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TED-Ed, Why should you read “Kafka on the Shore”? - Iseult Gillespie

Why should you read “Kafka on the Shore”? - Iseult Gillespie

“Sometimes fate is like a small sandstorm that keeps changing directions.

You change direction but the sandstorm chases you.

You turn again, but the storm adjusts.

Over and over you play this out,

like some ominous dance with death just before dawn.

Why? Because this storm isn't something that blew in from far away…

This storm is you. Something inside of you.”

This quote, from the first chapter of Haruki Murakami's "Kafka on the Shore,"

captures the teenage protagonist's turmoil.

Desperate to escape his tyrannical father

and the family curse he feels doomed to repeat,

he renames himself Kafka after his favorite author and runs away from home.

But memories of a missing mother,

along with dreams that haunt his waking life,

prove more difficult to outrun.

Published in Japanese in 2002 and translated into English three years later,

"Kafka on the Shore" is an epic literary puzzle filled with time travel,

hidden histories, and magical underworlds.

Readers delight in discovering how the mind-bending imagery,

whimsical characters and eerie coincidences fit together.

Kafka narrates every second chapter,

with the rest centering on an old man named Satoru Nakata.

After awakening from a coma he went into during the Second World War,

Nakata loses the ability to read and write–

but gains a mysterious knack for talking to cats.

When he's asked to tail a missing pet,

he's thrown onto a dangerous path that runs parallel to Kafka's.

Soon prophecies come true, portals to different dimensions open up–

and fish and leeches begin raining from the sky.

But what ties these two characters together–

and is it a force either one of them can control?

The collision of different worlds is a common thread in Haruki Murakami's work.

His novels and short stories often forge fantastic connections

between personal experience,

supernatural possibilities, and Japanese history.

Born in Kyoto in 1949,

Murakami grew up during the post World War II American occupation of Japan.

The shadow of war hung over his life as it does his fiction;

"Kafka on the Shore" features biological attacks,

military ghosts and shady conspiracies.

Murakami's work blurs historical periods

and draws from multiple cultural traditions.

References to Western society and Japanese customs tumble over each other,

from literature and fashion to food and ghost stories.

He has a penchant for musical references, too, especially in "Kafka on the Shore."

As the runaway Kafka wanders the streets of a strange city,

Led Zeppelin and Prince keep him company.

Soon, he takes refuge in an exquisite private library.

While he spends his days poring over old books

and contemplating a strange painting and the library's mysterious owner,

he also befriends the librarian–

who introduces him to classical music like Schubert.

This musical sensibility makes Murakami's work all the more hypnotic.

He frequently bends the line between reality and a world of dreams,

and is considered a master of magic lurking in the mundane.

This is a key feature of magical realism.

In contrast to fantasy,

magic in this sort of writing rarely offers a way out of a problem.

Instead, it becomes just one more thing that complicates life.

In "Kafka on the Shore,"

characters are faced with endless otherworldly distractions,

from a love sick ghost to a flute made from cat souls.

These challenges offer no easy answers.

Instead, they leave us marveling at the resourcefulness of the human spirit

to deal with the unexpected.

While Kafka often seems suspended in strangeness,

there's a tenderness and integrity at the heart of his mission

that keeps him moving forward.

Gradually he comes to accept his inner confusion.

In the end, his experience echoes the reader's:

the deeper you go, the more you find.

Why should you read “Kafka on the Shore”? - Iseult Gillespie Warum sollten Sie "Kafka am Ufer" lesen? - Iseult Gillespie ¿Por qué leer "Kafka en la orilla"? - Iseult Gillespie Pourquoi lire "Kafka sur le rivage" ? - Iseult Gillespie Perché leggere "Kafka sulla spiaggia"? - Iseult Gillespie なぜ「岸辺のカフカ」を読むべきなのか?- イゼルト・ギレスピー Kodėl turėtumėte skaityti "Kafką ant kranto"? - Iseult Gillespie Dlaczego warto przeczytać "Kafkę na brzegu"? - Iseult Gillespie Porque é que se deve ler "Kafka on the Shore"? - Iseult Gillespie Почему стоит прочитать "Кафку на берегу"? - Исеулт Гиллеспи Neden "Kıyıdaki Kafka "yı okumalısınız? - Iseult Gillespie Чому варто прочитати «Кафку на березі»? - Ізольт Гіллеспі 为什么要读《海边的卡夫卡》? ——伊索·吉莱斯皮 為什麼要讀《海邊的卡夫卡》? ——伊索‧吉萊斯皮

