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Aunt Jane’s Nieces by L. Frank Baum, CHAPTER XIV. KENNETH IS FRIGHTENED.


Lawyer Watson, unable to direct events at Elmhurst, became a silent spectator of the little comedy being enacted there, and never regretted that, as Uncle John expressed it, he "had a reserved seat at the show." Jane Merrick, formerly the most imperious and irrascible of women, had become wonderfully reserved since the arrival of her nieces, and was evidently making a sincere effort to study their diverse characters. Day by day the invalid's health was failing visibly. She had no more strokes of paralysis, but her left limb did not recover, and the numbness was gradually creeping upward toward her heart.

Perhaps the old woman appreciated this more fully than anyone else. At any event, she became more gentle toward Phibbs and Misery, who mostly attended her, and showed as much consideration as possible for her nieces and her brother. Silas Watson she kept constantly by her side. He was her oldest and most trusted friend, and the only differences they had ever had were over the boy Kenneth, whom she stubbornly refused to favor.

Uncle John speedily became an established fixture at the place. The servants grew accustomed to seeing him wander aimlessly about the grounds, his pipe always in his mouth, his hands usually in his pockets. He had a pleasant word always for Donald or Oscar or James, but was not prone to long conversations. Every evening, when he appeared at dinner, he wore his soiled white tie; at other times the black one was always in evidence; but other than this his dress underwent no change. Even Kenneth came to wonder what the bundle had contained that Uncle John brought under his arm to Elmhurst.

The little man seemed from the first much attracted by his three nieces. Notwithstanding Louise's constant snubs and Beth's haughty silence he was sure to meet them when they strolled out and try to engage them in conversation. It was hard to resist his simple good nature, and the girls came in time to accept him as an inevitable companion, and Louise mischievously poked fun at him while Beth conscientiously corrected him in his speech and endeavored to improve his manners. All this seemed very gratifying to Uncle John. He thanked Beth very humbly for her kind attention, and laughed with Louise when she ridiculed his pudgy, round form and wondered if his bristly gray hair wouldn't make a good scrubbing brush. Patsy didn't get along very well with her cousins. From the first, when Louise recognized her, with well assumed surprise, as "the girl who had been sent to dress her hair," Patricia declared that their stations in life were entirely different. "There's no use of our getting mixed up, just because we're cousins and all visiting Aunt Jane," she said. "One of you will get her money, for I've told her I wouldn't touch a penny of it, and she has told me I wouldn't get the chance. So one of you will be a great lady, while I shall always earn my own living. I'll not stay long, anyhow; so just forget I'm here, and I'll amuse myself and try not to bother you." Both Beth and Louise considered this very sensible, and took Patricia at her word. Moreover, Phibbs had related to Beth, whose devoted adherent she was, all of the conversation between Aunt Jane and Patricia, from which the girls learned they had nothing to fear from their cousin's interference. So they let her go her way, and the three only met at the state dinners, which Aunt Jane still attended, in spite of her growing weakness.

Old Silas Watson, interested as he was in the result, found it hard to decide, after ten days, which of her nieces Jane Merrick most favored. Personally he preferred that Beth should inherit, and frankly told his old friend that the girl would make the best mistress of Elmhurst. Moreover, all the servants sang Beth's praises, from Misery and Phibbs down to Oscar and Susan. Of course James the gardener favored no one, as the numerous strangers at Elmhurst kept him in a constant state of irritation, and his malady seemed even worse than usual. He avoided everyone but his mistress, and although his work was now often neglected Miss Merrick made no complaint. James' peculiarities were well understood and aroused nothing but sympathy. Louise, however, had played her cards so well that all Beth's friends were powerless to eject the elder girl from Aunt Jane's esteem. Louise had not only returned the check to her aunt, but she came often to sit beside her and cheer her with a budget of new social gossip, and no one could arrange the pillows so comfortably or stroke the tired head so gently as Louise. And then, she was observing, and called Aunt Jane's attention to several ways of curtailing the household expenditures, which the woman's illness had forced her to neglect. So Miss Merrick asked Louise to look over the weekly accounts, and in this way came to depend upon her almost as much as she did upon Lawyer Watson.

