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Serial, The Alibi (4)

The Alibi (4)

Anyway, Rabia calls Asia up. It's been a year since she wrote the letters, but she agrees to meet.

Rabia And she told me, that day after school I went to the public library. And Adnan was sitting at a computer, checking email or something. And I sat down next to him. We started chatting. And Adnan was a very popular boy in school. He was handsome and popular with the ladies.

So she was speaking to him. And her boyfriend shows up a little bit later with a friend. And she said her boyfriend was really angry at her, because he's like, why are you talking to him? You know, high school kids, why are you talking to him? Is he hitting on you?

And she remembered very specifically that that day she went to her boyfriend's house with him, and they got snowed in. And it snowed really heavily that night. And she remembered that for the following two days, school was closed. So she had very specific details about why she remembered that day.

Sarah Koenig Asia wrote out an affidavit on the spot. In it, she says she and Adnan spoke for about 15 to 20 minutes while she was waiting for her boyfriend to give her a ride. Quote, "We left around 2:40," unquote. Remember, Hae is supposed to be dead by 2:36. And then, the kicker-- "No attorney has ever contacted me about January 13, 1999 and the above information." So benefit of the doubt for a second-- maybe Adnan never actually showed the letters to Cristina Gutierrez, his attorney. Sure, he said he did, but who knows? Well, I know. Deep inside Gutierrez's notes on the case-- I have boxes and boxes of such stuff-- there's this in her handwriting. "Asia plus boyfriend saw him in library 2:15 to 3:15." Then there's another note, dated July 13. It's more than four months after Adnan's arrest. This is written by one of Gutierrez's law clerks, who visited Adnan in jail. Quote, "Asia McClain saw him in the library at 3:00. Asia boyfriend saw him too. Library may have cameras." Why, oh, why was this person never heard from at trial-- a solid, non-crazy, detail-oriented alibi witness in a case that so sorely needed alibi witnesses? I can't ask Christina Gutierrez, because she died in 2004.

So I put that question to a few defense attorneys. And they said, well, alibi witnesses can be tricky, especially if it's just one person. Because then it becomes one person's word over another. A single witness like that can backfire under cross-examination. Or they might take the jury's focus away from the weaknesses in the state's case.

So there are conceivable strategic reasons why Christina Gutierrez might not have wanted to put Asia McClain on the stand. But what is inconceivable, they all said, is to not ever contact Asia McClain, to never make the call, never check it out, never find out if her story helps or hurts your case. That makes no sense whatsoever. That is not a strategy. That is a fuck-up.

When I first heard about the long-lost Asia letters and the lawyer's mistake, I thought, well, their fight is over, right? They've got an alibi witness who was never heard from. It's such a slam dunk. They're done.

Adnan's family hired a new attorney, who filed a petition in court based on the Asia affidavit. His argument was that Adnan's trial could have turned out differently if Gutierrez had checked out Asia's story. And so Adnan should get some form of what's called post-conviction relief.

The new lawyer figures he'll get Asia to come to the hearing. She'll vouch for her story. By this time, Asia had finished school and moved away. He finds an address on the West Coast, tries calling, sending messages-- nothing. Finally, he writes a letter to her, gives it to a private investigator, who goes out to Asia's house in hopes of delivering it.

Asia's fiance comes to the door, opens it part way, tells the investigator that she cannot speak to Asia, but that from what he knows of Adnan's case, Adnan is guilty and deserved the punishment he got. Later, the investigator gets a call from the fiance. "We don't have to talk to you. Leave us alone." So Adnan's lawyer calls off the search for Asia, figuring once a witness turns on you like that, it's too risky to keep pushing. And then at Adnan's hearing on the new petition, it comes out that Asia had done the very thing they dreaded. Asia had called one of the prosecutors in Adnan's case, a guy named Kevin Urick, and undermined her own statement. This is from a recording of the hearing. Mr. Urick is testifying on the witness stand.

Attorney Mr. Urick, how did you learn that the [INAUDIBLE] petition?

Kevin Urick A young lady named Asia called me.

Attorney And what did she say?

Kevin Urick She was concerned, because she was being asked questions about an affidavit she'd written back at the time of the trial. She told me that she'd only written it because she was getting pressure from the family, and she basically wrote it to please them and get them off her back.

Rabia I don't know what happened to her and why she would do this.

Sarah Koenig Here's Rabia again. She says it's not true that Asia was bullied into writing that statement 15 years ago. And she can't fathom why Asia would discredit her own statement like that.

Rabia I don't know why. The affidavit was written voluntarily. I'm an attorney. I'm a licensed attorney. I work on homeland security. I have no reason to make something like this up. I didn't even know she existed until after the conviction.

Sarah Koenig So what do you think happened? Why would they have this sort of violent reaction to helping out Adnan now?

Rabia I don't know. It was just really odd.

Sarah Koenig So who knows what would have happened if Asia had shown up? Maybe it wouldn't have made a difference. After all, they had the original letters and the affidavit. That's all that should've mattered. But it didn't look good.

