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TED-Ed, The murder of ancient Alexandria's greatest scholar - Soraya Field Fiorio

The murder of ancient Alexandria's greatest scholar - Soraya Field Fiorio

In the city of Alexandria in 415 CE,

the bishop and the governor were in a fight.

It started with a disagreement over the behavior of a militia of monks,

and ended with an accusation of witchcraft

leveled against one of the most powerful figures in the city.

Hypatia of Alexandria was a prominent mathematician, philosopher,

and advisor to the city's leaders.

In the centuries since she lived,

the details of her life have been the subject of much dispute

and have taken on an almost mythical status.

But while none of Hypatia's own writings survive,

her contemporaries' and students' accounts of her work and life

paint a picture of the qualities that made her renowned as a scholar,

beloved as a teacher, and ultimately led to her downfall.

Hypatia was born around 355 in Alexandria,

then part of the Egyptian province of the Eastern Roman Empire,

and an intellectual center.

Her father Theon was an accomplished Greek mathematician and astronomer;

her mother is unknown.

Hypatia was likely an only child, and Theon educated her himself.

By adulthood, she had surpassed her father in both mathematics and philosophy,

becoming the city's foremost scholar and taking over his position

at the head of the Platonic school, similar to a modern university.

She refined scientific instruments, wrote math textbooks,

and developed a more efficient method of long division.

But perhaps her most significant contributions to intellectual life

in Alexandria came through her teaching.

The philosophy Hypatia taught drew from the legacy of Plato and Aristotle,

as well as the mystical philosopher Plotinus and the mathematician Pythagoras.

The convergence of these influences merged to form a school called Neoplatonism.

For the Neoplatonists, mathematics had a spiritual aspect,

divided among the four branches of arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and music.

These subjects were not studied merely for the sake of curiosity

or practical utility, but because they authenticated the belief

that numbers were the sacred language of the universe.

In the repeated patterns of algebraic formulas and geometric shapes,

the orbits of the planets, and the harmonious intervals of musical tones,

the Neoplatonists saw a rational cosmic force at work.

Students delved into this ordered mathematical world

to achieve higher unity with this force, known as “the One.”

While Hypatia was considered pagan—

a term for traditional Roman belief before Christianity—

she worshipped no particular deity or deities,

and her ideas could be applied alongside multiple religious viewpoints.

Jewish and Christian as well as pagan students

travelled from the farthest reaches of the empire to study with her.

The nonpartisan environment Hypatia fostered,

where all students could feel comfortable,

was especially remarkable given the religious and political turmoil

that was fracturing the city of Alexandria at the time.

Christianity had recently become the Empire's state religion.

The local archbishop Cyril had steadily gained political power,

commanding zealous militias of Christian monks to destroy pagan temples

and harass the Jewish population.

In doing so, he encroached on the secular authority of the Roman governor Orestes,

himself a moderate Christian, leading to a bitter public feud between the two men.

Because she was seen as a wise and impartial figure,

governor Orestes consulted Hypatia,

who advised him to act with fairness and restraint.

But when a group of Cyril's monks incited a riot,

badly injuring Orestes in the process, he had their leader tortured to death.

Cyril and his followers blamed Hypatia,

accusing her of witchcraft to turn Orestes against Christianity.

In March 415, as Hypatia was traveling through the city,

the bishop's militia of monks dragged her from her carriage

and brutally murdered and dismembered her.

Hypatia's death was a turning point in the politics of Alexandria.

In the wake of her murder,

other philosophers in the Greek and Roman tradition fled,

and the city's role as a center of learning declined.

In a very real way,

the spirit of inquisition, openness, and fairness she fostered

died with her.

The murder of ancient Alexandria's greatest scholar - Soraya Field Fiorio ||||亚历山大城的|||索拉雅||菲奥里奥 |||||||||Fiorio Der Mord an der größten Gelehrten des antiken Alexandria - Soraya Field Fiorio El asesinato de la mayor erudita de la antigua Alejandría - Soraya Field Fiorio Le meurtre du plus grand érudit de l'ancienne Alexandrie - Soraya Field Fiorio L'omicidio del più grande studioso dell'antica Alessandria - Soraya Field Fiorio 古代アレクサンドリア最大の学者殺人事件 - ソラヤ・フィールド・フィオリオ Didžiausio senovės Aleksandrijos mokslininko nužudymas - Soraya Field Fiorio De moord op de grootste geleerde van het oude Alexandrië - Soraya Field Fiorio Morderstwo największego uczonego starożytnej Aleksandrii - Soraya Field Fiorio O assassínio do maior académico da antiga Alexandria - Soraya Field Fiorio Убийство величайшего ученого древней Александрии - Сорайи Филд Фиорио Antik İskenderiye'nin en büyük bilgininin öldürülmesi - Soraya Field Fiorio Вбивство найбільшого вченого стародавньої Александрії - Сораї Філд Фіоріо 古亚历山大最伟大的学者——索拉雅·菲尔德·菲奥里奥之死 古代亚历山大最伟大的学者——索拉雅·菲尔德·菲奥里奥之死 古代亞歷山大最偉大的學者索拉雅·菲爾德·菲奧里奧被謀殺

