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Thomas Frank Study Tips, Why Your Work Disappoints You

Why Your Work Disappoints You

- This video is sponsored by Skillshare.

Use the link in the description down below

and get a two-month free trial

which includes my productivity essentials course.

If you're an ambitious person,

then you like me are also probably

somewhat of a perfectionist,

whether you're trying to write a novel

or make videos or record your own music,

the work that you're creating right now

probably doesn't measure up to your standards.

There's always some tweaking you could do

or something you could change or some improvement

that you could make, but it seems like

no matter how much tweaking you do,

it still never quite measures up

to that vision you have in your head, right?

This is called the taste gap,

which is the term that was coined

by the podcaster, Ira Glass.

You're inspired to start creating

by other art that you know is good,

which means that you start out with great taste

but as a beginner your skills

don't quite match up to that taste, and by extension,

neither do the first things that you create.

And I recently got an email from somebody

that echoed this exact idea.

They were in the process of writing a novel

but they were frustrated with the fact

that the quality of their own writing

didn't match up to that of their favorite authors.

The taste gap was still there,

despite the fact that they were able

to successfully and accurately analyze

what authors did, the way they described environments,

the way that they developed characters.

Now, you might not be writing a novel

but it's likely that you've experienced something similar

in some other discipline that you've been a part of.

So what I want to talk about in this video

is a rule that I've used successfully

over the past few years.

Start closing this taste gap,

and actually start making progress

instead of remaining paralyzed by my own perfectionism.

It's called the one percent rule

and before we get to the specifics of it,

I want to do a quick thought experiment

that will hopefully put things in perspective.

So picture in your mind's eye,

if you will, your normal everyday routine.

Think about the mundane boring sequence of actions

that you go through every single day,

but with one slight twist.

You haven't done any of them ever before.

Now you've seen other people do them,

so you know how to do these things,

but you have precisely zero experience

with brushing your teeth, with tying your shoes,

using a microwave.

You don't know how to read and how to write.

You don't know how to use a computer.

You've never done any of these things in the past.

But again, you've seen people do them

so they should be easy.

Now in this thought experiment

you can probably come to the conclusion

that if you've never done these things before

you're gonna have a hard time with them.

In the real world, the only reason your able

to go through your routine, basically on autopilot

is because you've done every single action

in that routine so many times

that they've all become habitual.

Now, most people intuitively understand this,

but a lot of them fail to apply it

to the art that they wanna make and the skills

that they want to build.

Writing a novel is just like your daily routine

in that the process of doing it

contains lots of individual steps.

And your favorite fantasy author

has spent years, or possibly even decades,

practicing each and every one of them.

At this point, certain parts in the writing process

are automatic for these people,

which means that they can now focus all of their attention

and their creativity on other things.

Meanwhile, as a beginner,

you're over here trying to split your brain power

between adequately describing environments

and developing characters and relationships

and catching plot holes and 800 other elements

that you haven't practiced before.

This is why you're experiencing the taste gap.

You simply haven't had enough time

or enough tries to make some of these sub-skills

into nearly automatic habits.

And this is what stops a lot of people in their tracks

because so many people are unwilling

to let their idealized perfected vision

for their first piece go,

and as a result they never finish it

and they never develop the necessary skills

to close that taste gap.

That's where the one percent rule comes in,

and it's really simple, it just has two parts.

Number one, put yourself on a schedule

and publish on a regular basis.

It could be a once a week schedule.

It could be a once a month schedule.

That will allow you to not get mired

in perfectionism because you know at a defined point

in the future, you're going to have

to say this is good enough,

it's going out I'm shipping it.

Number two, each time you make something

on your defined schedule,

focus on getting one percent better

in some element of that discipline.

This is exactly how I got over my own perfectionism

when I started my YouTube channel.

I had that taste gap.

I was watching tons of YouTubers

that I really looked up to,

and I understood what made their content great,

but I couldn't replicate it myself.

So, instead of getting mired in perfectionism

I put myself on a once per week deadline,

and with each video I would try to focus on something new.

Sometimes I would focus on the audio.

Sometimes I focused on my delivery as a speaker.

Sometimes I would get really into animation.

I remember one week, I was learning

how to keyframe animations so I can make pictures

move across the screen.

