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TED Talks 2019 + Video, Julius Maada Bio / A vision for the future of Sierra Leone

Julius Maada Bio / A vision for the future of Sierra Leone

On Tuesday, January 16, 1996, I walked into the office of the president as head of state of the Republic of Sierra Leone. I had not been elected. Four years earlier, I was one of 30 heavily armed military officers, all in our 20s, who had driven from the war front into the capital city, Freetown. We had only one objective: to overthrow a corrupt, repressive and single-party dictatorship that had kept itself in power for over 25 years. But in the end, it wasn't a violent coup. After we fired a few shots and seized the radio station, hundreds of thousands of citizens jumped onto the streets to welcome us as liberators. If you are thinking this seems like a movie script, I'm with you. I was part of the ruling military government, and I served in several roles. Our goal was always to return the country to democratic civilian rule. But after four years, those multiparty democratic elections had still not happened. Citizens were beginning to lose faith in our promise. But you know what? I like to keep my promises.

Some of my comrades and I staged another military coup, and this time, against our own head of state and commander. Again, it was a bloodless coup. That is how I became the new military head of state on January 16, 1996. I was still only 31 years old.

Of course, power was sweet. I felt invulnerable. I had thousands of heavily armed men and aircraft at my command. I was heavily protected, and I lived in luxury. But my obligations to my nation were always superior. Millions of fellow citizens were either displaced or fleeing the violence and pillage of war. So I engaged in a series of diplomatic activities right across the subregion and convinced the reclusive rebel leader to initiate peace talks for the very first time. I also called a national consultative conference of civil society organizations and stakeholders to advise on the best way forward. In both cases, I shared with them what I believed in then and now: that Sierra Leone is bigger than all of us, and that Sierra Leone must be a secure, peaceful and just society where every person can thrive and contribute to national development. And so, I initiated peace talks with the rebels. I organized the first multiparty democratic elections in nearly 30 years. (Applause)

I handed over power to the newly elected president, I retired from the army, and I left my country for the United States of America to study -- all in three months. (Applause)

In many a long walk, I wondered how we could get it right again as a nation.

More than 20 years later, in April 2018, with a few more wrinkles and grey hair, I was again head of state. But guess what? This time I have been democratically elected. (Applause)

At the polling stations last year, my three-year-old daughter, Amina, was in my arm. She insisted on holding on to my ballot paper with me. She was intent and focused. At that moment, with my ballot papers in both our hands, I fully understood the one priority for me if I was elected president of the Republic of Sierra Leone; that is: How could I make the lives of Amina and millions of other young girls and boys better in our country? See, I believe that leadership is about creating possibilities that everyone, especially the young people, can believe in, own, work to actualize, and which they can actively fight to protect.

The pathway to power and leadership can be littered with impediments, but more often, with funny questions that may seemingly defy answers: How does one take on the unique challenges of a country like Sierra Leone? We had mined mineral resources for over a hundred years, but we still are poor. We had collected foreign aid for 58 years, but we are still poor.

The secret to economic development is in nature's best resource: skilled, healthy and productive human beings. The secret to changing our country lay in enhancing and supporting the limitless potential of the next generation and challenging them to change our country. Human capital development was the key to national development in Sierra Leone. As a candidate, I met with and listened to many young men and women right across the country and in the diaspora that were feeling disconnected from political leadership and cared little about the future of our country. How could we engage them and make them believe that the answers to transforming our nation was right in their hands?

Immediately after becoming president, I appointed some of Sierra Leone's brightest young people as leaders, with responsibility to realize our shared vision of transforming Sierra Leone. I am grateful many of them said yes. Let me give you a few examples. Corruption had been endemic in governance, institutions and in public life in Sierra Leone, undermining public trust and the country's international reputation. I appointed a young attorney as Commissioner for the Anti-Corruption Commission. In less than a year, he had a hundred percent conviction rate and recovered over 1.5 million dollars of stolen money. That is seed money for building the country's first-ever national medical diagnostic center in Sierra Leone. (Applause)

The Millennium Challenge Corporation recently gave us a green scorecard for the Control of Corruption indicator, and multilateral development partners that had left Sierra Leone are now beginning to return. We are determined to break a culture of corruption and the culture of impunity that is associated with corruption.

