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The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, Chapter 11. The Corsican Ogre (2)

Chapter 11. The Corsican Ogre (2)

"So then," he exclaimed, turning pale with anger, "seven conjoined and allied armies overthrew that man. A miracle of heaven replaced me on the throne of my fathers after five-and-twenty years of exile. I have, during those five-and-twenty years, spared no pains to understand the people of France and the interests which were confided to me; and now, when I see the fruition of my wishes almost within reach, the power I hold in my hands bursts, and shatters me to atoms!" "Sire, it is fatality!" murmured the minister, feeling that the pressure of circumstances, however light a thing to destiny, was too much for any human strength to endure.

"What our enemies say of us is then true. We have learnt nothing, forgotten nothing! If I were betrayed as he was, I would console myself; but to be in the midst of persons elevated by myself to places of honor, who ought to watch over me more carefully than over themselves,--for my fortune is theirs--before me they were nothing--after me they will be nothing, and perish miserably from incapacity--ineptitude! Oh, yes, sir, you are right--it is fatality!" The minister quailed before this outburst of sarcasm. M. de Blacas wiped the moisture from his brow. Villefort smiled within himself, for he felt his increased importance.

"To fall," continued King Louis, who at the first glance had sounded the abyss on which the monarchy hung suspended,--"to fall, and learn of that fall by telegraph! Oh, I would rather mount the scaffold of my brother, Louis XVI., than thus descend the staircase at the Tuileries driven away by ridicule. Ridicule, sir--why, you know not its power in France, and yet you ought to know it!" "Sire, sire," murmured the minister, "for pity's"-- "Approach, M. de Villefort," resumed the king, addressing the young man, who, motionless and breathless, was listening to a conversation on which depended the destiny of a kingdom. "Approach, and tell monsieur that it is possible to know beforehand all that he has not known." "Sire, it was really impossible to learn secrets which that man concealed from all the world." "Really impossible! Yes--that is a great word, sir. Unfortunately, there are great words, as there are great men; I have measured them. Really impossible for a minister who has an office, agents, spies, and fifteen hundred thousand francs for secret service money, to know what is going on at sixty leagues from the coast of France! Well, then, see, here is a gentleman who had none of these resources at his disposal--a gentleman, only a simple magistrate, who learned more than you with all your police, and who would have saved my crown, if, like you, he had the power of directing a telegraph." The look of the minister of police was turned with concentrated spite on Villefort, who bent his head in modest triumph.

"I do not mean that for you, Blacas," continued Louis XVIII. ; "for if you have discovered nothing, at least you have had the good sense to persevere in your suspicions. Any other than yourself would have considered the disclosure of M. de Villefort insignificant, or else dictated by venal ambition," These words were an allusion to the sentiments which the minister of police had uttered with so much confidence an hour before. Villefort understood the king's intent. Any other person would, perhaps, have been overcome by such an intoxicating draught of praise; but he feared to make for himself a mortal enemy of the police minister, although he saw that Dandre was irrevocably lost. In fact, the minister, who, in the plenitude of his power, had been unable to unearth Napoleon's secret, might in despair at his own downfall interrogate Dantes and so lay bare the motives of Villefort's plot. Realizing this, Villefort came to the rescue of the crest-fallen minister, instead of aiding to crush him.

"Sire," said Villefort, "the suddenness of this event must prove to your majesty that the issue is in the hands of Providence; what your majesty is pleased to attribute to me as profound perspicacity is simply owing to chance, and I have profited by that chance, like a good and devoted servant--that's all. Do not attribute to me more than I deserve, sire, that your majesty may never have occasion to recall the first opinion you have been pleased to form of me." The minister of police thanked the young man by an eloquent look, and Villefort understood that he had succeeded in his design; that is to say, that without forfeiting the gratitude of the king, he had made a friend of one on whom, in case of necessity, he might rely.

" 'Tis well," resumed the king. "And now, gentlemen," he continued, turning towards M. de Blacas and the minister of police, "I have no further occasion for you, and you may retire; what now remains to do is in the department of the minister of war." "Fortunately, sire," said M. de Blacas, "we can rely on the army; your majesty knows how every report confirms their loyalty and attachment."

