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TED Talks, My journey from Marine to actor | Adam Driver (1)

My journey from Marine to actor | Adam Driver (1)

I was a Marine with 1/1 Weapons Company, 81's platoon, out in Camp Pendleton, California. Oorah! 00:07 Audience: Oorah! 00:08 (Laughter) 00:09 I joined a few months after September 11, feeling like I think most people in the country did at the time, filled with a sense of patriotism and retribution and the desire to do something -- that, coupled with that fact that I wasn't doing anything. I was 17, just graduated from high school that past summer, living in the back room of my parents' house paying rent, in the small town I was raised in in Northern Indiana, called Mishawaka. I can spell that later for people who are interested -- 00:35 (Laughter) 00:36 Mishawaka is many good things but cultural hub of the world it is not, so my only exposure to theater and filmwas limited to the plays I did in high school and Blockbuster Video, may she rest in peace. 00:46 (Laughter) 00:47 I was serious enough about acting that I auditioned for Juilliard when I was a senior in high school, didn't get in, determined college wasn't for me and applied nowhere else, which was a genius move. I also did that Hail Mary LA acting odyssey that I always heard stories about, of actors moving to LA with, like, seven dollars and finding work and successful careers. I got as far as Amarillo, Texas, before my car broke down. I spent all my money repairing it, finally made it to Santa Monica -- not even LA -- stayed for 48 hours wandering the beach, basically, got in my car, drove home, thus ending my acting career, so -- 01:20 (Laughter) 01:22 Seventeen, Mishawaka ... parents' house, paying rent, selling vacuums ... telemarketing, cutting grass at the local 4-H fairgrounds. This was my world going into September, 2001. 01:34 So after the 11th, and feeling an overwhelming sense of duty, and just being pissed off in general -- at myself,my parents, the government; not having confidence, not having a respectable job, my shitty mini-fridge that I just drove to California and back -- I joined the Marine Corps and loved it. I loved being a Marine. It's one of the things I'm most proud of having done in my life. Firing weapons was cool, driving and detonating expensive things was great. But I found I loved the Marine Corps the most for the thing I was looking for the least when I joined, which was the people: these weird dudes -- a motley crew of characters from a cross section of the United States -- that on the surface I had nothing in common with. And over time, all the political and personal bravado that led me to the military dissolved, and for me, the Marine Corps became synonymous with my friends. 02:19 And then, a few years into my service and months away from deploying to Iraq, I dislocated my sternum in a mountain-biking accident, and had to be medically separated. Those never in the military may find this hard to understand, but being told I wasn't getting deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan was very devastating for me. I have a very clear image of leaving the base hospital on a stretcher and my entire platoon is waiting outside to see if I was OK. 02:42 And then, suddenly, I was a civilian again. I knew I wanted to give acting another shot, because -- again, this is me -- I thought all civilian problems are small compared to the military. I mean, what can you really bitch about now, you know? "It's hot. Someone should turn on the air conditioner." "This coffee line is too long." I was a Marine, I knew how to survive. I'd go to New York and become an actor. If things didn't work out, I'd live in Central Park and dumpster-dive behind Panera Bread. 03:09 (Laughter) 03:10 I re-auditioned for Juilliard and this time I was lucky, I got in. But I was surprised by how complex the transition was from military to civilian. And I was relatively healthy; I can't imagine going through that processon top of a mental or physical injury. But regardless, it was difficult. In part, because I was in acting school -- I couldn't justify going to voice and speech class, throwing imaginary balls of energy at the back of the room,doing acting exercises where I gave birth to myself -- 03:37 (Laughter) 03:38 while my friends were serving without me overseas. But also, because I didn't know how to apply the things I learned in the military to a civilian context. I mean that both practically and emotionally. Practically, I had to get a job. And I was an Infantry Marine, where you're shooting machine guns and firing mortars. There's not a lot of places you can put those skills in the civilian world. 