“Sometimes fate is like a small sandstorm that keeps changing directions. “Sometimes fate is like a small sandstorm that keeps changing directions. ''Kader bazen sürekli yönünü değiştirerek dönüp duran bir kum fırtınası gibidir. «Іноді доля схожа на маленьку піщану бурю, яка постійно змінює напрямки.

You change direction but the sandstorm chases you. You change direction but the sandstorm chases you. Sen yönünü değiştirirsin ama kum fırtınası peşinden gelir.

You turn again, but the storm adjusts. You turn again, but the storm adjusts. Ви повертаєтеся знову, але шторм пристосовується.

Over and over you play this out,

like some ominous dance with death just before dawn. like some ominous dance with death just before dawn. Tekrar tekrar, sanki şafaktan hemen önce як якийсь зловісний танець зі смертю перед світанком.

Why? Because this storm isn't something that blew in from far away… Why? Because this storm isn't something that blew in from far away… Neden mi? Çünkü o fırtına uzaklardan çıkıp gelmiş herhangi bir şey değildir.

This storm is you. Something inside of you.” This storm is you. Something inside of you.” O fırtına aslında sensin. Senin içindeki bir şey.''

This quote, from the first chapter of Haruki Murakami's "Kafka on the Shore," This quote, from the first chapter of Haruki Murakami's "Kafka on the Shore," Haruki Murakami'nin ''Sahilde Kafka'' eserinin ilk bölümden bu alıntı

captures the teenage protagonist's turmoil. captures the teenage protagonist's turmoil. yeni yetme başkahramanın çatışmasını yansıtıyor. фіксує сум'яття головного героя-підлітка.

Desperate to escape his tyrannical father Desperate to escape his tyrannical father Baskıcı babasından ve gerçekleşeceğine inandığı

and the family curse he feels doomed to repeat, and the family curse he feels doomed to repeat, aile felaketi kehanetinden umutsuzca kurtulmak için

he renames himself Kafka after his favorite author and runs away from home. he renames himself Kafka after his favorite author and runs away from home. kendisine en sevdiği yazar olan Kafka'nın adını verir ve evden kaçar.

But memories of a missing mother, But memories of a missing mother, Ancak onları terk eden annesinin anılarıyla

along with dreams that haunt his waking life, along with dreams that haunt his waking life, вместе с мечтами, которые преследуют его наяву, uyanıkken bile aklından çıkmayan, разом із снами, які переслідують його життя наяву,

prove more difficult to outrun. prove more difficult to outrun. оказывается более сложно ускользнуть. виявитися важче випередити.

Published in Japanese in 2002 and translated into English three years later, Published in Japanese in 2002 and translated into English three years later, Опубликовано на японском языке в 2002 году и переведено на английский три года спустя, 2002 yılında Japonca yayımlanan ve üç yıl sonra İngilizceye çevrilen

"Kafka on the Shore" is an epic literary puzzle filled with time travel, "Kafka on the Shore" is an epic literary puzzle filled with time travel, ''Sahilde Kafka'' zaman yolculuğu, gizli saklı tarihi öyküler

hidden histories, and magical underworlds. hidden histories, and magical underworlds. ve büyülü alt dünyalarla dolu muhteşem bir edebi yapboz. приховані історії та магічні підземні світи.

