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Breakfast at Tiffany's, CHAPTER FOUR A Conversation about Men

CHAPTER FOUR A Conversation about Men

The next afternoon I met Holly on the stairs. "You," she said, hurrying past with a package from the drugstore. "You left her there to die from the cold! And now she's really unhappy." I realized from her words that Mag Wildwood was still in the apartment.

But Holly didn't stop to talk. Suddenly she was worried about Mag - but the night before she hated her. I didn't understand. During the weekend, there was a bigger mystery. First, a Spanish or Italian man came to my door and asked for Miss Wildwood. Our conversation was difficult because he didn't understand my English. But I liked him. His brown face was handsome and he wore an expensive suit.

Toward evening, I saw him again. I was going out to dinner and he was arriving in a taxi. The driver helped him carry a lot of suitcases into the house. That gave me something to think about.

Sunday was a warm, late summer day. The sun was strong and my window was open. I heard voices on the fire escape. Holly and Mag were lying there, with the cat between them. Mag was making a woollen sweater.

"I think you're l-l-lucky," she said to Holly. "There's one good thing you can say about Rusty. He's an American." "Why is that important?" "Darling. We're in the middle of a war." "And when it ends, you won't see me again. I'll leave the country. I'm going to travel the world." "I don't feel that way. I'm p-p-proud of my country. The men in my family were great soldiers. There's a big statue of Grandfather Wildwood in the center of Wildwood." "Fred's a soldier," said Holly. "But there'll never be a statue of him. I don't think he's a great soldier. But maybe he is. Brave people are usually stupid and he's quite stupid." "Is Fred that boy upstairs? Is he a soldier? He does look stupid." "He's not stupid. And he's a different Fred. Fred's my brother." "You call your own b-b-brother stupid?" "He is stupid." "Don't say that! That boy is fighting for you and me and all of us." "What is this: a speech for the government?" "I want you to understand. I like a joke, but I'm a really s-s-serious person. I'm proud to be an American. That's why I'm sorry about Jose. He's very handsome, isn't he?" Holly agreed and started playing with the cat.

"But I can't imagine m-m-marrying a Brazilian. And being a B-b-brazilian myself. It's a long way from here. Six thousand miles, and I don't know the language -" "Go to a language school." "Do they teach P-p-portuguese? Do people really speak Portuguese? No, Jose must stop working for the Brazilian government. He must become an American. Why does he want to be the p-p-president of Brazil. That's a crazy idea." She was quiet for a minute, then she spoke again. "I'm really in love. You saw us together. Do you think I'm really in love?" "Does he bite?" "Bite?" "Bite you. When you're in bed." "No. Is that important?" Then she continued, "But he does laugh." "That's good. I like a man who laughs in bed. Most of them just make strange noises. OK. He doesn't bite in bed but he laughs. And -?" Mag didn't answer. "I said -" "I heard you. And I want to tell you. But it's difficult to remember. I d-d-don't think about these things much. About sex and men. You do but I don't. They go out of my head like a dream. Most people don't talk about sex, Holly. I'm a very-very-very ordinary person." "It's natural to think about sex. And to look at men. What's wrong with looking at a guy's body? A lot of men are beautiful. Jose is beautiful, but you don't even look at him in bed. So you're not in love with him." "L-l-lower your voice." "You're not in love with him," Holly repeated. "I'm a loving person. I have a loving heart." "OK. You have a loving heart. But that doesn't keep a man warm in bed." "Jose isn't unhappy," Mag said. "And I am in love with him. I make winter sweaters and socks for him. I've made ten pairs of socks in three months. And this is the second sweater." She put down the sweater. "But why am I doing this? Sweaters in Brazil! I should make s-s-sun hats." Holly lay back. "Surely they have a winter." "I know that it rains. Heat. Rain. T-t-t-trees." "Heat. Trees. It sounds good to me." "Better for you than for me." "Yes," said Holly, sounding sleepy. "Better for me than for you." On Monday, when I went down for the morning mail, there was a new name on the card on Holly's mailbox. Miss Golightly and Miss Wildwood were now traveling together.

I wasn't very interested because there was a letter in my own mailbox. It was from a small college magazine. They liked one of my stories. They couldn't pay me but that wasn't important. They wanted to print the story. Print the story in a magazine! I was so excited. I wanted to tell someone. Running up the stairs, I knocked loudly on Holly's door. I couldn't speak when she opened the door. Her eyes were half-closed with sleep. I gave her the letter and she read it slowly. Then she gave it back to me.

"Don't let them use your story. Not until they pay for it," she said. I looked at her angrily. I didn't want her opinions. I wanted her to be happy for me.

