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Society and people, Families


Brett: Hi, Senum, how are you?

Senum: Good, thank you Brett.

How are you?

Brett: Very good. So let's talk about family today. Senum: Alrighty then.

Brett: So, how large is your family?

Senum: Well, actually, I'm an only child, but I have a very large extended family. Brett: What ethnicity?

Senum: I'm actualy, my families Turkish. Brett: Really!

Senum: Yeah. We're all like, my family immigrated from Turkey about 20 years ago so we all came down to Turkey, and I was born in Australia actually, and I have a lot of family in Turkey, as well as Australia now. Brett: Do you still practice Turkish customs?

Senum: Of course.

Brett: Even though you're living in Australia. Senum: Definitely. We always have Turkish meals, do Turkey, celebrate Turkish days,and.

Brett: Like what kind of Turkish days?

Senum: For example we have Children's Day, and we celebrate that, where the children actually go to the elderly, the elder members of their families, and they go visit them, and they actually receive some money. Brett: Really.

Senum: It's quite interesting. Yeah.

Brett: Ah, what other holidays do you celebrate?

Senum: Um, also we celebrate, it's called Lolliday. Brett: Lolliday.

Senum: Yeah, and we just, the whole name of it is, once again to go to the elderly and to see them and to tell them that we care about them still, and that we are still thinking of them, though we don't see them probably every other day. How about you Brett? How many people are in your family?

Brett: I'm, I have one younger brother and just my mom and dad. Senum: I see, and how about your extended family?

Brett: Extended family? I have a lot of extended family, on both sides. It's too many to count, really so. Senum: So do you get together like on the weekends or anything like that?

Brett: Ah, recent, yeah sometimes. My uncle has a very nice place that has a pool and all my cousins go out there every weekend and have a lot, usually a barbeque.

Senum: Oh, sounds so cool. I pretty much do the same. We always try to organize some barbeques, some things like that, but, down by the beach, or at the parks, and we get together, a whole bunch of people, about 20 to 30 people, have lots of meat.

Brett: Lots of meat.

Senum: Yeah. We kids go running around everywhere.

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Families Семьи Familien Familias Familles 家族 가족 Rodziny Famílias Семьи Сім'ї 家庭

Brett: Hi, Senum, how are you?

Senum: Good, thank you Brett.

How are you?

Brett: Very good. So let's talk about family today. Senum: Alrighty then. |Ладно тогда|

Brett: So, how large is your family?

Senum: Well, actually, I'm an only child, but I have a very large extended family. |||||||||||||расширенная семья| Brett: What ethnicity? ||национальность

Senum: I'm actualy, my families Turkish. ||на самом деле||| Brett: Really!

Senum: Yeah. |Да We're all like, my family immigrated from Turkey about 20 years ago so we all came down to Turkey, and I was born in Australia actually, and I have a lot of family in Turkey, as well as Australia now. ||||||||||||||приехали|вниз|||||||||на самом деле|||||||||||||| Meine Familie ist vor etwa 20 Jahren aus der Türkei eingewandert, also sind wir alle in die Türkei gekommen, und ich bin eigentlich in Australien geboren, und ich habe jetzt viele Verwandte in der Türkei und in Australien. Todos nós somos tipo, minha família imigrou da Turquia cerca de 20 anos atrás, então todos nós viemos para a Turquia, e eu nasci na Austrália, na verdade, e tenho muitos familiares na Turquia, assim como na Austrália agora. Ailem yaklaşık 20 yıl önce Türkiye'den göç etti, hepimiz Türkiye'ye geldik ve ben aslında Avustralya'da doğdum ve şu anda hem Türkiye'de hem de Avustralya'da çok sayıda ailem var. Brett: Do you still practice Turkish customs? ||||соблюдаешь||обычаи Brett: Praktizieren Sie noch türkische Bräuche? Brett: Você ainda pratica os costumes turcos? Brett: Hala Türk geleneklerini uyguluyor musunuz? Бретт: Ви все ще дотримуєтеся турецьких звичаїв?

Senum: Of course. Senum: Elbette.

Brett: Even though you're living in Australia. ||хотя|||| Brett: Auch wenn du in Australien lebst. Brett: Mesmo morando na Austrália. Senum: Definitely. |определенно Senum: Auf jeden Fall. We always have Turkish meals, do Turkey, celebrate Turkish days,and. ||||блюда|||празднуем||| Sempre fazemos refeições turcas, fazemos Turquia, celebramos os dias turcos e.

Brett: Like what kind of Turkish days? |||какой||| Brett: Welche Art von türkischen Tagen? Brett: Como que tipo de dias turcos?

