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personal growth, John C. Maxwell - Laws of Growth (1)

John C. Maxwell - Laws of Growth (1)

wait wait wait hey hey hey come here I'm

gonna be walking around up here do it


real good I don't want to break my neck

on the favor of God

I'll go down you'll say boy he was slain

in the spirit

yeah just hold on a second I mean if

it's not the music stand it's a ice rink

okay I think I'm just gonna stay over

here for a while fat's alright that's a

little slippery I'm clumsy on good

ground happy new year happy new year to

all of you my it's great to be with you

happy new year City place Boynton Beach

my goodness our new campus of Boyton

Beach in that exciting I'll give them a

hand huh wonderful and Stewart is in a

new location now and Royal Palm great to

have you with us and our main campus

here what a wonderful weekend we have in

store and I'm very excited about about

sharing and I just I'm just asking God

to really help us this is our first

weekend of the year and it's kind of

nice to get it started right so I would

like you to look at your neighbor and

say - on all the campuses and also

online if you've got a neighbor with you

online look look at your neighbor and

say I want to congratulate you you have

not missed a Sunday this year would you

do that hi justice just amazing your


perfect attendance huh don't you feel

just a little more spiritual than the

rest of those people huh I mean you have

not missed a weekend yet you got to feel

good about that

two years ago 2011 I was doing a series

get ready Get Set grow which was

basically on how to grow in your

spiritual life we're gonna do a review

on that I mean Pastor Tom was kind of

kind of making fun of me about my series

this year which kind of went a little

long well I'm going back two years ago

when I taught you thought it would could

only get better but it can't it I can go

farther back and we'll do a review in a

moment but a couple years ago I started

us off in 2011 on it get ready Get Set

grow series which became um which became

a book okay in other words I I did the

series and about two months later I woke

up in the bin in the middle of the night

about 3:30 and I realized I wanted to do

a book on the loss of growth and that's

something I'm very passionate about and

so I did the book and on our campuses

the book is available here when we're

done I'll go over and sign it and I

would really encourage you what a great

way to start the year by saying this is

gonna be a personal growth here in my

life also over beside me to my right I

developed what we call the Maxwell plan

for growth because I'm so passionate

about growing myself I've had a personal

growth plan since 1974 and and so people

have asked me about it and so it's an

online interactive type of growth plan

if you're on the other campuses if you

go to the Welcome Center they'll have a

sheet there that you could get online

and they'll show you how to do it and

it's it's it's a dollar a day so it's a

it's a kind of expensive plan but the

money goes all to the church again you

understand take none of it so if you get

if you want to do personal growth this

year the money goes all the church it's

just a great way to help them and help

yourself in a way we go but if you're

here go see Steve right afterwards and

he'll help you go okay

let's lose a review on what I taught in

2011 and then I'm going to take two laws

out of my growth book and teach them

spiritually to you for the for this

are doing your so let's let's let's go

and let's look at these ok let's let's

do a review ok in Ephesians chapter 4

verse 15 there's a passage of scripture

that says God wants us to grow up to

know the whole truth and tell it in love

like Christ in everything we take our

lead from Christ who is the source of

everything that we do Luke chapter 2

verse 52 another great passage and Jesus

mature growing up in both body and

spirit blessed by both God and the

people the review that we're going to do

now is from the message as I preached

two years ago let's look at it and get

ready to write because these are

guidelines for growth in your life

guidelines for growth in my life also

okay number one growth must be

intentional if you're going to grow you

don't grow accidentally you have to grow

on purpose that's true of all of us so

as we approach 2013 we have to be

focused on I really want to grow number

two second guideline choose the areas of

your growth it's impossible for us to

grow in all areas so I challenge each

one of you to take maybe one area or to

spiritual areas in your life and say

that's where I really want to grow for

example every year I ask God to give me

one word one word that kinda is a word

for the year that all kind of helped me

as far as areas that I want to grow in

my own life spiritually number three

create a growth environment for yourself

one of the great ways to have a growth

environment is course is to to be in a

small group to be around Christians to

to to to get into into Bible studies to

take advantage of all the wonderful

ministries that our church has number

four allow failure to be your friend and

the reason I say that is because

