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Friends S02, Friends S02E17 5d

Friends S02E17 5d

Listen, you are not going to believe this... ...but that is not me singing on the video.

How did you find out? The record company sent this paper for me to sign saying it's okay... ...for someone else to sing for me. That was my first clue. What will you do? I can't work with people who would do this. Sure. I mean, this poor woman. What woman? The voice woman. She has a great voice, but she doesn't have a video. Okay, Pheebs, but what about you? I have a video. Pay attention. This voice woman, she's so talented. But according to the producer people, she doesn't have the right look. She's like one of those animals at the pound... ...who nobody wants because they're not pretty. Or you know, like some old dog who's kind of like stinky and Oh, my God! She's "smelly cat"! That song has so many levels. Hey, Eddie. You wanna play some foosball? No, thanks, man. I'm not really into sports. Yeah, okay. All right. Doesn't matter. Time for Baywatch! You like that show? You don't? It's just pretty people running around on the beach. That's the brilliance of it. The pretty people. And the running. I'm gonna go read in my room for a little while. Okay, man. I think of all the friends I've known But when I dial the telephone No one's home All by myself Don't wanna live All by myself Anymore All by myself I'm gonna sort off with a little song called smelly cat. For those of you who wondering this is my real voice. Smelly cat, smelly cat What are they feeding you? Everybody! Smelly cat, smelly cat It's not your fault They won't take you to the vet You're obviously not their favorite pet You may not be a bed of roses And you're no friend To those with noses Ross, those are the only lines we have. Back to the chorus!

Friends S02E17 5d Friends S02E17 5d フレンズ S02E17 5d 老友记 S02E17 5d 老友記 S02E17 5d

Listen, you are not going to believe this... ...but that is not me singing on the video. Слухай, ти не повіриш... ...але на відео співаю не я.

How did you find out? Як ви про це дізналися? The record company sent this paper for me to sign saying it’s okay... ...for someone else to sing for me. Звукозаписна компанія надіслала мені на підпис папір, в якому йшлося про те, що можна, щоб хтось інший заспівав замість мене. That was my first clue. Це була моя перша зачіпка. What will you do? I can’t work with people who would do this. Я не можу працювати з людьми, які так роблять. Sure. I mean, this poor woman. Я маю на увазі цю бідолашну жінку. What woman? The voice woman. She has a great voice, but she doesn’t have a video. Okay, Pheebs, but what about you? I have a video. Pay attention. This voice woman, she’s so talented. But according to the producer people, she doesn’t have the right look. Але, на думку продюсерів, вона не має правильного вигляду. She’s like one of those animals at the pound... ...who nobody wants because they’re not pretty. Вона як одна з тих тварин у притулку... ...яких ніхто не хоче, бо вони негарні. Or you know, like some old dog who’s kind of like stinky and Oh, my God! Або, знаєте, як якийсь старий пес, який смердить і "О, Боже мій!". She’s "smelly cat"! That song has so many levels. Hey, Eddie. You wanna play some foosball? Хочеш пограти у футбол? No, thanks, man. I’m not really into sports. Я не дуже люблю спорт. Yeah, okay. All right. Doesn’t matter. Time for Baywatch! Час для Рятувальників Малібу! You like that show? You don’t? It’s just pretty people running around on the beach. That’s the brilliance of it. The pretty people. And the running. I’m gonna go read in my room for a little while. Піду трохи почитаю в своїй кімнаті. Okay, man. I think of all the friends I’ve known But when I dial the telephone No one’s home All by myself Don’t wanna live All by myself Anymore All by myself I’m gonna sort off with a little song called smelly cat. Я думаю про всіх друзів, яких я знав, але коли я набираю номер телефону, нікого немає вдома, і я залишаюся сам, не хочу більше жити сам, сам, сам... Я закінчую пісенькою під назвою "Смердючий кіт". For those of you who wondering this is my real voice. Smelly cat, smelly cat What are they feeding you? Everybody! Smelly cat, smelly cat It’s not your fault They won’t take you to the vet You’re obviously not their favorite pet You may not be a bed of roses And you’re no friend To those with noses Ross, those are the only lines we have. Смердючий кіт, смердючий кіт Ти не винен, що тебе не відвезуть до ветеринара Ти явно не улюблений улюбленець Ти, може, і не ліжко з троянд, і ти не друг Для тих, у кого є ніс Росс, це єдині рядки, які у нас є. Back to the chorus!