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Fifty Famous Stories Retold by James Baldwin, 7. A STORY OF ROBIN HOOD


IN the rude days of King Richard and King John there were many great woods in England.

The most famous of these was Sherwood forest, where the king often went to hunt deer. In this forest there lived a band of daring men called outlaws. They had done something that was against the laws of the land, and had been forced to hide themselves in the woods to save their lives.

There they spent their time in roaming about among the trees, in hunting the king's deer, and in robbing rich travelers that came that way. There were nearly a hundred of these outlaws, and their leader was a bold fellow called Robin Hood.

They were dressed in suits of green, and armed with bows and arrows; and sometimes they carried long wooden lances and broad-swords, which they knew how to handle well. Whenever they had taken anything, it was brought and laid at the feet of Robin Hood, whom they called their king. He then divided it fairly among them, giving to each man his just share. Robin never allowed his men to harm anybody but the rich men who lived in great houses and did no work.

He was always kind to the poor, and he often sent help to them; and for that reason the common people looked upon him as their friend. Long after he was dead, men liked to talk about his deeds.

Some praised him, and some blamed him. He was, indeed, a rude, lawless fellow; but at that time, people did not think of right and wrong as they do now. A great many songs were made up about Robin Hood, and these songs were sung in the cottages and huts all over the land for hundreds of years afterward.

Here is a little story that is told in one of those songs:—

Robin Hood was standing one day under a green tree by the roadside.

While he was listening to the birds among the leaves, he saw a young man passing by. This young man was dressed in a fine suit of bright red cloth; and, as he tripped gayly along the road, he seemed to be as happy as the day. "I will not trouble him," said Robin Hood, "for I think he is on his way to his wedding.

The next day Robin stood in the same place.

He had not been there long when he saw the same young man coming down the road. But he did not seem to be so happy this time. He had left his scarlet coat at home, and at every step he sighed and groaned. "Ah the sad day!

the sad day!" he kept saying to himself. Then Robin Hood stepped out from under the tree, and said,—

"I say, young man!

Have you any money to spare for my merry men and me? "I have nothing at all," said the young man, "but five shillings and a ring.

"A gold ring?

asked Robin. "Yes," said the young man, "it is a gold ring.

Here it is. "Ah, I see!

said Robin; "it is a wedding ring. "I have kept it these seven years," said the young man; "I have kept it to give to my bride on our wedding day.

We were going to be married yesterday. But her father has promised her to a rich old man whom she never saw. And now my heart is broken. "What is your name?

asked Robin. "My name is Allin-a-Dale," said the young man.

"What will you give me, in gold or fee," said Robin, "if I will help you win your bride again in spite of the rich old man to whom she has been promised?

"I have no money," said Allin, "but I will promise to be your servant.

"How many miles is it to the place where the maiden lives?

asked Robin. "It is not far," said Allin.

"But she is to be married this very day, and the church is five miles away. Then Robin made haste to dress himself as a harper; and in the afternoon he stood in the door of the church.

"Who are you?

said the bishop, "and what are you doing here? "I am a bold harper," said Robin, "the best in the north country.

"I am glad you have come," said the bishop kindly.

"There is no music that I like so well as that of the harp. Come in, and play for us. "I will go in," said Robin Hood; "but I will not give you any music until I see the bride and bride-groom.

Just then an old man came in.

He was dressed in rich clothing, but was bent with age, and was feeble and gray. By his side walked a fair young girl. Her cheeks were very pale, and her eyes were full of tears. "This is no match," said Robin.

"Let the bride choose for herself. Then he put his horn to his lips, and blew three times.

The very next minute, four and twenty men, all dressed in green, and carrying long bows in their hands, came running across the fields. And as they marched into the church, all in a row, the foremost among them was Allin-a-Dale. "Now whom do you choose?

said Robin to the maiden. "I choose Allin-a-Dale," she said blushing.