Chapter 11. The Corsican Ogre (2) |||Corsican Ogre Chapitre 11. L'ogre corse (2) Глава 11. Корсиканский людоед (2)

"So then," he exclaimed, turning pale with anger, "seven conjoined and allied armies overthrew that man. |||||||||joined together||||defeated toppled|| ||||||||||||ordular||| « Alors, s'écria-t-il en pâlissant de colère, sept armées unies et alliées renversèrent cet homme. "O halde," diye haykırdı, öfkeyle büzülerek, "yedi birleşmiş ve ittifak kurmuş ordu o adamı devirdi. A miracle of heaven replaced me on the throne of my fathers after five-and-twenty years of exile. Un miracle du ciel m'a remplacé sur le trône de mes pères après vingt-cinq ans d'exil. Cennetin bir mucizesi, yirmi beş yıl süresince sürgünde geçirdikten sonra beni atalarımın tahtında yeniden yerine koydu. I have, during those five-and-twenty years, spared no pains to understand the people of France and the interests which were confided to me; and now, when I see the fruition of my wishes almost within reach, the power I hold in my hands bursts, and shatters me to atoms!" ||||||||made an effort||||||||||||||entrusted|||||||||realization||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||emanet edilen|||||||||||||||||||||||||parçalar||| J'ai, pendant ces vingt-cinq ans, pris soin de comprendre le peuple de France et les intérêts qui m'étaient confiés ; et maintenant, quand je vois la réalisation de mes souhaits presque à portée de main, le pouvoir que je tiens dans mes mains éclate et me brise en atomes!" O yirmi beş yıl boyunca, Fransa'nın halkını ve bana emanet edilen çıkarları anlamak için hiçbir çabayı esirgemedim; ve şimdi, dileklerimin gerçekleşmesini neredeyse elde edebilirken, elimde tuttuğum güç patlıyor ve beni zerrelerine ayırıyor!" "Sire, it is fatality!" |||death event |||ölüm murmured the minister, feeling that the pressure of circumstances, however light a thing to destiny, was too much for any human strength to endure. şu anda bakan mırıldandı, koşulların baskısının, kader için ne kadar hafif bir şey olsa da, herhangi bir insan gücünün dayanabileceğinden fazla olduğunu hissederek.

"What our enemies say of us is then true. "Düşmanlarımızın bizim hakkımızda söyledikleri o zaman doğru. We have learnt nothing, forgotten nothing! ||öğrendik||| Hiçbir şey öğrenmedik, hiçbir şeyi unutmadık! If I were betrayed as he was, I would console myself; but to be in the midst of persons elevated by myself to places of honor, who ought to watch over me more carefully than over themselves,--for my fortune is theirs--before me they were nothing--after me they will be nothing, and perish miserably from incapacity--ineptitude! |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||inability incompetence ineptness|ineptitude |||||||||teselli|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||yok olmak|||| Eğer onun gibi ihanete uğrasaydım, kendimi teselli ederdim; ama kendim tarafından onurlu makamlara yükseltilmiş kişilerin arasında olmak, benim üzerimde kendilerinden daha dikkatli olmaları gereken kişiler--çünkü benim talihim onların--önümde hiçtiler--sonra da hiçbir şey olmayacaklar ve yeteneksizlikten zavallıca yok olacaklar--acizlik! Oh, yes, sir, you are right--it is fatality!" Oh, evet, efendim, haklısınız--bu bir kaderdir!" The minister quailed before this outburst of sarcasm. ||shrank back||||| ||ürkerek geri çekildi||||| Le ministre trembla devant cette explosion de sarcasme. Bakan bu alaycı patlamanın karşısında titredi. M. de Blacas wiped the moisture from his brow. |||||nem||| Villefort smiled within himself, for he felt his increased importance.

