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English LingQ Podcast 1.0, One hundred and fifty two: Political Correctness

One hundred and fifty two: Political Correctness

Mark: Hello and welcome back to the EnglishLingQ Podcast.

Mark here with Steve.

Steve: Hello, this is Steve here.

Mark: Today we thought we would talk a little bit about political correctness. Well, I guess let's begin with what happened to you yesterday morning.

Steve: Yes.

Mark: You were reading the local newspaper.

Steve: Political correctness is a term that comes up all the time and I guess we should perhaps begin by explaining what it is. It refers to the fact that there's sort of a prevailing understanding that certain points of view are considered acceptable and certain points of view are not and that what is acceptable in terms of political correctness is a certain…call it liberal, call it even left-wing, call it progressive…point of view of so-called intellectuals and people who consider themselves more advanced than the average beer drinking slob. That they have determined that this is the correct view politically and any view that sort of departs from this is not correct and you're not allowed to express it. Now we're exaggerating.

Mark: But not by much.

Steve: No, but certainly it depends on where you are. In some circles, like in the university circles, that's very strong. One example is I was reading in the newspaper that I read, which is called the National Post, and it's one of the two sort of more serious newspapers in Canada…

Mark: …national newspapers.

Steve: Even compared to the local newspapers, those are the two national papers and a bit more serious…

Mark: Oh, for sure.

Steve: …less advertising, more serious articles. The National Post is a little more conservative. The Globe and Mail, which is the other one, is perhaps a little more…they're both very much in the center and they have a variety of opinion.

Mark: Right.

Steve: But, if anything, the National Post is a little more conservative, The Globe and Mail is a little more liberal, so to speak.

Mark: Right.

Steve: And so there was an article on this whole global warming debate and I confess that I don't know what the story is on global warming; I know there's a lot of excitement about it. There was a lot of excitement about Y2K, so it's very easy for newspapers to create a tremendous amount of hype over these things. But, I'm prepared to accept that if, in fact, there's even a possibility that human beings are causing what possibly could be a disastrous thing for the world then we should do something about it.

Mark: Although, it's no longer called global warming because, in fact, this decade temperatures have been cooling, so it's now climate change.

Steve: Climate change.

Mark: Right.

Steve: Whatever. I don't know what the story is, but here there's a debate. I open my newspaper and this one gentleman is refuting an article written by another fellow whose name is Lawrence Solomon and who has a research organization called Energy Probe. Lawrence Solomon has raised some questions about the famous Hockey Stick Graph, which was used to explain how all of a sudden the world is getting a lot hotter like the blade on a hockey stick. So this person whose name was Mann…Thomas Mann, Lawrence Mann, I can't remember his name…he attacks the position of Solomon. So I'm quite anxious to read this because I want to know, what are these positions.

He begins with saying that Lawrence Solomon has been writing in that “tabloid” the National Post. Now a tabloid refers to a newspaper…it used to be called the Yellow Press; sensationalist newspapers typically are tabloid newspapers. It's the kind of newspaper that you buy to read on the bus going in to work and then you throw it away. Typically they have a picture of a pin-up girl in a bikini and the latest gossip about movie stars, that's what a tabloid is; the National Post is not a tabloid. So before he gets into his subject he slams the newspaper and calls it a tabloid, which it isn't. Then he says this person Lawrence Solomon is in the pay of the oil industry, which, of course, I don't know if that's true or not. Of course Lawrence Solomon is going to deny it, but the point is, what are your arguments?

So my point in all of this is the politically correct side of the equation -- and I've seen this in so many instances -- they don't feel under any obligation to defend their views because the correctness of their views is a given, so all they have to do is call you names.

Mark: Right.

What doesn't surprise me…when you said the guy's name was Mann it sort of rung a bell for me, so I just looked him up.

Steve: Right.

Mark: In fact, he's one of the two guys that created the Hockey Stick Graph.

Steve: Oh, okay.

Mark: Which sort of explains a lot of the vitriol he directed at that guy…

Steve: Michael Mann is his name.

Mark: …in the paper. What's more, from what I know about the Hockey Stick Graph, he and whoever worked together with him came up with this graph using whatever models. It was never corroborated by any other scientific team, body or anything and was grabbed by the people putting together the Kyoto Protocol and pointed out as being this is it. Here it is the Hockey Stick Graph. Michael Mann says so, so it's true. And, in fact, there's any number of ways to crunch the data which he used, which was, I think, incomplete as well. I can't remember now, but there were two Canadian scientists that published a book totally disputing his findings and saying it was never corroborated. How can public policy be based on something that was a one off? Obviously this guy was motivated to show that climate change was human caused and he managed to do so. It certainly doesn't prove anything as far as I'm concerned.

Steve: No.

It may still be caused by human activity; I'm not arguing either side.

Mark: Right.

But if that's the case…

Steve: Yes.

Mark: …then explain how you did it and have other people match your findings and corroborate and say, yeah, that's exactly right, we have found the same thing and, okay, then we start to believe you. But if it's a one off and if you're challenged your response is to attack the other party instead of explaining why your findings are correct, well then to my mind that totally discredits your argument.

Steve: See all this political correctness reminds me, more than anything else, of the kind of atmosphere that prevailed in the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany.

Mark: Aha.

Steve: I'm serious.

Mark: Absolutely.

Steve: You know when you were a scientist there you had to come up with Nazi science, Soviet science; objectivity was frowned upon.

Mark: Right.

Steve: It was the same in Europe, I mean Copernicus or…

Mark: …Galileo…

Steve: …Galileo…

Mark: Right.

Steve: …they were fighting the orthodoxy of the church.

Mark: Absolutely.