"And Allin-a-Dale you shall have," said Robin; "and he that takes you from Allin-a-Dale shall find that he has Robin Hood to deal with.

And so the fair maiden and Allin-a-Dale were married then and there, and the rich old man went home in a great rage.

"And thus having ended this merry wedding,

The bride looked like a queen:

And so they returned to the merry green wood,

Amongst the leaves so green.

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IN the rude days of King Richard and King John there were many great woods in England. V krutých dobách krále Richarda a krále Jana bylo v Anglii mnoho velkých lesů. IN den rauen Tagen von König Richard und König John gab es in England viele große Wälder. リチャード王とジョン王の失礼な時代には、イギリスにはたくさんの素晴らしい森がありました。 Under de grova dagarna med Kung Richard och Kung John fanns det många stora skogar i England. Kral Richard ve Kral John'un kaba günlerinde İngiltere'de çok sayıda büyük orman vardı. VÀO thời kỳ thô sơ của Vua Richard và Vua John, ở Anh có rất nhiều khu rừng lớn.

The most famous of these was Sherwood forest, where the king often went to hunt deer. |||||||||||||||hjortar Nejznámější z nich byl Sherwoodský les, kam král často chodil lovit jeleny. Der berühmteste davon war der Sherwood-Wald, in dem der König oft Hirsche jagte. これらの中で最も有名なのはシャーウッドの森で、王はしばしば鹿狩りに出かけました。 Den mest kända av dessa var Sherwoodskogen, dit kungen ofta gick för att jaga hjortar. In this forest there lived a band of daring men called outlaws. ||||||||wagemutigen||| ||||||||djärva||| In diesem Wald lebte eine Gruppe mutiger Männer, die als Gesetzlose bezeichnet wurden. この森には、無法者と呼ばれる大胆な男たちの集団が住んでいました。 I denna skog bodde en grupp djärva män kallade laglösa. Bu ormanın içinde bir grup cesur adam çeteler denirdi. Trong khu rừng này có một nhóm người táo bạo được gọi là những kẻ sống ngoài vòng pháp luật. They had done something that was against the laws of the land, and had been forced to hide themselves in the woods to save their lives. Udělali něco, co bylo v rozporu se zákony země, a byli nuceni se schovat v lesích, aby si zachránili život. Sie hatten etwas getan, was gegen die Gesetze des Landes verstieß, und waren gezwungen worden, sich im Wald zu verstecken, um ihr Leben zu retten. 彼らは土地の法律に反する何かをし、命を救うために森の中に身を隠すことを余儀なくされました。 Arazi yasalarına aykırı bir şey yapmışlar ve hayatlarını kurtarmak için kendilerini ormanda saklamak zorunda kalmışlardı. Họ đã làm điều gì đó trái với luật pháp của vùng đất này và buộc phải ẩn náu trong rừng để cứu mạng.

There they spent their time in roaming about among the trees, in hunting the king’s deer, and in robbing rich travelers that came that way. ||||||umherstreifen|||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||råna|||||| Tam trávili čas potulováním se mezi stromy, lovem králova jelena a okrádáním bohatých cestovatelů, kteří sem přišli. Dort verbrachten sie ihre Zeit damit, zwischen den Bäumen umherzustreifen, die Hirsche des Königs zu jagen und reiche Reisende auszurauben, die auf dem Weg dorthin kamen. そこで彼らは、木々の間を歩き回ったり、王の鹿を狩ったり、そのようにやってきた金持ちの旅行者を奪ったりすることに時間を費やしました。 Orada ağaçların arasında dolaşırken, kralın geyiğini avlarken ve o yoldan gelen zengin gezginleri sorarak zamanlarını harcadılar. Ở đó, họ dành thời gian đi lang thang giữa những tán cây, săn hươu của nhà vua và cướp bóc những du khách giàu có đi theo hướng đó. There were nearly a hundred of these outlaws, and their leader was a bold fellow called Robin Hood. |||||||||||||kühn|||| Es gab fast hundert dieser Gesetzlosen, und ihr Anführer war ein mutiger Bursche namens Robin Hood. これらの無法者は100人近くいて、彼らのリーダーはロビンフッドと呼ばれる大胆な仲間でした。 Bu kaçakların yaklaşık yüzlerce vardı ve liderleri Robin Hood adında cesur bir adamdı.

