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Breakfast at Tiffany's, CHAPTER TWELVE Where is Holly Now?

CHAPTER TWELVE Where is Holly Now?

TOMATO'S GIRL IS MISSING and BEAUTIFUL ACTRESS: KILLED BY DRUGS GANG? Those were the stories in the newspapers during the next few weeks. Later, they reported: TOMATO'S GIRL SEEN IN RIO.

The American police didn't try to bring her back, and soon Holly's name disappeared from the newspapers. I saw it only once in a report on Christmas Day, when Sally Tomato died in Sing Sing. He was an old man with a sick heart and he died in his bed.

The winter months passed slowly. I didn't hear anything from Holly. The owner of the apartment building sold her things - the bed with the shiny white cover, her pictures, her chairs. She loved those chairs.

A new tenant moved into the apartment. His name was Quaintance Smith and he had a lot of male visitors. He was as noisy as Holly. I often heard loud music, and voices, and men shouting. But this time Mrs. Spanella didn't say anything.

"He's a nice young man," she said to me. "I like him."

She always smiled when she saw him. She even gave him something for his eye each time one of his "friends" hit him.

But in the spring I received a card. The message was written in pencil and signed with a lipstick kiss.

Brazil was terrible, but Buenos Aires is wonderful. It's not Tiffany's, but almost as good. I'm spending all my time with a handsome Spanish man. Do I love him?

I think so. I'm looking for a place to live. (The Spanish man has a wife and seven children.) I'll send my address when I have one. Then she wrote in French: Much love.

She never sent the address. Maybe she never had one. I was sad because I wanted to write to her. I had a lot to tell her. I sold two stories. The Trawlers were divorcing and fighting about money. I was moving out of the brown stone apartment building because it was full of memories of Holly.

But most important, I had news about the cat.

I kept my promise and I found him. For weeks after work I walked through the streets of Spanish Harlem. Many times, I saw a red cat with yellow eyes - but it wasn't him. He was gone, lost in New York.

But one day, one cold Sunday afternoon when the winter sun was shining, I found him.

He was sitting in the window of a house. The paint around the window was new. The room looked warm and comfortable. There were plants in pots on each side of him.

He had a name. I was sure that he had a name now. He was in a place where he belonged.

I hope Holly has found a place where she belongs, too.


CHAPTER TWELVE Where is Holly Now? CAPÍTULO DOCE ¿Dónde está Holly ahora? 第十二章 ホリーは今どこにいるのか? ON İKİNCİ BÖLÜM Holly Şimdi Nerede? Розділ дванадцятий Де зараз Холлі?

TOMATO'S GIRL IS MISSING and BEAUTIFUL ACTRESS: KILLED BY DRUGS GANG? ДЕВУШКА ТОМАТО НЕ УДАЧАЕТСЯ, а КРАСИВЫЙ АКТРЕС: УБИВАЕТСЯ БАНКОМ НАРКОТИКОВ? ДІВЧИНКА ТОМАТА ЗАГУБЛЕНА, А КРАСИВА АКТРИСА: ВБИТА БАНДОЮ НАРКОТИКІВ? Those were the stories in the newspapers during the next few weeks. Это были истории в газетах в течение следующих нескольких недель. Ці історії публікувалися в газетах у наступні кілька тижнів. Later, they reported: TOMATO'S GIRL SEEN IN RIO. Позже они сообщили: ДЕВУШКА ТОМАТО В РИО. Пізніше повідомили: ДІВЧИНКУ ТОМАТА ПОБАЧИЛИ В РІО.

The American police didn't try to bring her back, and soon Holly's name disappeared from the newspapers. Американская полиция не пыталась вернуть ее обратно, и вскоре имя Холли исчезло из газет. Американська поліція не намагалася повернути її, і незабаром ім'я Холлі зникло з газет. I saw it only once in a report on Christmas Day, when Sally Tomato died in Sing Sing. Я видел это только один раз в отчете на Рождество, когда Салли Томато умерла в Синг-Синге. Я бачив це лише раз у звіті на Різдво, коли Салліт Томато помер у Сінг Сінг. He was an old man with a sick heart and he died in his bed. Он был стариком с больным сердцем, и он умер в своей постели. Він був старим чоловіком з важким серцем і помер у своєй постелі.

The winter months passed slowly. Зимові місяці повільно пройшли. I didn't hear anything from Holly. Я не чув нічого від Холлі. The owner of the apartment building sold her things - the bed with the shiny white cover, her pictures, her chairs. Хозяйка многоквартирного дома продала ей вещи - кровать с блестящим белым покрывалом, ее картины, ее стулья. Власниця будинку продала свої речі - ліжко з блискучим білим покривалом, її картини, її стільці. She loved those chairs. Она любила эти стулья.