And then another week I got really into After Effects

and learned about easing curves

so I could get rid of linear motion

and make more natural motion.

And then eventually I got into really complex masking,

and if I were to try to do all these things at once,

well, I would have failed on my first try.

But because it was focusing

on just one of them for each video,

I didn't get overwhelmed and I started

to build a repertoire of skills, over time.

Now, I understand lighting setups.

I understand audio.

I understand animation.

I understand lots of elements

that go into the process of making great videos,

but it took four or five years to get to this point.

Now the one percent rule is something

you can apply to any discipline that you're pursuing.

It doesn't have to be video making.

Because let's face it, video making is a pursuit

that is very easily broken down into different steps.

Pretty much anyone can identify that there's lighting,

that there's audio, there's on-camera presence,

animation, all these different things

that you can focus on.

So let's take one more example

that's a little bit harder to break down.

Let's take the discipline of singing.

I remember when I started singing

I thought it was pretty difficult

to identify exactly what a great singer was doing

to sound the way that they did.

But this is a discipline where the one percent rule

can apply as well.

In this case, you just need to do

a little bit of extra work beforehand to figure out

what the sub-skills are,

and that can involve, working with a coach like I do,

or just going and doing a little bit

of extra reading or joining an online community

where people can give you some pointers.

And eventually you're gonna learn

about all kinds of different sub-skills.

There's resonance.

There's eliminating nasality in your singing voice.

There's dynamics, vocal fry, head voice,

and enunciation, singing with emotion.

And once you've identified those sub-skills,

then you can go start picking projects

that allow you to focus on one at a time.

For instance, I have a whole bunch of playlists on Spotify,

that breakdown singing skills.

So I've got one for high voice training.

I've got one for low voice training.

I've got one for really powerful singing

that utilizes a lot of vocal fry.

And since I have one vocal lesson per week,

I usually pick one or two songs to work on and practice

and make recordings of, which means that I'm essentially

on a once per week schedule with singing as well.

So to recap the two big benefits,

of the one percent rule are number one, the deadline.

As the old aphorism goes perfect is the enemy of good

and well, a deadline is the enemy of perfect,

meaning that it's the friend of good.

And it's also the friend of completion.

Putting yourself on a schedule

means actually finishing things.

And let's just say you put yourself

on a once per week schedule for two years,

that means two years from now you're gonna be able

to turn around and look back on a body of work

containing more than 100 finished projects.

Secondly, there is the improvement,

because focusing on getting one percent better

in a new area with each project

means that over time you get vastly better

in many, many different sub-areas of your discipline.

Again, if you make 100 things over the course of two years,

that means you've given yourself 100 opportunities

for practice and improvement,

and each time you're picking one new area of focus

you continue learning and expanding your horizons,

but you're also gaining more practice

in the areas that you have focused on before.

Now I do want to point out one resource

where you can go to learn the sub-skills

in whatever skill that you're trying

to build and that is Skillshare.

On Skillshare you're gonna find a library

with thousands of in-depth courses

covering video editing, photography, illustration,

animation, and even productivity.

And since I talked about my own video editing journey

in this video, the course that I want to recommend

this week is how to make an animated YouTube video

by my friend Evan who runs the channel PolyMatter.

And if you go to his channel

you're actually gonna see evidence

of the one percent rule in action

because he's been publishing consistently for years,

and you can see gradual improvement

in his videos over time.

And you also might want to check out Jake Bartlett's course

on Animating With Ease in After Effects,

especially if you wanna learn how to start doing

some of the things that we did in this video.

Also Skillshare is an incredibly affordable platform

with unlimited access to their platform

starting at less than 10 bucks a month,

which basically makes it like a Netflix subscription

that's a lot more useful to your future

and your skill development.

And even better if you want to get a two-month free trial,

you can actually sign up with the link down below

and get that while also supporting my channel.

And by the way, I actually have a brand new

Skillshare course coming out in January, 2020.

So even if you sign up right now

and activate that two-month trial today

you're going to get free access

to that course when it comes out.

By the way, thanks so much for watching this video.

Hopefully you found this useful.

It's definitely a rule that has been very, very useful

in my life so I really hope

that you can apply it to yours as well.

And if you enjoyed this video

definitely hit that like button

so the YouTube algorithm kind of

likes my channel a little bit more, I guess.