whenever we attempt anything that is new

for us we're going to never do it right

the first time so you've got to embrace

failures your friend it's it's really is

a wonderful friend it'll teach you much

if you embrace it as a friend if you

look at it as an enemy and you become

fearful of it it'll keep you from

growing number five

value today in other words really value

the growing that you're doing right now

and visualize tomorrow what that means

basically is take advantage of the

moment that you have but be motivated by

what you want to become visualized

tomorrow guideline number six develop

systems to help you grow develop it in

your own life methods and systems that

will help you to to develop and grow in

your own life number seven be

comfortable being uncomfortable because

what happens is when we begin to grow

again we're doing things we've never

done where we're growing in areas where

we have never grown before so that's

just part of the growth process and then

the last guideline that I gave in that

series was be a river not a reservoir

and the God will only give to you what

he knows will flow through you now that

was that was the series that I did a

couple of years ago how many of you

remember well every one of those points

and truly I didn't need to review it

because that message was so powerful

that you've never forgotten anything

would there be anybody like that okay

I'm glad I reviewed it and the race I

reviewed it is I didn't remember one of

those points myself so I did it for

myself okay in the 15 at the book that I

wrote is the 15 laws of growth and I

would like to give you two of them and

apply them to you and myself spiritually

and law number one is the law of

consistency and the law of consistency

says motivation gets you going


keeps you growing in other words we get

started by being motivated but we if

we're going to achieve it's not the

spurt it's not the start it's the

process and motivation gets us going but

discipline keeps us growing we have to

be more than just mowed evaded now when

I think about motivation getting us

going I'm thinking of the fact here we

are it's the first week of our the first

weekend of the new year and we are here

in perfect attendance

on a very spiritual high over that and

we're kind of excited and why do we do

it the first year we make new year's

resolutions how many of you how many of

you made a new year's resolution for

this year how many have you made at

least one Oh many of you did how about

the other campuses raise your hand if

you made new year's resolutions okay

okay we can we get motivated about we go

we got this price year we got a new

start and this is a you know a brand new

sheet of paper clean sheet here I go so

motivation gets us going that's January

and then February comes huh they say

that it takes 17 days to forget the

resolution that we make in the first of

the year so by January the 17th were

kind of worthless again you follow I'm

saying we were good for a couple weeks

well what's that that's the spurt that's

the motivation and this principle the

law this law the law consistency says

that you really get good not by being

good just in a spurt or in a start but

you really get good by being consistent

now when you think of consistency as a

law of growth it's not really an

exciting law is it I mean you're say

John you had 15 why did you pick that

seems a little boring I mean consistency

I mean think about if somebody came up

to you and they said there are some

things I really admire about your life

and so you're kind of excited because

they're gonna talk to you about what

they might what they're Martin you're

like so you kind of sit on the edge of

your seat and say well yeah well go

ahead you you have an hour go ahead tell

me what what do you admire about my life

and if they looked at us and they see

what I really admire about you is is you

were just so um you just sue and you

just kind of waiting you know and and

you got words for them adjectives if

they can't think of them you know you

got a list there and you're just so

you're just so um consistent that's kind

of a letdown that that wasn't what you

were looking for it's not a sexy word is

it you're so so consistent

I think of the 15 loss it's the most

important law I know in my life because

I've lived these laws and practice these

laws since 1974 I know in my law the law

life the law consistency would be number

one if there is any success that I've

had I can promise you it goes to the

fact that as a young man I understood

the value of process and day in and day

out being consistent I got to thinking

about the other day since 1967 I've been

speaking in fact I was kind of curious

Malcolm Gladwell's talked about the fact

that if you really want to be good at

something you have to do a 10,000 times

and I thought man it's kind of a high

number you know it's kind of

John C. Maxwell - Laws of Growth (1) John C. Maxwell - Die Gesetze des Wachstums (1) John C. Maxwell - Leyes del crecimiento (1) جان سی ماکسول - قوانین رشد (1) John C. Maxwell - Prawa rozwoju (1) John C. Maxwell - Leis do Crescimento (1) John C. Maxwell - Büyüme Kanunları (1) 约翰·C·麦克斯韦 - 增长定律 (1)

