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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 4 - Jonathan Harker's Journal Continued, part 12

CHAPTER 4 - Jonathan Harker's Journal Continued, part 12

I bent over him, and tried to find any sign of life, but in vain.

He could not have lain there long, for the earthy smell would have passed away in a few hours. By the side of the box was its cover, pierced with holes here and there. I thought he might have the keys on him, but when I went to search I saw the dead eyes, and in them dead though they were, such a look of hate, though unconscious of me or my presence, that I fled from the place, and leaving the Count's room by the window, crawled again up the castle wall. Regaining my room, I threw myself panting upon the bed and tried to think. 29 June.--Today is the date of my last letter, and the Count has taken steps to prove that it was genuine, for again I saw him leave the castle by the same window, and in my clothes.

As he went down the wall, lizard fashion, I wished I had a gun or some lethal weapon, that I might destroy him. But I fear that no weapon wrought along by man's hand would have any effect on him. I dared not wait to see him return, for I feared to see those weird sisters. I came back to the library, and read there till I fell asleep. I was awakened by the Count, who looked at me as grimly as a man could look as he said, "Tomorrow, my friend, we must part.

You return to your beautiful England, I to some work which may have such an end that we may never meet. Your letter home has been despatched. Tomorrow I shall not be here, but all shall be ready for your journey. In the morning come the Szgany, who have some labours of their own here, and also come some Slovaks. When they have gone, my carriage shall come for you, and shall bear you to the Borgo Pass to meet the diligence from Bukovina to Bistritz. But I am in hopes that I shall see more of you at Castle Dracula.

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CHAPTER 4 - Jonathan Harker's Journal Continued, part 12 KAPITEL 4 - Fortsetzung von Jonathan Harkers Tagebuch, Teil 12 CAPÍTULO 4 - Diario de Jonathan Harker Continuación, parte 12 CHAPITRE 4 - Suite du journal de Jonathan Harker, partie 12 CAPITOLO 4 - Il diario di Jonathan Harker Continua, parte 12 第 4 章 - ジョナサン・ハーカーの日誌の続き、パート 12 CAPÍTULO 4 - Continuação do diário de Jonathan Harker, parte 12 BÖLÜM 4 - Jonathan Harker'ın Günlüğü Devam Ediyor, kısım 12 第 4 章 - 《乔纳森-哈克日志》续篇,第 12 部分

I bent over him, and tried to find any sign of life, but in vain. |beugte||||||||||||| 私は彼の上にかがみ込み、生命の兆候を見つけようとしましたが、無駄でした. Debrucei-me sobre ele e tentei encontrar algum sinal de vida, mas em vão.

He could not have lain there long, for the earthy smell would have passed away in a few hours. 土の匂いは数時間で消えてしまったので、彼はそこに長く横たわっていたはずがありませんでした。 Ele não poderia ficar ali por muito tempo, pois o cheiro da terra passaria em poucas horas. By the side of the box was its cover, pierced with holes here and there. |||||||||durchlöchert||||| Al lado de la caja estaba su tapa, agujereada aquí y allá. 箱の側面にはカバーがあり、所々に穴が開いていました。 Ao lado da caixa estava a tampa, perfurada por buracos aqui e ali. I thought he might have the keys on him, but when I went to search I saw the dead eyes, and in them dead though  they were, such a look of hate, though unconscious of me or my presence, that I fled from the place, and leaving the Count’s room by the window, crawled again up the castle wall. Pensé que podría llevar las llaves encima, pero cuando fui a buscarlas vi los ojos muertos, y en ellos, aunque muertos, tal mirada de odio, aunque inconsciente de mí o de mi presencia, que huí del lugar, y dejando la habitación del conde junto a la ventana, me arrastré de nuevo por el muro del castillo. 彼が鍵を持っているのではないかと思ったが、捜索に行ったとき、死んだ目を見た、そしてその目は死んでいたが、私や私の存在を意識していなかったにもかかわらず、そのような憎しみの表情だったので、私はその場所から逃げたと、窓際の伯爵の部屋を出て、城壁をまた這い上がった。 Pensei que ele pudesse ter as chaves consigo, mas quando fui procurar vi os olhos mortos, e neles, embora mortos, um tal olhar de ódio, embora inconsciente de mim ou da minha presença, que fugi do local, e deixando o quarto do Conde pela janela, rastejei de novo pela muralha do castelo. Regaining my room, I threw myself panting upon the bed and tried to think. ||||||keuchend||||||| 自分の部屋に戻り、私はベッドの上で息を切らしながら考えようとしました。 Voltando ao meu quarto, atirei-me ofegante para a cama e tentei pensar. 29 June.--Today is the date of my last letter, and the Count has taken steps to prove that it was genuine, for again I saw him leave the castle by the same window, and in my clothes. ||||||||||||||||||||echt|||||||||||||||| 6 月 29 日 -- 今日が私の最後の手紙の日付であり、伯爵はそれが本物であることを証明するための措置を講じました。 29 de Junho - Hoje é a data da minha última carta, e o Conde fez prova de que era verdadeira, pois vi-o sair do castelo pela mesma janela e com as minhas roupas.