Otherwise you can get subscribed right there,

if you haven't done so already,

And also maybe subscribe to my music channel right there

if you want some cool tunes in your life, I suppose.

Otherwise I'm gonna throw a couple more videos

on the screen that you can check out if you want,

and I will see you in the next video.

(soft music)

Why Your Work Disappoints You |||decepciona| Warum Ihre Arbeit Sie enttäuscht Γιατί η δουλειά σας σας απογοητεύει Por qué le decepciona su trabajo Pourquoi votre travail vous déçoit-il ? あなたの仕事があなたを失望させる理由 업무에 실망하는 이유 Porque é que o seu trabalho o desilude Почему ваша работа разочаровывает вас 為什麼你的工作讓你失望

- This video is sponsored by Skillshare.

Use the link in the description down below Use el enlace en la descripción a continuación

and get a two-month free trial

which includes my productivity essentials course.

If you're an ambitious person,

then you like me are also probably entonces te gusto también probablemente

somewhat of a perfectionist, um tanto perfeccionista,

whether you're trying to write a novel se você está tentando escrever um romance

or make videos or record your own music,

the work that you're creating right now o trabalho que você está criando agora

probably doesn't measure up to your standards. provavelmente não corresponde aos seus padrões.

There's always some tweaking you could do Sempre há alguns ajustes que você pode fazer

or something you could change or some improvement ou algo que você poderia mudar ou alguma melhoria

that you could make, but it seems like que você poderia fazer, mas parece que

no matter how much tweaking you do, ||||ajustes|| não importa o quanto você ajusta,

it still never quite measures up ainda nunca está à altura

to that vision you have in your head, right? pra aquela visão que você tem na cabeça né?

This is called the taste gap, Isso é chamado de lacuna de sabor,

which is the term that was coined ||||||acuñada qual é o termo que foi cunhado

by the podcaster, Ira Glass. |||Ira Glass|

You're inspired to start creating Você está inspirado para começar a criar

by other art that you know is good, por outra arte que você sabe que é boa,

which means that you start out with great taste o que significa que você começa com bom gosto

but as a beginner your skills mas como um iniciante suas habilidades

don't quite match up to that taste, and by extension, não combinam com esse gosto e, por extensão,

neither do the first things that you create. nem as primeiras coisas que você cria.

And I recently got an email from somebody E recentemente recebi um e-mail de alguém

that echoed this exact idea. |reflejó||| que ecoou exatamente essa ideia.

They were in the process of writing a novel Eles estavam escrevendo um romance

but they were frustrated with the fact mas eles estavam frustrados com o fato

that the quality of their own writing que a qualidade de sua própria escrita

didn't match up to that of their favorite authors. não correspondia ao de seus autores favoritos.

The taste gap was still there, A lacuna do sabor ainda estava lá,

despite the fact that they were able apesar do fato de serem capazes

to successfully and accurately analyze |||con precisión|

what authors did, the way they described environments, o que os autores fizeram, a forma como descreveram os ambientes,

the way that they developed characters. a maneira como eles desenvolveram personagens.

Now, you might not be writing a novel Agora, você pode não estar escrevendo um romance

but it's likely that you've experienced something similar mas é provável que você tenha experimentado algo semelhante

in some other discipline that you've been a part of. em alguma outra disciplina da qual você fez parte.

So what I want to talk about in this video Então, o que eu quero falar neste vídeo

is a rule that I've used successfully é uma regra que usei com sucesso

over the past few years. ao longo dos últimos anos.

Start closing this taste gap, Comece a fechar essa lacuna do sabor,

and actually start making progress

instead of remaining paralyzed by my own perfectionism. em vez de ficar paralisado pelo meu próprio perfeccionismo.

It's called the one percent rule É chamada de regra de um por cento

and before we get to the specifics of it, e antes de chegarmos aos detalhes disso,

I want to do a quick thought experiment Eu quero fazer um experimento mental rápido

that will hopefully put things in perspective. isso vai colocar as coisas em perspectiva.

So picture in your mind's eye, Então imagine em sua mente,

if you will, your normal everyday routine.

Think about the mundane boring sequence of actions Pense na sequência de ações mundana e entediante

that you go through every single day, que você passa todos os dias,

but with one slight twist. mas com uma ligeira torção.

