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Breakfast at Tiffany's, CHAPTER EIGHT The End of the Summer

CHAPTER EIGHT The End of the Summer

I can't clearly remember those final weeks of summer and the beginning of another winter. We didn't talk a lot. I understood her and she understood me. We didn't need words. We were happy to be together, sometimes in silence.

Often, he was out of town. I didn't like him, so I didn't use his name. Then Holly and I spent evenings together and we didn't say more than a hundred words. One night we walked all the way to Chinatown, for Chinese food, then we went across the Brooklyn Bridge. We looked at the ships moving toward the ocean. Holly said, "In a few years, one of those ships will bring me back - me and my nine Brazilian kids. Because they must see this, these lights, the river. I love New York. But it's not my city, I don't belong here." And I said, "Please be quiet." Her words made me unhappy. She was leaving me. She was a big ship, sailing away to a wonderful new place. I was a little boat that had to stay here, on dry land next to the river.

I don't remember those last days clearly. One day followed another and they were all the same. Then something happened. There was a day that was very different. It was a day that I will always remember. On that day, Holly saved my life.

It was the 30th of September, my birthday. I was downstairs in the hall, waiting for the mailman's morning visit. I hoped for a gift of some money from my family.

Because I was in the hall, I saw Holly. "Darling!" she said. "Get your coat. Let's ride horses around the park." She was wearing a jacket and blue jeans. She pointed at her flat stomach.

"I'm not going to fall and lose the baby. But there's a special horse, my darling old Mabel Minerva. I can't leave New York without saying goodbye to Mabel Minerva." "Goodbye?" I repeated.

"We're leaving next Saturday. Jose bought the tickets." I followed her down to the street. "We change airplanes in Miami. Then we fly over the ocean and over the Andes. Taxi!" Over the Andes. We traveled in a taxi across Central Park. I imagined that I was flying over the lonely, snow-covered, dangerous mountains.

"But you can't," I said. "You can't really run away and leave everybody." "I don't think anyone will miss me. I have no friends." "I'll miss you. Joe Bell will, too. And oh - millions of people. Sally. Poor Mr. Tomato." "I loved old Sally," she said sadly. "You know, I haven't visited him for a month? It's strange. He was happy that I was leaving the country. 'That's the best thing for you to do,' he told me. 'Because sooner or later there will be trouble. They'll find out that you're not my real niece.' That fat lawyer, O'Shaughnessy, sent me five hundred dollars. A wedding present from Sally." I wanted to be unkind. "I'll give you a present, too. When the wedding happens." She laughed. "He'll marry me. In church. And with his family there. That's why we're waiting. We'll marry in Rio." "You're married already. Does he know?" "What's your problem? Are you trying to destroy the day? It's a beautiful day. Be nice!" "But it's possible -" "It isn't possible. That marriage wasn't lawful. It couldn't be." She looked quickly at me. "If you tell anyone about Doc, darling, I'll kill you. I'll hang you by your toes and cut you open." The horses were in a building on West Sixty-sixth Street. They make television programs there now, I believe. Holly chose an old black and white horse for me. "Don't worry," she said. "She's very safe." That was good because I wasn't a horse rider. Holly helped me climb on the horse. Then she got onto her own horse, a silver-colored animal. She rode in front of me across Central Park West and onto a riding path.

"See?" she shouted. "It's wonderful!" And suddenly it was wonderful. I watched the red-yellow colors of Holly's hair and suddenly I loved her. I stopped thinking about myself. I was happy because she was happy and excited.

The horses moved a little faster. We rode in and out of the shadows from the trees and felt the wind on our faces. I was happy to be alive.

A minute later, everything changed.

Suddenly a group of boys jumped out of the trees next to the path. They shouted and threw stones at the horses.

My black and white horse stood up on her back legs, then started to run very fast. I couldn't stop her. I was afraid of falling.