They were dressed in suits of green, and armed with bows and arrows; and sometimes they carried long wooden lances and broad-swords, which they knew how to handle well. ||||||||beväpnade med||||||||||||||svärd||||||| Byli oblečeni v zelených oblecích a vyzbrojeni luky a šípy; a někdy nosili dlouhá dřevěná kopí a široké meče, se kterými uměli dobře zacházet. Sie waren in grüne Anzüge gekleidet und mit Pfeil und Bogen bewaffnet; und manchmal trugen sie lange hölzerne Lanzen und breite Schwerter, mit denen sie gut umzugehen wussten. 彼らは緑色のスーツを着ており、弓と矢で武装していた。そして時々彼らは長い木製の槍と広い剣を持っていました。そしてそれは彼らがうまく扱う方法を知っていました。 Yeşil takım elbiseli giyindiler ve ok ve yaylarla silahlandırıldılar; ve bazen uzun tahta mızrakları ve geniş kılıçları taşıdılar; Họ mặc bộ đồ màu xanh lá cây và được trang bị cung tên; và đôi khi họ mang theo những cây thương gỗ dài và những thanh kiếm bản rộng, những thứ mà họ biết cách sử dụng thành thạo. Whenever they had taken anything, it was brought and laid at the feet of Robin Hood, whom they called their king. Wann immer sie etwas genommen hatten, wurde es gebracht und Robin Hood, den sie ihren König nannten, zu Füßen gelegt. 彼らが何かをとったときはいつでも、それは彼らが彼らの王と呼んだロビン・フッドの足元に運ばれ、置かれました。 Varje gång de hade tagit något, fördes det och lades vid fötterna av Robin Hood, som de kallade sin kung. Ne zaman bir şey aldıklarında, krallarını aradıkları Robin Hood'un ayaklarına getirildi ve koyuldu. Bất cứ khi nào họ lấy bất cứ thứ gì, nó sẽ được mang đến và đặt dưới chân Robin Hood, người mà họ gọi là vua của họ. He then divided it fairly among them, giving to each man his just share. Pak je spravedlivě rozdělil mezi ně a každému dal jeho spravedlivý díl. Dann teilte er es gerecht unter ihnen auf und gab jedem seinen gerechten Anteil. Han fördelade det sedan rättvist mellan dem och gav varje man sin rättvisa del. Daha sonra, her adama adil payını vererek, aralarında oldukça bölünmüştü. Robin never allowed his men to harm anybody but the rich men who lived in great houses and did no work. ||||||skada|||||||||||||| Robin nikdy nedovolil svým mužům ublížit někomu jinému než boháčům, kteří žili ve velkých domech a nepracovali. Robin erlaubte seinen Männern nie, jemandem zu schaden, außer den reichen Männern, die in großen Häusern lebten und keine Arbeit verrichteten. ロビンは彼の部下が大邸宅に住んで仕事をしなかった金持ち以外の誰にも危害を加えることを決して許しませんでした。 Робин никогда не позволял своим людям вредить никому, кроме богатых людей, которые жили в больших домах и не работали. Robin tillät aldrig sina män att skada någon annan än de rika männen som bodde i stora hus och inte arbetade. Robin, erkeklerinin hiç kimseye zarar vermesine izin vermezdi, ama büyük evlerde yaşayan ve hiçbir işe yaramayan zengin adamlara. Robin không bao giờ cho phép người của mình làm hại bất kỳ ai ngoại trừ những người đàn ông giàu có sống trong những ngôi nhà lớn và không làm việc.

