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The Adventures of Jimmy Skunk by Thornton W. Burgess, V. REDDY FOX SNEAKS AWAY


To sneak away is to steal away trying to keep out of sight of everybody, and is usually done only by those who for some reason or other are ashamed to be seen. Just as soon as Reddy Fox could see after Jimmy Skunk had thrown that terrible perfume in Reddy's face he started for the Green Forest. He wanted to get away by himself. But he didn't trot with his head up and his big plumey tail carried proudly as is usual with him. No indeed. Instead he hung his head, and his handsome tail was dropped between his legs; he was the very picture of shame. You see that terrible perfume which Jimmy Skunk had thrown at him clung to his red coat and he knew that he couldn't get rid of it, not for a long time anyway. And he knew, too, that wherever he went his neighbors would hold their noses and make fun of him, and that no one would have anything to do with him. So he sneaked away across the Green Meadows towards the Green Forest and he felt too sick and mean and unhappy to even be angry with Sammy Jay, who was making fun of him and saying that he had got no more than he deserved.

Poor Reddy! He didn't know what to do or where to go. He couldn't go home, for old Granny Fox would drive him out of the house. She had warned him time and again never to provoke Jimmy Skunk, and he knew that she never would forgive him if he should bring that terrible perfume near their home. He knew, too, that it would not be long before all the little people of the Green Forest and the Green Meadows would know what had happened to him. Sammy Jay would see to that. He knew just how they would point at him and make fun of him. He would never hear the last of it. He felt as if he never, never would be able to hold his head and his tail up again. Every few minutes he stopped to roll over and over on the ground trying to get rid of that dreadful perfume.

When he reached the Green Forest he hurried over to the Laughing Brook to wash out his eyes. It was just his luck to have Billy Mink come along while he was doing this. Billy didn't need to be told what had happened. "Phew!" he exclaimed, holding on to his nose. Then he turned and hurried beyond the reach of that perfume. There he stopped and made fun of Reddy Fox and said all the provoking things he could think of. Reddy took no notice at all. He felt too miserable to quarrel.

After he had washed his face he felt better. Water wouldn't take away the awful smell, but it did take away the smart from his eyes. Then he tried to plan what to do next.

"The only thing I can do is to get as far away from everybody as I can," thought he. "I guess I'll have to go up to the Old Pasture to live for a while." So he started for the Old Pasture, keeping as much out of sight as possible. On the way he remembered that Old Man Coyote lived there. Of course it would never do to go near Old Man Coyote's home for if he smelled that awful perfume and discovered that he, Reddy, was the cause of it he would certainly drive him out of the Old Pasture and then where could he go? So Reddy went to the loneliest part of the Old Pasture and crept into an old house that he and Granny had dug there long ago when they had been forced to live in the Old Pasture in the days when Farmer Brown's boy and Bowser the Hound had hunted them for stealing chickens. There he stretched himself out and was perfectly miserable.

"It wouldn't be so bad if I had really been to blame, but I wasn't. I didn't know Jimmy Skunk was in that barrel and I didn't mean to start it rolling down the hill anyway," he muttered. "It was all an accident and—" He stopped and into his yellow eyes crept a look of suspicion. "I wonder," said he slowly, "if Peter Rabbit knew that Jimmy Skunk was there and planned to get me into all this trouble. I wonder."


To sneak away is to steal away trying to keep out of sight of everybody, and is usually done only by those who for some reason or other are ashamed to be seen. Скрадатися - це крастися, намагаючись не потрапляти нікому на очі, і зазвичай це роблять лише ті, хто з тих чи інших причин соромиться, щоб їх побачили. Just as soon as Reddy Fox could see after Jimmy Skunk had thrown that terrible perfume in Reddy's face he started for the Green Forest. Щойно Лис Редді побачив, як Джиммі Скунс жбурнув йому в морду ті жахливі парфуми, він побіг до Зеленого лісу. He wanted to get away by himself. But he didn't trot with his head up and his big plumey tail carried proudly as is usual with him. No indeed. Instead he hung his head, and his handsome tail was dropped between his legs; he was the very picture of shame. You see that terrible perfume which Jimmy Skunk had thrown at him clung to his red coat and he knew that he couldn't get rid of it, not for a long time anyway. Бачите, жахливі парфуми, які кинув у нього Джиммі Скунс, прилипли до його червоного пальта, і він знав, що не зможе їх позбутися, принаймні, надовго. And he knew, too, that wherever he went his neighbors would hold their noses and make fun of him, and that no one would have anything to do with him. So he sneaked away across the Green Meadows towards the Green Forest and he felt too sick and mean and unhappy to even be angry with Sammy Jay, who was making fun of him and saying that he had got no more than he deserved. Тож він побіг через Зелені Луки до Зеленого Лісу, почуваючись надто хворим, злим і нещасним, щоб навіть розсердитися на Семмі Джея, який насміхався з нього і казав, що він отримав не більше, ніж заслуговує.

