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The Beatles, Life and Death

Life and Death

Not long after Sergeant Pepper, the Beatles were invited to play in a live television programme called Our World. Different countries had to make different parts of the show, and the makers of the programme wanted the Beatles to play for Britain's part. John wrote the song and on 25 June 1967, about 350 million people all around the world watched the programme.

The Beatles weren't alone in the television studio. A lot of other musicians played and it was like a big party. Eric Clapton and Mick Jagger were both there. John's song was perfect for the programme: 'All You Need Is Love' was a mirror for the dreams and hopes of young people around the world in 1967. STORY BEHIND THE SONG

At the end of 'All You Need Is Love', the Beatles joked about two of their old songs. John sang 'Yesterday' and Paul sang a line from 'She Loves You'. Around this time, George was continuing to learn more about Eastern ideas. He asked John and Paul to listen to a talk by the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in London. The Maharishi was an Indian who taught Eastern ways of thinking.

The Beatles wanted to know more. In August, all four of them took a train to Bangor in North Wales. They wanted to spend a few days studying with the Maharishi.

A sad sign

Cynthia Lennon wanted to go too, but the usual Beatles crowds were at the train station and Cynthia missed the train. She watched as her husband left without her. For her, this was a sign of the end of their marriage. While the Beatles were searching for the meaning of life, sad news reached them from London. Brian Epstein was dead. 'He was one of us,' John told a reporter.

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Not long after Sergeant Pepper, the Beatles were invited to play in a live television programme called Our World. Незабаром після сержанта Пеппера Бітлз запросили зіграти в телевізійній програмі «Наш світ». Different countries had to make different parts of the show, and the makers of the programme wanted the Beatles to play for Britain's part. Різні країни повинні були створювати різні частини шоу, і творці програми хотіли, щоб Beatles зіграли для Британії. 不同的國家必須在節目中製作不同的部分,節目的製作者希望披頭士樂隊能夠扮演英國的角色。 John wrote the song and on 25 June 1967, about 350 million people all around the world watched the programme. Джон написав пісню, і 25 червня 1967 року програму подивилися близько 350 мільйонів людей у всьому світі.

The Beatles weren't alone in the television studio. The Beatles були не самотні в телевізійній студії. A lot of other musicians played and it was like a big party. Грало багато інших музикантів, і це було як велика вечірка. Eric Clapton and Mick Jagger were both there. І Ерік Клептон, і Мік Джаггер були там. John's song was perfect for the programme: 'All You Need Is Love' was a mirror for the dreams and hopes of young people around the world in 1967. Пісня Джона ідеально підходила до програми: «All You Need Is Love» була дзеркалом мрій і сподівань молодих людей усього світу в 1967 році. 約翰的歌曲非常適合該節目:“All You Need Is Love”是 1967 年世界各地年輕人夢想和希望的一面鏡子。 STORY BEHIND THE SONG ІСТОРІЯ ЗА ПІСНЕЮ

At the end of 'All You Need Is Love', the Beatles joked about two of their old songs. Наприкінці «All You Need Is Love» Бітлз пожартували над двома своїми старими піснями. John sang 'Yesterday' and Paul sang a line from 'She Loves You'. ジョンは「Yesterday」を歌い、ポールは「She Loves You」の一節を歌った。 Джон заспівав «Yesterday», а Пол заспівав рядок із «She Loves You». 約翰演唱了《昨天》,保羅演唱了《她愛你》中的一句歌詞。 Around this time, George was continuing to learn more about Eastern ideas. Приблизно в цей час Джордж продовжував дізнаватися більше про східні ідеї. 大約在這個時候,喬治繼續更多地了解東方思想。 He asked John and Paul to listen to a talk by the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in London. Він попросив Джона і Павла послухати промову Махаріші Махеш Йогі в Лондоні. 他請約翰和保羅在倫敦聽瑪赫西馬赫什瑜伽士的演講。 The Maharishi was an Indian who taught Eastern ways of thinking. Махаріші був індіанцем, який навчав східного способу мислення. Maharishi 是一位教東方思維方式的印度人。

The Beatles wanted to know more. The Beatles хотіли знати більше. 披頭士樂隊想知道更多。 In August, all four of them took a train to Bangor in North Wales. У серпні всі четверо їхали на поїзді до Бангора в Північному Уельсі. 八月,他們四人都乘火車前往北威爾士的班戈。 They wanted to spend a few days studying with the Maharishi.

A sad sign Сумний знак

Cynthia Lennon wanted to go too, but the usual Beatles crowds were at the train station and Cynthia missed the train. Синтія Леннон теж хотіла піти, але звичайний натовп «Бітлз» був на вокзалі, і Синтія пропустила потяг. 辛西婭·列儂也想去,但通常披頭士樂隊的人群都在火車站,辛西婭錯過了火車。 She watched as her husband left without her. Вона дивилася, як її чоловік пішов без неї. For her, this was a sign of the end of their marriage. |||||||||||matrimonio Для неї це був знак кінця їхнього шлюбу. While the Beatles were searching for the meaning of life, sad news reached them from London. Поки «Бітлз» шукали сенс життя, з Лондона до них дійшли сумні новини. Brian Epstein was dead. Браян Епштейн помер. 'He was one of us,' John told a reporter. «Він був одним із нас», — сказав Джон репортеру.