Steve: So that there is an orthodoxy. And human beings are the same, whether they're human beings in the 15th century, 16th century, 20th century, 21st century, there is a tendency for this kind of orthodoxy to become established. Especially if you're in these sort of intellectual circles, that's what you have to kowtow to.

Another good example is they talk about dialoging now. We don't argue anymore, we dialogue…

Mark: Right.

Steve: …which is so ridiculous. The idea is that we shouldn't present our views with the idea of trying to persuade the other person. You know we don't do that…

Mark: Right.

Steve: …we kind of want to slide closer and closer together so that we can share either other's views and stuff. The whole assumption is that you have to buy into the common orthodoxy.

Mark: Right.

Steve: If I challenge the orthodoxy…there is no dialoging.

Mark: No.

Steve: I think you're wrong…

Mark: Right.

Steve: …for these reasons and I think I'm right for these reasons and I have no illusions that I can persuade people who believe differently and I'm quite skeptical as to the power of reason. Like you start from a position and you try to defend it, but why shouldn't I be free to defend it…

Mark: Right.

Steve: …to say what I want?

Mark: Because what you don't understand is you're wrong. You don't agree with me, so you're wrong. You don't agree with the orthodoxy, so you're wrong. It's so obvious that you're wrong that we don't even have to discuss it.

Steve: You know it reminds me, I was having this discussion on this List Serve, which is a community of people sending each other emails about language learning. They were carrying on about literacy and how literacy, they said, was a social construct. I don't even understand what that word means. What is a social construct? Literacy is can you read, you know?

Mark: Right.

Steve: But, no, no, it's a social construct and it's connected with…this one lady, who was an American, wrote that literacy is…first of all, we have to make sure people realize that once they start to read they're going to be inundated with propaganda in our society. Consumerism, capitalism, it's all bad – I'm serious – and, ultimately, literacy is connected with democracy and republicanism, she said. Like not as in Republican Party, but republic not a monarchy, you know?

Mark: Right.

Steve: And so I wrote and I said well, no, that's not really true. To me, literacy is just the ability to read.

Mark: Right.

Steve: You can read the instructions on how to assemble furniture. You can read a religious tract. You can read the Communist Party Manifesto. You can read whatever you want.

Mark: Right.

Steve: Reading is just the ability to read. So she sends me a private email. Really, you know, she says, I don't understand. You shouldn't be so argumentative and you should be trying to get closer to my points of view. So I just went back to her privately because, first of all, I have no interest in communicating with her privately and I went back and I was quite rude. I sort of said, first of all, not everyone is an American, so whether you're a republic or a monarchy or anything else is irrelevant to literacy.

Mark: Right.

Steve: Second of all, in fact in many cases, those countries which had very authoritarian regimes have been more successful at raising literacy levels, like in the Soviet Union, like in Cuba, like in China, more successful than in democratic countries. There's no relationship between democracy, being a republic and literacy; there is no necessary relationship. I said the trouble with you is that you're full of all the gibberish, sudo-academic nonsense that you absorb uncritically at university.

Mark: Right.

Steve: So her answer to me was, please don't email me again. Well, you're the one who emailed me.

Mark: No, but that's typical. A lot of people, unfortunately, get brainwashed, more or less, at university by all this politically correct propaganda, for want of a better term. I mean there is only one point of view, so it's not surprising that university graduates come out with that point of view and if anyone disagrees then they are certainly not to be argued with or debated with, they're to be stomped upon.

Steve: Again, on this website with all the English teachers, I mean 90% of them believe that literacy should be taught in conjunction with social change and should be taught with critical thinking, but they never say critical thinking might include the right to totally disagree with what you're talking about and that social chance could be anything. We can change in one direction, we can change in another and why is it the obligation of the English teacher to impose his or her social values on this poor Honduran refugee?

Mark: Fundamentally, I mean you're to teach English. You're there to teach English, just teach English. Who are you kidding? You're trying to brainwash people because you're trying to protect them? You know don't mother these people, they're adults, they can make their own opinions.

Steve: Right.

Mark: Just teach them the language, if that's what you're supposed to be doing.

Steve: Right.

Mark: That whole attitude I just don't understand.

Steve: But it's pervasive.

Mark: It is.

Steve: It's pervasive in our school systems.

Mark: It's pervasive and what's more is we are there to protect you against the propaganda of the big business and George Bush.

Steve: Right.

Mark: So, instead of that, we're going to brainwash you with our slant on society.

Steve: Right.

Mark: Absolutely all sides should be presented all the time.

Steve: Exactly.

Mark: There should be no slant of any kind, but they think it's wrong. Theoretically, this right-wing propaganda is being pushed at people or consumerism or whatever it is and they're going to defend these people by pushing their own propaganda.

Steve: Exactly.

That's their agenda in life.

Mark: It's totally hypocritical.

Steve: I mean they're quite and perfectly entitled to have those opinions.

Mark: Sure.

Steve: And, gosh, maybe their points of view, from a political perspective, make more sense than mine. Because they have this hold over the people they're teaching, if they present them with political opinion, social opinion, they should present them with a balanced perspective, even on environmental issues. It is not their…you know nothing annoys me more than when I see six and seven year olds taken to a political rally.

Mark: Right.

Steve: I don't care whether it's the fascist league of whatever or save the whales, bomb the bombs, whatever it might be, you shouldn't take six year olds or eight year olds.

Mark: Right.

They're not interested, really.

Steve: They don't have an opinion of their own and if they have an opinion it's the opinion that you fed them.

Mark: Right.

Steve: So I don't think that's fair. Anyway, we're rambling here.

Mark: I mean my kids are at school here and you know the universities are particularly bad for political correctness, but so are the elementary schools and high schools. I mean the prevailing thought is certainly politically correct and it definitely annoys me when the kids come home and our teacher said this or that about this or that political situation. And whether I agree with them or not, that's not the teacher's job. The teacher's job is to teach Math, Reading, whatever the case may be. You teach them how to think not what to think.

