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Thomas Frank Study Tips, How to Focus Better Using the "AMRAP" Mentality

How to Focus Better Using the "AMRAP" Mentality

Tucked within the training programs

of many in athletic discipline

is a particularly challenging type of workout called

the AMRAP workout.

Standing for as many reps as possible,

these types of workouts challenge athletes

to do a specific move as many times as they possibly can

within a set amount of time.

These types of workouts are intense

and they can be a great way to track the progress

of your fitness over time.

In fact, the climbing gym that I go to

actually uses the AMRAP format

to test our fitness in their general exercise classes.

But aside from its benefits in the gym,

the idea behind the AMRAP workout

can also help you become more productive as well.

This is an idea that I learned about from Jason Khalipa.

An athlete and successful entrepreneur

who competed in the Crossfit Games eight times

and actually won it in 2008.

Among other feats, Jason has backsquatted 450 pounds,

deadlifted 550 pounds and done

a single set of 64 pull ups,

which makes the 13 that I did for this video's opening shot

look pretty pathetic by comparison.

In addition to being an elite athlete though,

Jason is also the owner of a successful gym business

with six different locations.

And his ability to manage that business

along with his athletics and his family

stems from a concept that he calls the AMRAP Mentality.

I first learned about this concept

when I listened to Jason's interview on The Tim Ferriss Show

which is one of my favorite podcasts.

And ever since, it has been a very helpful

mental tool for me which is why

I wanna share it with you today.

To start, I wanna pose to you a question

that Jason brought up in that interview.

Are we more productive today than we were 20 years ago?

It's tempting to jump to an immediate yes

since we now have access to vastly better technology,

information, and automation than we had

back when A Bug's Life came out.

But is that actually a good thing?

Sure, I can now tell a robot to put things on my calendar

which is admittedly pretty cool

but all this technology also makes it

so much easier for us to constantly

pull our attention away from the present.

And this becomes habitual.

How many times have you been out to dinner with friends

and had the urge to check your phone for text messages

even though you're literally sitting

across the table from people you can talk to in person?

And how often do you feel your attention

being pulled away from your work

because you just have to know

what the best selling Godzilla movie is?

It's become easier than ever

for us to spend almost all of our time

in a distracted, unfocused state.

However, in these modern times,

there is still one situation where you almost

never find your mind wondering from the present.

As Jason points out in that interview,

when you're in the middle of an AMRAP workout,

when you're trying as hard as you can

to raise your chin to that bar just one more time,

that's when your mind is completely focused

on the task at hand.

The level of sheer intensity involved in an AMRAP round

makes it impossible to focus on your weekend plans

or that video game you played last night.

And this leads to the core idea

behind Jason's AMRAP Mentality.

Channeling that intense focus,

that present mindedness that you experience

during an intense workout and applying it

to the rest of your life, whether it be your homework

or the time you spend with friends and family.

Jason breaks the process of using this mentality

into four steps.

First, you need to work to identify your areas of focus.

Ideally, you should only have a few of these

and each of them should have what's called

a strong internal why, a compelling reason

for why you're focusing on them instead of something else.

And this part of the process might also involve

abandoning certain areas of focus

or at least putting them on the back burner

if you have too many.

Remember, you can only spin so many plates at once.

Actually I can't spin any plates.

Anyway, the areas of focus that I've chosen for myself

include one, creating videos with a specific focus

on the writing process and filming process

now that I have an editor.

Number two, my athletics, specifically training

in rock climbing and figure skating.

Three, spending time with my girlfriend Anna

and four, working on a talk for a conference

that's coming up in a couple of weeks.

Now before we move on to the second step in the process,

I wanna mention that you should be doing this

on a more micro level as well.

These are all macro goals that I just outlined

but everyday I also try to write down

a list of the things that I want to accomplish

by the end of the day.

And for each item on the list,

I ask myself, does that item have a strong internal why?

Alright, so after you've chosen all of those areas of focus,

the next step is simple.

Choose one area, focus on it with all of your attention,

and work hard at it.

Or in other words, AMRAP it.

In one of his talks about the AMRAP Mentality,

Jason gave this concept weight

by using the image of a bicycle.

When you're riding a bike,

your only focus is on where you're going,

it is not you're probably going to crash.

