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English at Work, 32: The deal is off!

32: The deal is off!

Narrator: Welcome back to Tip Top Trading where things aren't going too well. Anna negotiated a deal with a client in France but now they claim they've been ripped off! This has got to get sorted – quickly. Anna: Oh Denise, what exactly did they say? Denise: Something about them agreeing a price for 5,000 lemons and then being offered a better price by another company. Anna: That'll be Tutti Fruity – they want our business. Denise: Sounds like they're going to get it, unless you sort it out. Maybe you should work out some new figures. Anna: Figures? Is there something wrong with my figure – am I too fat? Denise: No Anna! Your numbers – work out a new price, see if you can squeeze the price of lemons – maybe you can price Tutti Fruity out of the market. Anna: Hmm, somebody else has said that. Narrator: Yes it was me Anna! Do your calculations, see if you can offer a better deal and price Tutti Fruity out of the market. Anna: OK. I could sell them cheaper but there would be less profit. Narrator: Well, less profit is better than no profit. And who knows, if this goes well, it might lead to more contracts. But it's down to you now to make that call. Anna: But what am I going to say? Narrator: Be friendly and say… I'm sorry to hear you're not happy with our price. Tell them Tip Top Trading prides itself on quality products and good value for money. And flatter them and say they are a valued customer and their business is very important to us. Anna: And what shall I say about the price? Narrator: Tell them you can match the price of our competitors. Anna: Match the price. Right. Thanks. OK, I had better call them. Trader: Bonjour. Fruit Traders International. Anna: Oh, erm, hello, is that Monsieur Brown? Trader: Oui. Yes. Anna: This is Anna… from Tip Top Trading. I was sorry to receive your message. Trader: Yes, well. I thought we were doing good business and then another company called me and offered me a much better deal. Anna: Yes, I understand. I'm sorry to hear you're not happy with our price… but hopefully we can sort something out? Trader: Oh yes? Anna: You are a valued customer and your business is very important to us… and we would love to see our Imperial Lemons on display in the restaurants and shops of France. Narrator: That's a nice touch Anna, well done! Trader: So? Anna: So, I've done some calculations and we can offer you a better price. Trader: But Tutti Fruity can offer us a good price. Anna: I'm sure they can but… we… we… Narrator: Yes Anna? Anna: …at Tip Top Trading we pride ourselves on quality products and good value and I think we can match Tutti Fruity's price… in fact I know we can beat it. Trader: I see. That's good to hear but… Anna: We'll give you an extra 10% discount – but obviously we would like you to make a bigger order. Trader: Oh, a bigger order. I will have to have a think about this. Anna: Yes, of course, but please let me know as soon as you can before someone else snaps up this offer. Merci. Au revoir. Trader: Ah, merci, au revoir. Narrator: Excellent work Anna! I can see why she's got the job now. But will her sales tactics pay off? Let's remind ourselves of some of the great lines that Anna used in trying to resolve a tricky sales deal… I'm sorry to hear you're not happy with our price. Tip Top Trading prides itself on quality products and good value for money. You are a valued customer and your business is very important to us. We can match the price of our competitors. Denise: Well done Anna. It looks like you may have saved that deal. Paul: Saved the deal? Is there a problem? Anna: Well, Tutti Fruity has tried to undercut our price but I think I may have saved the deal we had with International Fruit Traders in France. Denise: Yes, Anna offered a lower price for a bigger order and they're having a think about it. Paul: Crumbs. If the deal's not complete I think you need to get out to France and seal the deal. I want you and Tom to fly out there as soon as possible and do some schmoozing. Denise: Oh! You and Tom hey? Narrator: That's enough Denise! This should be fun. Find out what happens next time on English at Work. Bye.

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32: The deal is off! 32: Dohoda je uzavřena! 32: The deal is off! 32: ¡Se acabó el trato! 32: O negócio está cancelado! 32: Сделка отменяется! 32: Anlaşma iptal! 32: Угоду скасовано!