As for Patsy, she made no attempt whatever to conciliate her aunt, who seldom mentioned her name to the others but always brightened visibly when the girl came into her presence with her cheery speeches and merry laughter. She never stayed long, but came and went, like a streak of sunshine, whenever the fancy seized her; and Silas Watson, shrewdly looking on, saw a new light in Jane's eyes as she looked after her wayward, irresponsible niece, and wondered if the bargain between them, regarding the money, would really hold good. It was all an incomprehensible problem, this matter of the inheritance, and although the lawyer expected daily to be asked to draw up Jane Merrick's will, and had, indeed, prepared several forms, to be used in case of emergency, no word had yet passed her lips regarding her intentions. Kenneth's life, during this period, was one of genuine misery. It seemed to his morbid fancy that whatever path he might take, he was sure of running upon one or more of those detestable girls who were visiting at Elmhurst. Even in Donald's harness-room he was not secure from interruption, for little Patsy was frequently perched upon the bench there, watching with serious eyes old Donald's motions, and laughing joyously when in his embarrassment he overturned a can of oil or buckled the wrong straps together. Worse than all, this trying creature would saddle Nora, the sorrel mare, and dash away through the lanes like a tom-boy, leaving him only old Sam to ride—for Donald would allow no one to use the coach horses. Sam was tall and boney, and had an unpleasant gait, so that the boy felt he was thoroughly justified in hating the girl who so frequently interfered with his whims.

Louise was at first quite interested in Kenneth, and resolved to force him to talk and become more sociable.

She caught him in a little summer-house one morning, from whence, there being but one entrance, he could not escape, and at once entered into conversation.

"Ah, you are Kenneth Forbes, I suppose," she began, pleasantly. "I am very glad to make your acquaintance. I am Louise Merrick, Miss Merrick's niece, and have come to visit her." The boy shrank back as fur as possible, staring her full in the face, but made no reply.

"You needn't be afraid of me," continued Louise. "I'm very fond of boys, and you must be nearly my own age." Still no reply.

"I suppose you don't know much of girls and are rather shy," she persisted. "But I want to be friendly and I hope you'll let me. There's so much about this interesting old place that you can tell me, having lived here so many years. Come, I'll sit beside you on this bench, and we'll have a good talk together." "Go away!" cried the boy, hoarsely, raising his hands as if to ward off her approach.

Louise looked surprised and pained.

"Why, we are almost cousins," she said. "Cannot we become friends and comrades?" With a sudden bound he dashed her aside, so rudely that she almost fell, and an instant later he had left the summer house and disappear among the hedges.

Louise laughed at her own discomfiture and gave up the attempt to make the boy's acquaintance. "He's a regular savage," she told Beth, afterward, "and a little crazy, too, I suspect." "Never mind," said Beth, philosophically. "He's only a boy, and doesn't amount to anything, anyway. After Aunt Jane dies he will probably go somewhere else to live. Don't let us bother about him." Kenneth's one persistent friend was Uncle John. He came every day to the boy's room to play chess with him, and after that one day's punishment, which, singularly enough, Kenneth in no way resented, they got along very nicely together. Uncle John was a shrewd player of the difficult game, but the boy was quick as a flash to see an advantage and use it against his opponent; so neither was ever sure of winning and the interest in the game was constantly maintained. At evening also the little man often came to sit on the stair outside the boy's room and smoke his pipe, and frequently they would sit beneath the stars, absorbed in thought and without exchanging a single word. Unfortunately, Louise and Beth soon discovered the boy's secluded retreat, and loved to torment him by entering his own bit of garden and even ascending the stairs to his little room. He could easily escape them by running through the numerous upper halls of the mansion; but here he was liable to meet others, and his especial dread was encountering old Miss Merrick. So he conceived a plan for avoiding the girls in another way.

In the hallway of the left wing, near his door, was a small ladder leading to the second story roof, and a dozen feet from the edge of the roof stood an old oak tree, on the further side of a tall hedge. Kenneth managed to carry a plank to the roof, where, after several attempts, he succeeded in dropping one end into a crotch of the oak, thus connecting the edge of the roof with the tree by means of the narrow plank. After this, at first sight of the girls in his end of the garden, he fled to the roof, ran across the improvised bridge, "shinned" down the tree and, hidden by the hedge, made good his escape. The girls discovered this plan, and were wicked enough to surprise the boy often and force him to cross the dizzy plank to the tree. Having frightened him away they would laugh and stroll on, highly amused at the evident fear they aroused in the only boy about the place.

