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Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy, Part 5. Chapter 22.

Part 5. Chapter 22.

Alexey Alexandrovitch had forgotten the Countess Lidia Ivanovna, but she had not forgotten him. At the bitterest moment of his lonely despair she came to him, and without waiting to be announced, walked straight into his study. She found him as he was sitting with his head in both hands.

" J'ai forcé la consigne ," she said, walking in with rapid steps and breathing hard with excitement and rapid exercise. "I have heard all! Alexey Alexandrovitch! Dear friend!" she went on, warmly squeezing his hand in both of hers and gazing with her fine pensive eyes into his.

Alexey Alexandrovitch, frowning, got up, and disengaging his hand, moved her a chair.

"Won't you sit down, countess? I'm seeing no one because I'm unwell, countess," he said, and his lips twitched. "Dear friend!" repeated Countess Lidia Ivanovna, never taking her eyes off his, and suddenly her eyebrows rose at the inner corners, describing a triangle on her forehead, her ugly yellow face became still uglier, but Alexey Alexandrovitch felt that she was sorry for him and was preparing to cry. And he too was softened; he snatched her plump hand and proceeded to kiss it.

"Dear friend!" she said in a voice breaking with emotion. "You ought not to give way to grief. Your sorrow is a great one, but you ought to find consolation." "I am crushed, I am annihilated, I am no longer a man!" said Alexey Alexandrovitch, letting go her hand, but still gazing into her brimming eyes. "My position is so awful because I can find nowhere, I cannot find within me strength to support me." "You will find support; seek it—not in me, though I beseech you to believe in my friendship," she said, with a sigh. "Our support is love, that love that He has vouchsafed us. His burden is light," she said, with the look of ecstasy Alexey Alexandrovitch knew so well. "He will be your support and your succor." Although there was in these words a flavor of that sentimental emotion at her own lofty feelings, and that new mystical fervor which had lately gained ground in Petersburg, and which seemed to Alexey Alexandrovitch disproportionate, still it was pleasant to him to hear this now.

"I am weak. I am crushed. I foresaw nothing, and now I understand nothing." "Dear friend," repeated Lidia Ivanovna. "It's not the loss of what I have not now, it's not that!" pursued Alexey Alexandrovitch. "I do not grieve for that. But I cannot help feeling humiliated before other people for the position I am placed in. It is wrong, but I can't help it, I can't help it." "Not you it was performed that noble act of forgiveness, at which I was moved to ecstasy, and everyone else too, but He, working within your heart," said Countess Lidia Ivanovna, raising her eyes rapturously, "and so you cannot be ashamed of your act." Alexey Alexandrovitch knitted his brows, and crooking his hands, he cracked his fingers.

"One must know all the facts," he said in his thin voice. "A man's strength has its limits, countess, and I have reached my limits. The whole day I have had to be making arrangements, arrangements about household matters arising" (he emphasized the word arising ) "from my new, solitary position. The servants, the governess, the accounts…. These pinpricks have stabbed me to the heart, and I have not the strength to bear it. At dinner… yesterday, I was almost getting up from the dinner table. I could not bear the way my son looked at me. He did not ask me the meaning of it all, but he wanted to ask, and I could not bear the look in his eyes. He was afraid to look at me, but that is not all…." Alexey Alexandrovitch would have referred to the bill that had been brought him, but his voice shook, and he stopped. That bill on blue paper, for a hat and ribbons, he could not recall without a rush of self-pity.

"I understand, dear friend," said Lidia Ivanovna. "I understand it all. Succor and comfort you will find not in me, though I have come only to aid you if I can. If I could take from off you all these petty, humiliating cares…I understand that a woman's word, a woman's superintendence is needed. You will intrust it to me?" Silently and gratefully Alexey Alexandrovitch pressed her hand.

