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BIG HISTORY, 1.1 Video: How can we summarize 13.8 billion years in one brief course

1.1 Video: How can we summarize 13.8 billion years in one brief course

Hello and welcome to this big history course. My name is Esther Quaedackers and I will be your main instructor. I will not teach this course alone though. Some of the most prominent astronomers, physicists, geologist, biologist, paleontologist, neuroscientist, historians, sociologists, economist and information scientists from the University of Amsterdam and beyond will join me, and together we will give you an integrated overview of all of history from the Big Bang up until life as we know it today. But before we will start giving you such an overview I will briefly like to reflect on that task. Because how do you summarize 13.8 billion years in one brief course? Obviously, it is impossible to describe everything. That would take a lot longer than 13.8 billion years. So you have to focus on some things, while leaving most things out. And this raises a very fundamental question: how do you decide what you focus on and what you leave out? There are many ways to answer this question, and I want to encourage you to develop your own personal answer during this course. But in order to do so, it might be useful to learn a bit more about how big historians around the world are dealing with this question first. Some big historians approach big history as a story. These big historians, who are often based in the humanities departments, focus on things that intuitively feel most important, for instance things that raise a sense of wonder, are awe inspiring or thought-provoking, and fuse these things together into a an appealing narrative. The end result of this approach is a story about our past that is in some way similar to older creation stories such as Dreamtime tales, the Mayan Popol Vuh or Genesis. A big history story is similar to these other stories in a sense that it reflects the questions, the fears and the dreams that are most important to the people who create and share the story. But there's also a big difference between big history and older creation stories. In contrast to these older stories, big history is firmly based on the latest scientific and scholarly ideas. So even if in this approach there's quite a lot of room for subjective and even artistic ways to compile the story, there's no room to temper with the scientific and scholarly ideas that from the basic building blocks of the story. Other big historians, quite often those based in science departments, use a different approach. They construct big history theories. They focus on the underlying patterns in big history and on the things that might be able to support or refute ideas about these patterns, much like for instance, Big Bang cosmology, plate tectonics and the theory of evolution do. Like cosmologists, geologists, and evolutionary biologists, these bigger stories do not try to describe every star, rock or living being. Instead, they try to describe the general mechanism that can lead to the emergence of large numbers and varieties of stars, rocks, living beings, and even human societies. A third approach, first developed by my colleague Jonathan Markley and me, falls somewhere in between the big history stories and the big history theories. It consists of writing little big histories, in which you take a relatively small subject and link that to aspects of all major phases in big history ,in order to generate some new questions and ideas about the subject. This approach is bit more structured and systematic than the big history story approach, and a bit more personal and concrete than a big history theory approach, and is therefore ideal for smaller research projects such as Ph.D. projects or student assignments. These three approaches will be represented in this course in different ways. I will open all modules, except the first and the last one, with an overview of a specific phase in big history, and I will base that overview on what is currently the most prominent big history theory. Next, renowned guest lectures will build on this overview by adding details they, our university, and our society feel are most important, and together they will tell an inspiring creation story, naturally one based on the latest scientific and scholarly ideas. I will conclude all modules, again except for the first and the last one, by providing some examples of little big history connections, and while doing so I will challenge you to do the same yourself in a little big history assignment you will have to complete in order to pass this course. I will tell you a bit more about this assignment in a subsequent video. So, during this course you will be able to familiarize yourself with various answers to the question how to summarize 13.8 billion years in a limited amount of space and time, and perhaps come up with a new answer yourself. And as a result, while taking this big history course, you'll not only gain a better understanding of how you and all the things around you have become the way they are, but you will also learn to reflect what you think has been important in the past, and based on that what you think is important in the presence, and what will be important in the future.