Patricia, who was not in the other girls' secret, knew nothing of this little comedy and really disturbed Kenneth least of the three. But he seemed to avoid her as much as he did the others.

She sooned learned from Oscar that the boy loved to ride as well as she did, and once or twice she met him on a lonely road perched on top of big Sam. This led her to suspect she had thoughtlessly deprived him of his regular mount. So one morning she said to the groom:

"Doesn't Kenneth usually ride Nora?" "Yes, Miss," answered the man. "Then I'd better take Sam this morning," she decided. But the groom demurred.

"You won't like Sam, Miss," he said, "and he gets ugly at times and acts bad. Master Kenneth won't use Nora today, I'm sure." She hesitated.

"I think I'll ask him," said she, after a moment, and turned away into the garden, anxious to have this plausible opportunity to speak to the lonely boy.


Lawyer Watson, unable to direct events at Elmhurst, became a silent spectator of the little comedy being enacted there, and never regretted that, as Uncle John expressed it, he "had a reserved seat at the show." адвокат|||||||||||спостерігач||||||що розігрувалася||||шкодував про||||||||||резервований|||| Адвокат Ватсон, не маючи змоги керувати подіями в Елмхерсті, став мовчазним глядачем маленької комедії, яка там розігрувалася, і ніколи не шкодував, що, за висловом дядька Джона, у нього "було зарезервоване місце на виставі". Jane Merrick, formerly the most imperious and irrascible of women, had become wonderfully reserved since the arrival of her nieces, and was evidently making a sincere effort to study their diverse characters. ||раніше|||імперський||роздратований||||||||||||||||||щирий|||||різноманітні| Day by day the invalid's health was failing visibly. ||||хворого||||очевидно She had no more strokes of paralysis, but her left limb did not recover, and the numbness was gradually creeping upward toward her heart. ||||ударів||параліч||||кінцівка||||||незворотність, оніміння|||повзучи|вгору|||

Perhaps the old woman appreciated this more fully than anyone else. ||||оцінювала|||||| At any event, she became more gentle toward Phibbs and Misery, who mostly attended her, and showed as much consideration as possible for her nieces and her brother. ||||||||||Мізері|||||||||увага|||||||| Silas Watson she kept constantly by her side. ||||постійно||| He was her oldest and most trusted friend, and the only differences they had ever had were over the boy Kenneth, whom she stubbornly refused to favor. |||||||||||||||||||||||уперто|відмовилася||уподобати

Uncle John speedily became an established fixture at the place. ||швидко||||постійний мешканець||| The servants grew accustomed to seeing him wander aimlessly about the grounds, his pipe always in his mouth, his hands usually in his pockets. |||привчені||||блукати|безцільно|||||трубка||||||||||кишенях He had a pleasant word always for Donald or Oscar or James, but was not prone to long conversations. |||||||||||||||схильний||| Every evening, when he appeared at dinner, he wore his soiled white tie; at other times the black one was always in evidence; but other than this his dress underwent no change. ||||з'являв||||||забруднений||краватка||||||||||на виду|||||||зазнавав змін|| Even Kenneth came to wonder what the bundle had contained that Uncle John brought under his arm to Elmhurst. |||||||пакет|||||||||||Елмхерст