"Together we will take care of Seryozha. Practical affairs are not my strong point. But I will set to work. I will be your housekeeper. Don't thank me. I do it not from myself…" "I cannot help thanking you." "But, dear friend, do not give way to the feeling of which you spoke—being ashamed of what is the Christian's highest glory: he who humbles himself shall be exalted . And you cannot thank me. You must thank Him, and pray to Him for succor. In Him alone we find peace, consolation, salvation, and love," she said, and turning her eyes heavenwards, she began praying, as Alexey Alexandrovitch gathered from her silence. Alexey Alexandrovitch listened to her now, and those expressions which had seemed to him, if not distasteful, at least exaggerated, now seemed to him natural and consolatory. Alexey Alexandrovitch had disliked this new enthusiastic fervor. He was a believer, who was interested in religion primarily in its political aspect, and the new doctrine which ventured upon several new interpretations, just because it paved the way to discussion and analysis, was in principle disagreeable to him. He had hitherto taken up a cold and even antagonistic attitude to this new doctrine, and with Countess Lidia Ivanovna, who had been carried away by it, he had never argued, but by silence had assiduously parried her attempts to provoke him into argument. Now for the first time he heard her words with pleasure, and did not inwardly oppose them.

"I am very, very grateful to you, both for your deeds and for your words," he said, when she had finished praying. Countess Lidia Ivanovna once more pressed both her friend's hands. "Now I will enter upon my duties," she said with a smile after a pause, as she wiped away the traces of tears. "I am going to Seryozha. Only in the last extremity shall I apply to you." And she got up and went out.

Countess Lidia Ivanovna went into Seryozha's part of the house, and dropping tears on the scared child's cheeks, she told him that his father was a saint and his mother was dead. Countess Lidia Ivanovna kept her promise. She did actually take upon herself the care of the organization and management of Alexey Alexandrovitch's household. But she had not overstated the case when saying that practical affairs were not her strong point. All her arrangements had to be modified because they could not be carried out, and they were modified by Korney, Alexey Alexandrovitch's valet, who, though no one was aware of the fact, now managed Karenin's household, and quietly and discreetly reported to his master while he was dressing all it was necessary for him to know. But Lidia Ivanovna's help was none the less real; she gave Alexey Alexandrovitch moral support in the consciousness of her love and respect for him, and still more, as it was soothing to her to believe, in that she almost turned him to Christianity—that is, from an indifferent and apathetic believer she turned him into an ardent and steadfast adherent of the new interpretation of Christian doctrine, which had been gaining ground of late in Petersburg. It was easy for Alexey Alexandrovitch to believe in this teaching. Alexey Alexandrovitch, like Lidia Ivanovna indeed, and others who shared their views, was completely devoid of vividness of imagination, that spiritual faculty in virtue of which the conceptions evoked by the imagination become so vivid that they must needs be in harmony with other conceptions, and with actual fact. He saw nothing impossible and inconceivable in the idea that death, though existing for unbelievers, did not exist for him, and that, as he was possessed of the most perfect faith, of the measure of which he was himself the judge, therefore there was no sin in his soul, and he was experiencing complete salvation here on earth.

It is true that the erroneousness and shallowness of this conception of his faith was dimly perceptible to Alexey Alexandrovitch, and he knew that when, without the slightest idea that his forgiveness was the action of a higher power, he had surrendered directly to the feeling of forgiveness, he had felt more happiness than now when he was thinking every instant that Christ was in his heart, and that in signing official papers he was doing His will. But for Alexey Alexandrovitch it was a necessity to think in that way; it was such a necessity for him in his humiliation to have some elevated standpoint, however imaginary, from which, looked down upon by all, he could look down on others, that he clung, as to his one salvation, to his delusion of salvation.

Part 5. Chapter 22.

Alexey Alexandrovitch had forgotten the Countess Lidia Ivanovna, but she had not forgotten him. At the bitterest moment of his lonely despair she came to him, and without waiting to be announced, walked straight into his study. She found him as he was sitting with his head in both hands.

