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Cambridge Objective Proficiency C2, Unit 4 - 4.1 - Exercise 2

Unit 4 - 4.1 - Exercise 2

Unlike many modern families, mine still holds to the tradition of large family meals at times of celebration or crisis. I use the word ‘large' of both the group and the amount of food on offer. The pattern is always the same: endless phone calls weeks ahead of the occasion to mobilise distant cousins and elderly aunts; on the eve of the event, the preparation of excessive amounts of food by the host family member, which never fails to be stress-inducing for all concerned; and then, on the day itself, we slip into our well-established roles, devouring all that is set before us and expressing the joy and contentment that convention demands. Once the wine has started to flow, the praise of succulent dishes gives way to another, more sinister part of the ritual: snide comments on family members not present, the surfacing of ancient grudges and petty family rivalries. This in turn leads to the more general but equally predictable debates on politics and the world at large.

Manners always prevent us from actual bodily assault, but the verbal gloves are certainly off at this late stage in the proceedings. As the insults start to fly, the host hurries away to prepare coffee, hunting out chocolates and jugs of ice-cold water, in a valiant attempt to restore calm. Ritual behaviour dictates that all hostilities cease at this point and so, finally, peace prevails. After his second cup of coffee, handing down a final blessing to the assembled group, the most senior member takes his leave, signalling that it is time for others to do the same. Another memorable family occasion draws to a close.

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Unit 4 - 4.1 - Exercise 2 Unidad 4 - 4.1 - Ejercicio 2 Unité 4 - 4.1 - Exercice 2 Unità 4 - 4.1 - Esercizio 2

Unlike many modern families, mine still holds to the tradition of large family meals at times of celebration or crisis. Contrairement à de nombreuses familles modernes, la mienne s'en tient toujours à la tradition des grands repas de famille en période de fête ou de crise. I use the word ‘large' of both the group and the amount of food on offer. The pattern is always the same: endless phone calls weeks ahead of the occasion to mobilise distant cousins and elderly aunts; on the eve of the event, the preparation of excessive amounts of food by the host family member, which never fails to be stress-inducing for all concerned; and then, on the day itself, we slip into our well-established roles, devouring all that is set before us and expressing the joy and contentment that convention demands. El patrón es siempre el mismo: interminables llamadas telefónicas semanas antes de la ocasión para movilizar a primos lejanos y tías ancianas; en vísperas del evento, la preparación de cantidades excesivas de comida por parte del miembro de la familia de acogida, que nunca deja de ser estresante para todos los interesados; y luego, el mismo día, nos deslizamos hacia nuestros roles bien establecidos, devorando todo lo que se nos presenta y expresando el gozo y la satisfacción que exige la convención. Le schéma est toujours le même : des appels téléphoniques interminables des semaines avant l'occasion pour mobiliser des cousins éloignés et des tantes âgées ; la veille de l'événement, la préparation d'aliments en excès par le membre de la famille d'accueil, ce qui ne manque jamais d'être stressant pour tous ; et puis, le jour même, nous nous glissons dans nos rôles bien établis, dévorant tout ce qui nous est proposé et exprimant la joie et le contentement que la convention exige. Once the wine has started to flow, the praise of succulent dishes gives way to another, more sinister part of the ritual: snide comments on family members not present, the surfacing of ancient grudges and petty family rivalries. Una vez que el vino ha empezado a fluir, los elogios a los suculentos platos dan paso a otra parte más siniestra del ritual: los comentarios sarcásticos sobre los miembros de la familia que no están presentes, el afloramiento de antiguos rencores y pequeñas rivalidades familiares. Une fois que le vin a commencé à couler, l'éloge des plats succulents cède la place à une autre partie plus sinistre du rituel : les commentaires sarcastiques sur les membres de la famille absents, la remontée d'anciennes rancunes et de petites rivalités familiales. This in turn leads to the more general but equally predictable debates on politics and the world at large.

Manners always prevent us from actual bodily assault, but the verbal gloves are certainly off at this late stage in the proceedings. Les bonnes manières nous empêchent toujours de subir de véritables agressions corporelles, mais les gants verbaux sont certainement éteints à ce stade tardif de la procédure. As the insults start to fly, the host hurries away to prepare coffee, hunting out chocolates and jugs of ice-cold water, in a valiant attempt to restore calm. Alors que les insultes commencent à fuser, l'hôte s'empresse de préparer du café, à la recherche de chocolats et de cruches d'eau glacée, dans une tentative vaillante de rétablir le calme. Ritual behaviour dictates that all hostilities cease at this point and so, finally, peace prevails. Le comportement rituel dicte que toutes les hostilités cessent à ce stade et ainsi, finalement, la paix prévaut. After his second cup of coffee, handing down a final blessing to the assembled group, the most senior member takes his leave, signalling that it is time for others to do the same. Another memorable family occasion draws to a close. Une autre occasion familiale mémorable tire à sa fin.