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Society and people, Delivery Day

Delivery Day

Todd: So, Simon, how old is your son now? Simon: He's just over three months now. Todd: OK, so it should be pretty fresh in your memory. Do you remember what it was like the day he was born? Simon: Yeah, sure. I was in the operating room. Todd: No kidding. The delivery room. Simon: In the delivery room. Not the operating room. Sorry. Well, the do operate, kind of, but the delivery room so. Todd: Well, let's go to the very beginning, like your at home, like what happened? Simon: So I was, as usual it happens when you never expect it, and it came a couple of days earlier than we thought, and she had labor pains at about 4 o'clock in the morning. Simon: Then we took her to the hospital. I took a couple pictures of her, just for the buddies, "Hey, look at my better half in pain. Todd: Right. So you got the hospital by car, by taxi. Were you driving fast? Simon: I think we went by car and then I said, and then I went back home to get breakfast and then because labor usually takes a long time so I thought we'd have time but, I went home for breakfast and and went back to the hospital and she was already on the table in the delivery room table. She was quite fast.

It took about three hours I guess which is on the quick side of delivery but when I saw here she was a total different person. She was like not a real human being because the pain was so hard, like delirious or subconcious but I think all woman are like that because I saw a couple other women and they looked like they were zombies. That's why I said, like they say women have a higher threshold for pain. It's true. I think men would die. Todd: Right. Right.

Simon: But having said that, it was quite a mind-boggling experience, you know, like all of a sudden there's this little putple lump in front of you and it goes to purple to skin color before your eyes. (Wow) Yeah, and yeah, it's awake. A human being. Todd: So the baby cries instantly when comes out. Simon: I don't think it really cries that much. It doesn't have that image that many of us have that the doctor slaps the, and then cries like a baby, but yeah, maybe it wimpers a little bit every now and then. It's for the most part, quiet. Todd: Well, I'm sure it was an amazing day. That's cool. Thanks Simon. Simon: Yeah, no problem.

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Delivery Day livraison| Liefertag Día de entrega 配達日 배송일 Dia de entrega Teslimat Günü

Todd: So, Simon, how old is your son now? Simon: He’s just over three months now. Simon: Ele tem pouco mais de três meses agora. Todd: OK, so it should be pretty fresh in your memory. |||||||fraîche||| Todd: OK, então deve estar bem fresco na sua memória. Тодд: Гаразд, тож це має бути досить свіжим у вашій пам'яті. Do you remember what it was like the day he was born? Simon: Yeah, sure. I was in the operating room. ||||chirurgical| Todd: No kidding. The delivery room. Simon: In the delivery room. Not the operating room. Sorry. Well, the do operate, kind of, but the delivery room so. Bem, eles funcionam, mais ou menos, mas a sala de parto também. Todd: Well, let’s go to the very beginning, like your at home, like what happened? Todd: Bem, vamos para o começo, como você está em casa, como o que aconteceu? Simon: So I was, as usual it happens when you never expect it, and it came a couple of days earlier than we thought, and she had labor pains at about 4 o’clock in the morning. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||travail|les douleurs de l'acc|||||| Simon: Ich war also, wie immer, wenn man es nicht erwartet, und es kam ein paar Tage früher als wir dachten, und sie hatte gegen 4 Uhr morgens Wehen. Simon: Sim, como sempre acontece quando você nunca espera, e aconteceu alguns dias antes do que pensávamos, e ela teve dores de parto por volta das 4 horas da manhã. Саймон: І ось, як це зазвичай буває, коли не очікуєш, це сталося на кілька днів раніше, ніж ми думали, і у неї почалися перейми приблизно о 4-й годині ранку. Simon: Then we took her to the hospital. I took a couple pictures of her, just for the buddies, "Hey, look at my better half in pain. ||||||||||||||||||douleur Tirei algumas fotos dela, apenas para os amigos, "Ei, olhe para a minha cara-metade com dor. Я зробив кілька фотографій, просто для друзів: "Гей, подивіться на мою кращу половину, яка страждає від болю. Todd: Right. So you got the hospital by car, by taxi. Were you driving fast? Ви їхали швидко? Simon: I think we went by car and then I said, and then I went back home to get breakfast and then because labor usually takes a long time so I thought we’d have time but, I went home for breakfast and and went back to the hospital and she was already on the table in the delivery room table. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||sala de parto|| Simon: Ich glaube, wir sind mit dem Auto gefahren, und dann sagte ich, und dann bin ich nach Hause gefahren, um zu frühstücken, und dann, weil die Wehen normalerweise lange dauern, dachte ich, wir hätten Zeit, aber ich bin nach Hause gefahren, um zu frühstücken, und dann bin ich zurück ins Krankenhaus gefahren, und da lag sie schon auf dem Tisch im Kreißsaal. Саймон: Думаю, ми поїхали на машині, а потім я сказав, що повернуся додому, щоб поснідати, а потім, оскільки пологи зазвичай тривають довго, я думав, що у нас буде час, але я повернувся додому поснідати і повернувся до лікарні, а вона вже лежала на столі в пологовій палаті. She was quite fast. Вона була досить швидкою.