" J'ai forcé la consigne ," she said, walking in with rapid steps and breathing hard with excitement and rapid exercise. “J'ai forcé la consigne,”她说,快步走进去,兴奋和急促的运动使她呼吸急促。 "I have heard all! Alexey Alexandrovitch! Dear friend!" she went on, warmly squeezing his hand in both of hers and gazing with her fine pensive eyes into his. 她继续说下去,用她的双手温暖地握住他的手,用她那双若有所思的美丽眼睛凝视着他的。

Alexey Alexandrovitch, frowning, got up, and disengaging his hand, moved her a chair. 阿列克谢·亚历山德罗维奇皱着眉头站起来,松开手,给她搬了一把椅子。

"Won't you sit down, countess? 'Wilt u niet gaan zitten, gravin? I'm seeing no one because I'm unwell, countess," he said, and his lips twitched. 我没有见到任何人,因为我身体不适,伯爵夫人,”他说,嘴唇抽动着。 "Dear friend!" repeated Countess Lidia Ivanovna, never taking her eyes off his, and suddenly her eyebrows rose at the inner corners, describing a triangle on her forehead, her ugly yellow face became still uglier, but Alexey Alexandrovitch felt that she was sorry for him and was preparing to cry. 莉季娅·伊万诺芙娜伯爵夫人重复了一遍,眼睛一刻也没有离开他的眼睛,突然,她的眉毛在内角扬起,在额头上画出一个三角形,她那张丑陋的黄脸变得更加丑陋,但阿列克谢·亚历山德罗维奇觉得她对不起他,正准备哭。 And he too was softened; he snatched her plump hand and proceeded to kiss it. Et lui aussi était adouci; il attrapa sa main dodue et se mit à l'embrasser. 他也软化了;他抓住她丰满的手,开始亲吻。

"Dear friend!" she said in a voice breaking with emotion. 她用激动的声音说道。 "You ought not to give way to grief. «Vous ne devez pas céder au chagrin. Your sorrow is a great one, but you ought to find consolation." 你的悲伤是巨大的,但你应该找到安慰。” "I am crushed, I am annihilated, I am no longer a man!" “我被碾压了,我被歼灭了,我不再是人了!” said Alexey Alexandrovitch, letting go her hand, but still gazing into her brimming eyes. 阿列克谢·亚历山德罗维奇说,松开了她的手,但仍然凝视着她那双炯炯有神的眼睛。 "My position is so awful because I can find nowhere, I cannot find within me strength to support me." "Ma position est si horrible parce que je ne trouve nulle part, je ne peux pas trouver en moi la force de me soutenir." “我的处境很糟糕,因为我无处可寻,我无法从内心找到支持我的力量。” "You will find support; seek it—not in me, though I beseech you to believe in my friendship," she said, with a sigh. “你会找到支持;寻求它——不是在我身上,尽管我恳求你相信我的友谊,”她叹了口气说。 "Our support is love, that love that He has vouchsafed us. «Notre soutien est l'amour, cet amour qu'Il nous a accordé. “我们的支持是爱,他赐予我们的爱。 His burden is light," she said, with the look of ecstasy Alexey Alexandrovitch knew so well. 他的负担很轻,”她说,脸上带着阿列克谢·亚历山德罗维奇熟悉的狂喜表情。 "He will be your support and your succor." “他将是你的支持和帮助。” Although there was in these words a flavor of that sentimental emotion at her own lofty feelings, and that new mystical fervor which had lately gained ground in Petersburg, and which seemed to Alexey Alexandrovitch disproportionate, still it was pleasant to him to hear this now. Bien qu'il y ait dans ces mots une saveur de cette émotion sentimentale à ses propres sentiments élevés, et cette nouvelle ferveur mystique qui avait récemment gagné du terrain à Pétersbourg, et qui semblait à Alexey Alexandrovitch disproportionnée, il lui était néanmoins agréable d'entendre cela maintenant. 虽然这些话中有一种对她自己崇高感情的感伤情绪和最近在彼得堡流行起来的那种新的神秘热情的味道,阿列克谢·亚历山德罗维奇觉得这有些不相称,但他现在听到这些话还是很高兴的。