She smiled. "Oh, I understand. It's wonderful. Come in," she said. "We'll make some coffee and have a party. No. I'll get dressed and take you to lunch." Her bedroom was in the same state as the other rooms in the apartment. There were a lot of boxes and suitcases. All her things were packed. She was ready to leave. This room did have a piece of furniture, though - a double bed made of light wood, with a shiny cover.

She left the door of the bathroom open. As she washed, she talked to me.

"You know that Mag Wildwood has moved in? Isn't that good? She's not a lesbian, but she's stupid. That's almost as good as a lesbian. A stupid person will pay for the apartment and take my clothes to the cleaner's." She came out of the bathroom. "And she's quite a successful actress. Isn't that great? She'll be out of the apartment for most of the day. And there won't be too much trouble with men because she's getting married. He's a nice guy, too. But he's a little smaller than her - about a foot smaller. Now where -?" She was on her knees looking under the bed. She found her shoes, then she searched for a shirt and a belt. The room was a mess but Holly was perfect. "Listen," she said, and put her hand on my face. "I'm happy about the story. I really am." That was a beautiful Monday in October 1943. We started with drinks at Joe Bell's bar. When he heard of my good luck, he refused to take our money. Later, we walked toward Fifth Avenue, and watched the soldiers. They were playing music, not for the war but for me.

We ate lunch at the cafe in the park. Then we laughed and ran and sang along the paths toward the old wooden boathouse. It's not there now. An old man was sweeping up trash and putting it on a fire. The smoke made the only dark cloud in the sky. It was the end of the year but to me this was the start of something.

I sat with Holly near the boathouse. I thought of the future and spoke of the past.

"When you were a child, was life good?" Holly asked.

She listened to my stories about my life before New York. Then she told me about her life but the telling was strange. She didn't name places or people. "I had pretty cousins and we had lots of parties," she said. "We went swimming in the summer. I was very happy." "But you ran away from home when you were fourteen," I said. "That's true. The rest of my story was a lie. But really, darling, your story was so sad. I didn't want my story to be sad, too." She stood up. "I've remembered something. I must send a gift to Fred." That afternoon we walked around New York, looking for gifts for Fred. She wanted food for him. "He's a big, tall guy and he loves to eat," she said. It was dark when we came out of the last grocer's store. We were near the store with the bird cage in its window, so I showed it to her. She liked it.

"It's beautiful," she said. "But it is a cage. Nothing can be free inside there." We were near a larger store and she took my arm. "Let's steal something," she said, and she pulled me inside. I was scared because people were watching us. Holly laughed and stole something small. Then she took my hand and we walked away. It was as simple as that. Outside, we ran for a few blocks because we were so excited.

"Have you often stolen things?" I asked.

"I had to when I was younger," she said. "I steal sometimes now - it's good practice. One day I may need to do it again." I have a memory of spending many days like that with Holly. Sometimes we did spend a lot of time together but in reality the memory is a lie. Toward the end of the month, I found a job. It was necessary and I worked from nine o'clock in the morning to five in the evening. My hours were very different to Holly's. When I came home from work, Holly was getting out of bed, except on Thursday, her Sing Sing day. She also got up early in the day when she went horse riding.

Sometimes, I stopped at her apartment for a cup of coffee. She was always going out, usually with Rusty Trawler, Mag Wildwood, and the handsome Brazilian. His name was Jose Ybarra-Jaegar because his mother was German. They were a strange group. Ybarra-Jaegar was different to Holly, Rusty, and Mag. He was intelligent, well - dressed, and serious about his work. He was something important in the government and went to Washington three or four days a week. Did he enjoy these nights? Night after night in clubs - La Rue or El Morocco - listening to Mag t-t-t-talk and looking at Rusty's baby-face? He was a foreigner, I thought. He didn't understand Americans. To him, we were all the same. He didn't realize that people were different - some good and some bad. He thought we were all interesting and fun to be with. And, I thought, Holly wanted him.

That explains some of what happened next.

CHAPTER FOUR A Conversation about Men VIERTE KAPITEL Ein Gespräch über Männer CAPÍTULO CUATRO Una conversación sobre los hombres 第4章 男についての会話 4장 남성에 대한 대화 CAPÍTULO QUATRO Uma conversa sobre homens DÖRDÜNCÜ BÖLÜM Erkekler Hakkında Bir Konuşma РОЗДІЛ ЧЕТВЕРТИЙ Розмова про чоловіків 第四章 关于男人的对话