We ran past trees and a lake where small boys were playing with toy boats. We scared their mothers. The women pulled their children away from the horse. Men shouted at us. Later, I remembered their voices. But at that time I only heard Holly. She was racing her horse close behind me. We rode across the park and out into the busy traffic on Fifth Avenue. But Holly was getting closer. A policeman on a horse was there, too, and they rode next to me, one on each side. My horse began to move more slowly, then finally stopped. I fell off her back. When I stood up, I was shaking. There was a crowd of people around me. The policeman wrote something in his notebook but finally he smiled.

"I'll take the horses back to the Park," he said. Holly found a taxi for us. "Darling. How do you feel?" "Fine." She took my hand. "But you're very cold." "Then I must be dead." "Don't be silly. This is serious. Look at me." The problem was that I couldn't see her. There were three Hollys in front of me, all with white, worried faces.

"I'm OK. I don't feel anything, just stupid." "Are you sure? You almost died." "But I didn't die," I said. "And thank you. You saved my life. You're wonderful. Special. I love you." "You're crazy." She kissed me quickly. Then I saw four Hollys, and then nothing more.

CHAPTER EIGHT The End of the Summer CAPÍTULO OCHO El final del verano 챕터 8 여름의 끝자락 CAPÍTULO OITO O fim do verão ГЛАВА ВОСЬМАЯ Конец лета SEKİZİNCİ BÖLÜM Yaz Sonu РОЗДІЛ ВОСЬМИЙ Кінець літа 第八章 夏天的结束 第八章 夏天的結束

I can't clearly remember those final weeks of summer and the beginning of another winter. Я не могу четко вспомнить эти последние недели лета и начало новой зимы. Я не можу чітко згадати ті останні тижні літа і початок іншої зими. We didn't talk a lot. Мы мало разговаривали. Ми не багато розмовляли. I understood her and she understood me. Я понял ее, и она поняла меня. Я її розумів, і вона мене розуміла. We didn't need words. Нам не нужны слова. We were happy to be together, sometimes in silence. Мы были счастливы быть вместе, иногда в тишине.

Often, he was out of town. Часто его не было в городе. Часто він був за містом. I didn't like him, so I didn't use his name. Он мне не понравился, поэтому я не использовал его имя. Я не любив його, тому не використовував його ім'я. Then Holly and I spent evenings together and we didn't say more than a hundred words. Потом мы с Холли проводили вечера вместе, и мы не сказали больше ста слов. Потім Голлі і я проводили вечори разом, і ми не казали більше ста слів. One night we walked all the way to Chinatown, for Chinese food, then we went across the Brooklyn Bridge. Однажды ночью мы шли до китайского квартала за китайской едой, затем мы перешли Бруклинский мост. We looked at the ships moving toward the ocean. Holly said, "In a few years, one of those ships will bring me back - me and my nine Brazilian kids. Холли сказала: «Через несколько лет один из этих кораблей вернет меня - меня и моих девяти бразильских детей. Because they must see this, these lights, the river. Потому что они должны видеть это, эти огни, реку. Тому що вони повинні побачити це, ці вогні, річку. I love New York. Я люблю Нью-Йорк. But it's not my city, I don't belong here." ||||||не|| Но это не мой город, мне здесь не место". Але це не моє місто, я не належу сюди. And I said, "Please be quiet." Her words made me unhappy. Ее слова сделали меня несчастным. She was leaving me. Она покидала меня. Вона залишала мене. She was a big ship, sailing away to a wonderful new place. Она была большим кораблем, уплывающим в новое прекрасное место. Вона була великим кораблем, що відпливав до прекрасного нового місця. I was a little boat that had to stay here, on dry land next to the river. Я был маленькой лодочкой, которая должна была остаться здесь, на суше рядом с рекой. Я був маленьким човном, який мав залишитись тут, на суші біля річки.

I don't remember those last days clearly. Я не пам'ятаю тих останніх днів чітко. One day followed another and they were all the same. Один день следовал за другим, и они все были одинаковыми. Один день пішов за одним, і всі вони були такі самі. Then something happened. И тут случилось нечто. Потім щось сталося. There was a day that was very different. Был день, который был совсем другим. Був день, який був дуже відмінним. It was a day that I will always remember. Цей день я завжди запам'ятаю. On that day, Holly saved my life. У той день Голлі врятувала мені життя.