He was always kind to the poor, and he often sent help to them; and for that reason the common people looked upon him as their friend. K chudým byl vždy laskavý a často jim posílal pomoc; a proto na něj obyčejní lidé pohlíželi jako na svého přítele. Er war immer freundlich zu den Armen und schickte ihnen oft Hilfe; und aus diesem Grund betrachteten ihn die einfachen Leute als ihren Freund. 彼はいつも貧しい人々に親切で、しばしば彼らに助けを送りました。そのため、庶民は彼を彼らの友人と見なしていました。 Han var alltid vänlig mot de fattiga och skickade ofta hjälp till dem, vilket gjorde att vanligt folk betraktade honom som sin vän. Long after he was dead, men liked to talk about his deeds. Noch lange nach seinem Tod redeten die Männer gerne über seine Taten. 彼が死んだずっと後、男性は彼の行為について話すのが好きでした。 Вскоре после смерти мужчины любили говорить о его поступках. Länge efter hans död tyckte människor om att prata om hans handlingar. Öldükten uzun süre sonra, adam işleri hakkında konuşmayı severdi. Rất lâu sau khi ông chết, đàn ông vẫn thích nói về những việc làm của ông.

Some praised him, and some blamed him. |||||beschuldigten| |||||klandrade| Někteří ho chválili a někteří mu vyčítali. Einige lobten ihn, andere tadelten ihn. 彼を称賛する人もいれば、非難する人もいます。 Några lovprisade honom och några klandrade honom. Bazıları onu övdü ve bazıları onu suçladı. He was, indeed, a rude, lawless fellow; but at that time, people did not think of right and wrong as they do now. |||||laglös||||||||||||||||| Byl to skutečně hrubý chlapík bez zákona; ale v té době lidé nepřemýšleli o dobrém a špatném jako nyní. Er war tatsächlich ein grober, gesetzloser Gefährte; aber damals dachten die Menschen nicht so über richtig und falsch wie heute. 彼は確かに失礼で無法な仲間でした。しかし当時、人々は今のように善悪を考えていませんでした。 Han var verkligen en grov, laglös individ; men på den tiden tänkte folk inte på rätt och fel som de gör nu. Gerçekten de, kaba, kanunsuz bir adamdı; ama o zamanlar, insanlar şimdi olduğu gibi doğru ve yanlış düşünmediler. Quả thực anh ta là một kẻ thô lỗ, vô luật pháp; nhưng thời đó người ta không nghĩ đúng sai như bây giờ. A great many songs were made up about Robin Hood, and these songs were sung in the cottages and huts all over the land for hundreds of years afterward. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||nachher |||||||||||||||||stugor och hyddor||kojor och stugor||||||||| O Robinu Hoodovi bylo vytvořeno mnoho písní a tyto písně se zpívaly v chalupách a chatrčích po celé zemi ještě stovky let poté. Sehr viele Lieder wurden über Robin Hood erfunden, und diese Lieder wurden Hunderte von Jahren später in den Cottages und Hütten im ganzen Land gesungen. ロビン・フッドについては非常に多くの曲が作られ、これらの曲はその後何百年もの間、全国のコテージや小屋で歌われました。 Massor av sånger skapades om Robin Hood, och dessa sånger sjöngs i stugor och kojor över hela landet i hundratals år därefter. Robin Hood hakkında çok sayıda şarkı yapıldı ve bu şarkılar, yüzlerce yıl sonra evlerdeki kulübelere ve arazilere seslendi.

