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The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, Chapter 12. Father and Son (1)

Chapter 12. Father and Son (1)

M. Noirtier--for it was, indeed, he who entered--looked after the servant until the door was closed, and then, fearing, no doubt, that he might be overheard in the ante-chamber, he opened the door again, nor was the precaution useless, as appeared from the rapid retreat of Germain, who proved that he was not exempt from the sin which ruined our first parents. M. Noirtier then took the trouble to close and bolt the ante-chamber door, then that of the bed-chamber, and then extended his hand to Villefort, who had followed all his motions with surprise which he could not conceal.

"Well, now, my dear Gerard," said he to the young man, with a very significant look, "do you know, you seem as if you were not very glad to see me?" "My dear father," said Villefort, "I am, on the contrary, delighted; but I so little expected your visit, that it has somewhat overcome me." "But, my dear fellow," replied M. Noirtier, seating himself, "I might say the same thing to you, when you announce to me your wedding for the 28th of February, and on the 3rd of March you turn up here in Paris." "And if I have come, my dear father," said Gerard, drawing closer to M. Noirtier, "do not complain, for it is for you that I came, and my journey will be your salvation." "Ah, indeed!" said M. Noirtier, stretching himself out at his ease in the chair. "Really, pray tell me all about it, for it must be interesting." "Father, you have heard speak of a certain Bonapartist club in the Rue Saint-Jacques?" "No. 53; yes, I am vice-president." "Father, your coolness makes me shudder." "Why, my dear boy, when a man has been proscribed by the mountaineers, has escaped from Paris in a hay-cart, been hunted over the plains of Bordeaux by Robespierre's bloodhounds, he becomes accustomed to most things. But go on, what about the club in the Rue Saint-Jacques?" "Why, they induced General Quesnel to go there, and General Quesnel, who quitted his own house at nine o'clock in the evening, was found the next day in the Seine." "And who told you this fine story?" "The king himself." "Well, then, in return for your story," continued Noirtier, "I will tell you another." "My dear father, I think I already know what you are about to tell me." "Ah, you have heard of the landing of the emperor?" "Not so loud, father, I entreat of you--for your own sake as well as mine. Yes, I heard this news, and knew it even before you could; for three days ago I posted from Marseilles to Paris with all possible speed, half-desperate at the enforced delay." "Three days ago? You are crazy. Why, three days ago the emperor had not landed." "No matter, I was aware of his intention." "How did you know about it?" "By a letter addressed to you from the Island of Elba." "To me?" "To you; and which I discovered in the pocket-book of the messenger. Had that letter fallen into the hands of another, you, my dear father, would probably ere this have been shot." Villefort's father laughed. "Come, come," said he, "will the Restoration adopt imperial methods so promptly? Shot, my dear boy? What an idea! Where is the letter you speak of? I know you too well to suppose you would allow such a thing to pass you." "I burnt it, for fear that even a fragment should remain; for that letter must have led to your condemnation." "And the destruction of your future prospects," replied Noirtier; "yes, I can easily comprehend that. But I have nothing to fear while I have you to protect me." "I do better than that, sir--I save you." "You do? Why, really, the thing becomes more and more dramatic--explain yourself." "I must refer again to the club in the Rue Saint-Jacques." "It appears that this club is rather a bore to the police. Why didn't they search more vigilantly? they would have found"-- "They have not found; but they are on the track." "Yes, that the usual phrase; I am quite familiar with it. When the police is at fault, it declares that it is on the track; and the government patiently awaits the day when it comes to say, with a sneaking air, that the track is lost." "Yes, but they have found a corpse; the general has been killed, and in all countries they call that a murder." "A murder do you call it? why, there is nothing to prove that the general was murdered. People are found every day in the Seine, having thrown themselves in, or having been drowned from not knowing how to swim." "Father, you know very well that the general was not a man to drown himself in despair, and people do not bathe in the Seine in the month of January. No, no, do not be deceived; this was murder in every sense of the word." "And who thus designated it?"

