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Spotlight Broadcasts, The Ninth Day of the Ninth Month

The Ninth Day of the Ninth Month

Voice 1

Thank you for joining us for today's Spotlight program. I'm Liz Waid.

Voice 2

And I'm Joshua Leo. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.

Voice 3

“On the ninth minute of the ninth hour of the ninth day of the ninth month, we ask the world to remember that during the nine months of pregnancy, alcohol can be very dangerous to the baby. We also ask the world to remember the millions of people worldwide who will struggle with mental disabilities caused by prenatal alcohol.”

Voice 1

This is the request of FAS organizations worldwide. These organizations work to spread information about FAS - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

Voice 2

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, or FAS, is a problem worldwide. It is a set of birth defects or problems. Sometimes people call these problems Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. These problems can be minor or severe. But they are all caused by the same thing. These problems are caused when a pregnant mother drinks alcohol. When a pregnant woman drinks alcohol, it is like her unborn baby is also drinking alcohol. This alcohol can affect the unborn baby in many different ways. Physically, a child with FAS may look different than normal children. A child with FAS may also have mental problems. Drinking alcohol while pregnant can damage a forming baby.

Voice 1

But, there is good news. People can prevent Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. If a woman completely avoids alcohol while she is pregnant, she will avoid giving her baby Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. But some women have a very difficult time avoiding alcohol. Some women just do not know that alcohol can affect a forming baby. Some health care workers do not have enough knowledge about FAS. And some women get false information from their doctors, friends, or families about alcohol and pregnancy. But the problems from FAS influence individuals, families, and whole communities. That is why three parents decided to take action.

Voice 2

In October of 1998, a small group of parents met together for the first time. They included Bonnie Buxton, Brian Philcox, and Teresa Kellerman. Bonnie, Brian and Teresa all had children who suffered from FAS. Many of the parents had adopted their children. They accepted children into their families that they did not give birth to. And some were foster parents. They were taking care of the children temporarily.

Voice 1

Raising any child can be difficult. But raising a child with FAS can be even more difficult. Children with FAS may suffer from mental and physical problems. All of the parents were part of an online support group. They communicated with each other through the internet. All these parents could talk together about experiencing similar issues with their children.

Voice 2

Many of the parents in the group noticed a lack of knowledge about FAS. The general public, and even many doctors, did not know about the effects of alcohol during pregnancy. But the group of parents could clearly see these effects in their children. They wanted to spread this information.

Voice 1

Bonnie, Brian and Teresa began an international organization called FASworld. They used their website, FASworld.com, to spread information about fetal alcohol issues around the world. One way they could spread information and raise awareness would be to set a special day. On this day, people all around the world could think about the problem of FAS. A woman is pregnant for nine months. So, they decided to make the number nine very important in their idea. On the ninth minute of the ninth hour, of the ninth day of the ninth month of the year 1999, people would stop and think about FAS. And that is just what happened! They called their event FAS Awareness Day. Groups in almost every time zone took part in the first celebration.

Voice 2

Since then, every year on September nine, more and more people around the world celebrate FAS Awareness Day. Some celebrate by ringing bells or playing other instruments. The simple music of bells helps people remember the innocence of children. But the sound of bells can also be a warning, a mark of an important moment, or a sound of joy. FASworld believes that the sound of bells on FAS day can be all three of these things!

Voice 1

Some celebrate FAS day in a minute of quiet thought. From 9:09 until 9:10 they stand quietly and think. They remember the people they know who suffer from FAS. They think about the people who have FAS and do not even know it.

Voice 2

On September nine, 2007, the world will again celebrate FAS Awareness Day. When the clock says 9:09, people all around the world will stop what they are doing. They will ring bells or quietly think. What will you do?

Voice 1

One FAS group asks the question: At this special minute of history, could we begin to change the world?

Voice 2

FAS Day is about more than just thinking. It is also about acting ! September nine is the perfect time to spread information about FAS. How can a person do that? FASworld has some suggestions!

Voice 1

You could hang a poster! The FASworld website has examples of posters to print. Hang these informational papers at your place of work, your place of worship, your university, or local store.

Voice 2

You can ask a city official to make an official declaration of the day. You can visit the FASworld website for examples of official documents.

Voice 1

Or, you could plan a public information table. Set up a table in a public place. Offer information about FAS. You can find a lot of information on FASworld's website. We will include this web address on the script page for this program.