It would be natural for the judge to wonder, why can't the defense produce this Asia person? Why is she making this call to a prosecutor? I mean, anyone would wonder. I wondered. I wondered if maybe she was pressured into writing that affidavit. And I wondered if she was hiding something.

Like maybe she'd lied in those 1999 letters. Maybe she didn't really see Adnan at the library that day and had just wanted to insert herself into something exciting. And maybe now that she was grown up, she wanted nothing to do with any of it.

So three, four months after I first sat down with Rabia, I had become fixated on finding Asia. I'm like a bloodhound on this thing. Because the whole case seemed to me to be teetering on her memories of that afternoon. I have to know if Adnan really was in the library at 2:36 PM.

Because if he was, library equals innocent. It's so maddeningly simple. And maybe I can crack it if I could just talk to Asia. I write her a long, gentle, pleading letter and send it off to an address I find online. I'm calling people who know her or who I think might know her. I'm checking the same loop of Facebook, MyLife, LinkedIn sites over and over, trawling for clues about where she might be or how she might think.

If you're wondering why I went so nuts on this story versus some other murder case, the best I can explain is this is the one that came to me. It wasn't halfway across the world or even next door. It came right to my lap. And if I could help get to the bottom of it, shouldn't I try?

I start running down all the other information in Asia's 1999 letters. She mentioned there were security cameras inside the library. So my producer and I went to see the very nice manager there, Michelle Hamiel.

Sarah Koenig Was there a security system back in '99 that could've been checked at the time? Michelle Hamiel Probably, yes. I'm going to say yes.

Sarah Koenig OK. And what system was it?

Michelle Hamiel I have no idea. [LAUGHING] It was an old system.

Sarah Koenig Yeah. But you think probably video?

Michelle Hamiel It was video. And that was part of set up. Every morning you put a videotape in.

Sarah Koenig Were you guys recycling the videotapes?

Michelle Hamiel Yes. I think it ran for a week. So you had a Monday tape, a Tuesday tape, a Wednesday tape, and so forth.

Sarah Koenig So even if, on the very day that Asia had written her first letter, Adnan's lawyer had run out to find the security tape, it probably would have been nonexistent by then. But what about the computer Adnan was supposedly using to check his email?

Sarah Koenig To use the computer, did people have to sign in, write their name down?

Michelle Hamiel They did.

Sarah Koenig And what was the system then?

Michelle Hamiel Piece of paper and pencil.

Sarah Koenig And those, by any chance, weren't logged meticulously and kept for 15 years, were they?

Michelle Hamiel No. [LAUGHING]

Sarah Koenig Bummer. We got nothing. Then there was the mystery of Asia's boyfriend, Derek, and his friend Jerrod. All winter and spring, every time I went to Baltimore, I went to Derek's mom's house looking for him, and to Jerrod's window tinting business. And then finally--

Sarah Koenig All right, so you're Jerrod Johnson.

Jerrod Johnson Yes, I am.

Sarah Koenig You don't know how excited we are to be talking to you. I've been looking for you for, like, four months.

Jerrod Johnson What did I do?

Sarah Koenig You didn't do anything. But we were hoping maybe you remembered this moment. On January 13, 1999, do you have any memory, by any miracle, that you went to Woodlawn public library branch near Woodlawn High School to pick up Asia McClain with your friend Derek?

Jerrod Johnson I have no idea. Asia McClain. Is that a person or a book?

Sarah Koenig It's a person.

Jerrod Johnson No, no recollection of it.

Sarah Koenig Scratch Jerrod. Derek was my last hope. Eventually I caught him at home. Considering I woke him up, he was exceedingly courteous. He showed me a photo of Asia and him all dressed up. They dated most of senior year.

Sarah Koenig What's up here?

Derek This is our senior prom. Yeah.

Sarah Koenig You guys both look really beautiful.

Derek Yeah. That's Asia, yeah.

Sarah Koenig But Derek couldn't remember that day either-- shocking, I know. He used to pick Asia up from school almost every day back then, either from the library or from the front of the school. And he says he spoke to a lot of her friends just to be polite.

Derek And it's very possible that I could have spoken to the gentleman and her on that day. But it's very hard to remember 15 years later. But it sounds like this definitely could have happened. I don't think Asia would-- Asia's not the type of person that would lie just to--

Sarah Koenig That's what I'm wondering.

Derek She's definitely not that type of person to get involved with a lie. She's not that type of person. So it seemed pretty credible to me.

Sarah Koenig One day I get a call on my cellphone from a blocked number. You guessed it-- Asia. I wish I could say that my charming, persuasive letter is what prompted Asia to call. But the truth is, she never got my letter.