And if you wanna get where you're going

with any amount of speed, you're gonna have

to crank those pedals hard.

And this metaphor was especially fitting for me

just a couple of days ago because over the weekend,

I decided that I was gonna ride my bike

from my place in Denver over

to a friend's place in Boulder and then back.

The total distance of that ride is 70 miles

which is actually the longest

that I've ever ridden a bicycle.

Now I made pretty good time and I ended up

arriving in Boulder around 2:30 p.m. in the afternoon.

But since I stayed and hung out

at my friend's place for a while,

I didn't start heading back until around six p.m.

And before I even hit the halfway mark

on the ride back, it started getting dark

which meant that I had to spend about 20 miles

riding with my bike's headlamp.

It was a perfect example of the AMRAP Mentality in action.

The dark forced me to concentrate intensely

on where I was going and my surroundings

and the fact that it was getting darker and darker

motivated me to pedal quickly even though

the previous 50 miles had already worn me out.

I was, in a word, AMRAPing the entire way home.

Putting in focused, intense effort

until the job was done and I was ready

to switch to something else.

Which as it happens is the third step

in the AMRAP Mentality.

Switch gears and do it deliberately.

And of course when this happens,

you then go right back to step two,

right back to focusing intensely

in working hard at that next thing.

The idea here is that mentally,

switching from your math homework

to say hanging out with a friend

should be exactly like going from an AMRAP set of pull ups

to another AMRAP set of push ups.

Your focus calmness switches to a new thing

and then all of your attention becomes fixated upon it.

Lastly, the AMRAP Mentality requires

frequent periods of reevaluation.

You need to sit down quite often

and ask yourself, do my areas of focus still make sense?

Ask yourself if there's still

a strong internal why for each one

and whether or not there's still room

in your life for all of them.

And Jason gives a great example of this

in his interview on The Tim Ferriss Show.

After competing in the Crossfit Games for eight years,

Jason sat down and realized that his business

was growing, his family was growing,

and the competition in the games

was getting tougher and tougher each year.

So after reevaluating his priorities,

he decided to stop competing

so he could be a better father

and husband and business owner.

He realized that if he wanted to excel at these things,

there wasn't enough room in his life

to also be a serious competitor.

And this act of reevaluating is something

that you need to do as well.

Especially during periods of change in your life.

Even though the AMRAP Mentality will enable you

to be more productive, you always need to keep in mind

that your time, attention, and energy

are all limited resources.

So to recap, the AMRAP Mentality involves

one, identifying your areas of focus

and defining a strong internal why for each one.

Two, choosing a single area of focus,

working to remain mentally present the entire time

you're doing it and going at it hard.

Three, switch gears deliberately

and have a good reason for doing so.

Don't just jump back and forth between focuses.

And four, take time to reevaluate your areas of focus often

especially when you go through a life change

or you decide you wanna start spinning another plate.

Now the steps outlined in this process

might seem similar to other concepts

that I've shared in the past but there's a reason

that I wanted to share it with you now.

Namely that it's been a very useful visual metaphor for me.

As an athlete, I often do AMRAP workouts

as well as other high intensity forms of training.

I'm well acquainted with the all encompassing focus

that comes with trying to do as many pull ups as I can

or trying to do a difficult bouldering problem,

or trying to climb a big hill on my bike.

And when I remind myself of what it's like

to be in those situations, I find it easier

to slip into the flow state with my work as well.

In fact, I've actually started writing AMRAP

at the top of my daily to do lists.

I am a huge believe in the idea that visual metaphors

can be strong motivators.

When I'm out on a long bike ride,

I often picture the pistons in a car engine moving

which helps me regard my own legs as similar machines

that won't be influenced by whatever complaints

my brain wants to throw up about them.

This type of visualization is powerful

and many elite athletes actually use it before competing.

So even if you already known

that you should be focusing intensely

or switching gears deliberately, ask yourself, are you?

If you're not currently doing as well as you'd like,

well maybe give the AMRAP Mentality a try

because you might find it just as helpful as I did.

Now there is one last thing we need to talk about here.

A lot of you have readily admitted to the fact

that you watch my videos as a way

to procrastinate on your work.