Voice 2

Small actions can produce big results! Each year FAS day grows. Each year, more people learn more about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. You can help FASworld spread their message around the world! During the nine months of pregnancy, while breastfeeding or planning to conceive, women should not drink alcohol.

Voice 1

No child should suffer from a preventable condition. The FASD Association of San Antonio in the United States is one group that will be celebrating FAS Awareness Day. They have provided a pledge, or promise, that people can say for this event. Information and support can help decrease FAS. It begins with a promise!

Voice 3

“I am aware that drinking any alcohol at all during pregnancy may cause permanent brain damage to the baby. Therefore, I declare that I will support and encourage my partner, my friends and my family members to be alcohol - free during pregnancy.”

Voice 1

Can we change the world in one minute?

Voice 2

The writer and producer of this program was Liz Waid. Computer users can hear more Spotlight programs on our website at www.Radio.English.net. This program is called “The Ninth Day of the Ninth Month.”

Voice 1

If you have a comment or question for Spotlight you can email us at radio @ english.net. We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Goodbye!

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The Ninth Day of the Ninth Month Der neunte Tag des neunten Monats Η ένατη ημέρα του ένατου μήνα Noveno día del noveno mes Le neuvième jour du neuvième mois Il nono giorno del nono mese 九月九日 아홉 번째 달의 아홉 번째 날 O nono dia do nono mês Девятый день девятого месяца Dokuzuncu Ayın Dokuzuncu Günü Дев'ятий день дев'ятого місяця 九月初九 九月初九

Voice 1

Thank you for joining us for today’s Spotlight program. Vielen Dank, dass Sie heute bei unserem Spotlight-Programm dabei sind. I’m Liz Waid.

Voice 2

And I’m Joshua Leo. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.

Voice 3

“On the ninth minute of the ninth hour of the ninth day of the ninth month, we ask the world to remember that during the nine months of pregnancy, alcohol can be very dangerous to the baby. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||妊娠中|||||||| "No nono minuto da nona hora do nono dia do nono mês, pedimos ao mundo que se lembre de que, durante os nove meses de gravidez, o álcool pode ser muito perigoso para o bebé. “Vào phút thứ chín giờ thứ chín ngày thứ chín của tháng chín, chúng tôi yêu cầu thế giới hãy nhớ rằng trong chín tháng của thai kỳ, rượu có thể rất nguy hiểm cho em bé. We also ask the world to remember the millions of people worldwide who will struggle with mental disabilities caused by prenatal alcohol.” |||||||||||||||||障害|||出生前| Pedimos também ao mundo que se lembre dos milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo que lutarão contra as deficiências mentais causadas pelo álcool pré-natal". Chúng tôi cũng yêu cầu thế giới tưởng nhớ hàng triệu người trên toàn thế giới sẽ phải vật lộn với khuyết tật tâm thần do rượu trước khi sinh gây ra.”

Voice 1

This is the request of FAS organizations worldwide. Este é o pedido das organizações da FAS em todo o mundo. These organizations work to spread information about FAS - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. ||||||||胎児性||症候群 Estas organizações trabalham para divulgar informação sobre a SAF - Síndrome Alcoólica Fetal. Các tổ chức này hoạt động nhằm truyền bá thông tin về FAS - Hội chứng rượu bào thai.

