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1,500+ ESL/EFL English Conversations, Restaurant 5. Ordering Appetizers

Restaurant 5. Ordering Appetizers

A: I am your waitress, Mary.

B: Hello, Mary. We are all pretty hungry tonight!

A: While you are looking over the menu, can I interest you in an appetizer?

B: An appetizer sounds good. Do you have a special menu?

A: They are listed on the first page of the menu.

B: The coconut shrimp looks good. Have you ever had that?

A: Yes, it is excellent!

B: Good, I'll take that then.

A: Would you like to split that and choose another appetizer for half price to share?

B: Good. In that case, we'll also take an order of onion rings. Thank you!

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Restaurant 5. Ordering Appetizers Restaurante 5. Pedir aperitivos Restaurant 5. Commander des amuse-gueules レストラン5.前菜の注文 Restaurant 5. Voorgerechten bestellen Restaurante 5. Pedir aperitivos Ресторан 5. Замовлення закусок

A: I am your waitress, Mary. A:私はあなたのウェイトレスです、メアリー。

B: Hello, Mary. B:こんにちは、メアリー。 We are all pretty hungry tonight! 今夜はみんなかなりお腹が空いています!

A: While you are looking over the menu, can I interest you in an appetizer? ||||||||||engage||||starter dish A:メニューを見ながら、前菜に興味を持ってもらえますか? A: 메뉴를 살펴보는 동안 애피타이저를 드셔도 될까요? R: Enquanto você examina o menu, gostaria de um aperitivo?

B: An appetizer sounds good. B:前菜はいいですね。 B: Um aperitivo parece bom. Do you have a special menu? 特別メニューはありますか?

A: They are listed on the first page of the menu. |||included||||||| A:メニューの最初のページに表示されます。 R: Eles estão listados na primeira página do menu.

B: The coconut shrimp looks good. ||coconut shrimp|coconut shrimp|| B:ココナッツシュリンプはよさそうだ。 B: O camarão de coco parece bom. Have you ever had that? Avez-vous déjà eu ça? あなたはそれを持ったことがありますか? 그런 경험이 있으신가요?

A: Yes, it is excellent! A:はい、すばらしいです。

B: Good, I'll take that then. B:よし、じゃあそれを取るよ。

A: Would you like to split that and choose another appetizer for half price to share? A : Aimeriez-vous partager cela et choisir un autre apéritif à moitié prix à partager ? A:それを分割して、共有する半額の別の前菜を選択しますか? A: 에피타이저를 반으로 나누고 다른 에피타이저를 반값에 선택해 나눠 드시겠어요? R: Você gostaria de dividir isso e escolher outro aperitivo pela metade do preço para compartilhar?

B: Good. B:いいですね。 In that case, we'll also take an order of onion rings. Dans ce cas, nous prendrons également une commande de rondelles d'oignon. その場合は、オニオンリングも注文します。 В этом случае мы также возьмем порядок луковых колец. Thank you! ありがとうございました!