wait wait wait hey hey hey come here I'm

gonna be walking around up here do it


real good I don't want to break my neck

on the favor of God

I'll go down you'll say boy he was slain

in the spirit

yeah just hold on a second I mean if

it's not the music stand it's a ice rink

okay I think I'm just gonna stay over

here for a while fat's alright that's a

little slippery I'm clumsy on good

ground happy new year happy new year to

all of you my it's great to be with you

happy new year City place Boynton Beach

my goodness our new campus of Boyton

Beach in that exciting I'll give them a

hand huh wonderful and Stewart is in a

new location now and Royal Palm great to

have you with us and our main campus

here what a wonderful weekend we have in

store and I'm very excited about about

sharing and I just I'm just asking God

to really help us this is our first

weekend of the year and it's kind of

nice to get it started right so I would

like you to look at your neighbor and

say - on all the campuses and also

online if you've got a neighbor with you

online look look at your neighbor and on the internet||||||

say I want to congratulate you you have

not missed a Sunday this year would you

do that hi justice just amazing your


perfect attendance huh don't you feel

just a little more spiritual than the

rest of those people huh I mean you have

not missed a weekend yet you got to feel

good about that

two years ago 2011 I was doing a series

get ready Get Set grow which was

basically on how to grow in your

spiritual life we're gonna do a review

on that I mean Pastor Tom was kind of

kind of making fun of me about my series

this year which kind of went a little

long well I'm going back two years ago

when I taught you thought it would could

only get better but it can't it I can go

farther back and we'll do a review in a

moment but a couple years ago I started

us off in 2011 on it get ready Get Set

grow series which became um which became

a book okay in other words I I did the

series and about two months later I woke

up in the bin in the middle of the night

about 3:30 and I realized I wanted to do

a book on the loss of growth and that's

something I'm very passionate about and

so I did the book and on our campuses

the book is available here when we're

done I'll go over and sign it and I

would really encourage you what a great

way to start the year by saying this is

gonna be a personal growth here in my

life also over beside me to my right I

developed what we call the Maxwell plan

for growth because I'm so passionate

about growing myself I've had a personal

growth plan since 1974 and and so people

have asked me about it and so it's an

online interactive type of growth plan

if you're on the other campuses if you

go to the Welcome Center they'll have a

sheet there that you could get online

and they'll show you how to do it and

it's it's it's a dollar a day so it's a

it's a kind of expensive plan but the

money goes all to the church again you

understand take none of it so if you get

if you want to do personal growth this

year the money goes all the church it's

just a great way to help them and help

yourself in a way we go but if you're

here go see Steve right afterwards and

he'll help you go okay

let's lose a review on what I taught in

2011 and then I'm going to take two laws

out of my growth book and teach them

spiritually to you for the for this

are doing your so let's let's let's go

and let's look at these ok let's let's

do a review ok in Ephesians chapter 4

verse 15 there's a passage of scripture

that says God wants us to grow up to

know the whole truth and tell it in love

like Christ in everything we take our

lead from Christ who is the source of

everything that we do Luke chapter 2

verse 52 another great passage and Jesus

mature growing up in both body and

spirit blessed by both God and the

people the review that we're going to do

now is from the message as I preached

two years ago let's look at it and get

ready to write because these are

guidelines for growth in your life

guidelines for growth in my life also

okay number one growth must be

intentional if you're going to grow you

don't grow accidentally you have to grow

on purpose that's true of all of us so

as we approach 2013 we have to be

focused on I really want to grow number

two second guideline choose the areas of

your growth it's impossible for us to

grow in all areas so I challenge each

one of you to take maybe one area or to

spiritual areas in your life and say

that's where I really want to grow for

example every year I ask God to give me

one word one word that kinda is a word

for the year that all kind of helped me

as far as areas that I want to grow in

my own life spiritually number three

create a growth environment for yourself

one of the great ways to have a growth

environment is course is to to be in a

small group to be around Christians to

to to to get into into Bible studies to

take advantage of all the wonderful

