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Friends S03, Friends S03E12 3d

Friends S03E12 3d

- Hey. - Hey. What are you wrapping? Look what I got Julio. Yeah, it's a vase. Yeah, just like the one in the poem. Not exactly like the one in the poem. What do you mean? Remember how you said you were really dense about poetry? So I'm just an empty vase? What? So, I don't read as many important books as you do. And I don't write trick poems that aren't actually what they seem. And you know what? I get excited about stupid stuff... ...like when my People magazine comes on Saturday... ...and the new Hold Everything catalog. But that doesn't mean I'm empty. I care about things, like friends and family. You have no right to make that kind of judgment! You don't even know me! The poem is not about you. - What? - "The Empty Vase" is not about you. My baby preciosa, you make me so sad that you would think this. I'm sorry. It's... My friend Phoebe said... No, it's... It's about all women. Well, all American women. You feel better now? All right, let's do it. What was that? I know. It's the best I could get out of them. Well, people! People, people, people! Let's try it again. And this time, let's everybody watch Joey. Show them how it's done. Count it off, Mack. Did you have fun at the bachelor party last night? Yeah, look what I got! See, she's fully dressed, right? And then you click it, and she's naked! And then you click it again, and she's dressed. She's a business woman, walking down the street. She's window shopping, and she's naked! Hi. Hello. You know what? I'm gonna spend some alone time with the pen. I'm sorry. I was an idiot. A big idiot. A big idiot. It's just you have to realize this whole Mark thing is really hard for me. Honey, why is it hard? We've been together for almost a year now. Well, I was with Carol for, like, eight years. And I lost her. And now, if it's possible, I think I love you even more. So it's hard for me to believe I'm not gonna... ...well, that someone else isn't gonna take you away. Let it be me. Let it be me! Honey, that's very sweet. It just seems to me, though, that if two people love each other... ...and trust each other, like we do... ...there's no reason to be jealous. I gotta get going. Bye, Chandler. Okay, Ross, this pen's getting kind of boring. Can you pick me up some porn? Where you going? I've gotta go pick up Ben. We got a play-date this afternoon. With who? Just this woman I met last night at the party. There was a woman at...? The stripper? - Yeah. - You have a play-date with a stripper? Man, I gotta get a kid! Yeah, we started talking after she did her thing... ...and it turns out she's got a boy about Ben's age. So we're gonna take the kids to a Gymboree class. - Is that okay? - Sure. Is she married? No. Are you jealous? No, I just don't see why she has to play with you. That's all. I mean, doesn't she, you know, have any other stripper-mom friends of her own? You are totally jealous! I'm not jealous, all right. This is about... ...people feeling certain things... ...you know, about... ...strippers. And, you know... I love you too. Bye. Wait, wait, wait! What? Well, there's a kiss he won't forget for a few hours. Either that or you just turned him on and sent him to a stripper. All right, I'm jealous. I'm jealous! "Oh, no. Chandler, please don't. No, I beg of you to not..." Is there a Julio here? I am Julio. Mr. Pretentious You think there's no one finer Your poems are unpublished And you work in a diner You're no God's gift to women That's all in your head - You are just a butt-munch - No one likes a butt-munch! And you're also bad in bed

Friends S03E12 3d Friends S03E12 3d 老友记 S03E12 3d

- Hey. - Hey. What are you wrapping? Look what I got Julio. Yeah, it's a vase. Yeah, just like the one in the poem. Not exactly like the one in the poem. What do you mean? Remember how you said you were really dense about poetry? So I'm just an empty vase? What? So, I don't read as many important books as you do. And I don't write trick poems that aren't actually what they seem. І я не пишу віршів-хитрощів, які насправді не є тим, чим здаються. And you know what? I get excited about stupid stuff... ...like when my People magazine comes on Saturday... ...and the new Hold Everything catalog. But that doesn't mean I'm empty. I care about things, like friends and family. You have no right to make that kind of judgment! You don't even know me! The poem is not about you. - What? - "The Empty Vase" is not about you. My baby preciosa, you make me so sad that you would think this. I'm sorry. It's... My friend Phoebe said... No, it's... It's about all women. Well, all American women. You feel better now? All right, let's do it. What was that? I know. It's the best I could get out of them. Well, people! People, people, people! Let's try it again. And this time, let's everybody watch Joey. Show them how it's done. Покажіть їм, як це робиться. Count it off, Mack. Відраховуй, Мак. Did you have fun at the bachelor party last night? Чи весело тобі було на парубочій вечірці вчора ввечері? Yeah, look what I got! See, she's fully dressed, right? And then you click it, and she's naked! And then you click it again, and she's dressed. She's a business woman, walking down the street. She's window shopping, and she's naked! Hi. Hello. You know what? I'm gonna spend some alone time with the pen. I'm sorry. I was an idiot. A big idiot. A big idiot. It's just you have to realize this whole Mark thing is really hard for me. Honey, why is it hard? We've been together for almost a year now. Well, I was with Carol for, like, eight years. And I lost her. And now, if it's possible, I think I love you even more. So it's hard for me to believe I'm not gonna... ...well, that someone else isn't gonna take you away. Let it be me. Let it be me! Honey, that's very sweet. It just seems to me, though, that if two people love each other... ...and trust each other, like we do... ...there's no reason to be jealous. I gotta get going. Мені треба йти. Bye, Chandler. Okay, Ross, this pen's getting kind of boring. Can you pick me up some porn? Where you going? I've gotta go pick up Ben. We got a play-date this afternoon. With who? Just this woman I met last night at the party. There was a woman at...? The stripper? - Yeah. - You have a play-date with a stripper? Man, I gotta get a kid! Чувак, мені треба завести дитину! Yeah, we started talking after she did her thing... ...and it turns out she's got a boy about Ben's age. So we're gonna take the kids to a Gymboree class. Тож ми збираємося відвести дітей на заняття з гімнастики. - Is that okay? - Sure. Is she married? No. Are you jealous? No, I just don't see why she has to play with you. That's all. I mean, doesn't she, you know, have any other stripper-mom friends of her own? You are totally jealous! I'm not jealous, all right. This is about... ...people feeling certain things... ...you know, about... ...strippers. Це про... ...людей, які відчувають певні речі... ...знаєте, про... ...стриптизерів. And, you know... I love you too. Bye. Wait, wait, wait! What? Well, there's a kiss he won't forget for a few hours. Either that or you just turned him on and sent him to a stripper. All right, I'm jealous. I'm jealous! "Oh, no. Chandler, please don't. No, I beg of you to not..." Is there a Julio here? Ні, благаю, не треба..." Тут є Хуліо? I am Julio. Mr. Pretentious You think there's no one finer Your poems are unpublished And you work in a diner You're no God's gift to women That's all in your head - You are just a butt-munch - No one likes a butt-munch! Пане Претензійний, ти думаєш, що немає нікого кращого, Твої вірші не опубліковані, а ти працюєш в забігайлівці, Ти не божий дар для жінок, це все в твоїй голові, Ти просто жополиз, а жополизів ніхто не любить! And you're also bad in bed А ще ти поганий у ліжку