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Andersen's Fairy Tales, The Snow Queen, First Story - Which Treats of a Mirror and of the Splinters

The Snow Queen, First Story - Which Treats of a Mirror and of the Splinters


FIRST STORY. Which Treats of a Mirror and of the Splinters

Now then, let us begin. When we are at the end of the story, we shall know more than we know now: but to begin. Once upon a time there was a wicked sprite, indeed he was the most mischievous of all sprites. One day he was in a very good humor, for he had made a mirror with the power of causing all that was good and beautiful when it was reflected therein, to look poor and mean; but that which was good-for-nothing and looked ugly was shown magnified and increased in ugliness. In this mirror the most beautiful landscapes looked like boiled spinach, and the best persons were turned into frights, or appeared to stand on their heads; their faces were so distorted that they were not to be recognised; and if anyone had a mole, you might be sure that it would be magnified and spread over both nose and mouth.

"That's glorious fun!" said the sprite. If a good thought passed through a man's mind, then a grin was seen in the mirror, and the sprite laughed heartily at his clever discovery. All the little sprites who went to his school--for he kept a sprite school--told each other that a miracle had happened; and that now only, as they thought, it would be possible to see how the world really looked. They ran about with the mirror; and at last there was not a land or a person who was not represented distorted in the mirror. So then they thought they would fly up to the sky, and have a joke there. The higher they flew with the mirror, the more terribly it grinned: they could hardly hold it fast. Higher and higher still they flew, nearer and nearer to the stars, when suddenly the mirror shook so terribly with grinning, that it flew out of their hands and fell to the earth, where it was dashed in a hundred million and more pieces. And now it worked much more evil than before; for some of these pieces were hardly so large as a grain of sand, and they flew about in the wide world, and when they got into people's eyes, there they stayed; and then people saw everything perverted, or only had an eye for that which was evil. This happened because the very smallest bit had the same power which the whole mirror had possessed. Some persons even got a splinter in their heart, and then it made one shudder, for their heart became like a lump of ice. Some of the broken pieces were so large that they were used for windowpanes, through which one could not see one's friends. Other pieces were put in spectacles; and that was a sad affair when people put on their glasses to see well and rightly. Then the wicked sprite laughed till he almost choked, for all this tickled his fancy. The fine splinters still flew about in the air: and now we shall hear what happened next.

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The Snow Queen, First Story - Which Treats of a Mirror and of the Splinters Sněhová královna, první příběh - Která se zachází se zrcadlem a třískami Die Schneekönigin, Erste Geschichte - Die von einem Spiegel und von den Splittern handelt 雪の女王』第1話:鏡と破片の物語 De sneeuwkoningin, eerste verhaal - over een spiegel en splinters Królowa Śniegu, opowiadanie pierwsze - traktujące o lustrze i drzazgach A Rainha da Neve, Primeira História - Que Fala de um Espelho e das Farpas Снежная королева, первая повесть - в которой рассказывается о зеркале и осколках Снігова королева, перша історія - про дзеркало та осколки 冰雪女王,第一个故事 - 讲述镜子和碎片


FIRST STORY. Which Treats of a Mirror and of the Splinters Které pochoutky ze zrcadla a třísek Który traktuje o lustrze i drzazgach