Steve: Well, you can't even teach them how to think. Stimulate them; tell them about things, things that are interesting. Give them a range of things.

Mark: Right.

Steve: And the other thing they try to do at school is the, well, you know, today is our nice day or we're going to be respectful or we're going to be kind or whatever.

Mark: Yeah.

Steve: If the teacher is kind, if other people are kind, the kids pick up on this and, besides which, it's really up to the parents to inculcate these values.

Mark: Well, for sure. Come on, you mean that if we say this week we're going to talk about respect that that's going to make some kid who otherwise would walk around the playground beating other kids up is going to say, oh, this week is respect week and I'm just going to give out hugs? I just don't buy it.

Steve: No.

Mark: It probably doesn't harm the kids, but, on the other hand, that's time they could be spending doing something useful. That's the part that irritates me.

Steve: Exactly.

They're far better off, vis-à-vis their future lives, to learn the skills they need.

Mark: Right.

Steve: And we're seeing a decline in the level of our skills. Get them reading, get them discovering the world. They're going to discover more reading than they are from the teacher.

Mark: Right.

Steve: The teacher's role should be to stimulate them to go out and learn more things, not to say…anyway, we've rambled on here.

Mark: Yeah, for sure.

Steve: I think we've…

Mark: …covered this subject. I guess the point we're trying to make is that we wish that those who are politically correct – and that includes many in universities and schools and the media -- would just be a little more open. Be open to other points of view, debate other points of view because, unfortunately, a debate just gets stifled and the more and more a debate is stifled about…well, you name it. It doesn't matter which subject, the debates are stifled because if you don't agree with the politically correct point of view not only are you obviously wrong, but you're to be stamped out and quieted.

Steve: And you know the other thing is this sense that certain kinds of activity are morally good and others are morally bad.

Mark: Right.

Steve: So working for a nonprofit is good. But, in fact, most of the people who work in nonprofits, who work there, who volunteer, are relatively well off in our society…

Mark: Right.

Steve: …and people who have benefited from society, in one way or another, and they're interested in having their organization grow. Many of the people at the senior levels of these organizations and government organizations involved with them, they're flying off business class around the world to conferences. They've got a vested interest in their little empire, which is no different from the vested interest of someone who's peddling Coca-cola.

Mark: Or who is beating the drum for global warming.

Steve: Right.

Mark: Like I have a friend who is very much pro global warming or I don't know if he's pro global warming, but strongly supports it, but his livelihood depends on it.

Steve: Right.

Mark: He's employed by the university to prepare communities in this province on how to best deal with the approaching climate change, so, yeah, he's going to be a believer. If climate change doesn't happen he's out of a job, so he's not unbiased, not at all. Famous environmentalists like Al Gore who made that movie…

Steve: …who won the Nobel Prize…

Mark: …he's made a fortune off that. Come on, I don't believe a word he says.

Steve: Well, I don't believe that he has any particular answers on that. Anyway…

Mark: Anyway, I think we've beaten this topic to death.

Steve: We've beat this subject to death here.

Mark: Yeah, to death.

Steve: Okay. We're looking forward to hearing some angry response from our listeners.

Mark: Absolutely.

We wish we had someone with us here who disagreed with us.

Steve: Right.

We don't let them in here.

Mark: No.

Steve: No, no, we listen.

Mark: Anyway, we'll talk to you again next time.

Steve: Okay, bye-bye.

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One hundred and fifty two: Political Correctness ||||||correction |hundred||fifty||Political|Correctness ||||||Corrección política Ciento cincuenta y dos Corrección política Centocinquantadue: Correttezza politica 百五十二政治的正しさ Sto pięćdziesiąt dwa: Polityczna poprawność Cento e cinquenta e dois: Correção política Etthundrafemtiotvå: Politisk korrekthet Yüz elli iki: Siyasi Doğruculuk Сто п'ятдесят два: Політична коректність 第一百五十二:政治正确

Mark:    Hello and welcome back to the EnglishLingQ Podcast.

Mark here with Steve.

Steve:    Hello, this is Steve here.

Mark:    Today we thought we would talk a little bit about political correctness. |||düşündük||||||||| ||||||||||||correção Mark: Bugün biraz politik doğruculuk hakkında konuşmayı düşündük. Well, I guess let’s begin with what happened to you yesterday morning.

Steve:    Yes.

Mark:    You were reading the local newspaper.

Steve:    Political correctness is a term that comes up all the time and I guess we should perhaps begin by explaining what it is. ||||||||||||||||belki||||||| It refers to the fact that there’s sort of a prevailing understanding that certain points of view are considered acceptable and certain points of view are not and that what is acceptable in terms of political correctness is a certain…call it liberal, call it even left-wing, call it progressive…point of view of so-called intellectuals and people who consider themselves more advanced than the average beer drinking slob. ||||||||||prévalente|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||unrefined person ||||||||||hakim olan||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||sol|solcu|||ilerici||||||||||||||||||||sıradan adam ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||desleixado ||||||||||predominante||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||izquierda|||||||||||||||||||||promedio|||vago bebedor de cerveza It refers to the fact that there's sort of a prevailing understanding that certain points of view are considered acceptable and certain points of view are not and that what is acceptable in terms of political correctness is a certain…call it liberal, call it even left-wing, call it progressive…point of view of so-called intellectuals and people who consider themselves more advanced than the average beer drinking slob. Bu, belirli bakış açılarının kabul edilebilir, belirli bakış açılarının ise kabul edilemez olduğuna ve politik doğruluk açısından kabul edilebilir olanın belirli... liberal deyin, hatta solcu deyin, ilerici deyin... sözde entelektüellerin ve kendilerini bira içen ortalama bir serseriden daha ileri gören insanların bakış açısı olduğuna dair bir tür hakim anlayış olduğu gerçeğini ifade eder. That they have determined that this is the correct view politically and any view that sort of departs from this is not correct and you’re not allowed to express it. |||||||||||||||||departs|||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||uzaklaşan|||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||se aparta|||||||||||| Siyasi olarak doğru görüşün bu olduğuna karar vermişlerdir ve bundan ayrılan herhangi bir görüş doğru değildir ve bunu ifade etmenize izin verilmez. Now we’re exaggerating.