The next afternoon I met Holly on the stairs. 翌日の午後、私は階段でホリーに会いました。 На следующий день я встретил Холли на лестнице. "You," she said, hurrying past with a package from the drugstore. "Tu", disse lei, passando di corsa con un pacchetto della farmacia. «Ты», - сказала она, торопясь мимо с пакетом из аптеки. "Sen," dedi, elinde eczaneden aldığı bir paketle aceleyle geçerken. "Ти," - сказала вона, поспішаючи мимо з пакетом від аптеки. "You left her there to die from the cold! "L'hai lasciata lì a morire di freddo! "Вы оставили ее там, чтобы умереть от холода! "Onu orada soğuktan ölmesi için bıraktın! "Ти залишив її там вмерти від холоду! And now she's really unhappy." E ora è davvero infelice". И теперь она действительно несчастна ». А тепер вона дуже нещаслива." I realized from her words that Mag Wildwood was still in the apartment. По ее словам я понял, что Мэг Вайлдвуд все еще был в квартире. Onun sözlerinden Mag Wildwood'un hâlâ dairede olduğunu anladım. З її слів я зрозумів, що Мег Вайлдвуд все ще була в квартирі.

But Holly didn't stop to talk. Но Холли не переставала говорить. Але Холлі не зупинилася говорити. Suddenly she was worried about Mag - but the night before she hated her. Внезапно она забеспокоилась о Маге - но накануне вечером она ненавидела ее. Раптом вона занепокоїлася через Мег - але напередодні вона ненавиділа її. I didn't understand. Я не понял. During the weekend, there was a bigger mystery. В течение выходных была большая загадка. First, a Spanish or Italian man came to my door and asked for Miss Wildwood. Сначала ко мне подошел испанец или итальянец и спросил мисс Уайлдвуд. Our conversation was difficult because he didn't understand my English. Наш разговор был трудным, потому что он не понимал моего английского. But I liked him. Но он мне нравился. His brown face was handsome and he wore an expensive suit. Его коричневое лицо было красивым, и он был одет в дорогой костюм.

Toward evening, I saw him again. К вечеру||||| К вечеру я снова увидел его. Ближче до вечора я знову побачив його. 傍晚时分,我又见到了他。 I was going out to dinner and he was arriving in a taxi. Я собирался на ужин, а он прибыл в такси. The driver helped him carry a lot of suitcases into the house. Водитель помог ему пронести в дом много чемоданов. That gave me something to think about. To mi dalo něco k zamyšlení. Questo mi ha dato da pensare. Это заставило меня задуматься.

Sunday was a warm, late summer day. Воскресенье было теплым, поздним летним днем. The sun was strong and my window was open. Солнце было сильным, и мое окно было открыто. I heard voices on the fire escape. |||||пожарной лестнице| Я услышал голоса на пожарной лестнице. Holly and Mag were lying there, with the cat between them. Там лежали Холли и Маг с котом между ними. Mag was making a woollen sweater. Мэг шила шерстяной свитер.

"I think you're l-l-lucky," she said to Holly. «Я думаю, тебе очень повезло», - сказала она Холли. "There's one good thing you can say about Rusty. "Есть одна хорошая вещь, которую вы можете сказать о Расти. He's an American." Он американец ". "Why is that important?" "Почему это важно?" "Darling. "Дорогой. We're in the middle of a war." Мы находимся в середине войны ". "And when it ends, you won't see me again. "И когда это закончится, ты не увидишь меня снова. I'll leave the country. Я покину страну. I'm going to travel the world." Я собираюсь путешествовать по миру ". "I don't feel that way. „Necítím se tak. "Non mi sento così. "Я так не чувствую. I'm p-p-proud of my country. Я горжусь своей страной. The men in my family were great soldiers. Мужчины в моей семье были отличными солдатами. 我家里的男人都是出色的士兵。 There's a big statue of Grandfather Wildwood in the center of Wildwood." В центре Уайлдвуда есть большая статуя Деда Вайлдвуда. " "Fred's a soldier," said Holly. «Фред солдат», - сказала Холли. "But there'll never be a statue of him. "Но там никогда не будет его статуи. I don't think he's a great soldier. Я не думаю, что он отличный солдат. But maybe he is. Но, может быть, он и есть. Brave people are usually stupid and he's quite stupid." Храбрые люди обычно глупы, и он довольно глуп ". "Is Fred that boy upstairs? "Fred è quel ragazzo di sopra? "Фред, тот мальчик наверху? Is he a soldier? Он солдат? He does look stupid." Он выглядит глупо. " "He's not stupid. "Он не дурак. And he's a different Fred. Ed è un Fred diverso. И он другой Фред. Fred's my brother." Фред мой брат ". "You call your own b-b-brother stupid?" "Ты называешь своего собственного bb-брата тупым?" "He is stupid." «Он глуп». "Don't say that! "Не говори так! That boy is fighting for you and me and all of us." Этот мальчик борется за тебя, меня и всех нас ". "What is this: a speech for the government?" "Cos'è questo: un discorso per il governo?". «Что это: речь для правительства?» “这是什么:政府演讲?” "I want you to understand. "Я хочу, чтобы вы поняли. I like a joke, but I'm a really s-s-serious person. Я люблю шутки, но я действительно серьезный человек. I'm proud to be an American. Я горжусь тем, что я американец. That's why I'm sorry about Jose. Per questo mi dispiace per Jose. Вот почему я сожалею о Хосе. He's very handsome, isn't he?" Он очень красивый, не так ли? Holly agreed and started playing with the cat. Holly accettò e iniziò a giocare con il gatto. Холли согласилась и начала играть с кошкой.