Voice 2

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, or FAS, is a problem worldwide. fetal|||||||| Das fetale Alkoholsyndrom, kurz FAS, ist ein weltweites Problem. A Síndrome Alcoólica Fetal, ou SAF, é um problema mundial. It is a set of birth defects or problems. Es handelt sich um eine Reihe von Geburtsfehlern oder Problemen. それは一連の先天性欠損症または問題です。 É um conjunto de defeitos ou problemas congénitos. Đó là một tập hợp các khuyết tật hoặc vấn đề bẩm sinh. Sometimes people call these problems Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. |||||||スペクトラム|障害 時には人々はこれらの問題を胎児アルコールスペクトラム障害と呼びます。 Por vezes, chama-se a estes problemas Perturbações do Espectro Alcoólico Fetal. These problems can be minor or severe. ||||||深刻な これらの問題は軽度または重度である可能性があります。 Estes problemas podem ser ligeiros ou graves. Những vấn đề này có thể nhỏ hoặc nghiêm trọng. But they are all caused by the same thing. Mas todos eles são causados pela mesma coisa. Nhưng tất cả đều được gây ra bởi cùng một điều. These problems are caused when a pregnant mother drinks alcohol. Estes problemas são causados pelo consumo de álcool por uma mãe grávida. When a pregnant woman drinks alcohol, it is like her unborn baby is also drinking alcohol. ||||||||||未出生の||||| 妊娠中の女性がアルコールを飲むと、未出生の赤ちゃんもアルコールを飲んでいるのと同じことです。 Quando uma mulher grávida bebe álcool, é como se o seu feto também estivesse a beber álcool. Khi người phụ nữ mang thai uống rượu, điều đó giống như đứa con trong bụng của cô ấy cũng đang uống rượu. This alcohol can affect the unborn baby in many different ways. このアルコールは未出生の赤ちゃんに多くの異なる方法で影響を与える可能性があります。 Este álcool pode afetar o feto de muitas formas diferentes. Physically, a child with FAS may look different than normal children. 身体的には、FASの子供は通常の子供とは異なって見えることがあります。 Fisicamente, uma criança com SAF pode ter um aspeto diferente das crianças normais. A child with FAS may also have mental problems. |||||||精神的な| Uma criança com SAF pode também ter problemas mentais. Drinking alcohol while pregnant can damage a forming baby. Alkoholkonsum in der Schwangerschaft kann dem sich entwickelnden Baby schaden. O consumo de álcool durante a gravidez pode prejudicar o bebé em formação. Uống rượu khi mang thai có thể gây hại cho em bé đang hình thành.

Voice 1

But, there is good news. Mas há boas notícias. People can prevent Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. ||防ぐことができる||| As pessoas podem prevenir a Síndrome Alcoólica Fetal. If a woman completely avoids alcohol while she is pregnant, she will avoid giving her baby Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. 妊娠中に女性がアルコールを完全に避ける場合、彼女は赤ちゃんに胎児性アルコール症候群を与えることを避けるでしょう。 Se uma mulher evitar completamente o álcool durante a gravidez, evitará transmitir ao seu bebé a Síndrome Alcoólica Fetal. Nếu một người phụ nữ hoàn toàn tránh uống rượu khi đang mang thai, cô ấy sẽ tránh được Hội chứng rượu cho thai nhi. But some women have a very difficult time avoiding alcohol. しかし、アルコールを避けるのが非常に難しい女性もいます。 Mas algumas mulheres têm muita dificuldade em evitar o álcool. Some women just do not know that alcohol can affect a forming baby. 一部の女性は、アルコールが形成中の赤ちゃんに影響を与える可能性があることを知らないだけです。 Algumas mulheres simplesmente não sabem que o álcool pode afetar um bebé em formação. Some health care workers do not have enough knowledge about FAS. Alguns profissionais de saúde não têm conhecimentos suficientes sobre a SAF. And some women get false information from their doctors, friends, or families about alcohol and pregnancy. ||||誤った||||||||||| そして、女性たちは医者、友人、あるいは家族からアルコールと妊娠に関する誤った情報を得ることがあります。 E algumas mulheres recebem informações falsas dos seus médicos, amigos ou familiares sobre o álcool e a gravidez. Và một số phụ nữ nhận được thông tin sai lệch từ bác sĩ, bạn bè hoặc gia đình về rượu và việc mang thai. But the problems from FAS influence individuals, families, and whole communities. しかし、FASの問題は個人や家族、そして全体のコミュニティに影響を与えます。 Mas os problemas da SAF influenciam indivíduos, famílias e comunidades inteiras. Nhưng những vấn đề do FAS gây ra lại ảnh hưởng đến từng cá nhân, gia đình và cả cộng đồng. That is why three parents decided to take action. だからこそ、3人の親が行動を起こすことに決めました。 Foi por isso que três pais decidiram agir. Đó là lý do tại sao ba bậc cha mẹ quyết định hành động.