And while I'm flattered, and while it's definitely

a better way to procrastinate than watching

baby otter videos, which I did yesterday,

you need to get back to work.

Now I know what some of you are going to say here.

But Tom, I'm completely stuck on my homework.

I've got a bunch of problems,

I worked as hard as I can but I can't solve them

and my professor doesn't have office hours until next April.

Well, if that is you, then one app

that you might wanna consider adding

to your phone's home screen is the Chegg Study app.

This app along with their website for you desktop users,

gives you access to step by step solutions

to the problems that you're gonna find in your textbooks.

And their library is massive,

spanning over 22,000 different textbooks

including, because I wanted to test

this service out for myself, the JAVA programming textbook

that gave me so much trouble back in college.

Additionally, if you get stuck on a problem

that's not in one of your textbooks,

you can also use the app to send a picture

to Chegg's team of Q&A experts who can then send you an answer in as little as two hours.

And this is a great tool to have at your disposal

when you're in a pinch.

Chegg Study subscription is super affordable

and can be canceled at any time

if you find yourself not using it and what's better,

you can also get five bucks off

your first month subscription

by going over to chegg.com/ThomasFrank.

When I was in college, I used to use Chegg's Marketplace

of used and rental textbooks to save myself

a ton of money so I've been a fan of the company

for quite some time and it's cool

to see them adding these new features

to help students even more.

With that being said, I wanna give a big thanks

to Chegg for sponsoring this video

and being a supporter of this channel

and as always guys, thank you so much for watching.

If you found the ideas in this video helpful,

maybe give it a like to support this channel

and you can also subscribe right there

to get new videos on this channel every single week.

You can also click right over there

to get a free copy of my book on how to earn better grades.

Click right over here for one more video on this channel

or follow me on Instagram over @tomfrankly.

Thanks for watching and I will see you guys in the next one.

How to Focus Better Using the "AMRAP" Mentality Wie man sich mit der "AMRAP"-Mentalität besser konzentrieren kann Cómo concentrarse mejor utilizando la mentalidad "AMRAP Comment mieux se concentrer en utilisant la mentalité "AMRAP AMRAP」メンタリティを使った集中力の高め方 Como se concentrar melhor usando a mentalidade "AMRAP Как лучше сосредоточиться, используя менталитет "AMRAP" 如何利用“AMRAP”心态更好地集中注意力 如何利用「AMRAP」心態更好地集中註意力

Tucked within the training programs

of many in athletic discipline

is a particularly challenging type of workout called

the AMRAP workout.

Standing for as many reps as possible,

these types of workouts challenge athletes

to do a specific move as many times as they possibly can

within a set amount of time. dentro de um determinado período de tempo.

These types of workouts are intense Esses tipos de exercícios são intensos

and they can be a great way to track the progress

of your fitness over time. do seu condicionamento físico ao longo do tempo.

In fact, the climbing gym that I go to Na verdade, a academia de escalada que frequento

actually uses the AMRAP format

to test our fitness in their general exercise classes.

But aside from its benefits in the gym, Mas, além de seus benefícios na academia,

the idea behind the AMRAP workout a ideia por trás do treino AMRAP

can also help you become more productive as well. também pode ajudá-lo a se tornar mais produtivo.

This is an idea that I learned about from Jason Khalipa.

An athlete and successful entrepreneur

who competed in the Crossfit Games eight times

and actually won it in 2008.

Among other feats, Jason has backsquatted 450 pounds,

deadlifted 550 pounds and done levantamento terra de 550 libras e pronto

a single set of 64 pull ups, um único conjunto de 64 pull ups,

which makes the 13 that I did for this video's opening shot o que torna os 13 que fiz para a cena de abertura deste vídeo

look pretty pathetic by comparison.

In addition to being an elite athlete though,

Jason is also the owner of a successful gym business

with six different locations.

And his ability to manage that business

along with his athletics and his family

stems from a concept that he calls the AMRAP Mentality.

I first learned about this concept Eu aprendi sobre este conceito pela primeira vez

when I listened to Jason's interview on The Tim Ferriss Show

which is one of my favorite podcasts.

And ever since, it has been a very helpful E desde então, tem sido muito útil

mental tool for me which is why ferramenta mental para mim é por isso

I wanna share it with you today.