"I am weak. I am crushed. I foresaw nothing, and now I understand nothing." "Dear friend," repeated Lidia Ivanovna. "It's not the loss of what I have not now, it's not that!" pursued Alexey Alexandrovitch. 追逐阿列克谢·亚历山德罗维奇。 "I do not grieve for that. «Je ne pleure pas pour ça. But I cannot help feeling humiliated before other people for the position I am placed in. 但我不能不因为我所处的位置而在别人面前感到羞辱。 It is wrong, but I can't help it, I can't help it." C'est faux, mais je ne peux pas m'en empêcher, je ne peux pas m'en empêcher. " "Not you it was performed that noble act of forgiveness, at which I was moved to ecstasy, and everyone else too, but He, working within your heart," said Countess Lidia Ivanovna, raising her eyes rapturously, "and so you cannot be ashamed of your act." «Non pas vous, ce noble acte de pardon, auquel j'ai été ému par l'extase, et tout le monde aussi, mais Lui, travaillant dans votre cœur», a déclaré la comtesse Lidia Ivanovna en levant les yeux avec ravissement, «et ainsi vous ne pouvez pas être honte de ton acte. " “不是你做出了那个高尚的宽恕行为,我和其他所有人都被感动了狂喜,而是他,在你的心中工作,”伯爵夫人利迪亚伊万诺夫娜说,欣喜若狂地抬起眼睛,“所以你不能为你的行为感到羞耻。” Alexey Alexandrovitch knitted his brows, and crooking his hands, he cracked his fingers. Alexey Alexandrovitch fronça les sourcils et, croquant les mains, il craqua les doigts. 阿列克谢·亚历山德罗维奇皱起眉头,弯曲着双手,捏响了手指。

"One must know all the facts," he said in his thin voice. “一个人必须知道所有的事实,”他用细弱的声音说。 "A man's strength has its limits, countess, and I have reached my limits. “人的力量是有极限的,伯爵夫人,而我已经到了极限。 The whole day I have had to be making arrangements, arrangements about household matters arising" (he emphasized the word arising ) "from my new, solitary position. Toute la journée, j'ai dû faire des arrangements, des arrangements concernant les affaires ménagères découlant "(il a souligné le mot découlant)" de ma nouvelle position solitaire. 一整天,我不得不在我新的、孤独的位置上进行安排,安排“出现”(他强调了“出现”这个词)的家务事。 The servants, the governess, the accounts…. 仆人、家庭教师、账目…… These pinpricks have stabbed me to the heart, and I have not the strength to bear it. Ces piqûres d'épingle m'ont poignardé au cœur, et je n'ai pas la force de le supporter. 这些针扎在我的心上,我无力承受。 At dinner… yesterday, I was almost getting up from the dinner table. I could not bear the way my son looked at me. He did not ask me the meaning of it all, but he wanted to ask, and I could not bear the look in his eyes. 他没有问我这一切的意思,但他想问,我受不了他的眼神。 He was afraid to look at me, but that is not all…." Alexey Alexandrovitch would have referred to the bill that had been brought him, but his voice shook, and he stopped. 阿列克谢·亚历山德罗维奇本想看看递给他的帐单,但他的声音颤抖着停了下来。 That bill on blue paper, for a hat and ribbons, he could not recall without a rush of self-pity. Cette facture sur papier bleu, pour un chapeau et des rubans, il ne se souvenait pas sans un élan d'auto-apitoiement. Tos sąskaitos ant mėlyno popieriaus, už skrybėlę ir juostas, jis negalėjo prisiminti be savigailos skubėjimo. 蓝纸上的钞票,一顶帽子和丝带,他一想起就感到一阵自怜。

"I understand, dear friend," said Lidia Ivanovna. “我明白了,亲爱的朋友,”莉季娅·伊万诺夫娜说。 "I understand it all. Succor and comfort you will find not in me, though I have come only to aid you if I can. 你不会在我身上找到帮助和安慰,尽管我只是在可能的情况下来帮助你。 If I could take from off you all these petty, humiliating cares…I understand that a woman's word, a woman's superintendence is needed. Si je pouvais vous enlever tous ces petits soucis humiliants… Je comprends que la parole d'une femme, la surveillance d'une femme sont nécessaires. 如果我能从你身上拿走所有这些琐碎的、羞辱性的关心……我明白需要一个女人的话,一个女人的监督。 You will intrust it to me?" Tu me la confieras? " Patikėsite man? " 你会托付给我吗?” Silently and gratefully Alexey Alexandrovitch pressed her hand. 阿列克谢·亚历山德罗维奇感激地默默地握住她的手。