A new tenant moved into the apartment. ||арендатор|||| His name was Quaintance Smith and he had a lot of male visitors. |||||||||||мужчины| Він мав на ім'я Куейнтенс Сміт і у нього було багато чоловічих відвідувачів. He was as noisy as Holly. Він був такий же шумний, як і Голлі. I often heard loud music, and voices, and men shouting. Часто я чув гучну музику, голоси та гучне кричання чоловіків. But this time Mrs. Spanella didn't say anything.

"He's a nice young man," she said to me. "I like him."

She always smiled when she saw him. She even gave him something for his eye each time one of his "friends" hit him. |||||||глаз|||||||| Pokaždé, když ho někdo z jeho „kamarádů“ udeřil, mu dokonce dala něco na oko. Она даже дала ему что-то на глаз, каждый раз, когда один из его «друзей» бил его. Вона навіть давала йому щось на око щоразу, коли хтось із його "друзів" бив його.

But in the spring I received a card. Но весной я получил открытку. The message was written in pencil and signed with a lipstick kiss. Сообщение было написано карандашом и подписано помадой поцелуя. Повідомлення було написане олівцем і підписане поцілунком червоної помади.

Brazil was terrible, but Buenos Aires is wonderful. Бразилия была ужасной, но Буэнос-Айрес замечательный. Бразилія була жахливою, але Буенос-Айрес дивовижне. It's not Tiffany's, but almost as good. Это не Тиффани, но почти так же хорошо. Це не Тіффані, але майже так само добре. I'm spending all my time with a handsome Spanish man. Do I love him? Люблю ли я его?

I think so. Я думаю так. I'm looking for a place to live. Я ищу место для жизни. Я шукаю місце для життя. (The Spanish man has a wife and seven children.) (У испанского мужчины есть жена и семеро детей.) (У іспанця є дружина і сім дітей.) I'll send my address when I have one. Я пришлю свой адрес, когда он у меня будет. Я надішлю свою адресу, коли вона буде. Then she wrote in French: Much love. Затем она написала по-французски: много любви. Потім вона написала французькою: Багато кохання.

She never sent the address. Она никогда не отправляла адрес. Вона ніколи не відправляла адресу. Maybe she never had one. Может быть, она никогда не была одна. Можливо, в неї ніколи не було адреси. I was sad because I wanted to write to her. Мне было грустно, потому что я хотел написать ей. I had a lot to tell her. Мне нужно было многое ей рассказать. I sold two stories. Я продал две истории. Я продав дві історії. The Trawlers were divorcing and fighting about money. Траулеры разводились и боролись за деньги. Рыбоолові розлучаються і борються через гроші. I was moving out of the brown stone apartment building because it was full of memories of Holly. Я виїжджав із кам'яного будинку через те, що він був наповнений спогадами про Холлі.

But most important, I had news about the cat. Но самое главное, у меня были новости о коте. Але найголовніше, у мене були новини про кота.

I kept my promise and I found him. Я виконав свою обіцянку і знайшов його. For weeks after work I walked through the streets of Spanish Harlem. Несколько недель после работы я гулял по улицам испанского Гарлема. Протягом тижнів після роботи я гуляв по вулицях Spanish Harlem. Many times, I saw a red cat with yellow eyes - but it wasn't him. Много раз я видел рыжего кота с желтыми глазами - но это был не он. Багато разів я бачив рудого кота з жовтими очима - але це не був він. He was gone, lost in New York. Он ушел, потерян в Нью-Йорке. Він зник, загубився в Нью-Йорку.

But one day, one cold Sunday afternoon when the winter sun was shining, I found him. Но однажды, одним холодным воскресным днем, когда светило зимнее солнце, я нашел его. Проте одного дня, в холодну недільну після обіду, коли зимове сонце світило, я знайшов його.

He was sitting in the window of a house. Он сидел в окне дома. The paint around the window was new. Краска вокруг окна была новой. Фарба навколо вікна була новою. The room looked warm and comfortable. Кімната виглядала теплою і затишною. There were plants in pots on each side of him. Там||||||||| С каждой стороны от него были растения в горшках. По обидва боки від нього стояли рослини в горщиках.

He had a name. У него было имя. I was sure that he had a name now. Я был уверен, что у него теперь есть имя. He was in a place where he belonged. Он был в месте, где он принадлежал.

I hope Holly has found a place where she belongs, too. Надеюсь, Холли тоже нашла место, где ей и место.