03:57 (Laughter) 03:58 Emotionally, I struggled to find meaning. In the military, everything has meaning. Everything you do is either steeped in tradition or has a practical purpose. You can't smoke in the field because you don't want to give away your position. You don't touch your face -- you have to maintain a personal level of health and hygiene.You face this way when "Colors" plays, out of respect for people who went before you. Walk this way, talk this way because of this. Your uniform is maintained to the inch. How diligently you followed those rules spoke volumes about the kind of Marine you were. Your rank said something about your history and the respect you had earned. 04:30 In the civilian world there's no rank. Here you're just another body, and I felt like I constantly had to prove my worth all over again. And the respect civilians were giving me while I was in uniform didn't exist when I was out of it. There didn't seem to be a ... a sense of community, whereas in the military, I felt this sense of community. How often in the civilian world are you put in a life-or-death situation with your closest friends and they constantly demonstrate that they're not going to abandon you? And meanwhile, at acting school ... 04:58 (Laughter) 05:00 I was really, for the first time, discovering playwrights and characters and plays that had nothing to do with the military, but were somehow describing my military experience in a way that before to me was indescribable.And I felt myself becoming less aggressive as I was able to put words to feelings for the first time and realizing what a valuable tool that was. 05:19 And when I was reflecting on my time in the military, I wasn't first thinking on the stereotypical drills and discipline and pain of it; but rather, the small, intimate human moments, moments of great feeling: friends going AWOL because they missed their families, friends getting divorced, grieving together, celebrating together, all within the backdrop of the military. I saw my friends battling these circumstances, and I watched the anxiety it produced in them and me, not being able to express our feelings about it. 05:46 The military and theater communities are actually very similar. You have a group of people trying to accomplish a mission greater than themselves; it's not about you. You have a role, you have to know your role within that team. Every team has a leader or director; sometimes they're smart, sometimes they're not. You're forced to be intimate with complete strangers in a short amount of time; the self-discipline, the self-maintenance. I thought, how great would it be to create a space that combined these two seemingly dissimilar communities, that brought entertainment to a group of people that, considering their occupation, could handle something a bit more thought-provoking than the typical mandatory-fun events that I remember being "volun-told" to go to in the military -- 06:25 (Laughter) 06:26 all well-intended but slightly offensive events, like "Win a Date with a San Diego Chargers Cheerleader," where you answer a question about pop culture, and if you get it right you win a date, which was a chaperoned walk around the parade deck with this already married, pregnant cheerleader -- 06:40 (Laughter) 06:41 Nothing against cheerleaders, I love cheerleaders. The point is more, how great would it be to have theater presented through characters that were accessible without being condescending. So we started this nonprofit called Arts in the Armed Forces, where we tried to do that, tried to join these two seemingly dissimilar communities. We pick a play or select monologues from contemporary American plays that are diverse in age and race like a military audience is, grab a group of incredible theater-trained actors, arm them with incredible material, keep production value as minimal as possible -- no sets, no costumes, no lights, just reading it -- to throw all the emphasis on the language and to show that theater can be created at any setting. 07:20 It's a powerful thing, getting in a room with complete strangers and reminding ourselves of our humanity, and that self-expression is just as valuable a tool as a rifle on your shoulder. And for an organization like the military, that prides itself on having acronyms for acronyms, you can get lost in the sauce when it comes to explaining a collective experience. And I can think of no better community to arm with a new means of self-expression than those protecting our country. 