The Alibi (4) La coartada (4) アリバイ (4) Alibi (4) O Álibi (4) 不在场证明 (4)

Anyway, Rabia calls Asia up. 不管怎样,拉比亚打电话给了亚洲。 It’s been a year since she wrote the letters, but she agrees to meet. 虽然距离她写这封信已经过去了一年,但她还是同意见面。

Rabia      And she told me, that day after school I went to the public library. 拉比亚 她告诉我,那天放学后我去了公共图书馆。 And Adnan was sitting at a computer, checking email or something. 阿德南正坐在电脑前查看电子邮件或做其他事情。 And I sat down next to him. 然后我就坐在他旁边。 We started chatting. 我们开始聊天。 And Adnan was a very popular boy in school. 阿德南在学校里非常受欢迎。 He was handsome and popular with the ladies. 他长得英俊,很受女士们的欢迎。

So she was speaking to him. 所以她正在和他说话。 And her boyfriend shows up a little bit later with a friend. 稍后,她的男朋友和一个朋友一起出现了。 And she said her boyfriend was really angry at her, because he’s like, why are you talking to him? E ela disse que o namorado estava com muita raiva dela, porque ele disse, por que você está falando com ele? 她说她的男朋友真的对她生气,因为他问她,你为什么和他说话? You know, high school kids, why are you talking to him? 你知道,高中生,你们为什么要和他说话? Is he hitting on you? ||anmachen|anmachen| Ele está dando em cima de você? 他是在骚扰你吗?

And she remembered very specifically that that day she went to her boyfriend’s house with him, and they got snowed in. E ela lembrou muito especificamente que naquele dia ela foi para a casa do namorado com ele, e eles ficaram presos na neve. 她清楚地记得,那天她和男朋友一起去他家,结果被大雪困住了。 And it snowed really heavily that night. And she remembered that for the following two days, school was closed. 她还记得接下来的两天学校都停课了。 So she had very specific details about why she remembered that day. 所以她对自己记得那一天的原因有着非常具体的细节描述。

Sarah Koenig Asia wrote out an affidavit on the spot. ||||||宣誓书||| ||||||eidesstattliche Erklärung||| ||||||oświadczenie pod przysięgą||| Sarah Koenig Asia escreveu uma declaração juramentada no local. Sarah Koenig Asia 当场写了一份宣誓书。 In it, she says she and Adnan spoke for about 15 to 20 minutes while she was waiting for her boyfriend to give her a ride. Nele, ela diz que ela e Adnan conversaram por cerca de 15 a 20 minutos enquanto ela esperava que o namorado lhe desse uma carona. 视频中,她说在等待男友载她时,她和阿德南聊了大约 15 到 20 分钟。 Quote, "We left around 2:40," unquote. ||||结束引用 ||||koniec cytatu Aspas: "Saímos por volta das 2h40", fecha aspas. 引述:“我们大约在 2:40 离开”。 Remember, Hae is supposed to be dead by 2:36. 请记住,Hae 应该在 2:36 时死亡。 And then, the kicker-- "No attorney has ever contacted me about January 13, 1999 and the above information." |||关键点|||||||||||| |||Clou|||||||||||| |||niespodzianka|||||||||||| E então, o kicker-- "Nenhum advogado jamais me contatou sobre 13 de janeiro de 1999 e as informações acima." 然后,最令人吃惊的是——“从来没有律师就 1999 年 1 月 13 日及上述信息与我联系过。” So benefit of the doubt for a second-- maybe Adnan never actually showed the letters to Cristina Gutierrez, his attorney. |||||||||||||||||||adwokat 因此,让我们暂时相信——也许阿德南实际上从未向他的律师克里斯蒂娜·古铁雷斯展示过这些信件。 Sure, he said he did, but who knows? 当然,他说他知道,但是谁知道呢? Well, I know. Deep inside Gutierrez’s notes on the case-- I have boxes and boxes of such stuff-- there’s this in her handwriting. 在古铁雷斯关于此案的笔记深处——我有好几箱这样的材料——有她的笔迹。 "Asia plus boyfriend saw him in library 2:15 to 3:15." “亚洲+男朋友在 2 点 15 分至 3 点 15 分在图书馆见到了他。” Then there’s another note, dated July 13. 还有另一张便条,日期是 7 月 13 日。 It’s more than four months after Adnan’s arrest. 这距离阿德南被捕已经过去四个多月了。 This is written by one of Gutierrez’s law clerks, who visited Adnan in jail. ||||||||Rechtsreferendare||||| 这是古铁雷斯的一名法律助理写的,他曾在监狱探望过阿德南。 Quote, "Asia McClain saw him in the library at 3:00. 引述:“艾莎·麦克莱恩 3 点在图书馆见到了他。 Asia boyfriend saw him too. 亚洲男友也看到了他。 Library may have cameras." 图书馆可能有摄像头。” Why, oh, why was this person never heard from at trial-- a solid, non-crazy, detail-oriented alibi witness in a case that so sorely needed alibi witnesses? ||||||||||||||||||||||||急需||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||bardzo potrzebował||| Por que, oh, por que essa pessoa nunca foi ouvida no julgamento - uma testemunha de álibi sólida, não louca e detalhista em um caso que precisava tanto de testemunhas de álibi? 为什么,为什么在审判中从未听到这个人的声音——在一个如此需要不在场证明证人的案件中,他是一个可靠的、不疯狂的、注重细节的不在场证明证人? I can’t ask Christina Gutierrez, because she died in 2004. 我不能问克里斯蒂娜·古铁雷斯,因为她于 2004 年去世。