Readers delight in discovering how the mind-bending imagery, Readers delight in discovering how the mind-bending imagery, 読者は、心を揺さぶるイメージがどのように描かれているかを発見することに喜びを感じる、 Okurlar akıl almaz betimlemeler, ilginç karakterler Читачі із задоволенням дізнаються, як карколомні образи,

whimsical characters and eerie coincidences fit together. whimsical characters and eerie coincidences fit together. химерні герої та моторошні збіги поєднуються.

Kafka narrates every second chapter, Her iki bölümden ilki Kafka tarafından anlatılır, Кафка розповідає кожен другий розділ,

with the rest centering on an old man named Satoru Nakata. kalan bölümlerde ise Satoru Nakata adında yaşlı bir adamın öyküsü anlatılır.

After awakening from a coma he went into during the Second World War, After awakening from a coma he went into during the Second World War, İkinci Dünya Savaşı sırasında komaya giren Nakata,

Nakata loses the ability to read and write– komadan uyandığında okuma yazma yeteneğini kaybetmiş

but gains a mysterious knack for talking to cats. but gains a mysterious knack for talking to cats. ancak gizemli bir şekilde kedilerle konuşabilme yeteneği kazanmıştır. але отримує таємничий хист розмовляти з котами.

When he's asked to tail a missing pet, At the time||||||| Когда ему предлагают выследить пропавшего домашнего питомца, Kayıp bir kediyi bulması istendiğinde ise

he's thrown onto a dangerous path that runs parallel to Kafka's. he's thrown onto a dangerous path that runs parallel to Kafka's. он оказывается на опасном пути, параллельном с Кафкой. Kafka'nınki ile paralel giden tehlikeli bir yolculuğa atılır.

Soon prophecies come true, portals to different dimensions open up– Soon prophecies come true, portals to different dimensions open up– Скоро сбываются пророчества, открываются порталы в различные измерения – Kısa süre sonra kehanetler gerçekleşir, farklı boyutlara kapılar açılır -

and fish and leeches begin raining from the sky. ve gökyüzünden balık ve sülükler yağmaya başlar.

But what ties these two characters together– Ancak bu iki karakteri birbirine bağlayan şey ne -

and is it a force either one of them can control? and is it a force either one of them can control? ve bu ikisinden birinin kontrol edebildiği bir güç mü?

The collision of different worlds is a common thread in Haruki Murakami's work. The collision of different worlds is a common thread in Haruki Murakami's work. Farklı dünyaların çarpışmasına Haruki Murakami eserlerinde sık rastlanır. Червоною ниткою у творчості Харукі Муракамі проходить зіткнення різних світів.

His novels and short stories often forge fantastic connections His novels and short stories often forge fantastic connections Romanları ve kısa hikâyeleri genelde kişisel deneyimler, Його романи та оповідання часто створюють фантастичні зв’язки

between personal experience, doğaüstü olasılıklar

supernatural possibilities, and Japanese history. ve Japon tarihi arasındaki fantastik bağlantıları işler.

Born in Kyoto in 1949, 1949 yılında Kyoto'da dünyaya gelen Murakami

Murakami grew up during the post World War II American occupation of Japan. 2\. Dünya Savaşı sonrası Amerikan işgali altındaki Japonya'da büyüdü.

The shadow of war hung over his life as it does his fiction; The shadow of war hung over his life as it does his fiction; Hayatı üzerine de romanlarında olduğu gibi savaşın gölgesi çökmüştür;

"Kafka on the Shore" features biological attacks, ''Sahilde Kafka''da biyolojik saldırılar,

military ghosts and shady conspiracies. askeri hayaletler ve karanlık komplolar ön plana çıkar. військові привиди та тіньові змови.

Murakami's work blurs historical periods Murakami'nin eserleri tarihi dönemleri bulanıklaştırır Творчість Муракамі розмиває історичні періоди

and draws from multiple cultural traditions. ve kaynak olarak çok katmanlı kültürel geleneklerden faydalanır.