Voice 2

In October of 1998, a small group of parents met together for the first time. Em outubro de 1998, um pequeno grupo de pais reuniu-se pela primeira vez. They included Bonnie Buxton, Brian Philcox, and Teresa Kellerman. Bonnie, Brian and Teresa all had children who suffered from FAS. Bonnie, Brian und Teresa hatten alle Kinder, die an FAS litten. A Bonnie, o Brian e a Teresa tiveram todos filhos que sofriam de SAF. Many of the parents had adopted their children. |||||養子にした|| Viele der Eltern hatten ihre Kinder adoptiert. 多くの親が子供を養子に迎え入れていました。 Muitos dos pais tinham adotado os seus filhos. They accepted children into their families that they did not give birth to. 彼らは自分が生んだ子供ではない子供を家族に迎え入れました。 Aceitaram nas suas famílias crianças que não tinham dado à luz. Họ chấp nhận những đứa trẻ vào gia đình mà họ không sinh ra. And some were foster parents. |||養育| そして、何人かは養親でした。 E alguns eram pais adoptivos. Và một số là cha mẹ nuôi. They were taking care of the children temporarily. Estavam a tomar conta das crianças temporariamente.

Voice 1

Raising any child can be difficult. Educar qualquer criança pode ser difícil. Nuôi bất kỳ đứa trẻ nào cũng có thể khó khăn. But raising a child with FAS can be even more difficult. Mas criar uma criança com SAF pode ser ainda mais difícil. Children with FAS may suffer from mental and physical problems. |||かもしれない|||||| As crianças com SAF podem sofrer de problemas mentais e físicos. All of the parents were part of an online support group. Todos os pais faziam parte de um grupo de apoio em linha. They communicated with each other through the internet. Comunicavam uns com os outros através da Internet. All these parents could talk together about experiencing similar issues with their children. これらのすべての親は、子供たちに似た問題を経験していることについて話し合うことができました。 Todos estes pais poderiam falar em conjunto sobre problemas semelhantes com os seus filhos.

Voice 2 声 2

Many of the parents in the group noticed a lack of knowledge about FAS. グループの多くの親は、FASについての知識が不足していることに気づきました。 Muitos dos pais do grupo notaram uma falta de conhecimento sobre a SAF. The general public, and even many doctors, did not know about the effects of alcohol during pregnancy. O público em geral, e mesmo muitos médicos, não conheciam os efeitos do álcool durante a gravidez. Công chúng và thậm chí nhiều bác sĩ không biết về tác hại của rượu khi mang thai. But the group of parents could clearly see these effects in their children. Mas o grupo de pais podia ver claramente estes efeitos nos seus filhos. Nhưng nhóm cha mẹ có thể thấy rõ những tác động này ở con mình. They wanted to spread this information. Queriam divulgar esta informação.

Voice 1

Bonnie, Brian and Teresa began an international organization called FASworld. |||||||||FASworld A Bonnie, o Brian e a Teresa criaram uma organização internacional chamada FASworld. They used their website, FASworld.com, to spread information about fetal alcohol issues around the world. ||||||||||related to fetus||||| Utilizaram o seu sítio Web, FASworld.com, para divulgar informações sobre questões relacionadas com o álcool fetal em todo o mundo. One way they could spread information and raise awareness would be to set a special day. Eine Möglichkeit, Informationen zu verbreiten und das Bewusstsein zu schärfen, wäre die Festlegung eines besonderen Tages. 情報を広め、意識を高める一つの方法は、特別な日を設けることです。 Uma forma de divulgar informação e sensibilizar as pessoas seria criar um dia especial. Một cách để họ có thể truyền bá thông tin và nâng cao nhận thức là ấn định một ngày đặc biệt. On this day, people all around the world could think about the problem of FAS. この日に、世界中の人々がFASの問題について考えることができるでしょう。 Neste dia, as pessoas de todo o mundo puderam refletir sobre o problema da SAF. A woman is pregnant for nine months. 女性は妊娠している期間は九ヶ月です。 Uma mulher está grávida durante nove meses. So, they decided to make the number nine very important in their idea. Also beschlossen sie, die Zahl Neun in ihrer Idee sehr wichtig zu machen. それで、彼らは彼らのアイデアの中で数字の9を非常に重要にすることに決めました。 Por isso, decidiram tornar o número nove muito importante na sua ideia. On the ninth minute of the ninth hour, of the ninth day of the ninth month of the year 1999, people would stop and think about FAS. 1999年の9月の9日、9時の9分に、人々はFASについて考えるために立ち止まるでしょう。 No nono minuto da nona hora, do nono dia do nono mês do ano de 1999, as pessoas parariam para pensar na FAS. And that is just what happened! そして、それが実際に起こったのです! E foi isso mesmo que aconteceu! They called their event FAS Awareness Day. Sie nannten ihre Veranstaltung FAS Awareness Day. Chamaram ao seu evento o Dia de Sensibilização para a FAS. Groups in almost every time zone took part in the first celebration. ||||||参加した|参加した|||| Gruppen aus fast allen Zeitzonen nahmen an der ersten Feier teil. ほぼすべてのタイムゾーンのグループが最初の祝賀イベントに参加しました。 A primeira celebração contou com a participação de grupos de quase todos os fusos horários. Các nhóm ở hầu hết các múi giờ đều tham gia lễ kỷ niệm đầu tiên.