1.1 Video: How can we summarize 13.8 billion years in one brief course 1.1 Video: Wie können wir 13,8 Milliarden Jahre in einem kurzen Kurs zusammenfassen? 1.1 Vídeo: ¿Cómo resumir 13.800 millones de años en un breve curso? 1.1 Vidéo : Comment résumer 13,8 milliards d'années en un bref cours ? 1.1 ビデオ138億年の歴史を簡潔にまとめるには? 1.1 Vídeo: Como podemos resumir 13,8 mil milhões de anos num curso breve 1.1 Видео: Как можно кратко описать 13,8 млрд лет в одном кратком курсе 1.1 Video: 13,8 milyar yılı kısa bir derste nasıl özetleyebiliriz? 1.1 Відео: Як ми можемо підсумувати 13,8 мільярдів років в одному короткому курсі 1.1 视频:我们如何在一个简短的课程中总结138亿年 1.1 影片:如何在一門簡短的課程中概括 138 億年

Hello and welcome to this big history course. こんにちは、この大きな歴史コースへようこそ。 My name is Esther Quaedackers and I will be your main instructor. ||||Quaedackers||||||| 私の名前はEsther Quaedackersです。私はあなたのメインインストラクターになります。 I will not teach this course alone though. 私はこのコースだけでは教えません。 Some of the most prominent astronomers, physicists, geologist, biologist, paleontologist, neuroscientist, historians, sociologists, economist and information scientists from the University of Amsterdam and beyond will join me, and together we will give you an integrated overview of all of history from the Big Bang up until life as we know it today. |||||astronomi||geologist||paleontologist|||sociologists||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||físicos|||||os historiadores||||||||||||||||||||||||visão geral|||||||||||||||| アムステルダム大学の最も有名な天文学者、物理学者、地質学者、生物学者、古生物学者、神経科学者、歴史学者、社会学者、情報学者などが私と一緒に参加し、一緒に私たちが今日それを知っているように、人生までビッグバンをアップします。 But before we will start giving you such an overview I will briefly like to reflect on that task. しかし、私たちがあなたにそのような概要を与えることを始める前に、私は簡単にその仕事を反映したいと思います。 Because how do you summarize 13.8 billion years in one brief course? どのように1つの短いコースで138億年を要約するのですか? Obviously, it is impossible to describe everything. 明らかに、すべてを記述することは不可能です。 That would take a lot longer than 13.8 billion years. それは138億年よりも長くかかるだろう。 So you have to focus on some things, while leaving most things out. だから、ほとんどのものを残しながら、いくつかのことに集中する必要があります。 And this raises a very fundamental question: how do you decide what you focus on and what you leave out? そして、これは非常に根本的な疑問を提起します。あなたが何を重視するか、どういうことを決めるのですか? There are many ways to answer this question, and I want to encourage you to develop your own personal answer during this course. この質問に答える方法はたくさんあります。このコースでは、あなた自身の個人的な答えを育てることを奨励したいと思います。 But in order to do so, it might be useful to learn a bit more about how big historians around the world are dealing with this question first. しかしそうするためには、世界中の歴史家がどのようにこの質問に対処しているのかをもう少し学ぶことは有用かもしれません。 Some big historians approach big history as a story. いくつかの大きな歴史家は大きな歴史を物語として取り上げています。 These big historians, who are often based in the humanities departments, focus on things that intuitively feel most important, for instance things that raise a sense of wonder, are awe inspiring or thought-provoking, and fuse these things together into a an appealing narrative. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||they fuse = they combine|||||||| 人文学部を筆頭にしているこれらの大きな歴史家は、直感的に最も重要と感じるもの、例えば驚異的な感覚を喚起するもの、インスピレーションや思考刺激的なものに焦点を当て、これらのことを魅力的な物語。 The end result of this approach is a story about our past that is in some way similar to older creation stories such as Dreamtime tales, the Mayan Popol Vuh or Genesis. ||||||||||||||||||||||||Dreamtime||||Vuh|Vuh|| このアプローチの最終結果は、Dreamtimeの物語、Mayan Popol VuhやGenesisなどの古い創造物と何らかの形で類似している、私たちの過去に関する物語です。 A big history story is similar to these other stories in a sense that it reflects the questions, the fears and the dreams that are most important to the people who create and share the story. 大きな歴史ストーリーは、ストーリーを作成して共有する人々にとって最も重要な質問、恐怖、夢を反映する意味で、これらの他のストーリーと似ています。 But there's also a big difference between big history and older creation stories. しかし、大きな歴史と古い創造物の間には大きな違いがあります。 In contrast to these older stories, big history is firmly based on the latest scientific and scholarly ideas. これらの古い話とは対照的に、大きな歴史は、最新の科学的および学術的アイデアに基づいています。 