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TED-Ed, Can you solve the multiverse rescue mission riddle? - Dan Finkel

Can you solve the multiverse rescue mission riddle? - Dan Finkel

It was a normal Tuesday at the superconductor,

until a bug in the system created a small situation.

Now your team is trapped in eleven separate pocket dimensions.

Luckily for you, there's a half-finished experimental teleportation robot

that may be able to get you all home,

if you can figure out how to work through the quirks of its design.

Over interdimensional radio,

your engineers explain

that the robot can teleport into the alternate universes you're trapped in,

but it'll do so completely at random.

The robot has two levers and one big button.

When it appears,

you just switch the position of one of the levers from A to B or vice versa,

and then the robot will note your dimensional position

and teleport to another of the eleven dimensions at random.

If it shows up again, you'll have to pull a lever before it'll teleport away.

When anyone presses the button,

the robot will bring everyone who pulled a lever back home.

Anyone who didn't will be lost in the multi-verse forever.

The challenge is to make sure everyone has pulled a lever

before anyone hits the button.

While you can talk to each other now over the interdimensional radio

and agree on a plan,

the robot's teleportation technology

will interfere with all attempts at communication once it arrives.

You won't be able to attach messages to the robot

or scratch notes into its superstrong alloy body.

Your only way to communicate information

is to change the position of exactly one lever or hit the button.

What plan will make sure everyone gets home?

Pause the video now if you want to figure it out for yourself.

Answer in 3

Answer in 2

Answer in 1

It would be nice if you could set different combinations of the levers

to indicate who's already been visited by the robot.

But it has only two levers.

That gives four combinations—

far too few to communicate about 11 people,

especially when you're forced to flip one to send the robot onward.

There must be another way.

The critical insight is that not everyone has to know

when every pocket dimension has been visited.

If one person accepts responsibility ahead of time for hitting the button,

then only they need to know who the robot has visited.

In fact, they don't even need to know exactly who's been visited…

just how many people have been.

You volunteer to be the person in charge of pressing the button

when the moment is right,

and give the following directions to everyone else.

Your plan is simple:

you'll use the left lever to count visits,

and the right lever will have no meaning,

so there's no harm in moving it up or down.

Each of the others will pull the left lever

from position A to position B exactly once.

If the robot appears with the left lever already pulled down,

or if an individual has previously pulled the left lever down

at any point in the past,

then they should move the right lever.

You, meanwhile, will be the only one who ever resets the left lever from position B

to position A.

This gives you a way to count how many people have been visited by the robot.

Everyone needs to pull the left lever down exactly once,

and you're the only one to pull it back up.

So you know that the tenth time the robot visits you

with its left lever in the down position,

it must have visited all ten of the others.

And that means you're safe to press the button and teleport everyone home.

It may take a while–

most likely the robot will need to teleport around 355 times;

but better that than leave anyone behind.

Your teammates phase back into your home dimension one at a time.

The mission proves a great success.


Can you solve the multiverse rescue mission riddle? - Dan Finkel |||||||charada|| Kannst du das Rätsel um die Rettungsmission im Multiversum lösen? - Dan Finkel ¿Puedes resolver el enigma de la misión de rescate del multiverso? - Dan Finkel Riuscite a risolvere l'enigma della missione di salvataggio del multiverso? - Dan Finkel マルチバース救出作戦の謎が解けるか?- ダン・フィンケル 멀티버스 구조 미션의 수수께끼를 풀 수 있나요? - 댄 핀켈 Ar galite išspręsti daugialypės visatos gelbėjimo misijos mįslę? - Danas Finkelis Kun jij het raadsel van de multiversum reddingsmissie oplossen? - Dan Finkel Czy potrafisz rozwiązać zagadkę misji ratunkowej multiwersum? - Dan Finkel Consegues resolver o enigma da missão de salvamento do multiverso? - Dan Finkel Сможете ли вы разгадать загадку спасательной миссии Мультивселенной? - Дэн Финкель Çoklu evren kurtarma görevi bilmecesini çözebilir misiniz? - Dan Finkel Чи зможете ви розгадати загадку рятувальної місії в мультивсесвіті? - Ден Фінкель 你能解开多元宇宙救援任务谜题吗? - 丹·芬克尔 你能解开多元宇宙救援任务之谜吗? ——丹·芬克尔 你能解開多元宇宙救援任務之謎嗎? ——丹‧芬克爾

It was a normal Tuesday at the superconductor, |||||||supergeleider كان يوم ثلاثاء عادي في الموصل الفائق To był normalny wtorek przy nadprzewodniku, Це був звичайний вівторок у надпровіднику,

until a bug in the system created a small situation. dopóki błąd w systemie nie stworzył małej sytuacji. поки помилка в системі не створила невелику ситуацію.

Now your team is trapped in eleven separate pocket dimensions. الآن فريقك محاصر في أحد عشر حجمًا للجيب المنفصل. Teraz twoja drużyna jest uwięziona w jedenastu oddzielnych wymiarach kieszonkowych. Теперь ваша команда застряла в одиннадцати отдельных карманных измерениях.

Luckily for you, there's a half-finished experimental teleportation robot |||||||experimentele|| Na szczęście jest w połowie gotowy eksperymentalny robot teleportacyjny К счастью для вас, есть полуфабрикат экспериментального телепортационного робота.

that may be able to get you all home, что может быть в состоянии получить вас всех домой,

if you can figure out how to work through the quirks of its design. se si riesce a capire come superare le stranezze del suo design. jeśli możesz dowiedzieć się, jak przejść przez dziwactwa jego projektu. если вы можете понять, как работать с причудами его дизайна. якщо ви можете зрозуміти, як працювати над примхами його дизайну.