Before I became president, I met a skinny, dreadlocked MIT/Harvard-trained inventor in London. Over coffee, I challenged him to think and plan along with me how innovation could help to drive national development in the areas of governance, revenue mobilization, health care, education, delivering public services and supporting private sector growth. How could Sierra Leone participate in the digital economy and become an innovation hub? Guess what? He left his cozy job at IBM, and he now leads a team of young men and women within the newly established Directorate of Science, Technology and Innovation in my own office. (Applause)

That young man is right in here.

I challenged another young Sierra Leonean woman to set up and lead the new Ministry of Planning and Economic Development. She consulted widely with Sierra Leoneans and produced, in record time, the medium-term national development plan, titled, "Education For Development. " We now have our national development needs in easily understandable clusters, and we can now plan our budgets, align development partner contributions and measure our own progress. But the story of my government's flagship program is even more daring, if I can call it that. Today, three out of five adults in Sierra Leone cannot read or write. Thousands of children were not able to go to school or had dropped out of school because their parents could just not afford the $20 school fees per year. Women and girls, who constitute 51 percent of our population, were not given equal opportunity to be educated. So the obvious answer is to put in place free, quality education for every Sierra Leonean child, regardless of gender, ability or ethnicity. (Applause)

Great idea you've clapped for. Right? But the only problem is we had no money to start the program. (Laughter)

Absolutely nothing. Development partners wanted to see data before associating with my vision. Of course, political opponents laughed at me. But I campaigned that a nation that invests in human capital development through free, quality education, affordable and high-quality health care services and food security will accelerate its national development program.

I argued that for Sierra Leone to produce a highly skilled, innovative and productive workforce fit for the 21st century global economy, we needed to invest heavily in human capital development in Sierra Leone. But we had no money, because the previous government had virtually emptied the coffers.

We clamped down on corruption, closed up the loopholes for fraud and waste, and we watched the money build up. We successfully launched a free, quality education program in August last year, four years, four months later. Today, two million children are going to school. (Applause)

Twenty-one percent of the national budget supports free, quality education. In close collaboration and in partnership with development partners, we have now provided teaching and learning materials, safe spaces for girls, and started implementing school feeding programs across the entire country. We have even paid backlogs of salaries for teachers. Any girl admitted to university to study science, technology, engineering, mathematics and other related disciplines receives a full scholarship in Sierra Leone today. (Applause)

And here is why this matters: in a few years, we will have a healthier, better educated and highly skilled young population that will lead and drive the country's national development. They will be well-equipped to deploy science, technology and innovation. Then we'll attract investment in diversified areas of our economy, from tourism to fisheries and from renewable energy to manufacturing. That is my biggest bet.

In my mind, this is what leadership is all about: a mission to listen with empathy to the craziest of ideas, the hopes and aspirations of a younger generation, who are just looking for a chance to be better and to make our country better. It is about letting them know that their dreams matter. It is about standing with them and asking, "Why not? " when they ask seemingly impossible questions. It is about exploring, making and owning a shared vision.

The most audacious and nation-changing events or policies or even personal choices happen when we ask, "Why not? " then make bold choices and ensure those bold choices happen. I wake up every day believing that our country should no longer be defined by the stigma of the past. The future offers hope and opportunity for all. It matters to me that young men and women right across the country can imagine for themselves that they, too, can be and are part of the story of our nation. I want to challenge them to build a nation where three-year-olds like my daughter, Yie Amie, can grow up in good governance, quality education, health care and good infrastructure. I want our children to become young men and women who can continue nourishing the trees that will grow from the seeds that we are planting today.

Now can someone tell me why we should not dare imagine that future in Sierra Leone?

Thank you.


Julius Maada Bio / A vision for the future of Sierra Leone Julius Maada Bio / Eine Vision für die Zukunft von Sierra Leone Julius Maada Bio / Una visión para el futuro de Sierra Leona Julius Maada Bio / Une vision pour l'avenir de la Sierra Leone Julius Maada Bio / Una visione per il futuro della Sierra Leone ジュリアス・マーダ・ビオ/シエラレオネの未来へのビジョン 줄리어스 마다 바이오 / 시에라리온의 미래를 위한 비전 Julius Maada Bio / Een visie voor de toekomst van Sierra Leone Julius Maada Bio / Wizja przyszłości Sierra Leone Julius Maada Bio / Uma visão para o futuro da Serra Leoa Джулиус Маада Био / Видение будущего Сьерра-Леоне Julius Maada Bio / Sierra Leone'nin geleceği için bir vizyon Джуліус Маада Біо / Бачення майбутнього Сьєрра-Леоне Julius Maada Bio / 塞拉利昂未来的愿景 Julius Maada Bio / 塞拉利昂未來的願景