"Together we will take care of Seryozha. “我们将一起照顾谢廖沙。 Practical affairs are not my strong point. 实际事务不是我的强项。 But I will set to work. I will be your housekeeper. Don't thank me. I do it not from myself…" "I cannot help thanking you." "But, dear friend, do not give way to the feeling of which you spoke—being ashamed of what is the Christian's highest glory: he who humbles himself shall be exalted . “但是,亲爱的朋友,不要屈服于你所说的那种感觉——为基督徒最高的荣耀感到羞耻:谦卑自己的人将被高举。 And you cannot thank me. You must thank Him, and pray to Him for succor. In Him alone we find peace, consolation, salvation, and love," she said, and turning her eyes heavenwards, she began praying, as Alexey Alexandrovitch gathered from her silence. 只有在他身上,我们才能找到平安、安慰、救赎和爱,”她说着,将目光转向天空,开始祈祷,阿列克谢·亚历山德罗维奇从沉默中回过神来。 Alexey Alexandrovitch listened to her now, and those expressions which had seemed to him, if not distasteful, at least exaggerated, now seemed to him natural and consolatory. 阿列克谢·亚历山德罗维奇现在在听她说话,那些在他看来,如果不是令人反感,至少是夸大其词的话,现在对他来说似乎是自然的和安慰的。 Alexey Alexandrovitch had disliked this new enthusiastic fervor. 阿列克谢·亚历山德罗维奇不喜欢这种新的热情。 He was a believer, who was interested in religion primarily in its political aspect, and the new doctrine which ventured upon several new interpretations, just because it paved the way to discussion and analysis, was in principle disagreeable to him. 他是一个信徒,对宗教的兴趣主要在于其政治方面,而冒险提出几种新解释的新教义,仅仅因为它为讨论和分析铺平了道路,原则上对他来说是不愉快的。 He had hitherto taken up a cold and even antagonistic attitude to this new doctrine, and with Countess Lidia Ivanovna, who had been carried away by it, he had never argued, but by silence had assiduously parried her attempts to provoke him into argument. Iki šiol jis buvo nusiteikęs šaltai ir netgi antagonistiškai šiai naujai doktrinai, o su grafiene Lidia Ivanovna, kurią ši nunešė, jis niekada nesiginčijo, tačiau tylėdamas uoliai paryškino jos bandymus išprovokuoti jį. 迄今为止,他对这种新学说采取冷淡甚至敌对的态度,而且与被它冲昏头脑的莉迪亚·伊万诺夫娜伯爵夫人,他从来没有争吵过,但用沉默竭力阻止了她挑起他争吵的企图。 Now for the first time he heard her words with pleasure, and did not inwardly oppose them. 现在他第一次听到她的话感到高兴,内心并没有反对。

"I am very, very grateful to you, both for your deeds and for your words," he said, when she had finished praying. “我非常非常感谢你,无论是你的行为还是你的言语,”当她完成祈祷时,他说。 Countess Lidia Ivanovna once more pressed both her friend's hands. 利迪娅·伊万诺芙娜伯爵夫人再次握住她朋友的双手。 "Now I will enter upon my duties," she said with a smile after a pause, as she wiped away the traces of tears. “现在我要履行我的职责了。”她顿了顿,擦去泪痕,微笑着说道。 "I am going to Seryozha. “我要去谢廖沙。 Only in the last extremity shall I apply to you." 只有在万不得已的时候,我才会向你申请。” And she got up and went out. 她就起身出去了。