Voice 2 声 2

Since then, every year on September nine, more and more people around the world celebrate FAS Awareness Day. それ以来、毎年9月9日には、世界中でますます多くの人々がFAS意識デーを祝います。 Desde então, todos os anos, a nove de setembro, cada vez mais pessoas em todo o mundo celebram o Dia de Sensibilização para a FAS. Some celebrate by ringing bells or playing other instruments. Alguns festejam tocando sinos ou outros instrumentos. The simple music of bells helps people remember the innocence of children. A música simples dos sinos ajuda as pessoas a recordar a inocência das crianças. But the sound of bells can also be a warning, a mark of an important moment, or a sound of joy. Der Klang von Glocken kann aber auch eine Warnung sein, ein Zeichen für einen wichtigen Moment oder ein Klang der Freude. しかし、鐘の音は警告であったり、重要な瞬間の印であったり、喜びの音でもあります。 Mas o som dos sinos também pode ser um aviso, um sinal de um momento importante ou um som de alegria. FASworld believes that the sound of bells on FAS day can be all three of these things! FASworldは、FASの日の鐘の音がこの3つのものであることができると信じています! O FASworld acredita que o som dos sinos no dia da FAS pode ser as três coisas! FASworld tin rằng tiếng chuông trong ngày FAS có thể là cả ba điều đó!

Voice 1 声 1

Some celebrate FAS day in a minute of quiet thought. Manche feiern den FAS-Tag in einer ruhigen Minute der Besinnung. Alguns celebram o dia do FAS num minuto de reflexão tranquila. From 9:09 until 9:10 they stand quietly and think. Das 9:09 às 9:10, ficam em silêncio e pensam. They remember the people they know who suffer from FAS. Lembram-se das pessoas que conhecem que sofrem de SAF. They think about the people who have FAS and do not even know it. Sie denken an die Menschen, die FAS haben und es nicht einmal wissen. Pensam nas pessoas que têm FAS e nem sequer o sabem. Họ nghĩ về những người mắc FAS và thậm chí không biết điều đó.

Voice 2

On September nine, 2007, the world will again celebrate FAS Awareness Day. Em 9 de setembro de 2007, o mundo celebrará novamente o Dia de Sensibilização para a FAS. When the clock says 9:09, people all around the world will stop what they are doing. Quando o relógio disser 9:09, as pessoas em todo o mundo vão parar o que estão a fazer. They will ring bells or quietly think. Tocam campainhas ou pensam em silêncio. Họ sẽ rung chuông hoặc lặng lẽ suy nghĩ. What will you do? O que é que vais fazer?

Voice 1

One FAS group asks the question: At this special minute of history, could we begin to change the world? Um grupo da FAS coloca a questão: Neste momento especial da história, poderíamos começar a mudar o mundo?

Voice 2

FAS Day is about more than just thinking. O Dia FAS é mais do que apenas pensar. It is also about acting ! Também se trata de atuar! September nine is the perfect time to spread information about FAS. O dia nove de setembro é a altura ideal para divulgar informações sobre a SAF. How can a person do that? どのようにして人はそれを行うことができるのか? Como é que uma pessoa pode fazer isso? FASworld has some suggestions! FASworldからいくつかの提案があります! A FASworld tem algumas sugestões!

Voice 1 声 1

You could hang a poster! Podia-se pendurar um poster! The FASworld website has examples of posters to print. Hang these informational papers at your place of work, your place of worship, your university, or local store. ||||||||||||礼拝所||||| Pendure estes documentos informativos no seu local de trabalho, no seu local de culto, na sua universidade ou numa loja local.