On Tuesday, January 16, 1996, I walked into the office of the president as head of state of the Republic of Sierra Leone. Во вторник, 16 января 1996 года, я вошел в кабинет президента в качестве главы государства Республики Сьерра-Леоне. I had not been elected. ||||ไม่ได้รับเลือก Ich war nicht gewählt worden. Four years earlier, I was one of 30 heavily armed military officers, all in our 20s, who had driven from the war front into the capital city, Freetown. Vier Jahre zuvor war ich einer von 30 schwer bewaffneten Militäroffizieren, alle um die 20, die von der Kriegsfront in die Hauptstadt Freetown gefahren waren. Четыре года назад я был одним из 30 вооруженных до зубов офицеров, которым было по 20 лет, приехавших с фронта войны в столицу Фритаун. We had only one objective: to overthrow a corrupt, repressive and single-party dictatorship that had kept itself in power for over 25 years. ||||||โค่นล้ม||ทุจริต|กดขี่||||เผด็จการพรรคเดียว||||||||| У нас была только одна цель: свергнуть коррумпированную, репрессивную и однопартийную диктатуру, которая удерживала власть более 25 лет. เรามีเป้าหมายเพียงอย่างเดียว นั่นก็คือการล้มล้างระบอบเผด็จการที่ทุจริตและกดขี่ซึ่งครองอำนาจมาเป็นเวลานานกว่า 25 ปี But in the end, it wasn't a violent coup. ||||||||รัฐประหาร ||||||||переворот Letztendlich war es aber kein gewaltsamer Putsch. แต่ท้ายที่สุดมันไม่ได้เป็นการรัฐประหารอย่างรุนแรง After we fired a few shots and seized the radio station, hundreds of thousands of citizens jumped onto the streets to welcome us as liberators. ||||||||||||||||||||||||ผู้ปลดปล่อย หลังจากที่เราได้ยิงปืนไปหลายนัดและยึดสถานีวิทยุได้ ประชาชนหลายแสนคนก็ออกมาบนท้องถนนเพื่อต้อนรับเราในฐานะผู้ปลดปล่อย If you are thinking this seems like a movie script, I'm with you. Если вы думаете, что это похоже на сценарий фильма, то я с вами согласен. I was part of the ruling military government, and I served in several roles. |||||รัฐบาลปกครอง|||||||| Ich war Teil der regierenden Militärregierung und hatte mehrere Funktionen inne. Я входил в состав правящего военного правительства и занимал несколько должностей. ฉันเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของรัฐบาลทหารที่ปกครองอยู่ และฉันรับหน้าที่หลายบทบาท Our goal was always to return the country to democratic civilian rule. |||||||||ประชาธิปไตย|พลเรือน| Unser Ziel war immer, das Land zu einer demokratischen Zivilregierung zurückzuführen. เป้าหมายของเราคือการคืนประเทศสู่การปกครองแบบพลเรือนที่เป็นประชาธิปไตย But after four years, those multiparty democratic elections had still not happened. Aber nach vier Jahren hatten diese demokratischen Mehrparteienwahlen immer noch nicht stattgefunden. Но по прошествии четырех лет эти многопартийные демократические выборы так и не состоялись. แต่หลังจากผ่านไปสี่ปี การเลือกตั้งแบบประชาธิปไตยหลายพรรคก็ยังคงไม่เกิดขึ้น Citizens were beginning to lose faith in our promise. |||||ศรัทธา||| Die Bürger begannen, den Glauben an unser Versprechen zu verlieren. But you know what? Aber weißt du was? I like to keep my promises. Ich halte gerne meine Versprechen.

Some of my comrades and I staged another military coup, and this time, against our own head of state and commander. |||เพื่อนร่วมรบ|||||||||||||||||ผู้บัญชาการ Einige meiner Kameraden und ich inszenierten einen weiteren Militärputsch, diesmal gegen unser eigenes Staatsoberhaupt und unseren Kommandanten. Мы с товарищами устроили еще один военный переворот, на этот раз против собственного главы государства и командующего. ฉันและสหายร่วมรบอีกจำนวนหนึ่งได้ทำการรัฐประหารอีกครั้ง และคราวนี้ต่อต้านหัวหน้ารัฐและผู้บัญชาการของเราเอง Again, it was a bloodless coup. ||||ไร้การนองเลือด| Wieder war es ein unblutiger Coup. มันเป็นการรัฐประหารที่ไม่มีการนองเลือดอีกครั้ง That is how I became the new military head of state on January 16, 1996. So wurde ich am 16. Januar 1996 neuer militärischer Staatschef. นั่นคือเหตุผลที่ผมได้รับตำแหน่งหัวหน้ารัฐทหารคนใหม่ในวันที่ 16 มกราคม พ.ศ.2539 I was still only 31 years old. Ich war immer noch nur 31 Jahre alt.