To start, I wanna pose to you a question Para começar, quero fazer uma pergunta para você

that Jason brought up in that interview. que Jason mencionou naquela entrevista.

Are we more productive today than we were 20 years ago? Somos mais produtivos hoje do que há 20 anos?

It's tempting to jump to an immediate yes É tentador pular para um sim imediato

since we now have access to vastly better technology, já que agora temos acesso a uma tecnologia muito melhor,

information, and automation than we had informações e automação do que tínhamos

back when A Bug's Life came out. de volta quando A Bug's Life foi lançado.

But is that actually a good thing?

Sure, I can now tell a robot to put things on my calendar Claro, agora posso dizer a um robô para colocar coisas na minha agenda

which is admittedly pretty cool

but all this technology also makes it

so much easier for us to constantly muito mais fácil para nós constantemente

pull our attention away from the present.

And this becomes habitual. E isso se torna habitual.

How many times have you been out to dinner with friends

and had the urge to check your phone for text messages

even though you're literally sitting mesmo que você esteja literalmente sentado

across the table from people you can talk to in person? do outro lado da mesa com pessoas com quem você pode conversar pessoalmente?

And how often do you feel your attention E com que frequência você sente sua atenção

being pulled away from your work sendo puxado para longe do seu trabalho

because you just have to know porque você só tem que saber

what the best selling Godzilla movie is? qual é o filme do Godzilla mais vendido?

It's become easier than ever Ficou mais fácil do que nunca

for us to spend almost all of our time para nós passarmos quase todo o nosso tempo

in a distracted, unfocused state.

However, in these modern times,

there is still one situation where you almost

never find your mind wondering from the present. nunca encontre sua mente pensando no presente.

As Jason points out in that interview, Como Jason aponta nessa entrevista,

when you're in the middle of an AMRAP workout, quando você está no meio de um treino AMRAP,

when you're trying as hard as you can quando você está tentando o máximo que pode

to raise your chin to that bar just one more time, para levantar o queixo para aquela barra apenas mais uma vez,

that's when your mind is completely focused

on the task at hand. na tarefa em mãos.

The level of sheer intensity involved in an AMRAP round O nível de intensidade absoluta envolvido em uma rodada AMRAP

makes it impossible to focus on your weekend plans

or that video game you played last night. ou aquele videogame que você jogou ontem à noite.

And this leads to the core idea E isso leva à ideia central

behind Jason's AMRAP Mentality.

Channeling that intense focus, Canalizando esse foco intenso,

that present mindedness that you experience

during an intense workout and applying it durante um treino intenso e aplicá-lo

to the rest of your life, whether it be your homework para o resto de sua vida, seja sua lição de casa

or the time you spend with friends and family. ou o tempo que você passa com amigos e familiares.

Jason breaks the process of using this mentality Jason quebra o processo de usar essa mentalidade

into four steps. em quatro etapas.

First, you need to work to identify your areas of focus. Primeiro, você precisa trabalhar para identificar suas áreas de foco.

Ideally, you should only have a few of these Idealmente, você deve ter apenas alguns desses

and each of them should have what's called e cada um deles deve ter o que é chamado

a strong internal why, a compelling reason

for why you're focusing on them instead of something else. por que você está se concentrando neles em vez de em outra coisa

And this part of the process might also involve E esta parte do processo também pode envolver

abandoning certain areas of focus abandonando certas áreas de foco

or at least putting them on the back burner ou pelo menos colocá-los em banho-maria

if you have too many.

Remember, you can only spin so many plates at once. Lembre-se, você só pode girar alguns pratos de uma vez.

Actually I can't spin any plates. Na verdade, não consigo girar nenhum prato.

Anyway, the areas of focus that I've chosen for myself

include one, creating videos with a specific focus inclua um, a criação de vídeos com um foco específico

on the writing process and filming process no processo de escrita e no processo de filmagem

now that I have an editor. agora que tenho um editor.

Number two, my athletics, specifically training Número dois, meu atletismo, especificamente treinamento

in rock climbing and figure skating. em escalada e patinação artística.