As he went down the wall, lizard fashion, I wished I had a gun or some lethal weapon, that I might destroy him. ||||||||||||||||tödliche|||||| |||||||a lo lagarto||||||||||||||| Mentre scendeva lungo il muro, come una lucertola, avrei voluto avere una pistola o un'arma letale, per poterlo distruggere. 彼が壁を下っていくとき、トカゲのように、私は彼を破壊できるように、銃か致命的な武器があればいいのにと思いました。 Enquanto ele descia a parede, à maneira de um lagarto, desejei ter uma pistola ou uma arma letal, para o poder destruir. But I fear that no weapon wrought along by man’s hand would  have any effect on him. ||||||geschmiedet|||||||||| ||||||forjada|||||||||| しかし、人間の手で作られた武器が彼に影響を与えることはないのではないかと心配しています. Mas receio que nenhuma arma fabricada pela mão do homem tenha qualquer efeito sobre ele. I dared not wait to see him return, for I feared to see those weird sisters. |ousei|||||||||||||| あの変な姉妹に会うのが怖かったので、彼が戻ってくるのを待ちきれませんでした。 Não me atrevi a esperar para o ver regressar, pois temia ver aquelas irmãs estranhas. I came back to the library, and read there till I fell asleep. 私は図書館に戻ってきて、眠るまでそこで本を読みました。 Voltei para a biblioteca e fiquei a ler até adormecer. I was awakened by the Count, who looked at me as grimly as a man could look as he said, "Tomorrow, my friend, we must part. |||||||||||de maneira sombria|||||||||||||| 私は伯爵に起こされ、伯爵は男ができる限り厳しい目で私を見て、「明日、友よ、私たちは別れなければなりません。 Fui acordado pelo Conde, que me olhou com a maior severidade que um homem pode ter, dizendo: "Amanhã, meu amigo, temos de nos separar.

You return to your beautiful England, I to some work which may have such an end that we may never meet. Tú vuelves a tu bella Inglaterra, yo a un trabajo que puede tener tal fin que nunca nos veamos. Voi tornate alla vostra bella Inghilterra, io a un lavoro che potrebbe avere una fine tale da non farci incontrare mai. あなたはあなたの美しいイギリスに戻ります。 Você volta à sua linda Inglaterra, para um trabalho que pode ter um fim que nunca poderemos encontrar. Your letter home has been despatched. |||||versendet あなたの家への手紙は発送されました。 A sua carta para casa foi enviada. Tomorrow I shall not be here, but all shall be ready for your journey. 明日、私はここにいませんが、あなたの旅の準備は万端です。 Amanhã não estarei aqui, mas tudo estará pronto para a vossa viagem. In the morning come the Szgany, who have some labours of their own here, and also come some Slovaks. |||||os Szgany||||||||||||| 朝になると、ここで自分たちの仕事をしているスガニ族と、スロバキア人もやって来ます。 De manhã, chegam os Szgany, que têm aqui alguns trabalhos próprios, e também alguns eslovacos. When they have gone, my carriage shall come for you, and shall bear you to the Borgo Pass to meet the diligence from Bukovina to Bistritz. |||||Kutsche|||||||||||||||||||| Cuando se hayan ido, mi carruaje vendrá por ti, y te llevará al paso de Borgo para encontrar la diligencia de Bukovina a Bistritz. 彼らが去ったら、私の馬車があなたのために来て、ブコヴィナからビストリッツまでの勤勉さを満たすためにあなたをボルゴ峠まで連れて行きます. Quando eles tiverem partido, a minha carruagem virá buscar-te e levar-te-á até ao desfiladeiro de Borgo para te encontrares com a diligência de Bucovina para Bistritz. But I am in hopes that I shall see more of you at Castle Dracula. Pero tengo la esperanza de verte más en el Castillo Drácula. Ma spero di vedervi ancora al Castello di Dracula. しかし、ドラキュラ城でもっとあなたに会えることを願っています。 Mas espero que eu veja mais de vocês no Castelo Drácula.