Narrator: Welcome back to Tip Top Trading where things aren’t going too well. |||||Tip Top||||||| Storyteller|Glad you're back||||||||||| Vypravěč: Vítejte zpět v Tip Top Trading, kde se věci příliš nedaří. ナレーター:物事がうまくいかないTipTopTradingにようこそ。 Голос за кадром: Ласкаво просимо до Tip Top Trading, де справи йдуть не дуже добре. Anna negotiated a deal with a client in France but now they claim they’ve been ripped off! |||||||||||||||arnaqués| Anna vyjednala dohodu s klientem ve Francii, ale nyní tvrdí, že byli podvedeni! アンナはフランスのクライアントと契約を交渉しましたが、今では彼らは彼らが引き裂かれたと主張しています! Анна домовилася про угоду з клієнтом у Франції, але тепер вони стверджують, що їх обікрали! 安娜与法国的一位客户谈成了一笔交易,但现在他们声称自己被骗了! This has got to get sorted – quickly. Tohle se musí vyřešit – rychle. これはソートする必要があります–すぐに。 Isso tem que ser resolvido - rapidamente. З цим треба розібратися - швидко. Anna:  Oh Denise, what exactly did they say? Anna: Oh, Denise, co přesně řekli? Анна: О, Деніз, що саме вони сказали? Denise: Something about them agreeing a price for 5,000 lemons and then being offered a better price by another company. Denise: Něco o tom, že se dohodnou na ceně za 5000 citronů a pak jim jiná společnost nabídne lepší cenu. デニス:彼らについての何かが5,000レモンの価格に同意し、その後、別の会社からより良い価格を提供されました。 Anna: That’ll be Tutti Fruity – they want our business. Anna: To bude Tutti Fruity – chtějí naše podnikání. アンナ:それはトゥッティフルッティになります-彼らは私たちのビジネスを望んでいます。 Anna: Isso vai ser Tutti Fruity - eles querem o nosso negócio. Denise: Sounds like they’re going to get it, unless you sort it out. デニス:あなたがそれを整理しない限り、彼らはそれを手に入れようとしているように聞こえます。 Maybe you should work out some new figures. |||||||nouvelles données Vielleicht sollten Sie ein paar neue Zahlen ausarbeiten. Anna: Figures? Is there something wrong with my figure – am I too fat? 私の体型に何か問題がありますか?私は太りすぎですか? Denise: No Anna! Your numbers – work out a new price, see if you can squeeze the price of lemons – maybe you can price Tutti Fruity out of the market. Tus números: calcula un nuevo precio, mira a ver si puedes exprimir el precio de los limones: quizá puedas sacar del mercado el precio de Tutti Fruity. あなたの数字–新しい価格を計算し、レモンの価格を絞ることができるかどうかを確認します–多分あなたは市場からTuttiFruityに価格を付けることができます。 Anna: Hmm, somebody else has said that. Narrator:  Yes it was me Anna! Do your calculations, see if you can offer a better deal and price Tutti Fruity out of the market. |||||||||||||Tutti Fruity||||| 計算を行い、TuttiFruityを市場からより良い取引と価格で提供できるかどうかを確認してください。 Anna: OK. I could sell them cheaper but there would be less profit. Narrator: Well, less profit is better than no profit. Narrator|||||||| And who knows, if this goes well, it might lead to more contracts. ||||||||||||agreements そして、これがうまくいけば、より多くの契約につながる可能性があることを誰が知っていますか。 But it’s down to you now to make that call. しかし、その電話をかけるのはあなた次第です。 Anna: But what am I going to say? 安娜:但是我该说什么呢? Narrator: Be friendly and say… I’m sorry to hear you’re not happy with our price. 旁白:友好地说道...很遗憾您对我们的价格不满意。 Tell them Tip Top Trading prides itself on quality products and good value for money. |||||s'enorgueillit||||||||| |||||takes pride||||||||| 告诉他们 Tip Top Trading 以其优质的产品和物有所值的服务而自豪。 And flatter them and say they are a valued customer and their business is very important to us. |compliment|||||||||||||||| 并奉承他们,说他们是尊贵的客户,他们的业务对我们非常重要。 Anna: And what shall I say about the price? Narrator: Tell them you can match the price of our competitors. Narrador: Diles que puedes igualar el precio de nuestros competidores. 旁白:告诉他们,你们的价格可以与我们的竞争对手相媲美。 Anna: Match the price. アンナ:価格を合わせてください。 Right. Thanks. OK, I had better call them. Trader: Bonjour. |Hello Fruit Traders International. Anna: Oh, erm, hello, is that Monsieur Brown? アンナ:ああ、えーと、こんにちは、それはムッシューブラウンですか? 安娜:哦,呃,你好,是布朗先生吗? Trader: Oui. 商人:是的。 Yes. Anna: This is Anna… from Tip Top Trading. I was sorry to receive your message. Trader: Yes, well. I thought we were doing good business and then another company called me and offered me a much better deal. 我以为我们的生意很好,后来另一家公司打电话给我并给了我更好的优惠。 