Three, spending time with my girlfriend Anna Três, passando um tempo com minha namorada Anna

and four, working on a talk for a conference e quatro, trabalhando em uma palestra para uma conferência

that's coming up in a couple of weeks. isso acontecerá em algumas semanas.

Now before we move on to the second step in the process, |||||||deuxième|||| Antes de passarmos para a segunda etapa do processo,

I wanna mention that you should be doing this

on a more micro level as well. em um nível mais micro também.

These are all macro goals that I just outlined Todas essas são metas macro que acabei de descrever

but everyday I also try to write down mas todos os dias eu também tento anotar

a list of the things that I want to accomplish uma lista das coisas que desejo realizar

by the end of the day. no final do dia.

And for each item on the list, E para cada item da lista,

I ask myself, does that item have a strong internal why? Eu me pergunto: esse item tem um porquê interno forte?

Alright, so after you've chosen all of those areas of focus,

the next step is simple.

Choose one area, focus on it with all of your attention, Escolha uma área, concentre-se nela com toda a sua atenção,

and work hard at it. e trabalhar duro para isso.

Or in other words, AMRAP it. Ou em outras palavras, AMRAP.

In one of his talks about the AMRAP Mentality, Em uma de suas palestras sobre a mentalidade AMRAP,

Jason gave this concept weight Jason deu peso a este conceito

by using the image of a bicycle. usando a imagem de uma bicicleta.

When you're riding a bike, Quando você está andando de bicicleta,

your only focus is on where you're going,

it is not you're probably going to crash. não é que você provavelmente vai travar.

And if you wanna get where you're going E se você quer chegar aonde está indo

with any amount of speed, you're gonna have com qualquer velocidade, você terá

to crank those pedals hard. para acionar esses pedais com força.

And this metaphor was especially fitting for me E esta metáfora foi especialmente adequada para mim

just a couple of days ago because over the weekend, apenas alguns dias atrás, porque no fim de semana,

I decided that I was gonna ride my bike

from my place in Denver over da minha casa em Denver ao longo

to a friend's place in Boulder and then back. para a casa de um amigo em Boulder e depois de volta.

The total distance of that ride is 70 miles

which is actually the longest que é realmente o mais longo

that I've ever ridden a bicycle. que eu já andei de bicicleta.

Now I made pretty good time and I ended up Agora eu fiz um bom tempo e acabei

arriving in Boulder around 2:30 p.m. in the afternoon.

But since I stayed and hung out Mas desde que eu fiquei e saí

at my friend's place for a while, na casa do meu amigo por um tempo,

I didn't start heading back until around six p.m. Só comecei a voltar por volta das seis da tarde

And before I even hit the halfway mark E antes mesmo de atingir a metade do caminho

on the ride back, it started getting dark na viagem de volta, começou a escurecer

which meant that I had to spend about 20 miles o que significava que eu tinha que gastar cerca de 20 milhas

riding with my bike's headlamp. andando com o farol da minha bicicleta.

It was a perfect example of the AMRAP Mentality in action.

The dark forced me to concentrate intensely A escuridão me forçou a me concentrar intensamente

on where I was going and my surroundings sobre onde eu estava indo e meus arredores

and the fact that it was getting darker and darker e o fato de que estava ficando cada vez mais escuro

motivated me to pedal quickly even though me motivou a pedalar rapidamente, embora

the previous 50 miles had already worn me out. as 50 milhas anteriores já haviam me esgotado.

I was, in a word, AMRAPing the entire way home. Eu estava, em uma palavra, AMRAPing todo o caminho para casa.

Putting in focused, intense effort Colocando um esforço intenso e focado

until the job was done and I was ready até que o trabalho fosse feito e eu estivesse pronto

to switch to something else. para mudar para outra coisa.

Which as it happens is the third step O que acontece é a terceira etapa

in the AMRAP Mentality. na mentalidade AMRAP.

Switch gears and do it deliberately. Mude de marcha e faça isso deliberadamente.

And of course when this happens, E, claro, quando isso acontecer,

you then go right back to step two, você então volta para a etapa dois,

right back to focusing intensely

in working hard at that next thing. em trabalhar duro na próxima coisa.

