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Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy, Part 1. Chapter 15.

Part 1. Chapter 15.

At the end of the evening Kitty told her mother of her conversation with Levin, and in spite of all the pity she felt for Levin, she was glad at the thought that she had received an offer . She had no doubt that she had acted rightly. But after she had gone to bed, for a long while she could not sleep. One impression pursued her relentlessly. It was Levin's face, with his scowling brows, and his kind eyes looking out in dark dejection below them, as he stood listening to her father, and glancing at her and at Vronsky. And she felt so sorry for him that tears came into her eyes. But immediately she thought of the man for whom she had given him up. She vividly recalled his manly, resolute face, his noble self-possession, and the good nature conspicuous in everything towards everyone. She remembered the love for her of the man she loved, and once more all was gladness in her soul, and she lay on the pillow, smiling with happiness. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry; but what could I do? It's not my fault," she said to herself; but an inner voice told her something else. Whether she felt remorse at having won Levin's love, or at having refused him, she did not know. But her happiness was poisoned by doubts. "Lord, have pity on us; Lord, have pity on us; Lord, have pity on us!" she repeated to herself, till she fell asleep. Meanwhile there took place below, in the prince's little library, one of the scenes so often repeated between the parents on account of their favorite daughter.


I'll tell you what!" shouted the prince, waving his arms, and at once wrapping his squirrel-lined dressing-gown round him again. "That you've no pride, no dignity; that you're disgracing, ruining your daughter by this vulgar, stupid match-making! "But, really, for mercy's sake, prince, what have I done?

said the princess, almost crying. She, pleased and happy after her conversation with her daughter, had gone to the prince to say good-night as usual, and though she had no intention of telling him of Levin's offer and Kitty's refusal, still she hinted to her husband that she fancied things were practically settled with Vronsky, and that he would declare himself so soon as his mother arrived.

And thereupon, at those words, the prince had all at once flown into a passion, and began to use unseemly language. "What have you done?

I'll tell you what. First of all, you're trying to catch an eligible gentleman, and all Moscow will be talking of it, and with good reason. If you have evening parties, invite everyone, don't pick out the possible suitors. Invite all the young bucks. Engage a piano player, and let them dance, and not as you do things nowadays, hunting up good matches. It makes me sick, sick to see it, and you've gone on till you've turned the poor wench's head. Levin's a thousand times the better man. As for this little Petersburg swell, they're turned out by machinery, all on one pattern, and all precious rubbish. But if he were a prince of the blood, my daughter need not run after anyone. "But what have I done?

"Why, you've…" The prince was crying wrathfully.

"I know if one were to listen to you," interrupted the princess, "we should never marry our daughter.

If it's to be so, we'd better go into the country. "Well, and we had better.

"But do wait a minute.

Do I try and catch them? I don't try to catch them in the least. A young man, and a very nice one, has fallen in love with her, and she, I fancy…" "Oh, yes, you fancy!

And how if she really is in love, and he's no more thinking of marriage than I am!… Oh, that I should live to see it! Ah! spiritualism! Ah! Nice! Ah! the ball!" And the prince, imagining that he was mimicking his wife, made a mincing curtsey at each word. "And this is how we're preparing wretchedness for Kitty; and she's really got the notion into her head…" "But what makes you suppose so?

"I don't suppose; I know.

We have eyes for such things, though women-folk haven't. I see a man who has serious intentions, that's Levin: and I see a peacock, like this feather-head, who's only amusing himself. "Oh, well, when once you get an idea into your head!…"

"Well, you'll remember my words, but too late, just as with Dolly. "Well, well, we won't talk of it," the princess stopped him, recollecting her unlucky Dolly.

"By all means, and good night!

And signing each other with the cross, the husband and wife parted with a kiss, feeling that they each remained of their own opinion.

The princess had at first been quite certain that that evening had settled Kitty's future, and that there could be no doubt of Vronsky's intentions, but her husband's words had disturbed her.