It took about three hours I guess which is on the quick side of delivery but when I saw here she was a total different person. Demorou cerca de três horas, eu acho que é o lado rápido da entrega, mas quando vi aqui ela era uma pessoa totalmente diferente. She was like not a real human being because the pain was so hard, like delirious or subconcious but I think all woman are like that because I saw a couple other women and they looked like they were zombies. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||as mulheres||||||| Sie war kein richtiger Mensch, weil der Schmerz so stark war, wie im Delirium oder im Unterbewusstsein, aber ich glaube, dass alle Frauen so sind, denn ich habe ein paar andere Frauen gesehen, die aussahen wie Zombies. Ela não era como um ser humano real porque a dor era muito forte, tipo delirante ou subconsciente, mas eu acho que todas as mulheres são assim porque eu vi algumas outras mulheres e elas pareciam zumbis. Вона була наче несправжня людина, тому що біль був таким сильним, як марення або підсвідомість, але я думаю, що всі жінки такі, тому що я бачив ще кількох жінок, і вони виглядали, як зомбі. That’s why I said, like they say women have a higher threshold for pain. ||||||||||plus élevé||| É por isso que eu disse, como dizem que as mulheres têm um limiar mais alto de dor. It’s true. I think men would die. ||||mourraient Todd: Right. Right.

Simon: But having said that, it was quite a mind-boggling experience, you know, like all of a sudden there’s this little putple lump in front of you and it goes to purple to skin color before your eyes. ||||||||||stupéfiant|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||tutto a un trat|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||mente|de deixar pasmo|experiência|||||||||||pequeno|caroço|||||||||||||antes de|| Simon: Aber abgesehen davon war es eine ziemlich verblüffende Erfahrung, weißt du, als da plötzlich dieser kleine, knubbelige Klumpen vor dir stand und vor deinen Augen von lila zu hautfarben wurde. Simon: Mas, tendo dito isso, foi uma experiência alucinante, você sabe, como se de repente houvesse uma pequena protuberância na sua frente e ela passasse do roxo para a cor da pele diante dos seus olhos. Саймон: Але, незважаючи на це, це був досить приголомшливий досвід, знаєте, як раптом перед вами з'являється ця маленька пурпурна грудочка, яка на ваших очах стає фіолетовою до кольору шкіри. (Wow) Yeah, and yeah, it’s awake. |||||éveillé (Wow) Ja, und ja, es ist wach. (Uau) Sim, e sim, está acordado. A human being. Ein menschliches Wesen. Todd: So the baby cries instantly when comes out. ||||pleure|||| Todd: Das Baby schreit also sofort, wenn es herauskommt. Simon: I don’t think it really cries that much. ||||||pleure|| Simon: Ich glaube nicht, dass es wirklich so viel weint. It doesn’t have that image that many of us have that the doctor slaps the, and then cries like a baby, but yeah, maybe it wimpers a little bit every now and then. |||||||||||||frappe||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||bate||||||||||||gemidos||||de vez em quando||| Sie hat nicht das Bild, das viele von uns haben, dass der Arzt sie ohrfeigt und dann wie ein Baby weint, aber ja, vielleicht wimmert es ab und zu ein bisschen. Não tem aquela imagem que muitos de nós temos de que o médico dá um tapa no e depois chora como um bebê, mas sim, talvez ele vacile um pouco de vez em quando. Він не має того образу, який багато хто з нас має, що лікар дає ляпаса, а потім плаче, як дитина, але так, можливо, час від часу він трохи похнюпиться. It’s for the most part, quiet. Im Großen und Ganzen ist es ruhig. Na maior parte do tempo, é silencioso. Todd: Well, I’m sure it was an amazing day. That’s cool. Thanks Simon. Simon: Yeah, no problem.