The little man seemed from the first much attracted by his three nieces. |||здавалося|||||приваблений|||| З першого погляду хлопчикові дуже сподобалися три його племінниці. Notwithstanding Louise's constant snubs and Beth's haughty silence he was sure to meet them when they strolled out and try to engage them in conversation. Не зважаючи|||ігнорування|||пихатий||||||||||гуляли|||||||| It was hard to resist his simple good nature, and the girls came in time to accept him as an inevitable companion, and Louise mischievously poked fun at him while Beth conscientiously corrected him in his speech and endeavored to improve his manners. ||||опиратися||||||||||||||||неминучий||||досадливо|підсміювалася||||||сумлінно|||||||намагалася|||| All this seemed very gratifying to Uncle John. ||здавалося||приємний||| He thanked Beth very humbly for her kind attention, and laughed with Louise when she ridiculed his pudgy, round form and wondered if his bristly gray hair wouldn't make a good scrubbing brush. ||||скромно|||||||||||висміювала||пухкий|||||||жорстке|||||||щітка для чищення|щітка для чищення Patsy didn't get along very well with her cousins. From the first, when Louise recognized her, with well assumed surprise, as "the girl who had been sent to dress her hair," Patricia declared that their stations in life were entirely different. |||||||||||||||||посланою|||||||||соціальні статуси||||абсолютно| "There's no use of our getting mixed up, just because we're cousins and all visiting Aunt Jane," she said. "Немає сенсу плутати нас тільки тому, що ми двоюрідні сестри і всі приїхали до тітки Джейн", - сказала вона. "One of you will get her money, for I've told her I wouldn't touch a penny of it, and she has told me I wouldn't get the chance. So one of you will be a great lady, while I shall always earn my own living. |||||||||поки||||заробляти||| I'll not stay long, anyhow; so just forget I'm here, and I'll amuse myself and try not to bother you." ||||все ж таки||||||||розважу себе||||||турбувати| Both Beth and Louise considered this very sensible, and took Patricia at her word. ||||вважали||||||||| Moreover, Phibbs had related to Beth, whose devoted adherent she was, all of the conversation between Aunt Jane and Patricia, from which the girls learned they had nothing to fear from their cousin's interference. більше того|||||||віддана|послідовник|||||||||||||||||||||||||втручання De plus, Phibbs avait raconté à Beth, dont elle était l'adhérente dévouée, toute la conversation entre tante Jane et Patricia, d'où les filles avaient appris qu'elles n'avaient rien à craindre de l'ingérence de leur cousine. So they let her go her way, and the three only met at the state dinners, which Aunt Jane still attended, in spite of her growing weakness. |||||||||||зустрічалися|||||||||відвідувала||незважаючи на||||

Old Silas Watson, interested as he was in the result, found it hard to decide, after ten days, which of her nieces Jane Merrick most favored. |||||||||||||||||||||||||уподобала Personally he preferred that Beth should inherit, and frankly told his old friend that the girl would make the best mistress of Elmhurst. ||||||||відверто||||||||||||господиня|| Moreover, all the servants sang Beth's praises, from Misery and Phibbs down to Oscar and Susan. більше того||||співали||похвали||Мізерія||||||| Of course James the gardener favored no one, as the numerous strangers at Elmhurst kept him in a constant state of irritation, and his malady seemed even worse than usual. |||||переважав|||||||||||||постійний|||дратівливість|||sickness||||| He avoided everyone but his mistress, and although his work was now often neglected Miss Merrick made no complaint. |уникав||||||||||||знехтував||||| Il évite tout le monde sauf sa maîtresse, et bien que son travail soit maintenant souvent négligé, Miss Merrick ne se plaint pas. James' peculiarities were well understood and aroused nothing but sympathy. |особливості Джеймса|||||викликали|||симпатію Louise, however, had played her cards so well that all Beth's friends were powerless to eject the elder girl from Aunt Jane's esteem. |однак||||||||||||безсилий||виключити||||||| Louise, cependant, avait si bien joué ses cartes que toutes les amies de Beth furent impuissantes à éjecter l'aînée de l'estime de tante Jane. Louise had not only returned the check to her aunt, but she came often to sit beside her and cheer her with a budget of new social gossip, and no one could arrange the pillows so comfortably or stroke the tired head so gently as Louise. |||||||||||||||||||підбадьорити||||пакет новин||||плітки|||||влаштувати||||||погладити||||||| Louise avait non seulement rendu le chèque à sa tante, mais elle venait souvent s'asseoir à côté d'elle et la réconforter avec un budget de nouveaux potins mondains, et personne ne pouvait arranger les oreillers aussi confortablement ou caresser la tête fatiguée aussi doucement que Louise. Луїза не тільки повернула чек тітці, але й часто приходила до неї, щоб посидіти поруч і підбадьорити її бюджетом нових світських пліток, і ніхто не міг би так зручно розкласти подушки або так ніжно погладити втомлену голову, як Луїза. And then, she was observing, and called Aunt Jane's attention to several ways of curtailing the household expenditures, which the woman's illness had forced her to neglect. ||||||||||||||скорочення|||витрати|||||||||забути про Et puis, elle observait et attirait l'attention de tante Jane sur plusieurs moyens de réduire les dépenses du ménage, que la maladie de la femme l'avait obligée à négliger. А потім, спостерігаючи, вона звернула увагу тітки Джейн на кілька способів скоротити домашні витрати, якими жінка змушена була нехтувати через хворобу. So Miss Merrick asked Louise to look over the weekly accounts, and in this way came to depend upon her almost as much as she did upon Lawyer Watson. ||||||||||звітність||||||||||майже|||||||адвокат Ват| Miss Merrick a donc demandé à Louise de vérifier les comptes hebdomadaires, et en est venue à dépendre d'elle presque autant que de l'avocat Watson.