And returning to her own room, in terror before the unknown future, she, too, like Kitty, repeated several times in her heart, "Lord, have pity; Lord, have pity; Lord, have pity.

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Part 1. Chapter 15. 1 dalis. 15 skyrius. Parte 1. Capítulo 15. Часть 1. Глава 15. 第 1 部分.第 15 章

At the end of the evening Kitty told her mother of her conversation with Levin, and in spite of all the pity she felt for Levin, she was glad at the thought that she had received an offer . Akşamın sonunda Kitty, annesine Levin ile yaptığı konuşmayı anlattı ve Levin'e duyduğu tüm acıma rağmen, bir teklif aldığını düşündüğü için mutluydu. She had no doubt that she had acted rightly. Она не сомневалась, что поступила правильно. But after she had gone to bed, for a long while she could not sleep. One impression pursued her relentlessly. Une impression la poursuivit sans relâche. It was Levin’s face, with his scowling brows, and his kind eyes looking out in dark dejection below them, as he stood listening to her father, and glancing at her and at Vronsky. ||||||rynkede ø||||||||||mørk nedstem|||||||||||||||| C'était le visage de Levin, avec ses sourcils renfrognés, et ses yeux gentils qui regardaient avec un abattement sombre en dessous d'eux, alors qu'il écoutait son père et lui jetait un coup d'œil ainsi qu'à Vronsky. Это было лицо Левина, с нахмуренными бровями и добрыми глазами, глядевшими в темном унынии из-под них, когда он стоял, слушая ее отца, и смотрел то на нее, то на Вронского. And she felt so sorry for him that tears came into her eyes. But immediately she thought of the man for whom she had given him up. Mais aussitôt elle pensa à l'homme pour qui elle l'avait abandonné. Но тут же вспомнила о человеке, ради которого она его отдала. Ama hemen ondan vazgeçtiği adamı düşündü. She vividly recalled his manly, resolute face, his noble self-possession, and the good nature conspicuous in everything towards everyone. |||||||||||||||tydelig|||| Recordó vívidamente su rostro viril y decidido, su noble dominio de sí mismo y la bondad que brillaba en todo hacia todos. Elle se souvenait vivement de son visage viril et résolu, de sa noble maîtrise de soi et de la bonne nature qui se manifestait en tout envers tout le monde. Erkekçe, kararlı yüzünü, asil öz sahipliğini ve herkese karşı her şeyde göze çarpan iyi doğayı canlı bir şekilde hatırladı. She remembered the love for her of the man she loved, and once more all was gladness in her soul, and she lay on the pillow, smiling with happiness. Recordó el amor por ella del hombre que amaba, y una vez más todo fue alegría en su alma, y se acostó en la almohada, sonriendo de felicidad. Elle se souvint de l'amour pour elle de l'homme qu'elle aimait, et une fois de plus tout était de la joie dans son âme, et elle se coucha sur l'oreiller, souriant de bonheur. Она вспомнила о любви к ней любимого мужчины, и снова на душе стало радостно, и она легла на подушку, улыбаясь от счастья. Sevdiği erkeğin ona olan sevgisini bir kez daha hatırladı ve bir kez daha ruhundaki mutluluktu ve mutlulukla gülümseyerek yastığa uzandı. "I’m sorry, I’m sorry; but what could I do? It’s not my fault," she said to herself; but an inner voice told her something else. Я не виновата", - говорила она себе, но внутренний голос подсказывал ей совсем другое. Whether she felt remorse at having won Levin’s love, or at having refused him, she did not know. No sabía si sentía remordimiento por haberse ganado el amor de Levin o por haberlo rechazado. Si elle avait des remords d'avoir gagné l'amour de Levin, ou de l'avoir refusé, elle ne le savait pas. Чувствовала ли она угрызения совести от того, что завоевала любовь Левина, или от того, что отказала ему, она не знала. Levin'in sevgisini kazandığı için ya da onu reddettiği için pişmanlık duyup duymadığını bilmiyordu. But her happiness was poisoned by doubts. "Lord, have pity on us; Lord, have pity on us; Lord, have pity on us!" she repeated to herself, till she fell asleep. Meanwhile there took place below, in the prince’s little library, one of the scenes so often repeated between the parents on account of their favorite daughter. Pendant ce temps, se déroulait en contrebas, dans la petite bibliothèque du prince, une des scènes si souvent répétées entre les parents à cause de leur fille préférée. Тем временем внизу, в маленькой библиотеке князя, разыгралась одна из сцен, которые так часто повторяются между родителями из-за любимой дочери. Bu arada, aşağıda, prensin küçük kütüphanesinde, en sevdikleri kızları nedeniyle ebeveynler arasında sık sık tekrarlanan sahnelerden biri gerçekleşti.