ministries that our church has number

four allow failure to be your friend and

the reason I say that is because

whenever we attempt anything that is new

for us we're going to never do it right

the first time so you've got to embrace

failures your friend it's it's really is

a wonderful friend it'll teach you much

if you embrace it as a friend if you

look at it as an enemy and you become

fearful of it it'll keep you from

growing number five

value today in other words really value

the growing that you're doing right now

and visualize tomorrow what that means

basically is take advantage of the

moment that you have but be motivated by

what you want to become visualized

tomorrow guideline number six develop

systems to help you grow develop it in

your own life methods and systems that

will help you to to develop and grow in

your own life number seven be

comfortable being uncomfortable because

what happens is when we begin to grow

again we're doing things we've never

done where we're growing in areas where

we have never grown before so that's

just part of the growth process and then

the last guideline that I gave in that

series was be a river not a reservoir

and the God will only give to you what

he knows will flow through you now that

was that was the series that I did a

couple of years ago how many of you

remember well every one of those points

and truly I didn't need to review it

because that message was so powerful

that you've never forgotten anything

would there be anybody like that okay

I'm glad I reviewed it and the race I

reviewed it is I didn't remember one of

those points myself so I did it for

myself okay in the 15 at the book that I

wrote is the 15 laws of growth and I

would like to give you two of them and

apply them to you and myself spiritually

and law number one is the law of

consistency and the law of consistency

says motivation gets you going


keeps you growing in other words we get

started by being motivated but we if

we're going to achieve it's not the

spurt it's not the start it's the

process and motivation gets us going but

discipline keeps us growing we have to

be more than just mowed evaded now when

I think about motivation getting us

going I'm thinking of the fact here we

are it's the first week of our the first

weekend of the new year and we are here

in perfect attendance

on a very spiritual high over that and

we're kind of excited and why do we do

it the first year we make new year's

resolutions how many of you how many of

you made a new year's resolution for

this year how many have you made at

least one Oh many of you did how about

the other campuses raise your hand if

you made new year's resolutions okay

okay we can we get motivated about we go

we got this price year we got a new

start and this is a you know a brand new

sheet of paper clean sheet here I go so

motivation gets us going that's January

and then February comes huh they say

that it takes 17 days to forget the

resolution that we make in the first of

the year so by January the 17th were

kind of worthless again you follow I'm

saying we were good for a couple weeks

well what's that that's the spurt that's

the motivation and this principle the

law this law the law consistency says

that you really get good not by being

good just in a spurt or in a start but

you really get good by being consistent

now when you think of consistency as a

law of growth it's not really an

exciting law is it I mean you're say

John you had 15 why did you pick that

seems a little boring I mean consistency

I mean think about if somebody came up

to you and they said there are some

things I really admire about your life

and so you're kind of excited because

they're gonna talk to you about what

they might what they're Martin you're

like so you kind of sit on the edge of

your seat and say well yeah well go

ahead you you have an hour go ahead tell

me what what do you admire about my life

and if they looked at us and they see

what I really admire about you is is you

were just so um you just sue and you

just kind of waiting you know and and

you got words for them adjectives if

they can't think of them you know you

got a list there and you're just so

you're just so um consistent that's kind

of a letdown that that wasn't what you

were looking for it's not a sexy word is

it you're so so consistent

I think of the 15 loss it's the most

important law I know in my life because

I've lived these laws and practice these

laws since 1974 I know in my law the law

life the law consistency would be number

one if there is any success that I've

had I can promise you it goes to the

fact that as a young man I understood

the value of process and day in and day

out being consistent I got to thinking

about the other day since 1967 I've been

speaking in fact I was kind of curious

Malcolm Gladwell's talked about the fact

that if you really want to be good at

something you have to do a 10,000 times

and I thought man it's kind of a high

number you know it's kind of