Over interdimensional radio, |Over interdimensionale radio,| Via radio interdimensionale, По межпространственному радио, Через міжвимірне радіо,

your engineers explain i vostri ingegneri spiegano ваши инженеры объясняют

that the robot can teleport into the alternate universes you're trapped in, |||||||alternatieve|||| che il robot può teletrasportarsi negli universi alternativi in cui siete intrappolati, że robot może teleportować się do alternatywnych wszechświatów, w których jesteś uwięziony, что робот может телепортироваться в альтернативные вселенные, в которых вы оказались в ловушке,

but it'll do so completely at random. ma lo farà in modo del tutto casuale. ale zrobi to całkowicie losowo. но это будет сделано совершенно случайно.

The robot has two levers and one big button. Robot posiada dwie dźwignie i jeden duży przycisk.

When it appears,

you just switch the position of one of the levers from A to B or vice versa, ||mude|||||||||||||| è sufficiente cambiare la posizione di una delle leve da A a B o viceversa, po prostu przestawiasz położenie jednej z dźwigni z A na B lub odwrotnie,

and then the robot will note your dimensional position e poi il robot prenderà nota della vostra posizione dimensionale a następnie robot zanotuje twoją pozycję wymiarową

and teleport to another of the eleven dimensions at random. e teletrasportarsi in un'altra delle undici dimensioni a caso.

If it shows up again, you'll have to pull a lever before it'll teleport away. Se si ripresenta, dovrete tirare una leva prima che si teletrasporti via. Jeśli pojawi się ponownie, będziesz musiał pociągnąć za dźwignię, zanim się teleportuje.

When anyone presses the button, Quando qualcuno preme il pulsante,

the robot will bring everyone who pulled a lever back home. il robot riporterà a casa tutti coloro che hanno tirato una leva. robot sprowadzi do domu każdego, kto pociągnie za dźwignię.

Anyone who didn't will be lost in the multi-verse forever. Chi non l'ha fatto sarà perduto per sempre nel multiverso. Każdy, kto tego nie zrobi, zostanie na zawsze zagubiony w wieloświecie.

The challenge is to make sure everyone has pulled a lever La sfida consiste nell'assicurarsi che tutti abbiano tirato una leva.

before anyone hits the button. prima che qualcuno prema il pulsante.

While you can talk to each other now over the interdimensional radio Mentre ora potete parlare tra di voi attraverso la radio interdimensionale

and agree on a plan, e concordare un piano,

the robot's teleportation technology

will interfere with all attempts at communication once it arrives. interferirà con tutti i tentativi di comunicazione una volta arrivato. zakłóci wszelkie próby komunikacji po ich nadejściu. буде перешкоджати всім спробам спілкування, як тільки він прибуде.

You won't be able to attach messages to the robot |||||bijvoegen|||| Non sarà possibile allegare messaggi al robot. Nie będziesz mógł dołączać wiadomości do robota

or scratch notes into its superstrong alloy body. o graffiare le note nel suo corpo in lega super resistente. lub zadrap nuty w supermocnym korpusie ze stopu. или царапать заметки в его корпусе из сверхпрочного сплава. або подряпати нотатки в його надміцний корпус із сплаву.

Your only way to communicate information ||||informatie overbrengen|

is to change the position of exactly one lever or hit the button. это изменить положение ровно одного рычага или нажать кнопку.

What plan will make sure everyone gets home? Какой план гарантирует, что все вернутся домой?

Pause the video now if you want to figure it out for yourself. Mettete subito in pausa il video se volete capirlo da soli.

Answer in 3 Risposta in 3

Answer in 2

Answer in 1

It would be nice if you could set different combinations of the levers |||||||||combinaties instellen||| Sarebbe bello se si potessero impostare diverse combinazioni delle leve

to indicate who's already been visited by the robot.

But it has only two levers.

That gives four combinations—

far too few to communicate about 11 people,

especially when you're forced to flip one to send the robot onward. |||||||||||verder laten gaan soprattutto quando si è costretti a girarne uno per mandare avanti il robot. особливо коли ви змушені перевернути один, щоб відправити робота вперед.

There must be another way.

The critical insight is that not everyone has to know |kritieke inzicht|inzicht||||||| Важливе розуміння полягає в тому, що не всі повинні знати

when every pocket dimension has been visited.

If one person accepts responsibility ahead of time for hitting the button, ||||verantwoordelijkheid||||||| |||||antecipadamente||||||

then only they need to know who the robot has visited.

In fact, they don't even need to know exactly who's been visited…

just how many people have been.

You volunteer to be the person in charge of pressing the button |||||||responsável||pressionando||

when the moment is right,

and give the following directions to everyone else.

Your plan is simple:

you'll use the left lever to count visits,

and the right lever will have no meaning,

so there's no harm in moving it up or down.

Each of the others will pull the left lever

from position A to position B exactly once.

If the robot appears with the left lever already pulled down,

or if an individual has previously pulled the left lever down |||individu|||||||

at any point in the past,

then they should move the right lever.

You, meanwhile, will be the only one who ever resets the left lever from position B

to position A.

This gives you a way to count how many people have been visited by the robot.

Everyone needs to pull the left lever down exactly once,

and you're the only one to pull it back up.

So you know that the tenth time the robot visits you |||||décima|||||

with its left lever in the down position,

it must have visited all ten of the others.

And that means you're safe to press the button and teleport everyone home.

It may take a while–

most likely the robot will need to teleport around 355 times;

but better that than leave anyone behind. але це краще, ніж залишити когось позаду.

Your teammates phase back into your home dimension one at a time. |teamgenoten|||||||||| Ваші товариші по команді по черзі повертаються у ваш домашній вимір.

The mission proves a great success.