"But I can't imagine m-m-marrying a Brazilian. "Но я не могу представить, что выйду замуж за бразильца. And being a B-b-brazilian myself. И я сам был бб-бразилец. It's a long way from here. La strada è lunga da qui. Это далеко отсюда. Six thousand miles, and I don't know the language -" Шесть тысяч миль, и я не знаю языка ... " "Go to a language school." «Сходи в языковую школу». "Do they teach P-p-portuguese? "Они преподают Pp-португальский? Do people really speak Portuguese? Люди действительно говорят по-португальски? No, Jose must stop working for the Brazilian government. Нет, Хосе должен прекратить работать на правительство Бразилии. He must become an American. Он должен стать американцем. Why does he want to be the p-p-president of Brazil. Почему он хочет быть пп-президентом Бразилии. That's a crazy idea." Это безумная идея ". She was quiet for a minute, then she spoke again. Rimase in silenzio per un minuto, poi parlò di nuovo. Она помолчала минуту, затем снова заговорила. "I'm really in love. "Я действительно влюблен. You saw us together. Ci hai visto insieme. Вы видели нас вместе. Do you think I'm really in love?" Ты думаешь, я действительно влюблен? " "Does he bite?" Делает|| "Morde?" "Он кусает?" "Bite?" "Bite you. "Укусить вас. When you're in bed." Когда ты в постели ". "No. Is that important?" Это важно? " Then she continued, "But he does laugh." Poi ha continuato: "Ma ride". Затем она продолжила: «Но он смеется». "That's good. "Это хорошо. I like a man who laughs in bed. Мне нравится мужчина, который смеется в постели. Most of them just make strange noises. La maggior parte di loro fa solo strani rumori. Большинство из них просто издают странные звуки. OK. He doesn't bite in bed but he laughs. Он не кусается в постели, но смеется. And -?" Mag didn't answer. Мэг не ответил. "I said -" "Я сказал -" "I heard you. "Я слышал вас. And I want to tell you. И я хочу вам сказать. But it's difficult to remember. Но это трудно запомнить. I d-d-don't think about these things much. Я не думаю об этих вещах. About sex and men. О сексе и мужчинах. 关于性和男人。 You do but I don't. Вы делаете, но я нет. They go out of my head like a dream. Vycházejí z mé hlavy jako sen. Escono dalla mia testa come un sogno. Они выходят из моей головы, как сон. Most people don't talk about sex, Holly. Большинство людей не говорят о сексе, Холли. I'm a very-very-very ordinary person." |||||обычный| Я очень-очень-очень обычный человек ". "It's natural to think about sex. "Думать о сексе естественно. “想到性是很自然的。 And to look at men. И смотреть на мужчин. 并观察男人。 What's wrong with looking at a guy's body? Что плохого в том, чтобы смотреть на тело парня? 观察男人的身体有什么不对? A lot of men are beautiful. Многие мужчины красивы. Jose is beautiful, but you don't even look at him in bed. Хосе красив, но в постели на него даже не смотришь. So you're not in love with him." Значит, ты не влюблен в него ". "L-l-lower your voice." "Понизь голос." "You're not in love with him," Holly repeated. "Nejsi do něj zamilovaná," opakovala Holly. «Ты не влюблен в него», - повторила Холли. "I'm a loving person. „Jsem milující člověk. "Я любящий человек. I have a loving heart." Mám milující srdce." Ho un cuore amorevole". У меня любящее сердце ". У мене любляче серце». "OK. You have a loving heart. But that doesn't keep a man warm in bed." |||||человека||| Ale to muže v posteli nezahřeje.“ Ma questo non tiene caldo un uomo a letto". Но это не согревает мужчину в постели ". "Jose isn't unhappy," Mag said. "Jose non è infelice", ha detto Mag. "Хосе не несчастен", сказала Маг. "And I am in love with him. "И я люблю его. I make winter sweaters and socks for him. Per lui faccio maglioni e calzini invernali. Я шью ему зимние свитера и носки. I've made ten pairs of socks in three months. Я сделал десять пар носков за три месяца. And this is the second sweater." А это второй свитер ». She put down the sweater. |положила||| Mise giù il maglione. Она положила свитер. "But why am I doing this? "Но зачем я это делаю? Sweaters in Brazil! Свитера в Бразилии! I should make s-s-sun hats." Měl bych udělat klobouky ss-sun." Dovrei fare cappelli da s-sole". Я должен сделать шляпы SS-Sun ". Holly lay back. |лежала назад| Holly si lehla. Holly si sdraiò. Холли откинуться назад. "Surely they have a winter." "Sicuramente hanno un inverno". "Конечно, у них есть зима." "I know that it rains. «Я знаю, что идет дождь. Heat. Teplo. Calore. Высокая температура. Rain. Дождь. T-t-t-trees." Ttt-деревья «. "Heat. "Нагревать. Trees. Деревья. It sounds good to me." Для меня это звучит хорошо ". "Better for you than for me." «Лучше для тебя, чем для меня». "Yes," said Holly, sounding sleepy. "Sì", disse Holly, con l'aria assonnata. "Да," сказала Холли, звучащая сонно. "Better for me than for you." «Лучше для меня, чем для тебя». On Monday, when I went down for the morning mail, there was a new name on the card on Holly's mailbox. Lunedì, quando sono scesa a prendere la posta del mattino, c'era un nuovo nome sulla scheda della cassetta postale di Holly. В понедельник, когда я пришел на утреннюю почту, на карточке Холли появилось новое имя на карточке. Miss Golightly and Miss Wildwood were now traveling together. Мисс Голайтли и мисс Уайлдвуд теперь путешествовали вместе.