References to Western society and Japanese customs tumble over each other, References to Western society and Japanese customs tumble over each other, Batı toplumuna ve Japon geleneklerine yaptığı göndermeler art arda sıralanır, Посилання на західне суспільство та японські звичаї перекидаються одне через одне,

from literature and fashion to food and ghost stories. edebiyattan modaya, yemeklerden hayalet hikâyelerine. від літератури та моди до їжі та історій про привидів.

He has a penchant for musical references, too, especially in "Kafka on the Shore." He has a penchant for musical references, too, especially in "Kafka on the Shore." Müzikal göndermeler de yazarın bir diğer tutkusu özellikle de ''Sahilde Kafka''da. Він також має схильність до музичних посилань, особливо в «Кафці на березі».

As the runaway Kafka wanders the streets of a strange city, Evden kaçan Kafka, yabancı bir şehrin sokaklarında dolaşırken Коли Кафка-втікач блукає вулицями незнайомого міста,

Led Zeppelin and Prince keep him company. ona, Led Zeppelin ve Prince eşlik eder.

Soon, he takes refuge in an exquisite private library. Ardından seçkin bir özel kütüphaneye sığınır. Незабаром він знаходить притулок у вишуканій приватній бібліотеці.

While he spends his days poring over old books Günlerini orada eski kitapları inceleyerek Поки він проводить дні над старими книгами

and contemplating a strange painting and the library's mysterious owner, ve tuhaf bir tabloyu ve kütüphanenin gizemli sahibini seyrederek geçirirken і споглядаючи дивну картину та таємничого власника бібліотеки,

he also befriends the librarian– - onu Schubert gibi klasik müzikle tanıştıran -

who introduces him to classical music like Schubert. kütüphaneciyle de arkadaş olur.

This musical sensibility makes Murakami's work all the more hypnotic. Bu müzikal hassasiyet Murakami'nin eserini tamamen daha da hipnotik yapar.

He frequently bends the line between reality and a world of dreams, Sık sık gerçekle hayaller dünyası arasındaki sınırı zorlar Він часто гне межу між реальністю та світом мрій,

and is considered a master of magic lurking in the mundane. ve olağanlıkta gizlenen bir olağanüstülük ustası olarak kabul edilir. і вважається майстром магії, що ховається в повсякденності.

This is a key feature of magical realism. Bu büyülü gerçekçiliğin önemli bir özelliği. Це ключова риса магічного реалізму.

In contrast to fantasy, Fantezinin tersine,

magic in this sort of writing rarely offers a way out of a problem. onun yazı tarzındaki büyü nadiren bir probleme çözüm sunar.

Instead, it becomes just one more thing that complicates life. Bunun yerine hayatı daha karmaşık hâle getiren şeylerden birine dönüşür.

In "Kafka on the Shore," ''Sahilde Kafka''da karakterler

characters are faced with endless otherworldly distractions, персонажі стикаються з нескінченними потойбічними відволіканнями,

from a love sick ghost to a flute made from cat souls. aşka hasret bir hayaletten kedi ruhlarından yapılmış bir flüte. від закоханого привида до флейти, зробленої з котячих душ.

These challenges offer no easy answers. Bu karşılaşmalar bize cevaplar sunmak yerine

Instead, they leave us marveling at the resourcefulness of the human spirit insan ruhunun beklenmeyenle mücadele etme becerisine Натомість вони змушують нас дивуватися винахідливості людського духу

to deal with the unexpected. hayret etmemize neden olur.

While Kafka often seems suspended in strangeness, Kafka, sıklıkla tuhaflıkta takılıp kalmış görünse de Хоча Кафка часто здається завислим у дивацтві,

there's a tenderness and integrity at the heart of his mission there is|||||||||| yolculuğa çıkma nedeninin hassasiyeti ve haklılığı в основі його місії лежить ніжність і цілісність

that keeps him moving forward. onun, yola devam etmesini sağlar.

Gradually he comes to accept his inner confusion. Zamanla kendi iç karmaşasını kabullenir.

In the end, his experience echoes the reader's: Sonunda onun deneyimi okurun deneyiminin yankısı olur:

the deeper you go, the more you find. derine gittikçe daha fazlasını bulursun.