weather was bad. 天氣不好。 I stayed inside on my hammock and thought and slept. |||||||||睡觉 Fiquei na minha cama de rede, pensei e dormi. 我躺在吊床上思考睡覺。 I didn't want to leave the island and go to the savages' country. |||||||||||野蛮人| 我不想離開這個島,去野蠻人的國家。 I needed someone to tell me where to go. ||||告诉|||| 我需要有人告訴我該去哪裡。 Someone who knew these places that I could sometimes see on a good day. 有人知道這些地方,我有時可以在美好的一天看到這些地方。

The next day, I went up the hill and looked down at the beach. |||||||山丘||||||海滩 No dia seguinte, subi a colina e olhei para a praia. The savages were back! |野蛮人|| They had three men with them. |||||他们 Tinham três homens com eles. 他們身邊帶著三個男人。 Three men they wanted to eat! Três homens que queriam comer! 他們想吃掉三個男人! One of them looked about. Um deles olhou em redor. 其中一人環顧四周。 He was a young man. Era um homem jovem. He didn't want to die. Ele não queria morrer. 他不想死。 He saw the trees and started to run to them. Ele viu as árvores e começou a correr para elas. 他看到了樹木,開始往它們跑去。 The savages had the other two men. |野蛮人||||| Os selvagens tinham os outros dois homens. 野蠻人抓住了另外兩個人。 They couldn't catch this young man. Não conseguiram apanhar este jovem. He was fast. Ele era rápido. I watched from the hill. Fiquei a ver da colina. 我從山上觀看。 Then, I went down to help him. I found him behind a tree. 我在一棵樹後面找到了他。 I took him to my house. He thought he was my dinner! |以为|||| 他以為他是我的晚餐! I gave him some food and water. 我給了他一些食物和水。 He understood he was safe from the savages now. |明白|他|||||| 他明白他現在可以免受野蠻人的侵害了。 At last, I had a friend! |||||朋友