As for Patsy, she made no attempt whatever to conciliate her aunt, who seldom mentioned her name to the others but always brightened visibly when the girl came into her presence with her cheery speeches and merry laughter. ||||||спробу|||умиротворити||||рідко|||||||||помітно зраділа|||||||||||позитивний|промови||веселий| Quant à Patsy, elle n'essayait pas de se concilier sa tante, qui mentionnait rarement son nom aux autres, mais qui s'égayait toujours visiblement lorsque la jeune fille entrait en sa présence, avec ses discours enjoués et ses rires joyeux. She never stayed long, but came and went, like a streak of sunshine, whenever the fancy seized her; and Silas Watson, shrewdly looking on, saw a new light in Jane's eyes as she looked after her wayward, irresponsible niece, and wondered if the bargain between them, regarding the money, would really hold good. ||||||||||потік||сонячне світло||||схопила|||||розумно|||побачив||||||||||||непокірна|безвідповідальна||||||угода|||щодо|||||| Elle ne restait jamais longtemps, mais allait et venait, comme un rayon de soleil, chaque fois que l'envie lui en prenait ; et Silas Watson, observant avec sagacité, voyait une nouvelle lumière dans les yeux de Jane lorsqu'elle s'occupait de sa nièce volage et irresponsable, et se demandait si l'accord entre eux, concernant l'argent, tiendrait vraiment la route. Вона ніколи не затримувалася надовго, а приходила і йшла, як сонячний промінь, щоразу, коли її охоплювала примха; і Сайлас Вотсон, проникливо спостерігаючи за нею, побачив новий вогник в очах Джейн, яка доглядала за своєю норовливою, безвідповідальною племінницею, і замислився, чи справді угода, укладена між ними щодо грошей, буде такою ж гарною. It was all an incomprehensible problem, this matter of the inheritance, and although the lawyer expected daily to be asked to draw up Jane Merrick's will, and had, indeed, prepared several forms, to be used in case of emergency, no word had yet passed her lips regarding her intentions. ||||незрозумілий|||спадщина|||спадщина||хоча||||||||||||||||||||||||||надзвичайна ситуація||||||||||намірів C'était un problème incompréhensible, cette affaire d'héritage, et bien que l'avocate s'attende quotidiennement à ce qu'on lui demande de rédiger le testament de Jane Merrick, et qu'elle ait d'ailleurs préparé plusieurs formulaires, à utiliser en cas d'urgence, aucun mot n'avait encore franchi ses lèvres quant à ses intentions. Kenneth's life, during this period, was one of genuine misery. ||||||||щирої| La vie de Kenneth, pendant cette période, a été une véritable misère. It seemed to his morbid fancy that whatever path he might take, he was sure of running upon one or more of those detestable girls who were visiting at Elmhurst. ||||хворобливий|фантазії|||||||||||||||||||||||| Even in Donald's harness-room he was not secure from interruption, for little Patsy was frequently perched upon the bench there, watching with serious eyes old Donald's motions, and laughing joyously when in his embarrassment he overturned a can of oil or buckled the wrong straps together. |||кінський віз|||||||перешкод|||||часто|високо сиділа|||лавка|||||||||||радісно||||сором'язливість||перевернув|||||||||ремені| Même dans la salle de harnais de Donald, il n'était pas à l'abri des interruptions, car la petite Patsy était souvent perchée sur le banc, observant d'un œil sérieux les mouvements du vieux Donald, et riant joyeusement lorsque, dans son embarras, il renversait un bidon d'huile ou bouclait les mauvaises courroies. Worse than all, this trying creature would saddle Nora, the sorrel mare, and dash away through the lanes like a tom-boy, leaving him only old Sam to ride—for Donald would allow no one to use the coach horses. |||||||осідлати|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Pire que tout, cette créature tentante enfourchait Nora, la jument sorcière, et s'enfuyait dans les ruelles comme un gamin, ne lui laissant que le vieux Sam à monter, car Donald ne permettait à personne d'utiliser les chevaux de la diligence. Sam was tall and boney, and had an unpleasant gait, so that the boy felt he was thoroughly justified in hating the girl who so frequently interfered with his whims. |||||||||||||||||повністю|виправданий|||||||часто|||| Sam était grand et osseux, et avait une démarche désagréable, si bien que le garçon se sentait tout à fait justifié de haïr la fille qui interférait si souvent avec ses caprices.