Anna: Yes, I understand. I’m sorry to hear you’re not happy with our price… but hopefully we can sort something out? أنا آسف لسماع أنك لست سعيدًا بثمننا ... ولكن نأمل أن نتمكن من فرز شيء ما؟ 很遗憾您对我们的价格不满意……但希望我们能够找到解决办法? Trader: Oh yes? Anna: You are a valued customer and your business is very important to us… and we would love to see our Imperial Lemons on display in the restaurants and shops of France. アンナ:あなたは大切なお客様であり、あなたのビジネスは私たちにとって非常に重要です…そして私たちはフランスのレストランやショップで私たちのインペリアルレモンが展示されているのを見たいと思っています。 安娜:您是我们尊贵的客户,您的业务对我们非常重要……我们很高兴看到我们的帝国柠檬在法国的餐馆和商店中展出。 Narrator: That’s a nice touch Anna, well done! Trader: So? Anna: So, I’ve done some calculations and we can offer you a better price. 安娜:所以,我做了一些计算,我们可以给您提供更优惠的价格。 Trader: But Tutti Fruity can offer us a good price. トレーダー:しかし、トゥッティフルッティは私たちに良い価格を提供することができます。 商人:但是 Tutti Fruity 可以给我们提供一个很好的价格。 Anna: I’m sure they can but… we… we…  Narrator: Yes Anna? 安娜:我相信他们可以但是……我们……我们…… 旁白:是的,安娜? Anna: …at Tip Top Trading we pride ourselves on quality products and good value and I think we can match Tutti Fruity’s price… in fact I know we can beat it. |||||||||||||||||||||Tutti Fruity||||||||| アンナ:…Tip Top Tradingでは、高品質の製品と優れた価値に誇りを持っており、TuttiFruityの価格に匹敵すると思います…実際、私たちはそれを打ち負かすことができると確信しています。 安娜:……在 Tip Top Trading,我们以优质的产品和良好的价值而自豪,我认为我们可以匹配 Tutti Fruity 的价格……事实上我知道我们可以打败它。 Trader: I see. That’s good to hear but…  Anna: We’ll give you an extra 10% discount – but obviously we would like you to make a bigger order. 聞いて良かったのですが…アンナ:さらに10%の割引を提供しますが、もっと大きな注文をしてほしいのは明らかです。 Trader: Oh, a bigger order. I will have to have a think about this. Anna: Yes, of course, but please let me know as soon as you can before someone else snaps up this offer. アンナ:はい、もちろんですが、誰かがこのオファーを出す前に、できるだけ早く知らせてください。 Anna: Sim, claro, mas por favor me avise assim que puder, antes que outra pessoa aceite esta oferta. 安娜:是的,当然,但请尽快通知我,以免别人抢走这个优惠。 Merci. Thank you Au revoir. Aurevoir。 Trader: Ah, merci, au revoir. Narrator: Excellent work Anna! I can see why she’s got the job now. But will her sales tactics pay off? 但她的销售策略会有效果吗? Let’s remind ourselves of some of the great lines that Anna used in trying to resolve a tricky sales deal…   I’m sorry to hear you’re not happy with our price. Erinnern wir uns an einige der großartigen Sprüche, mit denen Anna versucht hat, ein heikles Verkaufsgeschäft zu lösen... Es tut mir leid zu hören, dass Sie mit unserem Preis nicht zufrieden sind. 让我们回想一下安娜在试图解决棘手的销售交易时说过的一些精彩话语......很遗憾您对我们的价格不满意。 Tip Top Trading prides itself on quality products and good value for money. Tip Top Trading ist stolz auf Qualitätsprodukte und ein gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis. You are a valued customer and your business is very important to us. Sie sind ein geschätzter Kunde und Ihr Geschäft ist für uns sehr wichtig. 您是我们尊贵的客户,您的业务对我们非常重要。 We can match the price of our competitors. Wir können mit den Preisen unserer Konkurrenten mithalten. Denise: Well done Anna. It looks like you may have saved that deal. 看起来你可能已经挽救了这笔交易。 Paul:  Saved the deal? Is there a problem? 有问题吗? Anna: Well, Tutti Fruity has tried to undercut our price but I think I may have saved the deal we had with International Fruit Traders in France. |||||||lower||||||||||||||||||| |||||ha intentado||||||||||||||||||||| アンナ:そうですね、トゥッティフルッティは私たちの価格を下げようとしましたが、私はフランスの国際果物トレーダーとの取引を救ったかもしれないと思います。 安娜:嗯,Tutti Fruity 试图降低我们的价格,但我想我可能挽救了我们与法国国际水果贸易商达成的交易。 Denise: Yes, Anna offered a lower price for a bigger order and they’re having a think about it. ||||||||||||están||||| 丹尼斯:是的,安娜为更大的订单提供了更低的价格,他们正在考虑。 Paul: Crumbs. |expression of disappointment If the deal’s not complete I think you need to get out to France and seal the deal. |||||||||||||||finalize|| 取引が完了していない場合は、フランスに出て取引を成立させる必要があると思います。 如果交易尚未完成,我认为你需要去法国完成交易。 I want you and Tom to fly out there as soon as possible and do some schmoozing. ||||||||||||||||networking 我希望你和汤姆能尽快飞到那里去闲聊一番。 Denise: Oh! You and Tom hey? Narrator: That’s enough Denise! ナレーター:それで十分なデニスです! This should be fun. Find out what happens next time on English at Work. Bye.