Senum: For example we have Children's Day, and we celebrate that, where the children actually go to the elderly, the elder members of their families, and they go visit them, and they actually receive some money. ||||||||||||||||||пожилым|||||||||||им|||||| Senum: Wir feiern zum Beispiel den Kindertag, an dem die Kinder zu den älteren Familienmitgliedern gehen und sie besuchen, und sie bekommen etwas Geld. Senum: Por exemplo, temos o Dia das Crianças, e celebramos isso, onde as crianças vão até os idosos, os membros mais velhos de suas famílias, e eles vão visitá-los, e eles realmente recebem algum dinheiro. Сенум: Наприклад, у нас є День захисту дітей, і ми святкуємо його, коли діти ходять до літніх людей, до старших членів їхніх родин, відвідують їх, і вони отримують певні гроші. Brett: Really.

Senum: It's quite interesting. Senum: Das ist sehr interessant. Yeah.

Brett: Ah, what other holidays do you celebrate? ||||праздники||| Brett: Ah, welche anderen Feiertage feiern Sie?

Senum: Um, also we celebrate, it's called Lolliday. |||||||Лоллидэй |||||||Lolliday Senum: Ähm, wir feiern auch, man nennt es Lolliday. Brett: Lolliday. |Lolliday

Senum: Yeah, and we just, the whole name of it is, once again to go to the elderly and to see them and to tell them that we care about them still, and that we are still thinking of them, though we don't see them probably every other day. ||||||всё||||||||||||||||||||||заботимся|||||||||||||||||||| Senum: Ja, und der ganze Name der Veranstaltung ist, noch einmal zu den älteren Menschen zu gehen und sie zu sehen und ihnen zu sagen, dass wir uns immer noch um sie kümmern und dass wir immer noch an sie denken, auch wenn wir sie wahrscheinlich nicht jeden zweiten Tag sehen. Senum: Sim, e nós apenas, o nome completo disso é, mais uma vez ir aos idosos e vê-los e dizer-lhes que ainda nos preocupamos com eles e que ainda estamos pensando neles, embora não não os vejo provavelmente todos os dias. Сенум: Так, і ми просто, вся суть полягає в тому, щоб ще раз піти до літніх людей, побачити їх і сказати їм, що ми все ще дбаємо про них, і що ми все ще думаємо про них, хоча ми не бачимо їх, можливо, через день. How about you Brett? How many people are in your family?

Brett: I'm, I have one younger brother and just my mom and dad. Senum: I see, and how about your extended family? Senum: Verstehe, und was ist mit Ihrer Großfamilie?

Brett: Extended family? Brett: Großfamilie? I have a lot of extended family, on both sides. |||||||||côtés Ich habe auf beiden Seiten viel Großfamilie. It's too many to count, really so. ||||compter|| Es sind zu viele, um sie zu zählen, wirklich. Їх занадто багато, щоб порахувати, це дійсно так. Senum: So do you get together like on the weekends or anything like that? Senum: Trefft ihr euch an den Wochenenden oder so etwas in der Art?

Brett: Ah, recent, yeah sometimes. ||||иногда Brett: Ah, kürzlich, ja, manchmal. My uncle has a very nice place that has a pool and all my cousins go out there every weekend and have a lot, usually a barbeque. ||||||||||бассейн|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||barbecue Mein Onkel hat ein sehr schönes Haus mit einem Pool, und alle meine Cousins und Cousinen fahren jedes Wochenende dorthin und feiern viel, meistens wird gegrillt.

Senum: Oh, sounds so cool. Senum: Oh, das klingt so cool. I pretty much do the same. Ich tue so ziemlich dasselbe. Eu praticamente faço o mesmo. We always try to organize some barbeques, some things like that, but, down by the beach, or at the parks, and we get together, a whole bunch of people, about 20 to 30 people, have lots of meat. ||||организовать||||||||||||||||||||||группа||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||купка||||||||| Wir versuchen immer, ein paar Barbecues zu veranstalten, unten am Strand oder in den Parks, und wir treffen uns mit einer ganzen Gruppe von Leuten, etwa 20 bis 30 Leuten, und essen viel Fleisch. A gente sempre tenta fazer uns churrascos, umas coisas assim, mas, na praia, ou nos parques, e a gente junta, um monte de gente, uns 20 a 30 pessoas, tem muita carne. Ми завжди намагаємося організовувати барбекю, щось подібне, але на пляжі або в парках, коли ми збираємося разом, ціла купа людей, близько 20-30 осіб, їдять багато м'яса.

Brett: Lots of meat. Brett: Eine Menge Fleisch. Brett: Muita carne.

Senum: Yeah. We kids go running around everywhere. Wir Kinder rennen überall herum.