Louise was at first quite interested in Kenneth, and resolved to force him to talk and become more sociable. ||||||||||||||||||комунікабельним

She caught him in a little summer-house one morning, from whence, there being but one entrance, he could not escape, and at once entered into conversation. |||||||||||з якого|||||||||||||||

"Ah, you are Kenneth Forbes, I suppose," she began, pleasantly. "I am very glad to make your acquaintance. |||||||знайомство I am Louise Merrick, Miss Merrick's niece, and have come to visit her." The boy shrank back as fur as possible, staring her full in the face, but made no reply. ||відсахнувся|||наскільки|||пильно дивляч|||||||||

"You needn't be afraid of me," continued Louise. "I'm very fond of boys, and you must be nearly my own age." ||люблю|||||||||| Still no reply.

"I suppose you don't know much of girls and are rather shy," she persisted. "But I want to be friendly and I hope you'll let me. There's so much about this interesting old place that you can tell me, having lived here so many years. Come, I'll sit beside you on this bench, and we'll have a good talk together." "Go away!" cried the boy, hoarsely, raising his hands as if to ward off her approach. |||хрипко||||||||||підходу s'écria le garçon, à voix basse, en levant les mains comme pour repousser son approche.

Louise looked surprised and pained.

"Why, we are almost cousins," she said. "Cannot we become friends and comrades?" |||||товаришами With a sudden bound he dashed her aside, so rudely that she almost fell, and an instant later he had left the summer house and disappear among the hedges. |||||штовхнув||вбік|||||майже||||мить||||||||||||

Louise laughed at her own discomfiture and gave up the attempt to make the boy's acquaintance. |||||||||||||||знайомство з "He's a regular savage," she told Beth, afterward, "and a little crazy, too, I suspect." |||дикун|||||||||||підозрюю "Never mind," said Beth, philosophically. "Неважливо", - філософськи сказала Бет. "He's only a boy, and doesn't amount to anything, anyway. "Ce n'est qu'un garçon, et il ne vaut rien, de toute façon. After Aunt Jane dies he will probably go somewhere else to live. Don't let us bother about him." Kenneth's one persistent friend was Uncle John. ||постійний|||| He came every day to the boy's room to play chess with him, and after that one day's punishment, which, singularly enough, Kenneth in no way resented, they got along very nicely together. Uncle John was a shrewd player of the difficult game, but the boy was quick as a flash to see an advantage and use it against his opponent; so neither was ever sure of winning and the interest in the game was constantly maintained. ||||кмітливий|||||||||||||||||перевагу||||||суперник||жоден|||||||||||||постійно|підтримував At evening also the little man often came to sit on the stair outside the boy's room and smoke his pipe, and frequently they would sit beneath the stars, absorbed in thought and without exchanging a single word. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||під зірками||||||||||| Unfortunately, Louise and Beth soon discovered the boy's secluded retreat, and loved to torment him by entering his own bit of garden and even ascending the stairs to his little room. ||||||||усамітнене|схованка||||||||||||||||||||| Malheureusement, Louise et Beth ne tardent pas à découvrir la retraite isolée du garçon et adorent le tourmenter en pénétrant dans son jardin et même en montant les escaliers qui mènent à sa petite chambre. He could easily escape them by running through the numerous upper halls of the mansion; but here he was liable to meet others, and his especial dread was encountering old Miss Merrick. |||||||||||||||||||може зустрі|||||||||||| Il pouvait facilement leur échapper en courant dans les nombreuses salles supérieures du manoir ; mais là, il risquait d'en rencontrer d'autres, et il redoutait surtout de rencontrer la vieille Miss Merrick. So he conceived a plan for avoiding the girls in another way.

