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News and Politics, Leaders of Afghanistan, Pakistan Meet With Obama in Washington

Leaders of Afghanistan, Pakistan Meet With Obama in Washington

This is IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English.

President Obama, Afghan President Hamid Karzai and Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari met Wednesday at the White House. Mister Obama described the day as "extraordinarily productive." He said the three nations are joined by a common goal to "defeat al-Qaida and its extremist allies in Pakistan and Afghanistan." "I am pleased that these two men, elected leaders of Afghanistan and Pakistan, fully appreciate the seriousness of the threat that we face and have reaffirmed their commitment to confronting it." He also told President Karzai that the United States will make every effort to avoid harming civilians as it helps the Afghan government. But on Friday President Karzai, appearing on CNN television, demanded that American airstrikes end. He said an Afghan delegation had confirmed that more than one hundred civilians died earlier this week because of airstrikes in the western province of Farah.

American officials have expressed regret for the incident. But they say about fifty people were killed, many of them militants. And they have suggested that Taliban fighters were responsible for killing some civilians. Mister Karzai disputed that.

The Afghan and Pakistani leaders brought big delegations to Washington for individual and joint meetings with American officials. President Karzai said he hopes to reduce years of tension with Pakistan. President Zardari said he shares a desire to support democracy and fight terrorism.

Taliban and al-Qaida forces have made recent gains in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

On Friday American Defense Secretary Robert Gates completed a visit to Afghanistan. The United States is preparing for an increase of more than twenty thousand troops there in the coming months. American officials say it will take at least two years for what one official called a meaningful measure of progress toward long-term stability.

Pakistan has battled Taliban militants in its northwest tribal areas for years. But the fighting is now moving closer to population centers. Government attempts to make peace deals with the militants have failed to stop the fighting.

The United Nations says hundreds of thousands of people are being displaced by the latest fighting in Swat and other parts of North West Frontier province. They join another half million displaced Pakistanis who have fled their homes since August. Aid groups are warning of a humanitarian crisis.

In a speech on Thursday, Pakistan's Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani called on the nation to unite against the Taliban. The Obama administration is seeking four hundred million dollars in immediate assistance from Congress to help Pakistan fight the insurgency within its borders.

Earlier this week, two American senators proposed legislation for three times as much non-military aid as Pakistan now receives. The measure calls for one and a half billion dollars a year for five years. The money would be used to build schools, roads and medical clinics. President Obama supports the measure. The House of Representatives is considering its own version of the legislation.

And that's IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English, written by Brianna Blake. I'm Mario Ritter. Transcript of radio broadcast: 08 May 2009

Leaders of Afghanistan, Pakistan Meet With Obama in Washington 領導人|||||||| leaders|||||||| Führende Politiker Afghanistans und Pakistans treffen sich mit Obama in Washington Οι ηγέτες του Αφγανιστάν και του Πακιστάν συναντώνται με τον Ομπάμα στην Ουάσινγκτον Los líderes de Afganistán y Pakistán se reúnen con Obama en Washington I leader di Afghanistan e Pakistan incontrano Obama a Washington アフガニスタンとパキスタンの首脳がワシントンでオバマ大統領と会談 아프가니스탄, 파키스탄 지도자, 워싱턴에서 오바마 대통령과 회동 Leiders van Afghanistan, Pakistan ontmoeten Obama in Washington Przywódcy Afganistanu i Pakistanu spotkali się z Obamą w Waszyngtonie Líderes do Afeganistão e do Paquistão reúnem-se com Obama em Washington Лидеры Афганистана и Пакистана встречаются с Обамой в Вашингтоне Afganistan ve Pakistan Liderleri Washington'da Obama ile Görüştü Лідери Афганістану та Пакистану зустрілися з Обамою у Вашингтоні 阿富汗和巴基斯坦领导人在华盛顿会见奥巴马 阿富汗和巴基斯坦領導人在華盛頓會見歐巴馬

This is IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English.