Countess Lidia Ivanovna went into Seryozha's part of the house, and dropping tears on the scared child's cheeks, she told him that his father was a saint and his mother was dead. 利季娅·伊万诺芙娜伯爵夫人走进谢廖沙的屋子,把眼泪滴在受惊的孩子的脸颊上,告诉他他的父亲是圣人,他的母亲已经死了。 Countess Lidia Ivanovna kept her promise. She did actually take upon herself the care of the organization and management of Alexey Alexandrovitch's household. Elle a effectivement pris sur elle le soin de l'organisation et de la gestion de la maison d'Alexey Alexandrovitch. Ji iš tikrųjų rūpinosi Aleksejaus Aleksandrovičiaus namų organizavimu ir valdymu. 她确实亲自负责了阿列克谢·亚历山德罗维奇家的组织和管理工作。 But she had not overstated the case when saying that practical affairs were not her strong point. 但她并没有夸大实际事务不是她的强项。 All her arrangements had to be modified because they could not be carried out, and they were modified by Korney, Alexey Alexandrovitch's valet, who, though no one was aware of the fact, now managed Karenin's household, and quietly and discreetly reported to his master while he was dressing all it was necessary for him to know. Tous ses arrangements ont dû être modifiés car ils ne pouvaient pas être exécutés, et ils ont été modifiés par Korney, le valet d'Alexey Alexandrovitch, qui, bien que personne n'en était au courant, gérait maintenant la maison de Karenin, et rapportait tranquillement et discrètement à son maître. pendant qu'il s'habillait tout ce qu'il lui fallait savoir. Visi jos susitarimai turėjo būti pakeisti, nes jų neįmanoma įvykdyti, ir juos modifikavo Aleksejaus Aleksandrovičiaus patarnautojas Korney, kuris, nors niekas nežinojo apie faktą, dabar tvarkė Karenino namus ir tyliai bei diskretiškai pranešė savo šeimininkui. kol jis rengėsi, viską reikėjo žinoti. 她的所有安排都因无法执行而不得不修改,这些修改由阿列克谢·亚历山德罗维奇的贴身男仆科尔尼修改,虽然没有人知道这一事实,但他现在管理着卡列宁的家务,并悄悄地、谨慎地向他的主人报告在他穿衣服的时候,他需要知道的一切。 But Lidia Ivanovna's help was none the less real; she gave Alexey Alexandrovitch moral support in the consciousness of her love and respect for him, and still more, as it was soothing to her to believe, in that she almost turned him to Christianity—that is, from an indifferent and apathetic believer she turned him into an ardent and steadfast adherent of the new interpretation of Christian doctrine, which had been gaining ground of late in Petersburg. Mais l'aide de Lidia Ivanovna n'en était pas moins réelle; elle a donné à Alexey Alexandrovitch un soutien moral dans la conscience de son amour et de son respect pour lui, et plus encore, car il lui était apaisant de croire, en ce qu'elle l'a presque tourné vers le christianisme - c'est-à-dire d'un croyant indifférent et apathique qu'elle s'est tourné lui en un adepte ardent et inébranlable de la nouvelle interprétation de la doctrine chrétienne, qui avait gagné du terrain ces derniers temps à Pétersbourg. 但莉迪亚·伊万诺夫娜的帮助仍然是真实的;意识到她对阿列克谢·亚历山德罗维奇的爱和尊重,她给了阿列克谢·亚历山德罗维奇道义上的支持,更重要的是,她几乎让他相信基督教——也就是说,她从一个漠不关心、冷漠的信徒转变为基督教徒,这让她感到安慰他成为对基督教教义的新解释的热心和坚定的拥护者,这种解释最近在彼得堡取得了进展。 It was easy for Alexey Alexandrovitch to believe in this teaching. 阿列克谢·亚历山德罗维奇很容易相信这个教义。 Alexey Alexandrovitch, like Lidia Ivanovna indeed, and others who shared their views, was completely devoid of vividness of imagination, that spiritual faculty in virtue of which the conceptions evoked by the imagination become so vivid that they must needs be in harmony with other conceptions, and with actual fact. Alexey Alexandrovitch, comme Lidia Ivanovna en effet, et d'autres qui partageaient leurs vues, était complètement dépourvu de vivacité d'imagination, cette faculté spirituelle en vertu de laquelle les conceptions évoquées par l'imagination deviennent si vives qu'elles doivent nécessairement être en harmonie avec d'autres conceptions, et avec des faits réels. 阿列克谢·亚历山德罗维奇,就像莉迪亚·伊万诺夫娜和其他同意他们观点的人一样,完全缺乏想象力的生动性,这种精神能力使想象力所唤起的概念变得如此生动,以至于它们必须与其他概念相协调,并与事实相符。 He saw nothing impossible and inconceivable in the idea that death, though existing for unbelievers, did not exist for him, and that, as he was possessed of the most perfect faith, of the measure of which he was himself the judge, therefore there was no sin in his soul, and he was experiencing complete salvation here on earth. Il ne voyait rien d'impossible ni d'inconcevable dans l'idée que la mort, bien qu'existante pour les incroyants, n'existait pas pour lui, et que, comme il possédait la foi la plus parfaite, dont il était lui-même le juge, il y avait donc aucun péché dans son âme, et il expérimentait le salut complet ici sur terre. 他认为死亡虽然对不信者存在,但对他却不存在,这没有什么不可能和不可思议的,而且,由于他拥有最完美的信仰,他自己可以判断信仰的尺度,因此有他的灵魂没有罪过,他在地球上正在经历完全的救赎。