So I put that question to a few defense attorneys. 因此我向几位辩护律师提出了这个问题。 And they said, well, alibi witnesses can be tricky, especially if it’s just one person. 他们说,不在场证明证人可能很棘手,尤其是只有一个人的时候。 Because then it becomes one person’s word over another. 因为这样一来,它就变成了一个人说的话而不是另一个人说的话。 A single witness like that can backfire under cross-examination. ||||||适得其反|||盘问 ||||||obrócić się przeciwko||| Uma única testemunha como essa pode sair pela culatra em um interrogatório. 像这样的单一证人在交叉询问下可能会产生适得其反的效果。 Or they might take the jury’s focus away from the weaknesses in the state’s case. |||||陪审团的||||||||| Ou eles podem tirar o foco do júri das fraquezas do caso do estado. 或者他们可能会让陪审团的注意力从州案件的弱点上转移开。

So there are conceivable strategic reasons why Christina Gutierrez might not have wanted to put Asia McClain on the stand. |||可以想象的|||||||||||||||| |||denkbare|||||||||||||||| |||możliwe|||||||||||||||| Portanto, existem razões estratégicas concebíveis pelas quais Christina Gutierrez pode não querer colocar Asia McClain no depoimento. 因此,可以想象克里斯蒂娜·古铁雷斯可能不想让艾莎·麦克莱恩出庭作证有某种战略原因。 But what is inconceivable, they all said, is to not ever contact Asia McClain, to never make the call, never check it out, never find out if her story helps or hurts your case. |||难以想象|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 但他们一致表示,不可思议的是,永远不要联系艾莎·麦克莱恩,永远不要打电话,永远不要去核实,永远不要弄清楚她的故事对你的案子有帮助还是有害。 That makes no sense whatsoever. ||||w ogóle 这根本没有任何意义。 That is not a strategy. 这不是一个策略。 That is a fuck-up. Isso é uma bagunça. 这真是搞砸了。

When I first heard about the long-lost Asia letters and the lawyer’s mistake, I thought, well, their fight is over, right? Quando ouvi pela primeira vez sobre as cartas perdidas da Ásia e o erro do advogado, pensei, bem, a briga deles acabou, certo? 当我第一次听说失窃的亚洲信件和律师的错误时,我想,好吧,他们的斗争结束了,对吗? They’ve got an alibi witness who was never heard from. Eles têm uma testemunha de álibi de quem nunca se ouviu falar. 他们找到了一位从未有过出庭证明的证人。 It’s such a slam dunk. |||扣篮|扣篮 |||ein Kinderspiel|ein Kinderspiel ||||To łatwizna. É um slam dunk. 这真是一次扣篮。 They’re done. Eles terminaram. 他们完成了。

Adnan’s family hired a new attorney, who filed a petition in court based on the Asia affidavit. |||||||提交||请愿书||||||| 阿德南的家人聘请了一位新律师,该律师根据亚洲的宣誓书向法庭提交了一份诉状。 His argument was that Adnan’s trial could have turned out differently if Gutierrez had checked out Asia’s story. ||||||||||||||||Asii| 他的观点是,如果古铁雷斯核实了阿萨亚的说法,阿德南的审判结果可能会有所不同。 And so Adnan should get some form of what’s called post-conviction relief. |||||||||||定罪| |||||||||||skazania|ulga po wyroku E assim Adnan deveria obter alguma forma do que é chamado de alívio pós-condenação. 因此阿德南应该获得某种形式的所谓定罪后救济。

The new lawyer figures he’ll get Asia to come to the hearing. O novo advogado calcula que conseguirá que Asia compareça à audiência. 新律师认为他会让亚洲来参加听证会。 She’ll vouch for her story. |担保||| |bürgen für||| |poświadczy||| Ela vai atestar sua história. 她会为她的故事担保。 By this time, Asia had finished school and moved away. 那时,艾莎已经完成学业并搬走了。 He finds an address on the West Coast, tries calling, sending messages-- nothing. Ele encontra um endereço na Costa Oeste, tenta ligar, enviar mensagens - nada. 他找到一个西海岸的地址,尝试打电话、发信息——没有任何反应。 Finally, he writes a letter to her, gives it to a private investigator, who goes out to Asia’s house in hopes of delivering it. ||||||||||||私家侦探||||||||||| 最后,他给她写了一封信,交给了一名私家侦探,私家侦探前往阿西亚的家,希望能够把信交给她。