I wasn't very interested because there was a letter in my own mailbox. Мне было не очень интересно, потому что в моем почтовом ящике было письмо. It was from a small college magazine. Это было из маленького студенческого журнала. They liked one of my stories. Им понравился один из моих рассказов. They couldn't pay me but that wasn't important. Они не могли заплатить мне, но это было не важно. Вони не могли заплатити мені, але це не було важливо. They wanted to print the story. Они хотели напечатать историю. Вони хотіли надрукувати історію. Print the story in a magazine! Напечатайте историю в журнале! Надрукуйте історію в журналі! I was so excited. Я был так взволнован. I wanted to tell someone. Я хотел кому-нибудь рассказать. Running up the stairs, I knocked loudly on Holly's door. Подбежав по лестнице, я громко постучал в дверь Холли. I couldn't speak when she opened the door. Я не мог говорить, когда она открыла дверь. Her eyes were half-closed with sleep. Ее глаза были полузакрыты от сна. I gave her the letter and she read it slowly. Я дал ей письмо, и она медленно его прочитала. Then she gave it back to me. Потом она вернула его мне.

"Don't let them use your story. «Не позволяйте им использовать вашу историю. Not until they pay for it," she said. Пока они не заплатят за это, - сказала она. Не раніше, ніж вони за це заплатять", - сказала вона. I looked at her angrily. Я сердито посмотрел на нее. Я подивився на неї з гнівом. I didn't want her opinions. Я не хотел ее мнения. Я не хотів слухати її думок. I wanted her to be happy for me. Я хотел, чтобы она была счастлива за меня.

She smiled. Она улыбнулась. "Oh, I understand. "О, я понимаю. It's wonderful. Это замечательно. Come in," she said. Входите, - сказала она. "We'll make some coffee and have a party. "Мы сделаем кофе и устроим вечеринку. No. I'll get dressed and take you to lunch." Я оденусь и отвезу тебя на обед. " Я одягнуся і візьму тебе на обід. Her bedroom was in the same state as the other rooms in the apartment. Ее спальня была в том же состоянии, что и другие комнаты в квартире. Її спальня була в такому ж стані, як і інші кімнати в квартирі. There were a lot of boxes and suitcases. Было много ящиков и чемоданов. Тут було багато коробок і валіз. All her things were packed. Все ее вещи были упакованы. Всі її речі були упаковані. 她所有的东西都打包好了。 She was ready to leave. Она была готова уйти. Вона була готова виїхати. This room did have a piece of furniture, though - a double bed made of light wood, with a shiny cover. |||||||||кровать|||||||||блестящий| В этой комнате был предмет мебели - двуспальная кровать из светлого дерева с блестящим покрывалом. Проте в цій кімнаті був предмет меблів - подвійне ліжко з легкого дерева з блискучим ковдрою.

She left the door of the bathroom open. Dveře koupelny nechala otevřené. Она оставила дверь ванной открытой. Вона залишила двері від ванної відчиненими. As she washed, she talked to me. Умываясь, она разговаривала со мной. Поки вона милася, вона розмовляла зі мною.