Mark:    But not by much. |||by|

Steve:    No, but certainly it depends on where you are. In some circles, like in the university circles, that’s very strong. One example is I was reading in the newspaper that I read, which is called the National Post, and it’s one of the two sort of more serious newspapers in Canada…

Mark:    …national newspapers. |ulusal|

Steve:    Even compared to the local newspapers, those are the two national papers and a bit more serious…

Mark:    Oh, for sure.

Steve:    …less advertising, more serious articles. The National Post is a little more conservative. The Globe and Mail, which is the other one, is perhaps a little more…they’re both very much in the center and they have a variety of opinion. |||Correo|||||||||||||||||||||||| El Globe and Mail, que es el otro, es quizás un poco más... ambos están muy en el centro y tienen una variedad de opiniones.

Mark:    Right.

Steve:    But, if anything, the National Post is a little more conservative, The Globe and Mail is a little more liberal, so to speak.

Mark:    Right.

Steve:    And so there was an article on this whole global warming debate and I confess that I don’t know what the story is on global warming; I know there’s a lot of excitement about it. |||||||||||||||itiraf ediyorum|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||emocion|| There was a lot of excitement about Y2K, so it’s very easy for newspapers to create a tremendous amount of hype over these things. |||||||||||||||||||||publicidad||| But, I’m prepared to accept that if, in fact, there’s even a possibility that human beings are causing what possibly could be a disastrous thing for the world then we should do something about it.

Mark:    Although, it’s no longer called global warming because, in fact, this decade temperatures have been cooling, so it’s now climate change. |Ama|||||||||||on yıl|||||||||

Steve:    Climate change.

Mark:    Right.

Steve:    Whatever. I don’t know what the story is, but here there’s a debate. I open my newspaper and this one gentleman is refuting an article written by another fellow whose name is Lawrence Solomon and who has a research organization called Energy Probe. |||||||||çürütüyor||||||beyefendi||||||||||||||Araştırma |||||||||refutando|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||refutando||||||||||||||||investigación|||| Lawrence Solomon has raised some questions about the famous Hockey Stick Graph, which was used to explain how all of a sudden the world is getting a lot hotter like the blade on a hockey stick. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||lame|||| Lawrence Solomon|Salomon||gündeme getirdi||||||||||||||||||||||||||||bıçak|||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||mais quente||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||de repente||||||||||cuchilla|||| So this person whose name was Mann…Thomas Mann, Lawrence Mann, I can’t remember his name…he attacks the position of Solomon. ||||||||Mann|||||||||||||Salomão So I’m quite anxious to read this because I want to know, what are these positions.

He begins with saying that Lawrence Solomon has been writing in that “tabloid” the National Post. ||||||||||||tabloïd||| ||||||||||||tabloid||| Now a tabloid refers to a newspaper…it used to be called the Yellow Press; sensationalist newspapers typically are tabloid newspapers. |||||||||||||||sansasyonel||||| ||tabloide|||||||||||||||||| It’s the kind of newspaper that you buy to read on the bus going in to work and then you throw it away. Typically they have a picture of a pin-up girl in a bikini and the latest gossip about movie stars, that’s what a tabloid is; the National Post is not a tabloid. |||||||pin-up|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||bikini||||rumors|||||||tabloid|||||||| |||||||chica pin-up|chica pin-up||||||||chismes sobre celebridades||||||||||||||| So before he gets into his subject he slams the newspaper and calls it a tabloid, which it isn’t. ||||||||hits|||||||||| ||||||||vurur|||||||||| ||||||||arremete contra|||||||||| Por eso, antes de entrar en materia, critica al periódico y lo califica de sensacionalista, cosa que no es. Then he says this person Lawrence Solomon is in the pay of the oil industry, which, of course, I don’t know if that’s true or not. ||||||||||ödemesinde||||||||||||||| ||||||||||paga||||||||||||||| Luego dice que esta persona Lawrence Solomon está a sueldo de la industria petrolera, lo cual, por supuesto, no sé si es cierto o no. Of course Lawrence Solomon is going to deny it, but the point is, what are your arguments?

So my point in all of this is the politically correct side of the equation -- and I’ve seen this in so many instances -- they don’t feel under any obligation to defend their views because the correctness of their views is a given, so all they have to do is call you names. ||||||||||doğru||||denklem tarafı||||||||durumlarda||||||zorunluluk|||||||||||||verilmiş|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||dada|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||correcta|||opiniones|||dada||||||||llamada|| Yani tüm bunlarla anlatmak istediğim, denklemin siyaseten doğru olan tarafı - ve bunu pek çok örnekte gördüm - görüşlerini savunmak zorunda hissetmiyorlar çünkü görüşlerinin doğruluğu verili, bu yüzden tek yapmaları gereken size isim takmak.

Mark:    Right.

What doesn’t surprise me…when you said the guy’s name was Mann it sort of rung a bell for me, so I just looked him up. ||||quand|||||||||||a sonné|||||||||| |||||||||||||||rang|||||||||| |||||||o||||adam|||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||me sonó|||||||||| Beni şaşırtmayan şey... adamın adının Mann olduğunu söylediğinizde aklıma bir şey geldi ve hemen araştırdım.