Asia’s fiance comes to the door, opens it part way, tells the investigator that she cannot speak to Asia, but that from what he knows of Adnan’s case, Adnan is guilty and deserved the punishment he got. 亚洲的未婚妻来到门口,打开一半门,告诉调查员她不能和亚洲说话,但是从他对阿德南案件的了解来看,阿德南是有罪的,应该受到惩罚。 Later, the investigator gets a call from the fiance. 后来,调查员接到了未婚夫的电话。 "We don’t have to talk to you. “我们没必要跟你说话。 Leave us alone." 别管我们了。” So Adnan’s lawyer calls off the search for Asia, figuring once a witness turns on you like that, it’s too risky to keep pushing. |||取消|||||||||||||||||||| Então o advogado de Adnan cancela a busca por Asia, imaginando que uma vez que uma testemunha se volta contra você dessa forma, é muito arriscado continuar pressionando. 因此,阿德南的律师取消了对亚洲的搜寻,认为一旦证人这样背叛你,继续追查就太危险了。 And then at Adnan’s hearing on the new petition, it comes out that Asia had done the very thing they dreaded. ||||||||请愿书||||||||||||害怕的 ||||||||||||||||||||się obawiali E então, na audiência de Adnan sobre a nova petição, descobre-se que a Ásia fez exatamente o que eles temiam. 随后,在阿德南对新的请愿书进行听证时,真相是亚洲做了他们所害怕的事情。 Asia had called one of the prosecutors in Adnan’s case, a guy named Kevin Urick, and undermined her own statement. ||||||检察官||||||||||质疑了||| ||||||Staatsanwälte||||||||||untergraben||| |||||||||||||Kevina Uricka|Uricka||podważyła||| 阿西亚曾打电话给阿德南案的一名检察官,名叫凯文·乌里克 (Kevin Urick),并破坏了她自己的陈述。 This is from a recording of the hearing. Isto é de uma gravação da audiência. 这是听证会的记录。 Mr. Urick is testifying on the witness stand. |||zeznaje|||| O Sr. Urick está testemunhando no banco das testemunhas. 乌里克先生正在证人席上作证。

Attorney      Mr. Urick, how did you learn that the [INAUDIBLE] petition? |||||||||[niezrozumiałe]| Advogado Sr. Urick, como você soube da petição [INAUDÍVEL]? 乌里克先生,您是如何得知 [听不清] 请愿书的?

Kevin Urick      A young lady named Asia called me. Kevin Urick Uma jovem chamada Asia me ligou. 凯文·乌里克 (Kevin Urick) 一位名叫阿西亚 (Asia) 的年轻女士给我打了电话。

Attorney      And what did she say? 律师她说了什么?

Kevin Urick      She was concerned, because she was being asked questions about an affidavit she’d written back at the time of the trial. |||||||||||||宣誓书||||||||| ||||zaniepokojona|||||||||oświadczenie pod przysięgą||||||||| 凯文·乌里克 (Kevin Urick) 她很担心,因为她被问及有关她在审判时写的一份宣誓书的问题。 She told me that she’d only written it because she was getting pressure from the family, and she basically wrote it to please them and get them off her back. Ela me disse que só o escreveu porque estava sendo pressionada pela família, e basicamente o escreveu para agradá-los e tirá-los de cima dela. 她告诉我,她写这本书只是因为家人给她施加了压力,她写这本书的主要目的是取悦家人,让他们不再烦她。

Rabia      I don’t know what happened to her and why she would do this. 拉比亚:我不知道她发生了什么事,也不知道她为什么要这样做。

Sarah Koenig Here’s Rabia again. 莎拉·科尼格 (Sarah Koenig) 再次请出拉比亚 (Rabia)。 She says it’s not true that Asia was bullied into writing that statement 15 years ago. ||||||||被胁迫|||||| 她说,15年前亚洲被迫发表那份声明的说法是不正确的。 And she can’t fathom why Asia would discredit her own statement like that. |||理解||||质疑||||| |||begreifen||||in Verruf bringen||||| |||pojąć||||podważyć wiarygodność||||| 她无法理解为什么亚洲会这样诋毁她自己的声明。

Rabia      I don’t know why. 拉比亚 我不知道为什么。 The affidavit was written voluntarily. ||||自愿地 |Oświadczenie pod przysięgą|||dobrowolnie 该宣誓书是自愿写的。 I’m an attorney. Eu sou um advogado. 我是一名律师。 I’m a licensed attorney. 我是一名执业律师。 I work on homeland security. 我从事国土安全工作。 I have no reason to make something like this up. 我没有理由编造这样的事情。 I didn’t even know she existed until after the conviction. Eu nem sabia que ela existia até depois da condenação. 直到定罪之后我才知道她的存在。

Sarah Koenig      So what do you think happened? Sarah Koenig 那么您认为发生了什么? Why would they have this sort of violent reaction to helping out Adnan now? 为什么他们现在会对帮助阿德南做出如此激烈的反应?