Poor Reddy! He didn't know what to do or where to go. He couldn't go home, for old Granny Fox would drive him out of the house. Він не міг повернутися додому, бо стара баба Лисиця вигнала б його з дому. She had warned him time and again never to provoke Jimmy Skunk, and he knew that she never would forgive him if he should bring that terrible perfume near their home. He knew, too, that it would not be long before all the little people of the Green Forest and the Green Meadows would know what had happened to him. Він також знав, що незабаром усі маленькі люди Зеленого Лісу та Зелених Лугів дізнаються про те, що з ним сталося. Sammy Jay would see to that. He knew just how they would point at him and make fun of him. Він знав, як вони будуть показувати на нього пальцями і сміятися. He would never hear the last of it. Він ніколи не почує останнього слова. He felt as if he never, never would be able to hold his head and his tail up again. Він відчував, що ніколи, ніколи більше не зможе тримати голову і хвіст. Every few minutes he stopped to roll over and over on the ground trying to get rid of that dreadful perfume.

When he reached the Green Forest he hurried over to the Laughing Brook to wash out his eyes. Дійшовши до Зеленого лісу, він поспішив до Сміховинного струмка, щоб промити очі. It was just his luck to have Billy Mink come along while he was doing this. Йому просто пощастило, що Біллі Мінк з'явився, коли він цим займався. Billy didn't need to be told what had happened. Біллі не потрібно було пояснювати, що сталося. "Phew!" he exclaimed, holding on to his nose. Then he turned and hurried beyond the reach of that perfume. Потім він розвернувся і поспішив за межі досяжності цих парфумів. There he stopped and made fun of Reddy Fox and said all the provoking things he could think of. Там він зупинився, висміяв Редді Фокса і сказав усі провокаційні речі, які тільки міг придумати. Reddy took no notice at all. Редді нічого не помітив. He felt too miserable to quarrel.

After he had washed his face he felt better. Water wouldn't take away the awful smell, but it did take away the smart from his eyes. Вода не прибрала б жахливого запаху, але вона прибрала розум з його очей. Then he tried to plan what to do next.

"The only thing I can do is to get as far away from everybody as I can," thought he. "Єдине, що я можу зробити, це забратися якомога далі від усіх", - подумав він. "I guess I'll have to go up to the Old Pasture to live for a while." So he started for the Old Pasture, keeping as much out of sight as possible. On the way he remembered that Old Man Coyote lived there. Of course it would never do to go near Old Man Coyote's home for if he smelled that awful perfume and discovered that he, Reddy, was the cause of it he would certainly drive him out of the Old Pasture and then where could he go? So Reddy went to the loneliest part of the Old Pasture and crept into an old house that he and Granny had dug there long ago when they had been forced to live in the Old Pasture in the days when Farmer Brown's boy and Bowser the Hound had hunted them for stealing chickens. Тож Редді пішов у найвідлюднішу частину Старого Пасовища і заліз у стару хату, яку вони з Бабусею викопали ще тоді, коли були змушені жити на Старому Пасовищі, коли хлопчик фермера Брауна і пес Баузер полювали на них за крадіжку курей. There he stretched himself out and was perfectly miserable.

"It wouldn't be so bad if I had really been to blame, but I wasn't. I didn't know Jimmy Skunk was in that barrel and I didn't mean to start it rolling down the hill anyway," he muttered. "It was all an accident and—" He stopped and into his yellow eyes crept a look of suspicion. "I wonder," said he slowly, "if Peter Rabbit knew that Jimmy Skunk was there and planned to get me into all this trouble. I wonder."