The idea here is that mentally, A ideia aqui é que mentalmente,

switching from your math homework mudando de seu dever de matemática

to say hanging out with a friend para dizer saindo com um amigo

should be exactly like going from an AMRAP set of pull ups deve ser exatamente como ir de um conjunto AMRAP de pull ups

to another AMRAP set of push ups.

Your focus calmness switches to a new thing Sua calma de foco muda para uma coisa nova

and then all of your attention becomes fixated upon it. e então toda a sua atenção se fixa nele.

Lastly, the AMRAP Mentality requires Por último, a AMRAP Mentality requer

frequent periods of reevaluation. períodos frequentes de reavaliação.

You need to sit down quite often Você precisa se sentar com frequência

and ask yourself, do my areas of focus still make sense? e pergunte a si mesmo: minhas áreas de foco ainda fazem sentido?

Ask yourself if there's still Pergunte a si mesmo se ainda há

a strong internal why for each one

and whether or not there's still room e se ainda há espaço ou não

in your life for all of them.

And Jason gives a great example of this E Jason dá um ótimo exemplo disso

in his interview on The Tim Ferriss Show.

After competing in the Crossfit Games for eight years,

Jason sat down and realized that his business Jason se sentou e percebeu que seu negócio

was growing, his family was growing, estava crescendo, sua família estava crescendo,

and the competition in the games e a competição nos jogos

was getting tougher and tougher each year. estava ficando cada vez mais difícil a cada ano.

So after reevaluating his priorities,

he decided to stop competing

so he could be a better father para que ele pudesse ser um pai melhor

and husband and business owner. e marido e empresário.

He realized that if he wanted to excel at these things, Ele percebeu que se quisesse se destacar nessas coisas,

there wasn't enough room in his life não havia espaço suficiente em sua vida

to also be a serious competitor. para também ser um competidor sério.

And this act of reevaluating is something E esse ato de reavaliar é algo

that you need to do as well. que você também precisa fazer.

Especially during periods of change in your life.

Even though the AMRAP Mentality will enable you Mesmo que a Mentalidade AMRAP permita que você

to be more productive, you always need to keep in mind para ser mais produtivo, você sempre precisa ter em mente

that your time, attention, and energy que seu tempo, atenção e energia

are all limited resources. são todos recursos limitados.

So to recap, the AMRAP Mentality involves Então, para recapitular, a mentalidade AMRAP envolve

one, identifying your areas of focus um, identificando suas áreas de foco

and defining a strong internal why for each one. e definir um forte porquê interno para cada um.

Two, choosing a single area of focus, Dois, escolher uma única área de foco,

working to remain mentally present the entire time trabalhando para permanecer mentalmente presente o tempo todo

you're doing it and going at it hard. você está fazendo isso e indo duro.

Three, switch gears deliberately Três, mude de marcha deliberadamente

and have a good reason for doing so. e tem um bom motivo para o fazer.

Don't just jump back and forth between focuses. Não apenas pule para frente e para trás entre os focos.

And four, take time to reevaluate your areas of focus often E quarto, reserve um tempo para reavaliar suas áreas de foco com frequência

especially when you go through a life change especialmente quando você passa por uma mudança de vida

or you decide you wanna start spinning another plate. ou você decide que quer começar a girar outro prato.

Now the steps outlined in this process Agora, as etapas descritas neste processo

might seem similar to other concepts pode parecer semelhante a outros conceitos

that I've shared in the past but there's a reason que eu compartilhei no passado, mas há uma razão

that I wanted to share it with you now. que eu queria compartilhar com você agora.

Namely that it's been a very useful visual metaphor for me. Ou seja, tem sido uma metáfora visual muito útil para mim.

As an athlete, I often do AMRAP workouts Como atleta, costumo fazer exercícios AMRAP

as well as other high intensity forms of training. bem como outras formas de treinamento de alta intensidade.

I'm well acquainted with the all encompassing focus Estou bem familiarizado com o foco abrangente

that comes with trying to do as many pull ups as I can isso vem com a tentativa de fazer o máximo de flexões que posso

or trying to do a difficult bouldering problem, ou tentando resolver um problema difícil de pedras,

or trying to climb a big hill on my bike. ou tentando escalar uma grande colina na minha bicicleta.