It was the 30th of September, my birthday. I was downstairs in the hall, waiting for the mailman's morning visit. Byl jsem dole v hale a čekal na ranní návštěvu pošťáka. Я стоял внизу, в холле, и ждал утреннего визита почтальона. I hoped for a gift of some money from my family. Я сподівався на подарунок від своєї родини.

Because I was in the hall, I saw Holly. Адже я був у холі, я побачив Голлі. "Darling!" "Милий!" she said. "Get your coat. «Візьми свій пальто." Let's ride horses around the park." «Давайте кататися на конях в парку." She was wearing a jacket and blue jeans. На ней была куртка и синие джинсы. Вона була в куртці і синіх джинсах. She pointed at her flat stomach. Она указала на свой плоский живот. Вона показала на свій плоский живіт.

"I'm not going to fall and lose the baby. «Я не собираюсь упасть и потерять ребенка. "Я не впаду і не втрачу дитину. But there's a special horse, my darling old Mabel Minerva. Но есть особая лошадь, моя дорогая старая Мейбл Минерва. Проте є особливий конь, моя дорога стара Мейбел Мінерва. I can't leave New York without saying goodbye to Mabel Minerva." Я не могу уехать из Нью-Йорка, не попрощавшись с Мейбл Минервой". Я не можу покинути Нью-Йорк, не попрощавшись з Мейбел Мінерва." "Goodbye?" "Прощавай?" I repeated. Я повторив.

"We're leaving next Saturday. Jose bought the tickets." I followed her down to the street. Я последовал за ней на улицу. Я пішов за нею на вулицю. "We change airplanes in Miami. "Мы меняем самолеты в Майами. "Ми змінюємо літаки в Маямі. Then we fly over the ocean and over the Andes. Затем мы пролетим над океаном и над Андами. Потім ми летимо над океаном і над Андами. Taxi!" Over the Andes. We traveled in a taxi across Central Park. I imagined that I was flying over the lonely, snow-covered, dangerous mountains. Я представил, что лечу над одинокими, заснеженными, опасными горами. Я уявляв себе, що я літаю над самотніми, вкритими снігом, небезпечними горами.

"But you can't," I said. "Але ти не можеш", - сказав я. "You can't really run away and leave everybody." «Вы не можете убежать и оставить всех». "Ти справді не можеш втекти і залишити всіх." "I don't think anyone will miss me. I have no friends." "I'll miss you. "Я буду скучать по тебе. Joe Bell will, too. And oh - millions of people. Sally. Poor Mr. Tomato." "I loved old Sally," she said sadly. "You know, I haven't visited him for a month? It's strange. Странно. He was happy that I was leaving the country. Он был счастлив, что я покидаю страну. 'That's the best thing for you to do,' he told me. 'Because sooner or later there will be trouble. «Потому что рано или поздно возникнут проблемы. They'll find out that you're not my real niece.' Они узнают, что ты мне не родная племянница". Вони дізнаються, що ти не моя справжня племінниця». That fat lawyer, O'Shaughnessy, sent me five hundred dollars. A wedding present from Sally." Свадебный подарок от Салли. " I wanted to be unkind. Я хотел быть недобрым. "I'll give you a present, too. "Я тоже дам тебе подарок. When the wedding happens." Когда свадьба случится. She laughed. "He'll marry me. "Он выйдет за меня замуж. In church. В церкви. And with his family there. That's why we're waiting. Вот почему мы ждем. We'll marry in Rio." Мы поженимся в Рио". "You're married already. Does he know?" Он знает?" "What's your problem? Are you trying to destroy the day? Вы пытаетесь разрушить день? It's a beautiful day. Be nice!" Будь милым! "But it's possible -" "It isn't possible. That marriage wasn't lawful. |||законный Этот брак не был законным. It couldn't be." She looked quickly at me. "If you tell anyone about Doc, darling, I'll kill you. I'll hang you by your toes and cut you open." |повешу|||||||| Pověsím tě za prsty a rozříznu tě." Ich werde dich an deinen Zehen aufhängen und dich aufschneiden. Я повешу тебя за пальцы ног и раскрою тебя ". Я повішу тебе за пальці на ногах і розріжу». The horses were in a building on West Sixty-sixth Street. Лошади находились в здании на Западной Шестьдесят шестой улице. They make television programs there now, I believe. Я полагаю, что сейчас там делают телевизионные программы. Holly chose an old black and white horse for me. Холли выбрала для меня старую черно-белую лошадь. "Don't worry," she said. |беспокойся|| "She's very safe." That was good because I wasn't a horse rider. Это было хорошо, потому что я не умел ездить на лошадях. Holly helped me climb on the horse. Then she got onto her own horse, a silver-colored animal. She rode in front of me across Central Park West and onto a riding path. |ехала||||||||||на|||