"You know that Mag Wildwood has moved in? ||||||переехал| "Вы знаете, что Mag Wildwood переехала? "Ти знаєш, що Мег Вайлдвуд переїхала? Isn't that good? Разве это не хорошо? She's not a lesbian, but she's stupid. Она не лесбиянка, но она глупая. Вона не лесбіянка, але вона дурна. That's almost as good as a lesbian. Это почти так же хорошо, как лесбиянка. Це майже так само добре, як лесбіянка. A stupid person will pay for the apartment and take my clothes to the cleaner's." Глупый человек заплатит за квартиру и отнесет мою одежду уборщице ". Дурна людина заплатить за квартиру і забере мої речі до хімчистки. She came out of the bathroom. Она вышла из ванной. Вона вийшла з ванної кімнати. "And she's quite a successful actress. "И она довольно успешная актриса. І вона дуже успішна актриса. Isn't that great? Разве это не здорово? Чи це не велико? She'll be out of the apartment for most of the day. Она будет вне квартиры большую часть дня. Вона буде виборена з квартири більшу частину дня. And there won't be too much trouble with men because she's getting married. И не будет особых проблем с мужчинами, потому что она выходит замуж. І не буде занадто багато проблем з чоловіками, бо вона виходить заміж. He's a nice guy, too. Он тоже хороший парень. Він теж хороший хлопець. But he's a little smaller than her - about a foot smaller. |||||||||фут| Но он немного меньше ее - примерно на фут меньше. Але він трохи менший за неї - приблизно на фут. Now where -?" Теперь где -? І тепер де -? She was on her knees looking under the bed. Она стояла на коленях, глядя под кровать. Вона стояла на колінах, глянула під ліжко. She found her shoes, then she searched for a shirt and a belt. Она нашла свои туфли, затем она искала рубашку и пояс. Вона знайшла свої черевики, потім шукала сорочку і ремінь. The room was a mess but Holly was perfect. Комната была в беспорядке, но Холли была идеальной. Кімната була в бардаку, але Голлі була бездоганною. "Listen," she said, and put her hand on my face. «Послушай», сказала она и положила руку мне на лицо. «Послухай, - сказала вона і поклава руку на моє обличчя». "I'm happy about the story. "Я доволен этой историей. «Я щаслива з цієї історії. I really am." Я действительно." Дійсно». That was a beautiful Monday in October 1943. Это был прекрасный понедельник октября 1943 года. Це була чудова понеділок у жовтні 1943 року. We started with drinks at Joe Bell's bar. Мы начали с напитков в баре Джо Белла. Ми почали з напоїв у барі Джо Белла. When he heard of my good luck, he refused to take our money. Когда он услышал о моей удаче, он отказался взять наши деньги. Коли він дізнався про мою удачу, він відмовився брати наші гроші. Later, we walked toward Fifth Avenue, and watched the soldiers. Позже мы шли к Пятой авеню и наблюдали за солдатами. Пізніше ми прогулялися до П'ятої авеню і дивились на солдатів. They were playing music, not for the war but for me. Они играли музыку не для войны, а для меня. Вони грали музику, не для війни, а для мене.

We ate lunch at the cafe in the park. Обедали в кафе в парке. Ми пообідали в кафе у парку. Then we laughed and ran and sang along the paths toward the old wooden boathouse. ||||||||||||||лодочная станция Потом мы смеялись, бегали и пели по дорожкам к старому деревянному банному домику. Потім ми засміялися, побігли і співали вдовзі стежок до старого дерев'яного човнового дому. It's not there now. Это не там сейчас. Тамого там більше немає. An old man was sweeping up trash and putting it on a fire. ||||подметание|||||||| Старик подметал мусор и бросал его в огонь. Старий чоловік підмітав сміття і кидав його в вогонь. The smoke made the only dark cloud in the sky. Дым сделал единственное темное облако на небе. Дим утворив єдиний темний хмара на небі. It was the end of the year but to me this was the start of something. Это был конец года, но для меня это было начало чего-то. Це була кінець року, але для мене це було початком чогось.

I sat with Holly near the boathouse. Я сидел с Холли возле эллинга. Я сидів з Голлі біля човнового будиночка. I thought of the future and spoke of the past. Я думал о будущем и говорил о прошлом. Я думав про майбутнє і говорив про минуле.

"When you were a child, was life good?" "Когда ты был ребенком, жизнь была хорошей?" "Коли ти був дитиною, чи було життя хорошим?" Holly asked. спитала Холлі.