Of course, power was sweet. Macht war natürlich süß. Конечно, власть была сладкой. I felt invulnerable. ||รู้สึกคงกระพัน Ich fühlte mich unverwundbar. ฉันรู้สึกว่าตนเองอยู่ยงคงกระพัน I had thousands of heavily armed men and aircraft at my command. Ich hatte Tausende von schwer bewaffneten Männern und Flugzeugen unter meinem Kommando. В моем распоряжении были тысячи хорошо вооруженных людей и самолетов. ฉันมีชายติดอาวุธหนักและเครื่องบินนับพันนายอยู่ภายใต้การบังคับบัญชา I was heavily protected, and I lived in luxury. Ich war stark beschützt und lebte im Luxus. ฉันได้รับการปกป้องอย่างเข้มงวดและฉันก็ใช้ชีวิตอย่างหรูหรา But my obligations to my nation were always superior. ||พันธะหน้าที่||||||เหนือกว่า Aber meine Verpflichtungen gegenüber meiner Nation waren immer überlegen. Но мои обязательства перед нацией всегда были выше. Millions of fellow citizens were either displaced or fleeing the violence and pillage of war. ||||||||||||looting and destruction|| ||||||พลัดถิ่น||หลบหนี|||||| Millionen Mitbürger wurden entweder vertrieben oder flohen vor der Gewalt und Plünderung des Krieges. Миллионы сограждан были либо вынуждены покинуть свои дома, либо спасались от насилия и грабежей войны. So I engaged in a series of diplomatic activities right across the subregion and convinced the reclusive rebel leader to initiate peace talks for the very first time. ||took part in||||||||||||||||||||||||| Also engagierte ich mich in einer Reihe diplomatischer Aktivitäten quer durch die Subregion und überzeugte den zurückgezogen lebenden Rebellenführer, zum allerersten Mal Friedensgespräche einzuleiten. Поэтому я провел ряд дипломатических мероприятий по всему субрегиону и впервые убедил лидера повстанцев-затворников начать мирные переговоры. ฉันจึงได้เข้าร่วมกิจกรรมทางการทูตต่างๆ มากมายทั่วทั้งอนุภูมิภาคและสามารถโน้มน้าวผู้นำกบฏที่เก็บตัวให้เริ่มการเจรจาสันติภาพได้เป็นครั้งแรก I also called a national consultative conference of civil society organizations and stakeholders to advise on the best way forward. Ich habe auch eine nationale Konsultativkonferenz von Organisationen der Zivilgesellschaft und Interessengruppen einberufen, um über die beste Vorgehensweise zu beraten. Я также созвал национальную консультативную конференцию организаций гражданского общества и заинтересованных сторон для выработки рекомендаций по дальнейшим действиям. ฉันยังเรียกประชุมปรึกษาหารือระดับชาติขององค์กรสังคมพลเมืองและผู้มีส่วนได้ส่วนเสียเพื่อให้คำแนะนำเกี่ยวกับแนวทางที่ดีที่สุดที่จะก้าวไปข้างหน้า In both cases, I shared with them what I believed in then and now: that Sierra Leone is bigger than all of us, and that Sierra Leone must be a secure, peaceful and just society where every person can thrive and contribute to national development. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||มีส่วนร่วม||| In beiden Fällen teilte ich ihnen mit, woran ich damals und heute glaubte: dass Sierra Leone größer ist als wir alle und dass Sierra Leone eine sichere, friedliche und gerechte Gesellschaft sein muss, in der jeder Mensch gedeihen und zur nationalen Entwicklung beitragen kann. ในทั้งสองกรณี ฉันได้แบ่งปันกับพวกเขาถึงสิ่งที่ฉันเชื่อในตอนนั้นและตอนนี้ นั่นคือ เซียร์ราลีโอนมีขนาดใหญ่กว่าพวกเราทุกคน และเซียร์ราลีโอนจะต้องเป็นสังคมที่ปลอดภัย สันติ และยุติธรรม โดยที่ทุกคนสามารถเจริญเติบโตและมีส่วนสนับสนุนการพัฒนาประเทศได้ And so, I initiated peace talks with the rebels. |||เริ่มต้น||||| Und so initiierte ich Friedensgespräche mit den Rebellen. ฉันจึงเริ่มการเจรจาสันติภาพกับกลุ่มกบฏ I organized the first multiparty democratic elections in nearly 30 years. Ich habe die ersten demokratischen Mehrparteienwahlen seit fast 30 Jahren organisiert. ฉันจัดการเลือกตั้งแบบประชาธิปไตยหลายพรรคเป็นครั้งแรกในรอบเกือบ 30 ปี (Applause) (เสียงปรบมือ)