Steve:    Right.

Mark:    In fact, he’s one of the two guys that created the Hockey Stick Graph. ||||||||||||||graphique

Steve:    Oh, okay.

Mark:    Which sort of explains a lot of the vitriol he directed at that guy… |||||||||venin||a dirigé||| |||||||||vitriol||||| |||||||||kinayla dolu||||| |||||||||ódio||||| |||||||||veneno verbal||||| Mark: Bu da o adama yönelttiği pek çok kezzabı açıklıyor...

Steve:    Michael Mann is his name.

Mark:    …in the paper. What’s more, from what I know about the Hockey Stick Graph, he and whoever worked together with him came up with this graph using whatever models. ||||||||||||||||||surgieron||||gráfica||| It was never corroborated by any other scientific team, body or anything and was grabbed by the people putting together the Kyoto Protocol and pointed out as being this is it. |||verified|||||||||||||||||||Protocol|||||||| |||doğrulanmış||||||||||||||||bir araya getiren||||||||||| |||corroborado|||||||||||adoptado|||||||||||||||| Hiçbir zaman başka bir bilimsel ekip, kurum ya da herhangi bir şey tarafından doğrulanmadı ve Kyoto Protokolü'nü hazırlayanlar tarafından ele geçirildi ve işte budur diye işaret edildi. Here it is the Hockey Stick Graph. Michael Mann says so, so it’s true. And, in fact, there’s any number of ways to crunch the data which he used, which was, I think, incomplete as well. |||||||||işlemek|||||||||||| |||||||||analizar|||||||||||| I can’t remember now, but there were two Canadian scientists that published a book totally disputing his findings and saying it was never corroborated. |||||||||||||||||||||||corroborées |||||||||||||||tartışan|||||||| |||||||||||||||refutando completamente|||||||| How can public policy be based on something that was a one off? ||kamu|||||||||| |||||||||||único caso| ¿Cómo puede basarse una política pública en algo que fue un hecho aislado? Kamu politikası nasıl olur da tek seferlik bir şeye dayandırılabilir? Obviously this guy was motivated to show that climate change was human caused and he managed to do so. It certainly doesn’t prove anything as far as I’m concerned.

Steve:    No.

It may still be caused by human activity; I’m not arguing either side. ||||||||||argumente|non|

Mark:    Right.

But if that’s the case…

Steve:    Yes.

Mark:    …then explain how you did it and have other people match your findings and corroborate and say, yeah, that’s exactly right, we have found the same thing and, okay, then we start to believe you. |||||||||||||||confirm|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||diğer||||||doğrulamak|||||||||||||||||||| Mark: ...sonra bunu nasıl yaptığınızı açıklayın ve diğer insanların bulgularınızla eşleşmesini ve doğrulamasını sağlayın ve evet, bu kesinlikle doğru, biz de aynı şeyi bulduk deyin ve tamam, o zaman size inanmaya başlarız. But if it’s a one off and if you’re challenged your response is to attack the other party instead of explaining why your findings are correct, well then to my mind that totally discredits your argument. |||||||||||||||||||||||bulgular|||||||||||| |||||||||desafiado||||||||||||||||||||||||Desacredita|| Ancak bu tek seferlik bir durumsa ve size meydan okunduğunda cevabınız bulgularınızın neden doğru olduğunu açıklamak yerine karşı tarafa saldırmaksa, bence bu argümanınızın itibarını tamamen sarsar.

Steve:    See all this political correctness reminds me, more than anything else, of the kind of atmosphere that prevailed in the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany. ||||||||||||||||||régnait|||||| ||||||||||||||||||hakim olan|||||| ||||||||||||||||||predominaba||||||

Mark:    Aha.

Steve:    I’m serious.

Mark:    Absolutely.

Steve:    You know when you were a scientist there you had to come up with Nazi science, Soviet science; objectivity was frowned upon. ||||||||orada|||||üretmek||Nazi bilimi||||||hoş karşılanmaz| |||||||||||||||||||objetividad científica||desalentada| |||||||||||||||ciência Nazi||||||| Steve: Sabes que cuando eras científico allí tenías que salir al paso de la ciencia nazi, la ciencia soviética; la objetividad estaba mal vista. Steve: Orada bir bilim insanıyken Nazi bilimiyle, Sovyet bilimiyle uğraşmak zorundaydınız; objektiflik hoş karşılanmazdı.

Mark:    Right.

Steve:    It was the same in Europe, I mean Copernicus or… |||||||||Kopernik| |||||||||Copérnico|

Mark:    …Galileo… |Galileu

Steve:    …Galileo…

Mark:    Right.

Steve:    …they were fighting the orthodoxy of the church. |||||orthodoxy||| |||luchando|||||

Mark:    Absolutely.

Steve:    So that there is an orthodoxy. ||||||orthodoxy And human beings are the same, whether they’re human beings in the 15th century, 16th century, 20th century, 21st century, there is a tendency for this kind of orthodoxy to become established. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ortodoksi|||kurulması Ve insanlar aynıdır, ister 15. yüzyılda, ister 16. yüzyılda, ister 20. yüzyılda, ister 21. yüzyılda olsunlar, bu tür bir ortodoksinin yerleşik hale gelme eğilimi vardır. Especially if you’re in these sort of intellectual circles, that’s what you have to kowtow to. ||||||||||||||show deference to| ||||||||||||||saygı göstermek| ||||||||||||||curvar-se| Özellikle de bu tür entelektüel çevrelerdeyseniz, boyun eğmek zorunda olduğunuz şey budur.

