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LingQ Academy - Tech Startup Course, The Ultimate Guide to Marketing With Infographics (2)

The Ultimate Guide to Marketing With Infographics (2)

2. Thank them on Twitter (and other networks when you spread the word)

3. Include a text link (with nice anchor text for SEO love) below the image to the original post or their homepage – although their embed code may already include this – add it if it doesn't Step Three: Things You Should Do For all Infographics

Regardless of whether you designed your own infographic or sourced one from elsewhere, there are certain things you should always do to ensure they get the attention they deserve. Here are some examples:

11. Add Pin It buttons If you have great imagery in your posts, then you need to let people share your imagery there. I'll keep this dead simple, here is a list of things you should do: • Go to http://pinterest.com/about/goodies/, scroll to the bottom and manually create Pin It buttons and place them above and below the great infographics in your post (you will have seen examples above).

• Make the pin's description text as CTA'ish as possible and include a shortened link to your post – The pin itself will already be linked, but this adds a little extra persuasive element for people to share and click. Would you kindly pin me please? (Image source)

• If you use a Pinterest plugin (like the one topleft on this post) – note that it will only pin the first image it finds on the page, so get used to adding strong imagery to the top of every post for a higher likelihood of it being pinned.

• For maximum pinnability, you'll want to make your images as interesting/unusual/ original/funny as possible. Consider adding a caption directly on the image to make people want to share/remember it.

12. Tweetables: Set up important and entertaining stats formatted as Tweets Tweetable Facts: So, have you made your mind up yet? Here are some stats for you to ponder and tweet:

• 61% of LinkedIn user use it for industry networking; 55% use it for networking with co-workers » tweet this «

• 55 million. Number of LinkedIn users in the US; 22.5 million are aged 35-64 » tweet this « • 326 million. Number of minutes spent on LinkedIn each moth by US users » tweet this « • 41% of people makreting on Facebook users in the US; 51 million aged 35-64 » tweet this « • Thought leadership is the top use for social media among B2B marketers » tweet this «

One of the most important things you can do to increase the reach of your post is to extract the most meaningful, quotable or funny quotes from the graphic and add them as Twitter-ready text descriptions below the post. Each should be accompanied by a » Tweet This « CTA to make it really easy to share the information. For a great example, check out this post (and scroll to below the infographic for examples) – Facebook vs. LinkedIn – 10 B2B Marketing Resources [with Infographic]. This really encourages people to retweet your content in a more original and interesting way – they also get a whole set of tweets to pick from which stops them having to think (tapping side of my head – #smrt).

How? Use clicktotweet.com to create the tweetables. Easy peasy. An example of the tweetables you should add to the end of every infographic you post.

How to do it Right

This isn't a guarantee, but try to find the very best tweetable fact and add it to the top of your list. Recently, we found a really funny one in an infographic we used that was really successful as a tweetable fact:

People are more likely to survive a plane crash than survive a banner ad. Tweet this.


The Ultimate Guide to Marketing With Infographics (2) Der ultimative Leitfaden für Marketing mit Infografiken (2) La guía definitiva para hacer marketing con infografías (2) Le guide ultime du marketing avec les infographies (2) インフォグラフィックスを使ったマーケティングの究極のガイド(2) Galutinis rinkodaros naudojant infografiką vadovas (2) O melhor guia de marketing com infográficos (2) Окончательное руководство по маркетингу с помощью инфографики (2) Повний посібник з маркетингу за допомогою інфографіки (2) 信息图表营销终极指南 (2) 資訊圖表行銷終極指南 (2)

2\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\. Thank them on Twitter (and other networks when you spread the word) Подякуйте їм у Twitter (та інших мережах, коли ви поширюєте інформацію)

3\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\. Include a text link (with nice anchor text for SEO love) below the image to the original post or their homepage – although their embed code may already include this – add it if it doesn't Включіть текстове посилання (з гарним прив’язним текстом для любові до SEO) під зображенням до оригінальної публікації або їхньої домашньої сторінки – хоча їхній код вставки може вже включати це – додайте його, якщо цього немає Step Three: Things You Should Do For all Infographics Крок третій: що потрібно зробити для всієї інфографіки