You haven't done any of them ever before. Você nunca fez nenhum deles antes.

Now you've seen other people do them, Agora que você viu outras pessoas fazendo isso,

so you know how to do these things,

but you have precisely zero experience

with brushing your teeth, with tying your shoes, |cepillándose||||atarse los zapatos||

using a microwave.

You don't know how to read and how to write.

You don't know how to use a computer.

You've never done any of these things in the past.

But again, you've seen people do them

so they should be easy.

Now in this thought experiment

you can probably come to the conclusion

that if you've never done these things before

you're gonna have a hard time with them. você vai ter dificuldades com eles.

In the real world, the only reason your able No mundo real, a única razão pela qual você é capaz

to go through your routine, basically on autopilot para seguir sua rotina, basicamente no piloto automático

is because you've done every single action é porque você fez cada ação

in that routine so many times naquela rotina tantas vezes

that they've all become habitual.

Now, most people intuitively understand this,

but a lot of them fail to apply it mas muitos deles falham em aplicá-lo

to the art that they wanna make and the skills para a arte que eles querem fazer e as habilidades

that they want to build.

Writing a novel is just like your daily routine Escrever um romance é como sua rotina diária

in that the process of doing it

contains lots of individual steps.

And your favorite fantasy author E seu autor favorito de fantasia

has spent years, or possibly even decades,

practicing each and every one of them.

At this point, certain parts in the writing process Neste ponto, certas partes do processo de escrita

are automatic for these people,

which means that they can now focus all of their attention o que significa que agora eles podem concentrar toda a atenção

and their creativity on other things. e sua criatividade em outras coisas.

Meanwhile, as a beginner, Enquanto isso, como um iniciante,

you're over here trying to split your brain power você está aqui tentando dividir seu poder cerebral

between adequately describing environments entre ambientes que descrevem adequadamente

and developing characters and relationships e desenvolver personagens e relacionamentos

and catching plot holes and 800 other elements e pegando buracos na trama e 800 outros elementos

that you haven't practiced before. que você nunca praticou antes.

This is why you're experiencing the taste gap. É por isso que você está experimentando a lacuna do sabor.

You simply haven't had enough time Você simplesmente não teve tempo suficiente

or enough tries to make some of these sub-skills ou tentativas suficientes para fazer algumas dessas sub-habilidades

into nearly automatic habits. em hábitos quase automáticos.

And this is what stops a lot of people in their tracks E é isso que impede muitas pessoas em seu caminho

because so many people are unwilling porque tantas pessoas não estão dispostas

to let their idealized perfected vision |||idealizada|| para deixar sua visão aperfeiçoada idealizada

for their first piece go, para sua primeira peça vá,

and as a result they never finish it e como resultado, eles nunca terminam

and they never develop the necessary skills e eles nunca desenvolvem as habilidades necessárias

to close that taste gap. para fechar essa lacuna de sabor.

That's where the one percent rule comes in,

and it's really simple, it just has two parts.

Number one, put yourself on a schedule Número um, coloque-se em um cronograma

and publish on a regular basis. e publicar regularmente.

It could be a once a week schedule. Pode ser uma programação uma vez por semana.

It could be a once a month schedule.

That will allow you to not get mired |||||||atrapado Isso permitirá que você não fique atolado

in perfectionism because you know at a defined point no perfeccionismo porque você sabe em um ponto definido

in the future, you're going to have no futuro, você terá

to say this is good enough, dizer que isso é bom o suficiente,

it's going out I'm shipping it. está saindo, estou enviando.

Number two, each time you make something Número dois, cada vez que você faz algo

on your defined schedule,

focus on getting one percent better concentre-se em ficar um por cento melhor

in some element of that discipline. em algum elemento dessa disciplina.

This is exactly how I got over my own perfectionism É exatamente assim que eu superei meu próprio perfeccionismo

when I started my YouTube channel. quando comecei meu canal no YouTube.

I had that taste gap. Eu tinha aquela lacuna de gosto.

I was watching tons of YouTubers

that I really looked up to,

and I understood what made their content great, e eu entendi o que torna seu conteúdo excelente,

but I couldn't replicate it myself. mas eu não conseguia replicar sozinho.