President Obama, Afghan President Hamid Karzai and Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari met Wednesday at the White House. Mister Obama described the day as "extraordinarily productive." ||||||異常地| M. Obama a qualifié cette journée d'"extraordinairement productive". He said the three nations are joined by a common goal to "defeat al-Qaida and its extremist allies in Pakistan and Afghanistan." ||||||||||||||基地組織|||極端分子|盟友||||阿富汗 ||||||||||||derrotar|||||||||| Il a déclaré que les trois pays étaient unis par un objectif commun : "vaincre Al-Qaïda et ses alliés extrémistes au Pakistan et en Afghanistan". "I am pleased that these two men, elected leaders of Afghanistan and Pakistan, fully appreciate the seriousness of the threat that we face and have reaffirmed their commitment to confronting it." |||||||||||||||||||||||||重申了||||面對| He also told President Karzai that the United States will make every effort to avoid harming civilians as it helps the Afghan government. Il a également déclaré au président Karzai que les États-Unis feraient tout leur possible pour éviter de blesser des civils lorsqu'ils aideront le gouvernement afghan. But on Friday President Karzai, appearing on CNN television, demanded that American airstrikes end. |||||出現在|||||||空襲| |||||||||exigiu|||ataques aéreos| He said an Afghan delegation had confirmed that more than one hundred civilians died earlier this week because of airstrikes in the western province of Farah. |||||||||||||||||||||||省份|| |||||||||||||||||||ataques aéreos||||||

American officials have expressed regret for the incident. But they say about fifty people were killed, many of them militants. |||||||||||激進分子 And they have suggested that Taliban fighters were responsible for killing some civilians. |||||塔利班||||||| Mister Karzai disputed that. ||contestou|

The Afghan and Pakistani leaders brought big delegations to Washington for individual and joint meetings with American officials. Les dirigeants afghans et pakistanais ont amené d'importantes délégations à Washington pour des réunions individuelles et conjointes avec des responsables américains. President Karzai said he hopes to reduce years of tension with Pakistan. President Zardari said he shares a desire to support democracy and fight terrorism. |||||||||民主制度|||恐怖主義

Taliban and al-Qaida forces have made recent gains in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

On Friday American Defense Secretary Robert Gates completed a visit to Afghanistan. The United States is preparing for an increase of more than twenty thousand troops there in the coming months. |||||||||||||部隊||||| Les États-Unis se préparent à une augmentation de plus de vingt mille soldats dans les mois à venir. American officials say it will take at least two years for what one official called a meaningful measure of progress toward long-term stability.

Pakistan has battled Taliban militants in its northwest tribal areas for years. |||||||西北部|部落的||| |||||||noroeste|||| But the fighting is now moving closer to population centers. Government attempts to make peace deals with the militants have failed to stop the fighting.

The United Nations says hundreds of thousands of people are being displaced by the latest fighting in Swat and other parts of North West Frontier province. |||||||||||流離失所||||||斯瓦特|||||||| |||||||||||||||||Swat-Tal|||||||| Les Nations unies affirment que des centaines de milliers de personnes ont été déplacées par les derniers combats à Swat et dans d'autres parties de la province de la frontière du Nord-Ouest. They join another half million displaced Pakistanis who have fled their homes since August. |||||||||逃離|||| |||||||||fugiram de|||| Aid groups are warning of a humanitarian crisis. ||||||人道危機| |||alerta||||

In a speech on Thursday, Pakistan's Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani called on the nation to unite against the Taliban. The Obama administration is seeking four hundred million dollars in immediate assistance from Congress to help Pakistan fight the insurgency within its borders. |||||||||||||國會||||||叛亂活動||| L'administration Obama demande au Congrès une aide immédiate de 400 millions de dollars pour aider le Pakistan à lutter contre l'insurrection à l'intérieur de ses frontières.

Earlier this week, two American senators proposed legislation for three times as much non-military aid as Pakistan now receives. |||||參議員|||||||||||||| Au début de la semaine, deux sénateurs américains ont proposé une législation prévoyant une aide non militaire trois fois supérieure à celle que reçoit actuellement le Pakistan. The measure calls for one and a half billion dollars a year for five years. La mesure prévoit un milliard et demi de dollars par an pendant cinq ans. The money would be used to build schools, roads and medical clinics. President Obama supports the measure. The House of Representatives is considering its own version of the legislation. |||os representantes|||||||| La Chambre des représentants examine actuellement sa propre version de la législation.

And that's IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English, written by Brianna Blake. I'm Mario Ritter. Transcript of radio broadcast: 08 May 2009 Transcription de l'émission de radio : 08 mai 2009