She listened to my stories about my life before New York. Она слушала мои рассказы о моей жизни до Нью-Йорка. Then she told me about her life but the telling was strange. Потом она рассказала мне о своей жизни, но рассказ был странным. Потім вона розповіла мені про своє життя, але розповідь була дивною. She didn't name places or people. Она не назвала места или людей. Вона не називала місця або людей. "I had pretty cousins and we had lots of parties," she said. «У меня были красивые кузены, и у нас было много вечеринок», - сказала она. "У мене були гарні двоюрідні сестри, і ми часто влаштовували вечірки", - сказала вона. "We went swimming in the summer. «Летом мы ходили купаться. I was very happy." Я был очень счастливым." "But you ran away from home when you were fourteen," I said. «Но ты убежал из дома, когда тебе было четырнадцать», - сказал я. "Але ти втекла з дому, коли тобі було чотирнадцять", - сказала я. "That's true. "Это правда. "Це правда. The rest of my story was a lie. Остальная часть моей истории была ложью. Решта моєї історії була брехнею. But really, darling, your story was so sad. Но на самом деле, дорогая, твоя история была такой грустной. Але справді, дорога, твоя історія була така сумна. I didn't want my story to be sad, too." Я тоже не хотел, чтобы моя история была грустной ". Я не хотів, щоб і моя історія була сумною." She stood up. Она встала. Вона піднялася. "I've remembered something. "Я кое-что вспомнил. I must send a gift to Fred." ||||подарок|| Я должен послать подарок Фреду ". That afternoon we walked around New York, looking for gifts for Fred. В тот день мы гуляли по Нью-Йорку в поисках подарков для Фреда. She wanted food for him. Она хотела еды для него. Вона хотіла їжі для нього. "He's a big, tall guy and he loves to eat," she said. «Он большой, высокий парень, и он любит поесть», - сказала она. "Це великий, високий хлопець, і він любить їсти," - сказала вона. It was dark when we came out of the last grocer's store. ||||||||||магазин продуктов| Было темно, когда мы вышли из магазина последнего бакалейщика. Було темно, коли ми вийшли з останнього магазину гросерів. We were near the store with the bird cage in its window, so I showed it to her. Мы были рядом с магазином с птичьей клеткой в окне, поэтому я показал ее ей. Ми були біля магазину з кліткою для птахів у вікні, тому я показав їй це. She liked it. Ей понравилось. Їй це сподобалося.

"It's beautiful," she said. «Это красиво», - сказала она. "Це красиво", - сказала вона. "But it is a cage. "Ma è una gabbia. "Но это клетка. "Але це клітка. Nothing can be free inside there." Niente può essere libero lì dentro". Ничто не может быть свободным внутри ". Там ніщо не може бути вільним." We were near a larger store and she took my arm. Мы были рядом с большим магазином, и она взяла меня за руку. Ми були біля більшого магазину, і вона взяла мене за руку. "Let's steal something," she said, and she pulled me inside. «Давайте что-нибудь украдем», - сказала она и втянула меня внутрь. ""Давай щось вкрадемо", - сказала вона, і потягла мене всередину. I was scared because people were watching us. Мне было страшно, потому что люди смотрели на нас. Я був наляканий, бо нас спостерігали люди. Holly laughed and stole something small. Холли засмеялась и украла что-то маленькое. Голлі засміялася і вкрала щось невеличке. Then she took my hand and we walked away. Poi mi prese la mano e ce ne andammo. Потом она взяла меня за руку, и мы ушли. Потім вона взяла мою руку і ми пішли геть. It was as simple as that. Это было так просто. Все було настільки просто. Outside, we ran for a few blocks because we were so excited. Снаружи мы побежали на несколько кварталов, потому что были так взволнованы. На вулиці ми побігли кілька кварталів, бо ми були такі збуджені.

"Have you often stolen things?" "Вы часто крали вещи?" "Чи часто ти крадеш речі?" I asked. Я спросил. запитав я.