In the city of Alexandria in 415 CE, ||Stadt|||| У місті Александрія в 415 році нашої ери 公元 415 年在亚历山大城,

the bishop and the governor were in a fight. o bispo e o governador estavam a discutir. 主教和总督在打架。

It started with a disagreement over the behavior of a militia of monks, ||||||||||Miliz von Mönchen|| Tudo começou com um desacordo sobre o comportamento de uma milícia de monges, Це почалося з розбіжностей щодо поведінки міліції ченців, 它始于对僧侣民兵行为的分歧,

and ended with an accusation of witchcraft ||||||Hexerei e terminou com uma acusação de bruxaria 并以巫术的指控结束

leveled against one of the most powerful figures in the city. contra uma das figuras mais poderosas da cidade. направлено против одной из самых влиятельных фигур в городе. проти однієї з найвпливовіших фігур у місті. 与城市中最有权势的人物之一对峙。

Hypatia of Alexandria was a prominent mathematician, philosopher, |||||herausragend|| Hipátia de Alexandria foi uma importante matemática e filósofa, Гипатия Александрийская была выдающимся математиком, философом, Гіпатія Олександрійська була видатним математиком, філософом, 亚历山大的希帕蒂娅是一位杰出的数学家、哲学家,

and advisor to the city's leaders. ||||Stadt| e conselheiro dos dirigentes da cidade. и советником городских лидеров. 和城市领导人的顾问。

In the centuries since she lived, ||Jahrhunderte||| Nos séculos que se seguiram à sua morte,

the details of her life have been the subject of much dispute ||||||||||viel|Streit, Diskussion, Debatte os pormenores da sua vida têm sido objeto de muita controvérsia 她的生活细节一直是很多争议的主题

and have taken on an almost mythical status. ||||||mythologisch| e adquiriram um estatuto quase mítico. 并具有近乎神话般的地位。

But while none of Hypatia's own writings survive, Mas, embora nenhum dos escritos de Hipátia tenha sobrevivido, 但是,虽然希帕蒂亚自己的作品都没有流传下来,

her contemporaries' and students' accounts of her work and life |Zeitgenossen|||||||| relatos dos seus contemporâneos e alunos sobre a sua obra e vida 她的同时代人和学生对她的工作和生活的描述

paint a picture of the qualities that made her renowned as a scholar, dão uma imagem das qualidades que a tornaram famosa como académica, нарисовать картину качеств, которые сделали ее известной как ученый, 描绘出使她成为著名学者的品质,

beloved as a teacher, and ultimately led to her downfall. улюблена як вчителька, і зрештою призвела до її падіння. 受人爱戴的老师,最终导致了她的垮台。

Hypatia was born around 355 in Alexandria, ||geboren||| Hypatia 大约 355 年出生于亚历山大港,

then part of the Egyptian province of the Eastern Roman Empire, ||||ägyptisch|||||| 当时是东罗马帝国埃及行省的一部分,

and an intellectual center. |||Zentrum 和一个智力中心。

Her father Theon was an accomplished Greek mathematician and astronomer; |||||erfolgreich|||| Её отец Феон был выдающимся греческим математиком и астрономом; 她的父亲席恩是一位颇有成就的希腊数学家和天文学家。

her mother is unknown. |Mutter|| ее мать неизвестна.

Hypatia was likely an only child, and Theon educated her himself. ||||einzelnes Kind|||||| Скорее всего, Гипатия была единственным ребенком, и Феон сам обучал её. 海芭夏可能是独生女,席恩亲自教育她。

By adulthood, she had surpassed her father in both mathematics and philosophy, |Erwachsenenalter|||||||||| У дорослому віці вона перевершила свого батька і в математиці, і в філософії, 成年后,她在数学和哲学方面都超过了她的父亲,

becoming the city's foremost scholar and taking over his position став провідним ученим міста і обійняв його посаду 成为市内第一流的学者并接替他的职位

at the head of the Platonic school, similar to a modern university. на чолі платонівської школи, подібної до сучасного університету. 在柏拉图学派之首,类似于现代大学。