Here is a little story that is told in one of those songs:— Zde je malý příběh, který je vyprávěn v jedné z těchto písní:— Här är en liten historia som berättas i en av dessa sånger: İşte bu şarkılardan birinde anlatılan küçük bir hikaye: -

Robin Hood was standing one day under a green tree by the roadside. ||||||||||||Straßenrand ||||||||||||vägkanten Robin Hood jednoho dne stál pod zeleným stromem u silnice. Robin Hood stand eines Tages unter einem grünen Baum am Straßenrand. ロビン・フッドはある日、道端の緑の木の下に立っていました。

While he was listening to the birds among the leaves, he saw a young man passing by. Zatímco poslouchal ptáky mezi listím, uviděl kolem procházet mladého muže. Während er den Vögeln zwischen den Blättern lauschte, sah er einen jungen Mann vorbeigehen. 木の葉の間で鳥のさえずりを聞いていると、一人の若者が通りかかった。 Khi đang lắng nghe tiếng chim hót trong lá, ông nhìn thấy một chàng trai đi ngang qua. This young man was dressed in a fine suit of bright red cloth; and, as he tripped gayly along the road, he seemed to be as happy as the day. |||||||||||||||||fröhlich|||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||glatt|||||||||||| Tento mladý muž byl oblečen do jemného obleku z jasně červené látky; a když vesele zakopl po silnici, zdálo se, že je šťastný jako den. Dieser junge Mann trug einen feinen Anzug aus leuchtend rotem Stoff; und als er fröhlich die Straße entlangstolperte, schien er so glücklich wie der Tag zu sein. Ce jeune homme était vêtu d'un beau costume d'étoffe rouge vif et, tout en marchant gaiement le long de la route, il semblait heureux comme le jour. この若い男は真っ赤な布の素晴らしいスーツを着ていました。そして、彼が道に沿って陽気につまずいたとき、彼はその日と同じくらい幸せだったようでした。 Этот молодой человек был одет в красивый костюм из ярко-красной ткани; и когда он весело споткнулся вдоль дороги, он казался таким же счастливым, как день. Bu genç adam parlak kırmızı kumaştan güzel bir takım elbise giymişti; ve eşcinsel olarak yolda ilerlerken, o gün kadar mutlu görünüyordu. Chàng trai trẻ này mặc một bộ vest đẹp bằng vải đỏ tươi; và khi vui vẻ bước đi trên đường, anh ấy dường như vẫn hạnh phúc như ngày nào. "I will not trouble him," said Robin Hood, "for I think he is on his way to his wedding. „Nebudu ho obtěžovat,“ řekl Robin Hood, „protože myslím, že je na cestě na svatbu. „Ich werde ihn nicht belästigen“, sagte Robin Hood, „denn ich glaube, er ist auf dem Weg zu seiner Hochzeit. 「私は彼を悩ませません」とロビン・フッドは言いました。「彼は結婚式に向かっていると思います。 Robin Hood, “Onu sıkıntıya sokmayacağım” diyen düğün için yolunda olduğunu düşünüyorum.

The next day Robin stood in the same place. Ertesi gün Robin aynı yerde durdu.

He had not been there long when he saw the same young man coming down the road. Nebyl tam dlouho, když uviděl stejného mladého muže přicházet po silnici. But he did not seem to be so happy this time. しかし、今回はあまり幸せそうには見えませんでした。 He had left his scarlet coat at home, and at every step he sighed and groaned. |||||||||||||seufzte||gestöhnt |||||||||||||||stönade Svůj šarlatový kabát nechal doma a na každém kroku vzdychal a sténal. Seinen scharlachroten Mantel hatte er zu Hause gelassen, und bei jedem Schritt seufzte und stöhnte er. 彼は緋色のコートを家に置いてきたので、歩くたびにため息をつき、うめいた。 Anh ta để chiếc áo khoác màu đỏ tươi ở nhà, cứ mỗi bước chân anh ta lại thở dài và rên rỉ. "Ah the sad day! "Ah üzücü gün!

the sad day!" he kept saying to himself. Then Robin Hood stepped out from under the tree, and said,—

"I say, young man! "Jag säger, unge man!