I handed over power to the newly elected president, I retired from the army, and I left my country for the United States of America to study -- all in three months. ||||||ที่เพิ่งได้รับเลือก|||||||||||||||||||||||| Ich übergab die Macht an den neu gewählten Präsidenten, ich zog mich aus der Armee zurück und verließ mein Land, um in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika zu studieren – alles in drei Monaten. Я передал власть вновь избранному президенту, уволился из армии и уехал из страны в Соединенные Штаты Америки на учебу - и все это за три месяца. ฉันส่งมอบอำนาจให้แก่ประธานาธิบดีที่ได้รับการเลือกตั้งใหม่ ฉันเกษียณจากกองทัพ และฉันออกจากประเทศของฉันไปศึกษาที่สหรัฐอเมริกา ทั้งหมดนี้ใช้เวลาเพียงสามเดือน (Applause) (เสียงปรบมือ)

In many a long walk, I wondered how we could get it right again as a nation. In vielen langen Spaziergängen fragte ich mich, wie wir es als Nation wieder richtig machen könnten. В течение многих долгих прогулок я задавался вопросом, как мы можем снова стать правильной нацией. ตลอดการเดินทางอันยาวนานหลายต่อหลายครั้ง ฉันสงสัยว่าเราจะทำสิ่งที่ถูกต้องอีกครั้งในฐานะประเทศได้อย่างไร

More than 20 years later, in April 2018, with a few more wrinkles and grey hair, I was again head of state. Спустя более 20 лет, в апреле 2018 года, имея еще несколько морщин и седых волос, я вновь стал главой государства. But guess what? This time I have been democratically elected. |||||อย่างเป็นประชาธิปไตย| ครั้งนี้ฉันได้รับการเลือกตั้งตามระบอบประชาธิปไตย (Applause) (เสียงปรบมือ)

At the polling stations last year, my three-year-old daughter, Amina, was in my arm. In den Wahllokalen des letzten Jahres hatte ich meine dreijährige Tochter Amina auf dem Arm. В прошлом году на избирательных участках моя трехлетняя дочь Амина была у меня на руках. เมื่อปีที่แล้วที่หน่วยเลือกตั้ง ฉันอุ้มลูกสาววัย 3 ขวบ ชื่อ อามินา ไว้ในอ้อมแขน She insisted on holding on to my ballot paper with me. |||||||voting paper||| Sie bestand darauf, meinen Stimmzettel bei mir zu behalten. Она настояла на том, чтобы я держал бюллетень при себе. She was intent and focused. Sie war zielstrebig und konzentriert. Она была целеустремленной и сосредоточенной. At that moment, with my ballot papers in both our hands, I fully understood the one priority for me if I was elected president of the Republic of Sierra Leone; that is: How could I make the lives of Amina and millions of other young girls and boys better in our country? See, I believe that leadership is about creating possibilities that everyone, especially the young people, can believe in, own, work to actualize, and which they can actively fight to protect. Sehen Sie, ich glaube, dass es bei Führung darum geht, Möglichkeiten zu schaffen, an die jeder, insbesondere die jungen Menschen, glauben, sie besitzen, an deren Verwirklichung arbeiten und für deren Schutz sie aktiv kämpfen können.

The pathway to power and leadership can be littered with impediments, but more often, with funny questions that may seemingly defy answers: How does one take on the unique challenges of a country like Sierra Leone? ||||||||||obstacles||||||||||||||||||||||||| Der Weg zu Macht und Führung kann mit Hindernissen übersät sein, aber häufiger mit lustigen Fragen, die sich scheinbar nicht beantworten lassen: Wie nimmt man die einzigartigen Herausforderungen eines Landes wie Sierra Leone an? Путь к власти и лидерству может быть усеян препятствиями, но чаще всего - забавными вопросами, на которые, казалось бы, нет ответов: Как справиться с уникальными проблемами такой страны, как Сьерра-Леоне? We had mined mineral resources for over a hundred years, but we still are poor. Wir haben über hundert Jahre lang Bodenschätze abgebaut, aber wir sind immer noch arm. We had collected foreign aid for 58 years, but we are still poor. Wir haben 58 Jahre lang Auslandshilfe gesammelt, aber wir sind immer noch arm. Мы 58 лет собирали иностранную помощь, но до сих пор бедны.