07:46 We've gone all over the United States and the world, from Walter Reed in Bethesda, Maryland, to Camp Pendleton, to Camp Arifjan in Kuwait, to USAG Bavaria, on- and off-Broadway theaters in New York. And for the performing artists we bring, it's a window into a culture they otherwise would not have had exposure to.And for the military, it's the exact same. 08:05 And in doing this for the past six years, I'm always reminded that acting is many things. It's a craft, it's a political act, it's a business, it's -- whatever adjective is most applicable to you. But it's also a service. I didn't get to finish mine, so whenever I get to be of service to this ultimate service industry, the military, for me, again -- there's not many things better than that. 08:26 Thank you. 08:27 (Applause) 08:32 We're going to be doing a piece from Marco Ramirez, called "I am not Batman." An incredible actor and good friend of mine, Jesse Perez, is going to be reading, and Matt Johnson, who I just met a couple hours ago.They're doing it together for the first time, so we'll see how it goes. 08:47 Jesse Perez and Matt Johnson. 08:49 (Applause) 09:00 Jesse Perez: It's the middle of the night and the sky is glowing like mad, radioactive red. And if you squint, you can maybe see the moon through a thick layer of cigarette smoke and airplane exhaust that covers the whole city, like a mosquito net that won't let the angels in. 09:13 (Drum beat) 09:14 And if you look up high enough, you can see me standing on the edge of an 87-story building. And up there, a place for gargoyles and broken clock towers that have stayed still and dead for maybe like 100 years, up there is me. 09:27 (Beat) 09:28 And I'm frickin' Batman. 09:30 (Beat) 09:31 And I gots Batmobiles and batarangs and frickin' bat caves, like, for real. And all it takes is a broom closet or a back room or a fire escape, and Danny's hand-me-down jeans are gone. And my navy blue polo shirt, the one that looks kinda good on me but has that hole on it near the butt from when it got snagged on the chain-link fence behind Arturo's but it isn't even a big deal because I tuck that part in and it's, like, all good. That blue polo shirt -- it's gone, too! And I get like, like ... transformational. 10:00 (Beat) 10:01 And nobody pulls out a belt and whips Batman for talkin' back. 10:04 (Beat) 10:05 Or for not talkin' back. 10:07 And nobody calls Batman simple or stupid or skinny. And nobody fires Batman's brother from the Eastern Taxi Company 'cause they was making cutbacks, neither. 'Cause they got nothing but respect.

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My journey from Marine to actor | Adam Driver (1) Mein Weg vom Marine zum Schauspieler | Adam Driver (1) Το ταξίδι μου από πεζοναύτης σε ηθοποιός | Adam Driver (1) Mi viaje de marine a actor | Adam Driver (1) Mon parcours de marin à acteur | Adam Driver (1) Il mio viaggio da marine ad attore | Adam Driver (1) 海兵隊員から俳優への道|アダム・ドライバー (1) 해병에서 배우가 되기까지의 여정 | 아담 드라이버 (1) Moja droga od żołnierza piechoty morskiej do aktora | Adam Driver (1) Minha jornada de fuzileiro naval a ator | Adam Motorista (1) Мой путь от морского пехотинца до актера | Адам Драйвер (1) Min resa från marinsoldat till skådespelare | Adam Driver (1) Denizcilikten aktörlüğe yolculuğum | Adam Driver (1) Мій шлях від морпіха до актора | Адам Драйвер (1) 我从海军陆战队员到演员的历程 | 亚当-德赖弗 (1) 我從海軍陸戰隊到演員的歷程 |亞當‧德賴弗 (1)

I was a Marine with 1/1 Weapons Company, 81's platoon, out in Camp Pendleton, California. ||||в составе||||взвод 81-мм миномётов||||| |||marines|||||||||| Oorah! 00:07 Audience: Oorah! 00:08 (Laughter)   00:09 I joined a few months after September 11, feeling like I think most people in the country did at the time, filled with a sense of patriotism and retribution and the desire to do something -- that, coupled with that fact that I wasn't doing anything. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||возмездие|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||odwet|||||||||||||||| I was 17, just graduated from high school that past summer, living in the back room of my parents' house paying rent, in the small town I was raised in in Northern Indiana, called Mishawaka. |||||||||||||задняя комната|||||||||||||||||||| I can spell that later for people who are interested --   00:35 (Laughter)   00:36 Mishawaka is many good things but cultural hub of the world it is not, so my only exposure to theater and filmwas limited to the plays I did in high school and Blockbuster Video, may she rest in peace. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||опыт|||||||||||||||Блокбастер Видео|||||| 00:46 (Laughter)   00:47 I was serious enough about acting that I auditioned for Juilliard when I was a senior in high school, didn't get in, determined college wasn't for me and applied nowhere else, which was a genius move. |||||||||||Джульярдскую школу|||||||||||||||||||||что||||гениальный ход I also did that Hail Mary LA acting odyssey that I always heard stories about, of actors moving to LA with, like, seven dollars and finding work and successful careers. ||||||||Одиссея актёров||||||||||||||||||||| I got as far as Amarillo, Texas, before my car broke down. I spent all my money repairing it, finally made it to Santa Monica -- not even LA -- stayed for 48 hours wandering the beach, basically, got in my car, drove home, thus ending my acting career, so --   01:20 (Laughter)   01:22 Seventeen, Mishawaka ... parents' house, paying rent, selling vacuums ... telemarketing, cutting grass at the local 4-H fairgrounds. ||||||||||||||||||||||по сути|||||||||||||||||||||пылесосы продавая|телемаркетингом|||||||ярмарочная площадь This was my world going into September, 2001. ||||||сентябрь 2001 года 01:34 So after the 11th, and feeling an overwhelming sense of duty, and just being pissed off in general -- at myself,my parents, the government; not having confidence, not having a respectable job, my shitty mini-fridge that I just drove to California and back -- I joined the Marine Corps and loved it. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||паршивый|||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||chujowa|||||||||||||||||| I loved being a Marine. ||||морской пехотинец It's one of the things I'm most proud of having done in my life. Firing weapons was cool, driving and detonating expensive things was great. ||||||взрывать|||| But I found I loved the Marine Corps the most for the thing I was looking for the least when I joined, which was the people: these weird dudes -- a motley crew of characters from a cross section of the United States -- that on the surface I had nothing in common with. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||пестрая компания||||из|||||||||||на первый взгляд|||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||kolorowa ekipa||||||||||||||||||||| And over time, all the political and personal bravado that led me to the military dissolved, and for me, the Marine Corps became synonymous with my friends. 02:19 And then, a few years into my service and months away from deploying to Iraq, I dislocated my sternum in a mountain-biking accident, and had to be medically separated. |||||||||||||||Я|||грудина|||гора|езда на велосипеде||||||| ||||||||||||wyjazdem||||||mostek||||||||||| 02:19 И тогда, спустя несколько лет службы и за несколько месяцев до отправки в Ирак, я вывихнул грудную клетку во время катания на горных велосипедах и мне пришлось быть медицински отстраненным. Those never in the military may find this hard to understand, but being told I wasn't getting deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan was very devastating for me. Тем, кто никогда не служил в армии, может быть трудно понять, но для меня было очень разрушительно узнать, что меня не посылают в Ирак или Афганистан. I have a very clear image of leaving the base hospital on a stretcher and my entire platoon is waiting outside to see if I was OK. |||||||||||||носилки||||||||||||| У меня очень четкое воспоминание о том, как я уезжал из базовой больницы на носилках, а весь мой взвод ждал снаружи, чтобы узнать, что со мной все в порядке. 02:42 And then, suddenly, I was a civilian again. I knew I wanted to give acting another shot, because -- again, this is me -- I thought all civilian problems are small compared to the military. I mean, what can you really bitch about now, you know? "It's hot. Someone should turn on the air conditioner." "This coffee line is too long." I was a Marine, I knew how to survive. I'd go to New York and become an actor. If things didn't work out, I'd live in Central Park and dumpster-dive behind Panera Bread. |||||||||||мусорный контейнер|||| 03:09 (Laughter)   03:10 I re-auditioned for Juilliard and this time I was lucky, I got in. But I was surprised by how complex the transition was from military to civilian. And I was relatively healthy; I can't imagine going through that processon top of a mental or physical injury. |||||||||||процесс сверху||||||| But regardless, it was difficult. In part, because I was in acting school -- I couldn't justify going to voice and speech class, throwing imaginary balls of energy at the back of the room,doing acting exercises where I gave birth to myself --   03:37 (Laughter)   03:38 while my friends were serving without me overseas. But also, because I didn't know how to apply the things I learned in the military to a civilian context. I mean that both practically and emotionally. Practically, I had to get a job. And I was an Infantry Marine, where you're shooting machine guns and firing mortars. ||||пехотинец морской пехоты|||||||||миномёты ||||piechota||||||||| There's not a lot of places you can put those skills in the civilian world. 