So, instead of getting mired in perfectionism ||||atrapados|| Então, em vez de ficar atolado no perfeccionismo

I put myself on a once per week deadline, Eu me coloco em um prazo de uma vez por semana,

and with each video I would try to focus on something new. e com cada vídeo eu tentaria me concentrar em algo novo.

Sometimes I would focus on the audio.

Sometimes I focused on my delivery as a speaker. Às vezes, eu me concentrava em minha apresentação como palestrante.

Sometimes I would get really into animation. Às vezes, eu realmente gostava de animação.

I remember one week, I was learning Eu me lembro de uma semana, estava aprendendo

how to keyframe animations so I can make pictures ||fotograma clave|||||| como fazer animações de quadro-chave para que eu possa fazer fotos

move across the screen.

And then another week I got really into After Effects E então outra semana eu realmente entrei no After Effects

and learned about easing curves |||curvas de suavizado| e aprendi sobre curvas de atenuação

so I could get rid of linear motion para que eu pudesse me livrar do movimento linear

and make more natural motion.

And then eventually I got into really complex masking, ||||||||enmascaramiento complejo E então, eventualmente, eu entrei no mascaramento realmente complexo,

and if I were to try to do all these things at once, e se eu tentasse fazer todas essas coisas de uma vez,

well, I would have failed on my first try.

But because it was focusing Mas porque estava focando

on just one of them for each video, em apenas um deles para cada vídeo,

I didn't get overwhelmed and I started

to build a repertoire of skills, over time.

Now, I understand lighting setups. ||||configuraciones de iluminación

I understand audio.

I understand animation.

I understand lots of elements

that go into the process of making great videos, que entram no processo de criação de ótimos vídeos,

but it took four or five years to get to this point. mas demorou quatro ou cinco anos para chegar a este ponto.

Now the one percent rule is something

you can apply to any discipline that you're pursuing. você pode aplicar a qualquer disciplina que esteja perseguindo.

It doesn't have to be video making. Não precisa ser um vídeo.

Because let's face it, video making is a pursuit ||||||||actividad Porque vamos enfrentá-lo, fazer vídeo é uma busca

that is very easily broken down into different steps. isso é facilmente dividido em etapas diferentes.

Pretty much anyone can identify that there's lighting, Praticamente qualquer pessoa pode identificar que há iluminação,

that there's audio, there's on-camera presence,

animation, all these different things

that you can focus on. em que você pode se concentrar.

So let's take one more example Então, vamos dar mais um exemplo

that's a little bit harder to break down. isso é um pouco mais difícil de quebrar.

Let's take the discipline of singing. Vamos pegar a disciplina de cantar.

I remember when I started singing

I thought it was pretty difficult Eu pensei que era bem dificil

to identify exactly what a great singer was doing

to sound the way that they did. para soar da maneira que eles fizeram.

But this is a discipline where the one percent rule Mas esta é uma disciplina onde a regra de um por cento

can apply as well. também pode se aplicar.

In this case, you just need to do Neste caso, você só precisa fazer

a little bit of extra work beforehand to figure out um pouco de trabalho extra de antemão para descobrir

what the sub-skills are, quais são as sub-habilidades,

and that can involve, working with a coach like I do, e isso pode envolver trabalhar com um coach como eu,

or just going and doing a little bit ou apenas indo e fazendo um pouco

of extra reading or joining an online community de leitura extra ou juntando-se a uma comunidade online

where people can give you some pointers. ||||||consejos onde as pessoas podem lhe dar algumas dicas.

And eventually you're gonna learn

about all kinds of different sub-skills.

There's resonance.

There's eliminating nasality in your singing voice. ||nasalidad|||| Está eliminando a nasalidade em sua voz cantada.

There's dynamics, vocal fry, head voice,

and enunciation, singing with emotion. |articulación clara|||

And once you've identified those sub-skills,

then you can go start picking projects

that allow you to focus on one at a time.

For instance, I have a whole bunch of playlists on Spotify, Por exemplo, tenho um monte de playlists no Spotify,

that breakdown singing skills. aquele colapso das habilidades de canto.

So I've got one for high voice training. Então, eu tenho um para treinamento de voz alta.

I've got one for low voice training.

I've got one for really powerful singing Eu tenho um para cantar muito poderoso

that utilizes a lot of vocal fry. que utiliza muito som vocal.