I’ll tell you what!" shouted the prince, waving his arms, and at once wrapping his squirrel-lined dressing-gown round him again. —gritó el príncipe, agitando los brazos y volviendo a envolverse en su bata forrada de ardilla. cria le prince en agitant les bras et en enroulant aussitôt sa robe de chambre doublée d'écureuil autour de lui. крикнул принц, размахивая руками, и тут же снова накинул на себя халат с беличьей подкладкой. "That you’ve no pride, no dignity; that you’re disgracing, ruining your daughter by this vulgar, stupid match-making! ||||||||||||||vulgære||| ¡Que no tienes orgullo ni dignidad; que estás deshonrando, arruinando a tu hija con este vulgar y estúpido emparejamiento! «Que tu n'as pas d'orgueil, pas de dignité; que tu es déshonorant, ruinant ta fille par ce vulgaire et stupide match-making! 'Dat je geen trots, geen waardigheid hebt; dat je je dochter te schande maakt, je dochter ruïneert door deze vulgaire, stomme matchmaking! "Что у тебя нет ни гордости, ни достоинства; что ты позоришь, губишь свою дочь этим пошлым, глупым сватовством! "But, really, for mercy’s sake, prince, what have I done? |||barmhjertighet|||||| «Mais, vraiment, par pitié, prince, qu'ai-je fait?

said the princess, almost crying. She, pleased and happy after her conversation with her daughter, had gone to the prince to say good-night as usual, and though she had no intention of telling him of Levin’s offer and Kitty’s refusal, still she hinted to her husband that she fancied things were practically settled with Vronsky, and that he would declare himself so soon as his mother arrived. Elle, contente et heureuse après sa conversation avec sa fille, était allée chez le prince lui dire bonsoir comme d'habitude, et bien qu'elle n'eût pas l'intention de lui parler de l'offre de Levin et du refus de Kitty, elle laissa entendre à son mari qu'elle avait envie les choses étaient pratiquement réglées avec Vronsky, et qu'il se déclarerait dès l'arrivée de sa mère. Она, довольная и счастливая после разговора с дочерью, пошла к князю, чтобы, как обычно, пожелать ему спокойной ночи, и хотя не собиралась рассказывать ему о предложении Левина и отказе Кити, все же намекнула мужу, что ей кажется, что с Вронским все практически решено, и что он объявит о себе, как только приедет его мать. Kızıyla konuştuktan sonra mutlu ve mutlu olmuştu, her zamanki gibi iyi geceler demek için prense gitmişti ve ona Levin'in teklifini ve Kitty'nin reddini söylemeye niyeti olmasa da, yine de kocasına hayal ettiğini ima etti. işler pratikte Vronsky ile halledildi ve annesi gelir gelmez kendini ilan edecekti.

And thereupon, at those words, the prince had all at once flown into a passion, and began to use unseemly language. |||||||||||||||||||usømmelig| Et là-dessus, à ces mots, le prince s'était tout à coup plongé dans la passion et se mit à utiliser un langage inconvenant. И вот при этих словах князь сразу же пришел в ярость и стал употреблять непристойные выражения. Ve bunun üzerine, bu sözler üzerine, prens birden bir tutkuya kapılmış ve yakışıksız bir dil kullanmaya başlamıştı. "What have you done?