Regardless of whether you designed your own infographic or sourced one from elsewhere, there are certain things you should always do to ensure they get the attention they deserve. Незалежно від того, чи створили ви свою власну інфографіку, чи взяли її з іншого місця, є певні речі, які ви завжди повинні робити, щоб забезпечити їм увагу, на яку вони заслуговують. Here are some examples:

11\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\. Add Pin It buttons If you have great imagery in your posts, then you need to let people share your imagery there. Додайте кнопки Pin It Якщо у ваших публікаціях є чудові зображення, вам потрібно дозволити людям поділитися ними. I'll keep this dead simple, here is a list of things you should do: Я скажу це просто, ось список речей, які ви повинні зробити: • Go to http://pinterest.com/about/goodies/, scroll to the bottom and manually create Pin It buttons and place them above and below the great infographics in your post (you will have seen examples above). • Перейдіть на сторінку http://pinterest.com/about/goodies/, прокрутіть униз і вручну створіть кнопки Pin It і розмістіть їх над і під чудовою інфографікою у своїй публікації (ви бачили приклади вище).

• Make the pin's description text as CTA'ish as possible and include a shortened link to your post – The pin itself will already be linked, but this adds a little extra persuasive element for people to share and click. • Зробіть текст опису шпильки максимально схожим на CTA і включіть укорочене посилання на вашу публікацію – сама була вже пов’язана, але це додає трохи додаткового переконливого елемента, щоб люди могли поділитися та натиснути. Would you kindly pin me please? Будь ласка, прикріпіть мене? (Image source) (Джерело зображення)

• If you use a Pinterest plugin (like the one topleft on this post) – note that it will only pin the first image it finds on the page, so get used to adding strong imagery to the top of every post for a higher likelihood of it being pinned. • Якщо ви використовуєте плагін Pinterest (наприклад, той, що розташовано вгорі на цій публікації) – зверніть увагу, що він закріпить лише перше зображення, яке знайде на сторінці, тому звикайте додавати яскраві зображення у верхній частині кожної публікації, щоб збільшити ймовірність його закріплюють.

• For maximum pinnability, you'll want to make your images as interesting/unusual/ original/funny as possible. • Для максимальної закріпленості ви захочете зробити свої зображення максимально цікавими/незвичайними/оригінальними/кумедними. Consider adding a caption directly on the image to make people want to share/remember it. Додайте підпис безпосередньо до зображення, щоб люди хотіли поділитися/запам’ятати його. 考虑直接在图像上添加标题,让人们想要分享/记住它。

12\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\. Tweetables: Set up important and entertaining stats formatted as Tweets Tweetable Facts: So, have you made your mind up yet? Твіти: налаштуйте важливу та розважальну статистику у форматі твітів. Факти для твітів: Отже, ви вже вирішили? Here are some stats for you to ponder and tweet:

• 61% of LinkedIn user use it for industry networking; 55% use it for networking with co-workers » tweet this «

• 55 million. Number of LinkedIn users in the US; 22.5 million are aged 35-64 » tweet this « • 326 million. Number of minutes spent on LinkedIn each moth by US users » tweet this «    • 41% of people makreting on Facebook users in the US; 51 million aged 35-64 » tweet this « • Thought leadership is the top use for social media among B2B marketers » tweet this «

One of the most important things you can do to increase the reach of your post is to extract the most meaningful, quotable or funny quotes from the graphic and add them as Twitter-ready text descriptions below the post. Each should be accompanied by a » Tweet This « CTA to make it really easy to share the information. For a great example, check out this post (and scroll to below the infographic for examples) – Facebook vs. LinkedIn – 10 B2B Marketing Resources [with Infographic]. This really encourages people to retweet your content in a more original and interesting way – they also get a whole set of tweets to pick from which stops them having to think (tapping side of my head – #smrt).

How? Use clicktotweet.com to create the tweetables. Easy peasy. An example of the tweetables you should add to the end of every infographic you post.

How to do it Right

This isn't a guarantee, but try to find the very best tweetable fact and add it to the top of your list. Recently, we found a really funny one in an infographic we used that was really successful as a tweetable fact:

People are more likely to survive a plane crash than survive a banner ad. Tweet this.