Have you any money to spare for my merry men and me? Máte nějaké peníze nazbyt pro mé veselé muže a pro mě? Hast du Geld übrig für meine fröhlichen Männer und mich? 私の陽気な男性と私のために割くお金はありますか? Har du några pengar att avvara för mina glada män och mig? Mutlu adamlar ve benim için boş param var mı? "I have nothing at all," said the young man, "but five shillings and a ring. „Ich habe gar nichts“, sagte der junge Mann, „außer fünf Schilling und einem Ring. 「私は何も持っていません」と若者は言いました。 "Jag har ingenting alls", sa den unge mannen, "bara fem shilling och en ring."

"A gold ring? 「金の指輪?

asked Robin. "Yes," said the young man, "it is a gold ring.

Here it is. "Ah, I see!

said Robin; "it is a wedding ring. "I have kept it these seven years," said the young man; "I have kept it to give to my bride on our wedding day. „Ich habe es diese sieben Jahre aufbewahrt,“ sagte der junge Mann; „Ich habe es aufbewahrt, um es meiner Braut an unserem Hochzeitstag zu schenken. 「私はこの7年間それを保った」と若者は言った。 「私は結婚式の日に私の花嫁に与えるためにそれを保ちました。 “Bu yedi yıl boyunca sakladım” dedi genç adam; "Düğün günümüzde gelinime vermeyi sürdürdüm.

We were going to be married yesterday. But her father has promised her to a rich old man whom she never saw. Aber ihr Vater hat sie einem reichen alten Mann versprochen, den sie nie gesehen hat. しかし、彼女の父親は、彼女が見たことのない金持ちの老人に彼女を約束しました。 And now my heart is broken. "What is your name?

asked Robin. "My name is Allin-a-Dale," said the young man. |||Allin|||||| "Мене звуть Аллін-а-Дейл", - сказав юнак.

"What will you give me, in gold or fee," said Robin, "if I will help you win your bride again in spite of the rich old man to whom she has been promised? ||||||||avgift|||||||||||||||||||||||| „Co mi dáš ve zlatě nebo v honoráři,“ řekl Robin, „když ti pomůžu znovu získat tvou nevěstu navzdory bohatému starci, kterému byla zaslíbena? „Was wirst du mir geben, in Gold oder Honorar,“ sagte Robin, „wenn ich dir helfe, deine Braut trotz des reichen alten Mannes, dem sie versprochen wurde, wieder zu gewinnen? ロビン氏は、「金や手数料で何をくれますか」と約束された金持ちのおじいさんにも関わらず、あなたの花嫁をもう一度手に入れるのを手伝ってくれませんか。 “Bana altın veya ücret karşılığında ne vereceksin?” Diyen Robin, “Bana söz verileceği zengin yaşlı adama rağmen gelini kazanmana yardım edersem?

"I have no money," said Allin, "but I will promise to be your servant. "Nemám peníze," řekl Allin, "ale slíbím, že budu tvůj sluha. „Ich habe kein Geld“, sagte Allin, „aber ich verspreche, dein Diener zu sein. "Jag har inga pengar," sa Allin, "men jag lovar att vara din tjänare."

"How many miles is it to the place where the maiden lives? ||||||||||jungfru| „Kolik mil je to do místa, kde žije ta dívka? 「乙女の住む場所まで何マイル? "Kızının yaşadığı yere kaç mil var?

asked Robin. "It is not far," said Allin.

"But she is to be married this very day, and the church is five miles away. „Ale dnes se má vdávat a kostel je pět mil daleko. „Aber sie soll noch heute heiraten, und die Kirche ist fünf Meilen entfernt. "Ama o bugün bu gün evlenecek ve kilise beş mil uzakta. “Nhưng cô ấy sẽ kết hôn ngay hôm nay và nhà thờ cách đây năm dặm. Then Robin made haste to dress himself as a harper; and in the afternoon he stood in the door of the church. |||Eile|||||||||||||||||| |||||||||spelman|||||||||||| Pak si Robin pospíšil, aby se oblékl jako harfeník; a odpoledne stál ve dveřích kostela. Dann beeilte sich Robin, sich als Harfner zu verkleiden; und am Nachmittag stand er in der Tür der Kirche. それからロビンは急いで自分をハーパーに扮した。そして午後、彼は教会のドアに立っていました。 Sonra Robin kendini bir harper olarak giymek için acele etti; öğleden sonra ise kilisenin kapısında durdu. Sau đó Robin vội vàng ăn mặc như một người chơi đàn hạc; và buổi chiều anh đứng trước cửa nhà thờ.