I’ll tell you what. First of all, you’re trying to catch an eligible gentleman, and all Moscow will be talking of it, and with good reason. ||||||fange||kvalifisert||||||||||||| Tout d'abord, vous essayez d'attraper un gentleman éligible, et tout Moscou en parlera, et avec raison. If you have evening parties, invite everyone, don’t pick out the possible suitors. Si vous organisez des soirées, invitez tout le monde, ne choisissez pas les prétendants possibles. Если вы устраиваете вечерние вечеринки, приглашайте всех, не выбирайте возможных ухажеров. Akşam partileriniz varsa herkesi davet edin, olası talipleri seçmeyin. Invite all the young bucks. Invitez tous les jeunes dollars. Pakvieskite visus jaunus pinigus. Engage a piano player, and let them dance, and not as you do things nowadays, hunting up good matches. |||||||||||||ting|nå til dags|||| Engagez un pianiste et laissez-le danser, et non comme vous le faites de nos jours, à la recherche de bons matchs. Привлеките пианиста, и пусть они танцуют, а не как сейчас принято, охотясь за хорошими спичками. Bir piyanistle meşgul olun ve dans etmesine izin verin, bugünlerde yaptığınız gibi değil, iyi maçlar peşinde koşun. It makes me sick, sick to see it, and you’ve gone on till you’ve turned the poor wench’s head. |||||||||||||||||meid| Me da asco, me da asco verlo, y has continuado hasta que has vuelto la cabeza de la pobre moza. Cela me rend malade, malade de le voir, et vous avez continué jusqu'à ce que vous ayez tourné la tête de la pauvre fille. Мне тошно, тошно смотреть на это, а вы продолжаете, пока не вскружили голову бедной женщине. Onu görmek beni hasta ediyor, hasta ediyor ve sen zavallı kadının kafasını çevirene kadar devam ettin. Levin’s a thousand times the better man. As for this little Petersburg swell, they’re turned out by machinery, all on one pattern, and all precious rubbish. |||||snobbete type||||||||||||kostbart| Quant à cette petite houle de Pétersbourg, elle est détruite par des machines, le tout sur un seul modèle, et tous les déchets précieux. Что касается этой питерской махины, то они делаются на станках, все по одному шаблону, и все - драгоценный мусор. Bu küçük Petersburg dalgasına gelince, hepsi tek bir modelde ve tüm değerli çöpler, makineler tarafından ortaya çıkıyor. But if he were a prince of the blood, my daughter need not run after anyone. Mais s'il était un prince du sang, ma fille n'a pas besoin de courir après qui que ce soit. Но если бы он был принцем крови, моей дочери не нужно было бы ни за кем бегать. Ama eğer o bir kan prensi olsaydı, kızımın kimsenin peşinden koşmasına gerek yoktur. "But what have I done?

"Why, you’ve…" The prince was crying wrathfully. "Eh bien, vous ..." Le prince pleurait avec colère.

"I know if one were to listen to you," interrupted the princess, "we should never marry our daughter. « Je sais que si l'on vous écoutait, interrompit la princesse, nous n'épouserions jamais notre fille. "Я знаю, что если вас послушать, - перебила принцесса, - то мы никогда не выдадим нашу дочь замуж.

If it’s to be so, we’d better go into the country. S'il en est ainsi, nous ferions mieux d'aller au pays. Если это так, то нам лучше уехать в деревню. Öyle olacaksa, ülkeye gitsek iyi olur. "Well, and we had better. "Что ж, и нам лучше.

"But do wait a minute.

Do I try and catch them? Пытаюсь ли я их поймать? I don’t try to catch them in the least. A young man, and a very nice one, has fallen in love with her, and she, I fancy…" "Oh, yes, you fancy!