"See?" "Видите?" she shouted. "It's wonderful!" And suddenly it was wonderful. I watched the red-yellow colors of Holly's hair and suddenly I loved her. Я смотрел на красно-желтые цвета волос Холли и внезапно полюбил ее. I stopped thinking about myself. I was happy because she was happy and excited. Я был счастлив, потому что она была счастлива и взволнована.

The horses moved a little faster. We rode in and out of the shadows from the trees and felt the wind on our faces. Мы въезжали и выезжали из тени деревьев и чувствовали ветер на наших лицах. I was happy to be alive.

A minute later, everything changed.

Suddenly a group of boys jumped out of the trees next to the path. Вдруг из-за деревьев рядом с тропинкой выскочила группа мальчишек. Раптом з-за дерев біля стежки вискочила група хлопців. They shouted and threw stones at the horses. Они кричали и бросали камни в лошадей.

My black and white horse stood up on her back legs, then started to run very fast. Моя черно-белая лошадь встала на задние ноги, а затем начала быстро бежать. I couldn't stop her. I was afraid of falling.

We ran past trees and a lake where small boys were playing with toy boats. Мы пробежали мимо деревьев и озера, где маленькие мальчики играли на игрушечных лодках. We scared their mothers. Мы напугали своих мам. The women pulled their children away from the horse. Женщины оттащили своих детей от лошади. Men shouted at us. Later, I remembered their voices. But at that time I only heard Holly. She was racing her horse close behind me. Она мчалась на лошади рядом со мной. We rode across the park and out into the busy traffic on Fifth Avenue. But Holly was getting closer. Но Холли была все ближе. A policeman on a horse was there, too, and they rode next to me, one on each side. Там тоже был полицейский на лошади, и они ехали рядом со мной, по одному с каждой стороны. My horse began to move more slowly, then finally stopped. I fell off her back. Я упал с ее спины. When I stood up, I was shaking. There was a crowd of people around me. The policeman wrote something in his notebook but finally he smiled.

"I'll take the horses back to the Park," he said. Holly found a taxi for us. Холли нашла для нас такси. "Darling. How do you feel?" "Fine." She took my hand. "But you're very cold." "Но ты очень холодно." "Then I must be dead." "Тогда я, должно быть, мертв". "Don't be silly. This is serious. Look at me." The problem was that I couldn't see her. Проблема была в том, что я ее не видел. There were three Hollys in front of me, all with white, worried faces. Передо мной стояли три Холли с белыми взволнованными лицами.

"I'm OK. I don't feel anything, just stupid." "Are you sure? "Вы уверены? You almost died." Ты чуть не умерла". "But I didn't die," I said. "Но я не умерла", - сказала я. "And thank you. You saved my life. You're wonderful. Special. I love you." "You're crazy." She kissed me quickly. Then I saw four Hollys, and then nothing more. Потом я увидела четырех Холлис, и больше ничего.