"Who are you?

said the bishop, "and what are you doing here? ||biskopen|||||| "I am a bold harper," said Robin, "the best in the north country. |||kühn||||||||| „Ich bin ein mutiger Harfner,“ sagte Robin, „der beste im Nordland. 「私は大胆な竪琴です」とロビンは言いました、「北の国で一番です。 Robin nói: “Tôi là một tay chơi đàn táo bạo, giỏi nhất miền bắc.

"I am glad you have come," said the bishop kindly.

"There is no music that I like so well as that of the harp. |||||||||||||harpa „Neexistuje žádná hudba, kterou bych měl tak rád, jako hudba harfy. „Es gibt keine Musik, die mir so gut gefällt wie die der Harfe. 「ハープほど好きな音楽はない。 Come in, and play for us. "I will go in," said Robin Hood; "but I will not give you any music until I see the bride and bride-groom. ||||||||||||||||||||||brudgum "Půjdu dovnitř," řekl Robin Hood; „ale nebudu ti dávat žádnou hudbu, dokud neuvidím nevěstu a ženicha. 「入ります」とロビン・フッドは言いました。 「でも、新郎新婦に会うまでは、音楽はあげません。 “Ben içeri gireceğim” dedi Robin Hood; "Ama gelini ve gelin-damatı görene kadar sana hiç bir müzik vermeyeceğim.

Just then an old man came in.

He was dressed in rich clothing, but was bent with age, and was feeble and gray. ||||||||gekrümmt|||||schwach|| |||||||||||||svag|| Byl oblečený v bohatých šatech, ale věkem se prohýbal a byl slabý a šedý. Er war reich gekleidet, aber vom Alter gebeugt und schwach und grau. 彼は豊かな服を着ていたが、年齢とともに曲がり、弱くて灰色だった。 Zengin kıyafetler giymişti ama yaşla eğilmişti, zayıf ve griydi. Ông ta mặc quần áo sang trọng nhưng đã già đi, dáng người yếu ớt và xám xịt. By his side walked a fair young girl. 彼のそばで色白の少女を歩いた。 Bên cạnh anh là một cô gái trẻ xinh đẹp. Her cheeks were very pale, and her eyes were full of tears. |Wangen|||||||||| "This is no match," said Robin. |||das ist kein Wettkampf|| "Tohle není zápas," řekl Robin. "Das ist kein Spiel", sagte Robin. "Bu bir maç değil," dedi Robin. Robin nói: “Đây không phải là trận đấu.

"Let the bride choose for herself. „Ať si nevěsta vybere sama. 「花嫁に自分で選んでもらいましょう。 "Gelin kendini seçsin. Then he put his horn to his lips, and blew three times. それから彼は角をくちびるにあてて、3回吹きました。 Då satte han sin horn till läpparna och blåste tre gånger. Sonra boynuzunu dudaklarına koydu ve üç kez havaya uçurdu.