Voice 2

You can ask a city official to make an official declaration of the day. Sie können einen Stadtbeamten bitten, den Tag offiziell zu erklären. Pode pedir a um funcionário municipal que faça uma declaração oficial do dia. Bạn có thể yêu cầu một quan chức thành phố đưa ra tuyên bố chính thức trong ngày. You can visit the FASworld website for examples of official documents. Pode visitar o sítio Web FASworld para obter exemplos de documentos oficiais.

Voice 1

Or, you could plan a public information table. Ou então, pode planear uma mesa de informação ao público. Set up a table in a public place. Montar uma mesa num local público. Offer information about FAS. Oferecer informações sobre a FAS. You can find a lot of information on FASworld’s website. ||||||||FASworld| Pode encontrar muitas informações no sítio Web do FASworld. We will include this web address on the script page for this program. ||||ウェブ|||||||| Wir werden diese Webadresse auf der Skriptseite für dieses Programm angeben. Incluiremos este endereço Web na página do guião deste programa. Chúng tôi sẽ đưa địa chỉ web này vào trang tập lệnh của chương trình này.

Voice 2

Small actions can produce big results! |||生み出す|| Kleine Maßnahmen können große Ergebnisse erzielen! Pequenas acções podem produzir grandes resultados! Each year FAS day grows. ||||増加する Todos os anos, o dia do FAS cresce. Each year, more people learn more about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. Todos os anos, mais pessoas ficam a saber mais sobre as Perturbações do Espectro Alcoólico Fetal. You can help FASworld spread their message around the world! ||||||メッセージ||| Pode ajudar a FASworld a divulgar a sua mensagem em todo o mundo! During the nine months of pregnancy, while breastfeeding or planning to conceive, women should not drink alcohol. |||||||||||||||飲む| Durante os nove meses de gravidez, enquanto amamentam ou planeiam engravidar, as mulheres não devem beber álcool.

Voice 1

No child should suffer from a preventable condition. |||||||病状 Kein Kind sollte an einer vermeidbaren Krankheit leiden. Nenhuma criança deve sofrer de uma doença que possa ser evitada. Không có đứa trẻ nào phải chịu đựng một tình trạng có thể phòng ngừa được. The FASD Association of San Antonio in the United States is one group that will be celebrating FAS Awareness Day. |||||||||アメリカ合衆国|||||||||| |FASD|||||||||||||||||| They have provided a pledge, or promise, that people can say for this event. ||||誓い||||||||| ||||promesa||promesa||||||| Sie haben ein Versprechen gegeben, das die Menschen für diese Veranstaltung abgeben können. A Comissão Europeia apresentou um compromisso, ou promessa, que as pessoas podem fazer para este evento. Information and support can help decrease FAS. |||||減少させる| A informação e o apoio podem ajudar a diminuir a SAF. It begins with a promise! |始まる||| Começa com uma promessa!

Voice 3

“I am aware that drinking any alcohol at all during pregnancy may cause permanent brain damage to the baby. |||||||||||||永久的な||||| "Estou ciente de que o consumo de álcool durante a gravidez pode causar danos cerebrais permanentes ao bebé. “Tôi biết rằng uống bất kỳ loại rượu nào khi mang thai có thể gây tổn thương não vĩnh viễn cho em bé. Therefore, I declare that I will support and encourage my partner, my friends and my family members to be alcohol - free during pregnancy.” ||||||||励ます|||||||||||||| Daher erkläre ich, dass ich meine Partnerin, meine Freunde und meine Familienmitglieder unterstützen und ermutigen werde, während der Schwangerschaft alkoholfrei zu bleiben." Por conseguinte, declaro que apoiarei e encorajarei o meu parceiro, os meus amigos e os meus familiares a não consumirem álcool durante a gravidez."

Voice 1

Can we change the world in one minute? Podemos mudar o mundo num minuto?

Voice 2

The writer and producer of this program was Liz Waid. |作家|||||||| Computer users can hear more Spotlight programs on our website at www.Radio.English.net. ||||||プログラム|||||||| This program is called “The Ninth Day of the Ninth Month.”

Voice 1

If you have a comment or question for Spotlight you can email us at radio @ english.net. |||||||||||メール||||| We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Goodbye!