The secret to economic development is in nature's best resource: skilled, healthy and productive human beings. |||financial growth|||||||||||| Das Geheimnis der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung liegt in der besten Ressource der Natur: qualifizierte, gesunde und produktive Menschen. The secret to changing our country lay in enhancing and supporting the limitless potential of the next generation and challenging them to change our country. Das Geheimnis, unser Land zu verändern, lag darin, das grenzenlose Potenzial der nächsten Generation zu fördern und zu unterstützen und sie herauszufordern, unser Land zu verändern. Human capital development was the key to national development in Sierra Leone. As a candidate, I met with and listened to many young men and women right across the country and in the diaspora that were feeling disconnected from political leadership and cared little about the future of our country. |||||||||||||||||||||foreign communities|||||||||||||||| Als Kandidat habe ich viele junge Männer und Frauen im ganzen Land und in der Diaspora getroffen und ihnen zugehört, die sich von der politischen Führung abgekoppelt fühlten und sich wenig um die Zukunft unseres Landes kümmerten. How could we engage them and make them believe that the answers to transforming our nation was right in their hands? Wie konnten wir sie engagieren und sie glauben machen, dass die Antworten auf die Umgestaltung unserer Nation direkt in ihren Händen lagen? Как привлечь их и заставить поверить в то, что ответы на вопросы, касающиеся преобразования нашей страны, находятся именно в их руках?

Immediately after becoming president, I appointed some of Sierra Leone's brightest young people as leaders, with responsibility to realize our shared vision of transforming Sierra Leone. Сразу же после вступления в должность президента я назначил некоторых из самых ярких молодых людей Сьерра-Леоне лидерами, на которых возложена ответственность за реализацию нашего общего видения преобразования Сьерра-Леоне. I am grateful many of them said yes. Я благодарен, что многие из них сказали "да". Let me give you a few examples. Corruption had been endemic in governance, institutions and in public life in Sierra Leone, undermining public trust and the country's international reputation. Korruption war in der Regierung, den Institutionen und im öffentlichen Leben in Sierra Leone endemisch und untergrub das öffentliche Vertrauen und den internationalen Ruf des Landes. I appointed a young attorney as Commissioner for the Anti-Corruption Commission. ||||young lawyer||||||| In less than a year, he had a hundred percent conviction rate and recovered over 1.5 million dollars of stolen money. Менее чем за год работы он добился стопроцентного результата и вернул более 1,5 млн. долларов похищенных денег. That is seed money for building the country's first-ever national medical diagnostic center in Sierra Leone. Das ist das Startkapital für den Bau des ersten nationalen medizinischen Diagnosezentrums in Sierra Leone überhaupt. (Applause)

The Millennium Challenge Corporation recently gave us a green scorecard for the Control of Corruption indicator, and multilateral development partners that had left Sierra Leone are now beginning to return. |||||||||||||||||multiple countries involved|||||||||||| Die Millennium Challenge Corporation hat uns kürzlich eine grüne Scorecard für den Indikator „Kontrolle der Korruption“ verliehen, und multilaterale Entwicklungspartner, die Sierra Leone verlassen hatten, kehren jetzt zurück. Корпорация "Вызовы тысячелетия" недавно присвоила нам "зеленую" оценку по показателю "Борьба с коррупцией", и многосторонние партнеры по развитию, покинувшие Сьерра-Леоне, теперь начинают возвращаться. We are determined to break a culture of corruption and the culture of impunity that is associated with corruption. |||||||||||||without consequences||||| Wir sind entschlossen, eine Kultur der Korruption und der mit Korruption verbundenen Kultur der Straflosigkeit zu durchbrechen. Мы намерены сломать культуру коррупции и связанную с ней культуру безнаказанности.