Rabia      I don’t know. 拉比亚 我不知道。 It was just really odd. ||||真奇怪 Foi muito estranho. 这真的很奇怪。

Sarah Koenig So who knows what would have happened if Asia had shown up? 莎拉·科尼格 那么谁知道如果亚洲出现的话会发生什么呢? Maybe it wouldn’t have made a difference. 或许这并没有什么不同。 After all, they had the original letters and the affidavit. |||||||||eidesstattliche Erklärung 毕竟,他们有原始信件和宣誓书。 That’s all that should’ve mattered. ||||liczyło się Isso é tudo que deveria ter importado. 这才是最重要的。 But it didn’t look good. Mas não parecia bom. 但情况看起来不太好。

It would be natural for the judge to wonder, why can’t the defense produce this Asia person? Seria natural que o juiz se perguntasse, por que a defesa não pode apresentar essa pessoa da Ásia? 法官自然会疑惑,为什么辩方不能出示这个亚洲人的证据? Why is she making this call to a prosecutor? ||||||||Staatsanwalt Por que ela está ligando para um promotor? 她为什么要给检察官打电话? I mean, anyone would wonder. Quero dizer, qualquer um se perguntaria. 我的意思是,任何人都会感到疑惑。 I wondered. |zastanawiałem się 我感到很疑惑。 I wondered if maybe she was pressured into writing that affidavit. ||||||pod presją|||| Zastanawiałem się, czy może była zmuszona do napisania tej deklaracji. 我不知道她是否是迫于压力才写下那份宣誓书。 And I wondered if she was hiding something. I zastanawiałem się, czy coś ukrywa. 我怀疑她是否隐藏了什么事。

Like maybe she’d lied in those 1999 letters. Na przykład może skłamała w tych listach z 1999 roku. 就像她可能在 1999 年的信中撒了谎一样。 Maybe she didn’t really see Adnan at the library that day and had just wanted to insert herself into something exciting. ||||||||||||||||hineinversetzen|||| 也许那天她并没有真正在图书馆看到阿德南,只是想参与一些令人兴奋的事情。 And maybe now that she was grown up, she wanted nothing to do with any of it. E talvez agora que ela cresceu, ela não queria ter nada a ver com nada disso. 也许现在她已经长大了,她不想再与这些有任何关系了。

So three, four months after I first sat down with Rabia, I had become fixated on finding Asia. ||||||||||||||着迷于||| ||||||||||||||besessen von||| ||||||||||||||skoncentrowany||| 因此,在我第一次与拉比亚坐下来交谈后的三、四个月里,我便开始执着于寻找亚洲。 I’m like a bloodhound on this thing. |||嗅探犬||| |||Spürhund||| |||pies tropiący||| Jestem jak ogar w tej sprawie. Eu sou como um cão de caça nesta coisa. 我就像一只猎犬一样盯着这个东西。 Because the whole case seemed to me to be teetering on her memories of that afternoon. |||||||||摇摇欲坠|||||| |||||||||wanken|||||| |||||||||chwiejny, niepewny|||||| Ponieważ cała sprawa wydawała mi się balansować na jej wspomnieniach z tego popołudnia. Porque todo o caso me parecia estar oscilando em suas lembranças daquela tarde. 因为在我看来,整个案件都取决于她对那个下午的记忆。 I have to know if Adnan really was in the library at 2:36 PM. Muszę wiedzieć, czy Adnan naprawdę był w bibliotece o 14:36. 我必须知道阿德南是否真的在下午 2:36 在图书馆。

Because if he was, library equals innocent. Porque se ele fosse, a biblioteca é igual a inocente. 因为如果他是的话,图书馆就等于无辜的。 It’s so maddeningly simple. ||令人发狂地| ||verrückt machend| ||szalenie| 它实在是太简单了。 And maybe I can crack it if I could just talk to Asia. ||||破解|||||||| 如果我能和亚洲谈谈,也许我就能解决这个问题。 I write her a long, gentle, pleading letter and send it off to an address I find online. ||||||flehentlich||||||||||| Escrevo para ela uma carta longa, gentil e suplicante e a envio para um endereço que encontro online. 我给她写了一封长长的、温柔的、恳求的信,并将其寄到我在网上找到的地址。 I’m calling people who know her or who I think might know her. 我正在给认识她或我认为可能认识她的人打电话。 I’m checking the same loop of Facebook, MyLife, LinkedIn sites over and over, trawling for clues about where she might be or how she might think. ||||循环|||||||||搜寻线索|||||||||||| ||||Schleife|||||||||durchforsten|||||||||||| |||||||Moje Życie|LinkedIn|||||przeszukiwanie|||||||||||| Estou verificando o mesmo loop de sites do Facebook, MyLife, LinkedIn repetidamente, procurando por pistas sobre onde ela pode estar ou como ela pode pensar. 我一遍又一遍地查看 Facebook、MyLife 和 LinkedIn 网站,寻找有关她可能在哪里或她的想法的线索。

If you’re wondering why I went so nuts on this story versus some other murder case, the best I can explain is this is the one that came to me. |||||||发疯|||||||||||||||||||||| Se você está se perguntando por que enlouqueci tanto nessa história em relação a algum outro caso de assassinato, o melhor que posso explicar é que este é o que me ocorreu. 如果你想知道为什么我对这个故事比对其他谋杀案更着迷,我能给出的最好解释是,这是我想到的那个。 It wasn’t halfway across the world or even next door. Não estava do outro lado do mundo ou mesmo ao lado. 它不在世界的另一端,甚至不在隔壁。 It came right to my lap. |||||落到我腿上 |||||kolano 它直接落到了我的腿上。 And if I could help get to the bottom of it, shouldn’t I try? ||||帮助解决||||||||| E se eu pudesse ajudar a chegar ao fundo disso, não deveria tentar? 如果我能帮忙查明真相,难道我不应该尝试一下吗?