Another good example is they talk about dialoging now. |||||||diyalog yapma| |||||||dialogar| We don’t argue anymore, we dialogue…

Mark:    Right.

Steve:    …which is so ridiculous. The idea is that we shouldn’t present our views with the idea of trying to persuade the other person. You know we don’t do that…

Mark:    Right.

Steve:    …we kind of want to slide closer and closer together so that we can share either other’s views and stuff. ||||||kaymak|||||||||||||| ||||||acercarnos más|||||||||||||| The whole assumption is that you have to buy into the common orthodoxy. ||||||||||||orthodoxy ||varsayım||||sahip olmal|||||| ||suposición completa|||||||||| Tüm varsayım, ortak ortodoksiyi kabul etmeniz gerektiğidir.

Mark:    Right.

Steve:    If I challenge the orthodoxy…there is no dialoging. |||desafío||||||

Mark:    No.

Steve:    I think you’re wrong…

Mark:    Right.

Steve:    …for these reasons and I think I’m right for these reasons and I have no illusions that I can persuade people who believe differently and I’m quite skeptical as to the power of reason. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||şüpheci|||||| ||||||||||||||||ilusiones|||||||||||||||||| Like you start from a position and you try to defend it, but why shouldn’t I be free to defend it…

Mark:    Right.

Steve:    …to say what I want?

Mark:    Because what you don’t understand is you’re wrong. You don’t agree with me, so you’re wrong. You don’t agree with the orthodoxy, so you’re wrong. It’s so obvious that you’re wrong that we don’t even have to discuss it.

Steve:    You know it reminds me, I was having this discussion on this List Serve, which is a community of people sending each other emails about language learning. They were carrying on about literacy and how literacy, they said, was a social construct. |||||okuryazarlık||||||||| ||hablando||||||||||||constructo I don’t even understand what that word means. What is a social construct? Literacy is can you read, you know? okuryazarlık||||||

Mark:    Right.

Steve:    But, no, no, it’s a social construct and it’s connected with…this one lady, who was an American, wrote that literacy is…first of all, we have to make sure people realize that once they start to read they’re going to be inundated with propaganda in our society. |||||||||||||||||||||okuryazarlık||||||||||||||||||||||sular altında kalacak||||| |||||||||||||||||||||alfabetización||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Steve: Ama, hayır, hayır, bu sosyal bir yapı ve... Amerikalı bir hanımefendi okuryazarlığın... her şeyden önce, insanların okumaya başladıklarında toplumumuzda propagandaya maruz kalacaklarını fark etmelerini sağlamalıyız. Consumerism, capitalism, it’s all bad – I’m serious – and, ultimately, literacy is connected with democracy and republicanism, she said. Consumer culture||||||||||||||||| Tüketimcil||||||||nihayetinde|||||||cumhuriyetçilik|| El consumismo||||||||||||||||| Tüketimcilik, kapitalizm, hepsi kötü - ciddiyim - ve nihayetinde okuryazarlık demokrasi ve cumhuriyetçilikle bağlantılıdır, dedi. Like not as in Republican Party, but republic not a monarchy, you know? ||||||||||monarşi||

Mark:    Right.

Steve:    And so I wrote and I said well, no, that’s not really true. To me, literacy is just the ability to read.

Mark:    Right.

Steve:    You can read the instructions on how to assemble furniture. |||||||||monte etmek| |||||||||montar| You can read a religious tract. |||||broşür |||||Folleto religioso Puedes leer un tratado religioso. You can read the Communist Party Manifesto. ||||||Manifesto You can read whatever you want.

Mark:    Right.

Steve:    Reading is just the ability to read. So she sends me a private email. Really, you know, she says, I don’t understand. You shouldn’t be so argumentative and you should be trying to get closer to my points of view. ||||tartışmacı||||||||||||| ||||discutidor||||||||||||| So I just went back to her privately because, first of all, I have no interest in communicating with her privately and I went back and I was quite rude. |||fui|de regreso|||privadamente|||||||||||||||||||||| I sort of said, first of all, not everyone is an American, so whether you’re a republic or a monarchy or anything else is irrelevant to literacy. ||||||||||||||||||||||||not important|| ||||||||||||||||||||||||alakasız||

Mark:    Right.

Steve:    Second of all, in fact in many cases, those countries which had very authoritarian regimes have been more successful at raising literacy levels, like in the Soviet Union, like in Cuba, like in China, more successful than in democratic countries. ||||||||||||||autoritaristas|regímenes autoritarios||||||||||||||||||||||||| There’s no relationship between democracy, being a republic and literacy; there is no necessary relationship. |||||||||||||zorunlu| I said the trouble with you is that you’re full of all the gibberish, sudo-academic nonsense that you absorb uncritically at university. |||||||||||||nonsensical ideas|pseudo-|||||||| |||||||||||||saçmalık|||||||eleştirmeden|| |||||||||||||gibberrismo|só|||||||| |||||||||||||disparates pseudoacadémicos|pseudo-académico||||||sin cuestionar|| Sizin sorununuzun, üniversitede eleştirmeden özümsediğiniz tüm anlamsız, sudo-akademik saçmalıklarla dolu olmanız olduğunu söyledim.

Mark:    Right.

Steve:    So her answer to me was, please don’t email me again. Well, you’re the one who emailed me. |||||enviaste por correo|

Mark:    No, but that’s typical. A lot of people, unfortunately, get brainwashed, more or less, at university by all this politically correct propaganda, for want of a better term. I mean there is only one point of view, so it’s not surprising that university graduates come out with that point of view and if anyone disagrees then they are certainly not to be argued with or debated with, they’re to be stomped upon. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||discuter||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||debated|||||crushed down| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ezilmeli| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||no está de acuerdo|||||||||||debatido|||||pisoteados| Quiero decir que sólo hay un punto de vista, por lo que no es de extrañar que los graduados universitarios salgan con ese punto de vista y si alguien no está de acuerdo, desde luego no hay que discutir ni debatir con él, hay que pisotearlo.