Before I became president, I met a skinny, dreadlocked MIT/Harvard-trained inventor in London. Bevor ich Präsident wurde, traf ich in London einen mageren, vom MIT/Harvard ausgebildeten Erfinder mit Dreadlocks. Перед тем как стать президентом, я познакомился в Лондоне с худощавым изобретателем с дредами, получившим образование в Массачусетском технологическом институте и Гарварде. Over coffee, I challenged him to think and plan along with me how innovation could help to drive national development in the areas of governance, revenue mobilization, health care, education, delivering public services and supporting private sector growth. Beim Kaffee forderte ich ihn auf, mit mir darüber nachzudenken und zu planen, wie Innovation dazu beitragen könnte, die nationale Entwicklung in den Bereichen Regierungsführung, Mobilisierung von Einnahmen, Gesundheitsfürsorge, Bildung, Erbringung öffentlicher Dienstleistungen und Unterstützung des Wachstums des Privatsektors voranzutreiben. How could Sierra Leone participate in the digital economy and become an innovation hub? Wie könnte Sierra Leone an der digitalen Wirtschaft teilhaben und ein Innovationszentrum werden? Guess what? He left his cozy job at IBM, and he now leads a team of young men and women within the newly established Directorate of Science, Technology and Innovation in my own office. (Applause)

That young man is right in here. Der junge Mann ist hier drin.

I challenged another young Sierra Leonean woman to set up and lead the new Ministry of Planning and Economic Development. ||||||||||||||||||financial growth| Ich forderte eine andere junge Frau aus Sierra Leone auf, das neue Ministerium für Planung und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung aufzubauen und zu leiten. Я поручил другой молодой женщине из Сьерра-Леоне создать и возглавить новое Министерство планирования и экономического развития. She consulted widely with Sierra Leoneans and produced, in record time, the medium-term national development plan, titled, "Education For Development. " We now have our national development needs in easily understandable clusters, and we can now plan our budgets, align development partner contributions and measure our own progress. " Теперь мы имеем наши потребности в области национального развития в виде понятных кластеров, можем планировать бюджеты, согласовывать вклады партнеров по развитию и оценивать собственный прогресс. But the story of my government's flagship program is even more daring, if I can call it that. Но история флагманской программы нашего правительства еще более смелая, если ее можно так назвать. Today, three out of five adults in Sierra Leone cannot read or write. Сегодня в Сьерра-Леоне трое из пяти взрослых не умеют читать и писать. Thousands of children were not able to go to school or had dropped out of school because their parents could just not afford the $20 school fees per year. Тысячи детей не могли посещать школу или бросали ее из-за того, что их родители просто не могли позволить себе платить за обучение 20 долларов в год. Women and girls, who constitute 51 percent of our population, were not given equal opportunity to be educated. Frauen und Mädchen, die 51 Prozent unserer Bevölkerung ausmachen, hatten nicht die gleichen Chancen auf Bildung. So the obvious answer is to put in place free, quality education for every Sierra Leonean child, regardless of gender, ability or ethnicity. (Applause)

Great idea you've clapped for. Отличная идея, за которую вы хлопотали. Right? But the only problem is we had no money to start the program. (Laughter)

Absolutely nothing. Development partners wanted to see data before associating with my vision. Партнеры по развитию хотели видеть данные, прежде чем связываться с моим видением. Of course, political opponents laughed at me. But I campaigned that a nation that invests in human capital development through free, quality education, affordable and high-quality health care services and food security will accelerate its national development program. Но я утверждал, что страна, инвестирующая в развитие человеческого капитала через бесплатное качественное образование, доступное и качественное здравоохранение и продовольственную безопасность, ускорит реализацию программы национального развития.

I argued that for Sierra Leone to produce a highly skilled, innovative and productive workforce fit for the 21st century global economy, we needed to invest heavily in human capital development in Sierra Leone. |||||||||||creative and advanced||||||||||global market|||||||||||| But we had no money, because the previous government had virtually emptied the coffers. |||||||||||||funds or reserves Но денег у нас не было, потому что предыдущее правительство практически опустошило казну.

We clamped down on corruption, closed up the loopholes for fraud and waste, and we watched the money build up. Wir haben hart gegen Korruption vorgegangen, Schlupflöcher für Betrug und Verschwendung geschlossen und beobachtet, wie sich das Geld anhäufte. Мы пресекли коррупцию, закрыли лазейки для мошенничества и расточительства и наблюдали, как деньги накапливаются. We successfully launched a free, quality education program in August last year, four years, four months later. Today, two million children are going to school. (Applause)