I start running down all the other information in Asia’s 1999 letters. 我开始查阅《亚洲 1999 年信件》中的所有其他信息。 She mentioned there were security cameras inside the library. 她提到图书馆里面有安全摄像头。 So my producer and I went to see the very nice manager there, Michelle Hamiel. ||制作人|||||||||||| |||||||||||||Michelle Hamiel|Hamiel 因此我和我的制片人去见了那里的一位非常好的经理,米歇尔·哈米尔(Michelle Hamiel)。

Sarah Koenig      Was there a security system back in '99 that could’ve been checked at the time? Sarah Koenig 1999 年当时是否存在可以检查的安全系统? Michelle Hamiel      Probably, yes. Michelle Hamiel 或许是的。 I’m going to say yes. 我认为是的。

Sarah Koenig      OK. Sarah Koenig 好的。 And what system was it? 那它是什么系统?

Michelle Hamiel      I have no idea. 米歇尔·哈米尔 我不知道。 [LAUGHING] It was an old system. [笑声] 这是一个古老的制度。

Sarah Koenig      Yeah. But you think probably video? 但您认为可能是视频吗?

Michelle Hamiel      It was video. And that was part of set up. E isso fazia parte da configuração. 这只是设置的一部分。 Every morning you put a videotape in. 每天早上你都会放一盘录像带。

Sarah Koenig      Were you guys recycling the videotapes? Sarah Koenig 你们在回收录像带吗?

Michelle Hamiel      Yes. 米歇尔·哈米尔 是的。 I think it ran for a week. 我认为它运行了一周。 So you had a Monday tape, a Tuesday tape, a Wednesday tape, and so forth. 因此,您有周一的录音带、周二的录音带、周三的录音带等等。

Sarah Koenig      So even if, on the very day that Asia had written her first letter, Adnan’s lawyer had run out to find the security tape, it probably would have been nonexistent by then. 莎拉·科尼格 因此,即使阿德南的律师在艾莎写下第一封信的当天就跑去寻找监控录像带,到那时录像带很可能已经不存在了。 But what about the computer Adnan was supposedly using to check his email? |||||||angeblich||||| 但是阿德南用来查看电子邮件的电脑又是怎么回事呢?

Sarah Koenig      To use the computer, did people have to sign in, write their name down? 莎拉·科尼格 (Sarah Koenig) 要使用电脑,人们是否必须登录并写下自己的名字?

Michelle Hamiel      They did. 米歇尔·哈米尔 (Michelle Hamiel) 他们做到了。

Sarah Koenig      And what was the system then? Sarah Koenig 当时的制度是怎样的?

Michelle Hamiel      Piece of paper and pencil. 米歇尔·哈米尔(Michelle Hamiel)一张纸和一支铅笔。

Sarah Koenig      And those, by any chance, weren’t logged meticulously and kept for 15 years, were they? |||||||||一丝不苟|||||| ||||||||protokolliert||||||| |||||||||dokładnie|||||| Sarah Koenig E esses, por acaso, não foram meticulosamente registrados e guardados por 15 anos, não é? 莎拉·科尼格 而且,这些资料没有被一丝不苟地记录下来并保存了 15 年,是吗?

Michelle Hamiel      No. 米歇尔·哈米尔 没有。 [LAUGHING]

Sarah Koenig Bummer. ||萨拉·科尼格,真糟糕。 ||Sarah Koenig Mist. ||Szkoda, Sarah Koenig Sarah Koenig Que chatice. 莎拉·科尼格 (Sarah Koenig) 真倒霉。 We got nothing. 我们什么也没有得到。 Then there was the mystery of Asia’s boyfriend, Derek, and his friend Jerrod. ||||||||Derek||||Jerrod 然后还有亚洲男友德里克和他的朋友杰罗德之间的谜团。 All winter and spring, every time I went to Baltimore, I went to Derek’s mom’s house looking for him, and to Jerrod’s window tinting business. |||||||||||||||||||||||贴膜业务| |||||||||||||||||||||||Scheiben tönen Geschäft| |||||||||||||Derek||||||||Jerroda||tintowania| Durante todo o inverno e a primavera, sempre que ia a Baltimore, ia à casa da mãe de Derek procurá-lo e ao negócio de tingimento de vidros de Jerrod. 整个冬天和春天,每次我去巴尔的摩,我都会去德里克妈妈的家里找他,还会去杰罗德的窗户贴膜店。 And then finally-- 最后——

Sarah Koenig      All right, so you’re Jerrod Johnson. 莎拉·科尼格 (Sarah Koenig) 好的,你是杰罗德·约翰逊。

Jerrod Johnson      Yes, I am. 杰罗德·约翰逊 是的,我是。

Sarah Koenig      You don’t know how excited we are to be talking to you. 莎拉·科尼格 (Sarah Koenig) 您不知道我们与您交谈时有多么兴奋。 I’ve been looking for you for, like, four months. 我已经找你四个月了。

Jerrod Johnson      What did I do? 杰罗德·约翰逊 我做了什么?