Steve:    Again, on this website with all the English teachers, I mean 90% of them believe that literacy should be taught in conjunction with social change and should be taught with critical thinking, but they never say critical thinking might include the right to totally disagree with what you’re talking about and that social chance could be anything. |||||||||||||||||||||birlikte||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| We can change in one direction, we can change in another and why is it the obligation of the English teacher to impose his or her social values on this poor Honduran refugee? ||||||||||||||||||||||dayatmak|||||||||Honduraslı| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||hondurenho|

Mark:    Fundamentally, I mean you’re to teach English. You’re there to teach English, just teach English. Who are you kidding? |||bromeando You’re trying to brainwash people because you’re trying to protect them? |||lavar el cerebro||||||| You know don’t mother these people, they’re adults, they can make their own opinions.

Steve:    Right.

Mark:    Just teach them the language, if that’s what you’re supposed to be doing.

Steve:    Right.

Mark:    That whole attitude I just don’t understand.

Steve:    But it’s pervasive. |||yaygın |||Steve: Pero es omnipresente. Pero es omnipresente.

Mark:    It is.

Steve:    It’s pervasive in our school systems. ||omniprésent|||| ||widespread|||| ||pervasiva||||

Mark:    It’s pervasive and what’s more is we are there to protect you against the propaganda of the big business and George Bush.

Steve:    Right.

Mark:    So, instead of that, we’re going to brainwash you with our slant on society. ||||||||||||perspective or viewpoint|| ||||||||||||bakış açımız|| ||||||||||||perspectiva|| ||||||||||||perspectiva|| Mark: Así que, en lugar de eso, vamos a lavarte el cerebro con nuestra visión de la sociedad.

Steve:    Right.

Mark:    Absolutely all sides should be presented all the time.

Steve:    Exactly.

Mark:    There should be no slant of any kind, but they think it’s wrong. |||||inclinaison|||||||| Mark: No debería haber ningún tipo de sesgo, pero creen que está mal. Theoretically, this right-wing propaganda is being pushed at people or consumerism or whatever it is and they’re going to defend these people by pushing their own propaganda. |||||||||||le consumérisme|||||||||||||||| |||||||impulsada||||||||||||||||||||

Steve:    Exactly.

That’s their agenda in life. |||hayattaki| ||agenda||

Mark:    It’s totally hypocritical. |||hypocrite |||ikiyüzlü |||hipócrita

Steve:    I mean they’re quite and perfectly entitled to have those opinions. |||||||droit|||| |||||||hak sahibi|||| |||||||tienen derecho||||

Mark:    Sure.

Steve:    And, gosh, maybe their points of view, from a political perspective, make more sense than mine. ||vaya|||||||||||||| Because they have this hold over the people they’re teaching, if they present them with political opinion, social opinion, they should present them with a balanced perspective, even on environmental issues. ||||influencia sobre|||||||||||||||||||||||||| Como tienen ese control sobre las personas a las que enseñan, si les presentan opiniones políticas, sociales, deberían presentarles una perspectiva equilibrada, incluso en cuestiones medioambientales. It is not their…you know nothing annoys me more than when I see six and seven year olds taken to a political rally. |||||||||||||||||||||||rally |||||||||||||||||||||||miting |||||||||||||||||||||||comício |||||||||||||||||||||||mitin político

Mark:    Right.

Steve:    I don’t care whether it’s the fascist league of whatever or save the whales, bomb the bombs, whatever it might be, you shouldn’t take six year olds or eight year olds. |||||||||||||||||bombs|||||||||||||| |||||bu||faşist|||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||fascista|||||||las ballenas|bombardear|||||||||||||||| Steve: No me importa si es la liga fascista de lo que sea o salvar a las ballenas, bombardear las bombas, lo que sea, no deberías llevar a niños de seis años o de ocho. Steve: İster faşist lig olsun, ister balinaları kurtarın, bombaları bombalayın, her ne olursa olsun, altı ya da sekiz yaşındaki çocukları almamalısınız.

Mark:    Right.

They’re not interested, really.

Steve:    They don’t have an opinion of their own and if they have an opinion it’s the opinion that you fed them. ||||||||||||||||||||inculcaste en|

Mark:    Right.

Steve:    So I don’t think that’s fair. Anyway, we’re rambling here. ||bavardons| ||divagando|

Mark:    I mean my kids are at school here and you know the universities are particularly bad for political correctness, but so are the elementary schools and high schools. I mean the prevailing thought is certainly politically correct and it definitely annoys me when the kids come home and our teacher said this or that about this or that political situation. |||hakim olan|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||irrita||||||||||||||||||| And whether I agree with them or not, that’s not the teacher’s job. The teacher’s job is to teach Math, Reading, whatever the case may be. You teach them how to think not what to think.

Steve:    Well, you can’t even teach them how to think. Stimulate them; tell them about things, things that are interesting. Give them a range of things.

Mark:    Right.

Steve:    And the other thing they try to do at school is the, well, you know, today is our nice day or we’re going to be respectful or we’re going to be kind or whatever.

Mark:    Yeah.

Steve:    If the teacher is kind, if other people are kind, the kids pick up on this and, besides which, it’s really up to the parents to inculcate these values. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||aşılamak|| |||||||||||||captan|||||además||||||||||| Steve: Si el profesor es amable, si otras personas son amables, los niños lo captan y, además, depende realmente de los padres inculcar estos valores.