Chapter 12. Father and Son (1) Kapitel 12. Vater und Sohn (1) Capítulo 12. Padre e Hijo (1) Chapitre 12. Père et fils (1) Глава 12. Отец и Сын (1)

M. Noirtier--for it was, indeed, he who entered--looked after the servant until the door was closed, and then, fearing, no doubt, that he might be overheard in the ante-chamber, he opened the door again, nor was the precaution useless, as appeared from the rapid retreat of Germain, who proved that he was not exempt from the sin which ruined our first parents. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||free from|||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||muaf|||günah||||| M. Noirtier--çünkü gerçekten içeri giren oydu--kapı kapanana kadar hizmetçiyi gözetledi ve sonra, şüphesiz, bekleme odasında duyulma korkusu ile tekrar kapıyı açtı; önlem faydasız değildi, çünkü Germain'in hızlıca geri çekilmesi, onun ilk ebeveynlerimizi mahveden günaha maruz kalmadığını kanıtladı. M. Noirtier then took the trouble to close and bolt the ante-chamber door, then that of the bed-chamber, and then extended his hand to Villefort, who had followed all his motions with surprise which he could not conceal. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||hareketler||||||| M. Noirtier ardından bekleme odasının kapısını kapatıp kilitledi, sonra yatak odasının kapısını kapattı ve Villefort'a elini uzattı, Villefort onun tüm hareketlerini gizleyemediği bir şaşkınlıkla takip etmişti.