Sarah Koenig      You didn’t do anything. Sarah Koenig 你什么都没做。 But we were hoping maybe you remembered this moment. 但我们希望您能记住这一刻。 On January 13, 1999, do you have any memory, by any miracle, that you went to Woodlawn public library branch near Woodlawn High School to pick up Asia McClain with your friend Derek? 1999 年 1 月 13 日,您是否还记得,您和朋友德里克一起去伍德朗高中附近的伍德朗公共图书馆分馆接艾莎·麦克莱恩?

Jerrod Johnson      I have no idea. 杰罗德·约翰逊 我不知道。 Asia McClain. Is that a person or a book? 那是一个人还是一本书?

Sarah Koenig      It’s a person.

Jerrod Johnson      No, no recollection of it. ||||记忆|| ||||wspomnienie|| 杰罗德·约翰逊 不,不记得了。

Sarah Koenig Scratch Jerrod. ||抓伤| Sarah Koenig Scratch Jerrod. 莎拉·科尼格 (Sarah Koenig) 划伤杰罗德 (Scratch Jerrod)。 Derek was my last hope. 德里克是我最后的希望。 Eventually I caught him at home. Eventualmente, eu o peguei em casa. 最后我在家里抓住了他。 Considering I woke him up, he was exceedingly courteous. |||||||非常|礼貌的 ||||||||höflich |||||||niezwykle|uprzejmy 考虑到我叫醒了他,他还是相当有礼貌的。 He showed me a photo of Asia and him all dressed up. Ele me mostrou uma foto da Asia e ele todo vestido. 他给我看了一张阿西亚和他盛装打扮的照片。 They dated most of senior year. Eles namoraram a maior parte do último ano. 他们在高三的大部分时间都在约会。

Sarah Koenig      What’s up here? Sarah Koenig O que há aqui? Sarah Koenig 这里发生什么事了?

Derek      This is our senior prom. |||||毕业舞会 |||||bal maturalny 德里克 这是我们的毕业舞会。 Yeah.

Sarah Koenig      You guys both look really beautiful. Sarah Koenig 你们俩看起来真的很漂亮。

Derek      Yeah. That’s Asia, yeah.

Sarah Koenig But Derek couldn’t remember that day either-- shocking, I know. |||||||||令人震惊|| Sarah Koenig Mas Derek também não conseguia se lembrar daquele dia - chocante, eu sei. 莎拉·科尼格 但是德里克也不记得那一天了——我知道,这很令人震惊。 He used to pick Asia up from school almost every day back then, either from the library or from the front of the school. 那时,他几乎每天都会去图书馆或者学校门口接爱莎放学。 And he says he spoke to a lot of her friends just to be polite. 他说他和她的很多朋友交谈只是为了礼貌。

Derek      And it’s very possible that I could have spoken to the gentleman and her on that day. 德里克:那天我很有可能和那位先生和她交谈过。 But it’s very hard to remember 15 years later. 但 15 年后就很难记起来了。 But it sounds like this definitely could have happened. 但这听起来绝对有可能发生。 I don’t think Asia would-- Asia’s not the type of person that would lie just to-- 我不认为亚洲会——亚洲不是那种会为了——而撒谎的人。

Sarah Koenig      That’s what I’m wondering. Sarah Koenig Isso é o que eu estou querendo saber. Sarah Koenig 这正是我所想知道的。

Derek      She’s definitely not that type of person to get involved with a lie. 德里克:她绝对不是那种会卷入谎言的人。 She’s not that type of person. 她不是那样的人。 So it seemed pretty credible to me. ||||wiarygodne|| 所以对我来说这似乎相当可信。

Sarah Koenig One day I get a call on my cellphone from a blocked number. Sarah Koenig Um dia recebo uma ligação no meu celular de um número bloqueado. 莎拉·科尼格 (Sarah Koenig) 有一天,我接到一个手机来电,是一个被屏蔽的号码。 You guessed it-- Asia. Você adivinhou-- Ásia. I wish I could say that my charming, persuasive letter is what prompted Asia to call. |||||||迷人的|||||||| ||||||||przekonywająca||||skłoniło||| Eu gostaria de poder dizer que minha carta charmosa e persuasiva foi o que levou Asia a ligar. 我希望我可以说,正是我那封迷人且具有说服力的信促使了亚洲打来电话。 But the truth is, she never got my letter. Mas a verdade é que ela nunca recebeu minha carta. 但事实是,她从未收到我的信。