Mark:    Well, for sure. Come on, you mean that if we say this week we’re going to talk about respect that that’s going to make some kid who otherwise would walk around the playground beating other kids up is going to say, oh, this week is respect week and I’m just going to give out hugs? |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||abrazos I just don’t buy it.

Steve:    No.

Mark:    It probably doesn’t harm the kids, but, on the other hand, that’s time they could be spending doing something useful. ||||fait de mal|||||||||||||||| ||||daño|||||||||||||||| ||||prejudica|||||||||||||||| That’s the part that irritates me.

Steve:    Exactly.

They’re far better off, vis-à-vis their future lives, to learn the skills they need. ||||vis||||||||||| Onlar|||||||||||||||

Mark:    Right.

Steve:    And we’re seeing a decline in the level of our skills. |||||düşüş|||||| Get them reading, get them discovering the world. They’re going to discover more reading than they are from the teacher.

Mark:    Right.

Steve:    The teacher’s role should be to stimulate them to go out and learn more things, not to say…anyway, we’ve rambled on here. |||||||||||||||||||||divagamos|| |||||||||||||||||||||divagado||

Mark:    Yeah, for sure.

Steve:    I think we’ve…

Mark:    …covered this subject. I guess the point we’re trying to make is that we wish that those who are politically correct – and that includes many in universities and schools and the media -- would just be a little more open. Be open to other points of view, debate other points of view because, unfortunately, a debate just gets stifled and the more and more a debate is stifled about…well, you name it. ||||||||||||||||||étouffé|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||stifled|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||boğulmuş|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||sufocado|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||sofocado|||||||||||||| Esté abierto a otros puntos de vista, debata otros puntos de vista porque, desgraciadamente, un debate sólo se ahoga y cuanto más se ahoga un debate sobre... bueno, lo que usted quiera. Diğer bakış açılarına açık olun, diğer bakış açılarını tartışın çünkü ne yazık ki tartışma boğuluyor ve tartışma boğuldukça da... ne derseniz deyin. It doesn’t matter which subject, the debates are stifled because if you don’t agree with the politically correct point of view not only are you obviously wrong, but you’re to be stamped out and quieted. ||||||||étouffées|||||||||||||||||||||||éliminé||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||stamped|||silenced or subdued |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||eliminado|||silenciados ||||||||sufocadas|||||||||||||||||||||||||| No importa de qué tema se trate, los debates se sofocan porque si no estás de acuerdo con el punto de vista políticamente correcto no sólo estás obviamente equivocado, sino que hay que erradicarte y callarte.

Steve:    And you know the other thing is this sense that certain kinds of activity are morally good and others are morally bad. |||||||||duygu||||||||||||| Steve: Bir diğer şey de bazı faaliyet türlerinin ahlaki açıdan iyi, diğerlerinin ise kötü olduğu hissi.

Mark:    Right.

Steve:    So working for a nonprofit is good. |||||organisme à but non lucratif|| |||||kar amacı gütmey|| |||||sem fins lucrativos|| But, in fact, most of the people who work in nonprofits, who work there, who volunteer, are relatively well off in our society… ||||||||||||||||||well|||| ||||||||||organizaciones sin fines de lucro|||||||||bien acomodados|||

Mark:    Right.

Steve:    …and people who have benefited from society, in one way or another, and they’re interested in having their organization grow. |||||beneficiado||||||||||||||| Many of the people at the senior levels of these organizations and government organizations involved with them, they’re flying off business class around the world to conferences. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||conférences They’ve got a vested interest in their little empire, which is no different from the vested interest of someone who’s peddling Coca-cola. |||bien établi||||||||||||||||||| |||vested|||||||||||||||||selling|| |||tahsis edilmiş||||||||||||tahsis edilmiş|||||satış yapan|| |||Interés personal|||||||||||||||||vendiendo||

Mark:    Or who is beating the drum for global warming. ||||||drum||| ||||golpeando||tambor|||

Steve:    Right.

Mark:    Like I have a friend who is very much pro global warming or I don’t know if he’s pro global warming, but strongly supports it, but his livelihood depends on it. ||||||||||||||||||||||||supports||||income source||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||geçim kayna||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||sustento|||

Steve:    Right.

Mark:    He’s employed by the university to prepare communities in this province on how to best deal with the approaching climate change, so, yeah, he’s going to be a believer. ||||||||||||||||faire face||||||||||||| ||||||||topluluklar|||il|||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||creyente |||||||||||||||||||aproximando|||||||||| Mark: Üniversite tarafından bu eyaletteki toplulukları yaklaşan iklim değişikliğiyle en iyi şekilde nasıl başa çıkabilecekleri konusunda hazırlamak üzere görevlendirildi, bu yüzden evet, inançlı biri olacak. If climate change doesn’t happen he’s out of a job, so he’s not unbiased, not at all. |||||||||||||impartial||| |||||||||||||tarafsız değil||| |||||||||||||imparcial||| |||||||||||||imparcial||| Famous environmentalists like Al Gore who made that movie… ||||Gore||||

Steve:    …who won the Nobel Prize… |||||Premio Nobel

Mark:    …he’s made a fortune off that. Come on, I don’t believe a word he says.

Steve:    Well, I don’t believe that he has any particular answers on that. Anyway…

Mark:    Anyway, I think we’ve beaten this topic to death. |||||exhausted|||| |||||agotado||||muerto

Steve:    We’ve beat this subject to death here.

Mark:    Yeah, to death.

Steve:    Okay. We’re looking forward to hearing some angry response from our listeners. ||||escuchar||enojada||||

Mark:    Absolutely.

We wish we had someone with us here who disagreed with us.

Steve:    Right.

We don’t let them in here.

Mark:    No.

Steve:    No, no, we listen.

Mark:    Anyway, we’ll talk to you again next time.

Steve:    Okay, bye-bye.