And how if she really is in love, and he’s no more thinking of marriage than I am!… Oh, that I should live to see it! Et si elle est vraiment amoureuse, et qu'il ne songe pas plus au mariage que moi !… Oh, que je vive pour le voir ! И как, если она действительно влюблена, а он думает о браке не больше, чем я!... О, только бы мне дожить до этого! Peki ya gerçekten aşıksa ve benden daha fazla evliliği düşünmüyorsa!… Ah, bunu görmek için yaşamalıyım! Ah! spiritualism! Ah! Nice! Ah! the ball!" And the prince, imagining that he was mimicking his wife, made a mincing curtsey at each word. |||||||nadoen||||||||| ||||||||||||feminint|en liten nikk||| Et le prince, imaginant qu'il imitait sa femme, fit une révérence hachurée à chaque mot. И принц, воображая, что подражает своей жене, делал при каждом слове скромный реверанс. "And this is how we’re preparing wretchedness for Kitty; and she’s really got the notion into her head…" ||||||elendighet||||||||||| «Et c'est ainsi que nous préparons la misère pour Kitty; et elle a vraiment la notion dans sa tête…» "Вот так мы готовим для Китти несчастье; и она действительно вбила себе в голову эту мысль..." "Ve işte Kitty için sefilliği bu şekilde hazırlıyoruz; ve o gerçekten fikri kafasına yerleştirdi ..." "But what makes you suppose so? «Mais qu'est-ce qui vous fait penser? "Но почему вы так считаете?

"I don’t suppose; I know.

We have eyes for such things, though women-folk haven’t. Nous avons des yeux pour de telles choses, bien que ce ne soit pas le cas pour les femmes. Mes turime akis į tokius dalykus, nors moterys liaudies neturi. У нас есть глаза на такие вещи, а у женщин - нет. Bu tür şeylere gözlerimiz var ama kadın-halkın yok. I see a man who has serious intentions, that’s Levin: and I see a peacock, like this feather-head, who’s only amusing himself. Je vois un homme qui a des intentions sérieuses, c'est Levin: et je vois un paon, comme cette tête de plume, qui ne fait que s'amuser. Ciddi niyetleri olan bir adam görüyorum, bu Levin: ve sadece kendini eğlendiren bu tüylü kafa gibi bir tavus kuşu görüyorum. 我看到了一个有认真意图的人,那就是列文;我看到了一只孔雀,就像这只羽毛头一样,只是在自娱自乐。 "Oh, well, when once you get an idea into your head!…"

"Well, you’ll remember my words, but too late, just as with Dolly. «Eh bien, vous vous souviendrez de mes paroles, mais trop tard, comme avec Dolly. "Well, well, we won’t talk of it," the princess stopped him, recollecting her unlucky Dolly.

"By all means, and good night! "Bien sûr, et bonne nuit!

And signing each other with the cross, the husband and wife parted with a kiss, feeling that they each remained of their own opinion. Et se signant de la croix, le mari et la femme se séparèrent par un baiser, sentant qu'ils restaient chacun de leur avis. И, осенив друг друга крестом, муж и жена расстались с поцелуем, чувствуя, что каждый остался при своем мнении. Ve birbirlerini haçla imzalayan karı koca, her birinin kendi fikirlerinde kaldığını hissederek bir öpücükle ayrıldı. 并在十字架上签字,夫妻俩吻别,觉得他们各有各的意见。

The princess had at first been quite certain that that evening had settled Kitty’s future, and that there could be no doubt of Vronsky’s intentions, but her husband’s words had disturbed her. 公主起初很确定,那天晚上已经确定了基蒂的未来,而且毫无疑问,沃伦斯基的意图是,但她丈夫的话让她心烦意乱。

And returning to her own room, in terror before the unknown future, she, too, like Kitty, repeated several times in her heart, "Lord, have pity; Lord, have pity; Lord, have pity. Ve bilinmeyen gelecekten önce dehşet içinde kendi odasına döndüğünde, o da, Kitty gibi, kalbinde birkaç kez tekrarladı, "Tanrım, merhamet et; Tanrım, merhamet et; Tanrım, merhamet et. 回到自己的房间,对未知的未来充满恐惧,她也像凯蒂一样,在心里重复了几遍:“主啊,可怜吧;主啊,可怜吧;主啊,可怜吧。