"Well, now, my dear Gerard," said he to the young man, with a very significant look, "do you know, you seem as if you were not very glad to see me?" "Şimdi, sevgili Gerard," dedi genç adama, çok anlamlı bir bakışla, "biliyor musun, seni görmekten pek mutluymuşsun gibi görünmüyorsun?" "My dear father," said Villefort, "I am, on the contrary, delighted; but I so little expected your visit, that it has somewhat overcome me." "But, my dear fellow," replied M. Noirtier, seating himself, "I might say the same thing to you, when you announce to me your wedding for the 28th of February, and on the 3rd of March you turn up here in Paris." ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||değil mi|||||||| "And if I have come, my dear father," said Gerard, drawing closer to M. Noirtier, "do not complain, for it is for you that I came, and my journey will be your salvation." ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||rescue "Ah, indeed!" said M. Noirtier, stretching himself out at his ease in the chair. "Really, pray tell me all about it, for it must be interesting." "Father, you have heard speak of a certain Bonapartist club in the Rue Saint-Jacques?" "No. 53; yes, I am vice-president." ||||başkan 53; evet, başkan yardımcısıyım. "Father, your coolness makes me shudder." Baba, senin soğukkanlılığın beni titretiyor. "Why, my dear boy, when a man has been proscribed by the mountaineers, has escaped from Paris in a hay-cart, been hunted over the plains of Bordeaux by Robespierre's bloodhounds, he becomes accustomed to most things. |||||||||outlawed|||the rebels|||||||||||||||Bordeaux region||Robespierre's|enforcers of justice|||||| ||||||||||||||||||||arıcı||avlanmış|||düzlükler||Bordeaux||Robespierre'in|kan köpekleri|||||| Neden, sevgili oğlum, bir adam dağcılar tarafından yasaklandığında, bir saman arabasıyla Paris'ten kaçtığında, Robespierre'in kan köpeğileri tarafından Bordeaux'nun ovalarında avlanıldığında, çoğu şeye alışır. But go on, what about the club in the Rue Saint-Jacques?" "Why, they induced General Quesnel to go there, and General Quesnel, who quitted his own house at nine o'clock in the evening, was found the next day in the Seine." ||persuaded||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||indükledi|||||||||||||||||||||||||||Seine Nehri — Eh bien, ils ont incité le général Quesnel à s'y rendre, et le général Quesnel, qui a quitté sa propre maison à neuf heures du soir, a été retrouvé le lendemain dans la Seine. "Neden, General Quesnel'i oraya göndermeye ikna ettiler ve General Quesnel, akşam dokuzda kendi evinden ayrıldıktan sonra ertesi gün Seine Nehri'nde bulundu." "And who told you this fine story?" "Bu güzel hikayeyi sana kim anlattı?" "The king himself." "Kralın kendisi." "Well, then, in return for your story," continued Noirtier, "I will tell you another." "My dear father, I think I already know what you are about to tell me." "Ah, you have heard of the landing of the emperor?" "Not so loud, father, I entreat of you--for your own sake as well as mine. |||||beg you|||||||||| Yes, I heard this news, and knew it even before you could; for three days ago I posted from Marseilles to Paris with all possible speed, half-desperate at the enforced delay." ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||mandatory| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||zorunlu| Oui, j'ai entendu cette nouvelle, et je l'ai su avant même que vous ne le sachiez ; car il y a trois jours, j'ai posté de Marseille à Paris avec toute la rapidité possible, à moitié désespéré par le retard forcé." Evet, bu haberi duydum ve bunu senden önce bile biliyordum; çünkü üç gün önce Marsilya'dan Paris'e elden gelen en hızlı şekilde yola çıktım, zorunlu gecikmeden yarı umutsuz haldeyken. "Three days ago? "Üç gün önce mi? You are crazy. Sen delisin. Why, three days ago the emperor had not landed." "No matter, I was aware of his intention." "How did you know about it?" "By a letter addressed to you from the Island of Elba." "To me?" "To you; and which I discovered in the pocket-book of the messenger. Had that letter fallen into the hands of another, you, my dear father, would probably ere this have been shot." |||||||||||||||by now|||| Si cette lettre était tombée entre les mains d'un autre, vous, mon cher père, seriez probablement avant que celle-ci ne soit fusillée." Villefort's father laughed. "Come, come," said he, "will the Restoration adopt imperial methods so promptly? |||||||benimseyecek|||| « Allons, allons, dit-il, la Restauration adoptera-t-elle si promptement les méthodes impériales ? "Gel, gel," dedi, "Restorasyon, imparatorluk yöntemlerini bu kadar hızlı benimseyecek mi? Shot, my dear boy? Ateş, sevgili oğlum? What an idea! Ne harika bir fikir! Where is the letter you speak of? I know you too well to suppose you would allow such a thing to pass you." "Sana böyle bir şeyi geçmene izin vereceğini düşünmek için seni çok iyi tanıdığımı biliyorum." "I burnt it, for fear that even a fragment should remain; for that letter must have led to your condemnation." |||||||||||||||||||conviction ||||||||parça||||||||||| "And the destruction of your future prospects," replied Noirtier; "yes, I can easily comprehend that. But I have nothing to fear while I have you to protect me." Ama seni koruduğun sürece korkacak hiçbir şeyim yok. "I do better than that, sir--I save you." Bundan daha iyisini yaparım, efendim--seni kurtarırım. "You do? Sen mi? Why, really, the thing becomes more and more dramatic--explain yourself." "I must refer again to the club in the Rue Saint-Jacques." "It appears that this club is rather a bore to the police. ||||||||boredom||| « Il semble que ce club soit plutôt un ennui pour la police. "Görünüşe göre bu kulüp polise oldukça sıkıcı geliyor. Why didn't they search more vigilantly? |||||dikkatlice Neden daha dikkatli aramadılar? they would have found"-- bulmuşlardı"-- "They have not found; but they are on the track." "Yes, that the usual phrase; I am quite familiar with it. When the police is at fault, it declares that it is on the track; and the government patiently awaits the day when it comes to say, with a sneaking air, that the track is lost." |||||responsible|||||||||||||||||||||||sly|||||| |||||||açıklar||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Polis hatalı olduğunda, yolun üzerinde olduğunu deklar eder; ve hükümet sabırla, kaybolduğunu söylediği o günü bekler, gizli bir hava ile. "Yes, but they have found a corpse; the general has been killed, and in all countries they call that a murder." Evet, ama bir ceset buldular; general öldürüldü ve tüm ülkelerde buna cinayet derler. "A murder do you call it? Cinayet mi diyorsunuz buna? why, there is nothing to prove that the general was murdered. eh bien, rien ne prouve que le général a été assassiné. People are found every day in the Seine, having thrown themselves in, or having been drowned from not knowing how to swim." |||||||||||||||boğulmuş|||||| "Father, you know very well that the general was not a man to drown himself in despair, and people do not bathe in the Seine in the month of January. |||||||||||||||||||||yıkanmak|||||||| No, no, do not be deceived; this was murder in every sense of the word." Non, non, ne vous y trompez pas ; c'était un meurtre dans tous les sens du terme." "And who thus designated it?" « Et qui l'a ainsi désigné ?