03:57 (Laughter)   03:58 Emotionally, I struggled to find meaning. In the military, everything has meaning. Everything you do is either steeped in tradition or has a practical purpose. |||||пропитано||||||| |||||przeniknięte||||||| You can't smoke in the field because you don't want to give away your position. |||||||||||выдать||| You don't touch your face -- you have to maintain a personal level of health and hygiene.You face this way when "Colors" plays, out of respect for people who went before you. ||||||||||личный|||||гигиена и здоровье||||||||из уважения к|||||||| Walk this way, talk this way because of this. Your uniform is maintained to the inch. |||поддерживается||| How diligently you followed those rules spoke volumes about the kind of Marine you were. |С какой старательностью||||||||||||| Your rank said something about your history and the respect you had earned. 04:30 In the civilian world there's no rank. Here you're just another body, and I felt like I constantly had to prove my worth all over again. And the respect civilians were giving me while I was in uniform didn't exist when I was out of it. There didn't seem to be a ... a sense of community, whereas in the military, I felt this sense of community. How often in the civilian world are you put in a life-or-death situation with your closest friends and they constantly demonstrate that they're not going to abandon you? And meanwhile, at acting school ...   04:58 (Laughter)   05:00 I was really, for the first time, discovering playwrights and characters and plays that had nothing to do with the military, but were somehow describing my military experience in a way that before to me was indescribable.And I felt myself becoming less aggressive as I was able to put words to feelings for the first time and realizing what a valuable tool that was. |тем временем|||||||||||||драматургов||||||||||||||||||||||||||||неописуемый|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 05:19 And when I was reflecting on my time in the military, I wasn't first thinking on the stereotypical drills and discipline and pain of it; but rather, the small, intimate human moments, moments of great feeling: friends going AWOL because they missed their families, friends getting divorced, grieving together, celebrating together, all within the backdrop of the military. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Самовольно ушедшие||||||||||||||||||| I saw my friends battling these circumstances, and I watched the anxiety it produced in them and me, not being able to express our feelings about it. 05:46 The military and theater communities are actually very similar. |||театр||||| You have a group of people trying to accomplish a mission greater than themselves; it's not about you. |||||||||||||себя самих|||| You have a role, you have to know your role within that team. Every team has a leader or director; sometimes they're smart, sometimes they're not. You're forced to be intimate with complete strangers in a short amount of time; the self-discipline, the self-maintenance. I thought, how great would it be to create a space that combined these two seemingly dissimilar communities, that brought entertainment to a group of people that, considering their occupation, could handle something a bit more thought-provoking than the typical mandatory-fun events that I remember being "volun-told" to go to in the military --   06:25 (Laughter)   06:26 all well-intended but slightly offensive events, like "Win a Date with a San Diego Chargers Cheerleader," where you answer a question about pop culture, and if you get it right you win a date, which was a chaperoned walk around the parade deck with this already married, pregnant cheerleader --   06:40 (Laughter)   06:41 Nothing against cheerleaders, I love cheerleaders. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||добровольно-принудительно||||||||||||||||||||||||Чарджерс|чирлидерша||||||||||||||||||||||под присмотром|||||||||||||||||| 私は、この一見異質な2つのコミュニティを融合させ、職業を考えれば、私が軍隊で「自発的に行け」と言われたことを覚えているような典型的な強制的な楽しいイベントよりも、もう少し考えさせられるようなものを扱えるような人々のグループにエンターテイメントを提供するような空間を作れたら、どんなに素晴らしいだろうと思った -- 06:25 (笑) 06:26 「サンディエゴ・チャージャーズのチアリーダーとのデートを当てよう」みたいな、善意はあるんだけどちょっと不快なイベント。 The point is more, how great would it be to have theater presented through characters that were accessible without being condescending. ||||||||||иметь|||||||||| Суть в том, насколько было бы здорово иметь театр, представленный через персонажей, доступных без заносчивости. So we started this nonprofit called Arts in the Armed Forces, where we tried to do that, tried to join these two seemingly dissimilar communities. Поэтому мы создали некоммерческую организацию под названием Arts in the Armed Forces, где мы пытались сделать это, пытались объединить эти две кажущиеся несхожие общины. We pick a play or select monologues from contemporary American plays that are diverse in age and race like a military audience is, grab a group of incredible theater-trained actors, arm them with incredible material, keep production value as minimal as possible -- no sets, no costumes, no lights, just reading it -- to throw all the emphasis on the language and to show that theater can be created at any setting. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||декорации||||||||чтобы показать||||||||||||театр|||||| Мы выбираем пьесу или отбираем монологи из современных американских пьес, в которых разнообразны по возрасту и расе, как и аудитория военных, собираем группу невероятных актеров, обученных в театре, вооружаем их невероятным материалом, сохраняем производственную ценность как можно меньше - без декораций, костюмов, света, просто чтение, - чтобы бросить акцент на язык и показать, что театр можно создавать в любой обстановке. 07:20 It's a powerful thing, getting in a room with complete strangers and reminding ourselves of our humanity, and that self-expression is just as valuable a tool as a rifle on your shoulder. And for an organization like the military, that prides itself on having acronyms for acronyms, you can get lost in the sauce when it comes to explaining a collective experience. ||||||||||||аббревиатуры для аббревиатур||||||||||||||||коллективный опыт| And I can think of no better community to arm with a new means of self-expression than those protecting our country. 07:46 We've gone all over the United States and the world, from Walter Reed in Bethesda, Maryland, to Camp Pendleton, to Camp Arifjan in Kuwait, to USAG Bavaria, on- and off-Broadway theaters in New York. ||||||||||||||Бетесда, Мэриленд|||||||||||||на сценах||||театры Бродвея||| And for the performing artists we bring, it's a window into a culture they otherwise would not have had exposure to.And for the military, it's the exact same. |||||||||||||||||||контакт||||||||| 08:05 And in doing this for the past six years, I'm always reminded that acting is many things. It's a craft, it's a political act, it's a business, it's -- whatever adjective is most applicable to you. ||||||||||||прилагательное|||применимый к вам|| But it's also a service. I didn't get to finish mine, so whenever I get to be of service to this ultimate service industry, the military, for me, again -- there's not many things better than that. ||||||||||||||||||индустрия услуг|||||||||||| |||||||||||||||tej||||||||||||||| 08:26 Thank you. 08:27 (Applause)   08:32 We're going to be doing a piece from Marco Ramirez, called "I am not Batman." An incredible actor and good friend of mine, Jesse Perez, is going to be reading, and Matt Johnson, who I just met a couple hours ago.They're doing it together for the first time, so we'll see how it goes. 08:47 Jesse Perez and Matt Johnson. 08:49 (Applause)   09:00 Jesse Perez: It's the middle of the night and the sky is glowing like mad, radioactive red. |||||||||||||светится|||| And if you squint, you can maybe see the moon through a thick layer of cigarette smoke and airplane exhaust that covers the whole city, like a mosquito net that won't let the angels in. |||прищуриться||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||zmrużysz oczy||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 09:13 (Drum beat)   09:14 And if you look up high enough, you can see me standing on the edge of an 87-story building. ||||||||||||||||||87-этажного здания|| And up there, a place for gargoyles and broken clock towers that have stayed still and dead for maybe like 100 years, up there is me. ||||||горгульи|||||||||||||||||| 09:27 (Beat)   09:28 And I'm frickin' Batman. 09:30 (Beat)   09:31 And I gots Batmobiles and batarangs and frickin' bat caves, like, for real. ||||||бэтаранги|||Бэтмобили|Бэтпещеры||| And all it takes is a broom closet or a back room or a fire escape, and Danny's hand-me-down jeans are gone. ||||||метла|||||||||||Дэнни|||||| And my navy blue polo shirt, the one that looks kinda good on me but has that hole on it near the butt from when it got snagged on the chain-link fence behind Arturo's but it isn't even a big deal because I tuck that part in and it's, like, all good. ||||поло рубашка|||||||||||||||||||||||зацепился за|||цепь забора||||||||||||||заправляю|||||||| That blue polo shirt -- it's gone, too! ||поло|||| And I get like, like ... transformational. 10:00 (Beat)   10:01 And nobody pulls out a belt and whips Batman for talkin' back. ||||||||порет ремнём||за то, что|| 10:04 (Beat)   10:05 Or for not talkin' back. 10:07 And nobody calls Batman simple or stupid or skinny. ||||||||худой And nobody fires Batman's brother from the Eastern Taxi Company 'cause they was making cutbacks, neither. ||увольняет||||||||||||сокращение штатов| 'Cause they got nothing but respect. Потому что|потому что они||||уважение