In the hallway of the left wing, near his door, was a small ladder leading to the second story roof, and a dozen feet from the edge of the roof stood an old oak tree, on the further side of a tall hedge. ||коридор|||||||||||драбина||||||||||||||||||||||||дальшій|||||жива огорожа Dans le couloir de l'aile gauche, près de sa porte, se trouvait une petite échelle menant au toit du deuxième étage, et à une douzaine de pieds du bord du toit se dressait un vieux chêne, de l'autre côté d'une grande haie. Kenneth managed to carry a plank to the roof, where, after several attempts, he succeeded in dropping one end into a crotch of the oak, thus connecting the edge of the roof with the tree by means of the narrow plank. ||||||||||||спроб|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Kenneth réussit à porter une planche jusqu'au toit, où, après plusieurs tentatives, il réussit à en laisser tomber une extrémité dans une fente du chêne, reliant ainsi le bord du toit à l'arbre au moyen de l'étroite planche. After this, at first sight of the girls in his end of the garden, he fled to the roof, ran across the improvised bridge, "shinned" down the tree and, hidden by the hedge, made good his escape. ||||першому погля|||||||||||||||||||мосту|||||||||жива огорожа|||| Après cela, à la première vue des filles dans sa partie du jardin, il s'est réfugié sur le toit, a couru sur le pont improvisé, a fait tomber l'arbre et, caché par la haie, a réussi à s'enfuir. The girls discovered this plan, and were wicked enough to surprise the boy often and force him to cross the dizzy plank to the tree. |||||||підступні|||||||||||перейти|||||| Les filles découvrirent ce plan et furent assez malignes pour surprendre souvent le garçon et le forcer à traverser la planche vertigineuse jusqu'à l'arbre. Having frightened him away they would laugh and stroll on, highly amused at the evident fear they aroused in the only boy about the place. ||||||||||дуже|дуже розважені|||||||||||||

Patricia, who was not in the other girls' secret, knew nothing of this little comedy and really disturbed Kenneth least of the three. Patricia, qui n'était pas dans le secret des autres filles, ne savait rien de cette petite comédie et dérangeait vraiment Kenneth le moins du monde. But he seemed to avoid her as much as he did the others. ||здавався||||||||||

She sooned learned from Oscar that the boy loved to ride as well as she did, and once or twice she met him on a lonely road perched on top of big Sam. |||||||||||||||||||||зустріла||||||сидячи||||| Oscar lui apprit rapidement que le garçon aimait monter à cheval autant qu'elle, et elle le rencontra une ou deux fois sur une route isolée, perché sur le toit du grand Sam. This led her to suspect she had thoughtlessly deprived him of his regular mount. ||||підозрювати||||позбавила||||| Cela l'a amenée à soupçonner qu'elle l'avait inconsidérément privé de sa monture habituelle. So one morning she said to the groom:

"Doesn't Kenneth usually ride Nora?" "Yes, Miss," answered the man. "Then I'd better take Sam this morning," she decided. But the groom demurred. Mais le marié a refusé.

"You won't like Sam, Miss," he said, "and he gets ugly at times and acts bad. "Vous n'aimerez pas Sam, Mademoiselle, dit-il, et il devient parfois laid et agit mal. Master Kenneth won't use Nora today, I'm sure." She hesitated.

"I think I'll ask him," said she, after a moment, and turned away into the garden, anxious to have this plausible opportunity to speak to the lonely boy. ||||||||||||||||стурбована||||переконлива|можливість|||||| "Je crois que je vais le lui demander", dit-elle après un moment, et elle s'éloigna dans le jardin, impatiente d'avoir cette occasion plausible de parler au garçon solitaire.