Now then, let us begin. When we are at the end of the story, we shall know more than we know now: but to begin. Až budeme na konci příběhu, budeme vědět víc, než víme teď: ale pro začátek. Once upon a time there was a wicked sprite, indeed he was the most mischievous of all sprites. Byl jednou jeden zlý skřítek, ve skutečnosti to byl ten nejzlomyslnější ze všech skřítků. Dawno, dawno temu żył sobie zły duszek, który był najbardziej psotnym ze wszystkich duszków. One day he was in a very good humor, for he had made a mirror with the power of causing all that was good and beautiful when it was reflected therein, to look poor and mean; but that which was good-for-nothing and looked ugly was shown magnified and increased in ugliness. Jednoho dne byl ve velmi dobré náladě, protože vytvořil zrcadlo s mocí způsobit, že všechno, co je dobré a krásné, když se v něm odráží, vypadá chudě a podlé; ale to, co bylo k ničemu a vypadalo ošklivě, bylo zobrazeno zvětšené a ještě více ošklivé. Pewnego dnia był w bardzo dobrym humorze, ponieważ stworzył lustro, które miało moc sprawiania, że wszystko, co było dobre i piękne, gdy się w nim odbijało, wyglądało biednie i podle; ale to, co było do niczego i wyglądało brzydko, było powiększane i zwiększane w brzydocie. In this mirror the most beautiful landscapes looked like boiled spinach, and the best persons were turned into frights, or appeared to stand on their heads; their faces were so distorted that they were not to be recognised; and if anyone had a mole, you might be sure that it would be magnified and spread over both nose and mouth. W tym lustrze najpiękniejsze krajobrazy wyglądały jak rozgotowany szpinak, a najlepsze osoby wpadały w przerażenie lub wydawały się stać na głowie; ich twarze były tak zniekształcone, że nie można było ich rozpoznać; a jeśli ktoś miał pieprzyk, można było być pewnym, że zostanie powiększony i rozprzestrzeni się zarówno na nos, jak i usta.

"That’s glorious fun!" "To wspaniała zabawa!" said the sprite. If a good thought passed through a man’s mind, then a grin was seen in the mirror, and the sprite laughed heartily at his clever discovery. Jeśli w umyśle człowieka pojawiła się dobra myśl, w lustrze pojawiał się uśmiech, a duszek śmiał się serdecznie ze swojego sprytnego odkrycia. All the little sprites who went to his school--for he kept a sprite school--told each other that a miracle had happened; and that now only, as they thought, it would be possible to see how the world really looked. Wszystkie małe duszki, które chodziły do jego szkoły - ponieważ prowadził on szkołę duszków - mówiły sobie nawzajem, że zdarzył się cud i że tylko teraz, jak sądziły, będzie można zobaczyć, jak naprawdę wygląda świat. They ran about with the mirror; and at last there was not a land or a person who was not represented distorted in the mirror. So then they thought they would fly up to the sky, and have a joke there. Pomyśleli więc, że wzlecą w niebo i tam zażartują. The higher they flew with the mirror, the more terribly it grinned: they could hardly hold it fast. Im wyżej lecieli z lustrem, tym straszniej się ono szczerzyło: ledwo mogli je utrzymać. Higher and higher still they flew, nearer and nearer to the stars, when suddenly the mirror shook so terribly with grinning, that it flew out of their hands and fell to the earth, where it was dashed in a hundred million and more pieces. Lecieli coraz wyżej i wyżej, coraz bliżej gwiazd, gdy nagle zwierciadło zatrzęsło się tak strasznie, że wyleciało im z rąk i spadło na ziemię, gdzie roztrzaskało się na sto milionów kawałków. And now it worked much more evil than before; for some of these pieces were hardly so large as a grain of sand, and they flew about in the wide world, and when they got into people’s eyes, there they stayed; and then people saw everything perverted, or only had an eye for that which was evil. A teraz działało to o wiele bardziej źle niż wcześniej, ponieważ niektóre z tych kawałków były prawie tak duże jak ziarnko piasku i latały po całym świecie, a kiedy dostały się do oczu ludzi, tam pozostały; i wtedy ludzie widzieli wszystko wypaczone lub mieli oko tylko na to, co było złe. This happened because the very smallest bit had the same power which the whole mirror had possessed. Some persons even got a splinter in their heart, and then it made one shudder, for their heart became like a lump of ice. Niektóre osoby dostały nawet drzazgę w serce, co wywołało dreszcze, ponieważ ich serce stało się jak bryła lodu. Some of the broken pieces were so large that they were used for windowpanes, through which one could not see one’s friends. Niektóre z połamanych kawałków były tak duże, że służyły za szyby, przez które nie można było zobaczyć swoich przyjaciół. Other pieces were put in spectacles; and that was a sad affair when people put on their glasses to see well and rightly. Inne kawałki zostały umieszczone w okularach; i to była smutna sprawa, kiedy ludzie zakładali okulary, aby widzieć dobrze i prawidłowo. Then the wicked sprite laughed till he almost choked, for all this tickled his fancy. The fine splinters still flew about in the air: and now we shall hear what happened next. Drobne odłamki wciąż latały w powietrzu, a teraz dowiemy się, co stało się później.