And since I have one vocal lesson per week,

I usually pick one or two songs to work on and practice

and make recordings of, which means that I'm essentially e fazer gravações, o que significa que estou essencialmente

on a once per week schedule with singing as well. em uma programação de uma vez por semana com canto também.

So to recap the two big benefits,

of the one percent rule are number one, the deadline. da regra de um por cento são o número um, o prazo.

As the old aphorism goes perfect is the enemy of good Como o velho aforismo vai perfeito, é inimigo do bom

and well, a deadline is the enemy of perfect, e bem, um prazo é inimigo do perfeito,

meaning that it's the friend of good. o que significa que é o amigo do bem.

And it's also the friend of completion. E também é o amigo da conclusão.

Putting yourself on a schedule Colocando-se em uma programação

means actually finishing things.

And let's just say you put yourself E vamos apenas dizer que você se coloca

on a once per week schedule for two years, uma vez por semana durante dois anos,

that means two years from now you're gonna be able

to turn around and look back on a body of work para se virar e olhar para trás em um corpo de trabalho

containing more than 100 finished projects. contendo mais de 100 projetos concluídos.

Secondly, there is the improvement,

because focusing on getting one percent better porque focar em melhorar um por cento

in a new area with each project em uma nova área com cada projeto

means that over time you get vastly better significa que com o tempo você fica muito melhor

in many, many different sub-areas of your discipline. em muitas, muitas subáreas diferentes de sua disciplina.

Again, if you make 100 things over the course of two years, Novamente, se você fizer 100 coisas ao longo de dois anos,

that means you've given yourself 100 opportunities

for practice and improvement, para prática e melhoria,

and each time you're picking one new area of focus e cada vez que você está escolhendo uma nova área de foco

you continue learning and expanding your horizons, você continua aprendendo e expandindo seus horizontes,

but you're also gaining more practice mas você também está ganhando mais prática

in the areas that you have focused on before. nas áreas em que você se concentrou antes.

Now I do want to point out one resource Agora eu quero apontar um recurso

where you can go to learn the sub-skills onde você pode ir para aprender as sub-habilidades

in whatever skill that you're trying em qualquer habilidade que você está tentando

to build and that is Skillshare. para construir e isso é Skillshare.

On Skillshare you're gonna find a library No Skillshare você encontrará uma biblioteca

with thousands of in-depth courses com milhares de cursos aprofundados

covering video editing, photography, illustration,

animation, and even productivity.

And since I talked about my own video editing journey

in this video, the course that I want to recommend

this week is how to make an animated YouTube video

by my friend Evan who runs the channel PolyMatter. ||||||||PolyMatter

And if you go to his channel

you're actually gonna see evidence

of the one percent rule in action

because he's been publishing consistently for years,

and you can see gradual improvement

in his videos over time.

And you also might want to check out Jake Bartlett's course |||||||||de Jake Bartlett|

on Animating With Ease in After Effects,

especially if you wanna learn how to start doing

some of the things that we did in this video.

Also Skillshare is an incredibly affordable platform

with unlimited access to their platform

starting at less than 10 bucks a month, começando com menos de 10 dólares por mês,

which basically makes it like a Netflix subscription o que basicamente o torna como uma assinatura do Netflix

that's a lot more useful to your future isso é muito mais útil para o seu futuro

and your skill development.

And even better if you want to get a two-month free trial, E ainda melhor se você quiser um teste gratuito de dois meses,

you can actually sign up with the link down below

and get that while also supporting my channel.

And by the way, I actually have a brand new E, a propósito, na verdade tenho um novo

Skillshare course coming out in January, 2020. O curso Skillshare será lançado em janeiro de 2020.

So even if you sign up right now

and activate that two-month trial today

you're going to get free access

to that course when it comes out.

By the way, thanks so much for watching this video.

Hopefully you found this useful.

It's definitely a rule that has been very, very useful

in my life so I really hope

that you can apply it to yours as well.

And if you enjoyed this video

definitely hit that like button

so the YouTube algorithm kind of

likes my channel a little bit more, I guess.

Otherwise you can get subscribed right there,

if you haven't done so already,

And also maybe subscribe to my music channel right there

if you want some cool tunes in your life, I suppose.

Otherwise I'm gonna throw a couple more videos

on the screen that you can check out if you want,

and I will see you in the next video.

(soft music)