And when I remind myself of what it's like E quando eu me lembro de como é

to be in those situations, I find it easier

to slip into the flow state with my work as well. para entrar no estado de fluxo com meu trabalho também.

In fact, I've actually started writing AMRAP

at the top of my daily to do lists.

I am a huge believe in the idea that visual metaphors Eu acredito muito na ideia de que metáforas visuais

can be strong motivators. podem ser fortes motivadores.

When I'm out on a long bike ride, Quando estou em um longo passeio de bicicleta,

I often picture the pistons in a car engine moving Costumo imaginar os pistões do motor de um carro se movendo

which helps me regard my own legs as similar machines o que me ajuda a considerar minhas próprias pernas como máquinas semelhantes

that won't be influenced by whatever complaints que não será influenciado por quaisquer reclamações

my brain wants to throw up about them. meu cérebro quer vomitar sobre eles.

This type of visualization is powerful Este tipo de visualização é poderoso

and many elite athletes actually use it before competing. e muitos atletas de elite realmente o usam antes de competir.

So even if you already known Então, mesmo que você já conheça

that you should be focusing intensely que você deve se concentrar intensamente

or switching gears deliberately, ask yourself, are you? ou mudando de marcha deliberadamente, pergunte-se, não é?

If you're not currently doing as well as you'd like, Se você não está indo tão bem quanto gostaria,

well maybe give the AMRAP Mentality a try bem, talvez dê uma chance ao AMRAP Mentality

because you might find it just as helpful as I did. porque você pode achar que é tão útil quanto eu.

Now there is one last thing we need to talk about here.

A lot of you have readily admitted to the fact Muitos de vocês admitiram prontamente o fato

that you watch my videos as a way que você assiste meus vídeos como uma forma

to procrastinate on your work. para procrastinar em seu trabalho.

And while I'm flattered, and while it's definitely E enquanto estou lisonjeado, e embora seja definitivamente

a better way to procrastinate than watching uma maneira melhor de procrastinar do que assistir

baby otter videos, which I did yesterday, vídeos de bebê lontra, que fiz ontem,

you need to get back to work.

Now I know what some of you are going to say here. Agora eu sei o que alguns de vocês vão dizer aqui.

But Tom, I'm completely stuck on my homework. Mas Tom, estou completamente preso ao meu dever de casa.

I've got a bunch of problems, Eu tenho um monte de problemas,

I worked as hard as I can but I can't solve them Trabalhei o máximo que pude, mas não consigo resolvê-los

and my professor doesn't have office hours until next April. e meu professor não tem horário de expediente até abril próximo.

Well, if that is you, then one app Bem, se é você, então um app

that you might wanna consider adding que você pode querer considerar adicionar

to your phone's home screen is the Chegg Study app. na tela inicial do seu telefone está o aplicativo Chegg Study.

This app along with their website for you desktop users, Este aplicativo, juntamente com seu site para usuários de desktop,

gives you access to step by step solutions dá acesso a soluções passo a passo

to the problems that you're gonna find in your textbooks.

And their library is massive,

spanning over 22,000 different textbooks

including, because I wanted to test

this service out for myself, the JAVA programming textbook

that gave me so much trouble back in college. isso me deu tantos problemas na faculdade.

Additionally, if you get stuck on a problem

that's not in one of your textbooks,

you can also use the app to send a picture

to Chegg's team of Q&A experts who can then send you an answer in as little as two hours.

And this is a great tool to have at your disposal

when you're in a pinch.

Chegg Study subscription is super affordable

and can be canceled at any time

if you find yourself not using it and what's better,

you can also get five bucks off

your first month subscription

by going over to chegg.com/ThomasFrank.

When I was in college, I used to use Chegg's Marketplace

of used and rental textbooks to save myself

a ton of money so I've been a fan of the company

for quite some time and it's cool

to see them adding these new features

to help students even more.

With that being said, I wanna give a big thanks

to Chegg for sponsoring this video

and being a supporter of this channel

and as always guys, thank you so much for watching.

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maybe give it a like to support this channel

and you can also subscribe right there

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You can also click right over there

to get a free copy of my book on how to earn better grades.

Click right over here for one more video on this channel

or follow me on Instagram over @tomfrankly.

Thanks for watching and I will see you guys in the next one.