It is true that the erroneousness and shallowness of this conception of his faith was dimly perceptible to Alexey Alexandrovitch, and he knew that when, without the slightest idea that his forgiveness was the action of a higher power, he had surrendered directly to the feeling of forgiveness, he had felt more happiness than now when he was thinking every instant that Christ was in his heart, and that in signing official papers he was doing His will. Il est vrai que l'erreur et la superficialité de cette conception de sa foi étaient faiblement perceptibles à Alexey Alexandrovitch, et il savait que lorsque, sans la moindre idée que son pardon était l'action d'une puissance supérieure, il s'était livré directement au sentiment de pardon, il avait ressenti plus de bonheur que maintenant quand il pensait à chaque instant que le Christ était dans son cœur, et qu'en signant les papiers officiels, il faisait sa volonté. Tiesa, kad šios tikėjimo sampratos klaidingumas ir seklumas buvo neaiškiai suvokiamas Aleksejui Aleksandrovičiui, ir jis žinojo, kad kai, net neturėdamas nė menkiausio supratimo, jog jo atleidimas yra aukštesnės jėgos veiksmas, jis tiesiogiai pasidavė jausmui, atleidimas, jis jautė daugiau laimės nei dabar, kai kiekvieną akimirką galvojo, kad Kristus yra jo širdyje ir kad pasirašydamas oficialius dokumentus jis vykdo savo valią. 的确,阿列克谢·亚历山德罗维奇隐隐约约地察觉到他的这种信仰观念的错误和肤浅,他知道,当他丝毫没有意识到他的宽恕是一种更高力量的行为时,他直接屈服于这种感觉宽恕,当他每时每刻都在想着基督在他心中,并且在签署官方文件时他正在执行他的旨意时,他感到比现在更幸福。 But for Alexey Alexandrovitch it was a necessity to think in that way; it was such a necessity for him in his humiliation to have some elevated standpoint, however imaginary, from which, looked down upon by all, he could look down on others, that he clung, as to his one salvation, to his delusion of salvation. Mais pour Alexey Alexandrovitch, il était nécessaire de penser ainsi; c'était une telle nécessité pour lui dans son humiliation d'avoir un point de vue élevé, même imaginaire, à partir duquel, méprisé par tous, il pouvait mépriser les autres, qu'il s'accrochait, quant à son unique salut, à son illusion de salut. . 但对阿列克谢·亚历山德罗维奇来说,这样思考是必要的;在他的屈辱中,他非常需要有某种崇高的立场,无论多么虚幻,从这个立场上,他被所有人看不起,他也可以看不起别人,以至于他坚持自己的唯一救赎,他的救赎错觉.