The very next minute, four and twenty men, all dressed in green, and carrying long bows in their hands, came running across the fields. Hned v další minutě běželo přes pole čtyři a dvacet mužů, všichni oděni v zeleném as dlouhými luky v rukou. その直後、4人と20人の男性が全員緑の服を着ており、長い弓を手にして、畑を走り回りました。 Alldeles nästa minut sprang fyra och tjugo män, alla klädda i grönt och med långa bågar i sina händer, över fälten. Ngay phút sau, bốn mươi hai người đàn ông, tất cả đều mặc đồ màu xanh lá cây, tay cầm cung dài, chạy băng qua cánh đồng. And as they marched into the church, all in a row, the foremost among them was Allin-a-Dale. ||||||||||||vorderste|||||| ||||||||||||främst|||||| A když vpochodovali do kostela, všichni v řadě, nejpřednější z nich byl Allin-a-Dale. Und als sie alle in einer Reihe in die Kirche marschierten, war Allin-a-Dale die Erste unter ihnen. そして、彼らが一列になって教会に行進したとき、彼らの中で最も重要なのはアラン・ア・デイルでした。 Och när de marcherade in i kyrkan, allihop på rad, var den främste bland dem Allin-a-Dale. Ve kiliseye doğru yürüdüklerinde, üst üste, aralarında en önemlisi Allin-a-Dale'dı. Và khi họ tiến vào nhà thờ, tất cả đều thành hàng dài, người dẫn đầu trong số họ là Allin-a-Dale. "Now whom do you choose? „Koho si teď vybereš? 「今、あなたは誰を選びますか? "Vem väljer du nu?" "Şimdi kimi seçiyorsun?

said Robin to the maiden. Robin kızlık için söyledi. "I choose Allin-a-Dale," she said blushing. |||||||errötend |||||||rodnande

"And Allin-a-Dale you shall have," said Robin; "and he that takes you from Allin-a-Dale shall find that he has Robin Hood to deal with. "A Allin-a-Dale budete mít," řekla Robin; „A ten, kdo tě vezme z Allin-a-Dale, zjistí, že má co dělat s Robinem Hoodem. "Und Allin-a-Dale sollen Sie haben," sagte Robin; „Und wer dich aus Allin-a-Dale holt, wird feststellen, dass er es mit Robin Hood zu tun hat. 「そして、あなたが持っているであろうAllin-a-Dale」とロビンは言った。 「そして、アラン・ア・デイルからあなたを連れて行く彼は、彼が対処するロビン・フッドを持っていることに気付くでしょう。 "И Аллин-а-Дейл, вы будете иметь," сказал Робин; «И тот, кто заберет вас из Аллин-а-Дейл, обнаружит, что с ним есть Робин Гуд. "Och Allin-a-Dale ska du få," sa Robin; "och den som tar dig från Allin-a-Dale ska finna att han har att göra med Robin Hood. "Và bạn sẽ có Allin-a-Dale," Robin nói; "và kẻ đưa cậu rời khỏi Allin-a-Dale sẽ thấy rằng hắn phải đối phó với Robin Hood.

And so the fair maiden and Allin-a-Dale were married then and there, and the rich old man went home in a great rage. ||||||||||||||||||||||||raseri A tak se krásná panna a Allin-a-Dale tehdy a tam vzali a bohatý stařec odešel domů ve velkém vzteku. Und so heirateten die schöne Jungfrau und Allin-a-Dale auf der Stelle, und der reiche alte Mann ging wütend nach Hause. それで、公正な乙女とアラン・ア・デイルはあちこちで結婚し、金持ちの老人は大激怒して家に帰りました。 Итак, прекрасная девица и Аллин-а-Дейл были женаты тогда и там, и богатый старик вернулся домой в ярости. Och så gifte sig den vackra flickan och Allin-a-Dale där och då, och den rike gamle mannen gick hem i stor vrede. Ve böylece adil kızlık ve Allin-a-Dale o zamanlar orada evlendi ve zengin yaşlı adam büyük bir öfkeyle eve gitti.

"And thus having ended this merry wedding, |således||||| "A tím skončila tato veselá svatba, 「そして、この陽気な結婚式を終えて、 "Och så slutade denna glada bröllop",

The bride looked like a queen: Nevěsta vypadala jako královna: 花嫁は女王のように見えました:

And so they returned to the merry green wood, A tak se vrátili do veselého zeleného lesa, そして、彼らは陽気な緑の木に戻りました、 Och så återvände de till den glada gröna skogen,

Amongst the leaves so green. Mezi listy tak zelené. 葉の中でとても緑。 Bland löven så gröna.