"To fall," continued King Louis, who at the first glance had sounded the abyss on which the monarchy hung suspended,--"to fall, and learn of that fall by telegraph! |||||||||||||||||||askıda||||||||| – Tomber, reprit le roi Louis, qui au premier coup d'œil avait sondé l'abîme auquel la monarchie était suspendue, tomber, et apprendre cette chute par télégraphe ! "Düşmek," diye devam etti Kral Louis, monarşinin asılı durduğu uçurumu ilk bakışta sezmiş olarak,--"düşmek ve o düşüşü telgrafla öğrenmek! Oh, I would rather mount the scaffold of my brother, Louis XVI., than thus descend the staircase at the Tuileries driven away by ridicule. |||||||||||||in this way||||||||||mockery ||||idam sehpasına çıkmak||||||||||||||||||| Ah, ben ridikül tarafından kovulmuş olarak Tuileries'teki merdivenlerden böyle inmektense, kardeşim Louis XVI.'nın idam sehpasına çıkmayı tercih ederim. Ridicule, sir--why, you know not its power in France, and yet you ought to know it!" alay|||||||||||||||| Ridikül, efendim--Fransa'daki gücünü bilmiyorsunuz, ama bunu bilmelisiniz!" "Sire, sire," murmured the minister, "for pity's"-- ||||||acınacak şekilde "Approach, M. de Villefort," resumed the king, addressing the young man, who, motionless and breathless, was listening to a conversation on which depended the destiny of a kingdom. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||krallık — Approchez, monsieur de Villefort, reprit le roi en s'adressant au jeune homme qui, immobile et essoufflé, écoutait une conversation dont dépendait la destinée d'un royaume. "Approach, and tell monsieur that it is possible to know beforehand all that he has not known." "Sire, it was really impossible to learn secrets which that man concealed from all the world." "Really impossible! Yes--that is a great word, sir. Unfortunately, there are great words, as there are great men; I have measured them. Ne yazık ki, büyük adamlar olduğu gibi, büyük sözler de vardır; onları ölçtüm. Really impossible for a minister who has an office, agents, spies, and fifteen hundred thousand francs for secret service money, to know what is going on at sixty leagues from the coast of France! ||||||||||casuslar||||||||||||||||||||||| Fransa kıyısından altmış lig uzakta neler olup bittiğini bilmek için ofisi, ajanları, casusları ve gizli hizmet parası olarak on beş yüz bin frankı olan bir bakan için gerçekten imkansızdır! Well, then, see, here is a gentleman who had none of these resources at his disposal--a gentleman, only a simple magistrate, who learned more than you with all your police, and who would have saved my crown, if, like you, he had the power of directing a telegraph." ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||yönetme|| Peki, öyleyse, işte burada bu kaynakların hiçbiri olmayan bir beyefendi var - sadece basit bir yargıç, senin tüm polislerinle öğrendiğinden daha fazlasını öğrenen, eğer senin gibi bir telegrafi yönlendirme gücüne sahip olsaydı, tacımı kurtarırdı. The look of the minister of police was turned with concentrated spite on Villefort, who bent his head in modest triumph. |||||||||||malice||||||||| ||||||||||yoğun nefretle|kin nefret düşmanlık|||||||||