She refined scientific instruments, wrote math textbooks, Вона вдосконалювала наукові прилади, писала підручники з математики, 她精制科学仪器,撰写数学教科书,

and developed a more efficient method of long division. и разработала более эффективный метод длинного деления. і розробив більш ефективний метод довгого поділу. 并开发了一种更有效的长除法方法。

But perhaps her most significant contributions to intellectual life Но, возможно, ее наиболее значительный вклад в интеллектуальную жизнь 但也许是她对知识界最重要的贡献

in Alexandria came through her teaching. в Александрии был сделан через ее преподавание. 在亚历山大城,她的教诲使我得以成名。

The philosophy Hypatia taught drew from the legacy of Plato and Aristotle, A filosofia que Hipátia ensinava inspirava-se no legado de Platão e Aristóteles, Hypatia 教授的哲学借鉴了柏拉图和亚里士多德的遗产,

as well as the mystical philosopher Plotinus and the mathematician Pythagoras. а також філософ-містик Плотін і математик Піфагор. 以及神秘哲学家普罗提诺和数学家毕达哥拉斯。

The convergence of these influences merged to form a school called Neoplatonism. |Zusammenfluss|||||||||| La convergence de ces influences a fusionné pour former une école appelée néoplatonisme. A convergência destas influências fundiu-se para formar uma escola chamada Neoplatonismo. Конвергенція цих впливів об’єдналася в школу під назвою неоплатонізм. 这些影响的汇合形成了一个学派,称为新柏拉图主义。

For the Neoplatonists, mathematics had a spiritual aspect, 对于新柏拉图主义者来说,数学具有精神方面,

divided among the four branches of arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and music. ||||||Arithmetik|||| divididos entre os quatro ramos da aritmética, da geometria, da astronomia e da música. 分为算术、几何、天文学和音乐四个分支。

These subjects were not studied merely for the sake of curiosity |||||nur||||| Estes temas não foram estudados apenas por curiosidade Ці предмети вивчалися не просто заради цікавості 研究这些主题不仅仅是为了好奇

or practical utility, but because they authenticated the belief чи практичної користі, а тому, що вони засвідчили віру 或实用性,但因为他们验证了信念

that numbers were the sacred language of the universe. 数字是宇宙的神圣语言。

In the repeated patterns of algebraic formulas and geometric shapes, У повторюваних візерунках алгебраїчних формул і геометричних фігур, 在代数公式和几何形状的重复模式中,

the orbits of the planets, and the harmonious intervals of musical tones, the||||||||||| 行星的轨道,和谐的音程,

the Neoplatonists saw a rational cosmic force at work. 新柏拉图主义者看到了一种理性的宇宙力量在起作用。

Students delved into this ordered mathematical world |eintauchten in||||| Les élèves se sont plongés dans ce monde mathématique ordonné Учні поринули в цей упорядкований математичний світ 学生深入这个有序的数学世界

to achieve higher unity with this force, known as “the One.” 与这种被称为“唯一”的力量实现更高的统一。

While Hypatia was considered pagan— Хотя Гипатия считалась язычницей — Тоді як Гіпатія вважалася язичницею, 虽然 Hypatia 被认为是异教徒——

a term for traditional Roman belief before Christianity— termo que designa a crença romana tradicional antes do cristianismo термин для традиционного римского вероисповедания до прихода христианства — 基督教之前的传统罗马信仰的术语——

she worshipped no particular deity or deities, ||||Gottheit|| ela não adorava nenhuma divindade ou divindades em particular, она не поклонялась никакому конкретному божеству или богам, вона не поклонялася жодному конкретному божеству або божествам, 她不崇拜特定的神灵,

and her ideas could be applied alongside multiple religious viewpoints. e as suas ideias podem ser aplicadas a vários pontos de vista religiosos. 她的想法可以与多种宗教观点一起应用。

Jewish and Christian as well as pagan students 犹太人和基督教徒以及异教徒学生

travelled from the farthest reaches of the empire to study with her. viajavam dos confins do império para estudar com ela. путешествовала из самых отдаленных уголков империи, чтобы учиться у нее. їздив із найвіддаленіших куточків імперії, щоб навчатися у неї. 不远万里来到帝国最远的地方跟她学习。