So even if in this approach there's quite a lot of room for subjective and even artistic ways to compile the story, there's no room to temper with the scientific and scholarly ideas that from the basic building blocks of the story. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||interferir com|||||acadêmica|||||||||| だからこのアプローチでは、主観的で芸術的な方法で話をコンパイルする余地がかなりあるにしても、話の基本的なビルディングブロックからの科学的および学術的アイデアを嫌う余地はありません。 Other big historians, quite often those based in science departments, use a different approach. 他の大きな歴史家は、しばしば科学部門に拠点を置く人々で、異なるアプローチをとっています。 They construct big history theories. 彼らは大きな歴史理論を構築する。 They focus on the underlying patterns in big history and on the things that might be able to support or refute ideas about these patterns, much like for instance, Big Bang cosmology, plate tectonics and the theory of evolution do. ||||||||||||||||||||refute|||||||||||cosmology|||||||| 彼らは、ビッグバンの宇宙論、プレートテクトニクス、進化論などのように、大きな歴史の基礎となるパターンや、これらのパターンについてのアイデアを支持したり、反論したりすることができるものに焦点を当てています。 Like cosmologists, geologists, and evolutionary biologists, these bigger stories do not try to describe every star, rock or living being. |cosmologists = cosmologists|geologists = geologists|||biologists|||||||||||||| 宇宙論者、地質学者、進化生物学者のように、これらのより大きな物語は、あらゆる星、岩、生き物を記述しようとはしません。 Instead, they try to describe the general mechanism that can lead to the emergence of large numbers and varieties of stars, rocks, living beings, and even human societies. 代わりに、大量の星や岩、生き物、さらには人間社会の出現につながる一般的なメカニズムを説明しようとしています。 A third approach, first developed by my colleague Jonathan Markley and me, falls somewhere in between the big history stories and the big history theories. |||||||||Markley||||||||||||||| 私の同僚Jonathan Markleyと私が最初に開発した3番目のアプローチは、大きな歴史史と大きな歴史理論の間のどこかにあります。 It consists of writing little big histories, in which you take a relatively small subject and link that to aspects of all major phases in big history ,in order to generate some new questions and ideas about the subject. 小さな歴史を書くことから成り立っています。そこでは、比較的小さな主題を取り上げ、大きな歴史のすべての主要な局面に関連させて、その主題に関するいくつかの新しい質問やアイデアを生み出しています。 This approach is bit more structured and systematic than the big history story approach, and a bit more personal and concrete than a big history theory approach, and is therefore ideal for smaller research projects such as Ph.D. このアプローチは、大きな歴史理論のアプローチよりも少し構造化され系統的であり、歴史理論のアプローチよりも少し個人的かつ具体的であり、博士号などの小規模な研究プロジェクトには理想的です。 projects or student assignments. |||tarefas These three approaches will be represented in this course in different ways. I will open all modules, except the first and the last one, with an overview of a specific phase in big history, and I will base that overview on what is currently the most prominent big history theory. Next, renowned guest lectures will build on this overview by adding details they, our university, and our society feel are most important, and together they will tell an inspiring creation story, naturally one based on the latest scientific and scholarly ideas. I will conclude all modules, again except for the first and the last one, by providing some examples of little big history connections, and while doing so I will challenge you to do the same yourself in a little big history assignment you will have to complete in order to pass this course. I will tell you a bit more about this assignment in a subsequent video. So, during this course you will be able to familiarize yourself with various answers to the question how to summarize 13.8 billion years in a limited amount of space and time, and perhaps come up with a new answer yourself. And as a result, while taking this big history course, you'll not only gain a better understanding of how you and all the things around you have become the way they are, but you will also learn to reflect what you think has been important in the past, and based on that what you think is important in the presence, and what will be important in the future.