"I had to when I was younger," she said. "Ho dovuto farlo quando ero più giovane", ha detto. «Мне пришлось, когда я была моложе», - сказала она. "Мені доводилося робити це, коли я була молодшою," вона сказала. "I steal sometimes now - it's good practice. «Я краду иногда сейчас - это хорошая практика. "Іноді я краду зараз - це хороша практика. One day I may need to do it again." Un giorno potrei aver bisogno di rifarlo". Однажды мне может понадобиться сделать это снова. " Мені може знадобитися зробити це знову." I have a memory of spending many days like that with Holly. Ho il ricordo di aver trascorso molte giornate come quella con Holly. У меня есть воспоминания о том, как я провел много дней с Холли. У мене є спогад про те, як я провів багато днів таким чином з Холлі. Sometimes we did spend a lot of time together but in reality the memory is a lie. A volte abbiamo passato molto tempo insieme, ma in realtà il ricordo è una bugia. Иногда мы проводили много времени вместе, но на самом деле память - это ложь. Іноді ми дійсно проводили багато часу разом, але насправді пам'ять - це брехня. Toward the end of the month, I found a job. Verso la fine del mese ho trovato un lavoro. К концу месяца я нашел работу. Під кінець місяця я знайшов роботу. It was necessary and I worked from nine o'clock in the morning to five in the evening. Era necessario e lavoravo dalle nove del mattino alle cinque di sera. Это было необходимо, и я работал с девяти часов утра до пяти вечера. Це було необхідно і я працював з дев'ятої години ранку до п'ятої години вечора. My hours were very different to Holly's. I miei orari erano molto diversi da quelli di Holly. Мои часы сильно отличались от часов Холли. Мої години були дуже відмінні від годин Голлі. When I came home from work, Holly was getting out of bed, except on Thursday, her Sing Sing day. Když jsem se vrátil z práce, Holly vstávala z postele, kromě čtvrtka, jejího dne Sing Sing. Quando tornavo a casa dal lavoro, Holly si alzava dal letto, tranne il giovedì, giorno del suo Sing Sing. Когда я пришла домой с работы, Холли вставала с постели, кроме четверга, в день ее пения. Коли я приходив додому з роботи, Голлі вставала з ліжка, за винятком четверга, її дня для пісні Sing Sing. She also got up early in the day when she went horse riding. Si alzava presto anche per andare a cavallo. Она также встала рано утром, когда пошла кататься на лошадях. Вона також вставала рано вранці, коли їхала верхи на коні.

Sometimes, I stopped at her apartment for a cup of coffee. A volte mi fermavo nel suo appartamento per una tazza di caffè. Иногда я останавливался в ее квартире за чашкой кофе. She was always going out, usually with Rusty Trawler, Mag Wildwood, and the handsome Brazilian. Usciva sempre, di solito con Rusty Trawler, Mag Wildwood e il bel brasiliano. Она всегда выходила на улицу, обычно с Расти Траулером, Мэг Вайлдвуд и красивым бразильцем. His name was Jose Ybarra-Jaegar because his mother was German. Si chiamava Jose Ybarra-Jaegar perché sua madre era tedesca. Его звали Хосе Ибарра-Джегар, потому что его мать была немкой. They were a strange group. Erano un gruppo strano. Они были странной группой. Ybarra-Jaegar was different to Holly, Rusty, and Mag. Ybarra-Jaegar era diversa da Holly, Rusty e Mag. Ибарра-Джегар отличался от Холли, Расти и Мэга. He was intelligent, well - dressed, and serious about his work. Era intelligente, ben vestito e serio nel suo lavoro. Он был умен, хорошо одет и серьезно относился к своей работе. He was something important in the government and went to Washington three or four days a week. Aveva un ruolo importante nel governo e si recava a Washington tre o quattro giorni alla settimana. Он был чем-то важным в правительстве и ездил в Вашингтон три или четыре дня в неделю. Did he enjoy these nights? Gli piacevano queste notti? Ему нравились эти ночи? Night after night in clubs - La Rue or El Morocco - listening to Mag t-t-t-talk and looking at Rusty's baby-face? Notte dopo notte nei club - La Rue o El Morocco - ad ascoltare Mag che parla e a guardare la faccia da bambino di Rusty? Ночь за ночью в клубах - La Rue или El Morocco - слушаешь тэт-логи Мэга и смотришь на детское лицо Расти? 夜复一夜地在俱乐部——La Rue 或 El Morocco——听着 Mag ttt-talk 并看着 Rusty 的娃娃脸? He was a foreigner, I thought. Pensavo fosse uno straniero. Он был иностранцем, подумал я. He didn't understand Americans. Он не понимал американцев. To him, we were all the same. Pro něj jsme byli všichni stejní. Per lui eravamo tutti uguali. Для него мы все были одинаковыми. He didn't realize that people were different - some good and some bad. Non si rendeva conto che le persone erano diverse, alcune buone e altre cattive. Он не понимал, что люди разные - одни хорошие и плохие. He thought we were all interesting and fun to be with. Myslel si, že jsme všichni zajímaví a zábavní. Pensava che fossimo tutti interessanti e divertenti da frequentare. Он думал, что нам всем было интересно и весело. And, I thought, Holly wanted him. E, pensavo, Holly lo voleva. И, как мне показалось, Холли хотела его.

That explains some of what happened next. To vysvětluje některé z toho, co se stalo potom. Questo spiega in parte quello che è successo dopo. Это объясняет, что произошло потом.