Twenty-one percent of the national budget supports free, quality education. Einundzwanzig Prozent des Staatshaushalts werden für kostenlose, hochwertige Bildung verwendet. In close collaboration and in partnership with development partners, we have now provided teaching and learning materials, safe spaces for girls, and started implementing school feeding programs across the entire country. В тесном сотрудничестве с партнерами по развитию мы обеспечили учебно-методические материалы, безопасные места для девочек и начали реализацию программ школьного питания по всей стране. We have even paid backlogs of salaries for teachers. Мы даже выплатили задолженность по зарплате учителям. Any girl admitted to university to study science, technology, engineering, mathematics and other related disciplines receives a full scholarship in Sierra Leone today. Jedes Mädchen, das zur Universität zugelassen wird, um Naturwissenschaften, Technik, Ingenieurwesen, Mathematik und andere verwandte Disziplinen zu studieren, erhält heute in Sierra Leone ein Vollstipendium. (Applause)

And here is why this matters: in a few years, we will have a healthier, better educated and highly skilled young population that will lead and drive the country's national development. They will be well-equipped to deploy science, technology and innovation. ||||||utilize|||| Then we'll attract investment in diversified areas of our economy, from tourism to fisheries and from renewable energy to manufacturing. |||||varied||||economic sectors|||||||||| Dann werden wir Investitionen in diversifizierte Bereiche unserer Wirtschaft anziehen, vom Tourismus bis zur Fischerei und von erneuerbaren Energien bis zur Fertigung. That is my biggest bet. Das ist meine größte Wette.

In my mind, this is what leadership is all about: a mission to listen with empathy to the craziest of ideas, the hopes and aspirations of a younger generation, who are just looking for a chance to be better and to make our country better. Darum geht es meiner Meinung nach bei Führung: eine Mission, mit Empathie den verrücktesten Ideen, den Hoffnungen und Bestrebungen einer jüngeren Generation zuzuhören, die nur nach einer Chance sucht, besser zu werden und unser Land besser zu machen. It is about letting them know that their dreams matter. Es geht darum, sie wissen zu lassen, dass ihre Träume wichtig sind. It is about standing with them and asking, "Why not? " when they ask seemingly impossible questions. ", когда они задают, казалось бы, невозможные вопросы. It is about exploring, making and owning a shared vision. Es geht darum, eine gemeinsame Vision zu erforschen, zu entwickeln und zu besitzen. Это изучение, создание и владение общим видением.

The most audacious and nation-changing events or policies or even personal choices happen when we ask, "Why not? ||Bold and daring|||||||||||||||| Die kühnsten und landesveränderndsten Ereignisse oder Richtlinien oder sogar persönlichen Entscheidungen geschehen, wenn wir fragen: „Warum nicht? Самые дерзкие и меняющие страну события или политику, или даже личный выбор происходят тогда, когда мы спрашиваем: "А почему бы и нет? " then make bold choices and ensure those bold choices happen. |||||||courageous|| ", то сделайте смелый выбор и обеспечьте его выполнение. I wake up every day believing that our country should no longer be defined by the stigma of the past. Ich wache jeden Tag auf und glaube daran, dass unser Land nicht länger durch das Stigma der Vergangenheit definiert werden sollte. The future offers hope and opportunity for all. It matters to me that young men and women right across the country can imagine for themselves that they, too, can be and are part of the story of our nation. Mir ist wichtig, dass sich junge Männer und Frauen im ganzen Land vorstellen können, dass auch sie Teil der Geschichte unserer Nation sein können und sind. I want to challenge them to build a nation where three-year-olds like my daughter, Yie Amie, can grow up in good governance, quality education, health care and good infrastructure. |||||||||де||||||||||||||||||||| Ich möchte sie herausfordern, eine Nation aufzubauen, in der Dreijährige wie meine Tochter Yie Amie in guter Regierungsführung, hochwertiger Bildung, Gesundheitsfürsorge und guter Infrastruktur aufwachsen können. I want our children to become young men and women who can continue nourishing the trees that will grow from the seeds that we are planting today. Ich möchte, dass unsere Kinder junge Männer und Frauen werden, die weiterhin die Bäume ernähren können, die aus den Samen wachsen, die wir heute pflanzen. Я хочу, чтобы наши дети стали юношами и девушками, которые смогут продолжить питать деревья, которые вырастут из семян, которые мы сажаем сегодня.

Now can someone tell me why we should not dare imagine that future in Sierra Leone? Kann mir jetzt jemand sagen, warum wir es nicht wagen sollten, uns diese Zukunft in Sierra Leone vorzustellen? А теперь скажите мне, почему мы не должны осмелиться представить себе такое будущее в Сьерра-Леоне?

Thank you.