"I do not mean that for you, Blacas," continued Louis XVIII. ; "for if you have discovered nothing, at least you have had the good sense to persevere in your suspicions. |||||||||||||||persist continue endure||| |||||||||||||||sebat etmek||| Any other than yourself would have considered the disclosure of M. de Villefort insignificant, or else dictated by venal ambition," These words were an allusion to the sentiments which the minister of police had uttered with so much confidence an hour before. ||||||||revelation||||||||||corrupt||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||belirtilen||||||||||||||||||||||||| Villefort understood the king's intent. ||||niyetini anladı Any other person would, perhaps, have been overcome by such an intoxicating draught of praise; but he feared to make for himself a mortal enemy of the police minister, although he saw that Dandre was irrevocably lost. ||||||||||||drink|||||||||||||||||||||||irreversibly| |||||||||||büyüleyici||||||||||||||||||||||||| N'importe quelle autre personne aurait, peut-être, été submergée par une telle ivresse d'éloge ; mais il craignait de se faire un ennemi mortel du ministre de la police, tout en voyant que Dandre était irrévocablement perdu. Belki başka birisi, böyle iç intoxicating bir övgü ile başa çıkamayabilirdi; ama o, Dandre'nin geri dönüşü olmayan bir şekilde kaybolduğunu görmesine rağmen, kendisine polis bakanının bir ölümlü düşmanı olma korkusunu taşıyordu. In fact, the minister, who, in the plenitude of his power, had been unable to unearth Napoleon's secret, might in despair at his own downfall interrogate Dantes and so lay bare the motives of Villefort's plot. |||||||fullness||||||||reveal||||||||||question intensely|||||||||| |||||||||||||||ortaya çıkarmak|||||||||||||||||||| En effet, le ministre, qui, dans la plénitude de son pouvoir, n'avait pu découvrir le secret de Napoléon, pouvait désespéré de sa propre chute interroger Dantès et ainsi mettre à nu les mobiles du complot de Villefort. Aslında, gücünün zirvesinde, Napolyon'un sırrını ortaya çıkaramayan bakan, kendi düşüşüne karşı umutsuzluk içinde Dantes'i sorgulayarak Villefort'un komplosunun motive edici unsurlarını açığa çıkarabilirdi. Realizing this, Villefort came to the rescue of the crest-fallen minister, instead of aiding to crush him. |||||||||amansız|||||||| Bunu fark eden Villefort, onu ezmek yerine, moralini kaybetmiş bakanın yardımına koştu.

"Sire," said Villefort, "the suddenness of this event must prove to your majesty that the issue is in the hands of Providence; what your majesty is pleased to attribute to me as profound perspicacity is simply owing to chance, and I have profited by that chance, like a good and devoted servant--that's all. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||insight|||||||||benefited||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||faydalandım||||||||||| "Majesteleri," dedi Villefort, "bu olayın beklenmedikliği, bu meselenin Tanrı'nın ellerinde olduğuna dair majestenize bir kanıt olmalı; majestenizin bana atfettiği derin anlayış aslında tamamen tesadüften ibarettir ve ben de bu şansın faydasını, iyi ve sadık bir hizmetkar gibi, sadece bunun için kullandım. Do not attribute to me more than I deserve, sire, that your majesty may never have occasion to recall the first opinion you have been pleased to form of me." ||||||||||||||||||retract||||||||||| ||nitelik özellik||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Bana hak ettiğimden fazlasını atfetmeyin, majesteleri, böylelikle majestenizin benim hakkımda oluşan ilk görüşü tekrar hatırlama gereği duymaz. The minister of police thanked the young man by an eloquent look, and Villefort understood that he had succeeded in his design; that is to say, that without forfeiting the gratitude of the king, he had made a friend of one on whom, in case of necessity, he might rely. ||||||||||expressive gaze||||||||||||||||||losing or sacrificing||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||kaybetme||||||||||||||||||||| Polis Bakanı, genç adamı etkileyici bir bakışla teşekkür etti ve Villefort, amacına ulaştığını anladı; yani, kralın minnettarlığını kaybetmeden, gerektiğinde güvenebileceği bir arkadaş edindi.

" 'Tis well," resumed the king. "And now, gentlemen," he continued, turning towards M. de Blacas and the minister of police, "I have no further occasion for you, and you may retire; what now remains to do is in the department of the minister of war." "Şimdi, efendiler," diye devam etti, M. de Blacas ve polis bakanına doğru dönerek, "Sizin için daha fazla bir işim kalmadı, çekilebilirseniz çekilin; şimdi yapılması gereken şey, savaş bakanının görevidir." "Fortunately, sire," said M. de Blacas, "we can rely on the army; your majesty knows how every report confirms their loyalty and attachment." ||||||||||||||||||onaylar|||| "Neyse ki, efendim," dedi M. de Blacas, "orduya güvenebiliriz; majesteleri her raporun onların sadakatini ve bağlılığını doğruladığını biliyorsunuz."