The nonpartisan environment Hypatia fostered, L'environnement non partisan qu'Hypatie a favorisé, O ambiente apartidário que Hypatia promoveu, Беспартийная атмосфера, созданная Евпатией, Безпартійне середовище, створене Гіпатією, Hypatia 培养的无党派环境,

where all students could feel comfortable, где все студенты могли чувствовать себя комфортно, 让所有学生感到舒适的地方,

was especially remarkable given the religious and political turmoil ||||||||Unruhen foi especialmente notável tendo em conta a agitação religiosa e política було особливо видатним з огляду на релігійні та політичні потрясіння 考虑到宗教和政治动荡,这一点尤其引人注目

that was fracturing the city of Alexandria at the time. que estava a fraturar a cidade de Alexandria na altura. що руйнувало місто Олександрію в той час. 那是当时亚历山大城的裂缝。

Christianity had recently become the Empire's state religion. O cristianismo tinha-se tornado recentemente a religião de Estado do Império. 基督教最近成为帝国的国教。

The local archbishop Cyril had steadily gained political power, Місцевий архієпископ Кирило постійно набирав політичної влади, 当地的大主教西里尔稳步获得政治权力,

commanding zealous militias of Christian monks to destroy pagan temples ||||||||heidnisch| commander des milices zélées de moines chrétiens pour détruire des temples païens командування завзятими загонами християнських монахів для руйнування язичницьких храмів 指挥狂热的基督教僧侣民兵摧毁异教寺庙

and harass the Jewish population. і переслідувати єврейське населення. 并骚扰犹太人。

In doing so, he encroached on the secular authority of the Roman governor Orestes, Ce faisant, il empiète sur l'autorité séculière du gouverneur romain Oreste, Ao fazê-lo, invadiu a autoridade secular do governador romano Orestes, Цим він посягнув на світську владу римського правителя Ореста, 在这样做的过程中,他侵犯了罗马总督奥瑞斯忒斯的世俗权威,

himself a moderate Christian, leading to a bitter public feud between the two men. |||||||||Fehde|||| ele próprio um cristão moderado, o que levou a uma amarga disputa pública entre os dois homens. сам був помірним християнином, що призвело до гострої публічної ворожнечі між двома чоловіками. 他自己是一个温和的基督徒,导致两人之间发生激烈的公开争执。

Because she was seen as a wise and impartial figure, Оскільки її вважали мудрою та неупередженою постаттю, 因为她被视为一个睿智而公正的人物,

governor Orestes consulted Hypatia, 州长奥雷斯特斯咨询了希帕蒂亚,

who advised him to act with fairness and restraint. ||||||||Zurückhaltung que o aconselhou a atuar com justiça e contenção. який порадив йому діяти справедливо та стримано. 谁建议他行事公平和克制。

But when a group of Cyril's monks incited a riot, Mas quando um grupo de monges de Cirilo incitou um motim, Но когда группа монахов Кирилла подстрекла мятеж, Але коли група ченців Кирила підняла бунт, 但是当一群西里尔的僧侣煽动骚乱时,

badly injuring Orestes in the process, he had their leader tortured to death. Ferindo gravemente Orestes no processo, mandou torturar o seu líder até à morte. тяжело ранив Ореста в процессе, он приказал пытать до смерти их лидера. 在此过程中严重伤害了奥瑞斯忒斯,他将他们的领袖折磨致死。

Cyril and his followers blamed Hypatia, Кирилл и его последователи винили Ипатию, Cyril 和他的追随者指责 Hypatia,

accusing her of witchcraft to turn Orestes against Christianity. ||||||Orestes|| 指责她使用巫术使俄瑞斯忒斯反对基督教。

In March 415, as Hypatia was traveling through the city, 公元 415 年 3 月,当希帕蒂亚正在穿越这座城市时,

the bishop's militia of monks dragged her from her carriage a milícia de monges do bispo arrastou-a da sua carruagem єпископська міліція ченців витягла її з карети 主教的僧侣民兵将她从马车上拖了下来

and brutally murdered and dismembered her. і жорстоко вбив і розчленував її.

Hypatia's death was a turning point in the politics of Alexandria. A morte de Hipátia foi um ponto de viragem na política de Alexandria.

In the wake of her murder, Na sequência do seu assassínio, 在她被谋杀之后,

other philosophers in the Greek and Roman tradition fled, outros filósofos da tradição grega e romana fugiram, інші філософи грецької та римської традиції втекли, 希腊和罗马传统的其他哲学家逃离,

and the city's role as a center of learning declined. 城市作为学习中心的作用下降了。

In a very real way, 以一种非常真实的方式,

the spirit of inquisition, openness, and fairness she fostered |||Neugierde||||| o espírito de inquisição, abertura e justiça que promoveu дух інквізиції, відкритості та справедливості, які вона плекала 她培养的探究、开放和公平的精神

died with her.